Normal weight at 14 for boys. What should be the height and weight norms for adolescents? Overweight reasons

The percentage of overweight children is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide - on average, one in three teenagers or children is currently overweight or obese.

Now many children spend little time on training and outdoor games, they spend more time in front of the TV, playing video games or a computer. And in many working, busy families, parents have less free time to prepare healthy, homemade meals. From fast food to the computer, fast and in a rush - this is the reality for many families.

Keeping children from being overweight means establishing proper diet and exercise routines in the family, as well as healthy relaxation together. We must include our children in healthy lifestyles through our own example.

Is your child underweight or overweight?

The World Health Organization (WHO), the US Department of Health, as well as most countries in the world, to estimate excess weight in adults and children, have successfully used BMI - body mass index - which is based on the ratio of height to weight, and then calculate the proportion of fat in the human body. The method for calculating BMI is the development of Adolphe Quetelet and it provides a special scheme for children. First, you need to calculate the child's BMI using the general formula:

Quetelet Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

Since children and adolescents are characterized by active growth and development, their BMI can change significantly within a short time. Therefore, the usual BMI assessment common in adults is not suitable for them. To accurately and correctly assess the body mass index of a child, scientists have studied the ratio of weight and height of many thousands of children. And when you need to determine if your child's BMI is normal or deviating from it, comparison charts - "percentage curves" or distribution scales - with averages for children of this age and height will give you the opportunity to understand whether you need to adjust weight. Thus, your child's BMI is compared to the average of thousands of other children. This approach takes into account the developmental stages that children go through in certain age groups. For example, if a child has a body mass index higher than 97% of children of his own age, then it can be concluded that the child is overweight.
This table contains information on the BMI of adolescents and children of both sexes from 2 to 20 years old.

As a result, your child's BMI will fall into one of four categories:

  • Lack of weight: BMI below the 5th average (percentage curve);
  • Healthy weight: BMI between 5th and 85th average
  • Overweight: BMI between 85 and 95;
  • Obesity: BMI is in the 95th or higher area.
For children under 2 years of age, doctors use weight-for-height charts and close-up physical examinations.

Table for assessing the weight and height of a child by BMI

At the same time, BMI is not an ideal indicator of the amount of body fat and can be misleading in some cases. For example, a well-muscled teenager may have a high BMI without being overweight (muscle gains to body weight, not overweight). In addition, BMI can be difficult to assess correctly during puberty, when young people experience rapid growth. In any case, it is important to remember that BMI is generally a good indicator, but it is not a direct measure of body fat.

Bioimpedance analysis allows you to determine the exact percentage of adipose tissue. With the help of a certain device, a weak, safe electric current is passed through the body, changing its frequency. Different body tissues have different resistance to electric current, thus, it becomes possible to calculate how much of the body is in the muscles, and how much is in the bones and fat.

If you are concerned that your child may be overweight or underweight, arrange an appointment with a healthcare professional who will assess nutrition and physical activity levels and suggest positive changes. Your doctor may also recommend prevention of certain conditions associated with underweight or obesity.

Norms of weight and height of the child by age

Growth and weight table of a child up to a year

Age Height in cm. Weight in kg.
Very low Low Middle Tall Very tall Very low Low Middle Tall Very tall

1 month

49.5 cm. 51.2cm. 54.5cm. 56.5cm. 57.3cm. 3.3 kg. 3.6kg. 4.3kg. 5.1kg. 5.4kg.

2 month

52.6cm. 53.8cm. 57.3cm. 59.4cm. 60.9cm. 3.9 kg. 4.2kg. 5.1kg. 6.0kg. 6.4kg.

3 months

55.3cm. 56.5cm. 60.0cm. 62.0cm. 63.8cm. 4.5kg. 4.9kg. 5.8kg. 7.0kg. 7.3kg.

4 months

57.5cm. 58.7cm. 62.0cm. 64.5cm. 66.3cm. 5.1kg. 5.5kg. 6.5kg. 7.6kg. 8.1kg.

5 months

59.9cm. 61.1cm. 64.3cm. 67cm. 68.9cm. 5.6kg. 6.1kg. 7.1kg. 8.3kg. 8.8kg.

6 months

61.7cm. 63cm. 66.1cm. 69cm. 71.2cm. 6.1kg. 6.6kg. 7.6kg. 9.0kg. 9.4kg.

Seven months

63.8cm. 65.1cm. 68cm. 71.1cm. 73.5cm. 6.6kg. 7.1kg. 8.2kg. 9.5kg. 9.9kg.

8 months

65.5cm. 66.8cm. 70cm. 73.1cm. 75.3cm. 7.1kg. 7.5kg. 8.6kg. 10kg. 10.5kg.

9 months

67.3cm. 68.2cm. 71.3cm. 75.1cm. 78.8cm. 7.5kg. 7.9kg. 9.1kg. 10.5kg. 11kg.

10 months

68.8cm. 69.1cm. 73cm. 76.9cm. 78.8cm. 7.9kg.
8.3kg. 9.5kg. 10.9kg. 11.4kg.

