Order in public places. How to behave in public places

| 20.12.2014

The norms of behavior in public places seem to be known to everyone and inculcated from childhood. Nevertheless, here and there, there are small and not very conflicts about someone's behavior.

Let us once again recall the topic of correct behavior, so as not to lose face, not to be considered a haml, but to remain a lady or a gentleman in any situation. Sometimes, some norms of behavior - we are not talking about social events and other entertainments of high society from classical literature - sometimes need to be reminded not only to teenagers, but also to adults.

The ability to behave correctly in society is of great importance: it facilitates the establishment of contacts in unfamiliar companies, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates both at work, - especially - and at a party.

Etiquette in public places

On the street and in public transport

Most of the time we spend in the company of strangers on the street, in transport. The main rule of behavior on the street, and in public transport too, is not to cause inconvenience and trouble to others. It is unacceptable to squeeze through the crowd, pushing everyone and "working with your elbows." Carry your belongings so as not to interfere with those walking towards you.

If you need to stop in a dense stream of people, first step aside. If you accidentally hit someone or step on someone's foot, apologize.

Be careful on the street, do not scatter candy wrappers and other rubbish anywhere. If there is no urn nearby, put the wrapper in a bag or pocket.

Don't draw the attention of others by speaking too loudly.

It is also against the rules of etiquette to sit in a subway car or bus with legs wide apart, occupying two seats.

On the stairs

Going down the stairs, a man should always go ahead. A woman goes up the stairs first, a little behind - a man. However, if the stairs are dark, steep or in a completely unfamiliar place, then the man goes ahead. When a man and a woman walking in different directions meet on the stairs, the woman is not required to move away from the railing, even if this is contrary to the right-hand traffic rule.

By the way, the side of the stairs with railings is the privilege of women, the elderly, and children.

At the door

Traditionally, the man lets the woman go first. The younger one gives way to the elder, and the subordinate - to the boss. Of two people of equal age, occupying the same position, the one closest to the door passes first.

If the doors are single, the incoming lets the outgoing through. If there are double doors in front of you, the left wing of the door should be left at the disposal of people walking towards you.

In the elevator

An elevator is the same "public area" as a street or stairs. In the elevator, as in any other place, we greet those whom we always greet. If you are the one closest to the buttons, ask which floor button to press.

V Lately it is customary to greet not only neighbors in the house or office, but also with any “neighbor” in the elevator. And in elevators in shopping centers, this is not at all necessary.

Theatre, cinema and concert

In the theater and cinema, etiquette requires you to sit still, not leaning either to the left or to the right, especially if you have a magnificent head of hair: the one who sits behind you will be forced to follow your movements all the time. Take off your high hat.

During performances and concerts, it is considered bad form to attract attention with a loud voice and gestures. The premiere of any performance is a solemn event, so you can come dressed smarter than on weekdays.

It's extremely rude to be late for a performance. If this still happened, you should not slowly make your way to your place in the hall.

At concerts, you do not need to sing along with the performers or the orchestra or beat the beat with your feet. The exchange of impressions about the performance of the concert numbers should be postponed until the intermission, or at least until the end of the number.

If your place is in the middle of the row, then you need to go to it facing the audience already sitting in this row.

In the theater and at a concert, it is impolite to chew or drink something. And even more so rustling bags or slurping brought food. Don't forget to put your phone on vibration mode, or turn it off completely. If you forgot and the phone rang during the movie (performance, concert) - apologize.

In the museum

According to the rules of etiquette, before going to see the museum exhibits, you need to go to the cloakroom to take off your outerwear. Large bags, briefcases, packages, backpacks and umbrellas are also supposed to be left in the cloakroom.

If the museum - as a rule, these are ancient palaces and estates - has preserved old parquet, visitors are offered special felt slippers that should be worn over street shoes.

The halls of the museum should be moved as quietly as possible. It is unacceptable to talk loudly or shout, calling your companion.

In large museums, it is considered wrong to try to hastily examine the entire exhibition during one visit. It is best to choose one or more neighboring rooms, postponing the rest of the exhibition until the next visit.

In library

The library is a place that many people visit! And the rules of conduct here are quite strict. Every library has a wardrobe. Leave there outerwear and all unnecessary things. Silence must be observed in the reading room, so talking on the phone is outside the room.

Books must be kept in the condition in which they fell into the hands. It is unacceptable to bend the corners of the pages, as well as to put water bottles or other objects on them.

At the restaurant

This is not about fast food and coffee chains. Namely, restaurants.

The main rule is that the man is responsible for the clothes of the companion. He helps take off his coat and puts it in the cloakroom. At the entrance to the hall, visitors are met by the head waiter, who escorts them to a free seat. A lady follows him, her companion closes the procession. The head waiter helps the woman take her place, the man sits down himself.

In more democratic establishments where there is no head waiter, customers go to a free table on their own. In this case, the gentleman follows first, the lady follows him. He pushes back his chair, sits his companion down, then sits down himself. At the same time, it is better to position yourself in such a way that it is more convenient for the waiter to serve the lady, since it is she who is served the dishes in the first place.

We laid out the correct behavior in the restaurant on the shelves in the article "".

How to behave in nature

The main problem is garbage. Do not leave bottles, wrappers and other unnecessary things in the parks! It is not difficult to bring to the urn. If the urn is far away, take a bag from home with you, it weighs almost nothing.

Etiquette for the little ones

It is very important to teach your child to behave correctly in public places, not forgetting, of course, about the behavior at home. After all, it is from home that the child makes the first ideas about how to act in a given situation. And if mom and dad teach him the rules of behavior, and at home they completely forget about them, then the child will not adhere: the authority of the parent is stronger than kindergarten and school. So show by example. How you will behave in public, expect exactly the same behavior from your baby.

Remember, if you, for example, say hello in a store and do not thank the seller for serving you, then you will never expect this from your child. If in transport you are rude to passengers and the conductor, or do not give up your seat to an elderly person or a pregnant woman, or just a tired lady with heavy bags, then your child will not do this when he grows up. In the case of transport, it is worth remembering a bad role model: when they give you a seat, then sit down yourself, and the child, especially the boy - he is the future man - put on your knees, do not stay standing when the child is sitting. After all, mother (or grandmother) is, first of all, a woman, she is tired, and she needs to sit down. Otherwise, a standing woman will be saddened in the head of a child and remain the norm.

