The conspiracy is strong for luck for money. Luck and money are eternal companions. Ritual for urgent receipt of money

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where there is no time to wait. Money is needed right now or yesterday. This is a serious crisis, therefore, serious measures are also needed.

It will help to cope with the problem, but, however, not everyone.

The fact is that the effectiveness of this rite directly depends on the will of the magician and the ability to concentrate.

What should an ordinary person do to solve a problem?

  1. Sit comfortably.
  2. Think about the problem.
  3. Write down or simply list the fears associated with her.
  4. Tell yourself firmly that they don't exist.

You can throw them out the window (symbolically) or fence them off.

But with fears, don't even start to practice, nothing will come of it.

The most important thing is to remove them from consciousness.

The more convincing the thought-form is, the more effective magic work will be.

It requires a green lemon.

  1. Bring it home.
  2. Cut in half before going to bed in the dark.
  3. Say the following:

“The fruit is green - full of money! Amen!"

  1. Place the slices under the bed. One is in the heads, the other is in the legs.
  2. Go to bed.

The result will come within one to three days.

  1. After a week, remove the lemon halves.
  2. They should be carried and thrown into a ravine with flowing water.
  3. It is very important to say this:

“The cash flow is in my wallet. Get away from me forever! Amen!"


if there is even a shadow of doubt in the soul about the effectiveness of the ritual, nothing will come of it.

For example, they are spoken to on the new moon so that their income increases along with the night queen.

If you urgently need a certain amount, then also prepare coins.

They should be yellow.

  • If the moon is growing at this moment, then put 1 coin on the windowsill to charge.
  • If it decreases, then they should be activated from the plant. Just spread it out next to an indoor living flower or in the yard (private) near a tree.

It takes several hours to charge coins.

  • At this time, sew a small red cloth pouch.
  • And prepare an elegant ribbon of the same color.
  1. Collect coins in a bag.
  2. Read on them:

“The moon in our world is one, walks across the sky, collects stars. It grows, then decreases. As poverty is unknown to the moon, so I cannot see it, to collect money in a purse. I will place the lunar face among the coins, I will compensate all losses and expenses. In red gold rings, orders me to send money! I accept and thank you! "

Carry the bag with you at all times.

For the quick money ritual to work, focus.

Do not forget that the effectiveness of your actions directly depends on willpower and lack of doubt.

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Place the candle on the table.
  3. Lay the deck in front of you.
  4. You must choose the following cards, placing them behind the candle in the following order:

Ace of pentacles, six of the same suit, eight of wands and nine of cups.

This construct says:

  • ace - the opening of the energy of well-being,
  • six - receiving funds,
  • eight - no obstacles,
  • nine - fulfillment of desires.

Draw out the cards slowly, thinking about their essence (indicated above).

This is not a thought-form for attracting them quickly. In our case, you should surrender to fate.

Let her decide how to get rich quickly.

And the receipt should be presented concretely, realistically.

It is important to fill the thought-form with feelings.

Joy, possession, relief from solving a problem - let everything in there.

The thought-form is created as long as the candle burns.

When it goes out on its own, let it go into space.

In principle, it should be palpable by this time, push it away from you with your hands.

Let it float towards incarnation.

And go to bed yourself.

Do not touch the laid out cards.

Let them stay where you put them for a few days. Everything will work out!

For the ceremony you need:

  • a vase made of real crystal.

If there is no one at home, visit your grandmother. Older people must have them. It used to be fashionable to collect crystal.

  • Also prepare three yellow coins.
  • Small mirror.

Actually this one. But if money is needed urgently, then any day.

Only do it with a curtained window if the lunar phase does not coincide with the desired one.

  1. Place the vase in the center of the round table.
    • Isn't there one? Draw a circle on any other. Determine its center accurately.
  2. Light three candles by placing them around the vase.
  3. Take a coin in your hands.
  4. For each so say:

“Under the generous sun, the foliage of the trees multiplies, the ears of grain are filled with grains, and my life is filled with wealth! Amen!"

  1. Place the coin in the vase.
  2. Take the next one and repeat.
  3. When three coins are in the crystal, say so:

“Reflect gold many times, multiply the income in each facet three times! Amen!"

  1. You should sit with candles, thinking of yourself as rich without hesitation or doubt.
  2. Then go to bed.
  3. In the morning, put the coins in your wallet.

Only separately, so as not to be confused with others. The problem will be resolved soon.

Big money ritual

This rite will help those who have coped with the previous ones. This means that the will is strong, and all obstacles have already been removed from the field.

Run for rice on Friday. It is necessary for the ceremony.

Buy a kilo of the most expensive (you already have money).

And still needed

  • basil,
  • cinnamon,
  • rose oil,
  • thick candle from the temple.

Bring everything home.

  1. Pour all the rice into a crystal vase (the one you borrowed from your grandmother).
  2. Scribble on the candle with a needle or a toothpick an amount that seems unreal to you, even a billion, even a quadrillion, even a trillion. It is important that it seems unattainable.
  3. Rub the candle with rose oil. Very neat, but strong. It will not be absorbed into the wax.
  4. Wipe the top over the candle with your finger dipped in cinnamon powder. Do not hurry. Let the candle turn almost brown.
  5. Put to dry.
  6. Grind the basil yourself almost to dust.
  7. Spread the candle again with rose oil, but so that the cinnamon does not fall off it.
  8. Then dip in the basil powder. Let it stick as much as it can.
  9. Dry a little again.
  10. Insert the candle into fig.
  11. Place the vase in the center of the round table.
    • If not, then see above how to get out of the situation. The circle is needed to close the loop. If there are corners, then there is room for creating obstacles. And this is not necessary.
  12. Light a candle.
  13. Imagine the sign of infinity above its flame. Keep it in your imagination as long as you can.
  14. When you lose control, extinguish the candle.
  15. Repeat everything the next day.
  16. And so on until the candle burns out completely.

