Weight loss conspiracies. Powerful weight loss and weight loss spells. Water rituals: help the water element

Everything that surrounds us: the trees around, the water in the rivers, the earth under our feet - everything is interconnected by certain threads of energy, learning to control which, you can change life for the better. Controlling these threads is called magic.

Magic is used by people for different purposes:

  • to cure diseases;
  • to conquer love energy;
  • for money and good luck.

But, no doubt, every person has the desire to be beautiful. Many women and men fight overweight every day, without even realizing that some magical knowledge could greatly facilitate their task in this difficult competition with themselves and with their bodies.

Of course, having agreed to the use of magic in order to lose weight, a person needs to know how exactly higher powers will help him transform and change his life forever. In fact, any conspiracy or rite of passage for weight loss not only helps to lose weight, but also modulates the subconscious of a person into a new lifestyle that will help him maintain the result. The same energy will be aimed at relieving the desire to have a snack, as well as calming the nervous system and harmonizing the work of the whole body losing weight.

Person, dieter, must understand that a change in the usual way of life and a previously established diet will irreversibly entail stress for the body. Most weight loss disruptions occur for this very reason. As you know, long-term attempts to lose weight, which periodically give way to breakdowns and overeating, include in the body a regime of "fat storage", which leads to a set of even more mass, not to mention the harm to health.

The most powerful conspiracies

The topic of losing weight is very relevant these days., after all, from TV screens and web pages on the Internet, they advertise to us not Ruben's women of these magnificent forms, but slender and long-legged beauties.

Due to the demand, it is quite easy to find many weight loss conspiracies, rituals for losing excess weight and other magical methods on the Internet that can be quite effective in the fight against the hated kilograms.

The most effective of them are considered to be magical prayers for personal belongings and water. It is quite simple to explain this, because a person's personal thing, especially the one that he often uses, absorbs his energy, respectively, with a magical effect it will be easier to redirect it to losing weight. As for the water, then knowledgeable magicians know that it is this substance that has a special ability to remember and transmit the necessary information.

Before bedtime

Before you start getting ready for bed, you should do a special home ritual that requires a sponge and a bowl of water. Over the same basin, you need to wash your body with a sponge soaked in water, trying to return as much liquid to the basin as possible. Further, water should be drawn from it into a glass, which is placed at the head of the bed. The following prayer will need to be read over the glass:

“What makes me fat, what wanders in my body - let it turn into water. As this water rolled off my body, so my fullness will roll off. Let it be so!"

At the onset of the morning, as soon as the losing weight wakes up, he should comb his hair, and then take the previously mentioned glass in his left hand in order to say the following prayer over him three times:

“Devils brothers, guys, kids, I call you all, I invite you all. Walk around me, take my zhor, take it to the red eel for 33 versts, take it to the demonic courtyard, lock the way back to me. So as not to call me to the table, my mind did not embarrass me, did not torture me with the smell of food, did not tear my intestines, and did not growl in my stomach. The power of demons - lay off my hungry power, that which attracts food, that which attracts food. As this water spills over and dries up, so let my hunger dry up from me, burn out, melt, no longer shake my soul. Let it be so."

Repeating the conspiracy for the last time, after the words "so be it", water from the glass is poured onto the ground or wall, where it can dry faster. At the conclusion of the ritual, the losing weight must turn around and throw a coin to the place where he shed water over his left shoulder, saying "paid." The ritual should be carried out for 13 days.... On the 14th, a glass from which water was poured out, they fill it with vodka and take it to the intersection, while saying the following words:

"Damn - damn, and I - mine."

For a glass of melt water

To carry out this ceremony for losing weight, you should wait for the waning moon. It is during this period that weight loss conspiracies are considered the most effective. pronounced over a glass of water, which losing weight will have to drink. This ritual is carried out for 9 days in a row.

“The moon is waning - I'm losing weight. Beautiful horns to the moon - I have a slender body. With my word. Business, Moon, yours. "

To the growing moon

This ritual is performed on the days when the moon is just beginning to grow in the sky. Before going to bed, losing weight takes a glass of water with him, over which he reads the following words:

"Moon, and I'm losing weight." Let it be full and round, and I will become slim and good, cheerful and thin. And let the Moon take all my fat, and lose it from me. My strong word, so be it. Amen."

At the end of the prayer, water is drunk. Thinness will show itself soon enough.

In the full moon

This effective ritual from extra pounds is carried out as often as the slimmer himself wishes, nevertheless the frequency of its implementation is more effective for losing the hated excess weight.