How a student will behave in society depends largely on his upbringing and the skills that his parents have invested in him. It will be much easier for a well-educated child to adapt to a new team, to get to know his peers and teachers. Only an educated person will take a worthy place in society, he will be loved and respected. To tell the rules of behavior in public places for schoolchildren is the task of teachers and parents.

How should a student behave?

The behavior of schoolchildren in public places should be calm and balanced. There are other people nearby who demand respect. You can't laugh and talk out loud here. Such behavior does not paint a person and speaks of his insufficient education. Shouting is prohibited unless there is a good reason for it.

The student should be aware that visiting a museum or a theater requires a special behavior from him. The rules of being in schoolchildren are always studied in many subjects. In advance, this topic is discussed with the teacher at the educational institution and at home with the family. It must be remembered that during a performance or performance you can not rustle candy wrappers and drink water. There are special intermissions for all this. Otherwise, your behavior can interfere with nearby people. It must be remembered that in the museum you cannot touch the exhibits with your hands.

When entering the room, the student must remove his hat. It is also worth undressing in a specially designated place. It is indecent to enter the hall in outerwear. You should only applaud at the end of the performance. It is worth taking care of the objects and flowers that are in the room. The rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren must always be observed!

Behavior of schoolchildren in public transport

Every day the children have to get on buses and trams to school, circles. The norms of student behavior in public transport have their own requirements. When entering a bus or trolleybus, elderly people and parents with small children must pass ahead. You need to try to go through the cabin so as not to block the passage of people who have gathered to exit.

No matter how tired the student is in the classroom, he must give way to older people and small children. When entering the transport, you need to remove the backpack from your shoulders so as not to injure people sitting next to them. You should not push with your elbows and legs when leaving, you need to politely ask the person to let you pass. The behavior of younger students should not be defiant. On the bus, you can not speak loudly and for a long time on a mobile phone. If such a need nevertheless arose, the conversation should be ended quickly.

Rules of conduct at school

At school, students need to know important rules of conduct. It is necessary to take care of school furniture and other interior items. It is worth listening carefully to the teacher in the classroom and not disturbing your comrades. You should only address your teachers with “you” and in a polite tone. You can't scream or run during breaks. You need to talk to your classmates in a calm tone, without the use of obscene words.

You should never use brute force when sorting out relationships with other students. It is worth fulfilling all the requirements and obligations of your teachers. Any conversation should be held in a polite tone. Don't forget to say thank you.

Pointing the finger at another person is considered bad manners. Loud laughter also does not color a well-mannered person. You need to be able to listen to a person and be friendly. Always try to come to the rescue in the current unpleasant situation. Life is a boomerang. The person gets the treatment they deserve.

Rules of conduct in the classroom

During the lesson, you can not use a cell phone, talk with a friend on the desk. Laughing and disturbing other students is also ugly. Without a good reason, leaving a lesson or being late for it is prohibited by the regulations of any educational institution. If there are, then you need to submit a certificate from a doctor or a note from the parents.

Walking around the classroom during the lesson is strictly prohibited. Also, you can not shout out the answer without the permission of the teacher. Be sure to raise your hand. Only an ill-mannered student will interrupt the teacher. It is worth remembering that there are up to thirty children in the class at the same time. They all want to learn and perceive information normally.

Children should learn the rules of conduct from the first days of their stay in an educational institution. younger students are more dependent on upbringing.

Rules of conduct for schoolchildren after classes

After the lesson is over, you need to put your workspace in order. The class attendant must wipe the blackboard and prepare the room for the next subject. Be sure to visit the toilet so as not to be distracted in the lesson.

In the diary it is worth writing down the homework on the subject passed. The duty officer is required to apply for food at the canteen. can hang additional support material on the board for the next lesson.

Rules of conduct at recess

It is strictly forbidden to run quickly along the corridor or stairs. It is absolutely impossible to push and offend your peers! Don't shout and laugh loudly during recess. When meeting in the corridor with other teachers or school employees, you need to say hello. The behavior of students in public places must be decent.

First of all, younger students and teachers should be allowed into the dining room. It is necessary to strictly observe everything in public places during the break. At recess, you need to ventilate the classroom to give access to fresh air. You should take care of things and personal items of your classmates.

Unexpected situations

If you feel unwell or severe pain, you should definitely inform the teacher who leads the lesson. In case of redness of the skin or severe itching, you should contact the first-aid post.

For nosebleeds, apply a handkerchief with cold water and try to sit in a calm position. If bleeding becomes more severe or worse, you should seek medical attention.

In the event of a fire or natural disaster, do not panic. It is worth observing the safety rules in public places, which are discussed in the lessons of life safety.

Rules of conduct for schoolchildren in the assembly hall

It is necessary to carefully treat the objects in the concert hall, follow the rules of etiquette, behave decently and quietly. It is impossible to interfere with listening to the concert program to others and talking loudly. You can not get up from your seat and shout out unnecessary remarks. It is forbidden to pollute the territory of the assembly hall.

Before entering the assembly hall, be sure to turn off your mobile phone. Sitting in a chair, do not occupy two armrests at the same time. It is important to treat the people around you with respect. Before attending a school concert, the class teacher reminds the children about the rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren. Boys should let girls and adults into the hall first.

junior schoolchildren in the library

In this place, the strictest rules of conduct must be observed. The library is visited by people of all ages. Everyone demands respect and understanding. When entering the library hall, you need to take off your outer clothing in the dressing room. It is forbidden to talk loudly here, especially on a cell phone. You need to carefully and carefully flip the pages of books. The rules of conduct for schoolchildren in public places are the same for any age.

Each library may have its own rules of conduct. Silence is the basic norm to be followed.

It is worth remembering that a student is an adult and independent person who must be able to behave in public places. Correct behavior helps to have good friends, quickly get to know people. This is very important in adulthood. The rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren are norms that must be observed unquestioningly!

It all starts at school. This is where you can learn the rules of etiquette. Children who have mastered the rules of behavior in public places are much easier to communicate with relatives and friends. An educated person very quickly finds his place in society. Do not forget about the safety rules in public places.

Compliance with all the rules of communication etiquette testifies to the high cultural development of a person, his upbringing and manners. Communication with a well-mannered person brings a lot of positive emotions, it is always a pleasure to spend time with him and do business with him. Culture has evolved and formed for many centuries in different ways in different civilizations. But today we have come to the conclusion that the level of culture of the population has fallen significantly compared to the last century. Many people in several generations have no idea how to behave in society, in transport, in a theater or restaurant.

