What principle does telepathy work on? Does telepathy really exist? What message can be sent consciously

Telepathy is the transmission of thoughts at a distance. Many materialists, confident in the need to explain any phenomena from a point of view that does not contradict generally accepted scientific theories, deny the existence of telepathy. At the same time, there is a lot of evidence indicating that telepathy is real. So does telepathy really exist? Let's try to figure it out in this post.

Cases that can be considered as the transmission of thoughts at a distance have been known since ancient times. Often such cases occurred with the most ordinary people, while some thoughts or visions came by themselves. This phenomenon is called "spontaneous telepathy". Often cases of spontaneous telepathy concerned loved ones who were in a dangerous or deadly situation. For example, there is a well-known incident that happened to the great Russian scientist Lomonosov, who once saw in a dream his father, who, as a result of a shipwreck, ended up on an uninhabited island in the White Sea. At the insistence of Lomonosov, his brother, along with the fishermen, went in search, and they, indeed, found the body of his father in the indicated place.

The origin of the word "telepathy" dates back to 1882. This year, the Society for Psychical Research was founded in Great Britain, which set as its goal the study of unusual mental phenomena from a scientific point of view. It was its members who coined the term "telepathy". One of the first who decided to thoroughly investigate telepathy and made the first scientific report on this topic was the English physicist William Barrett.

Soon other scientists took up research. In addition to collecting and recording cases of "spontaneous telepathy" (for example, the famous astronomer Flammarion collected about 1000 cases), special experiments were also carried out. Experimental results were analyzed using probability theory to distinguish them from random guessing. The experiments involved an "inductor" - a person who transmitted mental images, and a "recipient" - the one who received them. It soon became clear that some people are much more prone to telepathy than others, and also that telepathic abilities are greatly enhanced if the recipient is put into a state of hypnosis. Pictures or playing cards were usually used as transmitted images, later psychologist Karl Zener suggested using special cards with abstract symbols in tests, which, from his point of view, would help to avoid ambiguity.

Maps of Zener

Usually the percentage of cards guessed turned out to be higher than what should be according to probability theory, sometimes the entire series was guessed - 25 cards in a row, which led researchers to believe that telepathy is a real phenomenon, although it cannot be used for reliable transmission of information.

Skeptics tried to explain telepathy by coincidences and quackery, but, nevertheless, many famous people soon turned out to be in the camp of its supporters. Even in the USSR, where materialistic ideology dominated, telepathy turned out to have many adherents. In 1921 Academician V.M. Bekhterev and V.L. Durov (a famous trainer) began experiments on the telepathic transmission of commands from people to dogs. Most of the experiments (out of more than a thousand) turned out to be successful, the researchers concluded that "... the dog's responses were not a matter of chance, but depended on the experimenter's influence on it." Bekhterev then described these experiments:

The third experiment was as follows: the dog had to jump onto a round chair before the piano and hit the right side of the piano keyboard with its paw. And here is Pikki's dog in front of Durov. He looks intently into her eyes, for some time covers her muzzle with his palms. Several seconds pass, during which Pikki remains motionless, but being released, he rushes to the piano, jumps up on a round chair, and from a paw strike on the right side of the keyboard, several treble notes are heard.

In the fourth experiment, the dog, after a well-known procedure of suggestion, had to jump onto one of the chairs that stood against the wall of the room, and then, rising to a round table standing nearby, scratch with its paw a large portrait that hung on the wall above the table. It would seem that this complex action is not so easy for a dog to perform. But Pikki exceeded all our expectations. After the usual procedure (Durov concentratedly looked into the dog's eyes for several seconds), Pikki jumped down from his chair, ran to a chair standing against the wall, then with the same ease jumped onto a round table, and rising on his hind legs, took out a portrait with his right forelimb and began to scratch him with his claws.

However, Durov could also influence people. Once Bernard Kazinsky asked him to demonstrate this.

— Vladimir Leonidovich, you are good at conveying mental suggestion. Make me mentally make this or that movement. I wonder what I will be aware of or feel. However, will it succeed?
- Nothing, just sit still! - Durov answered decisively, and we got down to business.
I remained motionless for no more than two minutes and saw how my famous interlocutor, without looking at me, took a piece of paper and hastily wrote something on it with a pencil, which he took from the pocket of his favorite black velvet blouse. He laid the note on the table with the inscription down, covering it with his palm, and set the pencil in place. Then Durov began to look at me. I didn’t feel anything special, only suddenly I mechanically touched the scalp behind my ear with the finger of my right hand. Before I had time to lower my hand, V.L. Durov handed me a piece of paper, on which I read with amazement: "Scratch behind the right ear." Struck by what had happened, I asked:
- How did you do that?!
- Imagine that I have a strong irritation of the skin behind my right ear and that you need to raise your hand and scratch this place. I tried to imagine the feeling of itching behind my ear as sharply as possible. That's all. What did you feel?
“Of course, I didn’t feel any transmission. I just wanted to scratch behind my ear.

