The most common height in men. A man of medium height. What is the average height of a man

Many people are interested in the question: how much should a person's normal height be? Let's try to deal with this issue.

The height of a person is the distance from the top of the head to the plane of the feet. Affects a person's height a large number of various factors, these are: heredity from parents, gender, age, environmental factors, diseases (including hereditary ones), lifestyle.

The ethnicity of a person to a particular group also affects his growth. So, for example, the average (normal) height of the Chinese is 165cm (for men) and 156cm (for women). The Dutch have very different growth rates: 185cm (for men) and 169 (for women). The smallest growth was in the dwarf tribe, which was found in 1970 on the Brazilian-Peruvian border, their height was below 105 cm.The lowest midgets are Juan de la Cruz, his height is 48 cm, and so is Gal Mohammed (57 cm). As for women, the shortest height was 30cm, Pauline Masters. At 9 years old, she weighed 15kg, with a height of 55cm. The tallest man was Robert Pershing Wadlow, at 22, his height was 272cm, and his arm span was 288cm. The maximum weight that he had was 223kg.

If we talk about humanity growth in general, then it is increasing. For example, in the 1950s, the average height of a person was 165 cm, today this figure has increased by 2.5 cm, the mass has also increased, somewhere by a kilogram. The biggest changes have occurred in adolescents. their height has increased by 3.5 cm in comparison with the 1930s. The change in height in people in different eras is called acceleration. For example, the growth of Neanderthals hardly differed from the growth of a man of the XXI century (160-165cm).

Growth hormone is responsible for normal human growth. It is also called growth hormone. Growth hormone secretion decreases with age. Most of it in adolescents during periods of puberty and intense linear growth, and least of all in the elderly and elderly people.

Here's how a person's height changes in different years of his life:

By the first year of life, men and women grow by 23cm.

By the second year of life, men and women grow by 10 cm per year.

By the fourth year of life, men and women grow by 7.5 cm per year.

At 5-7 years of age, men and women grow by 5.7 cm per year.

At 7-10 years of age, men grow by 4.3 cm, and women by 4.5 cm per year.

At 10-13 years of age, men grow by 4.5 cm, and women by 5.2 cm per year.

At 13-17 years of age, men grow by 5.1 cm, and women by 3 cm per year.

At the age of 17-19, men grow by 1.5 cm, and women by 0.5 cm per year.

At 19-26 years of age, men grow by 0.5 cm (as a rule, men after 19 do not grow, usually those who have had late puberty grow).

How tall should a person be to be considered normal?

Dwarf height - below 129.9cm for men and below 121.9cm for women

Very small - 130-149.9cm for men and 121-139.9cm for women

Small height - 150-159.9cm for men and 140-148.9cm for women

Below the average rate - 160-163.9 cm in men and 149-152.9 cm in women

Average height - 164-166.9cm for men and 153-155.9cm for women

Above the average norm - 167-169.9 cm in men and 156-158.9 cm in

Scientists have identified the states with the tallest and lowest inhabitants on earth and told what factors affect human growth.
A large-scale study conducted by the scientific community NCD Risk Factor Collaboration with the participation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Imperial College London, showed that the country with the tallest men in the world (average height - 182.5 cm) is the Netherlands, and the tallest women ( 169.8 cm) live in Latvia. In contrast, the shortest men (159.8 cm on average) were found in East Timor, while women (149.4 cm) were found in Guatemala.
More than 800 scientists took part in the study, which are based on more than 1500 sources, including data from state medical and military research, tracked how the average height of an adult (over 18 years old) changed in 200 countries of the world from 1914 to 2014.


As a result, it turned out that at the moment there is a jump in the growth of people: for example, over the past 100 years, the average height of the inhabitants of the Earth has increased by 11 cm.In men it is 177.5 cm, and in women - 164.4 cm. Iranian men, who are on average 16 cm taller, and South Korean women, whose average height increased by 20 cm.

