Sensory education of preschool children. Sensory development in early and young children

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood. It is this age that most researchers consider to be the most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us. Outstanding foreign scientists in the field of preschool pedagogy (F. Fröbel, M. Montessori, O. Decroly), as well as well-known representatives of Russian preschool pedagogy and psychology (E.I. Tikheeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, N. P. Sakkulina, L. A. Venger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger and others) rightly believed that sensory development, aimed at ensuring full-fledged intellectual development, is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

Sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation of the overall mental development of the child, on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for the successful education of the child in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of labor activity.

Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception, are the result of their processing. Therefore, normal intellectual development is impossible without reliance on full perception.

In kindergarten, the child learns to draw, sculpt, design, gets acquainted with natural phenomena, begins to learn the basics of mathematics and literacy. Mastering knowledge and skills in all these areas requires constant attention to the external and internal properties of objects. So, in order to get in the drawing a resemblance to the depicted object, the child must quite accurately capture the features of its shape, color, material. Designing requires a thorough study of the shape of the object (sample), its structure and structure. The child finds out the relationship of parts in space and correlates the properties of the sample with the properties of the available material. Without a constant orientation in the external properties of objects, it is impossible to obtain objective ideas about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, in particular, about their seasonal changes. The formation of elementary mathematical representations involves familiarity with geometric shapes and their varieties, comparison of objects in size. When acquiring literacy, a huge role is played by phonemic hearing - the exact differentiation of speech sounds - and visual perception of the lettering. These examples could easily be raised to the nth power.

The assimilation of sensory standards is a long and complex process that is not limited to preschool childhood and has its own background. Mastering the sensory standard does not at all mean learning how to correctly name this or that property of an object. It is necessary to have clear ideas about the varieties of each property and, most importantly, to be able to use such ideas to analyze and highlight the properties of a wide variety of objects in a wide variety of situations. In other words, the assimilation of sensory standards is their adequate use as "units of measurement" in assessing the properties of substances.

At each age, sensory education has its own tasks, a certain link in sensory culture is being formed.

Thus, it is possible to single out the main tasks in the sensory development and upbringing of children from birth to 6 years.

  • In the first year of life, this is the enrichment of the child with impressions. Conditions should be created for the baby so that he can follow moving bright toys, grab objects of various shapes and sizes.
  • In the second or third year of life, children should learn to distinguish color, shape and size as special features of objects, accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size.
  • Starting from the fourth year of life, children form sensory standards: stable, fixed in speech ideas about colors, geometric shapes and relationships in size between several objects. Later, one should be introduced to the shades of color, to the variants of geometric shapes, and to the relationships in magnitude that arise between the elements of a series consisting of a larger number of objects.
  • Simultaneously with the formation of standards, it is necessary to teach children how to examine objects: grouping them by color and shape around standard samples, sequentially examining and describing the shape, and performing increasingly complex visual actions.
  • Finally, a special task is the need to develop analytical perception in children: the ability to understand color combinations, dissect the shape of objects, and single out individual measurements of magnitude.

On the basis of these tasks, I have developed a system of games and activities for children 3-4 years old. It is based on complex classes from the book by M.V. Ilina "We feel - we know - we think."

The general structure of classes includes the following steps:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

III. Physical pause.

IV. Fixing the topic.

VI. Visual creative activity.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

In addition to the mandatory elements, additional ones are introduced: tasks for the development of various cognitive processes, facial exercises, imitation of movements and actions, guessing riddles, etc.

As an example, I offer one lesson.

Subject: Touch. Wet or dry

1. To teach, on the basis of comparison and practical training, to distinguish and depict various tactile sensations of a person (sensations of dryness and humidity

2. To learn to determine the name of the various moisture properties of the material, to establish the relationship between an object or substance and the sensation of dryness or moisture in an object.

3. Work on the ability to determine the name of wet or dry, based on tactile sensations, that is, develop tactile perception.

4. To form the ability to understand the learning task and perform it accurately.

5. Learn to accurately follow the instructions of the teacher, repeat the movements of an adult, develop general motor skills.

6. Develop observation, fine motor skills of hands, the ability to work with paints, instill moral and aesthetic qualities.

Materials for the lesson:

1. Demonstration: basins with warm water for washing doll clothes, soap, ropes for drying clothes, clothespins, sets of toy dishes, a sample of the “Tea Mug” composition, cut out of cardboard and decorated with paints (gouache).

2. Handout: wet and dry wipes for each child, a few pieces of doll clothes for washing for each child, materials for making the “Mug for Tea” composition for each child: silhouettes of mugs cut out of cardboard, gouache paint in four primary colors.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Game for the development of speech hearing “Frogs”

The teacher invites the children to play the game "Frogs". Children need to stand in a circle, then the teacher reads a poem with the children:

Here are the frogs along the path
They jump with their legs outstretched.
Saw a mosquito
They shouted: “Kwa-kva-kva!”

Children imitate jumping frogs. After that, the teacher invites one of the children to stand in a circle, close their eyes and find out who is speaking. At this time, one of the children standing in a circle says: “Kwa-kva-kva!” A child standing in a circle calls out the name of the one who just croaked.

