Egg-shaped head. What determines the shape of the baby's head. The following is considered the norm

Often, the shape of the head in newborns is significantly different from what parents expect to see. Because of this, many young mothers begin to worry that something is wrong with their baby. In some cases, signs of skull deformity do indicate pathological processes, but this happens quite rarely.

All other points are either due to the physiology of newborns, or arose as a result of improper care of the baby and are subject to simple correction. But parents should remember that before taking any measures to correct the shape of the baby's head, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation.

Childbirth as one of the main causes of irregularities

The bones of the skull of children, when they are first born, are quite soft to the touch, and at the same time they shift a little. This is one of a number of mechanisms provided by nature to facilitate the birth process - it makes it easier for the baby's body to pass through the birth canal. It is because of this that the shape of the head of the newborns seems unnatural and even a little scary for the first time after childbirth. All babies who have passed through the narrow birth canal have a slightly (and sometimes strongly) elongated and uneven head. Even if the irregularities and bevels seem to be very pronounced, but the doctor is not alarmed, do not worry - everything will quickly return to normal, laid down at the genetic level.

A perfectly round, large, even head can only be in a baby born as a result of a cesarean section. But even in this case, not everything is so simple, after a few days even noticeable dents, bevels and flattenings may appear on it, as a result of external influences. But if a baby immediately after a cesarean section has a noticeable deformation on the surface of the skull, this is cause for concern. In this case, the baby is sent for examination, which will help identify the cause of the problem.

Physiologically normal head shape types

In order not to worry in vain, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what shape of the head can be in a newborn baby born naturally:

  • Tower. In this case, the skull has a slightly elongated shape at the back of the head, which makes the head resemble a large egg. In the absence of other symptoms, there is no cause for concern. This is a normal course of events during natural childbirth against the background of correct presentation of the fetus.
  • Beveled. It is characterized by a bulge at the vertex and a sloping occiput. Most often it is a consequence of the location of the fetus facing the mother's stomach and is also considered a physiological norm.

Advice: If time has passed, and the shape of the baby's head has not yet reached the "ideal" state, it is worth looking around and checking if heredity is to blame. Often the beveled tops and double backs of the heads "hide" under the hair, so it's worth even probing relatives, finding their childhood photos.

A small depression on the crown of the head is not a cause for concern either, it is a fontanelle. It pulsates slightly under the fingers and does not cause any disturbance to the baby. You just need to monitor how it overgrows, additional care is not required here.

Signs to watch out for

And yet there are points that may indicate a problem. This is most often due to intrauterine growth disorders or injuries during childbirth.

  • Birth tumor. A phenomenon that develops directly at the moment when the head of the fetus passes through the birth canal. A mass is tissue edema that can occur anywhere on the skull. The more time it takes for a child to be born after the water has receded, the more pronounced the swelling can be. If the tumor is very large, then specialized treatment under the supervision of specialists may be required. In cases where the deformation is minor, it disappears on its own within a couple of days.

  • ... This is the result of trauma that the baby suffered during childbirth. The mass is a massive hemorrhage that resembles a lump on the surface of the skull. Most often, newborns are affected by the parietal zones, much less often - the forehead and the back of the head. Given the fact that blood in the injured tissue area accumulates gradually, it is sometimes possible to assess the degree of the problem only after a few days. Most often, this type of consequences is noted if the child has a large head that does not correspond to the size of the maternal pelvis.

Usually, these conditions become apparent immediately after childbirth, and the doctor explains to the parents how best to act in this or that case. When to wait and when to start treatment immediately. You should not risk the health of a newborn and hope for a medical error. It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists and then the chances of a favorable outcome will be very high.

Changes in the shape of the head as a result of improper care

It also happens that the shape of the newborn's head quickly returns to normal or does not suffer at all during childbirth, and signs of deformation begin to appear on it only after a while. This is the result of improper care and refusal to manipulate, able to keep the baby in the ideal head shape.

  • Most often, the problem is that the baby is constantly lying in one position. As a result of significant pressure on the still soft bones of the skull, dents and bevels are formed.
  • The flat back of the head is formed in the same way, but in this case, the child constantly lies on the back. By the way, this situation can also lead to asphyxiation with vomit as a result of regurgitation.
  • In addition, a flat nape in a newborn can be a symptom of rickets. At the first suspicion, you need to consult a doctor who will refute or confirm the diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribe an effective treatment.
  • A pronounced bevel of the back of the head on the right or left side is often the result of an incorrect position of the crib. If everything interesting for the baby is on a particular side (or mom always comes right on one side), then it is not surprising that he constantly turns his head to that side. The bed must be positioned so that the approach is from both sides. As a last resort, the baby needs to be turned over regularly.

Due to the incorrect position of the newborn, not only the shape of his head may suffer, but also torticollis may develop. This will not happen if you monitor the position of the baby and more often take him on the arms.

Methods for correcting the shape of the head in infants

Doctors do not recommend that parents try to correct the shape of the skull in their children, especially if there is no obvious reason for this. The soft bones of the skull themselves quite quickly align and take on the desired appearance, if you follow the rules for caring for the little one. Particularly suspicious moms try to massage the baby's head, gently stroking it with "rolling" movements. If these are gentle and gentle clockwise movements, then there is nothing prejudicial. But we must not forget about the fontanelle, which is not at all protected from external influences.

In extreme cases, it is worth contacting a specialist regarding the purchase of an orthopedic pillow. Modern specialized salons offer dozens of interesting, useful and safe models, if used correctly. You should not choose a product yourself or based on the recommendations of ordinary sellers, this can be very harmful. In this case, you need to regularly attend preventive examinations, follow the listed rules, monitor the baby's nutrition and follow all the recommendations of the local pediatrician.

Many young mothers are very worried if they notice that the head of a newborn is uneven. Lack of experience breeds fear and uncertainty: what if something is wrong with the child? However, experts are in a hurry to calm down. In most cases, an uneven baby's head is normal. There are only a few cases where an uneven head reports abnormalities. For example, a child may have a hematoma.

Not only the mother's body prepares for childbirth. The child is also internally prepared for such a process. The baby's skull remains soft until birth. This contributes to a more comfortable passage through the narrow birth canal of the mother. This was provided by nature. That is why babies, whom mothers gave birth to themselves, have a slightly uneven or large head.

The reason is a slight deformation of the skull: at birth, the flat head stretches out, takes an uneven elongated shape. There is no pathology in this, so you can calm down. Special rules are not provided here.

The skull of a baby at birth is always slightly deformed: even if it was not immediately like that, changes may appear later. However, after some time, the skull will acquire a normal shape, the asymmetry will be restored, the changes in the circumference will no longer be noticeable. Therefore, you do not need to worry too much about this.

