Can there be bleeding during early pregnancy? What happens to the female body? Possible pathologies with spotting in the early stages

Pregnancy is a great time for any woman, but pregnancy spotting can cloud this period.

Any discharge causes excitement and anxiety in future parents. However, in some cases this is the norm, in others it is really a reason for worry, so it is important to be able to distinguish between moments when it is worth consulting a doctor, and when to take this phenomenon calmly.

How to behave in a similar situation?

In general, if the first child is expected, spotting will cause panic in the first weeks of pregnancy.

But you should stay calm and in no case give in to panic. It is necessary to understand the reasons behind these secretions. Of course, sometimes all sorts of discharge indicate the presence of pathology, but not always.

Often, even if the appearance of bleeding is beyond the normal range, it does not pose a threat to the child or his mother. However, this does not mean that, having discovered the presence of secretions, it is worth brushing them off and treating it as a natural coincidence. It is necessary to monitor and other accompanying symptoms of this phenomenon. First of all, the expectant mother should contact her supervising doctor. It is worth giving up on independent attempts to establish a diagnosis, as this can cause unpredictable consequences.

What's behind the secretions?

Spotting in early pregnancy has many causes and reasons. Moreover, in this case, this state of affairs is often the norm. It is worth considering the moments when spotting during early pregnancy is not a threat and is natural.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy at 1 or 2 weeks, if there are no other alarming symptoms, is the norm. During this period, the egg is introduced into the lining of the uterus. This process can be accompanied by damage to the blood vessels, as a result of which the bleeding will mix with the usual and leave the vagina.

With this combination of circumstances, the discharge has a light brown tint, and sometimes even pinkish or beige. Another distinctive feature of this kind of discharge will be their single character, since the damaged vessels will quickly heal.

In addition, the discharge does not bring any inconvenience to the expectant mother. They are harmless, odorless, itchy and reddened, and painless.

Among other things, this kind of discharge is a kind of messenger of pregnancy. Almost any woman at the time of the introduction of the egg into the uterus does not even suspect about her pregnancy, and most often she writes off the discharge with a bloody component at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, if you pay more attention to your own body and observe all the changes in it, you can determine the onset of pregnancy without tests.

Moments to Worry

Next, a listing of the moments that pose a real danger to the child or the expectant mother will begin. Often, bright red discharge indicates a high risk of miscarriage. This is due to the detachment of the placenta or ovum. In the location from which the egg exfoliated, there are vessels that are damaged.

Detachment occurs mainly due to a deficiency of the female hormone or progesterone. This hormone is responsible for preparing the endometrium to connect the lining of the uterus with the already fertilized egg. In cases where there is a deficiency or complete absence of the female hormone, the fertilized egg is rejected by the endometrium. It is worth noting that the discharge in this case can be both scanty and abundant.

It is worth highlighting other symptoms that accompany egg rejection: severe nausea, pain in the abdomen, vomiting. If you find discharge and other specific symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. In addition, the expectant mother should give up all physical activity.

However, it is worth reassuring pregnant women, since in this condition there are chances of saving the pregnancy with timely access to a doctor. Pregnant women are usually prescribed medications that contain progesterone as their basis. Among them is Utrozhestan.

Another worrying phenomenon that bleeding during pregnancy indicates is an ectopic pregnancy. It should be said right away that this diagnosis will be very alarming. This phenomenon is characterized by the attachment of a fertilized egg not to the mucous membrane of the uterus, but to the fallopian tube. The egg cell will increase in size as it grows. This will rupture the fallopian tube. This combination of circumstances threatens the life of a woman. An ectopic pregnancy significantly reduces the possibility of having children in the future.

Another unpleasant diagnosis would be a hydatidiform mole. The disease is still not fully understood. It is noticed that with this pathology, a chromosomal abnormality is noted in the fetus, as a result of which it was suggested that such a pathology appears when the egg is fertilized by two different spermatozoa. This condition is specific in that a neoplasm is formed from the placenta, which belongs to the section of benign.

As a result, we can say that there are many reasons for the appearance of bleeding during pregnancy, and they do not always indicate the presence of any pathology that poses a danger to the child. It is always necessary to monitor yourself and note all changes. In addition, it is worth refraining from independence and, in case of any suspicion, consult a doctor. Any condition must be explainable, the cause of this or that concern must be found. There should be close contact with the attending physician, but panic should not be allowed in any case. It is important to remain calm and follow all the doctor's orders.