Anyone dreams of luring luck and directing the financial flow in their direction. After all, with luck and money, life is easier, but there are more joys.

It is quite simple to attract Mrs. Fortune along with the energy of money into your life, the main thing is to come up with intelligence and faith in success.

Features of attracting luck and money

To begin with, you need to learn how to properly handle money in everyday life and correctly respond to gifts of fate, in the form of unexpected luck:

As soon as you understand that all the everyday subtleties of handling money and attracting good luck have been observed and implemented, you can try to lure them with the help of white magic. Rituals and conspiracies can be performed at home.

  • Do not forget that when conducting rituals and reading conspiracies, one cannot be mistaken and confused. Do not tell anyone about your intentions to enchant and perform all actions alone.
  • To get the desired effect, you must definitely tune in to success: before starting the ceremony for money and luck, concentrate and think about prosperity and well-being for some time.
  • When using magic, faith and emotional attitude play a huge role, without them there may be no effect.

Coin Conspiracy

A very simple conspiracy to attract money and good luck. You need to read it on a certain day according to the lunar calendar - on the growing moon. The best time for the ceremony is before noon or after twenty in the evening. Since this is white magic, try to be in time before two o'clock in the morning.

The ritual is performed alone. Take two buckets in one, pour water, so that you can lift it several times. In the second, put a coin. You need to pour water from one bucket to another seven times, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“A wide river flows, a deep river flows, a circle of a pure field, a circle of Alatyr-stone, the river carries mighty water, boiling water, to every beast, every grass for life, so would I have God's servants (name), gold-silver it flowed like a river, washed the rapids, filled the corners, the children got stronger, the old people for their belongings, the people for the profits.

My words are bound with iron, you cannot pierce with a knife, you cannot chop with an ax, so be it "

If some water is spilled, wipe it off with a canvas cloth and then wipe the threshold of your house with it.

After the ritual is over, pour out the water, and put a coin in your wallet, it will become your magnet for money and good luck. Do not waste it, otherwise the effect of the conspiracy will disappear.

Strong conspiracies to attract money and good luck

In order to attract what you want, you can talk to yourself with a glass of water. The ritual is performed on the growing moon. Be sure to memorize the text of the conspiracy, it must be pronounced without errors and hesitations. Type in a transparent glass of clean water and go outside, you can go to the balcony, the main condition is to see the moon well.

Clutching a glass of water to your chest, look at the moon and say:

In my glass, water-water, you saturate with the light of the moon, fill to the brim with the power of the heavenly, the moon.
Take all this wonderful grace into yourself. Mother Moon, spring water is in my hands, I turn to you with my soul.
Do not leave me in trouble, and help me, fill my wallet to overflowing with money!
There is so much water in the seas, oceans, rivers, streams, so let the same amount of money be in my pocket!
Luna mother, wealth, good luck for many years, give, give, give!

Then look at the luminary through the water in a glass and say:

My wallet will be full, and I will forever forget poverty.

Then you should drink water, and break the glass into small fragments. In the morning, collect the glass and bury it in the ground.

Spell on a silver spoon

You will need:

  • New silver spoon;
  • Holy water.

You need to wash well and wipe the spoon with holy water, during this, pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times:

Mount Abraham, the Power of Adam, I turn to you, I know the forces of the Most High!
Do not refuse me a servant of your God (name).
As a snake sheds its skin, so I will forever shed my thinness, poverty and nakedness.
Morning wind, you pick up and carry my misfortune to distant lands and bring the royal mansions to my feet,
A good horse, mountains of gold and silver. In all this gold I will put my spoon and I will never find it!
Let there be words O mine is strong! Key, lock, tongue, amen!

Take the spoon away from prying eyes and repeat the ceremony every month, but next times, come up with the exact amount of money that you would like to have and constantly think about it during the ceremony. Money will start flowing to you very soon.

Conspiracy for luck and wealth using milk

Another old and proven conspiracy for luck and money is using milk. It is distinguished by its fast action, but it is not easy to carry out.

In the morning, go buy rural "live" milk from your hands, choose a saleswoman "in years", give such an amount that there is change - you do not need to take it. Choose the most expensive milk.

Prepare twelve jars in advance, into which you will pour the purchased milk.

Speak conspiracy words over milk:

There is a hill in the field, a high mountain right on the hill, a green meadow under the mountain, a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.
The bull had huge horns right up to the sun, and the cow had half the Earth's udder.
I will go out into the field, climb the hill, find that meadow, cut the horns of that bull and milk the cow.
A bull will immediately grow horns, and a cow's udder will be filled with milk.
And my profit in my house will grow, prosperity will increase. Amen!

Next, the most time consuming: choose 12 different cooking dishes that require milk. Each dish contains a jar of milk. All cooked must be consumed within three days. The lion's share of the food should be distributed to neighbors, bosses and colleagues. The money will start flowing to you within three months.