The head does not take its final shape immediately. In some, the head circumference features are formed only by school age.

Usually, the skull becomes round and even by one year or a little later.


However, sometimes the flat head takes on a completely unnatural shape. Sometimes the reason for this is a hematoma, but the position of the child also matters. For example, a child has a very sloping back of the head. This happens not at birth, but after childbirth: the head becomes flattened, uneven, large, sometimes its girth does not correspond to the norm.

If the nape of the baby is very elongated or sloping, the cause is most often the incorrect position of the child. He can be in a supine position for a long time, which leads to such changes. Typically, in such cases, children turn and tilt their head to one side.

It is dangerous to constantly lay the baby on the back. This position is not always harmless, since the baby can spit up and choke, sometimes even choke. What to do? It is recommended that babies be placed on their side, with the sides changed. This will help avoid changes and deformations of the skull.

Children always turn their heads in the direction of the interesting: there may be a mother or a rattle. If the crib is against a wall, the baby will only have to turn in one direction. This can also cause disturbances and deformation of the skull. A sloping back of the head may also appear.

The bones of the skull remain soft in the first months of life: this protects it from injury and helps the development of the brain.

Special areas - fontanelles - are soft tissue, the cells of which are very elastic. While the fontanelles are open, the shape of the head can change. For example, it may become flat, or the back of the head becomes skewed to one side. This means that the child has been lying on his back for a long time.


Many young mothers are worried when they notice irregularities and irregularities in the girth of the baby's head. But pediatricians and doctors reassure: as soon as the child stops lying and begins to sit down, the situation will change. This usually happens when the baby spends more time in an upright state. Already at 2-3 months, the skull begins to straighten, changes in the circumference disappear.

However, sometimes the deformation of the circle is a sign that the asymmetry is broken. This happens for various reasons: the baby lacks vitamins, diseases appear and begin to manifest themselves. For example, rickets often manifests itself in this way, which often occurs in children.

If a baby has rickets, his bones are not strengthened due to lack of calcium, they develop poorly, grow poorly. The fontanelles do not overgrow, so the child's head remains soft for a long time, and the skull is subject to changes. Usually, in such situations, doctors advise more often to be with the baby in the fresh air, as well as give him vitamin D and calcium.

If the baby only turns his head to one side, his neck may be crooked. In this case, it does not matter if the child is lying or is in his arms. In this case, you must definitely contact a specialist.

A doctor's consultation is also required in another case: if the fontanelles are quickly overgrown. Intracranial pressure may develop, leading to serious problems.

What to do in this case? An experienced physician will immediately detect abnormalities in head circumference and girth. But it is better to carry out routine examinations with a neurologist and a surgeon. This will help identify problems in the first stage.

Hematoma deserves special attention. It is a collection of blood or fluid where soft tissue cells rupture. It usually happens just under the skin or near the skull. Why does hematoma occur? If the child was large and walked hard, he had to "pave" his way. From this, lesions such as hematoma are formed.

A hematoma can appear in another case: if the mother had a cesarean section. The kid gets from one environment to another, and it happens abruptly. The cells of the tissue cannot immediately adapt to the new environment, and from this a hematoma is formed. For a child, this phenomenon is stress. If the hematoma becomes more than normal, this is a bad sign.

Hematoma often appears in premature babies. Sometimes it is the cause of the curvature of the circumference and incorrect girth of the skull. The hematoma may resolve on its own, but the intervention of doctors may also be required. In any case, you must first diagnose and identify the type of hematoma, especially if it is large. This is outside the norm.

How to align the head

A sloping and irregular nape, a flat head, a convex forehead, incorrect asymmetry - all these situations are not always a cause for concern. But only a doctor can determine the cause. If the case is dangerous, they may prescribe an additional examination, collect tests. In any case, you should first consult a doctor in order to rule out your own fears.

Parents themselves can do some things:

  • a beautiful, even skull can be formed by alternating the sides of the bed. For example, first the headboard is on one side, then on the other. Breast, container with milk, crumbs should also be served from different sides. You can put the child in different directions each time, change the position. The norms will be respected;
  • it is necessary to hold the child more often in your arms. For the same reason, it is recommended to turn the baby over on the tummy more often. In this position, his head will not be able to bend, asymmetry will be excluded, the back of the head will take on the desired shape.

The above recommendations are sufficient if the situation is not critical. But some mothers believe that their child's head is crooked, and they try to fix it in all possible ways. Do not try everything: the most effective method is massage. But the delicate skin and soft bones of a newborn should be treated with extreme caution. This is not a massage. You just need to carefully shape the skull and head into the desired shape.

You can contact an orthopedist and consult with him about the use of an orthopedic pillow: sometimes such a thing is very useful, this is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Your baby is finally with you. Mom and Dad look at the baby with adoration and a certain amount of anxiety. And this anxiety is quite understandable - little children are prone to various misfortunes and diseases. And one of these misfortunes is increased intracranial pressure. In our country, pediatricians are very fond of making such a diagnosis, just for the sake of reinsurance, without conducting the necessary examination.

But at the heart of increased intracranial pressure, as a rule, are quite serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. Otherwise, the child's condition will only worsen, because the treatment of intracranial pressure is meaningless if the primary source - the disease itself - is not eliminated. Most often, increased intracranial pressure is a consequence of a disease such as cerebral hydrocephalus.

What is hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus is popularly called dropsy of the brain. With hydrocephalus, the volume of the ventricles of the brain increases, often quite significantly. The child's brain is structured as follows: there are several cavities in it, called the ventricles, which communicate with each other. These cavities are filled with cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid.

In the event that the cerebrospinal fluid is produced too much, it accumulates in the cavities of the brain. It is this fact that leads to the development of dropsy of the brain, or hydrocephalus. Moreover, the greater the excess of fluid, the more pronounced the disease, and the more the general health of the child and his brain suffers.

Hydrocephalus is of several types, depending on the location of the cerebrospinal fluid. In the event that the cerebrospinal fluid cannot get from one ventricle to another, hydrocephalus is called non-communicating or occlusive. If the cerebrospinal fluid moves freely from one ventricle to another, hydrocephalus is called communicating or open.

In addition, hydrocephalus can be the main disease - primary or secondary: the result of other diseases, such as congenital malformations of the central nervous system, cerebral vessels, tumors of various origins. There are still a fairly large number of varieties of hydrocephalus, but they are all derivatives of these basic types.

Hydrocephalus symptoms

It goes without saying that impaired absorption of cerebrospinal fluid and its circulation cannot fail to leave a trace for children's health. And the manifestations can be very different in different children, especially in different age categories - up to two years old, and after two years of age.