We add that, on average, men around the world turned out to be 12 cm taller than women.

Fully dozens of countries with the tallest men and women look like this:

Countries with the tallest men
1. Netherlands (182.5 cm)
2. Belgium (181.7)
3. Estonia (181.6)
4. Latvia (181.4)
5. Denmark (181.4)
6. Bosnia and Herzegovina (180.9)
7.Croatia (180.8)
8.Serbia (180.6)
9. Czech Republic (180.1)
10. Germany (179.9)

Countries with the tallest women
1. Latvia (169.8 cm)
2. Estonia (168.7)
3. Netherlands (168.7)
4. Czech Republic (168.5)
5. Serbia (167.7)
6. Slovakia (167.5)
7. Denmark (167.2)
8. Lithuania (166.6)
9.Ukraine (166.3)
10. Belarus (166.3)

As you can easily see, Russia did not enter any of the top 10. The growth of Russians has increased over the past 100 years: for example, women have become taller by 11.7 cm (from 153.6 cm in 1914 to 165.3 in 2014), and men - by 9.7 cm (from 167 cm to 176 , 5 cm). However, in the overall ranking, the Russians took only 23rd place, and the Russians did 44th. We also add that Russia turned out to be lower than Belarus (men - 178.4 cm, women - 166.3 cm) and Ukraine (men - 178 cm, women - 166.3 cm).

Is it good to be tall?

After analyzing the data obtained during the study, scientists came to the conclusion that tall people live longer, get sick less often, have a more stable psyche, a good education and high salaries. In addition, a person's growth depends not only on his heredity, but also on living conditions: this, according to experts, explains the fact that people in more prosperous countries are on average higher. However, being tall has its drawbacks: according to one of the study participants, Professor Eliot Riboli from Imperial College London, in some cases it increases the risk of cancer.

Man's height

Man's height or human body length- the distance from the apex of the head to the plane of the feet. In anthropology, growth is one of the general anthropometric features. Included in the list of indicators of human physical development.

Human growth is influenced, among other things, by environmental factors, heredity from parents, hereditary diseases, age, gender. Also, growth can be influenced by belonging to a particular race and nation. So, for example, the average height of urban Chinese is 158 cm (for men) and 147 cm (for women), and the average height of Dutch people is 184.8 cm and 168.7 cm, respectively.

Growth process

Some dwarfs became famous in military affairs. King Gustav Adolf of Sweden, for example, kept a whole regiment of dwarf soldiers in his army.

A big increase

By itself, high growth is not yet a sign of gigantism - a serious illness caused by excessive production of growth hormone. Healthy people with gigantic growth (200 cm and more) differ from people of average height only by their height. And people who are sick with gigantism also differ in proportions.

The tallest person for whom there is reliable evidence was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, pc. Illinois, USA. When his height was measured on June 27, 1940, he was 2.72 m with an arm span of 2.88 m. His maximum recorded weight reached 223 kg.

Common rubrication of human body length (height)

Height Man Female
Dwarf below 150 cm below 140 cm
Very low 150-159.9 cm 140-149.9 cm
Short 160-169.9 cm 150-159.9 cm
Below the average 170-173.9 cm 158-162.9 cm
Average 174-176.9 cm 162-166.9 cm
Above the average 177-179.9 cm 167-169.9 cm
High 180-189.9 cm 170-179.9 cm
Very tall 190-199.9 cm 180-186.9 cm
Giant from 200 cm and above from 187 cm and above

The average height of a man on the planet is 175 cm, and a woman is 162 cm.

Average age-related changes in height

At the age of 19-26, some men can gain 0.5 cm per year. Usually at this age those who have late sexual development grow up. In women of this age, an increase in height is rare.

After age 26, people may also have some increase in height - usually up to 2 cm.

On average, men grow up to 18-25 years old, and women - up to 16-19 years.

Sources of

  • Height- article from
  • Gigantism- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Notes (edit)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Russian people are no longer what they were at the beginning of the 20th century. If we just look at photographs from different periods, then this cannot be overlooked.