Psychogymnastics. Draw frogs that hunt mosquitoes. They hid and froze. Caught a mosquito, happy. Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped into your palm. What will you do? (I will carefully put it on the grass.) Show how you will hold the frog in your palm and put it on the grass. Now tell me which frog is dry or wet? Why is she wet? (Because it lives in or near water.) And what will your hands be like after you release the frog? (Also wet.) What should be done to make the hands dry? (Dry them in the sun, dry with a towel.)

II. Familiarity with the concepts of "wet" and "dry"

Give the children small treats (fruits, berries, cookies, sweets). After the children have finished eating, offer them wet wipes to wipe their faces:

You got a little dirty when you ate candy. Here are the wet wipes. Wipe your faces.

Then give dry wipes to wipe their faces dry. After meals, always try to give children two wipes - wet and dry. Ask the children to take a wet one and wipe their face with it, then wipe dry with another napkin.

III. Exercise “Washing clothes”

For this exercise, you will need a basin of water, soap and various doll clothes, as well as ropes for drying clothes and clothespins. Collect doll clothes and wash them with the children (washing for them, of course, will be purely symbolic, in this case the goal is not to teach children to wash). Of course, for children it will be a real wash with all its attributes - from soap to clothespins, with which we will attach wet clothes to the ropes. Before washing, we ask the children whether the laundry is wet or dry. During washing, putting the doll's clothes in the basin, we again ask what kind of linen has now become. Now hang up the wet clothes. Then the children take off the dried clothes. Talk to the children about how you can dry your laundry (hang it on a clothesline, put it in a dryer, etc.).

What is underwear now? (Dry.) How did we do it?

(Dry it out.)

IV. Physical education minute

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

The teacher reads the poem, showing the movements, and the children repeat these movements after him.

Stay on one leg
If you are a solid soldier.
Left leg - to the chest,
Look, don't fall.
Now stay on the left
If you are a brave soldier.

V. The game “Bathing the doll”

The game is preceded by an introductory conversation to master the concepts of “living - inanimate”.

The doll is on display. The teacher asks:

What is the difference between Masha doll and our girls? (She is inanimate, she is a doll, a toy.) Olya, who are you? (Girl.) Vanya, who are you? (Boy.) You are all children. You, me, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents - we are all living people.

Pictures of animals are displayed.

These are living beings. If we do not know the name of the animal, then we ask: "Who is it?" What do all living beings have in common? (They move, they breathe, they can hear, see, feel cold and warm.) Now look how many objects are around us. They stand, do not move themselves, they have neither eyes nor ears. These are inanimate objects. About these things we ask, "What is this?" Try it, name all the inanimate objects that are in this room. Now name all living things.

Dolls are also inanimate, but when we play with them, they become daughters and sons for us, that is, they seem to come to life, and with them we do what mothers do with their children. Today we will bathe the dolls as if they were our children, as if they were alive.

Give the little ones water bowls, towels, and dolls to bathe and dry off. Emphasize (the word “wet” when the children play with water, and the word “dry” when they wipe the dolls. You can also give the children plates or saucers that need to be rinsed and then dried.

VI. Breathing exercises


The teacher reads the text, the children perform the appropriate movements and pronounce individual sounds, syllables.

We checked the posture - the children stand straight, legs together, head slightly raised.

And brought the shoulder blades - the children take their shoulders back.

We walk on our toes; children walk on tiptoe.

We walk on our heels, we walk on our heels.

We are walking like all the guys - they are marching like a march.

And like a clumsy bear - they go sweeping, waddling

There is another version of this game. Everything is carried out, as in the first version, the movements are accompanied by the pronunciation of the syllables “ah”, “oh”, “uh” to the beat of the steps.

The teacher reads the following poem:

Like a clumsy bear
Let's all be quiet
Then let's go on our heels
And then on socks.
Then we'll go faster ("Oh, oh, oh")
And then we'll move on to running.

Toddlers run, then stop, saying, “Uhh,” and a little later, they say, “Ah!”

VII. Drawing with paints. Composition “Mug for tea”

For drawing, you need to prepare for each child gouache paints of four colors, diluted to a state of liquid sour cream, silhouettes of mugs cut out of cardboard (you can use different colors, but it is desirable that they be light pastel shades), and wet wipes for wiping hands. The teacher also needs gouache paints, a silhouette of a mug, a napkin and a ready-made sample of an already decorated mug.

The teacher announces to the children that now they will learn how to decorate a mug for tea. The teacher first shows a silhouette that has not yet been painted, and then a finished sample.

In order to decorate a mug with such peas, they do not need brushes. Guess how we will draw polka dots? That's right, we will make them with our hands, and more precisely, with the help of fingers: you will need to dip your fingers and the paint that you like best. Like this (an adult dips his index finger into liquid gouache and puts an imprint on the silhouette of the mug). And so several times. You can decorate the mug with peas of different colors. Then, having put prints of one color, you need to wipe the finger with which we painted with a wet napkin so that it becomes clean, and only after that dip your finger into paint of a different color and continue to draw polka dots on the same mug.