Books were published in the USSR, the authors of which did not doubt the existence of telepathy, although they tried to bring a materialistic base under it. The most famous were “Biological Radio Communication” by B. Kazinsky, “Mysterious Phenomena of the Human Psyche” by L. L. Vasiliev, “About Myself” by Wolf Messing. There were different versions about what is the carrier of telepathic information. Some believed that these were electromagnetic waves, others believed that this was some other material field not yet discovered by physicists.

Wolf Messing, who fled to the USSR after the German occupation of Poland, not only wrote about telepathy, but also demonstrated his mind-reading abilities in numerous public speeches. Usually one of the spectators gave him mental tasks, and Messing performed them. One viewer recalled:

I remember Messing's performance at the Youth Theater very well. The hall was packed! What he just didn’t get up to, but I still remember his trick connected with me. Messing asked the audience to hide the pen. She walked along the rows, everyone snatched her, but I said, they say, pockets and shoes are not interesting, give me! She hid the pen in her hair, then fashionable babette. Messing went out into the hall ... It was evident how he was shaking from tension, he kept repeating either “oh, moms”, or “gods”. Passing through the rows, he clapped the hands of those who had a fountain pen, and quickly reaching me, hitting my hand hard, shouted: “She is here!” And got a pen!

Wolf Messing

Skeptics often came to the performances, trying to "expose" Messing. Those who did not believe in telepathy tried to explain telepathy by Messing's ability to read "ideomotor acts", that is, his ability to determine a person's thoughts and intentions by the smallest involuntary muscle movements.

Messing's speech (newsreel):

A lot of information has been preserved about attempts to use telepathy for military purposes. Such experiments were carried out both in the USSR and in the USA. So, in the 70s, the CIA and American intelligence launched the secret Stargate project, in which it was planned to use clairvoyants and telepaths to extract intelligence information and transmit it over long distances. In particular, the experiments involved attempting to transmit images that the recipient was supposed to reproduce. As a result, the military came to the conclusion that telepathy exists, but is of little use for practical use. In the 90s, the Stargate project was closed.

Drawings from the Stargate experiments on telepathy. On the left - what was transmitted, on the right - what the recipient drew.

What conclusion can be drawn in the end? Numerous cases of "spontaneous telepathy", as well as illustrative examples of thought transfer in experiments, speak in favor of the fact that telepathy actually exists. The problem, however, is that this phenomenon cannot be reproduced with the participation of arbitrary people and in arbitrary conditions, and the accuracy of information transfer remains rather low. All this still gives skeptics reason to doubt the reality of telepathy and declare the recorded cases "coincidences" and "quackery". However, people with a skeptical approach take a similar position in relation to any non-standard phenomenon or new theory.

TELEPATHY(from telos - "far away", pathos - feeling) is the transmission and reception of information directly from the brain of a person or animal. As a result of the research, it turned out that about 10-15% of the people who were involved in them have the ability to receive information from the brain of a person they know well, no matter how far apart they are from each other. In addition, up to 70% of study participants are able to do this with a probability of about 0.5. However, the substances that are responsible for shielding such information exchange could not be found. Very few people can transmit information to the brain of another person or animal, so this ability is most likely the result of genetic abnormalities.

Thanks to the ability to telepathy, a small group of gifted people can confuse others into believing that a telepath is really, for example, a fortune teller or fortune teller. Telepaths can intentionally or unconsciously receive information directly from the human brain, but not from the future at all. It is believed that telepathy occurs due to the action of some fields. Namely, a hypothesis has been put forward that the cause of telepathy lies in the ultra-low-frequency radiation of the cells of the human body (animal). According to another assumption, telepathy is a manifestation of torsion or chronal fields.

As a result of the experiments, it was found that a telepathic way of communication is possible for people who speak different languages, since understanding in this case does not consist of a common vocabulary. For example, the following incident happened to one psychic. With the help of telepathy, he gave certain actions to five Englishmen, and each performed exactly his own action. Then he asked them to come up with a question, but not to say these questions, and then he himself said the answer to each question.