Symptoms before the age of two:

The most important sign that a child is suffering from hydrocephalus is an accelerated growth in head circumference. This is due to the fact that the seams of the skull in a small child are not yet fused, and the bones are pushed apart by the expanding brain. This happens in about the same way as when inflating a balloon, only in the brain, instead of air, there is an excess of water.

As you know, before the child reaches the age of one year, it is necessary to come to the pediatrician for a preventive examination once a month. The mandatory examination includes the measurement of the head circumference. The doctor draws up a graph of the growth of the head circumference, with which you can track the increase in head circumference.

Most often, the cause of the pathological increase in head circumference is precisely hydrocephalus. In addition to the too rapid growth of the head circumference, hydrocephalus may be evidenced by a change in the large fontanel - it increases in size and protrudes excessively. Normally, the fontanelle should close by the age of one year, however, if the child suffers from hydrocephalus, the fontanelle can be open at two years old.

If you are interested in what hydrocephalus looks like in children, photos will help you get an idea. The proportions of the head change - the bones of the skull become significantly thinner, as a result of which the baby's forehead increases and protrudes forward, becoming disproportionate. The venous network is clearly visible under the skin of the forehead and face. If the disease continues to progress, the eyes of the crumbs begin to go down, the tone of the muscles of the arms and legs increases.

There is a clear lag in the child's psychomotor development:

  • The child does not begin to hold the head on time.
  • The child does not begin to sit down on his own and even make attempts to sit down.
  • The same goes for trying to get up on your own.

A child suffering from cerebral hydrocephalus is lethargic, he has no interest in anything around him, very often he suddenly starts crying, for no apparent reason. Doctors suggest that the child often experiences a headache, as the baby very often grabs his head.

There are many different symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. However, most of them can only be recognized by experienced doctors - pediatrician, neurosurgeon or neurologist. The only thing that parents can do is to independently measure the circumference of the child's head and note changes in his behavior and psychomotor development. In the event that the parents and the district pediatrician notice any deviations in the growth and development of the child, this should be a serious reason for a complete and thorough examination of the child. This examination is necessary in order to exclude the presence of hydrocephalus in the child.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus in children over two years of age:

If hydrocephalus develops in children over two years of age, the symptoms of the disease look a little different than in babies. The most classic symptom of increased intracranial pressure in children over two years old is a constant headache, accompanied by a feeling of nausea and even debilitating vomiting. Most often, this phenomenon is observed at night and in the morning. In addition, in a child suffering from hydrocephalus, pathological changes in the fundus often occur, due to the fact that the child has an edema of the optic nerve head. Such a violation can be easily detected during the examination of the child by an ophthalmologist.

Parents should always remember that any headaches in children, and even more so those that are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, are almost always a formidable symptom that requires an immediate examination of the child by a doctor - a neuropathologist or neurosurgeon. After all, hydrocephalus is far from the only possible cause of these symptoms. Nausea and vomiting can be caused by various tumors and malformations of the brain.

Unfortunately, pediatricians very often simply overlook this fact. As a result, the child receives absolutely unnecessary treatment for such diseases as pancreatitis, gastritis, gallbladder dyskinesia, poisoning and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the child goes to a doctor - a neurologist only when it becomes clear to the doctors that the treatment has not brought any results. And precious time has already been lost, the disease can take on an advanced form, and the treatment will be much more difficult and less productive.

In the event that parents notice similar symptoms in their child, they should insist on an immediate examination of the child by a neurologist. In the event that the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, the prognosis of the disease will be much more favorable than with advanced forms. And sometimes only timely diagnosis can save a baby's life.

There are a number of other symptoms that may indicate the presence of hydrocephalus in a child. These symptoms include epileptic seizures, increased tone of the arms and legs, urinary incontinence, and visual impairment. In addition, with hydrocephalus, various disorders of the endocrine system are not uncommon: stunting or advancing growth, premature puberty, obesity.

The reasons for the development of hydrocephalus

Of course, when they learn that their child has hydrocephalus, they begin to wonder why? It is simply impossible to answer this question unequivocally. The main reasons leading to the development of hydrocephalus are described below:

  • Fetal hydrocephalus

The level of modern medicine is quite high, and modern methods of prenatal diagnostics allow doctors to detect hydrocephalus in the fetus. For example, ultrasound diagnostics can detect cerebral hydrocephalus as early as 16 to 20 weeks of gestation. Most often, intrauterine infections such as herpes, toxoplasmosis, or cytomegalovirus cause hydrocephalus during intrauterine development.

That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is very important to pass all tests for latent infections, and, if necessary, undergo an appropriate course of treatment. This measure will help you prevent a huge number of health problems in the baby, and not just the risk of developing hydrocephalus. In more rare cases, hydrocephalus can develop due to a genetic predisposition.

  • Hydrocephalus of newborns

The reason for the development of cerebral hydrocephalus in newborns in 90% of all cases are congenital malformations of the head or, as well as transferred intrauterine infections. Much less often, but it happens that the cause of the development of hydrocephalus is birth trauma, especially in those crumbs who were born prematurely.

  • Hydrocephalus in older children

In the event that the development of hydrocephalus occurs in children over one year of age, there can be a huge variety of reasons. Such reasons can be: meningitis, encephalitis, infectious diseases, cerebrovascular malformations, traumatic brain injury, genetic disorders. Sometimes, unfortunately, it is not possible in some cases to identify why cerebral hydrocephalus in children.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to diagnose hydrocephalus, the doctor must interview the parents and examine the child himself. After that, a number of studies will be carried out to the baby:

  • NSG - (neurosonography).
  • CT scan.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Ultrasound examination of the brain. It is carried out for children under two years of age.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and choose the treatment tactics that are suitable for your child.

Hydrocephalus treatment

In the event that the diagnosis of hydrocephalus was confirmed, the child simply needs a consultation with a neurosurgeon. In almost all cases, the treatment of hydrocephalus should be surgical. And it is the neurosurgeon who is able to identify both indications and contraindications for the operation. In the event that this is not done in a timely manner, the disease will take on a chronic advanced course, and the treatment will be more difficult.

Of course, all parents are worried about the upcoming surgery. However, do not delay making a decision too long. After all, constantly increased intracranial pressure leads to a delay in psychomotor development, which is not always possible to catch up later.

Also, do not forget about the size of the baby's head. As already mentioned, hydrocephalus leads to the fact that the head circumference of the brain is constantly increasing. And after the operation, it will not return to its previous size, but will only stop growing. And the longer you delay with the operation, the more your baby's head will increase in size.

The meaning of the operation is to lead from the ventricles of the brain to some other body cavity, from where it is then freely excreted from the body. Most often, ventriculo-peritoneal shunting is used for these purposes. The doctor installs a kind of system of silicone catheters through which the cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles of the brain into the abdominal cavity.