11 months

70.1cm. 71.3cm. 74.3cm. 78cm. 80.3cm.
8.6kg. 9.8kg. 11.2kg. 11.8kg.
Very low Low Middle Tall Very tall Very low Low Middle Tall Very tall

Child's height and weight table by years

Height in cm. Weight in kg.
Very low Low Middle Tall Very tall Very low Low Middle Tall Very tall

1 year

71.2cm. 72.3cm. 75.5cm. 79.7cm. 81.7cm. 8.5kg. 8.9kg. 10.0kg. 11.6kg. 12.1kg.

2 years

81.3cm. 83cm. 86.8cm. 90.8cm. 94cm. 10.6kg. 11kg. 12.6kg. 14.2kg. 15.0kg.

3 years

88cm. 90cm. 96cm. 102.0cm. 104.5cm. 12.1kg. 12.8kg. 14.8kg. 16.9kg. 17.7kg.

4 years

93.2cm. 95.5cm. 102cm. 108cm. 110.6cm. 13.4kg. 14.2kg. 16.4kg 19.4kg. 20.3kg.

5 years

98.9cm. 101,5 108.3cm. 114.5cm. 117cm. 14.8kg. 15.7kg. 18.3kg. 21.7kg. 23.4kg.

6 years

105cm. 107.7cm. 115m 121.1cm. 123.8cm. 16.3kg. 17.5kg. 20.4kg. 24.7kg. 26.7kg.

7 years

111cm. 113.6cm. 121.2cm. 128cm. 130.6cm. 18kg. 19.5kg. 22.9kg. 28kg. 30.8kg.

8 years

116.3cm. 119cm. 126.9cm. 134.5cm. 137cm. 20kg. 21.5kg. 25.5kg. 31.4kg. 35.5kg.

9 years

121.5cm. 124.7cm. 133.4cm. 140.3cm. 143cm. 21.9kg. 23.5kg. 28.1kg. 35.1kg. 39.1kg.

10 years

126.3cm. 129.4cm. 137.8cm. 146.7cm. 149.2cm. 23.9kg. 25.6kg. 31.4kg. 39.7kg. 44.7kg.

11 years

131.3cm. 134.5cm. 143.2cm. 152.9cm. 156.2cm. 26kg. 28kg. 34.9kg. 44.9kg. 51.5kg.

12 years

136.2cm. 140cm. 149.2cm. 159.5cm. 163.5cm. 28.2kg. 30.7kg. 38.8kg. 50.6kg. 58.7kg.

13 years old

141.8cm. 145.7cm. 154.8cm. 166cm. 170.7cm. 30.9kg. 33.8kg. 43.4kg. 56.8kg. 66.0kg.

14 years old

148.3cm. 152.3cm. 161.2cm. 172cm. 176.7cm. 34.3kg. 38kg. 48.8kg. 63.4kg. 73.2kg.

15 years

154.6cm. 158.6cm. 166.8cm. 177.6cm. 181.6cm. 38.7kg. 43kg. 54.8kg. 70kg. 80.1kg.
Very low Low Middle
Very high Very low Low Middle Tall Very high

Preventing excess weight and obesity

The key to keeping children of all ages at a healthy weight is the whole family's lifestyle. This is what is "preached" in the family. Make physical activity and healthy eating a family hobby. To keep children interested in this too, let them help them plan and prepare a healthy menu, take them with you to grocery stores so that they learn to choose healthy and correct foods.
Don't fall into these common food traps:
  • Do not reward children for good behavior, or try to keep them from bad behavior with sweets or treats. Encouragement or punishment should not include food, there are many other effective and correct ways of education.
  • Do not support the "clean plate policy"... Watch for signs that your child is hungry. Even babies who turn away from the bottle or breast report that they are full. If the children are full, do not force them to continue eating. Remind yourself that we should only eat when we are hungry.
  • Do not talk about "harmful products" and do not completely exclude all sweets and favorite delicacies from the children's menu. Children are more likely to rebel and eat large quantities of these unhealthy foods outside the home or when their parents cannot see.


It is not easy to motivate a child to achieve results; he cannot be put on a diet. In turn, adolescence is difficult because there is a danger of self-rejection, isolation, depression, anorexia. After you figure out if your child needs weight correction, we would like to provide some additional recommendations for children of all ages:
  • From birth to 1 year: Besides the well-known multifaceted health benefits, breastfeeding can help prevent excessive weight gain as well. Although the exact mechanism has not yet been established, breastfed babies are more aware of their hunger and satiety, thus protecting themselves from overeating.
  • 1 to 5 years: it is better to develop good habits from an early age. Help your child establish healthy eating habits by offering a variety of healthy foods. Encourage the child's natural propensity to be active and help him develop.
  • 6-12 years old: Keep your child physically active every day. Let it be a sports section or outdoor games in the yard. Encourage activity at home as well - in your daily homework and in playing and walking on weekends. Teach your child to choose wholesome and healthy foods, help him collect his own sandwiches for school.
  • 13-18 years old: Teens often lean towards fast food, but try to push them towards healthier foods. For example, with baked chicken sandwiches, salads and smaller portions. Teach them how to make delicious healthy meals and treats at home. Help them maintain physical activity every day.
  • All ages: Reduce the time your child spends in front of the TV, computer, and video games. Fight your child's eating habits by watching TV or a computer monitor. Try to cook and serve a variety of healthy foods to your child. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner together with your child. Encourage children to eat vegetables and fruits at least five times a day, limit sugary drinks, and never skip breakfast.
If you eat right, exercise often, and incorporate healthy habits into your family's daily routine, you are building a healthy lifestyle for your children that they can continue to support. Explain to them the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition, but make sure to make it a common family habit so that it becomes second nature to each of you.