As evidenced by numerous stories of people who have had face-to-face and correspondence contacts with aliens, it is known that they most often (almost 100% of all correspondence "telepathic" and about 50% of all face-to-face contacts) contact people through telepathic communication. There are many examples of such communication.

The study of telepathy

Probably, many of us have observed the manifestation of one form or another of telepathic abilities. For example, such a situation: you are doing something or just sitting or lying down, and suddenly something inside tells you to call this person (for example, a friend whom you have not seen for a long time). You dial a number, a friend picks up the phone and says: "And I just thought about you! I wanted to call myself! Well, wow! Just like telepathy!" Or another situation: quite unexpectedly, an image of a distant relative appears in your head, whom you last saw twenty years ago. After some time, the doorbell rings, you open it and see it in front of you. Well, after that, how can one not believe that telepathy really exists?

Not only ordinary people who do not have a higher technical education, but also many scientists believe that telepathy, in other words, the transmission of thoughts at a distance, exists. Nevertheless, all the rest (a larger group) firmly believe that there is no telepathy and cannot be. Whom to believe? Whose point of view to take?

Systematic research on telepathy began in 1882 in Great Britain. The researchers took the matter very seriously. Professor of ethics at the University of Cambridge G. Sidzhwick, chemist W. Crooks, physicists W. Barrett and O. Lodge, biologist A. Wallace and mathematician A. Morgan were studying such a phenomenon as telepathy. The object of research was the young telepath Smith and his assistant Blackburn. During 1882-1884. they successfully showed their telepathic abilities. Unfortunately, they turned out to be hoaxers. After many years, Blackburn admitted that young people simply played a cruel joke on scientists. In 1911, he wrote a letter to a newspaper, where he admitted: “All the so-called experiments were and arose from the disinterested desire of two young people to demonstrate how easily scientists who are eager to prove a theory can be fooled around the finger.

If it took two youths a week to prepare to deceive such experienced and attentive observers, how can future prospectors count on great success in exposing the "sensitivities" who have been practicing for more years than they and Smith have weeks.

It would seem that such confessions should have forever turned away from conducting experiments on telepathy. However, this did not happen, and the scientists hurried to continue their experiments.

Telepathy organ

This area is located in the region of the crown, it is often called the "third eye". An unusual experiment was repeatedly conducted by our famous psychics Ninel Kulagina and Mikhail Kuzmenko, - says Vitaly PRAVDIVTSEV, the author of the discovery, a cybernetician, candidate of technical sciences in the field of artificial intelligence. The experience was as follows: when a photographic film, lying in an opaque envelope, was applied to their foreheads, the ordered images could be seen on it.

It turns out that some people have the ability to radiate the so-called mental images from the forehead. This is confirmed by the ancient Eastern traditions, according to which radiation comes from the human energy centers - chakras, one of which is the ajna chakra. It was her esotericists who from ancient times called the “third eye”. The image of the "third eye" on the forehead of deities can often be seen in the paintings and sculptures of Buddhist temples. Some scientists believe that this is the memory of the extraterrestrial progenitors of mankind (gods).

As the legends said, thanks to the all-seeing eye, they had such amazing abilities as clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis. Nowadays, some people, mostly Buddhists, are trying to regain their once lost "divine" abilities by spending years in intense spiritual work. But in the end, these people really reveal their paranormal abilities.

The "third eye" with the lens, photoreceptors and nerve cells is laid in a two-month-old fetus, after which it resolves. But instead of it, the epiphysis remains - the pineal gland, the size of a red-brown pea, located in front of the cerebellum. Specialists notice a striking thing: the pineal gland is mobile and can rotate like an eye. Moreover, they note that there is a direct similarity of the pineal gland with the eyeball, since it also has a lens and receptors for the perception of colors. In addition, it is said that this gland is stimulated to activity by signals coming from the eyes.

According to some biologists, due to centuries of inactivity, the pineal gland has become much smaller in size, and once it was the size of a large cherry. “Perhaps someday its size will become the same,” suggests Pravdivtsev. - And then our descendants will regain their once lost psychic abilities.

Scientists have created a device that makes it possible to transmit thoughts over a distance. But telepathy has absolutely nothing to do with it. An invention called "mental typewriter" (mental typewriter) attracted everyone's attention at an exhibition of new developments in the field of electronics, held not so long ago in Hannover.