Full moon conspiracies

The full moon will bring its own special energy to the ritual to attract finance and good luck, which means the spell will last for a long time.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need:

  • One church candle;
  • Large wallet in bright color;
  • Red thread;
  • Cash, the more the better.

On a full moon, put an empty wallet so that the moonlight falls on it and, looking at the star, begin to cast the spell:

The stars in the sky at night cannot be counted, just as every fish in the sea is countless!
So let there be so much money in my wallet that no one can count!
Help the Moon, Lady of the night, Queen of heaven, give me a decent prosperity
And fill my purse to overflowing! Zakl I know you! Amen!

Spend such a ceremony three nights in a row, for the last time - put all the cash in your wallet and tie it with a red thread. Light a candle next to it and leave it to burn out. The money can be used the next morning.

Prayers to attract money and good luck

The Church does not condemn the appeal to the Saints for help in financial matters. Moreover, if you ask a clergyman who to pray for this, you will hear the names of the Saints: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

Remember that your prayers will be answered to the extent that you believe in the help of the Saints. If you doubt that prayers can help you - so it will be.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to raise money

“O all-praiseworthy, great miracle worker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, the faithful to protect, the hungry for the feeder, the weeping joy, the sick doctor, the ruler floating on the sea, the poor and orphaned writer and the quick helper and patron of everyone, may we live our life in a peaceful place and may be honored to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven , and with them ceaselessly sing the praises of the one God who is being thundered in the Trinity for ever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for financial well-being

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of the Humanitarian God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to his mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but the end of a life that is not shameful and peaceful and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son, and The Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

The prayer "Our Father" also refers to those, it is addressed directly to the Lord, you also act in it in the role of asking for earthly blessings, it must be read every day, and it is better to know by heart.

How to strengthen the actions of conspiracies

Everyone can attract well-being, using magical rituals or without them. Remember that whatever you think about becomes your reality. Stop leading as a victim and life will stop "hitting" you, be in a state of eternal failure, who does not believe in a happy future and good luck - get constant defeat in business.

But believing once is not enough, you must live with faith, as soon as you feel that you have lost the right attitude - be sure to look for it anew. You yourself will not notice how financial success and luck will become your constant companions.

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How clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known all over the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs are lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and 2 signs will be very difficult. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

There is no such person who would not like to live in abundance. It is so great when there is an opportunity to purchase what the soul desires and not to think: “will there be enough money for the salary?”. But not everyone has the opportunity to afford this luxury. Some people are forced to work at several jobs in order to feed their families, but still there is not enough money and this is a shame. In this case, you need to conduct strong rituals for money, after which your financial well-being will significantly improve.

There are many rituals for lack of money

Basic rules for conducting rituals

There are many rituals for lack of money. Correctly carried out monetary rituals contribute to the fact that the amount of money in your wallet will increase. But do not hope that a person who does not want to work will suddenly become rich. That will not happen. The ritual will only help those who work and strive to increase their income, as well as sincerely believe that with the help of magical influence money will "stick to their hands."

Conspiracies can be aimed at:

  • promotion at work;
  • debt repayment;
  • inheritance;
  • winning in gambling.

Most ceremonies for money, wealth and financial well-being are completely harmless and safe, because they are aimed at improving the human biofield and opening the money channel. In most of the rituals, black magic is not used and dark forces are not invoked.

Rite of passage for receiving a large sum of money

The big money ritual must be performed before sunrise on Monday.

How to perform the ritual

  1. To do this, you need to go to the front door of your house or apartment and insert the key into the keyhole.
  2. Then imagine that you have a lot of money and every day you become richer and richer. After that, read the conspiracy:

“The gray wolf will go to the dark forest to look for the white hare.

The wolf will catch up with the white hare, may it find a forged casket in it

upholstered with gilding, and solid steel, burnished.

On that casket the lock weighs heavy, the lock is strong,

the lock is silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the dark water,

hidden from the eyes of strangers.

Only me, the servant of God (name), was given the key in the water surface to find,

honey with water herbs and old stones.

Not a gray wolf, not a passer-by,

the key is not for fast fish,

it is only to me, the servant of God (name), is appointed by fate.

Only I can open that casket.

stones, silver, and gold in it to find and collect.

I, the servant of God (name), will hide that key,

so that everything said come true, that fate is appointed.

May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the spell on the love spell of money is read, the key must be removed from the keyhole and hung around the neck. For the ritual to work, the key must always be worn around the neck as an amulet.

Honey ritual

The ritual using honey serves as a sweet bait for money, it will bring you money and wealth. It will begin to act on receiving money in a month after it is carried out.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out the ritual, you will need to prepare:

  • a handful of rolled oats or oats;
  • a pinch of peas;
  • a bowl two-thirds full of liquid honey.

A ceremony using honey serves as a sweet bait for money

How to perform the ritual

Add oatmeal and peas to the honey. Mix everything thoroughly. While mixing, you need to read the magic words:

"I am a wild marten, a servant of God (name), I will give sweet porridge,

I will appease her with honey gingerbread. Marten that wealth to me

will bring, he will give me fertile lands, he will give houses

high, jewelry will give expensive, coins will bring

all gold. If the raven becomes black, the marten has a gingerbread

honey take away, I will, the servant of God (name), that raven

drive from the marten with a stick. If the marten has a bear

take away the gingerbread, I will also drive it, but with human words

to scold. I, the servant of God (name), will get from the marten for this

great monetary grace. May the said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy to get money quickly

The quick money conspiracy, like the previous rites, is completely safe. The ceremony is easy to perform. In order for the ceremony to begin to work, you need to imagine with all your inner forces that you have received a large amount of money.