After the teacher tells and demonstrates all the stages of decorating the mug, the children get to work. In this work, the help of the educator is usually not required, except for wiping the children's hands in time. In case one of the kids wants to decorate another mug or two, here are a few spare mug templates to offer to these prolific artists. Upon completion of the work, all the work must be dried and an exhibition of tea mugs should be arranged.

A sample of the finished mug is shown in Figure 1.

VIII. Summary of the lesson

What do you remember? What did you like?

Children remember what was said in the lesson, tell what they learned, what they especially liked, what sensations they remembered.

When the child goes to wash his hands, ask him what kind of hands he has now and what they will become later. Try to have the baby use the words “dry” and “wet” in speech.

Irina Kolchurina
Sensory development of preschoolers

Sensory development preschooler ov.

Period preschool childhood is a period of intense sensory development child - improving his orientation in the external properties and relationships of objects and phenomena, in space and time.

Perceiving objects and acting with them, the child begins to more and more accurately evaluate their color, shape, size, weight, temperature, surface properties, etc. sensory development in early childhood and preschool childhood is hard to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us. Outstanding foreign scientists in the field preschool pedagogy(F. Froebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroly, as well as well-known representatives of the national preschool pedagogy and psychology (E. I. Tikheeva, A. V. Zaporzhets, A. P. Usova, N. P. Sakkulina, etc.) rightly believed that sensory education aimed at providing a full sensory development, is one of the main preschool education.

Sensory development of a preschooler includes two interrelated aspects - the assimilation of ideas about the various properties and relationships of objects and phenomena and the mastery of new perception actions that allow one to perceive the world around us more fully and dissected.

Diverse sensory experience preschoolers received in the process of teaching elementary mathematics. They encounter various properties of objects, their spatial arrangement.

assimilation sensory standards for preschoolers carried out in new for them activities and special learning: in the process of drawing, application, modeling, design, i.e. productive activity. Touch standards are ideas developed by mankind about the main varieties of properties and relationships. The child learns generalized,

abstract standards of form, color, size, etc., fixed in the word. The word-name fixes sensory standard, fixes it in memory, makes its application more conscious and accurate. By the end preschool childhood, the child knows and uses the names of color standards, geometric shapes, sizes (large, small, smallest). Moreover, at first, children learn only some standards: circle and square, red, yellow, green and blue colors. Much later, ideas about a triangle and an oval, orange, blue and purple colors are formed. When certain standards are mastered, the child, when perceiving new objects, interrupts them, as it were, to the standards known to him. For example, preschooler, having ideas about the square, but not knowing the trapezoid and rectangle, perceives these figures as squares, if their differences from the square are not too great. Having learned, red and yellow colors as standards, he perceives orange as yellow or red.

The child not only gets acquainted with individual standards of form and color. He learns that the same form can vary in the size of the angles, the length of the sides; colors change in shades; he gets acquainted with color combinations.

Development of sensory children's mathematical ability

First junior group (2-3 years).

Manipulating objects, children of the second year of life get acquainted with a variety of properties: size, shape, color. In most cases, initially the child performs the task by chance, autodidacticism is triggered. The ball can only be pushed into a round hole, a cube into a square hole, etc. The child is interested in the moment the object disappears, and he repeats these actions many times.

At the second stage, through trial and error, children place inserts of various sizes or various shapes in the appropriate nests. Here, too, autodidacticism plays a significant role. The child manipulates objects for a long time, trying to squeeze a large round insert into a small hole, etc. Gradually, from repeated chaotic actions, he proceeds to preliminary trying on the inserts. The kid compares the size or shape of the liner with different nests, looks for an identical one. Preliminary fitting indicates a new stage in sensory development of the child.

Ultimately, children begin to match objects visually: repeatedly look from one object to another, carefully selecting the liners of the required size and shape.

The pinnacle of the achievements of children in the second year of life is the fulfillment of tasks but the correlation of dissimilar objects by color. There is no longer that autodidacticism that took place when correlating objects according to size or shape. Only repeated purely visual comparison allows the child to perform the task correctly. The movement of the hands of children becomes more difficult. If before the child simply laid out objects

or placed rather large liners in the corresponding nests, now, in order to "plant" in a small opening of the fungus, subtle hand movements are needed under the control of sight and touch.

Tasks for grouping objects by size, shape, color become available to children when they can keep in mind the conditions for performing an action. Children remember that they must not only reverse two types of objects and put them in different places, but also take into account their shape, size and color.

Initially, children are offered additional landmarks: lay out small circles on a narrow path, large circles on a large one, etc. Kids quickly get used to tasks with two conditions and later move on to grouping objects without additional guidelines.

For children of the third year of life, tasks are provided, in the course of which the ability to group homogeneous objects by size, shape, and color is consolidated. Often, both grouping and correlation are included in one game - an activity.

Tasks for sensory education are included not only in the subject, but also in elementary productive activities - drawing, laying out a mosaic. Given the increased opportunities for children, they are invited to choose two varieties of objects out of four possible.

Placement of tabs of different sizes and shapes is carried out by children in two ways. In the first case, objects of the same variety are first selected, then the remaining liners are laid out in nests. This method is not only simpler, but also more time-saving. In the second case, the children take the liners in a row and look for the corresponding nest for each. It is desirable that every child learn both ways. Children who do not know the second method, in the future

find it difficult to alternate objects on one or another basis.