To read the prayer, one should close in the bathroom. A large mirror is hung on the door of the room. Before reading, 7 candles are lit, after which the losing weight must completely undress. Look closely at your body fat, imagining that they are not. When reading magic words, you need to stroke the problem areas of the body.

The magic spell itself looks like this:

“As a candle smolders on a full moon, so my body grows prettier. I am losing weight from faith in luck, and from the heaviness I no longer cry. The sides and stomach will lose weight, without strain and any hassle. As the moon grows fat in the skies, so my body will lose weight. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

To improve the effect, you can additionally say the following whisper:

“The full moon, burning candles, my weight loss is not far off. The fat will melt, go to hell. My old beauty will cope. Appetite and health will recover, my body will get rid of ailments. As the moon fills up again, I will begin to lose problem weight. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

At the end of the reading, the losing weight should get dressed and throw away the candle stumps.

Slimming soap

For a soap conspiracy to get rid of extra pounds, any bar of soap bought in a store is suitable. The conspiracy of a magical remedy should begin at midnight, in a locked bathroom, while the prayer is read, stripping naked. Holding the soap in your hand, say the following words while stroking the problem areas:

“As a soap on the little body I will run, all my fat sagging to the devil will be consumed. I’ll lose weight, I’ll reduce the weight, but I’ll glorify this conspiracy in my thoughts. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

I will wipe my obesity with soap, I will become two hundred grams lighter by morning. Legs, sides, chin, stomach, I will lose weight without any hassle. Let it be so. Amen!

“For weight loss I read the lines, I wash off the greasy fat with water. As fragrant soap becomes less, so let my appetite calm down. Let it be so. Amen!"

Methods of magic weight loss on water

In fact, the most effective prayers for weight loss are the conspiracies of the fortune teller from the series, as well as the famous fortune teller Vanga. These rituals for weight loss are able to get rid of extra pounds quickly and effectively.

Wanga's conspiracy method

They read a prayer told by the great Wanga before going to bed for nine days. Before you start reading, you should prepare a glass of clean water, which is placed by the window. Before you begin to pronounce the magic text, you should take the glass in your hands and gaze intently at the outline of the moon.

The prayer for weight loss itself looks like this:

“Just like the moon to stay - I follow to lose weight. The moon is round and full, and I will be thin and slim. My fat goes away and sticks to the moon. Let the moon grow, and I look good. And so it will be. Amen!"

At the end of the prayer, they slowly drink the water and go to sleep. Already on the ninth day the effect of this conspiracy can be seen in the mirror.

Weight loss conspiracy for water

In one of the famous TV series called "The Fortune Teller" you can also find a strong and effective conspiracy to lose weight. It will be possible to be convinced of its effectiveness within a week. The main conditions for its execution are faith and the waning moon outside the window.

To carry out the ritual for weight loss, you should collect clean water in a three-liter jar. Before you start reading the magic text, on the jar itself, you should write some motivating text, for example: "I'm losing weight" or "Water from extra pounds." A candle is lit near the jar and the following prayer begins:

"Water-water, wash me, sister, cleanse and help, return the old body to me."

You need to read these words nine times.... After that, the jar is closed and left on the windowsill. For nine days, you should drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. As soon as the can is empty, they break it, while whispering:

"I get rid of fat, I renew my whole body."

For this method to work, there are two main rules to keep in mind:

  1. Nobody should disturb you during prayer.
  2. One must believe in the help of magic words.

On a red thread

In addition to water for weight loss, to remove fat, sorcerers often use a conspiracy red thread, which makes the reader actively lose weight.

For the ceremony, two equal lengths of red and blue threads should be prepared. To begin with, you should tie a red thread with three knots, it should be placed on the middle finger of your right hand. The thread is worn without removing it for a month. At the end of this period, the same is done with the blue thread, but on the left hand. Also, the thread cannot be removed for a month. When the second term comes out, both threads are removed and buried in the ground. Since the threads will rot, the extra pounds will go away.

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

It is known that any magic entails consequences, and sometimes quite deplorable. Although in conspiracies aimed at their own energy for positive purposes, magic will not require any terrible payment. There are practically no negative consequences, a negative can be displayed in the absence of a result if:

  • losing weight hopes to lose kilograms, continuing to eat sweet and fatty foods;
  • losing weight does not believe in the power of the conspiracies he uttered.

An ancient conspiracy to lose weight will remove fatty layers and cellulite, this rite is supposed to be carried out on the waning moon. You will need water and three wax candles. White magic for weight loss is very effective, but one should not assume that the spell will work instantly. Usually, a visible result begins to appear in about a month - provided that all recommendations are followed.

Is a weight loss conspiracy able to save you from folds on the stomach, thighs, sides and other problem areas? To check this, we have collected reviews of those who lost weight using old magic recipes, and published them at the end of the article.