I want to tell you some rules of conduct in public places.

Let's start with elementary norms of behavior outside.

When you walk down the street, you need to respect passers-by, you can’t button up your fly on the go, tuck in your shirt, pull up tights, etc. You need to go straight, without waving your arms and things that you are carrying. It is necessary to strictly observe the direction of movement of pedestrians, so as not to collide head-on with oncoming traffic.

There is no need to push a person walking next to you, and in no case should you look at beautiful women passing by, pregnant women, disabled people and people with external deformities, this indicates a very low culture.

On the street, you also can’t spit, litter, chew a toothpick in your mouth, walk in a line of three or more, as you will block the way for oncoming passers-by.

If you met your friend on the street, then you should not run up to him with shouts and hugs, especially if he is accompanied by people you do not know. The rules of conduct in public places require you to politely greet him, and if he has not shown his desire to talk to you, move on. If he nevertheless stopped, then you should not detain him for a long time, since the communication partner should not wait for him for a long time. Conversely, if you are walking with a girl or another man, then you should not start a conversation with a friend on the street, as it is uncivilized to keep your companion waiting, especially if she is a woman.

If you need to discuss something important, then be sure to include your companion in the conversation, men must be introduced to each other, a woman has the right not to introduce herself. But in this case, the conversation should not take much time.

Now behavior in public places, public transport.

If you use public transport, then you need to remember a few rules: at the entrance, be sure to skip ahead pregnant women, women with children, the elderly and the disabled. If you see that one of the above needs help, it will be tactful to offer your help, but in no case do not grab hands without his permission. While on a bus, metro or fixed-route taxi, do not come into conflict with passengers, give way to privileged categories of people. If you get stepped on, don't yell at the whole bus how much it hurts you, it's tactless. And if you stepped on the foot of another, you should apologize clearly and calmly.

In the theatre. If you decide to go to the theater, you need to remember the following rules of behavior in public places: you need to come to the theater performance in advance in order to have time to put your outerwear in the cloakroom and put yourself in order. It is necessary to observe the rules of appearance in the theater. In no case should you dress frivolously, especially jeans and T-shirts. Observing the rules of behavior in public places, it is customary to wear either or just trousers and a shirt (for men) to the theater. It would be more correct for a woman to wear an evening dress and shoes or a classic skirt with a blouse. You need to enter the hall as soon as the first bell is given for the beginning of the performance, and take your seats strictly. If people are already sitting in your row, then you need to walk past them facing them.


Main part………………………………………………………………...3

1.Rules of conduct in public places…………………………………3

1.1.Requirements for behavior on the street and in public transport…….3


2.Features of national etiquette………………………………………9

2.1. Features of business etiquette in Western countries (America, France) ... 9

2.2.National etiquette of Eastern countries (Japan, China)……………..12

3.Practical task. Reminder letter……………………………14


List of used literature…………………………………………..16


In the conditions of reassessment of value orientations, which is observed in our country, the importance of observing etiquette increases. Etiquette is one of the main "tools" of image formation. In modern business, the face of the company plays a significant role. Companies that do not respect etiquette lose a lot. Where there is etiquette, higher productivity, better results. Therefore, you should always remember one of the most important postulates that businessmen all over the world know: good manners are profitable. Employers pay more and more attention to the ethics of business and personal relationships in the selection and hiring of personnel, as well as in the process of direct performance by employees of their professional role. It is much more pleasant to work with a company where etiquette is respected. Almost all over the world, it has become the norm. This is because etiquette, by virtue of its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts. Etiquette, if understood as an established order of conduct, helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of the etiquette of a business person can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that contribute to mutual understanding of people in the process of communication.

The issues considered in this paper occupy an important place in the study of the discipline "Ethics of business relations" and in the process of forming the rules of etiquette among students. They cover the rules of human behavior in public places and consideration of the peculiarities of etiquette in different countries.

Nowadays, a business person has to contact other people on the street, in transport, in state and non-state administrative institutions, the theater. In addition, the business sphere of many people today is connected with the communication of people from different countries and trips abroad. Adelaide etiquette prescribes compliance during negotiations with the rules of conduct adopted in the country of a business partner. All this determines the relevance of the issues of this work.

1.Rules of conduct in public places

1.1. Requirements for behavior on the street and in public transport

The requirements for appearance on the street are the same as in other public places. Clothing and shoes should be clean, tidy, hair combed, a headdress should fit well on the head. You should cross the street in the prescribed places, you can’t walk on the roadway and lawns, on the sidewalk you must observe the right side, do not interfere with passers-by. If it happens in tight quarters or accidentally pushes a passerby, you should wriggle. Questions like “How to get through…?” ask politely. Thanks for the replies. If you are asked, then answer clearly and clearly. If in doubt, better apologize, refuse to answer. On the move, you should not stoop, wave your arms strongly or keep them in your pockets. Only in very cold weather can they be put into the pockets of a coat or jacket. You should not walk with a cigarette in your mouth, eat on the go. If you really want to smoke or eat, for this you need to step aside. Do not throw cigarette butts or other rubbish on the walkway.

The maximum number of people walking in a row is three people, on a crowded sidewalk - two. Paired with a man, a woman takes a place on the right side, with the exception of military personnel who need to salute. In the company of two men, a woman walks in the middle, if there are two women and a man, then the eldest is to his right, and the youngest is next to her. When women are equal in age, a man takes a place between them. The bag must be carried so as not to hurt passers-by. The umbrella is held upright.

When you walk along the sidewalk, you need to be careful, at the same time look under your feet and around, not letting your acquaintances go without greeting. If you want to talk with an acquaintance you meet, you need to step aside for this so as not to interfere with passers-by, as in cases where you want to get to know an architectural monument better.

On the street, one should not shout loudly, whistle, point a finger, stare at passers-by, look back after them.

A well-educated person not only observes the written and unwritten rules of behavior on the street, but also provides assistance to those who need it: helps an elderly person, a disabled person, his companion cross the street, go down a steep or slippery staircase. / 3, p. 299 /

In public transport, the following rules of etiquette should be observed. Before entering a bus, trolleybus, tram, passengers should be given the opportunity to get off. They enter without pushing, help to enter those who need help (the elderly, the disabled, etc.). If a man rides with a woman, he must let her go ahead. Entering the transport, you do not need to stop at the entrance, but go to the salon to give other passengers the opportunity to leave. Those who drive to the first or second stop enter last.