Laying out the mosaic, the child not only takes into account the various sensory properties of objects, but also carries out rather subtle movements of the fingers.

For outdoor play, it is important to provide children with a variety of material: molds, scoops, buckets, different in shape and size, dolls and cars of two contrasting sizes, natural material. During games with sand and water, to consolidate children's ideas about shape and size.

When dressing and undressing, in everyday situations, in games with didactic toys, use adjectives denoting color, size, shape.

In the classroom, applique, modeling, designing. Introduce children to geometry forms: ball, cone, cylinder; circle, square, triangle. It is also important to introduce didactic books for younger children on topics "The form", "Color", "The size". Strengthen your understanding of these words.

Second junior group (34 years).

The games and exercises offered for children of the second younger group are designed mainly for an initial acquaintance with the six colors of the spectrum, five geometric shapes, and the ratios of three to five homogeneous objects in size. It is important to preschoolers got clear ideas about these properties, learned to recognize them in different situations and options (which suggests a generalization of color, shape, ratio of magnitudes).

Particular attention at this age is paid to the assimilation and correct use of the names of properties and objects. (colors, shapes, sizes). Part of the tasks is aimed at teaching children to apply the received ideas in the examination and designation of the properties of real things.

After familiarizing yourself with the six colors of the spectrum preschoolers begin to get acquainted with light shades of flowers. The teacher makes sure that the children's ideas about the colors of the spectrum are clarified and generalized. (any color can have different shades).

Familiarization of children of the second younger group with the magnitude implies, in addition to mastering the ratios of magnitudes, development eye - the ability to pick up objects of the same size by eye.

Thus, all the proposed tasks can be divided into the following types:

1) tasks aimed at forming ideas about six colors, five shapes, relationships of three to five values ​​and mastering the corresponding names;

2) the task of using the acquired ideas for examining and designating the properties of real objects;

3) tasks for the formation of ideas about light shades (two shades of each color);

4) tasks for eye development.

It is desirable that when choosing games and exercises, the educator

used the specified task types.

At this age, it is advised to conduct classes-holidays sensory development: September 5 - Luppa - lingonberry; September 13 - Kupriyan; September 23 - Peter and Pavel - fieldfare; October 1 - Arina - wild rose. ; from October 2 - Zosima - patron of bees until October 10 - Savvatiy - beekeeper - bee nine.

Continue to work with sand and water on a walk and in a group. Acquaintance of children with the names of the simplest forms.

In modeling classes, for example for bears, sculpt bowls and cups of different sizes. When designing, build high and low towers on the table from cubes, and for classes, application sticking from

pre-cut squares of different colors of high and low towers

(at home). The top of the tower can be made from a triangle. Consolidation of understanding of the corresponding names of geometric shapes. At the end of the main part of the work, the child can stick or draw a character next to each house, for which this house is suitable in size. He can also draw curtains and flowers on the windows, doors and ladders, etc.

In the classroom for ecology, you can do it individually or as a group work. On three green spots of irregular shape (lawns) or in three vases, the child must collect flowers that have different colors and sizes, but the same shape (for example, cornflower, chamomile, tulip).

middle group (45 years).

In the middle group, games and exercises that help children learn about the various properties of objects become more difficult in several directions. preschoolers continue to get acquainted with the colors of the spectrum and their shades of lightness, use the knowledge gained in determining the color of objects. In the fifth year of life, children learn the names of colors with an indication of lightness, get acquainted with the location of color tones in the spectrum and their relationship, learn about the possibility of obtaining some colors by mixing others, highlight the blue color.

Acquaintance with the form involves the introduction, in addition to the five already known figures, of two new figures and, which is especially important, the assimilation by children of ideas about the varieties of triangles and ovals. One of the most effective types of tasks is tasks for the independent production of figures by children. New are also tasks on the relationship of visual and tactile examination of forms.

In the fifth year of life, children are taught to analyze complex (composite) shapes, decompose them into elements corresponding to geometric patterns. 9

In the middle group, introducing preschoolers with size, it is recommended to offer them more complex than in the previous age group, tasks: highlight the height, width of objects and other size parameters.

After the children have mastered the program material, they perform complex tasks when it is necessary to focus simultaneously on two features of an object - shape and color.

Senior group (5-6 years old).

The assimilation of shades of color by lightness by children continues, subtle gradations of such shades are introduced. (up to four or five).

Children of the sixth year of life must master the methods of examining the complex shape of objects, learn to give its consistent verbal description and recognize it by verbal description.

In this period preschoolers doing activities, requiring the ability to distinguish by eye quite complex varieties of the same geometric shape.

Tasks for the analysis of a complex form, its division into constituent elements become more complicated due to the transition from the analysis of images, consisting of elements of different shapes, to the analysis of images, including elements of the same shape and size.

In the older group, children's knowledge of the size of objects is expanding. Pupils perform tasks for building rows of ten elements arranged in descending order (or rise) one of the magnitude parameters, establishing a correspondence between two or three rows.