Probably, every expectant mother from the very first weeks of pregnancy begins to worry about discharge, which does not always require drug treatment and, moreover, is not a pathology, and some of them can even be considered normal for this period. What is the difference between "normal" discharge and those that require treatment?

First of all, you should pay attention to their color and consistency. The norm for the first weeks of pregnancy is considered to be an abundant, whitish, almost colorless odorless discharge, which begins to be released as a result of the work of hormones responsible for maintaining pregnancy (the embryo is attached, the placenta is formed, and a mucous plug that closes the "entrance" to the uterus, thereby protecting the embryo from infections). At the same time, the discharge is scarce, but if they still cause you discomfort, you can use sanitary panty liners (the use of tampons is strictly prohibited).

Often, expectant mothers are worried about white cheesy discharge, which is "accompanied" by a sour smell. They signal about or thrush, which is characterized by itching and burning in the vagina. This disease, provoked by pathogenic fungi, requires a doctor's consultation and the appointment of medications that are acceptable for a pregnant woman. At the same time, her spouse must also undergo a course of treatment.

They are also typical for the first weeks of pregnancy and in most cases they are "signals" about the inflammatory process. In this case, an unpleasant odor appears due to the development of pathogenic microflora. In the early stages of pregnancy, inflammatory processes can lead to spontaneous miscarriage, since the mucous membrane of the uterus, into which the embryo is "embedded", "suffers" from them.

A pregnant woman may notice discharge and more "unusual" colors (from greenish to bright yellow), which appear due to the presence of sexually transmitted infections in the body. Such infections are dangerous for the baby and therefore it is advisable to cure them before pregnancy. Otherwise, only a doctor, after taking all the necessary tests, can prescribe a suitable treatment for both spouses.

But most of all, the bloody discharge, which is often observed in the early stages of pregnancy, is alarming for expectant mothers. They are often similar to menstrual periods, and may be red or brown, but not nearly as abundant. In most cases, this is due to the fact that during this period the body still "remembers" the days when menstrual bleeding occurred, therefore, the appearance of bloody discharge is possible. This is not dangerous, provided that you do not bother with any pain.

But they can also be caused by the so-called "implantation of the ovum" - this is a process when the ovum is fixed in the wall of the uterus, which causes loosening of the uterine mucosa and the development of new vessels. Such vaginal discharge is most often not abundant, it has a red, brown or brown color. Sometimes a woman may feel minor cramps, but in most cases this process is painless. That is, if a week has passed since conception and you observe such discharge in yourself, there is no reason for concern. But going to the doctor is a prerequisite, since it is important to make sure that the fetus is safe, and in many cases, such discharge can be "harbingers" of the threat of miscarriage. Only a specialist will be able to determine the exact cause of bloody discharge during pregnancy, while giving you the peace of mind that is so necessary in such an "interesting" position, because the same symptoms can be both indicators of the norm and that pregnancy is in danger.

Another "known" reason for the appearance of spotting in the first weeks of pregnancy can be called. At this time, blood flow to the uterus increases, which provokes bleeding of the mucous membrane of its neck, which can be compared with an inflamed ulcer. Sexual intercourse can provoke their appearance (it may occur without a reason), they are painless and go away rather quickly on their own.

Also among the known causes may be the presence of polyps in or decidual polyps (harmless tumors in the uterus or cervix). Also, as in the previous case, such discharge is insignificant and painless.

Their appearance is also possible with varicose blood vessels in the external genitals.

But nevertheless, spotting in the early stages of pregnancy is the most dangerous for a pregnant woman, her health, and for the child and his life. In addition, they can "talk" about both cervical pathology and oncological neoplasms.

If in the first weeks of pregnancy you observe brown discharge (popularly known as "daub"), this may be a sign of both a slight detachment of the ovum, and a frozen or ectopic pregnancy (often this can begin a miscarriage). Even more dangerous is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and profuse bleeding at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, which may also indicate a miscarriage that has begun. In such cases, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and treated with hemostatic drugs that reduce the tone of the uterus. Compliance with bed rest is mandatory.