Young people in the presence of elderly people, passengers with children, disabled people should not sit on the front seats intended for this category of passengers. Such places are usually marked with special signs. Educated young people give way to the elderly. Those who were offered to sit down should definitely thank for the courtesy and take advantage of it. If they still want to stand, then together with gratitude they try to explain the reason, for example, with the words: “Thank you! I'm leaving soon."

In crowded transport, you should position yourself in such a way that as little as possible will cause disturbance to your neighbors. Especially you need to be careful with bags, backpacks. They must be removed from the shoulders and held in the hands. Do not place a bag on the seat. People standing or sitting nearby are not considered. They do not look into books, newspapers, and magazines opened for reading. In turn, readers should keep the newspaper or magazine folded.

In transport, you can’t talk loudly, and even more so, impose your conversations and questions on fellow travelers. When coughing, cover your mouth with a handkerchief; if you want to sneeze, massage the bridge of your nose. If you have a cold, you should avoid public places. Eating on public transport, except for long-distance travel, should be avoided.

With a request to validate a ticket or transfer money for its purchase, they are treated with the words: “Please ...”, “Be kind ...”, “Be kind ...” They are sure to thank for the kindness shown.

Passengers with children need to make sure that the latter behave appropriately, do not be naughty, do not make noise, do not stand in shoes on the seat, do not touch their neighbors with their hands and feet. Parents should teach children of school age to give way to elders. But loudly scolding, especially spanking children about bad behavior, is not worth it. You just need to quietly make a remark, and in private, from an ethical point of view, evaluate the misconduct of the child.

It is impossible to interfere with the controller to carry out his official duties. Without any comments, you should present your ticket and without indignation, especially without insults, pay a fine for traveling with a hare.

Making their way to the exit, they ask if those in front are coming out. The man who rides with the woman goes out first and offers her his hand as he leaves. The same is done by young people when leaving with their companions - the elderly. They also help to get out old people, the disabled, whom they are unfamiliar with.

When boarding a taxi, a man must open the door for a woman or other respected person. She, like other people who are treated with respect, is provided with the side of the rear seat close to the sidewalk. The man sits next to the woman. If the passengers are two women and a man, the women sit in the back seat and their companion sits next to the driver. When traveling in a taxi for one man or one woman, the seat next to the driver is an acceptable place for them. In the car, they sit on the edge of the seat and pull their legs in. When leaving, the legs are placed on the sidewalk and rise from the seat. The driver can pick up passers-by along the route of the car only with the permission of the passengers in the car. Smoking should also be done with the permission of the companions.

When preparing for a trip on a train, the things necessary on the road (toiletries, food, etc.) are placed in a separate hand-held bag, but in such a way that when they are removed, all the contents of this luggage are not sorted out.

Entering the compartment, they say hello. It is not necessary to introduce yourself to the companions with whom you are traveling in the same compartment. If, during the mutual exchange of the first neutral phrases (about the weather, transport, stations, etc.), a mutual desire is found to continue communication, then during the conversation you can get to know each other. However, questions about the personal life of a fellow traveler should not be asked.

When leaving the train, do not block the car windows unnecessarily, as your companions may also want to say goodbye to someone. In a compartment, do not open the window without first asking the consent of other passengers. When traveling by train, it is recommended to take with you not string bags and packages, but travel bags or suitcases. You must behave correctly in the compartment. It is indecent to put your feet on the opposite seat, smoke, talk too loudly, have fun, sing, whistle, etc.

In long-distance transport, you must stay at the place indicated on the ticket. A cultured person will offer his lower shelf to an elderly companion or woman. It should be remembered that the holders of the upper places have the right to sit on this shelf. A table located in the compartment is intended for general use. Therefore, you should not force him with your food. It must be stored in bags. On the road, it is advisable to take food in the form of sandwiches. It is better to cut poultry meat at home than in front of other people. During meals, food is on napkins taken with them. To offer or not to offer fellow travelers to share the feast? V this case you can do it at your own discretion. Refusal to eat together should be taken calmly. At the end, the uneaten food is put into the bag, the rest is thrown into the trash bin located in the corridor of the car, and not through the window or under the seat.

With fellow travelers, one should behave politely and tactfully, as little as possible to cause them anxiety. You have to smoke in the vestibule. During a night's sleep, even autonomous reading lighting is undesirable. The same applies to radio operation. If your fellow travelers are going to bed, you should get out of the compartment. The passengers of the upper shelves are usually the first to get ready for bed. Those who are already ready for bed turn their backs to the wall. / 1, p. 123 /

Saying goodbye to fellow travelers, wish them a good journey. If you arrive at your station at a time when familiar companions are sleeping, you do not need to wake them up to say goodbye. This can be done at bedtime or at their request.

If a man is traveling with a woman, then from the train, as well as from any other vehicle, he gets off first, bringing her luggage and helping her get off to the platform.

When boarding an aircraft and in flight, you must strictly comply with the requirements for air passengers. It is necessary to fill out the customs declaration correctly, pass the customs inspection without a murmur, etc.

At the entrance to the plane, the stewardess is greeted. The most important ethical rule that passengers must follow is not to show their fear to other passengers, not to recall aloud about plane crashes, not to share their remarks like “something landing gear is not being released”, etc. For all questions and requests, please contact the flight attendant. To pass the time in the air, you can read or talk with a neighbor, if he does not mind. When leaving the plane, they thank the flight attendant and say goodbye to her.

1.2. Rules of conduct when visiting theaters, cinemas, concert halls

Being in a cultural and educational institution requires a particularly scrupulous attitude to etiquette. The main requirement for behavior in these public places is not to interfere with people's rest, to follow the play of actors, musicians, the vicissitudes of the plot of a theater performance or movie.

Dress up in the theater, at the concert smartly. Outerwear, which is not removed only in the cinema, should also be neat.