Water conspiracy (read before bedtime)

This ceremony is supposed to be carried out during the week, starting from the day of the full moon. Prepare a glass of water and three wax candles. It is best to use spring water, but if you cannot get it, then ordinary unboiled water will do. Light the candles, bring a glass of water to your mouth, and whisper the following spell:

Put out the candles after you read the weight loss conspiracy. They will need to be hidden until the next evening, and then used again for the ceremony. The cinders that will remain with you after completing the final seventh ritual must be buried in the ground.

Important! Reading a conspiracy that helps to remove fat relies on an empty stomach. In other words, the last meal should take place at least two to three hours before you start performing the ceremony. After casting the spell, you can also not eat until morning.

Talking to the doll

To perform this ritual, you will need a reeled doll. You can read about how to make it yourself. Insert a note inside the doll with your name and the amount of "extra" pounds that you want to throw off. Then read the following weight loss conspiracy (on the waning moon):

It is advisable that the helper doll accompanies you everywhere. During the day, you can put it in your purse or pocket (fortunately, that the figure is very small), at night, you can put it under the pillow. Try to keep the doll out of the eyes of others, otherwise you will not avoid unnecessary questions.

Weight loss conspiracy from Vanga

2. Lack of physical activity... When we move, take walks or light jogs, the Muladhara chakra and the etheric body receive nourishment from the Earth. Sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle lead to energy stagnation. If you spend a lot of time sitting in front of the TV screen or at the computer, then start your day with a light, comprehensive warm-up. If even a light jog seems overly tiring to you, then take up sports (fast) walking.

3. Frequent stress... Many people tend to “seize” stressful situations. Try to avoid negative emotions whenever possible. It is clear that one cannot hide from all the stress. But, if there is such an opportunity, then refrain from scandals and quarrels, avoid communicating with aggressive people, etc. Don't watch news and political talk shows.

4. Lack of communication with nature... Almost all residents of large cities suffer from this. Try to arrange picnics for yourself and your loved ones more often (of course, no frills in the form of pork kebabs and alcohol), get out of town or at least to the park. It would be perfect if you can go on a short hiking trip. It can be quite exhausting, but your energy will get a powerful boost.

Herbal decoctions

In order to fight fat and obesity, you can use herbal decoctions for weight loss. To lose weight, you need to get rid of toxins, in which the infusion of senna will help you. Brew a tablespoon of finely chopped herbs in 1 cup of boiling water, then let the broth stand for 30 minutes. Take the remedy in a quarter of a glass before bedtime. To enhance the effect, you can add 100 grams of prunes to the prepared infusion.

The chicory drink is recommended for people suffering from diabetes and overweight. In addition, chicory contains vitamins of several groups and useful trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. To prepare the infusion, brew 1-2 teaspoons of chicory in an incomplete glass of boiling water. Take several sips of the drink, 3 times daily before meals.

Herbal collection that accelerates metabolism. This old recipe for weight loss helps to "speed up" the metabolism, which will help burn lipids. Mix equal amounts of dandelion leaves and flowers, green tea, finely chopped dried ginger and grated horseradish. Mix all components thoroughly and fill the collection with water, at the rate of 1000 ml per 100 grams of collection. Cook the herbal decoction for thirty minutes in a water bath. The infusion is supposed to be cooled and drunk in 100 ml. three times a day before meals.

A spell is a short text that serves as a magical means of achieving the desired for protective, healing, producing and other purposes. The effect of conspiracies on weight loss is individual, it all depends on the energy of the practitioner.An important factor in fulfilling a desire is unconditional faith. Only a deep conviction in the positive outcome of the event will give a result. The work of magic is based on the internal energy of the person performing the ceremony.

A person who decides to get rid of extra pounds with the help of magical rituals must first understand the essence of words and their accompanying actions. The vocabulary undergoes changes from time to time, and in the genetic memory involved in magical manipulations, the meaning of each word is fully embodied. People believe that losing weight means losing weight. Only a few people know that the word comes from the Old Russian "bad", which means "bad".

It turns out that pronouncing a strong conspiracy to lose weight, a person, without suspecting anything, wishes himself to feel bad instead of a slender figure. It is better to read the text of the spell and make out the meaning of each word, and then pronounce it. Having knowledge and experience in the field of magical rituals, you can independently compose a phrase with the right attitude that will help you become slimmer. In order for the spell to work, the rules for the ritual are followed:

  • choose conspiracies only with positive words that carry a positive attitude (negative wording "to perish", "lose weight", as well as the mention of evil spirits lead to disappointment);
  • pronounce the conspiracy in a quiet, measured, calm voice;
  • rituals are performed on an empty stomach, and at the end of the event, they begin to eat after 2-3 hours;
  • believe in a positive outcome from casting a spell;
  • take actions seriously, it is forbidden to laugh during the ritual;
  • keep secret the performance of rituals for weight loss;
  • represent the desired result in the form of an image;
  • conduct a ceremony to acquire a slim figure on Monday or Friday with a waning moon.

