Why does a cat shed all year round? Diseases, old age. Molt all year round

If the pet is healthy, then all processes are going on as it should be for a cat's life. Shedding is a normal part of life for them, and therefore do not worry about it. But there are also situations when wool falls out in an excessively large amount, and does not stop throughout the year. Then many cat lovers start to worry about their pets. But, despite this, it is easy to cope with the problem, even if the owner has an animal for the first time.

Healthy cats should shed several times a year. In the spring, this happens before hot weather, so that the thick coat does not become a burden. The second time they molt occurs in the fall, in order to shed all their wool, and overgrow with a new one - warm.

Cats living permanently in an apartment sometimes lose this rhythm. During the heating season, they begin to shed their hair. Heating air is warm and dry, which adversely affects the fur of the animal. Due to such climate changes, cats often discard it. Wool often sticks to clothes, rugs and sofas. This problem makes it difficult to clean the house.


  1. Long hair in the feline family. If a cat is naturally long and thick, then you should not be surprised that the animal loses too much hair. These breeds include Angora, British, Scottish, Persian, Siamese, Maine Coon and others. If a cat lover decides to buy himself a long-haired breed, then he should be prepared for frequent and abundant shedding.
  2. Improper maintenance and care. Also, the reason for the abundant molt can be the non-physiological characteristics of the feline family. Frequent hair loss can be due to improper care of the pet's coat. This may be the wrong shampoo for him, washing too often and too much, or not combing his coat. In addition to the reasons given, which are understandable for everyone and can be solved, there are many others. These include diseases and poor living conditions for the animal.
  3. The most important reason is the pet's unbalanced diet. Due to the use of canned and dry food of poor quality by the owners, the cat has a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. And with a mono diet, the cat loses hair continuously. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed your pet exclusively with fish and meat food.
  4. Molting during illness, age and pregnancy (or lactation). In addition to problems with nutrition, molt occurs when the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys are disrupted. In case of allergic reactions, the cat partially sheds its hair, and it quickly loses weight. When a cat is pregnant, or if it has already rolled, the hormonal background is disrupted. You need to be prepared for tufts of fur that come out, even when stroking.
  5. As a cat ages, it does not become healthier. It gradually weakens and fades. An elderly cat does not have the strength to take care of its fur, to lick it. She lacks trace elements in her body. Therefore, in old animals, abundant molting is often observed.

There are many causes of hair loss in cats. To help your pet, it is enough to quickly and correctly find the cause of the problem. The right decision for the owner would be a trip to a specialist. A good veterinarian will be able to pinpoint the exact cause, and if the problem is a medical condition, then he will be able to prescribe the right treatment that will make life easier.

How to troubleshoot problems

The method of treatment will depend primarily on the cause of the shedding. Some people choose treatment through error and trial, but this method is not recommended. It is advisable to first find the root of the problem. Some solutions to the problem will not take long to eliminate all causes. And others, on the contrary, will take more effort, and you will need to spend money.

Creation of suitable climatic conditions
If the reason lies in an unsuitable temperature climate, then the temperature in the house should be brought closer to natural conditions. Suitable temperature: in the summer, the apartment should be warm, and in the winter, on the contrary, it should be cold.

To solve the problem with the temperature climate, it is recommended to settle the cat in the loggia or on the balcony - there the climate is more suitable to the natural one. To lure the cat to a new place, it is advisable to transfer a scratching post, a sleeping place and your favorite toys to there. The doors to the balcony should be constantly open, you should not restrict the pet's movement around the apartment.

Cat brushing
In many cases, brushing regularly can help to get rid of shedding. Cats should be taught to such procedures from childhood, but if this has not been done, then if the hair falls out, the pet should be well combed. To carry out the procedure, you need to purchase a special comb or slicker. They are sold at many pet stores.

If the cat has long hair and it constantly rolls into shreds, then another tool will be needed to comb it. For this procedure, it is better to purchase a furminator. It is not sold in all stores, and its price is much more expensive. But it has more advantages, for example, the device allows you to comb out not only the top layer of wool, but also the undercoat, which the comb does not reach. After using such a tool, the pet looks well-groomed and feels much better.

Lack of vitamins and minerals
Often the problem arises from a lack of nutrients. Then you should contact a specialist to prescribe more suitable minerals for the cat. Such products can be in the form of drops, powder or tablets, which should be added to the feed. Vitamins allow you to replenish the entire balance of various trace elements, as a result of which the cat's hair will become better and more beautiful. Basically, veterinarians prescribe drugs such as "Radostin", "Shestevit", or "Farmavit Neo". Thanks to biotin, which is part of these medicines, cell regeneration is improved, and the coat becomes thicker and shinier.