Developers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software and doctors from the Charite Clinic (Berlin), under the guidance of Professor Klaus-Robert Müller and Gabriel Curio, have been developing the brain computer interface system for many years. They are convinced that a computer that can be controlled with the help of thought will allow people who are deprived of the ability to fully move, maintain contact with the outside world and serve themselves on their own.

Even if a person is injured or ill and cannot move at all, his brain continues to work. Perceiving information, the brain produces electromagnetic signals that can be recorded. This is the principle of operation of the new device presented at the exhibition: 128 sensors are fixed on the head of a person, in front of him there is a monitor, on which two groups of letters are located on the right and left. A device that transmits thoughts over a distance is able to recognize letters in three stages. He selects one or another group of letters, and a special program filters out the electrical signals that appear when choosing. The selected group of letters remains, the computer removes the other from the screen. Soon, the groups of letters become smaller and smaller, until the operator mentally moves the cursor closer to the desired letter. This letter is entered in a specially designated line.

It takes 5 to 10 minutes to type a short phrase. The system is capable of self-learning, it determines the "palettes" of signals individually for a particular person. Similar work is underway in the US and Russia. Developers from the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by Academician Igor Shevelev, head of the Laboratory of Physiology of Sensory Systems, achieved a similar result almost at the same time as German scientists: their subjects manage to type words consisting of three or four letters with the help of thought. The work is funded by a Russian innovation firm.

Telepathy and the secret of telepathic communication

The mechanism for the emergence of telepathic communication is extremely simple.: it is enough to think about the person with whom we want to establish contact on a subtle level, as a connection can already arise.

Moreover, both for telephone communication and for telepathic, neither distance nor time matters.

Just as telephone communication requires 1) certain knowledge, 2) compliance with a number of conditions, and 3) the fulfillment of certain rules, so the strength, reliability and intensity of telepathic communication depends on a number of parameters.

Hermetic Law of Torsion Physics: "The strength of the interaction between the signal source and the signal receiver does not depend on the time and distance elapsed from the moment the signal was emitted between the source and the receiver, but depends only on the degree of matching, the receiver and the source ..."

Agni yoga: “Each clear vision of an object in our third eye makes it almost tangible to us. When the image of an object is evoked in full perfection of lines and colors, it can be directly influenced. It can be wielded, regardless of distance, to subjugate anything, from nearby objects to distant planets, to its power.

Telepathy(or, as it is also called, “mental suggestion”, “suggestion at a distance”, “biological information”) is a special form of communication between people or other living beings, expressed in the direct (without the participation of the sense organs known to us) the influence of neuropsychic processes of one being on the neuropsychic processes of another. The very same Greek word "telepathy" means "feeling at a distance."

Speaking about telepathy and considering it as a phenomenon of transmitting information at a distance, it should be said that such a process in nature does not exist in its pure form at all. If we ignore the issue of energy transfer during telepathic communication, then the understanding of the phenomenon of "telepathy" will again remain incomplete, half-hearted, and therefore unviable. The process of transferring information is inevitably and invariably accompanied by the transfer of a certain, strictly discrete, amount of energy, due to the quality of information.

Energy and information are always interconnected. There is no information in its pure form, just as there is no energy that is not associated with information. Energy and information are one and inseparable from each other, just as space and time are inseparable. The quality of information determines the amount of energy, and a certain amount of energy is limited and constrained by a certain quality of information. "Lack" of information is always accompanied by energy loss (nuclear decay), "excess" of information - leads to the processes of nuclear fusion.

Telepathy can be defined as direct communication between minds. This communication takes place without the mediation of the five senses, i.e. without the instruments of communication that material science alone recognizes in man: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, of which we most of all use sight, hearing and touch to communicate with each other.

According to material science, it must follow that if two minds are placed beyond the possibility of ordinary communication through the senses, then there can be no communication between them. And if it were proved that under such circumstances there is communication, then only one reasonable conclusion could be drawn from this, namely: that a person, in addition to the five senses assigned to him or recognized by material science, has some other senses. .

And occultists know that man does have such feelings. Without going deeper into this subject and limiting ourselves only to the desire to find out what telepathy is, we can say that a person, in addition to the five physical senses, has five astral senses (as if the originals of the five physical senses), manifested in the astral plane. Through these astral senses, he can recognize the properties of objects usually sensed by the five senses, without using physical organs for this purpose.