How to conduct a ceremony

At exactly 12 o'clock in the afternoon, you need to light church candles - two pieces. It is important that no one else is in the room except you.

After that, you need to read the conspiracy three times:

“My Lord, I believe in you and ask for help!

Your slaves passed through the sky and big ones,

filled with money, the bags were dragged.

By chance those bags were opened and money,

who were in them fell to the ground right at my feet.

I collected all the wealth and came home.

Immediately after reading the magic words, extinguish the candles and they need to be hidden so that no one can find it. But first, cut a small piece from one of them and put it in your wallet - it should be there all the time.

Gold rite to attract big money

To carry out the ceremony, you need to be patient and do everything strictly point by point and at home. It is important that no one knows that you are performing the ceremony for money.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need to prepare:

  • clay pot or regular plate;
  • scarlet church candle;
  • coins;
  • towel.

How to conduct a ceremony

  1. The plate should be placed on the floor in your room, near the door. For six days in a row at 17.00 you need to throw one coin at it. As a result, in six days, you should have six coins in your plate. An important point: you need to take all different coins.
  2. On the first day when you flip the first coin, read the conspiracy:

    “Flow, money, to me. Shine, money, me, the servant of God (name), hurry to make me rich. "

  3. On the following days, after tossing coins, read the words:

    “Money, you money, you are my strength. You do not leave me, the servant of God (name), do not leave for an hour, do not leave in difficult times. Amen".

  4. When there are six coins in the plate, then you need to wait until twelve o'clock in the morning and put the container with money on a wooden table, covered with a linen towel. Place the coins around the plate.
  5. Remove the plate, and put a jar of salt in its place, into which you need to insert a lighted red candle.
  6. The room in which the ritual is performed must be full of moonlight. To do this, you need to calculate the phases of the moon so that the last day when you flip a coin falls on a full moon.
  7. Looking at the burning candle, read the conspiracy:

    “Beyond the blue sea, beyond the endless ocean, on the distant Buyan island, lies a white stone, a combustible stone - Alatyr. As the dawns on the stone close, as the dawns on it are comforted, and the songs are singing, so I, the servant of God (name), sang songs on it, comforted the dove of a gray-winged falcon, a black raven. Tight sorrow sucked my zealous heart, blackened it black in need. There is not enough wealth in my house, which is why I do not feel sweet either day or night. As I, the servant of God (name), light a candle, put the money in, so my money will multiply, as my candle begins to vibrate. The wax on my candle melts and floats, so my need decreases, and wealth comes. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  8. When you finish reading the conspiracy, then immediately go to bed. The candle should burn out by itself at this time. It is necessary to wake up before dawn. All coins must be folded into a bowl and left on the table.

You also need to throw coins into a plate with coins throughout the week.

A jar of salt and a candle stub must be wrapped in a towel and left at the intersection until dawn. You must also throw coins into the plate with coins throughout the week. This should end up with 13 different coins. After each coin, read the powerful prayer "Our Father". Then stack all the coins on top of each other on a piece of paper and pack carefully. You need to hide coins in a cache and store them there for three years. It is worth noting that the rite of passage for wealth is the strongest and most effective.

Money spell

After the ritual, you will be lucky and lucky. After all, this is a powerful rite of passage for gaining money. And a lot of money will go straight into your hands, you can be sure. But before carrying out it, think carefully, because this ritual uses magic and witchcraft, and this suggests that the ritual is not as safe as it seems.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, you need to prepare:

  • aromatic oil of cinnamon;
  • deck of tarot cards;
  • three green candles.

How to carry out the ceremony

It is necessary to wait for the new moon and grease the candle with aromatic oil.

  1. From the deck you need to get the Ace of Pentacles and put the image upside down behind the burning candle. The Ace of Pentacles is a symbol of big money, and the aromatic oil of cinnamon acts to attract them.
  2. Next, you need to sit down in front of a candle and looking at its fire, think about how poverty leaves your home forever, and settles in it: luck, success and a lot of money. Just imagine how, where and for what you can get a large amount.
  3. Imagine holding a lot of money in your hands, smell it. Imagine, as far as you can, that you are very rich.
  4. After that, you need to blow out the candle and rub your palms over the smoke coming from it. With all your might, imagine that there is a gold coin in your palms. The candle and the card must remain on the table until the next night, and when it comes, the ritual must be repeated, but on the left side of the ace you need to put a card - the six of Pentacles.
  5. Imagine that you have a huge capital, and you help friends and relatives with money. And also make charitable contributions to orphanages and hospitals. You need to finish the ritual in the same way as on the first night: extinguish the candle and rub your palms over the smoke.
  6. On the third night, take out the second green candle, because the first one has already burned out. Also anoint with cinnamon oil. Place the Page of Pentacles on the left side of the six. Imagine that without complicated efforts, money comes to your house from all possible sources. It is necessary to complete the ritual, as in the previous days. On the fourth night, the penultimate one, do everything in the same way, but on the left side of the Page, place ten Pentacles. Imagine that you are very rich and that you are completely safe. After the visualization session, blow out the candle again and rub your palms over the smoke.
  7. The fifth night is the last. Take out the third candle and anoint it with cinnamon oil. If the ritual is performed by a woman, then the Queen of Pentacles must be removed from the deck, and if the man is performing the ritual, then the King of Pentacles must be obtained. The card must be placed on top of the layout. And after visualization, you need to read the conspiracy for welfare and quick receipt of money:

    “Money and luck come to me, the Universe gives me opportunities and sources of wealth. I am sending a spell to the Universe to fulfill my order. "

  8. Then blow out the candle and say:

    "How full my palms are of smoke, let them be full of money."