The cat should be fed a variety of foods. Various soups and cereals should be added to the diet. People who think that a cat loves only dairy products and fish are wrong. Such food will only harm the health of the pet.
And remember to keep clean water in a separate bowl.

Folk methods against molting
Some feline problems can be solved with folk methods. No one will give a guarantee that hair loss will stop completely, but sometimes it is possible to get rid of the cause.

  1. To replenish biotin in the animal's body, you should add egg yolk to the food. But it is important to watch that protein does not enter the cat's food, as it can interfere with the absorption of the substance.
  2. You can also give your pet fish oil. It contains many vitamins. This method will help restore the cat's immune system, after which the coat will become healthy. You can buy it at any pet store.

What are the normal times for molting

For normal seasonal hair loss, no more than four weeks is considered. Sometimes such terms are a little delayed, but they should not exceed a month and a half.

If the reason lies in stress, pregnancy or poor nutrition, then the poor condition of the cat's coat will be much longer. To stop shedding, it is recommended to eliminate all factors causing the process of hair loss.

If you follow the simple rules for keeping your beloved pet, you can easily get rid of the problem. Regular combing of hair, replenishment of the body with vitamins and balanced nutrition will help to solve all problems, and the cat will be well-groomed and beautiful.

Video: how to deal with shedding in cats?

My cat sheds heavily and constantly. What to do?- questions like this are very common on.

Take a closer look at the cat, perhaps he began to itch and lick more than usual? Does the hair fall out not diffusely over the entire surface of the body, but are there certain spots of alopecia (hairless skin)?

Do you and your family members suffer from skin problems since the cat began to actively shed, for example, itching, red spots, a rash on the inner surface of the arms, legs, face?

If you answered “Yes” to one of these questions, then urgently show the cat to the veterinarian dermatologist.

If you answered all the questions in the negative and the fur is climbing diffusely and for a long time, then you can really say that your cat has a pathological molt.

What is the reason?

There are several "hypotheses" as to why animals may have increased off-season molting. "Assumptions", because it is impossible to accurately identify and prove the causes of pathological molting in cats and dogs.

It is clear that the processes of hair growth are disrupted, the renewal occurs too quickly, therefore, hair loss increases.

What are the reasons that can influence this?

First, there are breeds in cats that are prone to year-round molting. These are cats with thick short hair, with a well-developed undercoat, such breeds include, for example, "British".

Secondly, pay attention to the environmental conditions of your pet. Is it too hot and dry in your apartment during the cold season? Does your cat like to sit on the battery? But it is cold outside the window and the conditions of detention should be a little closer to natural. Create high humidity in the apartment through humidifiers, flowers. Forbid the cat to lie on the battery, make (if possible) the temperature of the battery lower.

Thirdly (according to some sources), the process of hair renewal is affected by the day lengthened due to artificial light sources. That is, ideally, if it has darkened outside the window, then it should be dark in the apartment. This is difficult to accomplish in the context of living quarters.

How can you help our pets with increased shedding besides changes in the conditions of detention?

As a rule, with a strong shedding, combing the wool, washing with medicinal shampoos, adding essential fatty acids to the diet is prescribed.

The thick and shiny coat of a pet is a subject of admiration for the owner and his guests. However, a cat does not always boast of a beautiful fur coat. If the coat begins to fall out, then an ordinary molt has begun. Sometimes it happens that the cat sheds very strongly and there may be several reasons for this. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

In all animals, hair renewal is seasonal. Old hairs die off, new ones grow. Cats molt twice a year, and both short-haired and long-haired breeds molt. Only exotic breeds such as Cornish, Sphynx and La Perm do not have a renewal of their coat.

In all cats, the coat consists of 2 layers: an undercoat and an outer protective layer.

The main task of cat hair is to thermoregulate and protect the skin from negative environmental influences. In spring, the cat “sheds” the undercoat, the skin becomes lighter, and the pet can more easily endure hot weather.

The next moult occurs in the fall. The animal prepares for cold weather - thin hairs fall out, but warmer and fluffier ones grow.

Reasons for strong shedding

In most cases, molt is seasonal. It lasts approximately 2-4 weeks. But if the renewal lasts longer and the animal loses a lot of hair, then you should worry about the health of your pet.

Intense shedding can be caused by the following:

How to reduce the amount of hair during shedding?