Such operations annually not only save hundreds of children's lives, but also allow such children to lead a full-fledged lifestyle: attend kindergarten, school.

The most beautiful event for women is the first meeting with her child, whom she carried in her for 9 months and all this time she only guessed how he would look. But finally the moment of childbirth comes, and the long-awaited meeting takes place. Probably, every mother carefully studies the appearance of her child, and if she pays attention to other babies, she will notice that not all the shape of the skull is the same. In this regard, the question may arise: why?

Skull shapes in children

Doctors distinguish two main types of skull shapes in babies:

  1. Dolichocephalic head shape. In this case, it has an oval and oblong shape.
  2. Brachycephalic head shape. With her, the skull has a rounded shape.

These forms are considered normal in medicine.

Reasons for deviations

In general, there are several reasons why babies are born with different head shapes. First of all, it depends on how the baby was born. And today there are two ways of giving birth:

  • natural;
  • cesarean section.

The fact is that when a child moves through the birth canal, he is under pressure. During this sequence, the baby's skull adapts to the structure of the mother's organs, and a dolichocephalic head shape is formed. The skull can change its shape thanks to the fontanelle and elastic membranes that connect its bones in the baby. Therefore, the dolichocephalic head shape is more common in those newborns who were born in a natural way.

It is also believed that the elongated shape of the skull in the fetus is formed in the occipital presentation. This happens when the aforementioned area of \u200b\u200bthe baby's head during childbirth first passes through the birth canal.

Babies born by caesarean section are not subject to pressure, so the skull retains its original rounded, brachycephalic shape. Interestingly, the dolichocephalic head shape of the newborn of these two norms is considered more acceptable. Indeed, with the natural birth of a child, the whole organism of a newborn is launched.

With a cesarean section, especially when it is planned and started without waiting for the onset of labor, the natural launch in the body of the newborn does not occur. Therefore, in babies who were born with this method, adaptation to life outside the womb may occur somewhat differently than in children born naturally.

Pathological forms of the skull of newborns

There are several pathological forms of the skull of newborns:

  1. Plagiocephaly, or "flat head". With this pathology, the frontal or flattened, and the head is asymmetrical.
  2. Acrocephaly. With this pathology, newborns have a conical, elongated head shape. The seams of the bones of the skull are overgrown prematurely.
  3. Scaphocephaly. It is characterized by the fact that with it early ossification of the skull occurs, while its frontal or occipital parts can significantly bulge.

Head circumference in newborns

Not only does the weight and height of the newborn matter, but also the size of the head, as well as its circumference. These indicators can tell doctors a lot about the physical condition of the child born.

The size and circumference of the head are measured with a soft measuring tape along the most convex places - the back of the head and eyebrow lines. Measure the circumference of the head of the newborn from the second to the fourth day of his life, after the disappearance of postpartum edema.

A 35 centimeter circle is considered the norm, but fluctuations from 32 to 38 centimeters are the norm. For any of these indicators, the head circumference in children is 2.5 cm larger than the size of the chest. When the baby is 5 months old, these indicators should become equal. And by one year, the child's chest should already exceed the head circumference by the same 2.5 cm.

If after measurements it became obvious that there was a deviation, this indicates a possible pathology. To determine it more accurately, you need to know in which direction the deviation is larger or smaller.


There are several types of possible pathologies. One of them is a disease such as hydrocephalus (or, in other words, dropsy). With this ailment, there is an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the child's skull.

Photos of newborns with this problem clearly show that the size of the head is greatly increased, the brain region is larger in comparison with the front, and the frontal part protrudes strongly forward. The accumulation of this fluid leads to an increase in intracranial pressure.

Hydrocephalus symptoms

The symptoms of dropsy, or hydrocephalus, are:

  • an increase in head circumference;
  • the baby's skull continues to enlarge after birth;
  • the child is lagging behind in development;
  • he is irritable, lethargic, whiny, and at times, on the contrary, becomes aggressive;
  • the baby may experience headaches;
  • he often has nausea and vomiting;
  • doctors, as a rule, detect changes in the fundus;
  • epileptic seizures are possible;
  • urinary incontinence.

If a child is diagnosed with hydrocephalus, then it must be shown to a neurosurgeon. Most often, this disease is treated surgically, and the neurosurgeon, after examination and thorough examination, gives indications or contraindications for the upcoming operation.

After successful surgery, the disease usually does not progress. The child can attend regular preschool institutions (kindergartens) and school with their peers. Sometimes, treatment is done without surgery, using drugs that reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, the shape of the skull gradually returns to normal.


The second type of possible pathology of newborns is a disease such as microcephaly. With it, there is a decrease in brain mass in a newborn, in contrast to healthy children, and a related decrease in the size of the head circumference.

There are many reasons that provoke the development of this ailment. These can be various infectious diseases carried over during pregnancy, intoxication of the fetus in the womb with alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Such effects are especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, when all organs and systems of the child are just being formed.

The use of some antibiotics during pregnancy has a negative effect. The influence of radioactive radiation, toxic poisoning of the fetus, genetic abnormalities and can also cause the development of microcephaly in newborns. At the same time, the child's skull will be noticeably smaller in comparison with children who do not have pathology.

Microcephaly symptoms

Microcephaly of a newborn can be recognized even visually, without additional examinations. This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The head circumference of a newborn is 2-3 times less than the norm. If in healthy children it is 32-38 cm, then in newborns with microcephaly, this figure is only 25-27 centimeters. In the photo of newborns with microcephaly, it can be seen that the shape of their skull has been changed - the child's face grows, and the head itself remains small.
  2. The weight of the brain in healthy children is about 400 g, and in newborns with microcephaly, it fluctuates around 250 g.
  3. Frequent companions of the named disease are such deviations as "cleft lip", strabismus, "cleft palate".
  4. Children with microcephaly are born with a closed fontanelle, or its closure occurs in the first month of life.
  5. The kid is noticeably lagging behind in emotional and speech development. At the same time, he not only cannot reproduce words and sounds himself, but also practically does not understand the speech spoken by others.

Microcephaly is currently, unfortunately, an incurable disease. Treatment is mainly aimed at reducing the development of malformations.


Another type of possible pathology is macrocephaly. In medicine, this is the name for an increase in the volume of the skull and the weight of the brain in the absence of dropsy. With this disease, the weight of the brain can reach 2850 grams. This pathology can be asymptomatic, and the appearance of the brain is practically no different from normal.

Macrocephaly is a congenital disorder, but it can sometimes occur after birth. Unfortunately, the reasons why it occurs are currently unknown.