Significant attention in working with children of the older group should be given to creative tasks that awaken the imagination and imagination of the children. These are tasks for obtaining new shades of color, for inventing and folding figures from mosaic elements according to one's own design. ten

Olesya Rusalinova
Sensory development in early and young children

sensory development the child undeniably remains important and necessary for the full development and education. In the process sensory development the baby is formed perception, idea of ​​the external properties of others tel: the child learns the world through sensations, through various analyzers: auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile.

touch education is gradual learning sensory culture created by mankind over the centuries.

Preschooler in younger age does not manipulate abstract concepts due to undeveloped abstract thinking, the response to the perception of something is expressed in muscle reactions: it moves in accordance with the emerging images.

Therefore, the preschool stage of childhood is considered a period sensorimotor development(« senso» - feeling, "moto"- movement as a base on the basis of which mental functions: memory, speech, perception, thinking.

Problems sensory development of children of early and preschool age disclosed in the works of foreign (F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Dekroli, as well as well-known representatives of domestic preschool pedagogy and psychology (E. I. Tikheeva, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. P. Usova, N. P. Sakkulina , L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger and others).

Necessary sensory development and for social adaptation, during which the children learn to communicate, resolve conflicts, adequately respond to what is happening around. Sensory parenting in early childhood helps them learn to integrate sensations, to respond to them correctly.

sensory development- one of the significant tasks of a holistic pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution. sensory development underlies the mental, physical, aesthetic child development. Its purpose is to form sensory standards and abilities that allow a small person to comprehensively perceive the world around him.

Main task sensory development is the creation of conditions for the formation of perception as the initial stage of cognition of the surrounding reality.

Specially created conditions - in the process of conducting classes and in everyday life - make it possible to ensure the accumulation of a variety of visual, auditory, tactile impressions, to form elementary ideas about the main varieties of size (large - small, shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white). As a result, it becomes possible to form the ability to distinguish various properties of objects, focusing on color, shape, size, sounds, texture, etc.

The child is not yet fluent in speech, so the main means of expressing thoughts and feelings are direct actions.

The main method of organizing games-classes is to stimulate interest in certain toys, didactic materials, primarily aids made of wood (matryoshka dolls, large and small, pyramids, insert cubes, boards with holes of various sizes or shapes with sets of tabs, tables with mushrooms and mosaic).

The role of didactic games in sensory education is very big. A didactic game helps a child learn how the world around him works and expand his horizons. Didactic games perform a function - control over the state sensory development of children. Thus, it can be confidently stated that the leading form sensory education are didactic games. Only with a certain system of conducting didactic games can one achieve sensory development.

In special classes, participating in didactic games, children accumulate sensory impressions learn to recognize, systematize, expand and use them in practice.

Didactic games in the classroom take into account age characteristics of children:

Plots should be interesting, but not too difficult to understand;

Be sure to use various objects of small sizes - sticks, figurines, cubes;

Verbal designations of an elementary quantity are repeated many times;

when naming the criterion, gestures are used - pointing (if there is only one item) and outlining (the more objects in the group, the wider the child circles it with his hand);

Be sure to introduce productive activities - modeling, applique, drawing.

Games for training different types of perception

The purpose of these exercises and games is to development of tactile(surface) sensitivity, as well as visual and auditory perception.

Give your child a piece of foil, let him rumple it, then smooth the foil back together. Rustle with a piece of foil in the process of crushing it. If the child is already talking, discuss what the foil sounds like.

Cereals, dried beans, cones, chestnuts. A variety of forms of the listed objects will give scope not only to the experienced sensations, but also to the flight of fantasy. Discuss what the child feels like when examining a chestnut shell or cone. (tingling, itching, pain). Let the child analyze the shape of these objects. Using the example of cereals and beans, you can practice in determining the sizes - large, small.

"Catch the animal"- a good exercise in a playful way, allowing develop tactile sensations. Invite the child to close their eyes, then take a soft toy (preferably small) and run it over the parts of his body. The child must determine where "ran through" animal - on the leg, back, neck, etc.

"Bag of Secrets"- an interesting game for training tactile memory, fixing ideas about the shape of objects. Show and let the child feel several different small items: beans, beads, cereals, pasta of a certain shape. Say the names of these items. Then ask the baby to turn away, and sort the items into opaque bags. When the child turns, ask him to close his eyes and feel for what is in each bag.

Our pedagogical activity is connected with children early age. Age of children from 2 to 3 years. It is this age most favorable for improving the activity of the senses, the accumulation of ideas about the world.

For improvement sensory development child, we try to use the most effective means and methods sensory education including them in work with kids. Already in early childhood, the accumulation of the child is of great importance sensory representations. Our task as educators is to provide familiarization children with color, shape, size, tangible properties of objects, musical sounds and the sound of native speech.

Tasks sensory upbringing are solved to one degree or another in the classes of all species: musical, physical culture, art activities, speech development, etc.. However, in these cases the tasks sensory upbringing is not dominant. To streamline experience children we conduct classes with a predominance sensory tasks.

In our work we use the following technology: information-communicative, health-saving, gaming, personality-oriented, research. Didactic material is selected taking into account the following principles: the principle of visibility, the principle of accessibility and strength, systematic and consistent.