In addition, he has a sixth physical sense (for which there is no name in European languages), through which he receives information about the thoughts emanating from the minds of other people, even if these minds are distant from him in space.

How telepathic communication occurs.

There is a definite difference between this special sixth physical sense and the five astral senses. The difference is this: the five astral senses correspond on the astral plane to the five physical senses, functioning on the astral plane in exactly the same way as the five physical senses function on the physical plane.

To each physical sense organ there corresponds a special astral feeling, although the astral impression is not received by the physical organ, but reaches consciousness in its own ways, just as the impression passes through the physical ways. But this special sixth physical sense (for lack of a better name we shall call it the telepathic sense) has both the physical organ through which it receives the impression and the corresponding astral sense, just like the other physical senses.

In other words, it has the same purely physical organ as the nose, eyes, ear, through which it receives ordinary "telepathic" impressions and which it uses in all cases that can be brought under telepathy.

The astral telepathic sense operates on the astral plane in certain forms of clairvoyance, and as regards the telepathic physical organ through which the brain receives the vibrations or waves of thought emanating from the minds of other people, this organ is near the center of the skull, almost directly above the top of the spinal column, in the brain, a small body or gland, reddish-gray, cone-shaped, attached to the base of the third cerebral ventricle in front of the cerebellum. The gland is made up of nerve matter, containing bodies that look like nerve cells and contain small accumulations of calcareous particles, sometimes called "brain sand". This gland is known to Western science under the name "glandula pienalis" (pineal gland); this name is given to it because of its shape, similar to a fir cone.

Western scientists were at a loss as to the function, purpose and purpose of this brain organ (since it is indeed an organ). In their writings this question is resolved by the solemn statement: "the function of the glandula pienalis has not been investigated," and scientists have made no attempt to explain the presence and purpose of "bodies like nerve cells," or "brain sand."

Some of the anatomists, however, note the fact that this organ is larger in children than in adults, and more developed in adult women than in adult men, which, in fact, is very significant.

The mechanism of the emergence of telepathic communication

Yogis have known for centuries that this "glandula pienalis" is the organ by which the brain receives impressions from vibrations caused by thoughts projected by other brains; in short, this gland is the organ of telepathic communication. It is not necessary for this organ to have an external opening like an ear, nose, or eye, because thought vibrations penetrate the substance of our physical body as easily as light vibrations pass through glass, or X-ray vibrations through wood, skin, etc. . The most suitable example of the nature of vibrations of thought can serve as vibrations sent and received by "wireless telegraph".

When someone "thinks", he sends vibrations of greater or lesser force into the ether surrounding him. Striking the telepathic organ of other brains, the vibrations cause brain activity that reproduces the thought in the receiving brain. This reproduced thought may pass into the field of consciousness or, as the case may be, remain in the area of ​​the instinctive mind. In our last reading of "Dynamics of Thought" we spoke of the influence and power of thought, and it would be very well if the reader refreshed his memory of what was said there. We explained there what thought waves are and how they work. Now we are talking about how they are perceived.

Therefore, telepathy can be considered as the receipt by any person, consciously or unconsciously, of vibrations or waves of thought sent consciously or unconsciously by the minds of other people. Thus, the deliberate transmission of thought between two or more persons is telepathy; and in the same way, absorbing into oneself the mental atmosphere of thought vibrations sent by another person without the desire to reach a certain person, will be telepathy. Waves of thought vary greatly in strength and intensity, as we have already explained. Concentration on the part of the sent or received mind, or both together, greatly increases the power of sending and the accuracy and clarity of perception.

Elements of telepathic communication

There are two types of telepathy: spontaneous, i.e. arising spontaneously in everyday life, and experimental, caused in the subjects as a result of a specially set experience.

Cases of spontaneous telepathy have been known since ancient times: they are described in fiction (L. Kuprin "Olesya", L. Feuchtwanger "The Lautenzack Brothers", R. Rolland "Jean Christophe", etc.), and also served as the topic of many oral stories. In 1982, the "Society for the Study of Psychic Phenomena" was founded in London. These days, cases of spontaneous telepathy are also carefully studied, especially if they are documented or reported by a person who is trustworthy.

Telepathy includes two elements: receiving and sending mental information. It, as mentioned above, can be spontaneous and intentional. Suppose your spouse accidentally falls on the stairs, breaks her leg and is unable to move. She screams "Help!" At the same time, she sends a powerful stream of energy carrying the same information. At work, the image of your spouse suddenly pops up in your mind, pleading for help. You understand that misfortune has happened, hurry home and make it just in time.