Just like a business meeting, a cultural and entertainment event should not be late. If this happens, you should sit in the nearest free seat or seek help from the duty officer. The man who came with the woman in the wardrobe helps her take off her outer clothes, turns them in and takes a number, at the end of the performance he receives clothes and helps her get dressed. The man passes the woman first into the lobby, but enters the auditorium first himself. He also looks for seats according to the purchased tickets, asks permission to pass from those who are sitting and seats the companion in a more convenient place for her. It should be remembered that they pass between the rows with their backs to the stage. It must also be borne in mind that each spectator is only entitled to one armrest. In the cinema, a man takes off his hat, a woman may not take off her beret or a hat with a low crown and brim. If two couples are seated in the auditorium, the ladies sit in the center, the men on both sides. Ladies sit in front of the box, men behind them. / 3, p. 303 /

During a concert, a movie, you should not eat, talk, stomp your feet or drum your fingers to the beat of the music, laugh out loud. It is preferable to applaud at the end of a part of a theatrical performance or after a musical number has been performed.

Under no circumstances should you lean on the back of the front seat with your hands or on the edge of the front seat with your feet. Naturally, the neighbors who cough and blow their noses are very disturbing to the audience. Freer manifestations of one's emotions (rhythmic applause, standing up, moving to the beat of the music) are now allowed at gala concerts of rock singers and musicians in large youth audiences, but not in classical halls (philharmonics, etc.).

When using binoculars, do not look at people sitting in the hall. You should not closely examine the spectators walking in the lobby.

It is impossible, without special need, to leave one woman with whom you came to the theater or to a concert. If a man invited her to visit the buffet, he should take care of her - bring her what she wants.

If you do not like what you see on the stage or on the screen, you should not discuss it during the action. You can leave the hall after the intermission or at the end of the spectacle. At the end of the performance, one should not take off, one should wait for the curtain to close and the actors to enter the audience and calmly leave.

2.Features of national etiquette

Business etiquette prescribes compliance during negotiations with the rules of conduct adopted in the country of a business partner. The rules of communication between people are connected with the way and style of life, national and religious customs and traditions. And in order to achieve success and mutual understanding, you need to reckon with other people's customs and traditions: the interests of the business must be higher than your own tastes and passions. A vivid role model can be Japanese super-politeness - a kind of drug that lulls the vigilance of a negotiating partner. Such courtesy and respect for the partner is provided by knowledge of the national mentality. / 4, p. 177 /

The national mentality is the lifestyle, culture inherent in a particular ethnic community, the system of values, views, worldview, character traits, and norms of behavior inherent in the nation.

In a business conversation, one must be able to answer any question. Even when answering the simplest ones like “How are you?”, it is necessary to remember the sense of proportion. Business Russian etiquette prescribes to answer this question: "Thank you, everything is fine." At the same time, you need to ask: “I hope that everything is fine with you?” This answer is neutral, it follows the traditions that have developed in Russia. However, the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles to the question "How are you?" it is not forbidden to briefly talk about difficulties, but one should speak about it cheerfully, emphasizing that a business person overcomes difficulties, knows how to cope with them and is proud of it. And most Americans in everyday communication use "short talk": they ask each other questions like: "How are you?", "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" - And they don't wait for an answer at all. In discussions, Americans prefer to speak clearly and distinctly and tend to put forward the main argument first in order to make opponents want to hear the rest of the information.

Let's consider the specifics of business relations with partners from Western (on the example of America and France) and Eastern (Japan and China) countries. Although even in the etiquette of close civilizations there are a great many differences. Hence the conclusion: before entering into business contacts with representatives of other countries, it is imperative to study the features of their culture, at least according to the encyclopedia.

2.1. Features of business etiquette in Western countries (America, France)

Americans are characterized by a good mood, openness, energy and friendliness, they are impressed by the not too formal atmosphere of business contacts. In solving the problem, they seek to discuss not only common approaches, but also the mechanism for implementing the agreements.

Linking various issues, Americans often offer so-called "package" solutions. They are distinguished by high professionalism: as a rule, competent and authorized people enter into business contacts. The American business partner does not tolerate delays in contacts and, in case of slowness, will rather stop them. For the sake of speed of operations, it is often practiced to resolve problems by telephone, which is then confirmed by teletype or fax. As a disadvantage, the Americans note the often manifested egocentrism, the desire to impose their own rules of the game in contacts, therefore, partners often consider Americans to be overly assertive, aggressive.

Americans love their country, respect its political symbols - the flag, coat of arms, anthem. Many believe that the United States is the best economic and democratic system in the world, and that American standards of living are the only correct ones. Therefore, they are little interested in other cultures, they do not know enough about the peoples of European and Asian countries. / 4, p. 181 /

American businessmen are considered the toughest business people, but in many ways they are easier to do business with than with other partners. Their philosophy is simple. They strive to earn as much as possible and quickly. The dollar for them is an almighty force that outweighs all arguments.

The Americans are pragmatic; when discussing issues, much attention is paid to details related to the implementation of the agreements. They consistently achieve their goals, like to “bargain”, quite often combine various issues into one “package” for consideration, first determine the general framework of a possible agreement, achieve agreement in principle, and then analyze the details. They carefully prepare for negotiations, taking into account everything that can bring success to the cause.

The American style of business communication is characterized by a fairly high level of professionalism. The American delegation includes competent people who are well versed in the essence of the problem under discussion.

Americans are individualists, they like to act on their own, without looking back at the authorities. In negotiations, they enjoy sufficient freedom in making decisions. However, they often show egocentrism, believing that the partner should be guided by the same rules as themselves, so from the outside they seem too assertive, rude and aggressive.

Americans are very democratic in communication. They immediately begin to behave informally - take off their jackets, address each other by name, regardless of age and status, discuss their personal lives. They are extremely friendly, cheerful and smiling, they love simple jokes and humor, they appreciate honesty and frankness in others.

Americans save time and are distinguished by punctuality. Time for them is always money. Their favorite phrase: "Let's get down to business." They use diaries and live according to a schedule. They do not like pauses or silence during conversations, negotiations, they usually make decisions quickly. They are consistent. When they say: “Deal”, they rarely change their minds.