  9. Then clap your palms and say:

    "Let it be so, let it be so, let it be so!"

The layout should remain on the table until the full moon. Return the cards to the deck in the morning after the full moon. If you have no experience in using Tarot cards, then it is better to use another ritual.

The spell to get money involves the use of tarot cards

Wealth conspiracy

After reading the conspiracy, money will regularly come to your house. You need to read the plot on a bill. The best time to read a conspiracy is on the growing moon, on an even number.

How to perform the ritual

Read the magic words:

“As there is a lot of mud in the swamp, fish in the water, so there is a lot of money for me. A month to grow - grow up, and give me the servant (slave) of God (name), wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The bill must be left in the corner for seven days and then spent. Repeat the action three times.

A conspiracy to live well

This conspiracy will help get rid of lack of money.

  1. You need to get the wick out of the candle and light it on both sides and quickly say the magic words:

    “My fire is eternal, but my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good. Amen".

  2. Using gypsy conspiracies for wealth
  3. Ancient gypsy conspiracies are considered to be practically the most powerful methods for getting rid of lack of money and gaining wealth. A certain part of the rituals and rituals have come down to us.

Gypsy magic is aimed at addressing the elements of nature:

  1. Spirits of the element of water. Most often they help people, but sometimes they are angry and vindictive.
  2. Spirits of the elements of the earth. They are distinguished by special friendliness and nobility. They help people, give only good advice.
  3. Spirits of the element of air. They are independent. People can be helped or harmed, and they like to disorient people.

Ritual for urgent receipt of money

This rite is carried out to quickly receive money. Sometimes there are times when finances are urgently required, and there is nowhere to take them, then it is recommended to conduct a strong rite of passage for money. The gypsy rite will help you find a way out of this situation.

How to conduct a ceremony

On the growing moon, go to the forest and find seven acorns and three small white stones there.

  1. Also find a place in the forest where there will be a lot of moss. Remove the moss carefully. It should be of such a size and shape that you can put stones and acorns on it, and then twist it in the form of a bundle.
  2. When the bundle is ready, tie it with rope.
  3. The next day, go to bed at sunset, and hide the moss bundle under your pillow. You need to wake up at midnight.
  4. Then look for a bush with thorns. Next to it, make a small depression in the ground and bury the bundle there.
  5. Go around the bush three times, near which the bundle is buried. You need to walk clockwise.
  6. After that, say the conspiracy three times:

    “Mi Dovvel supported, dik tule opre mande” (“My God is above, look down at me”).

You will have a large amount of money on the next full moon.

Rite of passage with bill burning

There are various rites of black magic for money, and the rite of burning a bill is one of them.

In order for you to be pleased with a good result, you need to do everything according to the rules. And for the reason that black magic is used in the ritual, so as not to harm yourself and others, you need to make a donation in the form of a five-thousandth bill.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out the ceremony, you will need:

  • five thousandth bill;
  • black bag;
  • dry branches;
  • matches.

In order for you to be pleased with a good result, you need to take a 5000 bill

How to perform the ritual

  1. Use matches and dry twigs to light a fire.
  2. Throw money into the fire and read the magic conspiracy, the words of which will be written below.
  3. After the fire burns out, collect the ashes in a black bag.
  4. Take the bag of ash to the grave of the murdered man and bury it.
  5. Conspiracy Words:

    “Demon of fire, demon of fire, accept this sacrifice in exchange for wealth. Send me money and wealth. Damn, take my poverty, scarcity and wicked inferiority. Demon, take away the failure, I will not pay from poverty. Amen!"

The current ritual is designed to quickly receive money and gain wealth. If in a month you do not start to get rich, then the ritual needs to be repeated again.

Love spell for money with the help of grains

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • church candles;
  • sprouted wheat grains;
  • fabric of bright color, with a pattern;
  • a sheet of green paper;
  • burlap or other rough fabric;
  • crystal vase.

How to perform the ritual

  1. To make a love spell of money, you need to concentrate and imagine a lot of money in your hands. Next, imagine what you will spend them on, because without clear visualization, the magic will not work.
  2. Take a piece of paper and write on it about your well-being and about your relationships with family and friends.
  3. Spread out the fabric. Place a folded piece of paper on the fabric and place a crystal vase on it.
  4. Place a handful of sprouted seed in a vase and stir.
  5. Next, you need to light the candles, and keep your hands over the grains.
  6. Then walk around the table 3 times.
  7. Put a few grains in your wallet and let them lie there for a whole year. After 12 months, the ceremony will need to be performed again.
  8. Fold the remaining grains onto a rough cloth and attach your manuscript to it.
  9. After that, hide the bundle in the house on the right side in the corner. Nobody should see him.