In any case, if you develop spotting in the early stages of pregnancy, it is best to see your doctor, who may order you to have blood and urine tests to check the level of certain hormones. Transvaginal ultrasound can also be performed, in which a special sensor is carefully inserted into the vagina, so that you can see how the placenta is attached and the embryo develops. Perhaps the direction of the expectant mother for a blood test in order to determine the level of hCG (a lower one is a reason for hospitalization).

Remember that in the early stages of pregnancy you need to take care of yourself as much as possible, be less nervous, worried, strained, do not make sudden movements ... If you have abundant painless spotting, if possible, try to lie more.

We wish you a happy pregnancy!

Specially for Anna Zhirko

During pregnancy, when the complete attachment of the body begins, it often happens that bleeding occurs. Bloody discharge during pregnancy can occur both early and later. Most often, this indicates that the pregnancy is proceeding with some kind of deviation.

The main causes of pathology

The reasons why the discharge can go are always different and they depend on how long this happens. If qualified and timely treatment is not carried out, then the consequences can be irreparable, such as premature birth, miscarriage, etc.

For the first time, blood clots may begin on the first day of pregnancy. This occurs while the fertilized egg is hardened in the wall of the uterus. They are usually scarce, they can go a week, ten days before the start of the expected period, the next cycle.

When pregnancy bleeding begins, the girl may be confused, thinking that menstruation is starting, she is not pregnant.

It is dangerous - see a doctor

This discharge is usually dark brown in color. They can appear thick, scanty, do not last long, they often end earlier than the usual menstruation. This can happen with hormonal disruptions in the body, but it happens even during pregnancy.

Blood may appear already on the first day of the delay, this may mean a possible miscarriage. When a miscarriage occurs -. The more often and more abundantly the blood comes out, the less chances of maintaining the pregnancy.

Every woman should remember that when there is bloody, brown discharge, this is a threat or a miscarriage that has already begun. With timely assistance, there is a great chance of bearing a healthy child.

Another reason when spotting occurs during early pregnancy is a frozen or undeveloped pregnancy. It is rather difficult to diagnose such a situation, more often it can be determined only after the fourth, fifth week of pregnancy, when the heartbeat of the embryo begins to be heard.

Non-developing fetus

Therefore, on an ultrasound examination with such a diagnosis, there will be no heartbeat. At such a moment, a spontaneous miscarriage may occur. But if you wait for such an outcome, inflammation may begin in the uterus, so experts immediately prescribe cleaning of the uterine cavity.

Also, an ectopic pregnancy can be the cause of bloody discharge that begins during pregnancy. This is one of the most unpleasant reasons. An urgent need to contact a specialist. If you are diagnosed with just such a diagnosis, it means that the pregnancy will soon be terminated anyway. The fetus will develop, break through the fallopian tube. This creates a threat to the mother's life. After such consequences, the pipe cannot be restored and this can lead to infertility.

This happens if the implantation was incorrect, as a result of which the ovum begins to exfoliate. You shouldn't wait for anything. If you are registered, the doctor will immediately determine what happened. If you have not registered yet, when bleeding begins, you should immediately seek help and clarify the reasons for such phenomena.

Ectopic pregnancy

There can also be many reasons why spotting during pregnancy in the third trimester can begin. If blood appears late at about 39, 40 weeks, dark brown or mixed with mucus, you will soon need to prepare for childbirth. But in the second, there are only a few reasons - either the placenta is in presentation, or its detachment has occurred. In the first case, the doctor on examination and ultrasound during pregnancy detects placenta previa (this is approximately at the beginning of the second trimester, according to a routine examination).

Presentation is complete and partial. In both cases, bleeding occurs, and in the second and third trimester. If a partial presentation is found, then most likely the placenta will independently "move" into the uterus to the desired level, as it grows. In the second case, placental abruption is likely to occur, this can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the child, as it leads to large blood loss.

But it so happens that there is no presentation, just when the PDD approaches (the estimated date of birth), there may be bloody streaks along with mucus, that is, a mucous plug comes out. In some women, it can leave as early as three to four weeks before giving birth. At the same time, labor can continue throughout the day.

We will also consider why there may be bleeding in the table.

