Family soft school exercise. "Family soft school" as a means of introducing a healthy lifestyle and the formation of positive relationships in the family. Who will benefit from classes in the Soft School

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Review article based on materials from the Internet.

Quotes from the book of the founder of the Soft School, Ella Glushkova: “If a child is protected from difficulties, then when he meets the dark sides he will have a hard time. And they cannot be avoided. A person can break. Sometimes irrevocably. The main task of the Soft School is to help the child use the complexities of life for their development…. Soft school is a fusion of body-oriented psychotherapy, acting techniques and general physical training ... Children become calmer, self-esteem and sensitivity grows in relation to themselves and those around them. The level of aggression, fears and tension gradually decreases. Excessive shyness, the need to assert oneself through antisocial actions disappears. Organization and independence are increasing. There is a leap in the development of the child's coordination, strength, agility and endurance. Parents have less anxiety and overprotection, mutual understanding with the child grows ... How does the Soft School work? In the course of classes, problematic situations are created that need to be overcome. It is impossible to learn to be successful in the world of conflict without real practice of conflict. "

Family Soft School (SMS) is a safe play exercise for children and parents based on soft martial arts styles. These trainings reveal freedom, courage, sensitivity, flexibility and the ability to adequately get out of any difficult situation. Here, although there is a connection with mild martial practices, the child, rather, learns the rule "The one who does not participate in the fight wins." Such classes help to remove psychophysical muscle clamps at the most superficial level, and in the future they will help the child cope with difficulties of the social level, calmly respond to life's troubles, dodge troubles and get out of any problems: look for compromises, negotiate, discuss and make choices. It is impossible to slip away into cleverness and habitual defenses. We must do, move, decide. Otherwise, discomfort, inconvenience, or even bodily pain. But thanks to the game, everything is fun and easy. There are a lot of exercises and there are those that are designed for the age of 6 months.

Basic principles of the school.

The rule of three "T". Squeezing, creativity, difficulties.

1. Sewing(body contact): bodily praise, touching the child with specific thoughts and messages. To solve difficult problems and to be confident in himself, the child needs tactile contact with the parents.

2. Creativity: an individual approach, situational response, sensitivity to everyone and everyone, constantly inventing new problems and solving them.

3. Difficulties(what we overcome in the process of growth): "there is no problem - there is a task", we go where it is difficult and make ourselves pleasant, we learn to see the problem in any game and in any situation, we learn to solve these problems with interest and joy. An individual task is set, which must be solved during the lesson.

The parent himself does not give anything into the hands of the child. If you want - get it. At least climb - climb, but you have to climb down yourself. Found yourself in a new situation - decide. I am here, standing side by side, I believe that everything will work out for you. And the child overcomes difficulties. If the kid wants to climb somewhere - let him climb, the main thing is that he does everything on his own.

Five main groups of exercises.

The first three (pushing, twisting, sticking) are a kind of kinesthetic massage (massage in motion). It can be carried out from 15 minutes to several hours and have correspondingly different depth of results.

1. Pushing.

Mentally and physically liberates, removes body clamps, develops the ability to feel your body, the ability to dodge, keep on your feet from any pressure on any part of the body in any position and situation, the ability to move from the influence of a partner, and not from fear (the body responds to the most insignificant impact).

2. Creases and twisting.

Develops the ability to get out of any situation when gripping a limb and flow out into a comfortable position, as a result, body clamps are removed, flexibility, mobility, the ability to get out of difficult positions, the ability to leave through relaxation there and in a way that would not be expected at all develops.

3. Sticking.

Develops sensitivity, immediate response, attentiveness to oneself and a partner, relaxation in motion.

4. Acrobatics.

Develops the ability to fall correctly (softly), group or go into an unsupported roll on any surface from any position, to remain alive and healthy in any unexpected situation associated with a fall. Due to very slow execution in the first stages, fear and tension go away, relaxation appears, stiffness goes away, internal barriers are overcome, maximum motor naturalness appears. A person allows somersault to happen spontaneously, rather than doing it. When the body is relaxed, no fall injuries can occur. There will never be pain.

5. Crawling out.

Develops dexterity, accuracy of movements, the ability to listen to oneself, a situation and get out of difficult situations, develop their own crawling techniques, based not on struggle, but on the withdrawal of relaxed strength. You can start with the simplest pressing and move on to more complex types of blocks and knots, when it is necessary to combine work with weight, getting out of knots and painful ones, removing force.

Organization of the lesson.

In the beginning, everyone joins hands, bows - they express gratitude to each other. The coach announces the beginning (a short game that allows you to get comfortable and trust).

First, an adult performs this or that exercise. Then they explain the procedure to the child.

Almost all exercises are done on the floor.

There is no need to go into the soul and try to understand the reasons for the formed clamp or complex. Just going through various feasibly difficult situations that you want - you don't want, but you need to solve - you can't ignore the body, the child learns new ways of interacting with himself and others, hears himself, learns to solve any problems. They become interesting and desirable for him. The innate need for development and educational motivation is restored, maintained and increased.

The most important thing is for it to be a game. So that my mother would laugh, not freak out, not get upset.

Hug and kiss your child constantly after and during each exercise.

Starting with simple exercises, not going straight to difficult ones, this can lead to new clamps instead of the expected liberation. If you rush too much and set the bar too high. The child will stop even trying to learn new things. But also do not get stuck in simple exercises, but move on.

Family soft school- so called author's technique, invented by Ella Glushkova, a Moscow defectologist. Ella has systematized special physical exercises that parents can do together with their children from a very young age - from 6 months.