Such different people

If we look at the photographs of our compatriots of the early and even mid-20th century, we cannot fail to notice that modern Russians are seriously different from their predecessors. There is a difference in height and weight, even in movements and facial expressions.
There are indeed differences. And not only among the Russians. The anthropometric indicators of the people are not constant. Nutrition, the political system, economic stability, and epidemics can affect height, weight, figure and even plasticity. Wars have a serious impact on the anthropometric indicators of the population.
We will not go deep into history. In addition, the data, for example, on the average height of Russians until the middle of the 20th century, are not of a systemic nature. Although, we still know something. The historical and anthropological reconstruction of Denis Pezhemsky, which was carried out on the basis of archaeological excavations, showed that in the 16th-17th centuries the growth of the male population of Novgorod was 165 cm, and the growth of women - 151 cm.According to written sources analyzed in the study of Boris Mironov, the average height of Russian recruits at the beginning of the 18th century it reached 165 cm. That is, before the Russian people were shorter. You can come to the same conclusion if you look at the armor of warriors in any museum.

What determines height and weight?

What does the average population growth depend on? The main factor can be considered the economic stability of society, which in the old days was directly correlated with productivity. To simplify, then in the generation whose childhood, and most importantly, the first year of life fell on a favorable time, there will be higher anthropometric indicators. For a person's growth, the first year of life can be considered critical, it is much more important than, for example, the twentieth year, since it is in the first year that the greatest increase in growth occurs.

According to anthropologist Boris Mironov, human growth depends on the net difference between energy consumed from food and energy expended on needs throughout life. We can say that growth reflects a history of net consumption.

Mironov associates changes in anthropometric indicators with the satisfaction of the so-called basic human needs (food, clothing, medical care, and so on). The final average height of a person just depends on the degree of satisfaction of basic values. The better these needs are met, the higher the average height of the people will be.

How have Russians changed over the last century?


On the whole, it can be argued that, practically throughout the entire XX century, the Russians became taller. Sociologists associate this with global acceleration changes. However, already in the early 1980s, the acceleration process began to fade in most groups of the urban population of the USSR. By the beginning of the 1990s, in Moscow children, the increase in body length and weight, as well as in chest girth, had practically stopped, and then replaced by a decrease in indicators.

The largest study of the anthropometric data of the Russian population was carried out in 1974 at Moscow State University. According to its results, it can be seen that during the 20th century, the average growth of the country's population gradually increased, but there were also short-term "recessions" associated, first of all, with the period of collectivization and deterioration of living conditions. For 42 years, from 1916 to 1957, body length decreased 23 times compared to the previous year and increased 19 times, and weight - 24 and 18 times, respectively.
In all the graphs that anthropologists cite as results of work, it is clear that the most serious "leap" in growth began in the post-war period, in the late 1940s.

In 1960-1970, the average height of men in the Soviet Union was 168 cm, women - 157 cm.In 1950-1980, acceleration processes became even more noticeable in post-war generations. In 20 ethnic groups of the USSR, including Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Tatars and Bashkirs, the average height increased by almost 3 cm.If you look at the data only for Russia, then by the beginning of the 90s the average height of men was 176 cm, and women - 164 cm.

Eras of change

If we consider the main factors in the decrease in the anthropometric data of the population of Russia, then it would be appropriate to talk about the direct dependence of height and weight indicators on the political stability of the state. The most negative impact is exerted by global reforms, which have been carried out more than once in Russian history. According to the same Boris Mironov, "Reforms require a lot of funds, are accompanied by a breakdown in the usual way of life, a change in the norms of behavior and the system of values, a temporary deterioration in the work of all social institutions and structures." Thus, it can be argued that children born in the 90s may be shorter than they could have been if they were born in quieter times.

What influences?