In American schools there is such a subject - "building relationships." Even children know the basics of relationships. For example, they come to your child’s birthday, and then you have to write a postcard to everyone: “Thank you for coming. Your gift was the best." It's the same in business. If you visit a company, you will definitely receive a review: “Thank you. Sorry, we have nothing to do with you. But definitely thank you. It is necessary to remember the concept of "privacy" - personal independence and inviolability, which has firmly taken root in American society. "Privacy" says: unreasonable physical contact with a stranger, a stranger is undesirable, because for an American it borders partly on intimacy, partly on physical violence. The effect of “privacy” is especially noticeable if your business partner is a woman. For an immodest look at you, you can be sued, so compliments that emphasize gender differences should be avoided. The emphasis must be placed on the business qualities of the partner. / 4, p. 182 /

The French style of business contacts is described by the American M. Harrison. The French pay great attention to preliminary agreements and usually avoid formal one-on-one discussions of business problems. When selecting evidence, they are guided primarily by logic and “general principles”. They try to preserve their independence as much as possible and conduct negotiations very tough, as a rule, without having a reserve position. They can drastically change their behavior depending on who they are discussing the problem with. In business communication, a confrontational type of interaction is often used. This is also manifested in the choice of exclusively French for business contacts. The issues of language design of business communication for the French are of fundamental importance.

I. Ehrenburg testifies to some features of the speech of the French and the French language:

“In speeches, orators love to flaunt turns taken from the authors of the 18th century, and the letter concerning the next exchange transaction, the broker ends, like his grandfather, with the obligatory formula: “Favour, gracious sovereign, to accept the assurances of my deep respect for you.” / 4, p.183/

The French love concreteness, accuracy, clarity. Language is the best evidence of this. In French, you can’t say “she smiled in response” or “he then waved his hand”: you need to explain how she smiled - maliciously, sadly, mockingly, or maybe good-naturedly; why did he wave his hand - out of annoyance, out of chagrin, out of indifference? For a long time, French was called diplomatic, and its use probably made the work of diplomats difficult: it is difficult to disguise a thought in French, it is difficult to “speak without finishing.”

2.2. National etiquette of Eastern countries (Japan, China)

The high dependence of communication on the context is characteristic of many Eastern cultures, manifested in the vagueness and vagueness of speech, the abundance of non-categorical forms of expression, words like “maybe”, “probably”. Thus, the very structure of the native language, in which the verb is at the end of the phrase, helps the Japanese to observe politeness and maintain the harmony of interpersonal relations: the speaker, who sees the reaction to his first words, has the opportunity to soften the phrase or even completely change its original meaning .. The Japanese tries to speak like this to avoid the word "no"; instead, he uses soft turns - negations, for example:

“I perfectly understand your heartfelt proposal, but, unfortunately, I am in a different position than you, and this does not allow me to consider the problem in the right light, however, I will definitely think over the proposal and consider it with all the care that I can ". In business relationships, the Japanese usually talk around the bush, talking for a long time about everything, but not about the main subject of discussion. This strategy allows them to become more aware of the intentions of their partners in order to either accommodate them or resist them without compromising the dignity of the other side.

V. Ovchinnikov in the book “Sakura Branch” describes the originality of Japanese etiquette in this way: “In conversations, people in every possible way avoid the words “no”, “I can’t”, “I don’t know”, as if these are some kind of curses, something that cannot be expressed in any way directly, but only allegorically, in oblique terms. Even refusing a second cup of tea, instead of “no, thank you”, the guest uses an expression that literally means “I already feel great.”/2, p.163/

If a Tokyo acquaintance says: “Before answering your proposal, I must consult with my wife,” then you do not need to think that you are an advocate of women's equality. This is just one of the ways not to say the word "no". For example, you call a Japanese man and say that you would like to meet him at six in the evening at the press club. If he starts asking again in response: “Oh, at six? Oh, in the press club? and utter some meaningless sounds, you should immediately say: “However, if this is inconvenient for you, you can talk at another time and in another place.” And here the interlocutor instead of “no” will say “yes” with great joy and grab the very first sentence that suits him.”

In Japan, it is not customary to look directly into each other's eyes: women do not look into the eyes of men, and men do not look into the eyes of women, the Japanese speaker usually looks somewhere to the side, and the subordinate, listening to the reprimand of the boss, lowers his eyes and smiles. That is, in Japanese culture, eye contact is not a mandatory attribute of communication. Yes, and silence in Japan is not seen as a vacuum of communication, but is regarded as a sign of strength and masculinity.

The most characteristic feature of the Chinese style of business communication is a clear identification of stages: the initial clarification of positions, their discussion and the final stage. At the first stage, considerable attention is paid to the appearance of partners and their behavior. This allows you to determine the status of each of the participants in communication and identify priorities. In business contacts, the "spirit of friendship" is especially important for the Chinese. By identifying those who sympathize with the Chinese side, they try to influence other participants in business communication through these people. At the second stage, experts in the most diverse fields of knowledge (finance, economics, politics, social issues) take part in the discussion process, so Chinese delegations are usually very numerous. Chinese businessmen usually don't open their cards right away and always have quite a lot of possible concessions in reserve when discussing. But these concessions are made at the very end of the meeting, when it already seems to the partner that business communications have reached an impasse. Approval of the agreements reached by higher or central authorities is mandatory. The third stage - the stage of the conclusion of the transaction - occurs, as a rule, in an informal setting, often even in the home circle. The Chinese side attaches great importance to the strict implementation of the mutually adopted decisions, and at this stage it often uses various forms of pressure.

Practical task. Reminder letter

A reminder letter is a service letter that is used when a partner organization does not fulfill its obligations or agreements.

Limited Liability Company

"New style"

16.12.2006 № 251-5

On the fulfillment of the terms of the contract for the supply of products dated November 1, 2006 No. 7/12

st. Kosmonavtov, 2, Buguruslan, 461630

Account 40702810548310202099 at Sputnik Design Bureau


TIN 5804028871

Director of the Orenburg textile workshop "Fabrics"

Mr. Ivanov I.I. In accordance with the supply contract dated 12/16/2006 No. 251-5, your company has undertaken to supply fabric (velveteen) in the quantity specified in the contract to our address by 12/14/06.

We inform you that at present this batch of fabric has not been delivered to our enterprise.

We remind you that in accordance with clause 2.3 of the contract, you are obliged to pay penalties in the amount of 0.01% of the total value of the contract for each day of delay. We kindly ask you to ensure the delivery of products to our address as soon as possible.

General manager

A.A. SidorovConclusion

So, the discipline "Ethics of business relations" today plays an important role in the training of specialists of any profile. This is due to the fact that politeness, tact, the ability to manage a communication situation in any job helps a person achieve better results.