Even if your newborn has a dolichocephalic head shape and there are no abnormalities and abnormalities in the shape of the skull, it is necessary to properly care for the baby to prevent the appearance of postpartum pathologies. The fact is that the bones of the skull in newly born crumbs are relatively soft, not hardened, therefore, when the baby lies for a long time in one position, the skull bones are deformed, and the head eventually acquires an irregular shape. In order for the dolichocephalic shape of the fetus's head to change, in the first 12 weeks of life, parents need to change the position of the newborn as often as possible, each time laying it on the other side.

Newly born babies have a head circumference 2 cm larger than the girth of the chest. But it happens that its size increases. For example, if a lot of fluid accumulates in the cranial cavity. Then the doctor diagnoses "hydrocephalus" - in newborns, the problem often develops as a result of intrauterine infections.

What is the reason?

The brain is surrounded on all sides by a fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. This liquid protects nerve tissue from mechanical damage and microbes. In addition, it removes toxic metabolic products from them.

CSF also circulates in four brain cavities - the ventricles, which communicate with each other. In their choroid plexuses, it is constantly formed and here, after washing the outer meninges, it is absorbed back into the bloodstream.

Normally, the total amount of cerebrospinal fluid in a newborn does not exceed 20 ml. If the production, circulation or drainage of cerebrospinal fluid is disturbed, then its volume may increase several times. This is how hydrocephalus occurs, or, in other words, dropsy of the brain.

The causes of hydrocephalus in newborns are manifold. The most common are:

  • Maternal infections during pregnancy
  • Birth trauma
  • Malformations of the brain or spinal cord
  • Cranial hemorrhage
  • Brain tumors
  • Very rarely, the disease is caused by genetic disorders

How to suspect a disease?

The main symptom of hydrocephalus in babies is rapid head growth. The bones of the skull in children are elastic, so they easily "stretch" under the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid.

If the disease develops in the baby while still in the womb, then the change in the shape of the head is detected immediately at birth. Otherwise (for example, when a birth injury is received), the excess of its circumference in comparison with the norm is determined by the pediatrician during the next routine examination. In addition, the doctor gropes for a slightly swollen and enlarged fontanelle.

A sick child looks lethargic, drowsy, does not gain weight well. Many young patients have:

  • increased tearfulness,
  • frequent regurgitation,
  • vomiting
  • the venous network on the forehead and scalp.

More rare signs of hydrocephalus in newborns appear with a severe course of the disease. It can be:

  • Seizures
  • Trembling hands, chin
  • Eye displacement
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Pallor of the skin

With a very rare, so-called compensated, form, hydrocephalus is almost asymptomatic. In such a situation, it is discovered by chance, for example, during an X-ray examination of the skull for another disease.

Baby examination

The main method that allows one to suspect hydrocephalus in a newborn is to measure the circumference of the head. Normally, this indicator should increase in the first three months by no more than 2 cm per month. By one year, the head circumference should be 1 cm less than the chest circumference.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination for the baby, which includes:

  • Ultrasound of the brain (or neurosonography). This method can be used until the child's fontanelles have closed. With the help of ultrasound, the expansion of the ventricles of the brain, the presence of tumors or hemorrhages, malformations of the central nervous system are detected. The procedure for children is absolutely safe, therefore, if necessary, it can be used repeatedly.
  • MRI and CT. Reveal the thickness of the membranes of the brain and the expansion of its ventricles.
  • Electroencephalography. Establish violations of the activity of the brain.

Any other methods of brain research (radioisotope scanning, angiography) are not used in children.

Treatment methods

The disease must be corrected without fail. If treatment is not started on time, the consequences of hydrocephalus in newborns will not be long in coming. The child's brain will not be able to develop normally, which will lead to mental retardation. and disability.

The choice of therapy tactics is determined by a neurosurgeon. If the disease practically does not manifest itself in any way and progresses poorly (compensated form), the child is prescribed dehydrating drugs. They remove excess fluid from the body and reduce the formation of cerebrospinal fluid. The baby is constantly monitored, periodically monitoring his condition by repeated ultrasound and CT of the brain.

But most often, the treatment of hydrocephalus in newborns has to be performed surgically. The purpose of the operation is to drain the cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles of the brain to other cavities in the body.

There are two options for surgical intervention:

  • Ventriculoperitoneal shunting (VPS)

A valve drainage system is installed under the child's skin, through which excess cerebrospinal fluid flows into the abdominal cavity. The system consists of thin silicone tubes that are not visible from the outside. The device starts to work only when intracranial pressure rises above the norm. For the artificial regulation of the volume of cerebrospinal fluid, a special valve is provided.

You first saw your toddler, your joy has no limit. However, what is it? Have you noticed that the form your baby's head is not round at all. But do not worry ahead of time. The form heads in babies just born, it can be different: elongated, slightly flattened, ovoid - and all this is the norm.

To the moment birth the bones of the child's skull are weak, as they harden during the first year of life. And the seams between these bones, not yet overgrown. When the bones are born, they seem to overlap each other, which makes it possible for the baby to move faster and easier along birth canals... It is for this reason that during natural childbirth in babies, the head is slightly stretched out, and in children born by cesarean section, it is even and round. Due to the difficulties of moving through the birth canal, the baby may be born with an asymmetrical head, and in some cases even with bump called cephalohematoma or edema.

Many parents are surprised that the child has such a big head. Compared with dimensions body, it is actually quite large - when the baby is born, the head of the newborn is two centimeters larger than the chest. However, there are cases when these sizes increase several times. This is due to the accumulation in the cranial cavity of the spinal cord liquids. Doctors call this deviation hydrocephalus, and it occurs if, during the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother caught a dangerous infection. If the baby's head is much smaller than the body size, then this is most likely microcephaly... A child can inherit such features of the shape of the head from his parents.

When will the shape of the head get the correct shape?

Form alignment occurs from the first days life baby. This process can take up to a year. What can parents do to help their baby cope with this faster?

First of all, the child needs a caring care... If the baby is on his back for a long time, this can lead to the fact that occiput becomes flat. That is why mom and dad should periodically turn the baby's head in different parties, shift the crumb to one side, and in some cases even put a special roller.

What affects the irregular head shape?

The shape of the head can be deformed as a result of the development of such diseaseslike rickets. At the same time, a malfunction in metabolic processes occurs in the baby's body. calcium... In such a situation, a specialist consultation is necessary. The doctor will recommend that the mother control her food... For example, if the baby is breastfed, then the woman should add to her menu as much dairy products as possible, and if the baby is bottle-fed, then it is important to choose mixturesuitable for your baby.