When a cat sheds, everyone suffers - both the animal itself and the household. Wool is literally everywhere, it is harmful to the health of the pet. Dead hair irritates the cat's skin and causes anxiety. Also, the cat constantly licks the fur, which can cause hairballs to appear in the stomach.

With a strong shedding, experts advise you to do the following:

  1. Brush out every day. For these purposes, a comb with sharp teeth is not suitable; it is better to use a special brush, which is called furminator.
  2. Wash your cat regularly using shampoos and conditioners.
  3. To give vitamin complexes... You should not engage in self-treatment, the necessary drug can be advised by a veterinarian.
  4. It is advisable to walk your pet daily.
  5. Eliminate the causes of stress if shedding is caused by this. You can give sedatives after consulting your veterinarian.
  6. Treat the animal if the hair loss is caused by any disease.

Many owners are worried about molting. Unfortunately, there is no magic cure for this. However, you can alleviate the condition of your pet by using the above tips.

What if shedding is caused by a disease?

If hair loss is not caused by external factors (housing conditions, care), then the reason for the intense shedding should be sought in the cat's health. First of all, you should show your pet to a veterinarian. He will determine what worries the animal and prescribe a course of treatment.

If a hormonal imbalance is established, then sterilization is necessary. The cat will stop worrying and over time the coat will become shiny and thick again.

For the purpose of prophylaxis, special vitamin and mineral complexes can be given in courses. They reduce shedding phenomena and have a beneficial effect on the health of the cat.

Living conditions in an apartment that help reduce shedding

Cats that are kept at home cause a lot of trouble during molting. In order for the wool to fall out less, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the apartment. If you have dry air at home, ventilate the room often and use a humidifier. Reduce the battery temperature if possible in winter.

Review your cat's diet. The diet should be balanced, the menu should contain fresh meat, fish, milk, and dry food. You can buy specialized premium feed.

Furminator for cats effectively combing hair

Of course, you also need to take care of your pets. Regular brushing and bathing will help get rid of the ubiquitous coat. After brushing, pat the cat with wet hands. This will remove some more hair.

Why do cats shed in winter? Because domestic cats do not go outside in winter! What if the cat sheds? But from this moment we will understand this problem in more detail, since there may be other reasons.

Molting is a natural process. Hair, "having outlived its own" (3-4 months), falls out and a new one grows in its place. According to the laws of nature, cats' active moulting period is spring and autumn, during which they prepare their coat for the upcoming climatic season.

But now it is winter, and in the fall there was just a season of seasonal molting, when they changed their summer wardrobe for a winter one. Then Why do cats shed again in winter?

Causes of shedding in cats in winter- this is a violation of the process of wool growth, when the renewal of hairs occurs too quickly, which causes their intensive loss.

Causes of shedding in cats

  1. Home keeping of the animal. In wild cats, as well as home cats, but with free range - such a failure does not occur, but domestic cats are susceptible to such a failure due to the inability to go out and constant stay in a warm apartment. You will not constantly walk in a sheepskin coat around the apartment at a temperature of more than 20 degrees.
  2. Another reason for out-of-season molting is the increase in daylight hours due to artificial lighting. By the way, these two factors also cause estrus in cats, which is also somewhat uncharacteristic for this period.
  3. There are cat breeds that molt all year round. These are breeds with a thick undercoat - British, Persians, Siberians and Maine Coons.
  4. A cat may shed due to stress.
  5. But if the cat sheds very much, then you need to see your veterinarian. It is possible that your pet has medical problems:
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract
    • dermatological disease
    • improper diet or poor quality feed and as a result
    • lack of vitamins and minerals.

What if the cat sheds?

Regular brushing of the coat. There are many combs and brushes for this. There is even an angled brush when the cat can comb out on its own. Furminator has proven itself well for long-haired cats. If you don't brush your cat daily, mats can form. Then you need a collar cutter. And the apartment will be filled with feline "mohair". Read here how to get rid of cat hair in your apartment.

If you do not carry out such hygienic procedures, then your clean kitty will fully "lick" hairballs into its stomach.

Give her during this period means for removing wool from the stomach.

Ventilate the room and humidify the air.

If you have a glazed balcony or loggia, you can create an enclosure for the cat for walking in the winter, if you cannot go outside, then you can “cool off” on the balcony. Build shelves there or hanging soft house so that she can watch what is happening outside the window. Place a litter box and a bowl of water for your cat to drink after eating. In the morning, we fed them to the winter aviary for three hours.

If you feed your cat with poor quality food, then replace Whiskas, Friskaks and Kitiket ... with premium food or food that strengthens the hairline.