In this paper, some of the important issues of the subject were revealed. The first section gives a detailed description of how a business person should behave in public places, such as the street, public transport and theater. The possession of such knowledge will help anyone behave with dignity in any situation and impress others as an educated, well-mannered person. Many business people also have to deal with more difficult situations - communication with foreigners. Here, as described in the work their difficulties. After all, these are people with a different mentality. To avoid problems, you just need to familiarize yourself with the features of their business etiquette. The work considered the features of the etiquette of several countries, which to a greater extent reflect the specifics of two opposite cultures - "Western" and "Eastern".


1. Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relations: Textbook, M.: Finance and statistics, 2003 - 130s.

2. Huseynov A.A., Apresyan R.G. Ethics: Textbook, M., 1999 - 472s.

3. Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G. Ethics of business relations: Textbook, M.: Infra - M, 2002 - 368s.

4. Kukushin V.S. Business Etiquette: Textbook, Moscow - Rostov-on-Don, 2005 - 266s.

In public places

In public places

In our country, the concept of a public place is used in the Code of Administrative Offenses. This name is mentioned in Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which describes petty hooliganism, which is formed on the basis of a disrespectful attitude towards society and the use of obscene language in public places. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, art. 20.20 states that the concept of "public place" should be understood as any objects of location of individuals. The comments to this article indicate that such objects include squares, parks, streets, stadiums, that is, those places where people can hypothetically be at any time of the day.

What does a public place mean by law?

  1. Place of congestion of people;
  2. Any place where people can be at any time of the day (including places of entertainment).

Thus, we can immediately say that this concept is considered to be very multifaceted. Indeed, initially, any place can be recognized as a public place, since all citizens of the country can use all territories (excluding private ones).

The legislation gives a very clear definition of public places, at the same time, this concept is procedurally not ideal. For this reason, it can be interpreted in different ways. Public areas may vary. And in principle, the constitutional right assigns to every person the opportunity to visit all places on the territory of the country. At the same time, there is such a thing as property. And if we are talking about private property, then it cannot be considered a public place, since access to such territories is clearly limited.

Why do we need the concept of "public place"?

In principle, in public places there is a certain congestion of people, for this reason, there is a peculiar need to supervise and control the relationship of citizens in such conditions. Note that the term "public place" itself is found in many federal laws. Even in the criminal code there are reservations about committing crimes in public places. Nevertheless, the main concept is introduced into the use of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, where there are several articles that are closely related to the concept of "public place".

In our country, there is a kind of ban on drinking alcoholic beverages in public places. At the same time, the legislation defining this concept is considered very ambiguous in the field of interpretation itself. Thus, it is sometimes extremely difficult to determine from a legal point of view which place is considered public. It is for this reason that the administrations of some regions are trying to issue additions in the form of decrees that indicate those places where drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. After all, the interpretation of the law determines that any place where strangers appear or may appear is recognized as public. The only exception is the premises of movable and immovable property, which is used for personal purposes and is in private ownership.

P.S. If you need to dispute the fine - click on the link. Professional approach, reasonable prices and high quality service - all this awaits you on the proposed site.

Rules of conduct in public places

In public places it is prohibited:

1. Smoking

Citizens are allowed to smoke in specially designated areas and it is prohibited:

o on the territory and on the premises of educational institutions, youth organizations, institutions providing services in the field of culture and sports;

o on the territory of medical, health resort and rehabilitation organizations and inside their premises;

o on long-distance trains;

o on seagoing ships;

o on aircraft;

o in public transport;

o at a distance of less than 15 meters from the entrances to metro stations, bus stations, railway stations, airports, sea and river ports, as well as inside their premises;

o in the premises of residential buildings, hotels and buildings for the accommodation of temporarily residing citizens;

o in the buildings of social services, state bodies;

o in the workplace;

o in elevators;

o in common areas located inside apartment buildings;

o on the beaches;

o on playgrounds;

o on passenger platforms for boarding and disembarking trains;

o at petrol stations.

The punishment for smoking in the wrong place is provided in the form of a fine, the amount of which is up to 1,500 rubles.

Punishment for smoking on the territory of the playground is punishable by a fine of up to 3,000 rubles.

Smoking areas must be equipped with the necessary equipment to comply with sanitary standards.

Petty hooliganism

This term refers to a violation of public order in the form of:

o expressions of disrespect to society,

o foul language,

o offensive harassment,

o destruction or damage to someone else's property.

Persons brought to administrative responsibility will be punished with a fine of up to 1,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

If the violator, along with the above actions, disobeys the demand of a representative of the authorities, then he faces a fine of up to 2,500 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

The punishment for drinking alcohol in an inappropriate place is a fine of up to 1000 rubles.

4. The use of drugs and psychotropic drugs without a doctor's prescription, as well as the consumption of intoxicating substances

Violators face a fine of up to 5,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

If the specified offense was committed by a foreigner or a stateless person, then in addition to a fine or arrest, the offender will be punished by administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation.

Rules for sex in public places

Appearing in a state of intoxication

For this offense, a fine of up to 1,500 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days is due.

6. Organization of a mass stay of citizens in a public place, which caused a violation of public order

Organizing a mass event that caused:

o violations of public order, sanitary standards;

o violation of the order of work and safety of life support facilities, as well as the functioning of communication facilities;

o damage to green spaces, social infrastructure or vehicles.

If the organization of the event has caused harm to health or property, then, provided that the actions of the violators are not criminally punishable, the sanction is toughened to a fine of 150 to 300 thousand rubles, compulsory work for up to 200 hours or arrest for up to 20 days.

In cases where the described acts are committed repeatedly, the offender pays a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or is subjected to compulsory labor for up to 200 hours or arrest for up to 30 days.

So, we learned about the norms governing the rules of conduct in public places. Violation of these norms is punishable by a fine, compulsory work or arrest.

What is a public place according to the law


In the textbook “An Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Worldly Behavior,” the following rules of behavior on the street were indicated: “No one has the right to hang his head and downcast his eyes down the street or look askance at people, but straight, and not bent over, step and head keep straight, and look at people cheerfully and pleasantly with fine constancy, so that they don’t say: he looks slyly at people.

The rules of modern etiquette prescribe: all people on the street should be mutually polite, tactful and behave with dignity.

When leaving the house, even for a moment, you should be dressed in clean and decent clothes.

You should move along the street, keeping to the right side. Take moderate steps, keep your back straight, step gently from heel to toe, do not stomp your feet or drag them. Don't swing your arms too much, but don't hold them still either. Active and violent gestures are not allowed, especially if you have any objects in your hands (umbrella, briefcase, bag, etc.)

The main commandment of behavior on the street is respect for the one you meet.