CausesDescriptionIn what percentage does this happen?
Cervical erosionThere may be mucous membranes, bloody and purulent. It is necessary to consult a specialist so that there is no miscarriage later.25 – 30%
Gynecological examinationDischarge during pregnancy that occurs after examination by a gynecologist. They can be in the form of minor or smearing. This may be due to the fact that the cork has come off. After this, usually childbirth can last a day. Bloody discharge occurs if, when examining the cervix, it was slightly injured.10 – 15%
After intercourseIf there is inflammation, there may be slight bleeding after intercourse.20 – 25 %
MyomaFibroid tissue releases toxins into the bloodstream, and severe bleeding can begin. Before this, pain is felt, the body temperature begins to rise.10%
The Vanishing TwinThis applies to those who have undergone IVF. When the twins are rejected in favor of a stronger embryo, bleeding occurs.15 – 20 %

There is no point in fearing an examination on a gynecological chair, the doctor always examines his patient very carefully. And if there are no pathologies during gestation, then examinations will be rare from one to three times during the entire pregnancy.

Bloody discharge at the beginning of pregnancy for about 4 - 5 and up to 10 weeks in women occurs very often, but this is not always considered a deviation from the norm. A similar situation occurs in 75% of pregnant women.

What happens to the female body?

Discharge in the first trimester is considered almost normal if the woman does not experience any additional unpleasant symptoms. There can be many reasons for the appearance of discharge. Active blood supply to the internal genital organs, their excessive sensitivity. This can happen when performing ultrasound examinations with a vaginal probe or when examining in a chair with a mirror.

Also, there are frequent cases of bleeding after intercourse. There is an irritation of the cervix, vaginal mucosa. When a small detachment of the placenta occurs, a lot of blood accumulates around it, the discharge appears, and it is pink in color.

Bloody discharge in early pregnancy can happen at a time when menstruation usually occurs, the body has not yet fully got used to it. There may be pain in the lumbar and lower abdomen. With the release of a brown tint in the body, the formation of hematomas is possible.

One of the rarest cases, when the cause of discharge is a cystic drift - the placental tissue grows. The discharge is profuse, but not painful. After this, the fetus most often freezes.

How bleeding can be avoided in some cases:

  • wear comfortable clothes, underwear that does not hinder your movements;
  • do not use flavored personal care products containing dyes;
  • observe daily hygiene of the genitals;
  • be seen by a doctor.

It often happens that discharge is associated with infectious diseases. Consultation and follow-up treatment is required. Considering that in the middle of the cycle, usually spotting does not pose a particular threat to the baby and a pregnant woman, you should not neglect safety and it is better to contact a specialist on time.

Further actions of the woman

In order to start any treatment, it is necessary to determine why the bleeding occurred, for what reason there was spotting during pregnancy (whether early or in the second trimester). In any case, you must immediately contact your gynecologist. He will conduct a series of diagnostic procedures for you and help you identify the cause.

  1. The specialist usually takes a swab from the vagina.
  2. The pregnant woman is invited to pass a general, biochemical blood test.
  3. A coagulogram is performed.
  4. Take blood for HIV infection.
  5. Hepatitis C, B.
  6. Tests for infectious diseases are being taken.
  7. Analysis of urine.
  8. An ultrasound scan of the fetus and small pelvis is performed.

Can be detected using a blood test

Then, depending on what pathology the doctor found, additional tests and treatment are prescribed. If a miscarriage has occurred, the following examinations are performed:

  • blood to the level of the hormone hCG;
  • TORCH infection (herpes, rubella, etc.);
  • a smear to detect sexually transmitted infections.

With a similar phenomenon in the last trimester, it is enough to conduct an ultrasound examination. In no case should you carry out the treatment yourself, it can be dangerous. Even with a successful combination of circumstances, it is necessary to determine the reason in order to subsequently carry a healthy child.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy is quite common in the first trimester. They are noted by more than 60% of pregnant women. But at the same time, they can appear in the last months of pregnancy, which is often much more alarming.

Such bleeding can be both normal and pathological. It all depends on the amount of bloody discharge. Therefore, at the first and even the most insignificant symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The appearance of spotting: the timing of pregnancy

The reasons for the appearance of spotting at different stages of pregnancy vary greatly. And they can even lead to premature miscarriage.

First trimester (1 - 13 weeks)

Bloody discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is very common and is often not considered a deviation. Observed in 76% of pregnant women.