But above all, let your children know that you love them, regardless of their weight, and your main desire is to help them be happy and healthy.

The body weight of a teenager is an important indicator of the dynamics of his physical development. An excess, as well as a lack of weight, have an extremely negative effect on the dynamics of the formation of all systems and organs of the human body. Especially for the readers of "Popularly about health" I will consider how much a teenager should weigh at the age of 14.

Weight and height normal for a teenager are calculated and periodically adjusted by experts from the World Health Organization. To assess the correctness of the development of boys and girls, specialists use special tables that take into account both the age and gender of the child.

For 14-year-old boys, body weight should be considered normal, which is in the range from 42 to 56 kilograms. For girls, the following indicators should be considered the norm - from 48 to 58.

At this time, the body weight of girls may exceed the body weight of boys, since the period of puberty and the formation of a woman's body begins at a slightly earlier age.

Puberty is a special part of the life of any person, regardless of gender. At this time, the human body is undergoing significant changes of a qualitative nature. It is in these years that the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and the enhanced development of the genitals take place.

Moreover, during puberty, an increased growth of the human body occurs, which inevitably affects his body weight. In just a few years, a person's body weight increases by about 20 kilograms, which is very significant, especially in absolute terms.

Current trends

Unfortunately, the adolescent with normal body weight in recent decades is rather an exception to the rule. Obesity is a real scourge of humanity, regardless of age or gender.

The foregoing is true for representatives of most countries with developed economies and social spheres. The higher the income level, the more people are prone to obesity.

The current trend cannot be reversed at the moment. The development of obesity is actively promoted by changes in the lifestyle of a modern teenager (frequent and prolonged use of a computer or smartphone instead of physical activity), as well as the availability and popularization of unhealthy food (fast food and all kinds of convenience foods).

Modern children are completely intolerant of healthy food. Sometimes it is almost impossible to force a child of any age to eat porridge or soup. But all kinds of hamburgers, chips, and sweet soda go with a bang.

Lack and excess of body weight

The high body weight of the child, as well as the low one, can indicate the presence of a pathological process. Of course, minimal deviations, both in one and the other direction, cannot be considered as an ailment, but no less, doctors recommend paying close attention to such a teenager.

Speaking about excess or lack of body weight, experts most often give the following reasons for the development of such conditions:

Wrong alimentary (nutritional) habits;
Imbalance in nutrition;
Changes in the psychological background;
Hormonal pathology.

The ingrained incorrect nutritional stereotypes can interfere with a person not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. It is not so easy to break the habits that have been formed over the years, many times fixed in the human consciousness. For this reason, it is necessary to accustom the child to proper nutrition from childhood.

Nutrition imbalance was mentioned above. Changes in the psychological background can lead to both suppression and increased appetite. Personal troubles, failures in school, rejection by peers, all this may not lead to stressful situations. Children, just like adults, deal with stress very hard.

A somatic pathology can also lead to the development of a deficiency or an excess of body weight. For example, many hormonal diseases can be accompanied by obesity, sometimes quite pronounced.

What to do?

If the deviations from the normal values \u200b\u200bare not significant, and at the same time the teenager does not make any complaints, you do not need to show much concern. Most likely, the reason for the change in body weight is alimentary.

All that is needed is to normalize the diet, after which the child's body weight should come to full compliance with the norm. If, despite all efforts, the teenager's weight continues to deviate in any direction, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

With significant deviations in body weight, a visit to the doctor is required. If there is a severe weight deficiency, the child may have anorexia. Girls are particularly prone to this condition.

With severe obesity, diet alone may not be enough. Teens need to be active, but it is best to do so under the supervision of a doctor or physical therapist. In addition, hormonal pathology must be excluded.


The child's body weight should be within the normal range. Significant overstepping of the normal range should be considered an alarming condition requiring medical intervention.

Weight and height are important indicators of the physical condition and health of children. It is generally accepted that they depend on human genetics. All children are different, but being overweight or underweight can indicate poor nutrition or serious health problems. Very fast or slow growth can be a signal of malfunctioning body systems.

The height and weight of the child is primarily influenced by genetics, but there are still many factors on which these indicators depend.

What factors affect height and weight indicators?