Within 4 weeks, your financial affairs will be on the mend.

Conspiracy magic helps to improve the quality of human life: attracting well-being is carried out at home. A conspiracy for money and luck uses one force - a person's desire can be realized with the help of the simplest magical attributes.

Conspiracy magic

The most effective rituals are performed at home. The principle of their work is simple and straightforward.

Every strong rite needs attributes:

  • things charged with the right energy;
  • symbolic objects that feed the rite itself: while they are charged, the action of the ritual does not stop;
  • future amulet or amulet.

With the help of magic, you can attract good luck in love or professional life. In addition, prayers are used. They protect a person's home from negativity. Prayer allows you to be cleansed spiritually and physically.

A kind of good luck conspiracies

Attraction of money or any other good occurs according to a certain pattern. A person's house is permeated with energy flows that are not visible, but which affect the circumstances in the life of a man or woman.

A person can change an unsuccessful or low-paying job, but until he cleans the house of negativity, it will not be possible to achieve his goals. Attraction of money or prosperity occurs with the preparation of amulets or amulets that allow you to prevent the occurrence of monetary or other problems in the future.

Effective rituals for good luck:

  • preparation of amulets - they improve health, attract general well-being;
  • a conspiracy of money - universal rituals that attract capital to the house and protect money from waste;
  • white magic is also used in rituals for the growing moon - conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money are held.

A magical attraction is the well-being for which a person tries. Magic does not bring money or a promotion that an individual does not deserve. Conspiracies provide opportunities: a person decides for himself whether to use them or not.

An appeal to Nikolai the Pleasant will help protect children. When conspiracies for money are misread, the younger family members are the first to suffer, so prayer protection is placed before the main ritual.

Conspiracies with charms and amulets

White magic charges any amulets that fall into the hands of a person. The talisman can be universal, bought in a specialized store, or made by hand. It is important that the spoken thing means something to its owner. Jewelry, gifts or valuable acquisitions are good talismans.

What talismans attract:

  • luck;
  • success and wealth;
  • they enhance the strong-willed and positive qualities of a person;
  • protect from slander and tricks of enemies;
  • bring monetary luck.

The rituals performed to create talismans allow you to prepare a gift or make a strong defense for yourself. Each person can make himself an amulet at no additional cost.

Preparing the amulet

A strong amulet is obtained from natural stones and metals, but any other little thing will serve as a talisman for every day. Amulets are prepared once every six months. In order for amulets to attract not only luck, but also money, it is better to choose green and blue shades for decoration. Red will attract love and new acquaintances. Light amulets are universal and suitable for both children and adults.

Such ceremonies are held on the growing moon. The heavenly body will help to properly charge the thing. Amulet conspiracies must be read by heart all alone:

Protection of the Earth, protection of Fire, protection of Water, protection of Air. Everything comes to my house, to my monastery - I pray for help, I pray for protection. Let evil bypasses, let only joy and success come. Please, please. May it be so".

On the day of the ceremony, the amulet is washed with holy water brought from the church. After the conspiracy, the amulet is put on a naked body. You cannot give the talisman away or allow anyone to touch it.

Conspiracies with coins

Wealth is attracted by coins and bills - things that symbolize financial well-being. It is customary to read conspiracies on such items.

What do they bring:

  • accumulated stable capital;
  • new clients or promising partners;
  • improving trade;
  • protection from monetary losses.

Wealth spells help end poverty or monetary setbacks. If you attract money correctly, you will be able to fix your life and provide for your family. So, a person not only enriches himself through spells, but also increases his self-esteem, gets rid of complexes and inner fears.

Carrying out a ritual for money

Money will help attract money. This is the basic principle of money magic. So that it does not cause consequences, the dwelling is completely cleaned before the ritual. General cleaning is carried out with concentrated saline solution. To attract the new, it is necessary to get rid of the old - all unnecessary things are thrown out of the home. After that, any coin or bill is selected. It is important that the selected attribute is in use in most countries of the world.

Additionally, the conspirator sews a simple red pouch. You need to put the selected coin or bill and oats in it. After that, the bag is sewn up, and spells must be read on it:

“Money goes to money. They keep money, they do not let them go away, disappear, disappear. Let the money be collected and not be wasted. May it be so".

The financial life of an individual will not change overnight. Immediately after the ritual, the bag is hidden in a safe place. No one from the family or strangers should find the package. Gradually the magic starts to work. She helps to deal with debts, gradually improve financial affairs and find a business that will bring a stable income. As long as the bag lies in a secluded place, the person is not in danger of financial loss.

Attracting good luck to the growing moon

It is possible to attract big money at home or big opportunities only for the growing moon. Black rituals also use a heavenly body. They are fast, but they charge a fee. Such rituals have a consequence - they draw the juices out of a person, feed on other areas of his life. Under the influence of a rollback, a person can get sick or lose a family.

Safe rituals to attract big money are carried out according to the following rules:

  • old things cannot be used for the ritual, only new wallets are selected, only clean bills;
  • you can't tell anyone about a simple method of attracting good luck;
  • it is necessary to believe in the forces to which you turn for help.

A strong conspiracy for luck and money is carried out immediately after the new moon. It is necessary for the moonlight to penetrate into the conspirator's house. If the sky is cloudy, the ritual is postponed to another day. An artificial light source is not used during the ritual - the attributes are illuminated only by the Moon and candles brought from the church the day before. In the temple, the conspirator confessed and asked for blessings from the higher powers. A conspiracy to quickly attract money and money luck is carried out every month, if there is such a need.

