Knitted things of the big sizes. Crochet for obese women. White jacket knitting

Knitted coats for overweight women are not only beautiful, but often the only way to emphasize their own charms and hide flaws. So, women of outstanding forms do not even try to find a suitable model in stores, believing that only a knitted item can express their own opinion, individuality, emphasize charisma, amaze others with their ability, stand out from the crowd. Indeed, plump women often go unnoticed at an unfamiliar party - eye-catching girls in high heels and short skirts attract their attention. But as soon as a lady of appetizing forms appears in a coat knitted by her own hands, the views of strangers abruptly shift from fashionable beauty to "warmth and homeliness." In addition, a knitted coat is economical, since experienced needlewomen can knit several models from the same yarn as they update.

Thanks to the advantages of a knitted coat presented above, women probably came up with the idea of ​​​​knitting on their own and embodying their fantasies. Further in the article, models with knitting needles will be presented, suitable for overweight women, some of them will be provided with diagrams and a brief description for free.

About what models are suitable for overweight women

Even overweight women differ in the type of figures - an apple, a pear, an hourglass (yes, there are such) and others. Based on a certain type of figure, you can "compose" a suitable model of a knitted coat for a magnificent lady. Here it is better to use the following recommendations.


The figure of an apple for overweight women is a real disaster - there is a significant increase in the waist, a shapeless stomach appears, as well as that unpleasant "lifeline" that captures the lumbar region. For such a figure, oddly enough, models of a straight coat style are suitable, but not tight, but free “squares” or “rectangles”. If we consider knitting, the coat can be represented by the following style.


Another "unsuccessful" figure, which, in the presence of excess weight, turns into a massive and unattractive bottom. However, everything is easy to fix with a knitted coat - the hips are covered with trapeze or flared styles to the bottom from the belt. Suitable models are shown below.


Lucky women with magnificent forms are hourglass figures. They have thin waists, large breasts and lush hips. Therefore, even in the presence of excess weight, such a figure should not be shy - it is enough to use suitable models for obese women here. Fitted silhouettes will help to emphasize the correct forms. Tight-fitting models should not be chosen, but the use of a belt when worn will only emphasize the slimness of the waist and curvaceous forms that men like so much. The following illustrations can be attributed to the most suitable models of a knitted coat.

inverted triangle

Fat women with an inverted triangle body type probably suffer the most - they have broad shoulders, large breasts, and at the same time narrow hips. It is difficult for them to pick up a coat - only specially tailored models are an exception. But things are different with a knitted coat - the most suitable style for such women is a straight silhouette, but with a massive frill at the hem. You can also choose trapezoid options, but do not lean on the increase in the lower part. In this case, it is better to choose the fitted silhouettes presented above, but only without the characteristic “knitted belt” at the waist, which attracts attention. The following are the most suitable models of a knitted coat for overweight women with an inverted triangle figure.


For obese women with a “rectangle” figure, it is easiest to choose the style of a knitted coat. Trapezes, fitted models, and just straight styles are suitable here. As a rule, overweight women with a presented type of figure have a bulging belly that should be hidden. In this case, it is best to use shortened models of a knitted coat with frills along the entire contour. In the presence of a protruding belly, belts and other inclusions that will attract attention should be discarded. The following also offers the most suitable knitted coat styles.

The disadvantage of knitted items is that they perfectly emphasize all the flaws of the figure, and in the presence of magnificent forms, this can be achieved even without any effort. Therefore, you should choose not only models, but also yarn, as well as a pattern, without which it is impossible to do without when knitting. Due to the presented factor, the following recommendations for choosing a model are distinguished:

  • Try to hide your flaws as much as possible, and do not be guided by the selection of a style based on a simple textile coat. It is quite easy to make a mistake here, since textile items involve the use of hard material and lining, which is almost impossible with knitted models.
  • You should not choose models with knitting transverse stripes of different shades, especially contrast - this will only increase the volume. But this is possible when knitting a thin summer coat, especially if openwork is used. A suitable model is shown in the picture.
  • It is also not recommended to choose models that involve knitting a textured volumetric pattern - this will also increase the volume of the figure. For knitting, such simple patterns as stocking knitting, garter knitting, pearl or rice pattern, checkerboard, stars, honeycombs, gossamer and others can be selected. You can resort to knitting harnesses, but they are used only to dilute a simple thin and “flat” fabric.