The following factors influence height and weight:

  • genetic predisposition (heredity, ethnicity);
  • growth hormones;
  • diseases transferred at an early age;
  • the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal surge during puberty;
  • psychological situation in the family;
  • food and sleep;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • physical exercise;
  • hemoglobin level;
  • body weight is directly proportional to length.

What height and weight should the baby be born with?

At birth, the weight of a full-term baby ranges from 2500 g to 4500 g. Boys tend to weigh more than girls. The maximum weight for a baby usually does not exceed 4.5 kg. Average weight - 3.2-3.4 kg. The body length of newborns is 45-54 cm. The average height is 49-52 cm. The body length for girls is usually in the range of 49-51 cm.

As you can see, the range of physical indicators of a child at birth is quite wide. The baby's data is influenced by various factors: hereditary predisposition, at what time the baby was born (38-40 weeks), features of the mother's pregnancy. It should be said that children of the same parents can be born with different physiological data.

Height and weight of premature babies

Weight of children, depending on the degree of their prematurity:

If a premature baby is healthy, he quickly gains in height and weight.

The body length in children born prematurely is usually less than 45 cm. Their physique is disproportionate, the subcutaneous fat layer is not formed, the seams of the skull are open, the skin is overflowing with blood. Newborns who are in a hurry to be born are nursed in special conditions. With proper care by the first year of life, such children are no different from those who were born on time.

WHO Child Growth Tables

All children develop at their own pace. However, there are certain norms of weight gain and height, which doctors are guided by when determining the physical condition of the child. These data are collected in tables developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Consider the WHO tables for girls' development.

Normal indicators in girls under one year old

In the first year of life, children develop most actively. Immediately after birth, newborns can lose weight up to 300 g. However, in the first three months of life, the baby is able to gain up to 750 g per month, in the next three months - 700 g each, from 7 to 9 months of life - 550 g each, 9-12 months - 350 g. Children who are bottle-fed gain weight faster.

Babies are growing no less intensively. The ideal increase in length for babies from 1 to 3 months is 3.5 cm, 4-6 months - 2.5 cm, 7-9 months - 1.5-2 cm (see also :). From 9 months to one year, children grow another 1 cm per month. The average weight of a child per year is in the range from 8900 to 9600 g. The body length is from 74 to 76 cm.

On average, children are born with a weight of 2.9-3.5 kg and a height of about 52 cm

Weight table from 0 to 12 months:

Age, monthsWeight, kg
lowlower limit of normnormupper limit of normaltall
0 2,4-2,8 2,8 3,2 3,7 3,7-4,2
1 3,2-3,6 3,6 4,2 4,8 4,8-5,5
2 3,9-4,5 4,5 5,1 5,8 5,8-6,6
3 4,5-5,2 5,2 5,9 6,6 6,6-7,5
4 5,0-5,7 5,7 6,4 7,3 7,3-8,2
5 5,4-6,1 6,1 6,9 7,8 7,8-8,8
6 5,7-6,5 6,5 7,3 8,3 8,3-9,4
7 6,0-6,8 6,8 7,6 8,6 8,6-9,8
8 6,2-7,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 9,9-10,2
9 6,5-7,3 7,3 8,2 9,3 9,3-10,6
10 6,7-7,5 7,5 8,5 9,6 9,6-10,9
11 6,9-7,7 7,7 8,7 9,9 9,9-11,2
12 7,0-7,9 7,9 9,0 10,1 10,1-11,5

Based on the data, the weight indicator for a one-year-old baby of 7.9-10.1 kg is considered ideal (we recommend reading :).

The weight of one-year-old girls can vary greatly - there are “skinny” ones, but there are “donuts”

Low and high weight is not critical, it can be caused by a genetic predisposition or the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. If your baby's performance goes beyond low or high, doctors will do more research to rule out health problems.

Table of growth rates from 0 to 12 months according to WHO:

Age, monthsHeight, cm
lowlower limit of normnormupper limit of normaltall
0 45,4-47,3 47,3 49,2 51,0 51,0-52,9
1 49,8-51,7 51,7 53,7 55,6 55,6-57,6
2 53,0-55,0 55,0 57,1 59,1 59,1-61,2
3 55,6-57,7 57,7 59,8 61,9 61,9-64,0
4 57,8-59,9 59,9 62,1 64,3 64,3-66,4
5 59,6-61,8 61,8 64,0 66,3 66,3-68,5
6 61,2-63,5 63,5 65,7 68,0 68,0-70,3
7 62,7-65,0 65,0 67,3 69,6 69,6-71,9
8 64,0-66,4 66,4 68,8 71,1 71,1-73,5
9 65,3-67,7 67,7 70,1 72,6 72,6-75,0
10 66,5-69,0 69,0 71,5 74,0 74,0-76,4
11 67,7-70,3 70,3 72,8 75,3 75,3-77,8
12 68,9-71,4 71,4 74,0 76,6 76,6-79,2

Children's age from one to 10 years

In the period from one to 10 years, the child's musculoskeletal system is formed and strengthened, the work of all internal organs is getting better.