This is an example and will be the phenomenon of so-called spontaneous telepathy. Scientists believe that your consciousness and the consciousness of people close to you are supposedly tuned to the same wavelength. That is why relatives feel your condition so much. But I want to make a reservation, not only native blood feels native blood, there are also cases when you feel that something is wrong with our friend or good acquaintance. In general, I believe that simply loving a person is enough to know what is happening to him.

Arbitrary or otherwise intentional telepathy occurs when you and another person transmit mental messages to each other.

Development of telepathic abilities

You can train your abilities in the field of telepathy. But first, it is worth talking about what are the rules for those who want to become a telepath.

1. Telepathic abilities can only be used for the benefit of people. Using them for evil entails the suffering of the telepath himself and the object of his influence.

2. A person who uses telepathic abilities must necessarily be able to accumulate prana and have a sufficiently large supply of it in the nervous system.

3. It is necessary to be healthy both physically and mentally.

4. A positive attitude should be constantly present in your life. You need to convince yourself that in the world that you perceive with the help of ordinary senses, everything is as good as possible, and if something absurd happens, then the time is not far off when it will disappear.

5. You need to be able to manage yourself in any conditions.

6. To be able to relax, to release the body from tension is no less important than to be able to concentrate, direct and send energy to individual parts of the body or to the external environment.

At first, you need to study in a separate room with complete silence. There should be normal humidity in the room, it is advisable to remove or close water tanks, since water is an active absorber of radio waves (Patlakh V.V. “Training of telepathic abilities”).

Ancient Science of Yogis: Thought can be sent from a distance. Other people can feel the effect of the thoughts sent to them. At the same time, it must always be remembered that no evil thought can harm a person who himself does not have evil thoughts in himself. Good thoughts always overpower evil ones, and evil ones always give way to good ones. But a person can always arouse the interest and attention of another in the desired direction, sending him a consistent series of thoughts and, together with them, prana, saturated with those ideas that he wants to convey.

If you want to arouse the love or sympathy of another person and you yourself feel love and sympathy for him, you can achieve very great results by sending him your thoughts, especially if your motives are completely pure. But never try to influence a person to his detriment or from some unclean and selfish motives, since all these thoughts and the evil contained in them will turn on you with tenfold power and bring you infinitely more harm and evil than the one that you wanted to bring to another.

Psychic power cannot be harmful if used without selfish ends, but beware of "black magic" or the wrong and blasphemous use of this high force of nature. All attempts of this kind are like playing with dynamite, and the man who flirts with these forces is always punished by the results of his actions.

Moreover, no person with impure motives can acquire any significant degree of psychic power, and at the same time, a pure heart and a pure mind are an impenetrable shield, unconditionally guarding against all evil actions of misdirected power. Be pure and nothing can harm you.

I send you all good and good mood,

Happiness and mental well-being.))

And the most important thing to note: In no case should you pour out your problems on the heads of friends, neighbors, relatives and friends. Subconscious "dirt" is dangerous for others because it tends to spread and multiply.

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One of the founders of the British Society for Psychical Research after experiments on attempted transmission of thought at a distance, which he carried out with three other researchers, Gurney, Sidgwick and Barrett. Experiments related to attempts to prove the existence of telepathy have been carried out in Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union, but despite reports of a number of preliminary positive results, attempts to reproduce them under more rigorous experimental conditions lead to negative results, and thus the reality of the phenomenon still remains unproven. Given the lack of biological prerequisites for telepathy, most scientists consider it fundamentally impossible, and telepathic research is classified as pseudoscientific activity.

The "Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology" formulates the fundamental difference between telepathy and thought transmission at a distance:

In telepathic "communication," the transmitting party may not be aware that it is acting as an agent, and the receiving party does not consciously prepare itself to receive the thought. Telepathy cannot be the object of an experiment, while thought transmission at a distance can. Thought transmission is a rudimentary property. Telepathy is a highly developed mode of paranormal perception, and is usually "mechanism" driven by strong feelings.

In telepathy the transmitter is often unaware that he acts as an agent and the receiver does not consciously prepare himself for the reception. Telepathy cannot be made a subject of experiments while thought transference can. Thought-transference is a rudimentary faculty. Telepathy is a well-developed mode of supernormal perception and is usually brought into play by the influence of very strong emotions.