Water conspiracy

The crystal structure of water has a memory. Everything that is slandered over water is stored in its crystals. A conspiracy for weight loss on water is a simple and effective way to lose those extra pounds. For those who strive for ideal forms, nutritionists around the world are advised to observe a drinking regimen. The benefits are enhanced if you read the special words over the drink for programming each cell to get rid of excess body fat.

Penetrating into the human body or in close contact with it, water transfers the stored information to the body. Under the influence of words, molecules are transformed, and the program begins to act at the cellular level. The subconscious mind adjusts the activity of internal organs and systems in the right way. This liquid turns into a magic drink, charged with the power of intention. It was not for nothing that the ancestors called the spring water "alive", whispered special words over it and believed in its miraculous power to heal and revive people. An effective weight loss conspiracy before bedtime is read with the waning moon:

  • “Queen of the sea, damsel of the water. You sanctify all people, drink and wash. By your natural strength, remove hunger from me, so that I do not torment, take away the passion for food, so that I do not think and do not want to. Just as a most holy person does not eat or drink, but lives by prayer alone, so you, strengthen me, give me strength to refrain from eating. Let what I have said come true ”. Recite 3 times over an uncut glass and drink.

The following text is also read with the waning moon, but Thursday is chosen from the days of the week. To lose total weight they say “all over the body”, and if you need to remove fat deposits from the problem area, they call a specific place (stomach, thighs, buttocks, or another). They read the conspiracy as many times as they drink fluids per day. Pure water is poured into a glass, the words are pronounced over it 3 times:

  • “Water-water, you give me a drink, you give me a wash, so help me to become slim. I talk about water, I talk about water, I drink it, all over the body (or they call a certain area) the fat decreases. As a white swan is beautiful with its grace, so I become slender, graceful and beautiful. Let it be so". Or a short version: “I talk about water, I talk about water, I drink the miraculous liquid harmony, beauty, and I acquire grace. Let it be so".

Vanga's conspiracies

The famous Bulgarian seer called people to kindness and a positive attitude towards life. She was convinced that this attitude would help keep her mind and body healthy. To enhance the effect and to enlist the invisible support of Vanga, before the ritual for weight loss, they read about her earthly path. At midnight with a waning moon, the following spell is cast:

  • “In the ocean, the sea sleeps, hunger on constipation. Three whales are not letting him out. He will not find hunger for (name). Weight gain calm down, dissolve in the morning fog. Go to the ocean, leave (name) slim. The eyes are asleep, they do not look at the food. The nights melt by morning, and hunger lag behind the body. Said in the night: hunger be silent! ". A conspiracy is pronounced every day during the period until the moon is waning.

Conspiracy with a prayer to the growing moon

The ceremony is performed over a two-week period until the appearance of a full month. They read the weight loss conspiracy on the growing moon every day for 14 days. The ceremony is performed in the evening in the dim light from a sconce or floor lamp, it is even better to light a candle. They find an opportunity to retire in an empty room, and say aloud, clearly pronouncing the magic words:

  • “As wax melts by fire, so the moon will enter my flesh. Releases from fat, melts the sides, relieves excess weight. There will be no joy from sweetness. Appetite will decrease, satiety will remain. I will be slimmer in 14 days. "

Weight loss ceremony for the waning moon

The ritual is performed no earlier than a week after the full moon. Choose the day of the weight loss ritual during the decreasing month. A glass of water is poured, placed on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the moonlight. Leave the full glass on the window throughout the night. In the morning they drink water on an empty stomach, and before that they say a miraculous spell:

  • “The moon is waning and my extra pounds disappear. As the queen of the night decreases every day, so will I grow slim. Let it be so".