With insufficient nutrition, improper distribution of physical activity in children, various diseases can develop. Therefore, monitoring the norms at this age is as necessary as in infancy.

Weight table for ages 1 to 10:

AgeWeight, kg
lowlower limit of normnormupper limit of normaltall
15 monthsfrom 7.68,5 9,6 10,9 10,9-12,4
18 months8,1-9,1 9,1 10,2 11,6 11,6-13,2
21 months8,6-9,6 9,6 10,9 12,3 12,3-14,0
2 years9,0-10,2 10,2 11,5 13,0 13,0-14,8
27 months9,5-10,7 10,7 12,1 13,7 13,7-15,7
30 months10,0-11,2 11,2 12,7 14,4 14,4-16,5
33 months10,4-11,7 11,7 13,3 15,1 15,1-17,3
3 years10,8-12,2 12,2 13,9 15,8 15,8-18,1
3.5 years11,6-13,1 13,1 15,0 17,2 17,2-19,8
4 years12,3-14,0 14,0 16,1 18,5 18,5-21,5
4.5 years13,0-14,9 14,9 17,2 19,9 19,9-23,2
5 years13,7-15,8 15,8 18,2 21,2 21,2-24,9
5.5 years14,6-16,6 16,6 19,1 22,2 22,2-26,2
6 years15,3-17,5 17,5 20,2 23,5 23,5-27,8
6.5 years16,0-18,3 18,3 21,2 24,9 24,9-29,6
7 years16,8-19,3 19,3 22,4 26,3 26,3-31,4
8 years18,6-21,4 21,4 25,0 29,7 29,7-35,8
9 years20,8-24,0 24,0 28,2 33,6 33,6-41,0
10 years23,3-27,0 27,0 31,9 38,2 38,2-46,9

It is important to monitor the child's weight norms, and if the girl is overweight, be sure to take action!

Growth chart from 1 to 10 years old:

Age, monthsHeight, cm
lowlower limit of normnormupper limit of normaltall
15 months72,0-74,8 74,8 77,5 80,2 80,2-83,0
18 months74,9-77,8 77,8 80,7 83,6 83,6-86,5
21 months77,5-80,6 80,6 83,7 86,7 86,7-89,8
2 years80,0-83,2 83,2 86,4 89,6 89,6-92,9
27 months81,5-84,9 84,9 88,3 91,7 91,7-95,0
30 months83,6-87,1 87,1 90,7 94,2 94,2-97,7
33 months85,6-89,3 89,3 92,9 96,6 96,6-100,3
3 years87,4-91,2 91,2 95,1 98,9 98,9-102,7
3.5 years90,9-95,0 95,0 99,0 103,1 103,1-107,2
4 years94,1-98,4 98,4 102,7 107,0 107,0-111,3
4.5 years97,1-101,6 101,6 106,2 110,7 110,7-115,2
5 years99,9-104,7 104,7 109,4 114,2 114,2-118,9
5.5 years102,3-107,2 107,2 112,2 117,1 117,1-122,0
6 years104,9-110,0 110,0 115,1 120,2 120,2-125,4
6.5 years107,4-112,7 112,7 118,0 123,3 123,3-128,6
7 years109,9-115,3 115,3 120,8 126,3 126,3-131,7
8 years115,0-120,8 120,8 126,6 132,4 132,4-138,2
9 years120,3-126,4 126,4 132,5 138,6 138,6-144,0
10 years125,8-132,2 132,2 138,6 145,0 145,0-151,4

Keeping track of school-age girls' growth and weight rates is as important as in infancy

Development of girls from 11 to 18 years old

Ages 11 to 18 are considered adolescents. At this time, intensive changes take place in the body of children. This is especially noticeable in appearance. A plump baby can turn into an ideal girl, and a skinny one can get into shape. Such changes are caused by hormonal changes in the body. It is necessary to understand when such changes are normal, and when it is necessary to sound the alarm.

Consider the weight table for teenage girls:

Age, yearsWeight, kg
lowlower limit of normnormupper limit of normaltall
11 24,9-27,8 27,8-30,7 30,7-38,9 38,9-44,6 44,6-55,2
12 27,8-31,8 31,8-36,0 36,0-45,4 45,4-51,8 51,8-63,4
13 32,0-38,7 38,7-43,0 43,0-52,5 52,5-59,0 59,0-69,0
14 37,6-43,8 43,8-48,2 48,2-58,0 58,0-64,0 64,0-72,2
15 42,0-46,8 46,8-50,6 50,6-60,4 60,4-66,5 66,5-74,9
16 45,2-48,4 48,4-51,8 51,8-61,3 61,3-67,6 67,6-75,6
17-18 46,2-49,2 49,2-52,9 52,9-61,9 61,9-68,0 68,0-76,0

By instilling the principles of proper nutrition, the weight of adolescents will meet the norms

Teenage Growth Chart:

Age, yearsHeight, cm
low, tolower limit of normnormupper limit of normaltall
11 136,2 136,2–140,2 140,2–148,8 148,8–153,2 153,2–157,7
12 142,2 142,2–145,9 145,9–154,2 154,2–159,2 159,2–163,2
13 148,3 148,3–151,8 151,8–159,8 159,8–163,7 163,7–168,0
14 152,6 152,6–155,4 155,4–163,6 163,6–167,2 167,2–171,2
15 154,4 154,4–157,2 157,2–166,0 166,0–169,2 169,2–173,4
16 152,6 155,2–158,0 158,0–166,8 166,8–170,2 170,2–173,8
17-18 155,8 155,8–158,6 158,6–169,2 169,2–170,4 170,4–174,2

The height of high school students can vary greatly: from 150 to 175 cm

Is it possible to calculate the height of a child by the height of the parents?