The need for such a division was also recognized by the researchers of the "old school". Frank Podmore, a skeptic, said: "While it is legitimate to attempt to correlate the two types of phenomena, it is hardly worth attempting to make a spontaneous phenomenon of this kind the basis of a theory of telepathy." Myers, who opposed Podomor, believed that "... telepathy as a property of the mind must undoubtedly exist in the Universe, if a disembodied mind is present in the universe at all."

In parapsychology, several types of telepathy are considered, in particular, latent (“delayed”) and emotive (English emotive telepathy), as well as retrocognitive, precognitive and intuitive telepathy (depending on whether the transmitted information concerns the past, future or present).

There is also a division into physical, sensory and mental forms of telepathy.

Belief in the existence of the phenomenon of telepathy goes back to ancient times. According to N. Fodor, in itself. It has been suggested that telepathy underlies intuition, in particular intuitive likes and dislikes. It was believed that the "feeling of a look" or someone's approach is also the result of receiving and processing telepathic signals by the brain.

"prayer can be seen as an attempt at telepathic communication with a higher being"

Many paranormal researchers consider telepathy and suggestion to be related phenomena, especially when hypnosis is carried out at a distance. Myers called this phenomenon "telepathic hypnotism" (eng. telepathic hypnotism).

Among the most famous examples of telepathic messages is the case of Major General R., described in the Protocols of the OPI, vol. I. p. 6. . On September 9, 1848, being badly wounded during the siege of Multan (then still in the position of regimental adjutant) and deciding that the end was near, he asked that the ring be removed from his finger and given to his wife, who was 150 miles from the battlefield. The latter claimed that she was half asleep when she clearly saw her husband being carried away from the battlefield and heard his voice: “Remove this ring from my finger and send it to my wife.” Subsequently, as stated in the documents of the OPI, the reliability of what happened on both sides was convincingly confirmed.

The woman's determination not to tell anyone about this unpleasant incident (as N. Fodor notes), apparently, indicates that a telepathic message can be not only unconscious, but also directly contradict the intentions of consciousness.

There have been suggestions that the phenomenon of telepathy exists not only in the human community. Perhaps the most striking example of an animal-human telepathic connection was described by Rider Haggard in Journal of the S.P.R. in October 1904. On the night of July 7, 1904, Mrs. Haggard heard her husband making strange sounds in his sleep, reminiscent of the groans of a wounded animal. Waking up, the writer told her that he experienced in a dream "a painful feeling of constriction", as if from suffocation. At the same time, he was aware that he sees the world through the eyes of his dog:

I saw old Bob lying on his side in the bushes near the water. My own personality was mysteriously transferred to the dog, whose muzzle lifted up at some unnatural angle. Bob seemed to be trying to speak to me and, unable to convey the meaning of the sounds, conveyed in his mind a very clear idea that he was dying.

The Haggard dog named Bob was indeed found dead four days later in the water with a crushed skull and broken paws. He was hit by a train on a bridge and thrown into the water. The bloody collar was found on the bridge the morning after the night when its owner allegedly had a prophetic dream. William J. Long (eng. William j. long) in the book How Animals Talk (eng. How Animals Talk) described numerous cases of telepathic communication among animals, in particular, in packs of wolves, where the cubs, apparently, obey silent signals sent by the mother. N. Fodor assumed that the phenomenon of the famous horses from Elberfeld could serve as an example of telepathic transmission of information - from a person to an animal.

The phenomenon of telepathy and the supposed possibility of transmitting thoughts and images at a distance (sometimes simultaneously to several recipients) was a stumbling block in disputes between spiritualists and supporters of theories related to telepathy. The latter suggested that the messages received by mediums at spiritualistic sessions are only telepathically "caught" from the information field created by those present.

An attempt has been made to classify visions as a type of telepathic hallucination. Frank Podmore, one of the leaders of the British Society for Psychical Research, was the main proponent and propagandist of this theory. It was to this problem that his most famous book, Visions and Thought Transmission, was devoted. Apparitions and Thought Transference, 1894).

F. W. Myers believed that telepathy alone could not explain the nature of visions. He put forward the theory of "psychic invasion", as a result of which a certain phantasmogenetic center (eng. phantasmogenetic center) arises in the environment surrounding the percipient.

Nevertheless, parapsychologists who are skeptical about the spiritualistic phenomenon believe that it is the theory of telepathic communication that can somehow plausibly explain the results of the so-called "cross-correspondence" carried out at the beginning of the 20th century with the participation of several mediums who were in different countries and even on different continents.

