Conspiracies and prayers for a bountiful harvest. Conspiracies for a good and rich harvest

A conspiracy to have a good harvest

This conspiracy is pronounced when seeds or seedlings are planted.

"Mother, holy Moon, you are high and strong. You sit high, you are visible far away, you shine widely. As you are, immense and strong so that my harvest may be. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Before you leave the house and start planting, step with your right foot on your left and say the following conspiracy:

"I will give to the land, and the land will give me back. And no one will interfere with this. Amen."

A conspiracy so that the harvest does not spoil

It sometimes happens that an unkind glance (there is always a "sweet" neighbor behind the fence) can ruin the garden and garden, after which one weed will grow there.

This problem can be corrected. It is necessary to take an old cart wheel and burn it in the garden, saying:

"Burn with ashes, fall ashes, and you, mother earth, bring forth a harvest. Amen."

Then power will return to the land of your magic garden.

It is necessary to wait for Thursday and drive a peg into the ground at the gate of the house, and while you drive in, pronounce the following conspiracy:

"I bow to Christ, the Heavenly King. Lord, save, save my earth from every evil word, every evil look. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Conspiracy so that everything grows in the garden

In clear weather, when the stars are visible in the sky, go around the garden crosswise and whisper:
"The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched, Mother of God, save. Amen."

Conspiracy so that the onion does not rot

When sowing seeds, pronounce this conspiracy:

"I will go to the meadows, where the bow is, I will take its strength on my ridges. My word will be, but my bow will not rot."

Conspiracy when sowing carrots

While sowing seeds, utter the following conspiracy:

"The root to the spine, and the inch to the top. Let this root be strong. Amen."

Conspiracy when planting tomato seedlings

When you plant tomato seedlings, be sure to read the following conspiracy over the first bush:

"As the forest is thick, so is my bush, St. Peter, St. Elijah, my tomatoes and me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Pest control in the garden

As soon as you notice the first pests in the garden (worms, flies or bugs), immediately catch one of them. Read this conspiracy and crush the pest with your right foot:

"Go, earthworm, gnaw your teal, eat spoilage, take you, worm, worm. So that it grows, it helps from my conspiracy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

A conspiracy for a good harvest

Reading this conspiracy in your garden or vegetable garden, you will always reap a good harvest and have full bins: I go to the gates of Paradise, I am amazed. I will bow to the Lord. Would you give, Lord, to me, the same that you have in the Garden of Eden. So everything would bloom and grow, grow and fill up. To angels to tenderness, to people to surprise. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Growth in the garden

In clear weather, when the stars are visible in the sky, go around the garden crosswise and whisper: the Earth gave birth, the earth has rewarded, the earth has enriched, mother of God, save. Amen.

Amulet for a good harvest

Find a worm in your dacha or garden. Wrap it around your thumb, like a ring, and say this: I crown you on the watchman. Until your tribe is exhausted, the world will not turn upside down, the aspen will not become a flower, urine with boiling water, a stone with a hammer, a dog with a beetle, you will live in the earth, guard the harvest by the name of Alani. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What to say when planting carrots

Root to spine, and vershok to top. Let this root be strong.

What to say when planting cabbage

Cabbage, don't be empty, but thick. Roll in a bush, wrap yourself in a leaf (women who have menstruation cannot read this conspiracy).

Conspiracy to let tomatoes be born

Get up before sunrise and, crossing yourself three times, say, looking at the seedlings: There is no number and count for the believing people, the church bells, ants in the forest, so there would not be a count of the profits of tomatoes in my beds. Amen.

Amulet for the potato field

An aspen stake is hammered in the middle of the field after planting potatoes. They read a hex, turning south, then north, then east. They read aloud, while drawing crosses in the air, tied together with the ring and middle fingers of the right hand: In the Name of Adonijah! This land is not mine, but God, not a thief, but God the Father. In the name of Adonijah! Let not the thief take the fruits, but the one who sticks this stake into the ground! Amen.