Also, the shape of the head can be corrected with the help of an orthopedic pillows, which is able to prevent changes in shape in the back of the head and neck. Such pillows are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Don't panic when you see your toddler has an irregular head shape. Talk to your doctor about it, who will tell you about the reasons deformations and will help you choose the therapy that will quickly and painlessly help correct the problem.

A woman feels herself the happiest and there are reasons for this. After all, from now on she became a mother, and all the fears and anxieties associated with childbirth have already been left behind. In recent years, many maternity hospitals have created all the conditions for a mother and a newborn child to be together in the same ward immediately after the baby is born. In this case, the child has the opportunity from the first minutes of life to feel the warmth and affection of the mother, and a happy mother is not able to critically approach the newborn. She loves him for who he is.

In the event that mother after giving birth, she is deprived of the opportunity to see her baby for a long time, anxiety creeps into her heart, and therefore, when the baby is brought to her for the first feeding, she begins to carefully examine the newborn and finds many features in his appearance, which makes her worried even more. One of the most frequently asked questions of new mothers to doctors is: "Why is my baby's head elongated?"

Of course to dispel anxiety of women in labor, any doctor answers this question: "Do not worry, this is normal." However, young mothers often do not like this answer, they want to know more. So that they have no doubts, in this article we want to familiarize future and young mothers in detail about the features of the head shape in newborn children.

Nature has foreseen many mechanismsto facilitate the birth process and ensure the safe delivery of children. The preparation of the parent and child's body for the birth of a baby takes place long before childbirth. Among them, special attention deserves the fact that the bones of the child's skull remain mobile until birth and only after birth the seams begin to harden. In addition, the bones of the skull in newborns are pliable and soft, so that the head of babies can easily change shape and easily pass the narrow birth canal.

For this reason, almost all newborn babies have an elongated head shape. The following head shapes are considered normal in newborns:
1. Dolichocephalic - the skull is slightly flattened, stretched from the chin to the back of the head, has a diagonally oblong shape.
2. Bracheocephalic - the longitudinal diameter of the head is less than the transverse one, the skull is elongated from the forehead to the back of the head, slightly flattened.
3. Tower - the skull is extended vertically. The reason for the formation of this shape of the skull is the rapid overgrowth of the seams of the skull bones.

Rarely deformity in newborns is a consequence of birth trauma, hydrocephalus and other dangerous diseases. As a rule, the shape and circumference of the head in newborn babies directly depends on the hereditary predisposition. Already a few months after birth, the shape of the head in babies takes the shape that they inherited from mom or dad.

Most often the shape of the skull in infants rounds up at the age of 6-12 months, but sometimes the final formation of the skull occurs only at 5-7 years. At the same time, the child's intelligence develops normally. Therefore, in cases where the birth took place without complications, you should not worry about the elongated shape of the baby's head, this is normal for babies born naturally. The round shape of the head in newborn babies is most often an indicator of the birth of a child by cesarean section.

Despite the fact that all newborn babies have a slightly elongated head shape, one cannot fail to note the fact that the degree of elongation and flattening of their skull still depends on the duration of labor and the structure of the maternal pelvis. Most often, the child has a strongly flattened and elongated head shape from the chin to the back of the head in women with a narrow pelvis. The narrower the pelvis of a woman in labor, the more difficult it is for the child to move along the birth canal with the back of the head forward and the more chances he has to have an egg-shaped head.

More important indicator than the form, is the size of the child's head. According to this indicator, pediatricians determine the development of infants and identify pathologies. Parents themselves can measure the size of their baby's head using a soft measuring tape. Measurement should be taken along the most prominent parts of the skull, covering the back of the head and the line of the eyebrows with a tape.

Head size in newborn babies in the first week after birth, it should be within 32-38 cm. If the size of the child's head is less or more than this norm, then this should not be a cause for concern. Compare the circumference of the baby's head with the circumference of his chest. If the size of the head is 2 cm larger than the girth of the chest, then this indicates that there are no deviations from the norm.

Newborn head size largely depends on heredity, with the exception of premature babies, which have a large head circumference. If the baby's head grows rapidly after birth, then this may be the first sign of hydrocephalus or other abnormalities in brain development. Normally, the head circumference in infants increases by 2 cm every month, and after 3 months of age, the head growth decreases and by the year its circumference is about 45-47 cm.

A small dimple on the crown of the child's head - the fontanel - performs an important task during the birth of the baby. And even after birth, she is given a serious role, and at the same time - special attention of mothers and doctors.

The fontanelles are areas at the joints of the cranial bones, covered instead of bone tissue with soft elastic membranes. Thanks to them, the baby's head is flexible and during childbirth can adapt to the curves of the mother's pelvis. The volume and size of the baby's head at the time of birth are reduced, which protects both the baby's brain and the mother's organs from damage.

There are six fontanels in total, but in full-term babies by the time of birth, as a rule, only one remains open, in the region of the crown, the so-called large fontanel. Normally, its size is from 0.5 to 3 cm, and the shape resembles a rhombus. After birth, it helps the baby to adapt to the changing external environment: maintain body temperature, regulate fluctuations in intracranial pressure.

For a whole year we unwittingly try to get around this large fontanelle when we stroke the child's head, take off his cap, and comb it. Directly under the skin, thin and shiny, is a strong but elastic membrane, which will later be replaced by bone, and a rather large vein pulsates beneath it. It is she who swells, transmitting the vibrations of the arteries and the heart when the baby cries, screams or takes a deep breath.

The large fontanelle grows gradually and closes completely between 6 and 18 months. When exactly this happens depends primarily on the characteristics of the baby's body. Although too slow or, conversely, rapid overgrowth of the fontanelle is a sign of the disease, but not by itself, but together with other symptoms. So, most often the "dent" is tightened too slowly due to rickets. It also happens that the fontanelle disappears already in the first six months of a baby's life - the reason for this is a violation of the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

"Hollow" does not require special care. You can touch the fontanelle with both your hand and the comb - although, of course, you should not press hard on it, as, indeed, on any other part of the child's body.

By the appearance of the fontanelle, you can assess the condition of the baby. Normally, it should neither swell nor sink; touching the fontanelle with your fingers, it is easy to feel the pulsation.

You should consult a doctor if the fontanelle becomes hard to the touch, no pulsation is felt inside it, it swells or sinks, and the baby is worried or, on the contrary, looks lethargic (normally, the fontanelle can swell when the baby cries, but then quickly returns to its former form). When the fontanel is drawn inward, this may indicate severe dehydration of the child: it must be urgently shown to the doctor.

The rate of overgrowth of the large fontanelle is different for each baby - this is normal if the head circumference is added both smoothly and on time. This phenomenon can be explained as follows: if, due to some stress received during childbirth, the child's brain "lives" better in conditions of a "spacious" skull, it will maintain a large fontanelle and open sutures for a long time, and if mobility harms the brain, wise the body will overgrow it in 3 months.