You should not rush along the footpath from side to side and convulsively cross the roadway. Especially beware of crashing into an oncoming dense flow of pedestrians. In addition, it is necessary to be very careful in transitions, at the side of the road and at intersections - here one should not dream about anything or "go deep" into one's thoughts. In addition, by “disconnecting” from controlling your behavior, you run the risk of colliding with other people, because the street is not the most unsafe place.

If you unwittingly caused inconvenience to someone (pushed, stepped on the foot, etc.), then you should immediately apologize politely and clearly. If this happened to you and the person who caused the inconvenience apologized, then it is acceptable to answer: “Please”, “Don't worry”.

Having met his acquaintance on the street, older in age or social status, or simply in a hurry and wanting to talk to him, a tactful person should join him, and not stop him. However, before that, you should ask if he objects to such "accompaniment".

When meeting a friend who is accompanied by a person you do not know, it is necessary to greet both. If in such a situation you met a familiar woman or a person of high rank, do not enter into a conversation with them. You should do the same if you meet a close friend who is engaged in a conversation with a lady you do not know. If your friend is in the company of a man, he decides for himself whether to talk to you or not. A simple hello is enough. But if your friend responds to the greeting, and he continues to communicate with his companion, do not interfere.

Perhaps when you meet, you do not have the desire to enter into a conversation. Then you can limit yourself to one greeting, unless, of course, the person you meet understands your intentions. It is tactless to turn away, pretending that you have not noticed a person you do not want to see.

On the street, a man should walk to the left of a woman, a subordinate to the left of the boss, and a young one to the left of the elderly. In general, the place on the right is considered privileged. If there are three people walking down the street, then the place in the middle is considered the most “honorable”, the second - on the right, the last - on the left. A lady walking with two men takes her place in the middle. A child must always be between two adults, and an adult with two children between them. Remember that the child should always be where it is most safe.

A man walking with a woman, only in the extreme, can speak with the one he met. The exception is when this is a common acquaintance of yours. However, you cannot leave a woman alone: ​​she must be introduced to your companion. But a woman walking down the street with a man is not obliged to introduce him to an acquaintance she meets.

It is unacceptable to talk with an acquaintance you met on the street in the center of the sidewalk. It is also impossible to occupy the entire sidewalk in width if you are walking in a group of several people. It is better not to go in line, especially arm in arm - everyone should go separately or, in extreme cases, in pairs.

Indicators of lack of culture and bad manners of a person, his ignorance of the rules of etiquette - the habit of looking at people from head to toe (especially disabled people), criticizing aloud.

What is a public place according to the law: definition

their appearance, shout out lines different kind remarks to unfamiliar women.

In the case when the lace is untied, the button is torn off, or something similar happens, then you should not correct the situation in front of passers-by - it is better to step aside.

A tactful and well-mannered person shows respect for strangers on the street who need help. You should address such passers-by in this way: “Let me help you?”, “Can I help?”. These appeals should be made impersonal, i.e. do not call unfamiliar men and women in need of help "father", "grandfather", "grandmother", "girl", "woman". If you hear a refusal in response, do not offer help a second time.

Here are a few "don'ts" in street etiquette:

You can't spit

You can not eat on the go (ice cream, pies, sandwiches, etc.);

Do not litter with papers, leftover food, cigarette butts - there are bins for this;

women should not use cosmetics, comb their hair, straighten stockings;

Both men and women should not smoke on the go.

In the door.

If several people went to the entrance to the room at the same time, you should linger a little in front of the door, letting the older ones in age and social status, women and children, go first. So the younger lets the elder pass, the owner of the house - the guest, but the guest - the hostess. In the case when the elder offers to go forward to the younger - do not argue. If the statuses or ages of people are equal, then the first to cross the threshold is the one who is closer to him.

However, in an unlit room, as well as in restaurants, bars, casinos, a man enters ahead of a woman.

If the door was closed, it must also be closed behind you. It is impolite to close the door in front of the person following you. If he is a short distance from the door, then hold it open until he comes.

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What is a "public place"?

behavior in public places.

2. Etiquette of business receptions.

3. Presentations of the organization, products, services.

4. The art of the compliment.

5. Rules for presenting a gift.

6. Features of business communication with foreign partners.

A business person has to contact with other people in in public places: on the street, in transport, in state and non-state administrative institutions, the theater, etc. Although this communication is often short-term and impersonal, it is also regulated by the rules of etiquette.

Outside. On the sidewalk, you must observe the right side, do not interfere with passers-by. If it happens in close quarters or accidentally pushes a passerby, you should apologize. Questions like "How to get through ...?" ask politely. Thanks for the replies. If you are asked, then answer clearly and clearly. If in doubt, better apologize, refuse to answer. On the move, you should not stoop, wave your arms strongly or keep them in your pockets. Only in very cold weather can they be put into the pockets of a coat or jacket. You should not walk with a cigarette in your mouth, eat on the go. If you want to smoke or eat, for this you need to step aside. Do not throw cigarette butts or other rubbish on the walkway.

The maximum number of people walking in a row is three people, on a crowded sidewalk - two. Paired with a man, a woman takes a place on the right side. In the company of two men, a woman walks in the middle. The bag must be carried so as not to hurt passers-by. The umbrella is held upright.

If you want to talk with a meeting acquaintance, you need to step aside so as not to interfere with passers-by.

A well-bred person provides assistance to those who need it: he helps an elderly person, an invalid, his companion cross the street, go down a steep or slippery staircase.

In state and non-state administrative institutions. Entering the institution, they greet the watchman who is in the lobby, present the necessary documents.

Before visiting the institution, they clearly understand the purpose of the visit, the subject of the conversation, and prepare the necessary documents. If necessary, make an appointment in advance and arrive at the appointed time.

Men, entering the office, take off their hats. If there is a secretary in the reception of the official, then inform him of the appointment.

Entering a room where there are many employees, they quietly greet those who have paid attention and approach the right person. Communication between the visitor and the official must be correct and business-like. Even if the issue is not resolved in favor of the visitor, you should not slam the door loudly.

On the stairs, a man gives way to a woman at the railing, while he himself takes such a position in relation to her in order to help if she suddenly stumbles.

When meeting and talking with someone in the corridor, they take such a place so as not to interfere with those walking. They speak in a hushed tone. When leaving, they say goodbye not only to the business person who received you, but also to the person on duty at the entrance.

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