Learning to be friends and create: how to make the application "Festive round dance" in the preparatory group. Summary of the application lesson in the preparatory group

Children 6-7 years old are pretty good at cutting out colored paper with scissors. Therefore, the application in the preparatory group is already more complex than, for example, in the younger, middle. Children can make birds, a snowman, fruits out of colored paper or fabric and carefully stick them on a white sheet of cardboard.

What skills will this type of creativity instill in a child?

The application in the preparatory group is designed to develop aesthetic perception, to continue to acquaint children with the objects that surround them. They not only know what birds, vegetables, fruits look like, but they can also recreate it all on paper.

At the same time, the child develops color perception, as he selects the most accurate shades. Application in the preparatory group helps to activate independence, creative activity.


The child will certainly like the idea of ​​​​making a bird, for example, an owl. Small parts are attached to her streamlined body, so this work should not cause much difficulty.

After the table is covered with paper (so as not to stain it), place glue, rounded scissors, colored cardboard and a pencil nearby. With the help of the latter, the child will draw the necessary details on the back of the cardboard. If he can’t cope with this task the first time, help him.

Turn a brown sheet of cardboard or paper of the same color on the back side, draw a circle, and on its top a slightly concave line. This will become the top of the owl's head. Very soon, an application will turn out from the first large detail, the birds may well be of this shape.

Next, 2 circles are cut out of white paper, they need to be glued to the top of the owl's head. Then on them - two smaller circles - these are the pupils, they will be black. Under the eyes, place the beak of a bird, cut out in the form of a triangle from orange paper. From the same material, make two oval shapes, glue them horizontally at the bottom of the body. These are paws.

As you draw and cut out the details with your child, tell him what shape they are. Then the son and daughter will learn the type and name of the figures well. Say that the wings will be an elongated oval. Cut off the top and sharpen the bottom. Glue the wings on both sides of the body. It remains to make small ears for the owl, and now a funny application is ready. Birds can be different - with a round head, oval body and thin legs. Tell your preschooler about this.

Modern technology to help

If you have a printer, you can use it to make the application. To do this, the desired drawing is on the computer, detailed, reduced or enlarged to the required size. Then the child will cut out the fragments with scissors.

Colorful flowers in the photo are made just in this way. Ready-made templates need to be attached to the back of colored paper and outlined. If the part moves, tell the child that it needs to be pressed against the paper with your fingers.

Then you need to remove the template and cut along the contours. In this example, the flowers are made from red paper, and the stems and leaves from green paper. Let the child show imagination by pecking the details himself. One flower in the center may be taller than the others and more leafy. Thus, you can conduct a lesson in a preparatory group, the application "Flowers" is more suitable for summer topics. If the task is done on an autumn theme, use a different idea.

aunt pumpkin

Application in the preparatory group on the autumn theme will help young talents to manifest themselves. Have them make a fun, full-bodied pumpkin. It can be made not only from paper, but also from fabric.

To do this, a square is first cut out of orange paper, after which its corners are rounded. You can make a pumpkin in the shape of a circle or draw a wavy line at the bottom, consisting of three ridges.

The base is glued to paper. Two small eyes can be placed symmetrically or at different heights, then the look of the magic pumpkin will be even more fun. For the mouth, two parallel semicircles are drawn on dark paper, cut out. It turns out a smiling mouth. You can draw it on an orange base with a brown pencil.

It remains to cut and glue the final detail - the ponytail on the top of green paper, and the application is ready.

Preparatory group. "Autumn": what else can be done on this topic?

Of course, this time of year is famous for mushrooms. Their kids will love it too. It is better if they recreate the whole picture on the canvas, where they capture a clearing, a corner of the forest. Fungus is very easy to make. Its white leg is an oval, and the hat looks like an umbrella or a semicircle. It can be yellow, red, brown. At this age, children can learn the names of edibles to help them.

If the legs of the mushrooms are white, then you can take a blue, light blue canvas for the picture. White wavy clouds will float above it and the yellow sun will shine.