  • When knitting a coat with knitting needles for overweight women, it is better to abandon all kinds of ruffles that can also run along the edge of the bar - this will increase the volume, but is possible if there is a “rectangle” type of figure, as was presented above. If you want to knit these charms, giving the coat a touch of romance, it is better to use thin yarn and the absence of additional patterns, as shown in the model below.

Be more careful when choosing a model, since overweight women do not have the right to add extra volume to themselves - this will cause smiles and laughter from vindictive people.

Typical mistakes when choosing a model

The coat for the full must be perfect, otherwise you can only spoil your whole appearance. Beginning knitters and those women who first decided to master a knitted coat for themselves often make typical mistakes. Why? They liked the model and color, and the rest was no longer paid attention. Typical mistakes include the following:

  1. The choice of a model with a massive collar. Women in the body, forget about it! If you want to draw attention to the upper part of the figure, use a bright scarf for this, rather than trimmed collars with a textured pattern. Overweight women should avoid the models below.
  2. Choice of transverse pattern. This is not about a transverse replacement of colors, but about a pattern that gives the shapelessness of the coat. This only increases the volume and does not emphasize the outstanding appetizing forms that can and should be emphasized. The pictures show models that should be avoided by ladies in the body.
  3. Wrong model or size. The models were discussed above, but we can talk about the correct calculation of the size for a long time. By the way, if you exceed the required width by 12 cm or more from the available volume when knitting details, you will get a shapeless coat that does not hide flaws, but only emphasizes them. For example, the picture below shows a slender girl, whose coat is not only large, but also does not fit in style - she has nothing to hide her figure, and especially her hips. An improperly knitted coat in the end only led to untidiness and bad taste.

Choose the right models for a knitted coat and hide your figure as carefully as possible - knitted items are designed to be flawless even with outstanding curvaceous shapes.

Yarn for overweight women for knitting coats should also be taken more carefully. Here it is recommended to choose a monochromatic color with natural threads. Natural threads are good because they keep their shape - for full ladies, this factor plays an important role in hiding problem areas. The choice of softer yarn is also possible, but you will have to additionally sew the lining according to the figure of the woman herself and the knitted coat.

It turns out that for knitting a warm coat, you should choose 100% wool or with a slight addition of acrylic (20-30%). For summer knitting, give preference to natural cotton.

You should also consider the pattern used in the subsequent pattern when choosing yarn. If it is supposed to knit a denser fabric - a pearl pattern, stars and other similar ones - then soft threads can be purchased. Otherwise, the choice is made in favor of more rigid weaving or natural threads.

It was indicated above that the use of textured patterns is not desirable for knitting coats for overweight women. If you want a characteristic texture, but the figure does not allow, you can give preference to thick threads, but use the usual handkerchief pattern in your work. This pattern, taking into account the use of knitting needles with numbers 6-7, gives the texture that you usually have to achieve by knitting a more laborious pattern.

Considering all the recommendations presented above, you can embody the most fashionable and unique coat that fits perfectly on any figure. It is only important to take into account your type of figure, and also not to use only the model you like in your work - it may not fit exactly. If the desire is great, it is recommended to “rephrase” the model to a more suitable style for yourself - in knitted things this is not so laborious to do.

Suitable coat models: a brief description and diagrams

Now we should present the most suitable models for knitting coats for obese women. Here you can make your own changes, but you still have to stick to the plan. An exception is a change in style, shade, use of a different yarn.

Milk trapezoid coat

For spring and autumn, the coat model presented below is perfect, which will look favorably on almost any figure. Changing the length of the product does not seem difficult, but fitting, for example, the style will turn out to be somewhat more difficult - for this you will have to carry out the appropriate calculations when knitting the honeycomb pattern. This coat is knitted bottom up with a raglan armhole. Once all the details with the honeycomb pattern are knitted, you can connect the parts and pull the loops along the edge of the top of the product onto circular needles. The coquette does not seem difficult to knit - a simple elastic band is used here.