In this case, the very first spotting during pregnancy may appear in a woman on the first day of fertilization of the egg. But at the same time, they should not be abundant and observed no longer than one or one and a half weeks. It is also possible to have scanty spotting during the first 9 weeks of bearing a child, which may appear at the time of the onset of menstruation. Often, many women confuse them with menstruation. The main distinguishing feature of this bleeding is the color - dark brown.

4 and 5 weeks of pregnancy may also be accompanied by bloody discharge, which is usually not a cause for alarm.

The most common causes of early bleeding are:

  • Cervical erosion. During the period of gestation, the cervix may bleed a little, but no pain should be observed.
  • Polyps can also cause bleeding. Usually, a gynecologist observes a benign tumor in anticipation of its natural death.
  • Spontaneous miscarriage. After 4 - 6 weeks of bearing a child, scanty bleeding may begin, which will gradually develop into more abundant. Such bleeding is not accompanied by pain, and the uterus remains unchanged. Moreover, if you consult a doctor in time, then the pregnancy can be saved.
  • Various infections in the vagina of a pregnant woman often cause bleeding at 4 weeks.
  • 5 weeks of pregnancy may be accompanied by menstrual flow. Approximately 6% of women continue their menstrual cycle for 2 months after conceiving a child.
  • The fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, as a result of which a scanty bleeding appears. They can last for a couple of days.
  • During the period of gestation, hormones can irritate the cervix, as a result of which it becomes more sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, a little bleeding can cause both a vaginal examination by a doctor and sexual intercourse.
  • With multiple pregnancies, there is the possibility of detachment of one embryo, which causes bleeding. Detachment usually occurs during IVF pregnancy.
  • Injuries, falls and severe stress also cause bleeding of varying difficulty.

6 weeks for the fetus are the most disadvantaged. And most often, severe bleeding occurs during this period.

Bloody discharge at 6-13 weeks of gestation indicate a probable threat of miscarriage. Small discharge may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, during this period, with any hint of bleeding, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Second trimester (14 - 25 weeks)

Since the first trimester has a lot of signs by which bloody discharge may appear during gestation, in the second trimester they should appear very rarely or completely absent.

Spotting in the middle of the trimester can also provoke fetal loss, but much less often than at the initial stages.

The main reason for such discharge is placenta previa - a complication of pregnancy, arises from the overlap of the cervical canal by the placenta. In this case, pain does not occur, but a slight feeling of heaviness may appear after intercourse or during physical exertion.

Placenta previa is a rather serious complication, therefore, very often pregnant women with this symptom are under hospital supervision of a doctor.

Third trimester (26 - 42 weeks)

In the last trimester of pregnancy, abruption and placenta previa are common causes of bleeding. Placental abruption is accompanied by severe pain and profuse bleeding, which is not characteristic of placenta previa. In this case, there is a threat of miscarriage and the life of the mother. Also, the appearance of small or spotting discharge creates the risk of bleeding inside. Therefore, even with small vaginal discharge in the third trimester, a pregnant woman needs urgent hospitalization.

Additional causes of bleeding in the last trimester:

  • Bloody discharge at 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy can be caused by a gynecological examination of the vagina. This is caused by irritation of the cervix as it prepares to open.
  • Bloody discharge mixed with mucus at 40 and 41 weeks is a sign of the onset of labor.

Bloody discharge before childbirth

Immediately before the onset of labor, a pregnant woman has bleeding no later than a day. The mucus contained throughout pregnancy in the cervix is ​​drained and excreted along with the dark blood. In this case, the birth itself can begin after 6 hours or a few days.

Spotting dark discharge during pregnancy:

  • Lean bleeding is most dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. Since during this period the fetus is just beginning to fix in the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus.
  • Also, small bleeding at the initial stages may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or detachment of the ovum.

Heavy bleeding during pregnancy

Heavy bleeding during pregnancy is very dangerous. It is often accompanied by severe pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Can cause spontaneous miscarriage, and in some severe cases, lead to the death of the mother.

How strong is the risk to the fetus during bleeding?

It is very difficult to predict the loss of a child, but some women have higher risk factors:

  • Women over 36 and under 24 have a high risk of miscarriage.
  • Smoking or secondhand smoke also affects the bearing of the baby.
  • Increased bloody bleeding.
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol.
  • Strong blows to the stomach.
  • Sexual infections.
  • Previous miscarriages or abortions.
  • IVF fertilization.