Researcher N. N. Poddyakov believes that sensory upbringing is carried out in the conditions of everyday life, in the process of games, where, according to the scientist, there is a holistic perception of various phenomena and objects of the surrounding world by the child, where some properties and aspects of phenomena may not be perceived clearly enough, or not perceived at all.

That is why we put special emphasis on the skillful selection of toys, organization developing subject-spatial environment, the sphere of communication. Relying on age cognitive abilities children, we attach to the world of things. We teach something new and interesting, while using an exciting game form.

The child's world consists of real objects and objects. He learns the world by constantly using it and experimenting with its objects. It uses all sensory analyzers - taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing. The child at the sensory level comprehends the elementary laws governing objects. The new always delights and shocks, pleases and surprises. The more games-experiments there are in a child's life, the wider and more diverse his emotional world will be.

The task of adults - teachers and parents - is to help the child to know this huge world filled with interesting things and phenomena, to maintain a good cognitive attitude of the baby to the world.

Sensory development of preschoolers is one of the most important moments in the full and high-quality upbringing of a child. Many parents do not attach much importance to purposeful sensory studies, believing that the knowledge of the world, objects and forms will pass in a child of primary preschool age remarkably by itself, in a natural way.

Some even believe that classes are harmful, as they impose stereotypes and distort individuality. However, professional educators refute this opinion, providing indisputable evidence of the need and effectiveness of consistent and thoughtful activities aimed at sensory education of preschoolers.

Sensory Education - What is it?

Sensory education of children, according to the definition in textbooks and manuals, of various phenomena of the surrounding world and sensations that arise, understanding their meaning and properties, the formation of ideas about certain objects and their differentiation. The improvement of sensory abilities is directly related to the mental and intellectual level of the child. Therefore, sensory education is also used as one of the methods for treating problem children with delayed development of any age.

The sensory system of every healthy, fully developed person consists of five aspects of perception: touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. If we talk about sensory perception, then there are generally accepted standards that should be learned from an early age: geometric shapes, sizes, primary colors of the spectrum, etc. this is what sensory exercises for children are aimed at.

The main tasks of the upbringing methodology

Thanks to the sensory method of education, the child learns such concepts as:

  • shape and size;
  • color and quality;
  • taste and smell;
  • sound, music.

All this contributes to the flexibility of perception of external factors, the speed of analysis, attentiveness, and logic. The importance of these qualities can hardly be overestimated - already from childhood, you can help the child form the character traits and develop the abilities necessary for successful self-realization in society and a prosperous career.

Sensory education of preschoolers is necessary in preparation for testing before entering primary school. It was noted that children with whom they were additionally engaged in this direction adapted much faster at school and better learned new educational materials.

The enormous importance of human sensory perception is clear, it cannot be overestimated. Therefore, it is recommended to start the development of sensory abilities at a very early age, when the child is most receptive. It is at preschool age that the received information and ideas about the world around us are best perceived and processed.
Most authoritative scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology are convinced that early preschoolers for the most part affect the level of intelligence, speed and quality of mental. And, therefore, it largely determines his qualitative characteristics as a person and a future specialist in any field.

You can start doing the simplest exercises from a very early age - there are programs designed specifically for very tiny babies aged 1-2 years. Young children are very inquisitive, they like to feel everything, twirl, examine and throw, therefore they perfectly perceive activities in a playful way. But in principle, it is never too late to engage in the sensory development of a preschooler - it is much more important here to present classes in an interesting and accessible form.

The simplest exercises for the sensory development of children under three years old

At this age, the baby still does not know how to analyze - and should not. The development of a child is considered normal if he is able to distinguish the color, size and configuration of objects, give the simplest qualitative and quantitative definitions - “soft”, “hard”, “a lot”, “little”, etc. The crumbs are happy to join in the game-lesson.

But since for children of this age to keep their attention on the same subject or process for a long time, classes should not last more than 10-15 minutes. If the child is phlegmatic in itself, slow and serious, 5-7 minutes may be enough for him. After a while, you will be able to conduct another lesson, alternating topics.

  1. Pyramids and cubes. There are several options here:
  • on color - the baby must choose objects of the same color;
  • on the shape - to separate the balls from the cubes;
  • by size - fold the pyramid from a smaller cone to a larger one and vice versa.
  1. Imitation. Toddlers love to imitate adults and make faces. Show him a smile, and comment - cheerful, kind. Then frown, and comment again - angry, displeased. Let the child repeat all your grimaces.
  2. Guess fruits and vegetables. In an opaque bag or bag, you need to put a set of vegetables and fruits that are well known to the child: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, apples, oranges, etc. the task is to guess a vegetable or fruit by touch and describe its taste or quality. For example, an apple is hard, red, sweet, a lemon is rough, sour, a carrot is long and crispy. For older kids, you can complicate the game - guess with your eyes closed by touch who gave him a hand (mom, dad, brother, grandmother, grandfather).

Very useful games in the air with sand, pebbles, water, plants.