Some travelers who have consumed Banisteriopsis caapi liana extract in the Amazon rainforest as part of an ayahuasca drink have noted the presence of telepathy-like effects in the altered state of consciousness induced by the drink. The Colombian doctor Guillermo Fischer Cardenas, who first isolated the active substance of the liana (), called it "telepathin"; it later turned out to be identical to harmine, isolated from the seeds of the common harmala.

Telepathic-like effects were sometimes noted by Stanislav Grof in subjects in psychotherapy studies using LSD.

Although there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of telepathy, since the 19th century, several theories of varying degrees of scientificity have been developed that attempt to explain this phenomenon. One of the most popular theories that seemed to explain the phenomenon of telepathy was the so-called "wave theory". One of its supporters was William Crookes, who suggested the existence of some "ethereal" waves of small amplitude and a higher frequency than gamma radiation, which, "penetrating" the human brain, are capable of evoking in the recipient's brain an image similar to the original one.

Opponents of the theory noted that the intensity of wave radiation weakens in proportion to the square of the distance, and the telepathic image, according to reports, can remain bright even at a great distance, moreover, it often takes symbolic or modified forms. Cases have been noted when a dying person appeared before the mind's eye of the recipient in the color of his powers and in no way expressed suffering by his appearance. “Mr. L. Dies of heart disease while in bed. About this time, Mr. N. J. S. sees Mr. L. standing not far from him with a cheerful expression, dressed as if for a walk and with a cane in his hand. It is impossible to understand how some system of physical vibrations could transform physical facts in this way, ”Myers wrote.

The Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (article by Sophia de Miyolla-Mellore) interprets telepathy as a process that occurs "... when a physical act performed by one person results in the performance of the same physical act by another person" .

Several hypotheses regarding the possibility of direct transmission of thought from one person to another were developed by Sigmund Freud. He believed that telepathy is a rudimentary means of communication between people and perhaps "a physical process that has become mental - at the two ends of a communication chain". Carl Jung and Sandor Ferenczi were also interested in issues related to telepathy.

Freud's attitude towards telepathy was ambivalent. On the one hand, he viewed it as a direct path leading to the depths of the subconscious, on the other hand, he treated the phenomenon with caution, fearing that psychoanalysts experimenting with it risk being put on the same level with occultists.

In the middle of the 20th century, when the topic of "paranormal phenomena" was widely covered in the popular press, Zener cards were most widely used as a method for testing telepathic abilities. Many in the scientific community often argue that in no serious study has the effect of telepathy been better than the average results of simple guessing. Despite a significant amount of testing and spending, experiments with telepathy have not been able to definitively reveal its existence.

According to some researchers (in particular, those who consider themselves transhumanists), although telepathy does not exist, in the future it is possible to create new ways of transmitting thoughts using high technologies. One of the ideologists of this direction is Kevin Warwick, a participant in the development of a safe technology implemented in practice for connecting the nervous systems of several organisms with each other and with a computer. He believes that "telepathy" implemented by scientific means may become an important form of communication in the future. According to Warwick, this technology will gain widespread popularity due to natural selection, for the reason that many will need "telepathy" for economic and social reasons. Similar ideas were expressed by the leading Russian neuroscientist Konstantin Anokhin

In early 2013, scientists at Durham University, in the course of experiments on implanting electrodes into the brain, for the first time experimentally proved the possibility of interaction between two minds bypassing the signal system (that is, without the mediation of sounds, symbols, signs, colors, etc.). Rats were implanted with electrodes in the same points of the brain and forced to solve a joint task. At the same time, the rats themselves were in different cities, and the electrical voltage that appeared when solving the problem on the electrode of the first rat was removed and transmitted via the Internet to the electrode of another rat, restoring in its brain those electrical impulses that the first rat produced. According to scientists, the rats were not able to understand that they were being influenced in any way from the outside, so the second rat did not perceive these impulses as an external signal. The first rat had to solve the problem, the correct solution of which received a reward, but only if the second rat, which did not have the information necessary for this, made the same decision. When the second rat made a mistake, both rats did not receive food. In this case, the first rat repeated the correct actions until the second did them too. Both rats did not know anything about the existence of each other, feeling the other, according to scientists, as something in their minds. Thus, the second rat in making a decision was guided by "intuition", "inner feeling" - impulses from the first rat. The result of the second rat was 70% correct answers, which significantly exceeds the number of correct answers in case of random coincidence.