Apple conspiracy

No diet is complete without a juicy fruit called an apple. When losing weight, sweet and sour green varieties are often used. You can choose any fruit, preferably local growth. You will have to wake up early so that after pronouncing the words, the first rays of the sun hit the apple. To perform the rite, they get up at dawn, take the fruit and recite a spell on it:

  • “The apple was filled with the sun, the apple was drunk with life, I also want to straighten out under the sun, quickly get rid of excess fat. Help me, apple, with sunshine, I will begin to slim with this dawn. "

Rite of passage with a bath

Carrying out a weight loss ritual in the bathroom is a pleasure: you relax and at the same time start the process of losing weight. The ceremony is simple and pleasant to perform. Fill the bathing tank with water, add your favorite ingredients (salt, foam, aromatic oils, etc.). In order for the spell to begin to work, immerse themselves in water and say the following prayer:

  • “Water envelops me, my excess weight dissolves. I am becoming slim, beautiful, healthy and happy. The water flows down under the stone, it takes away everything superfluous from me. "

There is a pleasant and effective ritual for losing weight while swimming. Milk is poured into a container with water, rose petals (red, yellow, white) are added. The ritual requires preliminary preparation - milk and rose petals are purchased in advance. The pleasure of the procedure more than compensates for the hassle - thanks to milk, the skin becomes softer and more tender, and flower petals cheer up. Before sinking into the water, they bend over it, saying the words:

  • “Mother Voditsa, help me to the red girl (name). I fed you with milk, decorated you with rose petals. So you do me a good deed: remove excess fat from my body, take all the fats that I hate far, far away. I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim! So that the weight is gone from me forever. Let it be so". Repeat casting the spell each time you bathe, until the desired effect is obtained.

The conspiracy for weight loss soap is read with the waning moon. Take a piece, preferably without artificial flavors, flavors, colors and other unhealthy additives. Natural baby soap is the ideal choice. The spell is cast in the evening when the stars and the moon appear. Lathering the body, they say the following words over the bar:

  • "Soap-soap, wash harder, wash faster, I will rub my skin with you, I will start to slim down each time."


A weight loss conspiracy is an effective way to lose extra pounds, but you can't forget about training. Magic will help if you believe in it and follow the recommendations, alternating them with going to the gym, diet, calorie counting, or at least with regular walks in the evenings.


General rules for the ceremony

Before starting the weight loss rituals, it is worth carefully studying the conspiracy used and its meaning.

When resorting to the help of magic, you must:

  • strictly follow the sequence of rituals;
  • believe in the result;
  • carry out magical manipulations on an empty stomach;
  • be in good spirits;
  • be able to wait.

Conspiracies to lose weight

There are many strong conspiracies and rituals that have come from time immemorial and have been tested by no generation of people who want to part in excess fat.

To the waning moon

Almost all spells are cast on the waning moon. It is believed that it is at this time that she is able to take away or weaken something. You need to read the conspiracy, looking at the luminary, on the street, without looking away.

To the growing moon

This is the only working ritual performed on the waxing moon. To carry it out, you need to start preparing before the new moon. At this time, before going to bed, a person who wants to lose weight should pray three times, reading Our Father, until the day before the new moon. Then, for three nights, looking at the growing month, stroking problem areas clockwise and sentencing.

On the water

Water spoken to a good figure:

  • drank;
  • they swam in it;
  • washed the body;
  • face.

Some of the most powerful spells and rituals are made on the water. Because it absorbs magic and is able to transmit information, helping to achieve the goal.

Strand of hair

On a full moon, a glass of water is placed on the window so that the moonlight is reflected in it. A lock of hair is cut off the next night. It should be soaked in this water and held with a wet strand in all places where you want to remove excess. After that, the strand will need to be wrapped in paper and burned. The ashes are thrown into the water and the plot is read nine times. Then the water is poured onto the ground so that it is quickly absorbed. The steps are repeated for 9 days.

Glass with water and moonlight

Speak water in a glass exposed under the open sky. Ideally, catch the reflection of moonlight in the water. A plot is read over the water seven times, after which the glass is placed in the refrigerator. You need to drink it before meals for about half a glass.

It is believed that this procedure will help you feel less hungry and reduce appetite.

To reduce appetite

Another water conspiracy is designed to reduce appetite. To carry out the ritual, you need to pour water into an uncut glass and read the words three times.


In this case, those wishing to find a flat stomach pour in a bathroom, collect hot or warm water, and put on a cross.

Then, the cross is taken out and added to the bath:

  • a glass of cow's milk;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • petals of three different roses (color is not important);
  • thread or braid (15-20 cm).

If you want to lose weight, go to the prepared bathroom and lie there until the water temperature is comparable to your body temperature.

After the water in the basin has cooled, it is collected in a container.

After the twelfth reading, stand in a basin and pour the spoken water over yourself. Any remaining liquid must be collected and discarded at three intersections.

For washing

Another conspiracy on water is read with the waning moon. To do this, you need to pour water into a basin and whisper to it so that the breath touches the water.

They wash themselves very diligently and abundantly with charmed water and go to bed, drain the rest.