Sensory development exercises for children from 3 to 6 years old

By the age of four, the child already knows how to distinguish shades and nuances, compares various concepts, forms the relationship of an object with its qualities. In his vocabulary, stable phrases are formed, with the help of which he should be able to describe various things or phenomena quite clearly.

A 5-year-old kid learns to analyze, draw conclusions and conclusions. He is no longer interested in studying new subjects alone - he wants to communicate, discuss what he saw, hear the opinions of outsiders and express his own. Right now, group classes with peers, teachers and parents are important for the full and successful upbringing of the child.

6 years is the age when personality, character, habits and beliefs are practically formed. The foundation has already been laid - now you can only direct and supplement and correct the acquired knowledge and concepts. At the same time, one cannot overestimate the independence of a preschooler; his thinking still remains immature. A well-designed program of sensory perception classes, designed for children of this age, is very important for comprehensive, high-quality development.

  1. Funny balls. Inflatable balls need to be filled with various fillers - flour, buckwheat, peas, beans, sugar. With each type of filler, two balls should be made, mix them and put them in a bowl. The child must guess the contents by touch and find a pair of bags.
  2. Name a letter. Sit the child on a chair or lay him on the sofa with his bare back up and slowly write the letters of the alphabet with your finger. The preschooler must guess them. You can play with numbers the same way.
  3. Coincidence. Better to play in a group. Each of the participants is offered a bag with different items. First you need to feel for one of them with your eyes closed, describe it and guess what it is - for example, a round tennis ball made of felt. Then name and describe objects of similar qualities and shapes - for example, an apple is also hard and round, a carpet is the same rough, etc.

The game “in words and associations” also develops excellently - an adult calls the word, and the child - associations that are suitable in meaning. For example, "night" - "dark, sleep, stars, moon."


So, the sensory development of a preschooler is a necessary and important event if you are concerned about the future of the child, his school performance, the full and deep development of potential talents and abilities, self-realization in adulthood. It is impossible not to note one more positive side of such activities: the child is in contact with parents, which contributes to warmer, more trusting relationships in the family, with peers - this forms the skills of behavior in society, in different situations, including conflicts. Finally, it is a training of discipline, mindfulness and perseverance.

Many parents teach children not to perceive objects, but only to use other people's knowledge. For example, instead of going to the zoo, they give the baby a book with pictures of animals, thereby distorting the basic understanding of the outside world in their own children.

Sensory development must begin from the first days of life.

So what is sensory development and why is it so important for children?

According to dictionaries, sensory development is a set of ideas about the various properties and qualities of an object. For example, these are taste, color, smell, shape, size, tactile sensations, and so on. At an early age, sensory development serves as the basis for intellectual development.

That is why it is so important from an early age to teach children to perceive objects and phenomena not in a distorted (descriptive-bookish) form, but in their realistic form.

Sensory development includes such parameters

How to stimulate the development of a child at a particular age?

Up to a year

At this age, it is especially important for children to receive new experiences. Therefore, caring parents need to surround the child with all the necessary conditions: bright toys of various colors, shapes and sizes will perfectly fulfill the role of the first coach in development.

From 1 month you can start active activities with your child:


Children are attracted to sharp but not very loud sounds, so be sure to get some rattles or melodic bells. It is better to place the toy at a large (about 70 centimeters) distance from the child. At the very beginning, shake the rattle or ring the bell several times. When the baby pays attention to the sound, move the sound source to the right or left.


Suspension toys contribute to the development of vision

Place a bright and large object (such as a balloon or soft toy) at a distance of 70-80 centimeters from the baby. As soon as the child's eyes linger even briefly on the toy, gently move it to the side. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times with short breaks.


Have short massage sessions, and give your baby large and safe toys to play with (all kinds of blocks, large dolls and cars are very popular with children). When giving a toy, be sure to ask your child what it's called.

If this toy is new to the child, tell him: “this is a dog, he says wow wow” and so on. Then the child will form the first perception of the dog through the toy.

Children 1-2 years old

At this age, causal relationships begin to develop in children, which must be reinforced. You can buy special toys for your child that respond to pressure (cute animals that crawl out of boxes or make sounds when you shake the box are a great option).

Sensory toys for little ones

The main criterion is that the toy should not be dangerous for children, or scare them.

Rhythmic tapping will also be a great game. You can spend them at any time: while swimming, having lunch, watching a new movie, and so on. Thanks to such activities, children develop not only a sense of rhythm, but also the ability to listen to other people.

In addition, at this age, you can start introducing your child to animals: instead of showing your baby photos of exotic animals, take him to the zoo.

Going to the zoo and getting to know wildlife is an important stage in sensory development.

Let the children form a true idea of ​​a small group of animals better than he will draw incorrect knowledge from books, gradually turning into a theoretician who is not able to fantasize.

Drawing will also help develop the child's imagination. Remember that you can draw with almost anything: pencils, felt-tip pens, various paints, colored salt dough, multi-colored sand, and so on. Do not forget to praise all the drawings of the child so that he has an incentive to develop further.

The use of puzzles also brings success: since it is difficult for a baby to handle small details, use pictures of the form a4-a5, cut into 4-8 squares.