Give vitamins for wool during this period for 2-3 weeks. Such preparations must necessarily contain brewer's yeast and sulfur, B vitamins, biotin and amino acids. About

For cosmetics, use conditioners for wool. They are sometimes called so - "Molting feet", "No wool" and others. Under their influence, damaged hair is restored, skin dryness is reduced, the acidity level of the skin is maintained and static stress is relieved.

I hope you now understand why cats molt in winter and what to do if a cat molts in winter.

Video - funny cats.

Any owner of a long-haired or short-haired cat is faced with its molt. There are times when the coat begins to fall out very abundantly. What is the norm and what requires pet treatment will be discussed in this article.

The cat sheds, reasons

A cat can lose hair in the following cases:

  1. Seasonal molting is a normal process and there is nothing wrong with it. Nature designed it in such a way that closer to winter, the animal begins to overgrow with a fur coat, and in the spring it sheds. With a long undercoat, it gradually falls out in the cold season, but not as much as during the warming period. Such an effect of the microclimate, it is possible in winter at a warm temperature in the house, winter wool interferes with the pet, so he dumps it. In order to reduce shedding in this case, it is necessary to lower the temperature in the house, or often comb the pet out to reduce the amount of naturally falling hair.
  2. Features of the breed - there are cats that are prone to more abundant shedding of fur than others. Long-haired cats with a dense undercoat are especially susceptible to this. In this case, only competent care can reduce shedding.
  3. Unbalanced nutrition - it happens that the abundant molting of an animal is associated with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in its body. Poor nutrition is usually reflected in the condition of the coat. The body begins to shed everything that is superfluous in order to save useful substances, including wool. To reduce shedding, you need to diversify its diet. Moulting can also be affected by inappropriate food, which can cause allergies. In this case, on the contrary, you should return to your usual diet.
  4. Stressful situations - everyone, including animals, can experience and nervous overexcitation has a bad effect on their health, as well as on the quality of the coat. Moving, the arrival of a new tenant, walking down the street and quarrels can be reasons for the cat to worry. If the pet sheds because of this, then it is important to create a calm atmosphere, surround him with attention and care, and apply sedatives.
  5. Disease - diseases affecting the work of internal organs, affects the hormones, skin and hair of the animal. If the cat has begun to eat poorly, has become sad and inactive, then it is imperative to show it to the veterinarian. It is important to detect and treat the disease in time.
  6. Treatment - if, after the treatment, the cat begins to shed heavily, then the cause may be a reaction to drugs. Some diseases require the use of potent drugs that can weaken the body and provoke profuse shedding. In this case, it is important to strengthen the immune system with nutrition, vitamins and immunity-strengthening agents.

Features of molting of some breeds

Each breed of cats has a change of hair, they shed according to the season or when the temperature regime in the home changes. But there are breeds that are more prone to this, and these are not necessarily long-haired cats. Not only purebred cats, but also mestizo are susceptible to molting.

The most molting rocks include rocks:,. It's all about their undercoat - it is soft and light, so it can just fall out and it seems that the cat sheds constantly, but for these breeds this is quite normal.

A low intensity of molting is characteristic of breeds: Egyptian Mau, Abyssinian cats, Siamese, Singaporean, Bombay, Burmese, etc. They have practically no undercoat. Among the long-haired cats, these are the American Curl, Burmese and Somali.

The cat sheds heavily what to do

A beautiful cat's coat always requires careful grooming. If it is absent, then the wool will become tangled and fall out abundantly. It is impossible to untangle the tangles, they only need to be cut. In the most furious cases, the animal is sheared bald. To combat severe shedding, there are several ways to fix this problem:

  1. Using a special comb - there are different combs for different coat types. For more effective combing, it is important to select them correctly. It will not work well to comb an ordinary cat with a brush for the Persian breed, and vice versa. Check with your store for the best brush and use it regularly.
  2. The use of special care products - there is shampoo, balm and conditioner for different types of wool. They are able to solve the problem of strongly falling out undercoat, to make the cat's fur coat beautiful and well-groomed.
  3. High-quality vitamins - with improper nutrition, cats are also susceptible to vitamin deficiency, so do not forget to give them vitamins, especially yeast-based ones, to help solve the problem of hair loss.

If the cat still continues to shed and this happens for a long time, then it is worth taking it to the veterinarian. Especially if the molt is so active that the cat has visible bald patches and the hair falls out even from a slight impact. Your veterinarian can more accurately pinpoint the cause of severe shedding and prescribe appropriate treatment. Do not neglect your pet's health.