The peculiarity of play exercises is that they bring indisputable benefits to both ordinary healthy babies and children who are lagging behind in development, non-contact, aggressive ...

Exercise and play in close bodily contact with the parent helps the child get stronger, become more strong and dexterous... In addition, systematic classes using the Family Soft School methodology are a way to change for the better, become more contact, independent, learn to to interact with other people, become psychologically flexible.

Those of the parents who decided to study together with their children using the SMH method, after a short time could notice that they became understand better his baby, his needs, and the child became softer, his "thorns" smoothed out, which previously interfered with mutual understanding and communication.

Defectologist Ella Glushkova has been working according to her own method, constantly improving it, for more than twenty years. Regardless of the composition of the family, the age of parents and children, their state of health, classes in the Family Soft School help everyone. Both children and their parents, under the influence of physical exercises, awaken in themselves sensitivity and flexibility, acquire the ability to easily find a common language with everyone.

The basis of the system of playing exercises is, oddly enough, martial arts, or rather their soft styles, supplemented by gymnastics, yoga, fitness elements... Ella Glushkova is directly involved in the organization and operation of health and rehabilitation camps. It should be emphasized that all exercises included in the SMH system are absolutely safe, they develop both body and spirit.

Classes at the secondary school help the child learn to quickly respond to unexpected situations, find a way out of difficult situations, become more self-confident and self-confident. Exercise develops mental and physical abilities.

At first glance, classes in the secondary school look like an ordinary fun fuss of children and parents. They do not require silence, memorizing and performing certain exercises. Everything is built on the fact that everyone can develop their own skills, to be liberated, to release the abilities inherent in nature.

Classes in the Family Soft School are primarily aimed at obtaining joint pleasure: from the closeness of the child and parents, from joint exercises, from the constant positive coming from everyone around.

The son cried at first. Then they could not stop, he liked to play so much)) There is a lot of useful information about playing with children. The second day my son is jumping around the apartment like a horse))) I also liked it, especially the way our dad had fun with the child, like a little one. Before that, he did not understand how it is possible to play useful games with a child. Now we know that dad can be a bump, and a booth, and a tunnel and much more))))
Our family loved it.
Thanks Olga.

mother of two children, pastry chef

My baby and I attended the first lesson for parents with children "Learning by playing". One lesson was enough to look at communication with your child through different eyes. The lesson was held in a relaxed atmosphere, everything in a playful, poetic form, massage of hands, legs, body, gymnastics. Since we are just babies (our son is 5.5 months old), we lay either on a warm and soft floor, or on my mother’s legs or arms.
Olga showed the most important thing, how you can and should interact with your child, how important bodily contact is. There were play exercises, during which the child sits or hangs on the parent, and the parent crawls. I really liked the trust exercise when a mom hugs her baby and they roll on the floor together!).
Some exercises were performed in the child's arms, for example, running, walking on tiptoes, goose stride, and the mother also had to sweat a lot.
In addition to these classes, we also go to the pool and do it on our own, after the lessons taken from the coach. It turned out that I myself could not swim, because the child was constantly in my arms, but I really wanted to. After the lesson "Learning by playing" it dawned on me that we can swim together!) And we did it !!! I swam on my back, and supported the baby with my arms by the armpits, we did a great job!).
Thanks a lot to Olga for helping to look at the child's world and its possibilities with different eyes! We will definitely continue to go to classes and develop!)

mom 6 months baby

The lessons gave me a lot of joy. It was a lot of fun. She worked in tandem with someone else's child. I was especially amazed that there was so much trust between us that by the end of the lesson this girl was my friend. Playing together helped us to get closer and feel each other. And it also turned out to be a good physical activity, which you don't notice while playing. They came out of the hall wet and happy.

yoga coach

I would like to share my impressions of the lessons "Learning by playing". I was satisfied. My daughter played with pleasure, which surprised me. Through contact with other people, I came into contact with my fears. Thanks to Olga for doing such activities and giving the opportunity to open up, learn to play and communicate with her child in the game.

mom of 2, 5 year old daughter

I go to Learning by Playing classes because my daughter likes them. I suspect that she has fun on them and likes the teacher because she willingly makes contact with her and participates in showing exercises, if necessary.
The second reason for my walking is playing with the child. I hardly play at home, I don’t want to play with my child. I can do any business with her (household, work, etc.), but they are all very vital, but to just take and play, it is extremely rare.
Therefore, I fill the gap and get +1 in the karma of a good mother))))).

Swimming coach

Our family always runs to classes with pleasure and great joy.
Sometimes we get upset when we don't get it (
These activities are a new way to spend time with your own children. Very unusual. Children learn to better control their bodies, and we learn to give them more freedom, take less care and insure with or without)))
We just love to rave and cuddle. It's so good sometimes just to crush each other. He loves children very much)
The eldest daughter began to feel her body better (keeps balance). The youngest, finally, realized that someone could not always come to her aid and often relied on herself.
It's just very comfortable for me to escape from the bustle of the city and remember that I have two wonderful girls growing up and just play with them)
Thanks a lot!

"Sonny, today we are going to Aunt Olya!" - "Hurray, to aunt Olya, hurray."
This is how our preparation for the Learning by Playing class begins. The soft school technique, for our family, is contact with the child, contact with other participants. Before, I was distressed and did not understand why the child does not make contact with children. During the classes, I realized that I myself am in contact with difficulty, I make great efforts for this. It may seem strange, but this discovery was for me. Particularly important was the outside perspective on the interaction of other parents and children, as well as the fact that Olga, as a psychologist, very delicately draws our attention to the "usual" behavior in the family for us.

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