You can add a touch of originality to the picture. Cut and glue the base for the tree - the trunk and knots. On a walk, collect small leaves, dry or iron them, let the child stick them on a tree. You can make a bird in the nest by gluing a real feather. If a preschooler outlines his palm, he will turn it into a bird. The thumb will become the head and beak, and the rest will become feathers. It remains to cut and glue only long thin legs and place the bird on a tree or next to it.

Application "Fruits"

In the preparatory group, children know the names of many fruits and what they look like. Continuing the autumn theme, you can invite the guys to cut out of colored paper and stick on the base those that they love the most.

Several grapes are cut out of green paper, then they are glued to a dark branch. Orange is even easier to make. To do this, draw a circle on the back of the orange paper. To make it even, have the child circle a suitable round object or template of this shape. When he glues the fruit, it remains to attach a small circle of black color to the side with glue. So the orange will become more realistic.

To make the apple also look like a real one, you can cut one half of it out of yellow and the other out of red or green paper. These fruits are placed in a vase or basket so that the child can see how they can be beautifully arranged not only on paper, but also on a real table.


Continue to teach children to create an uncomplicated composition; to arrange the image of a flower on a sheet in different ways. To consolidate the methods of creating a composition and the methods of gluing it, the ability to select colors for the color scheme of the composition. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty; develop imagination, fantasy, creativity through musical works. Cultivate a love of literature, music.

Methodical methods:

1. Conversation;
2. Consideration;
3. Display;
4. Explanation;
5. Reminder;
6. Artistic word.


1. Tinted paper (format ½ landscape sheet for each child)
2. Paper napkins of different colors, colored paper - crepe (for composition)
3. Glue brushes (1 pc. for each child)
4. PVA glue
5. White napkins (1 for each child).

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about literary genres: poems, stories, fairy tales.
2. Reading literary works.
3. Acquaintance with portraits and works of A. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, K. Chukovsky, H.K. Andersen.
4. Consideration of illustrations for their works.
5. Acquaintance and examination of postcards of field, garden flowers.
6. Memorizing poems about flowers.

Lesson progress:


Guys, look at this portrait. (showing a portrait of H.K. Andersen) Do you recognize him?


This is H. K. Andersen.


Yes. This is the famous Danish fairy tale by HK Andersen. What fairy tales by this author do you know?


Children's answers.


And what is the name of the fairy tale depicted in these illustrations (showing illustrations for H.K. Andersen's fairy tale "Flowers of Little Ida").


These are illustrations for H.K. Andersen's fairy tale "Flowers of Little Ida".


You're right. This is exactly the tale. Who do you think are the main characters in this story?


Children's answers.


Correctly. And what other flowers could dance in the ballroom of the royal palace?


Children's answers.


So I suggest that you become illustrators for a while and come up with magical flowers yourself that could also dance in the ballroom of the royal palace. Look at your tables, you see glue, paper napkins of different colors, colored paper - crepe (for composition). Think about what flowers can be obtained from this material. But first you need to remember in what ways you can create beautiful flowers.

The 1st method is twisting a strip of paper into a tourniquet;
2nd method - this is winding a strip of paper on an object (hand);
The 3rd method is rolling paper balls-lumps.

Here's how many tricks we remembered. Before we get to work, let's take a break.

Dynamic pause "Thunder"

(Children say the words in chorus and perform the corresponding movements).

Before us is a wide meadow,
(children spread their arms to the sides)

And above us the forest is high,
(raise hands up)

Pine trees to the right
(lower hands down, put them on the belt, turn the torso to the right)

spruce on the left
noisy heads.
(turn body to the left)

Thunder rumbled
(clap hands in front of you)

They ran quickly into the house.
(light running in place)


Have a rest. Now get to work.

Independent creative activity of children


What different, interesting flowers turned out. What can you say about them, Sveta? What do you think, Marat? Which of the works did you like Lyubamila and why?

The analysis of work is carried out by children. A differentiated result is summed up by the educator, but ends it positively.


I also think that all the works are original, magical in their own way and very beautiful. I even think that if H.K. Andersen were alive, he would also note how diligently you created new characters for his fairy tale. And now let's design the exhibition "Tales of H.K. Andersen" and place all your works there.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

in the preparatory group


1. Educational:

To teach children how to work in a new application technique - an application from twisted flagella.