Gray coat with strap

Overweight women are not recommended to knit a coat with a transverse pattern, but longitudinal inserts are not prohibited - they only visually slim the figure. When choosing yarn for knitting this model, it is better to choose natural and not thick threads so that the bundles do not turn out to be too stiff and voluminous.

Knitting begins from the back, where you have to knit 7 cm with a 3x3 elastic band - this is the most optimal option, because women of obese forms are forbidden to knit products narrowed to the bottom. After the knitted gum, they start knitting the main pattern, the diagram of which is presented here in the picture. Further knitting occurs as shown in the diagram. At the end of the work, the strapping is also carried out with a 3x3 rubber band. To do this, the cuff on the sleeves and straps are tied separately. You can additionally make holes for buttons on the straps, but using a belt can handle the situation.

Knit a coat with knitting needles, do not be shy about your shapes, but on the contrary - emphasize them! After all, real women should not be like anorexia patients - they should be beautiful, funny and delightful! Large volumes - more joy and admiration!

Knitwear is an incredible trend that never goes out of style. It is believed that in no case should they be worn by women with magnificent forms. Actually it is not.

Properly selected knitted items, as in the photo in the article, will emphasize the dignity of the figure, hide flaws and warm in cool weather. How to choose the right fashionable knitwear for obese women? There are three rules for obese women who want to wear knitwear:

Model should not be short

No fitted or tight models. Knitwear for the full should not be decorated with bulky fittings. For plus size knitting patterns, it is important to choose the right yarn and pattern. The thicker you take knitting needles, the more textured your product will turn out. Keep this in mind when you start knitting. Volumetric drawings can be used in accessories: hats, scarves, bags, but not in clothes.

So your choice is smooth yarn. If we talk about colors, then give preference to dark saturated shades. Warm tones visually make you fat, especially yellow, orange, red. Green and blue colors will help you seem slimmer and taller. Do not forget that many colors have different shades, for example, they can be both cold and warm.

Do not combine many colors in one set. This can spoil the overall impression and make you look like a parrot. Long knit vests and cardigans are a must have in your wardrobe. They will visually stretch your figure and drape all the “irregularities”.

Knitting for obese women with knitting needles

Knitted poncho for full - a diagram with a description

Knitting density: 12 loops x 16 p. front stitch = 10x10 cm You will need: hosiery and circular knitting needles 7 and 6 mm, buttons, threads. Garter st: all rows are knit, 1 rib = 2 rows, pattern according to charts, sts on the right bar. Back: straight and reverse rows on circular needles. Cast on 108-112-118-122 sts with double thread. Work 3 ribs in garter stitch.

Next, go to 7 mm knitting needles and the next row from the front side: 4 garter, 3 purl, 3 front, 4 garter. Continue, thus, according to the scheme. Right and left front: Dial 59-61-64-66 with a double thread. Work in rib, then in stockinette stitch, inc 6 sts, working 2 sts in last 6 sts in garter st. Then proceed according to the scheme. Assembly: complete the seams, sew two buttons to the bottom scarf edge at a distance of 3 and 9 cm.

Crochet for obese women

Full girls are very crocheted openwork blouses. But watch the length of the product! Your ideal length is mid-thigh. Do not emphasize the waistline with a belt. Against the background of a tightened waist, the hips will appear even wider. For crocheting for obese women, as well as for knitting needles, choose a smooth thread. There should not be any convex patterns and large patterns on the product.

If you have a large chest, then knitted items with a triangular neckline, or with a voluminous collar collar that will cover your chest and shoulders, will suit you. It is worth avoiding patch pockets, replace them with welt ones. Knitted items with raglan sleeves will help to beautifully round the shoulders. To lengthen the figure, use vertical patterns or stripes.