Prayer for the growing moon

In addition to conspiracies, prayers also help to lose weight. You can ask for higher powers arbitrarily. However, believers testify that the most powerful prayer for losing weight is a request to tame the womb, addressed to the Lord.

On the toilet

They read a weight loss conspiracy while in the toilet. During the bowel movement, those who want to lose weight read the following words.

The plot can be repeated regularly.

On the snow

Another effective conspiracy for harmony is read on the first snow, which was collected from tree branches. They rub the problem areas while sentencing the words below.

For bread

They talk about weight loss and bread, which in the future will be given to birds.

A strong plot, designed to help lose weight, is read on the water, which is splashed on the stove or on the steam stove. They read it leaning over the ladle.

While rinsing in the bath, the adage below will help you lose weight.

On a woolen thread

Magicians carry out an effective ritual for weight loss with a thread. A powerful conspiracy on a blue woolen thread is carried out on the waning moon. It is read fifteen times over a glass of water and a string.

Then the thread is tied around the base of the ring and middle fingers. The charmed water must be drunk, divided equally, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Green tea conspiracy

According to the reviews of those losing weight, the green tea conspiracy effectively helps. It is read over the cup at least 2 times a day. The drink for the ritual should be free of sugar, honey, sweets and any additives. They drink it confidently while pronouncing a conspiracy.

The ritual should begin from the first day of the waning moon. It is carried out daily for a month.

Apple conspiracy

The magic rite is also carried out over the apple. They speak him every time they want to take a bite.

Comb conspiracy

Another powerful ritual for fast weight loss is carried out on a comb and two red candles. The comb for the ritual is bought on Saturday, and the action itself is performed on Friday or Monday morning.

In the morning, if you want to lose weight, you should wash yourself with cold water, put lighted candles in front of you, and in front of them - a purchased comb. Looking at her, you need to imagine your body slender, look at yourself with an inner gaze. At the same time, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and an elevated state of mind. It is important to see yourself as if you have already lost weight. Visualization should be continued until the imagination builds the picture as real as possible. Then you should open your eyes and, looking at the comb, pronounce a conspiracy.

You will need to repeat the procedure once a month, chanting a spell.

On a candle

The candle helps those who wish to dump the excess. You need to read the conspiracy on it at sunset on the first day of the waning moon. It is important that a clear, clear sunset is visible from the window. The words need to be pronounced when the sun disk touches the ground and end when it disappears over the horizon.

For the ritual, a red wax candle is taken and lit at the moment the recitation of the conspiracy begins.

At the moment when the sun disappears behind the horizon, the candle must be extinguished with the thumb of the left hand and the little finger. The rest of the fingers should be pressed together, if it was not possible to extinguish the candle, then excess weight is the result of damage.

After the ritual, the candle stub should be placed under the pillow and not told to anyone about it. Before going to bed, you should read Our Father. Sleep this night should be sound.

Wanga's conspiracy

Another strong conspiracy is attributed to the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who, in addition to global problems, helped people solve daily problems.

They read the plot at midnight, every day, while the moon is waning. The effectiveness of words is enhanced by imagining the result. The brighter the rendering, the faster the result will be seen. The clairvoyant also recommended working on the perception of the world, which is the cause of all troubles, including overweight.

On the mascot

You can also talk about weight loss on a talisman that is tied around the body (belt, thread, chain, etc.), the item must be suitable for constant wear.

At midnight, looking at an object, they read a conspiracy.

For honey

For those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight, a honey conspiracy is suitable. For these purposes, choose liquid natural honey. He is slandered on Monday on the waning moon.

Every morning you will need to dissolve a teaspoon of the charmed honey in water and drink it.

Powerful doll ritual for fast weight loss

Rapid weight loss is guaranteed by a doll ritual performed on the night of the waning moon. It is molded from wax (hard dough, clay, plasticine) with forms of obvious obesity and is given its name. Until the wax hardens, you should start reading the plot.

This should be done in such a way as to have time to tear off pieces of wax from the abdomen, sides, thighs and buttocks. When performing a magical ritual, one should imagine how the body becomes slim and beautiful.

At the end of the ritual, everything that has been torn off must be burned. The doll must be hidden and not shown to anyone. No one should be told that such a ritual was performed at all. Sorcerers recommend to forget about the manipulation and just rejoice at the result.

What are the consequences?

Before you start trying conspiracies and magic rituals on yourself, you need to understand that magic is an ancient force that relies on genetic memory. Not many people know that the word "weight loss" for our ancestors was akin to spoilage. "Bad" was sent to enemies, and by reading the wrong conspiracy, you can attract not harmony, but endless problems. Moreover, conspiracies that send "bad" to a person refer to black magic, which means they must be resorted to with caution.