Women who have suffered bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy have a very high risk of developing placenta previa, placental abruption, late toxicosis and premature birth - the baby may appear as early as 34 to 36 weeks.

What to do with bleeding?

First you need to call an ambulance. Also, do not get hysterical and panic too much. Since the stressful condition can only increase the bleeding and cause additional harm to the child. You need to try to relax, get comfortable (you can lie down) and breathe deeply. Be sure to wait for the doctor and in no case try to finish eating to the hospital yourself.

The body of a pregnant woman is experiencing great physical stress, therefore, sometimes, unable to withstand it, it gives out some kind of anomaly. For example, the most common is spotting during pregnancy.

Is this considered normal?

Naturally, this is not normal, but you should not panic ahead of time. Most of the reasons why spotting appears. - these are deviations that are easily treatable, which means the preservation of the baby.

First of all, you need to calm down, because under stress, adrenaline causes uterine contractions, which aggravates the situation. Then, with the help of a doctor, find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

With smearing brownish discharge, tests are carried out and treatment is prescribed. If they are abundant, characterized by pain and tense abdominal muscles, then urgent measures should be taken.

Blood discharge during early pregnancy

  • During this period, bleeding usually occurs due to detachment of the ovum. The intervention of doctors will help to avoid harmful consequences.
  • Occasionally, such bleeding is the last menstruation before the long wait for childbirth.
  • Ectopic pregnancy: The fetus grows by tearing the walls of the fallopian tube - hence the blood.
  • Another reason is the lack of progesterone. If you take a synthesized analogue of the hormone, everything will work out.

What causes spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy?

This is the most important time in all nine months of bearing a child: all organs and tissues are laid.

In some women, minimal bleeding begins after 6-7 days of pregnancy: this fertilized egg, having entered the uterine cavity, is now implanted into its wall. This is normal and should not be alarming.

  • The fertilized egg does not always reach the uterus, it gets stuck in the fallopian tube. This is an ectopic pregnancy. For quite a long time, bleeding may be the only symptom that this has happened. Today, this problem can be eliminated without much difficulty, but it is impossible to save a child. However, if this is done in a timely manner, then it is possible to keep the fallopian tube healthy, which means that a woman can freely become pregnant again.
  • It is important to determine in a timely manner an ectopic pregnancy and not to eliminate it, at about the 5th week the tube ruptures, and it is necessary to remove it. If the ovum is attached to the cervix, the entire organ is removed.
  • The risk of spontaneous abortion is also one of the causes of early bleeding. Pain in the lower abdomen, its tension, cramping pains indicate impending danger.
  • A deficiency in progesterone thinns the walls of the uterus, leading to bleeding.
  • Bubble drift - it is rare, associated with pathology in the development of the placenta and fetus. Such a pregnancy is terminated, since it is impossible to save the child.
  • Sex can also cause bleeding. This is because at this time the cervix becomes hypersensitive.
  • In the presence of fibroids, there is a possibility that the fetus will attach to the place of its formation and irritate its nodes.
  • In the early stages, pregnancy can also freeze. When the fetus dies, toxins are released, and the body turns on the mechanism of miscarriage.

Bloody discharge during late pregnancy

Placental abruption is the most common cause of bleeding during pregnancy in the last trimester. This is due to bacterial and viral infections of the genitourinary tract. Therefore, it is necessary to take additional tests. The condition of the placenta is also affected by the deficiency of vitamins and oxygen.

Also, bleeding may begin before premature birth. In fact, this is the same threat of miscarriage, although the baby is already viable, however, not without the help of medical equipment. Then doctors either save the pregnancy or allow childbirth to occur. Therefore, women with such phenomena must strictly lie in bed.

After 37 weeks, bleeding may occur, because the mucous plug located in the cervix dissolves, blocking the access of bacteria to the amniotic sac. The body, prepared for childbirth, secretes the hormone oxytocin, which softens the cervix, causing the plug to fall out.

Danger for the baby: is there or not?

There is no single answer. It is impossible to prevent some pathologies, but there are some tips that can correct the situation. When preparing for pregnancy, undergo a complete examination, and if necessary, treatment, to be sure that there are no infections.
  1. See your gynecologist regularly.
  2. Take folic acid - it helps the body adapt to the upcoming changes, reduces the risk of miscarriages.