Openwork jacket for full - a diagram with a description

You will need: hook No. 2.5, No. 4, threads. Knitting technique: air loops, half-columns, single crochets, double crochets. Knitting density: 36 air loops x 12 p. main pattern.

The back and sleeves are typed according to the scheme. When assembling and finishing, shoulder and side seams are made, sleeves are sewn into the armholes. The neck line is tied with a hook according to the scheme.

36/38 (40/42) 44/46

Yarn (45% polyamide, 30% alpaca, 25% wool; 113 m / 25 g) - 125 (150) 150 g blue and 100 (125) 125 g col. fuchsia; knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4; circular knitting needles No. 4.

Knit with needles No. 3.5 (even number of loops) = alternately 1 facial, 1 purl.

All other patterns knit with needles No. 4.

The number of loops is a multiple of 3 + 1 + 2 edge = knit acc. scheme. It gives the front and back rows, while the pattern always starts from 1 back row. Start with 1 hem and loops before rapport, constantly repeat rapport, end with loops after rapport and 1 hem. Constantly repeat the 1-4th rows, observing the alternation of colors.


Rows in the forward and reverse direction: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops. Circular rows - only front loops.

Alternately 4 rows of thread tsv. fuchsia and blue thread.

19.5 p. x 24.5 p. \u003d 10 x 10 cm, connected with a pattern with broaches;
18 p. x 30 p. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with the front stitch.

Due to the different knitting density, the jumper is slightly wider at the top. This is taken into account on the pattern in the size of the armhole.


With a blue thread, dial 100 (108) 116 loops on the knitting needles and tie 5 cm with an elastic band for the strap between the selvedges, while starting from the wrong side and finishing with 1 front row. In the last front row for the 1st size, subtract 1 p., For the 3rd size add 1 p. = 99 (108) 117 p.

Then, starting with 1 purl row, continue to work with a pattern with broaches.

After 40 cm = 98 rows from the bar, starting from 1 purl row, continue to work with the front surface according to. a sequence of stripes, while in the 1st row, evenly distributing, subtract 9 p. = 90 (99) 108 p.

At the same time, in the 1st row from the change of the pattern, close for armholes on both sides 1 x 4 p., Then in each 2nd row 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. And 4 x 1 p. = 64 (73) 82 p.

After 13.5 cm = 40 rows (15.5 cm = 46 rows) 17.5 cm = 52 rows from the pattern change, leave the average 26 (31) 36 p. for the neck and finish both sides separately.

For rounding on the inner edge, close in each 2nd row 1 x 3 p. And 1 x 1 p.

After 16 cm = 48 rows (18 cm = 54 rows) 20 cm = 60 rows from changing the pattern, close the remaining 15 (17) 19 p. Shoulders.

Knit like a back, but for a deeper neck, already after 8.5 cm = 26 rows (10.5 cm = 32 rows) 12.5 cm = 38 rows from the pattern change, leave the average 10 (15) 20 p. And for rounding in each 2nd row close 1 x 4 p., 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p.

With a blue thread, dial 36 (44) 52 loops on the knitting needles for each sleeve and tie 5 cm with an elastic band for the strap between the selvedges, while starting with 1 purl row and finishing with 1 front row. In the last front row, evenly distributing, add 24 (25) 26 p. = 60 (69) 78 p.

Tunic - clothes suitable for absolutely all ladies, of any age and any complexion. It is modern, versatile, comfortable. But, when choosing the style of a tunic, full women need to take into account that you should not choose models with large knitting, large geometric patterns, and flowers. A knitted tunic for overweight women can be A-silhouette, high-waisted, slightly fitting, straight, etc.

We offer you several models to choose from.

Tunic on a yoke

Range of presented sizes: S (M) L (XL) XXL (XXXL).

We will need:

  • yarn with cotton content (50g per 100m) - 500 (600) 650 (700) 750 (850) g;
  • hosiery sets No3.5 and No4;
  • circular sp. No3.5 and No4;
  • markers (M).