Learn to create a composition using the entire area of ​​the sheet, harmoniously place the details of the application.

Strengthen the ability to work with a stencil.

Continue to learn how to combine various application techniques to create a beautiful, harmonious composition, using previously acquired knowledge;

2. Developing.

Strengthen communication skills;

Develop children's creativity

Develop fine motor skills of hands;

Develop tactile perception using paper of various textures;

3. Educational.

Raise interest in artistic creativity;


Artistic taste.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about insects;

2. Examination of paintings, illustrations, postcards on this topic;

3. Listening to poems, riddles of this subject;

4. Viewing presentations on the topic "What are insects."

5. NOD "Unloved animals"

Integration of educational areas: artistic creativity, knowledge, communication, work, health, fiction.

Material for the lesson:

Squares of blue and brown cardboard with a web stencil, strips of colored black and blue paper, squares of colored orange paper, sockets with glue, brushes, scissors, white napkins.

Lesson progress.

1 part. Organizational

Educator. Guys, now I want to tell you a story.

Once upon a time there was a little spider in the world. His name was "Baby". The spider wove itself a beautiful cobweb under a birch leaf. There he slept, there he met his friends. And the crown of the birch saved his house from the rain. But then one day a hurricane hit the forest. The spider almost died, as its web was torn, and he could barely hold on to its edge. The baby was thrown from side to side until the wind stopped. Without strength, the spider fell on a birch branch. He was left without a house, and the rain that had begun soaked him through.

I think the spider needs help to build a new house, make a beautiful cobweb and invite other spiders to visit.

How do you guys agree with this?

2 part. Practical.

Educator: now let's look at the spider that I got. Who can describe the spider: what parts is it made of, how many paws does it have, what shape is the torso, what color paper should be taken for the paws, torso, eyes?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's remember that in order to get a lot of legs at the same time, how should colored paper be folded?

Children: Accordion. (Answer followed by display)

Educator: And how to make spider eyes?

Children: It's boring to fold a strip of orange and black paper in half to make a square. And then, rounding the corners of the square, cut out circles. (Answer followed by display)

Educator: And how to make the body of a spider?

Children: It is necessary to glue the ends together at the blank of black color, rectangular shape to make a cone. (Answer followed by display)

Educator: And so, when all the elements of our application are ready, we need to put them together. (The sequence of work is determined).

Teacher: Now let's have a rest.

I ask you to rise - this is the time.

The head turned - it's two.

Hands up, look ahead - that's three.

We spread our hands wider by four.

Squeeze your fingers with force, unclench them - this is five.

All the guys sit down quietly - it's six!

Educator: Guys, we just have to make a cobweb for the spider. To make the gossamer beautiful and look like a real one, for this I want to introduce you to a new application method that we have not yet used. This is an application of twisted flagella. (The teacher demonstrates a sample he made of twisted flagella). I will teach you how to do it. To do this, we need white napkins and scissors. First you need to cut strips from a napkin. How do you think, why exactly from a napkin, and not from landscape paper?

Children: The napkin is soft. It will roll easily.

Educator: I twist the resulting strips of napkins with a flagellum with two fingers. Like this (shows). See how thin the flagellum turned out to be, it can be folded and bent in any direction, at any angle. Then we take the cardboard where the web stencil is drawn. Carefully, with a brush, we apply glue to the web stencil, trying to make thinner lines with glue and not going beyond the edges of the stencil. We take the flagellum and stick it on the cardboard, pressing it with a finger, gradually filling the entire stencil. If you try and do everything carefully, then you will get a beautiful, openwork cobweb for a spider.

3 part. Independent work of children.

Educator: Let's prepare our fingers for work.

Physical education "Spiders"

A spider crawls along a branch, Arms crossed; fingers of each hand "run"

And the kids follow him. on the forearm, and then on the shoulder of the other hand.

Rain from the sky suddenly poured Clap with his palms on his knees.

Washed the spider to the ground. We perform shaking movements with the hands.
The sun began to warm up. The palms are pressed with their sides to each other, the fingers are spread out, we shake our hands (the sun is shining)
The spider crawls again, The fingers of each hand "run"
And all the children crawl after him, on the forearm, and then on the shoulder of the other hand,
To walk along the branch. and then over the head.