There are several formulas for the approximate calculation of a child's height in relation to the height of his parents:

  • To calculate the girl's height (RD), you need to add the father's height (PO) with the mother's height (RM), multiply by 0.51 and subtract 7.5 cm. The author of this formula is unknown.
  • Another formula belongs to the Czechoslovakian V. Karkus. RD cm \u003d (PO cm * 0.923 + RM cm) / 2.
  • Dr. J. Hawker proposed to calculate the height as follows: RD \u003d (PO + RM) / 2 - 6.4.
  • The formula of Smirnov and Gorbunov: RD \u003d (RO + RM -12.5) / 2 ± 8.
  • Another formula calculates the height based on the data of the child per year (WG). RD \u003d WG + 100 cm - 5 cm.

Periods of Intense Growth in Children: When Are Races?

The fastest growing girls develop from 10 to 13 years old. This is explained by active puberty.

During this period, the body of a teenager receives a great hormonal shock. During puberty, a girl-to-be can grow up to 8 cm per year. Her figure will also change significantly - weight gain or loss is possible.

If the child is too tall

A child's height is considered a hereditary factor. If the family has tall parents, then the baby will be tall from childhood. However, too much deviation from the age norms of a child can be a signal that there are significant problems in his body. In addition to early puberty, high growth in children can be caused by:

  • high content of growth hormones;
  • obesity;
  • chromosome pathology;
  • a pituitary tumor;
  • marfan syndrome;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland.

What if the child is very young?

The small growth of the child, if it is not due to a genetic predisposition, should also cause anxiety in the parents.

If the parents notice that the baby is growing poorly and is not gaining weight, they need to consult a specialist.

The doctor will study the history of his growth gains, examine the child, and analyze the diseases he has suffered. In the event that the parents' doubts prove to be justified, a thyroid examination is prescribed. To exclude rickets, the child is prescribed an ultrasound scan. In parallel with these studies, the pediatrician must order tests to check the blood for the level of growth hormone and hemoglobin. Sometimes a child's bone age is examined using bone x-rays.

Adolescence is a wonderful and challenging time. The period of puberty is accompanied by serious physiological changes in the body.

Each child develops in its own way. It is possible to independently track fluctuations in proportions in adolescents according to specially developed and established norms.

Tables of the ratio of height and weight in adolescents are averages that describe general boundaries, and do not exclude individual aspects:

  • the specifics of the course of bearing a fetus by a woman;
  • difficult labor of the mother;
  • hereditary factors;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • unfavorable psychological climate in the family.

Height and weight norms for boys

Table number 1 Growth indicators of boys 12-14 years old (indicated in cm)

Growth criteria Age (years)
12 13 14
Very low Less than 136 Up to 141 Up to 148
Low 136-140 141-145 148-152
Below the average 140-143 145-149 152-156
Middle 143-154 149-160 156-167
Above the average 154-159 160-166 167-172
Tall 159-163 166-170 172-176
Very tall Above 163 From 170 More than 176

Table No. 2 Indicators of the weight of boys 12-14 years old (indicated in kg)

Height and weight norms for girls

Table No. 3 Growth indicators of girls 12-14 years old (indicated in cm)

Growth criteria Age (years)
12 13 14
Very low Less than 137 Up to 143 Up to 147
Low 137-142 143-148 147-152
Below the average 142-145 148-151 152-155
Middle 145-154 151-159 155-163
Above the average 154-159 159-163 163-167
Tall 159-163 163-168 167-171
Very tall Above 163 From 168 More than 171

Table No. 4 Indicators of the weight of girls 12-14 years old (indicated in kg)

Height to weight tables for adolescents

The figures offered in the tables are calculated according to the average anthropometric values \u200b\u200binherent in a particular age.

Table No. 5 Selective ratio of height and weight of boys 12-14 years old

Table No. 6 Selected ratio of height and weight of girls 12-14 years old

During a period of rapid development, non-matching in ratios can occur for natural reasons.

The questions of the harmonious formation of the future of a man and a woman are entirely on the shoulders of parents. Teenagers' assessment of their appearance is not always objective, and often leads to far-fetched problems and complexes.

This period requires a more attentive and sensitive attitude towards children from adults. It is advisable to control the changing parameters, and discuss the reasons and ways of resolving the situation together with the child.