  • persons. ch.: when knitting in the round - all stitches are facial; with forward / reverse knitting in persons. R. - facial p., in out. R. - purl;
  • garter stitch: when knitting in a round, we alternate rows of faces.p. with rows of out. P.;
  • see diagram:

Density: on persons. ch. 21p. for 28r. are equal to 10 cm by 10 cm.


We start knitting a tunic for obese women from the bottom with circular knitting. Cast on with needles No4 260 (273) 286 (299) 325 (351) p. and perform a garter stitch for 4p. Then we knit a pattern according to cx. M1. We perform two rapports in height. Following. persons. R. make a decrease, evenly closing 0 (5) 0 (1) 5 (5) p. The next 15cm we knit with knitting needles an even canvas. Then we set the first M after 37 (38) 43 (45) 50 (56) p., the second M after 56 (58) 57 (59) 60 (61) p., the third M after 74 (76) 86 (90) 100 (112) p., fourth M after 56 (58) 57 (59) 60 (61) p.

Let's get to the perks. Near M they are performed as follows: remove 1p. persons., 1l., pass it through the removed one, M, 2p. in 1l.

In each 6 (6) 6 (7) 7 (7) p. make such reductions, i.e. 14 (13) 13 (12) 12 (12) times. In the work 148 (164) 182 (202) 224 (250) p. We knit 6r. tunics for overweight women exactly. Following. R. we make additions. For this, from 1p. knitted 2p. Near each M we add 4p. (2p. on each side). We have 164 (180) 198 (218) 240 (266) p. We remove M.

We knit up to 51 (51) 51 (52) 53 (54) cm. We change sp. on No3.5 and do 1p. persons. p. In it we add 8 (10) 8 (10) 6 (8) p. Total 172 (190) 206 (228) 246 (274) p. Following. R. we work according to the scheme: 11 (14) 18 (22) 23 (28) l., * scheme M1, 4 (5) 5 (6) 3 (4) l. * - from * to * repeat 3 (3) 3 (3) 4 (4) p., M1, 11 (14) 18 (22) 23 (28) l., set. M on the side seam, 11 (14) 18 (22) 23 (28) l., from * to * repeat 3 (3) 3 (3) 4 (4) p., M1, 11 (14) 18 (22 ) 23 (28) l., set. M on the side seam. To a height of 62 (63) 64 (66) 68 (70) cm, knit evenly, keeping the pattern.

To decorate armholes, close 6p. near M (3p. on both sides).


In work 80 (89) 97 (108) 117 (131) p. We continue drawing. For armholes, subtract for each. R. at the beginning 2 (3) 5 (7) 7 (9) p. by 2p. and 1 (2) 2 (2) 3 (4) p. by 1p. On 78 (80) 82 ((85) 88 (91) cm after rapport closed for rollout central 30 (33) 33 (36) 43 (45) p. Further, each part is performed separately.On 80 (82) 84 (87) 90 (93) cm close.


Before rolling out, we knit the front of a tunic for obese women according to the algorithm of the back. For 70 (72) 74 (77) 80 (83) cm roll-out closed. in the center 30 (31) 31 (34) 41 (45) p. To round off, we reduce another 1p along the edges of the rollout. for 2p., 0 (1) 1 (1) 1 (0) p. by 1p. For every part falls on 18 (18) 18 (18) 18 (19) p. 80 (82) 84 (87) 90 (93) cm closed P.


Knitting needles No3.5 dial. 61 (65) 71 (75) 81 (85) p. We knit 4p. boards. pattern. We change sp. on No4 and knit: 1 cr., 20 (22) 25 (27) 30 (32) l., 1l., 1n., 1l., 1n., 1l., 1n., M1, 1n., 1l., 1n. ., 1l., 1n., 1l., persons. In sl. R. we knit all the crochets with crossed faces. Next, we perform M1 as established, on the remaining points - persons. ch. So we continue 8cm. To design an eye at the beginning and end of the river. subtract 1 p. for 4p., 8 (9) 11 (16) 16 (18) p. by 1p.