After examining the reviews of those who performed the weight loss ritual, experienced magicians recommend not using all the magical means at once. It is necessary to carry out at least one of them and look at the consequences. The first reaction will show how the body perceives interference with the aura.

If the weight began to go away too quickly, the ritual is no longer necessary. However, if, after magical manipulations, the figure on the scales began to grow, try to analyze what could cause this effect.


Before you start applying weight loss conspiracies, it is worth studying in more detail the types and consequences of these powerful rituals. Rituals help in weight loss, which will be even more effective if you follow a light diet. In addition to weight loss, general improvement and cleansing of the body is also noted. Such results can be achieved only in the case of faith in the rites themselves, as well as the desire to get rid of excess weight. To choose a specific conspiracy for weight loss, it is worth knowing a few of the most commonly used ones.

What are weight loss conspiracies

Any phrase spoken out loud can act in a certain way. Weight loss conspiracies are one of the types of positive auto-training. These are words in a special sequence, pronouncing which a person reprograms his psyche, which helps him solve the problem faster. Conspiracies are often made with personal belongings - combs, crosses, etc. You can even read certain words in the toilet. The subject of conspiracies is also food, for example, meat or an apple. After reading them, it remains to bite off only a piece, and give the rest, for example, to the dog.

A weight loss spell helps to gain confidence in the result, and it can also work like this:

  • reduce appetite;
  • normalize digestion, metabolism;
  • eliminate excess weight, keep it under control;
  • improve the appearance;
  • enhance attractiveness;
  • take away negative energy;
  • change attitude towards oneself;
  • convince in their own beauty, harmony and health.

Weight loss conspiracies rules

There are many options for conspiracies that help in weight loss. They differ in the set of words and some features of the conduct. This is an indication of a specific time of the lunar calendar or day. Special conditions of utterance can also be recommended. The general rules for conducting weight loss conspiracies can be presented in the form of the following list:

  1. Moon calendar. It is better to perform a weight loss ritual during the full moon or when the moon begins to wane. This will require less energy.
  2. Times of Day. You should not utter a conspiracy from fullness in the afternoon. More favorable times are early morning or late evening after sunset.
  3. Day of the week. Monday and Friday are considered favorable for reading conspiracies.
  4. Pronunciation technique. It is necessary to read the text calmly, without stopping. It is better to learn the whole phrase by heart.
  5. The sacrament of the ritual. It is important that the weight loss ritual is carried out alone. It is wrong to talk about an individual ritual even to loved ones. Anyone can laugh at the conspiracy, and this often confuses the mood.
  6. The power of the ritual. The meaning is only if you believe in the spoken words. You should only think about what you want, i.e. about losing weight.

Strong conspiracy to lose weight

The most effective is the ritual associated with voodoo magic. Such an ancient cult paid a lot of attention to the health and beauty of the human body. For this reason, it is considered effective. A strong weight loss conspiracy is carried out like this:

  1. Take a hard piece of dough, clay or wax. To mold a small figure of a full person from the material - a doll. Add a drop of tears, sweat, or your own hair to it.
  2. Then start reading the conspiracy for thinness - “I pinch my sides - I kill fat, I burn fat - I drive out gluttony. Small food - the belly for the sake of pleasure. "
  3. While reading, alternately pluck off pieces from the hips, waist or other problematic places in your opinion with your right and left hands.
  4. When the dream figure has been modeled, collect the remains, wrap them in a cloth and burn them.
  5. Hide the doll in a safe place where no one can find it.

Waning moon conspiracy

The mysterious power of the moon can also help you lose weight. It is important to wait until it starts to decrease. The ritual can be performed at this time. The waning moon conspiracy is as follows:

  1. Fill a glass with water, go to the balcony, outside, or just stand at an open window.
  2. Place your hands with a container next to the solar plexus, try to feel the effect of the moon. If it is closed, then look at the glass itself.
  3. Then, without taking your eyes off, say the following words - “The moon is decreasing - for me to lose weight, to the moon - beautiful horns, to me - a slender body. With my word. The moon is your work. " Repeat 9 more times, then go back to the room.
  4. It is necessary to do this for 9 consecutive nights.

Weight loss conspiracy on the growing moon

Another powerful rite is carried out, on the contrary, during the waxing moon. All you need to do is patiently adhere to all the rules. It is necessary to read the plot every day for 13 days. It is advisable for this to retire in a room, preferably around midnight. There should be dim light in the room, for example, from a sconce or floor lamp. While reading, it is important to interrupt the entire thought process, thinking only of the spoken words.