Short stature, or vice versa, too long a body, may be predisposed factors transmitted from close relatives. In this case, therapy is not performed. In the absence of genetic causes, medical advice is required. One should not draw conclusions and apply drastic measures on his own.

In order to minimize the risks of developmental disabilities, it is important to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • establish a complete balanced diet;
  • exclude the use of low-carbohydrate, hard, express diets, only restrictions on fatty and high-calorie foods are possible;
  • the presence of regular physical activity;
  • adherence to the prescribed time for sleep and rest;
  • alcohol, tobacco, narcotic psychotropic substances are prohibited.

Weight estimation by body mass index

Determine the proportionality of development, possibly using the body mass index formula. In order to calculate the BMI, you need to divide the original body weight by the height (in m), squared.

For example, a child's height is 143 cm - this is 1.43 m, weight - 47 kg.

We make the calculation: 47 / (1.43 * 1.43) \u003d 22.9

Table No. 7 Estimation of BMI

Growth assessment

Table 8 Assessment of growth indicators

For an objective perception of the results obtained, one should not completely rely on tabular formulations. It is important to take into account hereditary factors, lifestyle, features of the course of puberty, which play a significant role in the formation of a growing person.

Weight estimate

The tabular coefficients are approximate and are used as a guideline.

Table No. 9 Assessment of body mass indicators

Even within the normal range, outwardly the body may seem thin or plump on the contrary. It depends on the rate of skeletal formation or the ratio of fat and muscle tissue in the body.

Periods of accelerated, intense adolescent growth

At the time of puberty, adolescents experience a noticeable increase in length and body weight. For girls, "pubertal race" occurs at the age of 11-12, the increase is 7-9 cm per year. Starting at the age of 13, the rate decreases.

In boys, the stage of accelerated maturation begins later, at the age of 14-15. The slowdown in the process falls on 19-22 years.

Girls 12-14 years old are superior to their peers. But by the age of 15, the boys "stretch out" and catch up with their classmates in all respects.

The period of intensive development is marked by a number of signs:

  • the figure looks awkward;
  • the spine lags slightly behind the body;
  • arms and legs disproportionately long and thin;
  • the physique is thin;
  • there is some awkwardness.

The uniform rate of physiological changes assumes a gradual increase in parameters over one to two years. In another case, the increase is made in a sharp jump in a couple of months.

Small growth of a teenager: how to increase?

The slow pace of development worries both the adolescents themselves and their parents. Adults often decide on drastic measures, acquiring hormones for the child, using surgery, which often lead to complications and side effects.

To change the situation for the better, you can use more acceptable and gentle methods:

  • Revision of nutrition is central. Food must contain meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.
  • Sports activities are of great importance: swimming, basketball, volleyball, cycling.
  • Hanging on the horizontal bar is recognized as an effective exercise for stretching the spine. The element is required to be performed for 5-10 minutes during the day.
  • Stretching techniques and yoga asanas help to strengthen the back muscles and activate the body's work.
  • It is important to constantly monitor your posture and not slouch while walking, sitting at a desk, table.


Inconsistency of parameters should not be a reason for panic. The right decision will be a timely appeal to a teenage therapist, a detailed examination and receiving the prescribed therapy.

Adolescence is a time of rapid psychological and physical development of a child. During this period, there is a rapid increase in height and significant changes in body weight of boys and girls. Their ratio has a strong impact on both the physical and psychological development of children.

Periods of active growth in adolescence

For any age, there are approximate average growth rates, as well as weight. Today average the height of a man is 175 centimeters, and a woman is 165 centimeters... Boys reach these indicators by the age of 18–20, and girls stop growing at about 16–18 years of age.

The period of active physical development in girls and boys does not begin at the same time. Girls start to grow actively a year or two years earlier than boys. Already at the age of 9-10, they significantly exceed the growth and development of most of their classmates. Boys begin to grow actively at about 12-14 years of age. This period in adolescents of both sexes coincides with the onset of puberty.

It should be noted that these figures are indicative. Some children begin to change physically earlier than their peers. Other adolescents catch up with their peers in physical development much later. Therefore, minor deviations at the beginning of the period of active growth during adolescence are the norm and do not require any action.

Weight and height norms in adolescents

What circumstances determine the growth parameters of adolescents, as well as their weight?

All children develop individually... Both the height and weight of each child depend on many factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • individual characteristics of puberty;
  • hormonal background;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • living conditions: food, lifestyle, psychological climate in the family;
  • genetic diseases.

Monitoring the development of the child, and its correlation with the average indicators should be carried out regularly. Any significant deviation from the norms is the reason for contacting specialists. The sooner the problem is identified and its cause is found, the sooner the child can be helped and corrected.

Teen height to weight ratio tables

Any averages are obtained based on statistics. This means that the average data for height and weight are relevant only for representatives of a certain genotype. The limitation period for such indications is no more than 10 years. For convenience, all the data obtained as a result of research are summarized in tables.

Height and weight table for male adolescents. Height and weight indicators in the table are expressed in centimeters and kilograms.