Newborn head shape and size

The shape of the head in newborn babies can be not only round, but also elongated, flattened, ovoid - and all these options are considered the norm. Why is this happening?

By the time of birth, the bones of the skull in babies are not yet too dense (they will have to harden completely during the first year of life), and the seams between them have not yet had time to overgrow. During labor, the bones overlap, allowing the baby to move outward more easily. That is why, after natural childbirth, the shape of the head is, as a rule, slightly elongated, and in small "Caesareans" it is even and rounded. Due to the twists and turns of travel through the birth canal, the baby may be born with an asymmetrical head, and sometimes also with a lump (cephalohematoma) or edema (the so-called birth canal).

At birth, the baby's head in circumference is about 2 cm larger than the chest. But it happens that these sizes increase even more: this happens if cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the cranial cavity. Then the upper part becomes larger than the lower one, a heavy forehead hangs over the eyes and nose, and doctors talk about hydrocephalus. This problem can arise if during pregnancy a woman has suffered a severe infection that affected the unborn baby. In this case, doctors will immediately begin treating the child, and after a few months, his head may approach normal size.

A more serious situation is considered when a newborn, on the contrary, has a too small head (microcephaly). Sometimes this is due to genetic disorders that prevent the baby from developing normally. Fortunately, in many cases, the reason for the unusual shape or size of the head turns out to be much simpler: the child can inherit all these features from the parents.

Only a doctor will correctly assess the baby's head circumference, so it makes no sense for parents to arm themselves with a centimeter. But for specialists, this indicator will tell whether the child's brain is developing correctly.

Normally, in newborns, the head circumference is 34-36 cm. At first, the head grows rather quickly, by about 1.5 cm per month; after 3 months - by 0.5-1 cm and by 6 months it reaches 43 cm in girth. If the baby is much ahead of or behind the norm, this may indicate a problem with the nervous system.

Comment on the article "Newborn's head: shape, size, fontanelle. Is everything all right?"

Head shape. Independent medical examination of children. Adoption. Discussion of issues of adoption, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children, interaction with guardianship, training in the shape of the head is formed in literally the first months of a child's life.


We didn't have much, but the deformation of the skull was written in the map. Mine has been in the system since birth, it seems that this is from the fact that I lay on one side for a long time, swaddled. Plus there was rickets. Has grown up, has eaten cheeks, has grown pigtails - it is almost not visible, but a little has corrected. Picked up at 2.5.

My average had one, but I think it was connected with rickets. Now, after a year, it has leveled off substantially. Although the flatness on both sides still remains, it does not spoil it and does not bother me. Yes, and thick hair hides everything.

The normal head size differs among different peoples. Tables, according to which the doctor is guided, for which people are they made? In addition to the accelerated growth of the head in children, it is possible to identify an enlarged and protruding large fontanel, which should ...


Thank you very much for your support. I read, but the computer was buggy and I couldn't answer. It was we who came to a "stranger" doctor, and now she immediately drew attention to the size of the head (we went about another issue). Research was assigned to us in connection with the missile defense system, but at the end of April, so we are going to kill two birds with one stone. I really hope that this is still hereditary and simply from the fact that he is a big guy in himself. Thanks again. Wish us luck, please, to make this all a false alarm!

Consult with other doctors. They will tell you what it might be. And if it is still large (according to doctors), then I would not refuse examinations, for sure.

About the shape of the head. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Mom, tell me, please, to what age does the shape of a child's head form? Sonny was born with a slightly elongated head and a flat nape, but in my opinion, this is not ...


the older one still has a sloping nape on one side, but it is not noticeable under the hair. She was also very worried, then resigned herself.

We also had a large bevel, it was very noticeable. The doctors advised only to put a pillow so that it would not lie on one favorite side all the time. Well, and a special pillow, on which we refused to sleep. Now we are a year old and everything has leveled itself out, nothing is noticeable

04/21/2009 01:15:16, it was

head size. Age norms. A child from birth to one year. Please tell me about the head size of a month old baby. It worries me greatly that with a small face we have a large head, protruding, ovoid.

Head shape. Does the head align? Maybe someone had such children - like dynamics after 1 year, 2 years? Head sizes .. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. For example, my husband has a big head - 61 cm. And the child has always been more than normal.


We were diagnosed with cerebellar hypoplasia, is there anyone, please write how the child develops, how the child grows, how he walks as he speaks, please respond ...

In this article:

The first thing that new parents and their relatives are interested in learning about a baby is what is his height and weight. And few people know that the head circumference of a newborn is also of great importance and says a lot about the physical condition of the child. What can be judged by measuring the diameter and volume of the new man's head? Let's try to figure it out.

Pediatricians have a special table that reflects all the norms of the physical development of an infant up to one year old. And besides height and weight, there is a huge emphasis on the size of his head. These indicators allow doctors to judge how well a newborn baby is growing.

Features of the shape of the head of a newly born man

When the fetus passes the birth canal, it experiences pressure and adjusts to it. The bones of the skull of newborns are not yet fused together and are mobile relative to each other. This is designed by nature itself to minimize the risk of injury. That is why the shape of the head of a newly born person is somewhat elongated, oblong. Over time, the peculiarity will pass, and you do not need to be afraid, this is a physiological norm.

The table showing the size and girth of a newborn's head starts at 35-37 cm, which is considered the average for a healthy child. Any strong deviation up or down indicates pathology and requires careful monitoring. It is possible that a birth injury occurred during the birth process, and this affected the baby's head. This happens quite often, especially if the birth was natural, and is successfully treated.

What if there was a cesarean section?

If the baby was born through an operation, his head will be slightly different. It is not for nothing that doctors say that Caesareans have a smooth and beautiful head, because they did not experience any pressure, because they did not pass through the birth canal. Nevertheless, this is also the norm.

The only thing you need to know about is that a child who was removed from the mother's womb by surgery has a slightly larger head circumference and volume than a child who was born naturally. The feature can persist for up to a year. That is why these babies often have narrower breasts than the head. But this does not mean at all that there was a birth trauma, this is simply the development of the Caesarea. And to be afraid that your child has a big head is not worth it at all, over time everything will level out.

So, the shape of the newborn's head should be elongated, uneven, sometimes slightly compressed in the temples. The kid is not yet able to hold it himself, so he throws it back, which is also the norm in itself. In a newborn who has undergone a cesarean section, the shape of the head is smoother, and the volume and circumference may be slightly larger than the indicators that the table has.

Physiological norm and deviations from it

So, the usual girth is 35-37 cm, slight fluctuation in both directions is allowed. If the discrepancies are significant, then there may be a lot of reasons, and young parents need to know about them.