At 17 (18) 19 (21) 21 (23) cm closed. 1r. by 2p. and 1r. by 3p. At 18 (19) 20 (22) 22 (24) cm closed. P.


Stitch sleeves. Run side seams. Sew on the sleeves. By rolling out we raise 92 (100) 100 (105) 118 (122) p. and do 4p. handkerchief pattern. Close P.

Delicate simple tunic: video master class

Tunic for obese women with a vertical openwork

Model sizes: 42/44; 46/48; 50/52.

We will need:

  • yarn of mixed composition, wool about 50% - 500; 550; 600g;
  • direct sp. No6;
  • circular sp. No6.


  • persons. ch.: in faces. R. - l.p., in out. R. - i.p.;
  • out. ch.: in faces. R. - and. p., in out. R. – l.p.;
  • openwork: on 13p. It is carried out according to the scheme:

In the purl r. knit all loops according to the pattern, nakida - purl. We carry out with 1r. 10 rubles each, then repeat from 3 rubles. for 10 rubles In the last l.r. before closing the loops, painted in gray, knit out the facial ones.

Density: 15p. for 22.5 rubles. are equal to 10 cm by 10 cm.



We start knitting a tunic for obese women with a set of knitting needles 143; 149; 155p. We knit: 1 cr., 64; 67; 70p. l. ch., 13p. azhurap, 64; 67; 70p. l. ch., 1kr. For 90 rubles (40.5 cm); 86 rubles (38.5 cm); 82r. (36cm) for armholes on both sides closing. According to 2p. and in even r. 4r. by 1p. We have 53; 59; 65 p. For 130r. (58cm) openwork for rolling out closed. 33p. in the center and sides continue separately. For rounding on the inside the edge of the rollout in the 2nd river. closing 1r. by 3p. At 134r. (60cm) openwork closed. On the shoulders 7; 10; 13 p.


We knit as for the back. The difference is in the depth of the rollout. For him, 54cm closed. 23p. in the center and in even r. closing 1r. 3p., 1p. 2p., 3p. by 1p.


We collect with knitting needles 35; 37; 39 p. and make a bar: 2p. (1.5 cm) out. ch. Then -2r. persons. satin stitch. Next: 1 cr., 10; 11; 12p. l. ch., 13p. openwork, 10; 11; 12p. l. ch., 1kr. After 20r. (9cm) from the bar, we add to expand on both sides in the 14th p. 5r. by 1p .; in the 10th p. 7r. by 1p .; in the 8th p. 9r. by 1p. l. ch. We have 47; 53; 59 p. At 106r. (47cm) from the plank, we close it for an okat on both sides in even r. 13r. by 1p. and 1r. by 2p.; 1r. 2p., 11p. by 1p. and 2r. by 2p.; 2r. 2p., 9p. by 1p. and 3r. by 2p. On 136r. (60.5cm) we close 13; 15; 17p.


Stitch your shoulders. Roll out to raise the circle. knitting needles 84p., perform 1p. out. n. Close the loops. Sew on the sleeves. Stitch the seams on them and on the sides.

Selection of schemes

Despite the widespread opinion that knitted dresses are contraindicated for full ladies, it is fundamentally wrong. A well-chosen model, correctly made and skillful hands of a knitter can turn the most magnificent woman into a model from the cover of a magazine.

Longitudinal motifs, vertical braids or ornaments, curly undercuts highlighted with a special pattern - all these details are used for visual harmony when creating knitted items.

An important detail is the right length of a knitted dress. On a full but tall figure, short tunic dresses look good. For women with small stature with a lot of weight, it is preferable to choose long, almost floor-length dresses that are visually elongated and balance a squat figure.

Dresses for full on knitting needles

Use knitwear regardless of the season. This practical and very comfortable material has not gone out of fashion for many years. Due to its elasticity, knitwear perfectly lies on a full figure, hiding all imperfections. You can use cardigans from thick and thin knitwear.

Do not forget about various jewelry, scarves, stoles and other accessories. Complete women they especially go. Bright accents in such beloved dark ones should certainly be present. A beautiful stole is able to refresh the look and hide figure flaws, and the right jewelry will focus on the magnificent chest.