Choose the type of picture so that the child has an interest in collecting it. For example, boys will like puzzles with cars or robots, and girls - with dolls or princesses.

Sensory puzzle mat for little ones

Children 2-3 years old

Usually, many parents start reading books at this age, fearing that before the age of 2, the kid simply will not understand the essence of the lesson, and he will quickly get bored with it. In fact, the acquaintance of the baby with books can be started from a very early age: first, read aloud different bedtime stories to the baby, then show him the pictures for these fairy tales. Thus, new concepts and images begin to form in the child (for example, when telling the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, the parent can explain to the baby what the color red is, who the wolf is, why grandmothers wear glasses, and so on).

Wooden puzzles are a great help

A great idea would be to use educational albums or books. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy them in a store for a lot of money: wonderful books are obtained even from unnecessary scraps of fabric, if you create an educational book with soul and imagination! What might be in the book?

Button appliqué game
  • Pockets with various small items that the child can feel (rice grains, small cones, tiny beads and any cereals are great). Remember that all pockets must be tightly closed so that the baby does not accidentally take out the contents from them and choke on them.
  • Zippers and large buttons can be attached to one of the pages. By fastening and unfastening them, the baby will not only improve fine motor skills of the hands, but also acquire skills that are useful in everyday life.
  • The same technique can be done with laces or ribbons: let the baby thread them into holes or tie them in a knot, thereby training his eye.
  • For girls, a paper doll would be a wonderful idea, which the baby will dress in beautiful dresses.
  • You can attach juice caps to the page so that the baby learns to close and open them independently. This not only develops fine motor skills of the hands, but is also useful in everyday life.

Working with plasticine plays an important role in the development of sensory and motor skills.

3-4 year old child

At this age, it is time to thoroughly acquaint the baby with the environment and the basics of logical concepts. Thus, by the age of 4, the baby should be able to do the following things:

  • Distinguish from the group and be able to tell at least a few words about domestic animals (it should be not only a cat, dog and hamster, but also a cow, goat, pig, horse, and so on - at least 10-15 species).
  • Know the names and distinguishing features of several birds, insects and fish (try to choose not very complex names for study: shark, parrot, and so on).
  • Know the names and distinguishing features of 5-10 flowers and trees.
  • Distinguish natural phenomena.
  • Understand the basic materials from which objects are made (wood, metal, and so on).

Children love glass toys

Sensory development techniques

The following methods are excellent for teaching:

Frequent walks

Do not rush home if it suddenly starts to rain - this is a great way to explain to your child the difference between rain and snow, wet from dry and cold from hot. Also in winter, you need to “communicate” with the snow as much as possible tactilely: sculpt snowmen, make snow angels, play snowballs or just wallow in the snow.

Walking in nature with children should be in any weather

Using cards

Buy or print pictures of various animals on a color printer. Insects, fish, birds and flowers (for greater safety, the resulting cards can be laminated). Further, the games can go in several directions: you can look for a pair for each image (this task develops memory perfectly), play “find an extra object” (the child will learn to think logically, noticing the differences and similarities of any group).

Sensory box with grains and cereals was invented by Maria Montesorri

You can also print black and white cards and color them with your baby (then he will learn the material much better, because the manuals were created almost by hand!).

Hand-made games are especially interesting: for example, you can take small boxes or jars (from medicines, from kinder surprises, and so on) and fill them with various bulk materials: sand, beads, various cereals, and so on. The main criterion is that the sound emitted by each box must be different from the others. Next, you gently shake the box, and the child tries to guess what is inside. Another option is to make paired boxes (in this case, the baby must repeat the sound he heard).

Musical games develop ear and sense of rhythm

If you do not have time to make such games, use your own hands: let the child repeat a few rhythmic claps or clicks. Such activities develop both a sense of rhythm and imagination, as well as memory.

Preschoolers 4-5 years old

Having reached this age, the child must correctly and quickly fasten buttons and zippers, tie shoelaces and use all kinds of cutlery, be able to distinguish between all sides and directions, carefully paint over any figure, draw with straight lines. But how can these results be achieved?

  • Use of cards (as in the previous paragraph).
  • Offer your child coloring pages with their favorite cartoon characters or heroines. Also try to draw in the cells or draw half of the finished picture.
  • Don't help your baby fasten his clothes, otherwise he will never learn how to do it.
  • You can try to start learning a second language. This is best done with the help of thematic cartoons, role-playing games, cards and coloring books. Remember that the child needs constant repetition and constant communication, otherwise the knowledge gained will be quickly forgotten.

Sensory activities in the garden are held several times a week

Remember that the initial lessons should not exceed 40-60 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired and he will quickly stop enjoying the game.

Children 5-6 years old

A preschooler should understand all the surrounding objects: furniture, dishes, clothes, household and electrical appliances, plants and animals, natural phenomena, movie titles. The kid also needs to be able to solve simple everyday problems: thread a needle, sew on buttons and patches.

Also, do not forget to prepare the baby for school: take him to crowded places more often so that he is not afraid of large crowds of people, tell the child about the rules of etiquette and courtesy (all this will not only help the child make a correct assessment of his actions in the future, but also make friends with the team present).

Video. Sensory development - how to make allowance