Performing a simple ritual

In the morning, the conspirator prepares the attributes. He goes to the store and buys a new wallet. For the ritual, an inexpensive but new thing is needed. It is better to choose a red or black wallet, gold and yellow should be avoided. Additionally, a small denomination note is selected.

The conspirator waits for the moon to appear in the sky and begins the ritual. A new wallet and a bill are placed on the window. The conspirator closes his eyes and imagines to himself how the wallet is filled with new money. The power of visualization is important for money magic. A person imagines how he can use money, how it will improve his life. The conspirator opens his eyes, places a bill in his wallet and reads the words of the conspiracy:

“As the moon came to me, so she left her strength. I charged what I needed, brought what I asked for. May the Moon continue to shine, enrich me, protect me and keep me from loss. May it be so".

The slander is repeated three times, after which the wallet is left on the window overnight. It is important that unauthorized persons do not touch the charged object. In the morning, the conspirator takes the wallet and uses it every day: you cannot take out or spend the bill that was used during the ritual, otherwise monetary problems cannot be avoided.


Magic helps a person find a new job, get rich, or become lucky. All you have to do is choose the right ritual and perform it on the right day. The waxing moon period is used to attract money and good luck. At this time, wallets, money and charms are charged. Amulets serve to attract good luck and protect the house from negativity. Money rituals are repeated as often as a person needs, but amulets are charged no more than twice a year.

Today, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will present not only black rituals, but also white conspiracies to receive money. Working on the personal power of the performer and with an appeal to the Forces of the Christian egregor - simple conspiracies of white magic to attract money. Although, I will not hide, there will be a black ritual for a large amount of money.

In effective business magic, there are simple home rituals, and there are also very strong conspiracies for money, which must be used with caution. In general, all magic rituals for money related to black magic must be done with the agreed ones, because work in this tradition of witchcraft is carried out with Forces, which are by no means always loyal to a person.

Magic conspiracies to attract big money - the meaning of financial spells

If you have never worked with black magic to attract good luck before, and you feel a lack of knowledge, try daily spells with earned money, the so-called whispers. Don't underestimate such monetary rituals; with constant practice, you will feel their positive impact. And immediately an example of a simple free conspiracy to make money. Having received cash in hand, for example, a salary or a repaid debt, read the words of a simple monetary conspiracy to yourself:

“I go with the money, I hold it in my hands. Not for the hands of others, but for their own hands. Amen".

What do free conspiracies give to attract money into your life?

Gradual filling of the money channel. So that's it, no more, no less. The money that you are ready to accept into your life today will definitely come. New financial sources will open up, and the money that you have will stop slipping away like sand through your fingers. Even if your income level remains the same, the circumstances are so that you can start investing. As you know, even a small investment protected by money magic is the first step to wealth.

Practicing money magic, not immediately, but inevitably, you will come to the conclusion about the need for strong conspiracies for quick money. This is normal practice. When magic becomes a way of your life, you will know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the results of the wrong ones. rituals to attract good luck in money matters- kickbacks and returns, how to choose and carry out a ceremony, how to work correctly in a complex, how to hide yourself and put locks on your job. And much more, without which a conjuring person cannot take place as a magician.

There is in the rituals of black magic very ancient conspiracies for money, which in the old days were used every day. Whoever was not afraid to know the devil was lucky in life. There were times when it took a lot of courage to be a witch or a sorcerer. It is worth recalling the infamous witch-hunt, which in Russia under Christian oppression began much earlier than in Western Europe, although it did not take on such a scale as in Europe.

If there were fires burning at the end of the 15th century, then on Russian soil the most severe persecutions of people suspected of witchcraft under the leadership of the church began in the 11th century. Sorcerers, sorcerers and wizards were ordered to "beat, rob and expel", and witches "dashing women" everywhere in the squares with a large crowd of people burned in log cabins.

Proven conspiracy for money - how best to carry out the ceremony and get the result

If the money conspiracy has indeed been repeatedly tested by you, and there have been good results, you know how to carry out such an impact, and you will not make a mistake. I remind you, learn to keep your mouth shut, do not tell anyone about your magical successes. Especially when a witchcraft ritual for quickly attracting money was made recently and is being promoted. With your incontinence, you can interrupt all witchcraft work. And it also happens that proven magic conspiracies to attract big money simply stop working when the operator talks about his successes.

What can be done to get money quickly if the need arises?

You can independently read the conspiracy to get money quickly.

Such effective conspiracies can be of a different nature, for example, an easy quick pick of money luck. If you see someone has a lot of good, or money, put a fig in your pocket, and say the words of the spell to yourself:

“You don’t care, but I’m full of boxes, but I’m full of bins and barns, a house of good, purses with money, gold and silver. I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen".

There is a very simple conspiracy sink that can be used at least every day, paying for purchases. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that this is an effective conspiracy for money when buying, because it works very well. Having received change in the store, take the money with your left hand and say the text of the conspiracy to yourself:

“Your money is in our pocket, your treasury is my treasury. May it be so".