We must admit for granted: people change. A modern man could have been recognized a century ago without any documents. Urbanization, better food, the development of medicine - all this makes a person literally taller and heavier. And not only in Russia.

Today's average growth rate in Europe is 11 cm, in Spain - 12 cm. The Dutch are currently the tallest nation. The average height of men there is 1.85 m. It is interesting that during the Second World War the Americans held the palm (1.77 m), but after the middle of the twentieth century in the United States, the dynamics of population growth stopped. According to the WHO, the average growth in Russia in the 60s of the XX century was 1.68, today it is 1.78.

However, it is too early to rejoice. Despite the fact that we are growing, other important indicators we have, in comparison with our ancestors, lag behind. According to studies cited by anthropologists at Moscow State University, today's adolescents are much weaker than their peers from the 1930s. Measurements carried out on a simple forceometer showed that the average Moscow schoolchild in the last century squeezed 55 kilograms, today the average has dropped to 36. Such is the "bell". We hope for the TRP.

Hello dear readers! You know, today we will touch upon a very interesting topic: the average height of a man in Russia. I'll start, as always, with the background.

I grew up in a happy and wealthy family. My mother often played one game with me: when we were just walking, riding the subway, or sitting and looking out the window, she chose one person: it didn't matter if it was a man or a woman.

So, drawing my attention to this person, we began to guess with her: who is he? Where does it work? How old is he? Married or not? What is his height and weight? Bad habits and more. "What did it give you?" - you ask. The answer is very simple: I began to intuitively understand people, I could immediately compose a psychological portrait of any person.

Over the years, I began to notice that I guessed a lot, often paid attention to things that others did not see, learned to read between the lines. This game helped me a lot in adult life, so I recommend it to everyone.

People all over the planet are very similar to each other, but at the same moment they are different. And salary, social status, it has nothing to do with it. Have you ever wondered why Slavic women are considered the most beautiful in the world? And the most passionate - Italian men? Still, the men of our country should also have something to unite.

Does a person's height play any role in his life?

I’ll say on my own: according to my personal research, I found that men of medium and short stature achieve success more often than tall guys. And the latter are more popular among women. Even if you read the research conducted by the men's gloss Men’s Health. More than 60 thousand guys took part in the experiment and it turned out that growth not only affects the number of partners, but also the quality of the act itself.

Scientists attribute this to evolution. Back in the days when women lived in caves and men hunted mammoths, it was the tall defenders who were popular. They could protect a woman, and get food, and become a protector and support.

An interesting fact: when women are looking for a man on a dating site, they first look at his social status, then at his appearance, and then at his height. But guys should not despair, tall or not, the main thing is to be a decent and worthy person. Probably 😉

In the modern world, tall men can be equated with success. Or is it all a big commercial move? What do you think?

Well, for some reason, no one takes pictures of guys of small and medium height at shows or in men's gloss, even in the modeling world, appearance is not so important as height. In my opinion, this is discrimination, as, for example, a guy who is already the last in the ranks of physical education at school will feel.

And it doesn't matter at all , even if he is much smarter than his classmates, he will strive to grow up early, to become more successful and better, those who were the first in the ranks. It seems to me that it is precisely this kind of discrimination that becomes the basis for the fact that then tall guys stand guard, and short ones rule the company, funds, banks, countries.

What is the average height of a man in Russia?

  • The average male height in Russia is 170 cm.
  • The average female height in Russia is 163 centimeters.

But in China, guys with a height of 160 cm were already considered tall, but today these indicators have changed a lot. I don't know what influenced the inhabitants of this country, but today the average height of a Chinese is 172 cm and above, sometimes there are guys with a height of 2m.

I'll tell you one more story on this topic.

I have an acquaintance, she is a very good, decent girl, from a very decent and wealthy family. An excellent student in life: a school with a gold medal, an institute with honors, everything is as it is written in books. And on her own, everything was fine with her, she constantly met with one guy, as long as I remember her, she went with him.