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Dresses today are at the peak of popularity. They allow girls to look sexy, attractive and very feminine. A properly selected dress can visually correct figure flaws, add height, and hide excess weight. A full woman should choose a dress carefully, mainly focusing on the features of her silhouette.

However, the correct drawing is able to visually correct the completeness. Choose outfits where the colors go from bright to calmer. For example, with a full chest, a colored bottom is not contraindicated (with a dark top), with a large bottom, on the contrary. Another trick is the contrast stitching, located vertically. She will make the figure visually taller, which will allow you to “throw off” a few kilograms.

The overall fullness is perfectly hidden by asymmetric models. For example, a wrap dress that fastens on the side. A well-fitted sheath dress made of dense material will also look great. Pay attention to distracting maneuvers. For example, a contrasting stripe in the middle of an outfit or decorations/decor placed vertically in the center will visually narrow the figure. Shirt dresses are rich in the last details: a row of buttons perfectly corrects the figure.

Choose a dress, focusing on the individual features of the figure. For example, if there is a need to smooth out the fullness of the hips, pay attention to models with a trapezoid hem. A dress with an asymmetrical bottom is also perfect. This cut will divert attention from wide hips, concentrating it on shoes and ankles. Also, the full bottom will perfectly disguise the hem of the "gode" or flare.

A wide waist and a full belly are a problem area for many women. A dress with a straight or slightly fitted silhouette will help to hide this feature. It is worth noting: the fabric of the outfit should be dense. Thin knitted, stretch and other dresses will only emphasize the problem area. Also pay attention to outfits with vertical wide contrasting inserts. Such details, located on the sides, will visually narrow the waist and make the stomach less noticeable.

Why do we need scales for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, women need to carefully monitor changes in their weight: with the growth of the embryo, body weight increases, but it must meet certain standards, otherwise the risk of complications increases. Too rapid weight gain threatens with the appearance of shortness of breath, fatigue, back pain, high blood pressure and hemorrhoids, in addition, childbirth with excess body weight will be more difficult. There are special tables of weight gain for pregnant women, which take into account the woman's age, her physique and the week of pregnancy. During routine examinations with a doctor, the weight must be checked, but it is more convenient for girls to have their own scales in order to track the increase in kilograms and, if necessary, adjust their diet and lifestyle.

How to choose scales for pregnant women?

To measure weight at home, floor scales are designed, which are divided into two types - electronic and mechanical. In general, any scale is suitable for women, but an electronic device is preferable to a mechanical one, since it has a much smaller measurement error, for scales with a mechanical type of work, the error can be about 1 kg, in addition, the division value often corresponds to 1 kg. Electronic scales have divisions up to 0.1 kg, which allows you to monitor weight gain with great accuracy. To check the accuracy of the device in the store, take any product that has a weight indicated and weigh it.

Most of the scales on sale are designed for a maximum of 160 kg, but it is advisable to check the limits in advance - some compact and economical models are designed for less weight, for example, up to 100 kg. If you are overweight, consider this when buying - during pregnancy, a woman can gain several tens of kg. The norm is an increase in weight up to 16 kg by the time of delivery.

Pay attention to models with computer weight analysis functions if they have programs for pregnant women. Such devices can save data, plot weight gain and compare it with norms. If the scale has a function for analyzing the ratio of fat, muscle and water in the body, you should not use it, since the device will not show the correct results during pregnancy. In addition, some scales with such an analyzer pass a weak electric current through the body, which can be dangerous for a child, so you can see a warning in the instructions about the use of this function by pregnant women.

Pay attention to the material from which the scales are made. Plastic is short-lived, metal can be unpleasant to touch, glass is one of the most common options, but such a device can break easily. There are also wooden scales, they are the safest to use, as they are impossible to slip on, in addition, they are pleasant to the touch, but also more expensive.

Useful advice

To make the expectant mother look stylish and elegant, carefully use additional decorative elements. Those of them that are located in the abdomen and chest should not be rough and made of dense materials.