Teacher: Have a rest. But before starting work, let's say these words: "I'll sit straight, I won't bend, I'll get to work."

Now you can get to work.

Independent work of children.

In the process of children's activities, the teacher encourages independence, accuracy, creativity. For those children who find it difficult to work, the teacher provides assistance.

4 part. Final.

After independent work, the children examine the finished work.

Educator: How many spiders we got! What a beautiful cobweb they have. It is not easy for spiders to live in the forest. Either the rain will wet them, or the wind will tear the web. And sometimes some child, not thinking about spiders, will destroy their houses. But the cobweb is so beautiful! Especially after the rain, when the remaining droplets of water sparkle in the sun, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. There is nothing superfluous in nature, so take care of every inhabitant of our planet, whether it be a small spider or a huge whale.

Between the birches a spider
Weaved a beautiful hammock.
And now
He's on a hot day
Swinging in it.

Application lesson in the preparatory group "My portrait" OBJECTIVES: Educational: Continue acquaintance with the types and genres of fine art. DEVELOPING: 1) Arouse interest in the search for figurative and expressive means that allow you to reveal the image more accurately, fully and individually (appearance features, character and mood of a particular person). 2) Learn to make a portrait from separate parts (oval - face, stripes or wads of crumpled paper - hairstyle). 3) Strengthen the ability to cut an oval out of paper folded in half. 4) Develop color perception (choose a color tone for the background in accordance with hair color). 5) Continue to develop the ability to evaluate your own work and the work of a friend. EDUCATIONAL: 1) To cultivate creative activity and independence, using a variety of ways to work with paper in the work on the application. 2) Make the child want to help. 3) Develop aesthetic perception. PRELIMINARY WORK: 1) Acquaintance with the portrait as a genre of painting. 2) Examination of reproductions of paintings by famous portrait painters. 3) Looking at photos. 4) Experimenting with different ways of working with paper in the work on the application. 5) Looking at your reflection in the mirror. MATERIAL: a rectangle of white paper for the oval of the face, colored paper for hairstyles and other parts of the face, a set of colored cardboard for the background of the portrait, glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, cloth napkins, samples of portraits. STUDY PROCEDURE. - Guys, do you know who a photographer is? - (A person who takes pictures of people). - Yes, a photographer is a person who photographs not only people, but also animals, nature, everything that surrounds him ... - A photographer promised to come to us today and take pictures of you all, but he got sick, and so I wanted to take pictures of you all. But I think we can get out of this situation, how do you think? - What should we do? -(You can draw yourself, make from an application or bring a finished photo from home.) - Thank you for telling me how to get out of this situation. So, each of you will have to make your own portrait. I will remind you what it is. If you see that someone is looking at us from a picture - A pilot or a ballerina, Or Kolka is your neighbor - Be sure the picture is called a portrait. - Please note that the portrait should be such that anyone, looking at it, could find out who is depicted on it. - All your works will be placed in our corner. - Everything you need to do the job is on your desks. The background for the portrait will be colored cardboard. First, let's clarify which background is right to choose? You have light and dark colored cardboard on your tables. If you are fair-haired, what color of cardboard do you choose? - (Dark.) - If dark-haired - - (Light) - Why are we doing this? - To make the hair more visible, the work turned out brighter. - I brought you some sample portraits. Their facial details are different, but you will make them look like you. - Make an oval of the face from a rectangle. We turn it in half, hold the fold line and round the corners. - I’ll tell you guys that for faster gluing of the oval to the background, the glue should not be spread on the entire oval, but only on the edge, and stick it on the cardboard so that there is a place for the hairstyle on top. - Let's move on to the hair. 1) Straight hair can be made from strips of paper. 2) Cutting wavy lines, we get wavy hair or braids, they can be made by cutting strips from a large sheet of colored paper. 3) You can make hair in a mosaic way - this is when small pieces of paper come off and stick on. 4) You can get curly hair by crumpling pieces of paper. 5) If the hair is curly, it can be made from serpentine, obtained by stretching a straight strip pressed to the edge of the scissors. . (In the course of the explanation, I show examples from the samples). - When the hair is ready, you can start shaping the hairstyle. It can be ponytails, braids or something else. Everyone knows their hair. What do we all have on our face? - Two eyes, two eyebrows, nose, mouth. - Eyes are cut out circles that lie on your tables. Everyone glues exactly the same color circle as your eyes. - Eyebrow paper in black and brown. Eyebrows can be of different shapes: triangular, rectangular or arched (showing from the sample) - We make the mouth out of what color paper? - (Red.) - It can also be different (show from the sample) - From all these details you can get a different facial expression: sad, smiling, surprised, frightened. What will you have, I do not know. - The nose can be like this (show). - We make ears from semi-ovals or a semicircle. - You can paint something with felt-tip pens. Like what? - Eyelashes, freckles, earrings. Does everyone understand what to do? - You can go to the mirror to look at yourself and get to work. - I want to remind you of the proverb: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh." This means that before you start doing something, you need to think about how and what you will do. (Children complete the task. Finished work is hung in the corner, we clean jobs). - Oh, what beautiful and different portraits you got! What is a kindergarten? This is a home for all the kids. This is joy, this is laughter, This is a hundred friends for all. If we become similar, How can we recognize each other? You are not like others, So for mom and good! She is only sweeter than freckles At swirling Andryushka, Protruding ears And Tanyushka's snub-nosed nose. Any shape and coloring Your hair and eyes. Lovely children, very different, The best and most beautiful! - Well done boys! Everyone did a great job today. We will hang all your works in our corner. The lesson is over, everyone can be free. Thanks to all.