Naturally, we all joked that, they say, let's go, when it’s already a wedding. But the guy was in no hurry to take such an "ideal" girl as his wife. Once we were all resting, and I asked that guy: "What's the matter?"... He answered me that according to genetics, in the family of an ideal girl everyone is short, and he is afraid that children will be born midgets.

Honestly, I was so amazed by his answer, and thought: “How can genetics have such an effect on people's relationships? But what about couples who really have problems? " Of course, as you might have guessed, there was no wedding, he nevertheless proposed to her, and then a month before the wedding he said that he did not want to marry.

Cruel, right? And all because of the small stature. What, in your opinion, is normal height and does it matter so much to you? Share in the comments.

What determines a person's height - a short video:

Pursuit of the ideal

Discussion of the average height of a man in Russia is not so bad.

And what is the optimal average weight for a man?

It seems to me that our life is a constant pursuit of ideals, it is as if many different labels are attached to us, and they see how much we will correspond to them. Reaching out - you're cool, no - you're a loser. It's still good that we are adults and can be aware of ourselves and filter information, but what can we say about schoolchildren?

It seems to me that school psychologists and parents should deal with them. Often the latter forget about their children and try to realize themselves in a career, creative, family plan, but this is not about my mother, who completely devoted herself to the family.

Yes, many will disagree with me, they will say that I am an egoist, but I grew up as a self-sufficient man. There is a sea of ​​complexes in me, but my parents supported me in every possible way, talked to me on equal terms and always helped. So, I was able to survive youthful maximalism, a bunch of teenage problems and become who I am today.

Regarding middleweight, I'll tell you the story of my childhood friend, I think you will like it.

As long as I remember him, he always changed dramatically in terms of weight. Until the age of 20, he was no more than 48 kilograms, friends constantly laughed at him: do not go out when a storm is approaching, it will carry him overseas. But at the same time, with a smart look, everyone encouraged him: nothing, they say, soon you will grow up - you will add weight.

These words have become prophetic.

After the second year of the university, David began to weigh more than 70 kg, and then the girls went, buns - and rushed. Free schedule, own car, life according to the principle of work-rest-sleep-have sex, and friends have already begun to joke differently: “You've become something fat, brother! Like a pig, look at your belly. "... And all these conversations irritated David, and they were incomprehensible to me.

The last straw for David

was a meeting of graduates of our school, ten years after graduation. Constant phrases "Yes, you have completely recovered!" and surprised "well, you and the boar!" literally left him no choice. David decided to take care of himself and find his golden mean. Despite the fact that my trainer is in every possible way against diets, he advised my friend to try sitting on the Ducan, and he jumped at this information. I must say that the diet is pretty good (I never sat on it), but I think the guys will like it: you need to eat meat and plenty of it.

For 60 days, lived in harmony with the planned diet, he threw off 20 kg. Then David acted according to the classical principle: a gym membership, two months of active cardio workouts, then work with weights, with the aim not so much to maximize the muscles, but to make them work and bring them into shape. He continues training today, gets up at 7 in the morning - and forward. And then he walks vigorous all day.

Anyway, his life changed dramatically, he opened himself to the world, began to get carried away, already made 5 jumps, although before he was completely afraid of heights. In a word, no you, or apathy there.

From the point of view of psychology, I can say that my friend just believed in himself and began to live to the fullest. He is no longer surrounded by envious people, he simply does not communicate with half of our former company, he does not listen to their opinions, does not look for disadvantages in himself, but works and works on himself, every day.

Why did I tell you about his life?

It's simple: you will never be ideal for everyone, whether you are tall or short, thin or fat, there will always be people on your way who will "put a spoke in the wheel", instigate, scoff.

All these are obstacles through which you must pass with dignity. Move forward and be worthy people, and believe me, growth does not matter if you are a self-sufficient man.

See you guys soon! Who has not subscribed to the blog yet - I recommend that you do this in order to always be aware of the latest events! Invite your friends and we will discuss interesting topics together ...

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