Instant conspiracy for money - a ritual of black magic

Or such a money ritual - a conspiracy at the crossroads. This is not a cracker, but a conspiracy to receive long-awaited money, or a good profit from trade. Take a handful of wheat and after midnight go to the pedestrian intersection. Face West, read the words aloud black magic conspiracy for money for their instant arrival:

“Fly, birds, to my wheat, bring money with you, but give it all to me. As birds flock for grain, so money would fly into my wallet. Amen".

Throw grain over your shoulder at the intersection. And then an odd number of coins was bought out. Before a free magic rite, you can read the call of Forces. Practicing magicians do not always do this, often it is simply not necessary. And it is advisable for a beginner to read out the call, since you are going to the intersection.

Simple conspiracies of white magic to raise money

Make a talisman for yourself, a magical decoy that will attract money, filling and increasing cash flow. To make a money talisman yourself, you need:

  • small pouch made of natural fabric
  • coins of different denominations
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • peppermint oil

Eucalyptus oil increases concentration, clears the mind, removes negativity, weakens the power of evil. Peppermint oil attracts money. Put some coins in a bag, greased each one with oil, and hide the money talisman in the northern part of your house. An independent conspiracy to quickly get a large amount of money, is not needed, but visualization of the result that you expect and expect to receive is necessary.

Which house does a conspiracy for big money

But what can be done with the first large bill that came from trade or a one-time one. Take the bill and fold the corner on the right side. Then, in the same way, fold the corner on the other side of the bill. You will get an isosceles triangle. Fold the bill along the vertical axis of the short side. Take it around any corner with your left hand, and read the words of a magical conspiracy to attract big money:

“As a strong river attracts streams, and the sea attracts strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as night attracts day, and day - night, so you would attract your own kind. It will be as I said. Amen".

Put the charted banknote in your wallet. This money magnet must be there for at least 3 months. You can put pieces of paper of the same denomination next to it. And this must be done in order to set in motion the principle that money attracts money.

This white conspiracy for the first money can attract quite large sums into your life. But, even if a little money comes in, this is also a result. Whatever amount of money comes to you, accept it with gratitude, for thanks to magic, your money channel is being filled.

How to make a conspiracy to attract money - for prosperity in the house for coins

The ceremony is simple. For him you will need:

  • 30 coins
  • wax candle

Coins must be of the same denomination. Put them in even rows on the table, place them nearby and light a candle. You need an ordinary candle made of wax, it is advisable to make it yourself just for a proven ritual to attract good luck in business.

For each coin, slander the words of a conspiracy to raise money:

“Thirty ravens flew to me, (name), from heaven, and brought thirty gold money. I will put them around the house so that they will not disappear forever. The word is a stone, you cannot turn it. Amen".

Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn to the end. If something remains, the cinder should be buried under a sapling tree. Place the coins in different ones so that none of the inhabitants of the house can see them. Repeat the magic ritual to attract money to your home once a year, you can a little more often, for the same coins.

Ancient conspiracy for a large sum of money - on pine resin

This money spell is done in the forest. On the growing moon, go to the forest, find a pine tree, on the bark of which there are abundant streaks of resin. This resin must be collected, rolled into a ball, while reading a strong conspiracy for a large amount of money. Carry a ball of resin with you.

“The pine maiden was crying, she is strong, her tears are molded. As the resin is attached to the bark, so let the money stick to me. Let them cry, weep for me money, silver, gold, and thousands. As long as I (name) live, money will love me fiercely. My word is a castle. Amen".

Self White Sunday Money Plot

On Sundays on the growing moon, waking up, read such a conspiracy for monetary prosperity and great wealth:

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“I will get up early, I will go, blessing, I will reach the church of God, I will enter, crossing myself, I will pray to the Lord God and all His angels and Archangels. O holy Heavenly Beginnings, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us to start a good beginning! I pray to the Great Archangel Barachiel: Holy Archangel Barachiel, who brings blessing from the Lord to us, bless me to put a good beginning, the correction of the negligent, may I please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen. Holy Baraahiel, if it is God's will, make it so that gold flows into my bins, flows, does not dry out. Be all my words in full with reservations and negotiations, and do not attack my words either on land, or at sea, or on dark forests, or on violent winds, but attack my words on a golden man, on a golden sword, on a golden tree. Just as a fish cannot live without water and a child without a mother, so gold from that tree cannot exist without my bins. To all my words in the sea there is a key, a lock in my mouth - I lock it, I lock it forever. Amen".

How to read a conspiracy for bread - how to attract money with a word

To make your income grow, apply a white safe conspiracy for good luck in business. Read on a slice of rye bread, after which the bread must be eaten.

Read the textbook of a conspiracy to raise money for bread three times:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, gilded with a spikelet, dropped a loaf of bread. As there is plenty of bread in the field, so I have money to heaven. As the grain grows, the ears grow, so the wealth grows and increases. Amen".

Free conspiracy to rain for money - bring wealth to the house

And at the end of the article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, offer you another simple conspiracy of white magic to raise money. An effective conspiracy to get rid of poverty should be read while looking at the rain. Once the rainy weather is over, magic. It is not necessary to go outside in bad weather, it is quite simple, standing by the window, to look at the pouring rain and in a whisper read the words of the conspiracy to urgently raise money:

“There are three sisters, three powers, three waters, heavenly rainwater, ground water, sea water, underground spring water. And there is also the water of God, holy. The rain collects all the waters together, (name) gives me gold, silver, but run money to me, and wealth as an adjunct to me. My word is stronger than flint. Amen".