Summary of GCD for applications in the preparatory group "Bookmark for the book"

Program content:

1. Creatively reflect your ideas about the school

2. Improve the technique of working with scissors, a brush; improvement of the technique of multilayer and openwork cutting.

3. Teach children to guess riddles.

4. Develop the skills of valeological culture. Introduce children to healthy lifestyles.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about books, school, its purpose. Reading proverbs, poems, sayings, riddles about school.


Subject pictures on the theme "School", scissors, colored paper, brushes, glue, oilcloth, napkins.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today I suggest you solve riddles, and find answers on the table and attach them to a magnetic board.


Jackdaws flew into the field I have a magic wand, friends

And sat down on the snow ... With this stick I can build:

I will go to school, Tower, house and plane

I was able to understand them. And a big helicopter.

(Letters) (Pencil)

Multi-colored sisters In a black field, a white hare

The bastards are bored. Jumped, ran, made loops.

The uncle was long and thin. The trail behind him was also white.

Carries water with a beard. Who is this hare? .. (Chalk)

And the sisters with him melted the white stone,

Draw a house and smoke. Left footprints on the board.

(Brush and paints) (Chalk)

I carry a new house in my hand, I must always be in order.

The doors of the house are locked. Your school ... (notebooks)

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important. Footsteps in the hallway

(Briefcase) That calls everyone to the class ... (Call)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.

Feel free to write on me. Not a bush, but with leaves,

You can draw Not a shirt, but sewn.

What am I? ... (Notebook) Not a person, but tells? (Book)

Guys, how can all these items be called in one word? (School supplies)

Guys, why do people need books? (children's answers)

And who knows what the books were like before?

And what should be done so that the eyes do not get tired and the vision does not deteriorate? (correct gymnastics)

Who can show?

Gymnastics for the eyes

The bird flew to the right

The bird flew to the left

The bird flew straight

And then she sat down on a branch.

Guys, what are your favorite books? (children's answers)

And who reads them to you?

Does mom or dad (grandmother) use bookmarks for a book?

And what is it for? (That's right, so as not to bend the leaves of the book, so as not to spoil the book).

Guys, I suggest you make a beautiful bookmark for your book yourself.

To do this, there are rectangular sheets with a drawn pattern on the table. It must be carefully cut out and pasted onto a sheet of a different color. Select it as you wish.

Children start making bookmarks.


Well done guys, the bookmarks turned out beautiful. So why do we need them?

(children's answers)

What subjects did we meet? (That's right, with school supplies)