Birth injury

This is one of the most important reasons why a newborn's head is abnormal. The consequences may be different, but most of them are eliminated by a year or even earlier. Most often, the reason that an injury has occurred can be the mother's incorrect behavior during childbirth, the discrepancy between the sizes of the fetus's head and the woman's pelvis, and other features of the process of the birth of a man. All this is treated and in itself is not so scary.

Congenital diseases

This is worse than a birth injury. The reason that the baby has a large head may be, for example, hydrocephalus. What it is? This is a very serious illness, often fatal. However, you should not be scared right away. For a progressive disease, a very severe course is characteristic, accompanied by a divergence of the seams of the skull and disorders not only of a physical, but also of a mental nature. True hydrocephalus is associated with excess intracranial fluid and is rare.

In addition, if a newborn's head size is much smaller than the norm suggests, then this may indicate microcephaly. And again, don't panic right there. As a rule, the circumference and volume of the baby's head directly depends on the hereditary predisposition, and this factor should also be taken into account. True microcephaly is a rather rare disease and it is diagnosed even at the stage of intrauterine development.

So, various factors can affect the diameter of the child's head, including not only some diseases, but also the trauma that occurred during childbirth. Sometimes a phenomenon such as a hemangioma can be observed - a benign tumor that looks like an enlarged birthmark. It manifests itself in the first days of a newborn's life. When parents notice her, they are invariably frightened, but again in vain. What harm can there be from hemangioma? In principle, no, if it is removed in a timely manner.

Features of changing the head with the growth of the child: shape, girth and size

So, we have considered all the features of the circumference and volume of the head of a newborn baby. What progress can be observed during the first year of a baby's life and when to expect the first success from a newborn?

A baby just born is completely helpless, he himself does not hold his head, but only powerlessly throws it back. And here it doesn't matter how labor was going on and what method of delivery was used: all new people are equally helpless. The size of their head seems to be simply huge in comparison with a small body, and even if the circumference is normal, all the same, for the baby, his head seems simply too heavy, and for the first few weeks he will throw it back. In order to train a newborn, it should be laid out more often on the tummy: in this position, after some time, you will see how the baby holds his head upright and looks at the space in front of him. When will this happen? After about 2-3 weeks of constant training.

By the age of one month, a healthy baby, as a rule, is already quite confidently holding his head and trying to twist it, but it should still be supported by his hand, because he can inadvertently twitch. The size of the skull increases, and with it, both the diameter and volume grow. The shape, so uneven at first, becomes more and more rounded. By the age of one month, the child already throws the head back less often, and its girth becomes approximately 3 cm larger.

At 2 months, the shape of the head is already much smoother, and the diameter increases by an average of 2 cm.When your child reaches the age of 3 months, he does not throw his head back at all, but confidently rotates it. Only if there was a birth injury, then the development can be slightly slower.

Further progress is progressing at such a pace. At 3 months, the baby's head circumference increases by about 1 cm, and this will continue for up to six months. Thus, the diameter of this part of the body in a six-month-old baby should be on average 8-10 cm larger than the initial one. The shape becomes proportional, and the size decreases in comparison with the body.

By one year, the girth of the head should be about 10 - 12 cm larger than that of the newborn. This is due to the fact that in the second half of life, the diameter increases monthly by only half a centimeter. In general, growth with weight gain in this period also becomes less intense. As a rule, a one-year-old child has a head circumference of about 45-48 cm.

The fontanelle at this time in most children is already completely tightened. Babies become more and more curious and mobile, regardless of whether they have had a birth injury or everything went well. And every day more and more troubles and worries are added to parents, but they are the most pleasant and joyful!

Young parents should closely monitor their baby and understand his mood and physical condition. Many norms are not true for absolutely all children, and can fluctuate within certain limits. Each baby has its own pace of development and its own characteristics, and if he feels good, eats with appetite and actively learns the world around him, then everything is in order with him. This is a basic truth that all moms and dads must learn.

Table of normal values \u200b\u200bfor head circumference

Age Head circumference indicators, cm
Year / month Month Highly
Low Below
Middle Higher
Tall Highly
0: 0 0 30.3 31.5 32.7 33.9 35.1 36.2 37.4
0: 1 1 33.0 34.2 35.4 36.5 37.7 38.9 40.1
0: 2 2 34.6 35.8 37.0 38.3 39.5 40.7 41.9
0: 3 3 35.8 37.1 38.3 39.5 40.8 42.0 43.3
0: 4 4 36.8 38.1 39.3 40.6 41.8 43.1 44.4
0: 5 5 37.6 38.9 40.2 41.5 42.7 44.0 45.3
0: 6 6 38.3 39.6 40.9 42.2 43.5 44.8 46.1
0: 7 7 38.9 40.2 41.5 42.8 44.1 45.5 46.8
0: 8 8 39.4 40.7 42.0 43.4 44.7 46.0 47.4
0: 9 9 39.8 41.2 42.5 43.8 45.2 46.5 47.8
0:10 10 40.2 41.5 42.9 44.2 45.6 46.9 48.3
0:11 11 40.5 41.9 43.2 44.6 45.9 47.3 48.6
1: 0 12 40.8 42.2 43.5 44.9 46.3 47.6 49.0
1: 3 15 41.5 42.9 44.3 45.7 47.0 48.4 49.8
1: 6 18 42.1 43.5 44.9 46.2 47.6 49.0 50.4
1: 9 21 42.6 44.0 45.3 46.7 48.1 49.5 50.9
2: 0 24 43.0 44.4 45.8 47.2 48.6 50.0 51.4
2: 3 27 43.4 44.8 46.2 47.6 49.0 50.4 51.8
2: 6 30 43.7 45.1 46.5 47.9 49.3 50.7 52.2
2: 9 33 44.0 45.4 46.8 48.2 49.7 51.1 52.5
3: 0 36 44.3 45.7 47.1 48.5 49.9 51.3 52.7
3: 3 39 44.5 45.9 47.3 48.7 50.2 51.6 53.0
3: 6 42 44.7 46.1 47.5 49.0 50.4 51.8 53.2
3: 9 45 44.9 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.6 52.0 53.4
4: 0 48 45.1 46.5 47.9 49.3 50.8 52.2 53.6
4: 3 51 45.2 46.7 48.1 49.5 50.9 52.3 53.8
4: 6 54 45.4 46.8 48.2 49.6 51.1 52.5 53.9
4: 9 57 45.5 46.9 48.4 49.8 51.2 52.6 54.1
5: 0 60 45.7 47.1 48.5 49.9 51.3 52.8 54.2

Video about what a fontanelle is