The very conspiracy to lose weight on the growing moon is a whispering of the following text: “As fire melts wax, so the moon will enter my flesh. Cleans from fat, melts the sides. The excess weight will go away like a crazy demon. There will be no joy from sweetness. Appetite will decrease, satiety will remain. In 13 days I will be slimmer. I conjure you, the moon: grow, decrease, do not forget me! Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Full moon weight loss conspiracy

The mysterious power of the moon is especially evident during the full moon. Better to perform the ritual on Monday or Friday. Before the procedure, read the text carefully, or rather memorize it, so as not to stutter during the ritual and pronounce the phrase with confidence. This must be done again in front of an open window. The very conspiracy on the full moon for weight loss: “As you, Mother - the Moon from this moment decrease, so my weight begins to melt, the fullness leaves. You, Moon, are decreasing and melting my fat. The round moon will turn into a thin month, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen".

Soap conspiracy

For the next ritual, you will need the most common fragrance-free baby soap and a linen scrubber. You also need to prepare a clean white towel, preferably a new one. The soap is simply used for washing. You need to wipe off with a towel after the procedure, and use a washcloth during. The very same conspiracy for soap is pronounced at dawn: "Soap-soap, wash harder, Soap-soap, wash faster, I will rub my skin with you, I will, then lose weight every time."

Weight loss conspiracy before bed

Another unusual option is a weight loss conspiracy before bedtime. It is carried out with a glass of water and the following words - “Warm water, take my fat with you. Wash off the excess from me, leave the thinness. Make your sleep sound and your body slim. Me healthy and beautiful. Stream water, but decrease the weight and do not return. Let it be so". It remains only to wash with water and immediately go to bed.

Weight loss conspiracy

The next ritual will require an ode from a pure source, illuminated in a church. You also need to buy 12 candles there. A conspiracy for water for weight loss is performed on the waning moon as follows:

  1. In the evening, take a glass of lighted water, put it in front of you along with a lit candle.
  2. Try to mentally imagine the achievement of the cherished form. The result will depend on this.
  3. Then calmly and measuredly read the following text - “Rampant water, flowing here and there, don't run, help me. Take my weight with him, run away, water, water, it's not my problem, take away the trouble, I won't find grief. "
  4. When finished, put out the candle and drink the water in one gulp. Repeat the procedure within 12 days without skipping.

Appetite conspiracy

This ritual will help you cope with your appetite. For the ceremony, you will need a belt or other object, for example, a cross. An appetite conspiracy for him is carried out at midnight during the waning moon. It is necessary to read the following over the talisman - “I conjure the Queen of Heaven to accept a gift from me. I give (so much) a kilogram. Let the one who needs it take. And another reward awaits me. The body is slender, like a birch camp. The figure is graceful, like that of a deer, the beauty is lazy, not earthly. Amen". This item should be with you daily.

Candle weight loss conspiracy

In any magical ritual, candles were almost always used. With their help, prayers are also performed. To carry out a conspiracy to lose weight on a candle, you will need to prepare another mirror and a needle. Next, you need to wait until midnight and do the following:

  1. Place a mirror and three candles in front of you. On each one, pre-scratch the amount of extra pounds with a needle.
  2. Then light the first candle and read the following words - “I light my candle - I get rid of fat. There is no more place for him in my life. Goodbye, evaporate, out of my fate won’t. Let it be so".
  3. Repeat the same with the two remaining candles.

Strong conspiracy to lose weight from Vanga

On the advice of the seer Vanga, women can plot conspiracies even on their own. It's more like a slimming whisper. They are used in almost any situation. A strong conspiracy to lose weight from Vanga sounds like this: “In the ocean-sea, hunger sleeps on constipation. Three whales are not letting him out. He will not find hunger on the Lord for the slave (name). Calm down the terrible trouble, dissolve in the morning fog. Go into the ocean, leave the Lord to the slave (name) slender. The eyes are asleep, they do not iron on food. The nights melt towards morning, and hunger lag behind the body, do not misfortune, do not break it. Said in the night, be silent hunger! Amen!".

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

If you are just new to the use of conspiracies, then do not rush to abuse them. It is important to see the first reaction, and then decide whether to continue practicing this method of losing weight. If suddenly the process has gone too quickly, then you should not panic, because this can harm even more. Just stop doing the rite of passage for thinness and soon everything will return to normal.

The main thing in any situation is to control emotions. Then the unpredictable consequences of weight loss conspiracies will not affect you. For the rest, it is important to believe in what you say and start working on yourself. Without changing the diet and lifestyle, the effect cannot be achieved. Only through your own efforts can you see a positive result - confidence and long-awaited harmony.

Video: Conspiracy from excess weight