Child's age Disadvantage Norm Excess
cm kg cm kg cm kg
10 129,7 26 137,5 31,7 145,6 40
11 134,9 28,5 152,3 33 152,2 45,7
12 139,9 31,3 159 35,2 159 51,9
13 145,8 34,5 165,6 44,3 165,6 58,3
14 152,3 38,6 168 49,7 172,2 64,9
15 158,6 43,5 172,2 55,6 177,6 71,5
16 162,8 49 172,3 61,8 182,1 77,2
17 167,2 55 176,6 66,9 184,8 80,9

Height and weight table for female adolescents.

Child's age Disadvantage (cm) Norm (cm) Excess (kg)
cm kg cm kg cm kg
10 130,7 25,2 138,6 31,3 147 41,2
11 136 27,8 144,5 34,8 153,3 47,1
12 141,8 31,9 150,1 40,7 158,7 54,4
13 147,4 37,4 155,8 47,8 163,9 60,8
14 151,6 42,9 159,5 53,1 167,4 65,1
15 154 46,3 161,6 55,5 169,7 67,7
16 154,8 48,5 162,4 56,6 170,3 68,5
17 155,4 50 163,9 57,4 171,7 69

The figures given in the tables correspond to the average indicators of anthropometric data at a certain age. The height and weight of the child may not correspond to one cell in the table. For most adolescents, the set of centimeters and the number of kilograms is uneven. for instance , growth at 12 years old may correspond to the norm, and the weight should be more or less than it. When analyzing the data obtained, it is also necessary to take into account the factors affecting the physical development of adolescents.

The ratio of height, weight and volume in adolescence

The ratio of body weight and its volume plays an important role for normal well-being. It must be remembered that body weight and volume are not interchangeable concepts. We are talking about real violations of these indicators. The far-fetched problems of adolescence, caused by subjective self-esteem, need the help of a psychologist, and not weight adjustment.

If the child's body weight is within normal limits, but his body looks obese, then there is obesity. This problem can be easily solved by changing the nutrition system and replacing the lifestyle with a more active one.

Quite often there are adolescents with a lag in the rate of development of muscle mass from a set of centimeters in. This explains the characteristic for adolescence, longevity and lack of coordination. In most cases, these indicators return to normal over time. If the lack of muscles and body weight do not increase, parents should consult a specialist for advice and search for the cause of this problem.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the increase in the volume of the body in the abdominal region with normal body weight. This phenomenon is associated with insufficient development of the abdominal muscles and a passion for unhealthy diet. The components of the solution to this problem:

  • system and power supply adjustment;
  • rejection of harmful products;
  • playing sports.

Recommendations of specialists for the correct physical development of boys and girls

Effects of lifestyle and diet on height and weight

As mentioned, active growth during adolescence requires proper nutrition and regular exercise.


Adequate proper nutrition is the key to increased growth. To grow faster you need to eat certain foods and reduce or completely eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet.

Nutritionists recommend starting your day with a hearty breakfast. It should contain the maximum amount of nutrients. The first meal of the day can be cereals, dairy products, eggs, whole grain bread, tea, or cocoa. Various cereal breakfasts will not harm the body, but they will not help to grow up either. The daily diet should also include foods rich in fiber (vegetables, herbs, cereals, fruits) and protein (meat, fish, poultry). The use of soups based on natural broths stimulates the body's metabolism. The same function is performed by water, which must be consumed up to 2 liters per day. The main thing, to have a varied and regular diet.

For most teenagers today, their favorite foods are junk food, sugary sodas and a variety of chips and crackers. These products not only will not help young men and women grow up, but can also cause irreparable harm to their health. The same is true for alcoholic and energy drinks.

Proper nutrition will give positive effect and will help grow only in combination with the correct daily regimen and regular exercise.


Lifestyles go a long way in boosting adolescent growth. The right combination of vigorous activity and rest will help to quickly increase this physical indicator.

It is in a dream that a person grows. Therefore, during adolescence, the child should sleep at least 8-10 hours at night. Good sleep conditions are: a well-ventilated, dark room, hard bed, no or small volume of a pillow, clean bed and night clothes, relaxed body position, a clear time for going to bed (about 21 hours).

Doing physical exercise gives a significant increase in centimeters. The most effective are exercises on the horizontal bar and stretching. They must be performed in the morning, in a good mood and having a good sleep.

Swimming is an indispensable exercise for stimulating growth. This sport helps to stretch the muscles and spine without unnecessary stress on them.

However, there are a number of exercises that are contraindicated during active growth. These are weightlifting, gymnastics, martial arts, long-distance running. These activities are associated with excessive stress on muscles, joints and spine.


Taking multivitamin complexes is a prerequisite for the normal development of the body. Before using them it is necessary to consult with a specialist and choose a preparation suitable for an individual child. It should include vitamins "A", "B", "C", and "D". It is these substances that have a beneficial effect on increasing growth.

Rapid changes in the adolescent body, including an increase in height and body weight, are an ordeal for young men and women. Successfully overcoming this period will make their adult life healthier and more successful.