Ulcer, blood, death, pestilence, thief. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever will interrupt my amulet will not drink a sip of water, will not squeeze a piece of bread. Will die an untimely death. Amen.

Conspiracy from pests of the garden and vegetable garden

Speak, going around your garden: White worm, gray worm, any worm, leave my garden. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from any soil pests

They read on the first pest in your garden, be it aphid, caterpillar or Colorado potato beetle. But not for a pupa and not for a larva. Start a conspiracy and crush the pest with your right foot: Go, earthworm, gnaw your teal, eat dirt spoilage, take you cramps worm. So that it grows and grows, it helped from my conspiracy. Key, tongue lock. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Well, a conspiracy from thieves and arsonists

They read on the water and sprinkle it on their home or summer cottage. To speak on all days of the week from thieves and arsonists, you need the day to be Monday and the number to be even.

There is a holy church

The bell is golden.

Who will burn it,

Will not live three days.

I light 7 candles

I close it with 7 keys.

Monday - watchmen

Tuesday - hold up

Wednesday - the thief won't run away

Thursday is the thief mori,

Friday - eyes if

Saturday - if the brain

Sunday is a nail on the coffin.

Angels, archangels

Saints, warriors,

Guardians and baptists

Who will approach the house with fire,

Let your revenge not blow

He will die a terrible death.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.


Plots for the garden and vegetable garden. Everything for the harvest and for its protection.

Conspiracy to make the vegetable garden strong

Walking around your site three times, say the words:

Mother Luna gives strength, that strength will benefit, that strength both in root and in color. Pour up the fruit. The vegetable garden will be glorious. Light is pouring into Lunushka's joy and not to the detriment of her. Amen.

Conspiracy at the beginning and end of any garden work

When we work on the beds: we loosen or huddle, at the beginning of work we need to ask the land for help:

The earth, the earth, the maiden is red. Don't interfere with my work, you better help me. My hands are dexterous, my words are forged. Thank you.

And at the end of the work, be sure to thank the earth:

The earth, the earth, the maiden is red. Let everything grow as in paradise, thank you for your help. Amen.

Garden planning conspiracy

When you plan your garden, what will grow and where, walk around it three times counterclockwise and say:

On the mountain there is a small small monastery on a high monastery, in that monastery the power of God, the gospel is heard in the mountains, and if they strike the bell for the first time, all the guards will fall to the interior of the earth, and if they strike the second time, the treasures will be exposed, and they will strike the third time - my garden will get the garden. And that monastery is the sacred Saint Sava, and a prayer service will be served to him, just like when you go to dig the luggage.

Plot for cleaning garden tools

And in order to cleanse your gardening tools from the energetic dirt that interferes with the efficient work and growth of plants, you need to do this: it is better after midnight, when the forces of the earth are resting, bring a mug of milk to the barn where you keep your inventory. Dip salt into milk and say:

In milk, salt and sickness from workers. We do not prick, we do not break. We do not offend the earthen. Key to the lock. Castle in the teremok. Teremok does not burn, does not fall. It is famous for its silushka. Amen.

After that, the milk must be poured into the compost heap. Make sure that none of your pets tastes this milk, it can be harmful to health, because it has absorbed all the energy waste.

Plot for harvesting furnace ash useful for planting

In winter, start preparing for the next season: prepare what you will definitely need later in the spring and summer. For example, oven ash. This is a very useful thing. It is needed to combat cruciferous flea beetles, and when growing cabbage seedlings, and to obtain early radishes, turnips and rutabagas. It is also used when growing tomatoes, adding a handful to each planting hole, mixing it with earth.

For ash to bring even more benefit, it needs to be talked about. The conspiracy is pronounced on a clear night:

Luna, Lunushka, Luna, do not loaf a loaf, plunge into the ashes, feed the ashes. A loaf is not a loaf - dip into the ashes, feed the ashes. A loaf is not a loaf - dip into the ashes, feed the ashes. The key is in the sky, the castle is in the sea. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy ash should be stored in a woven pouch. The bag should be tied with red thread and stored near the oven.

Conspiracy to create a good garden

A good bed is one of the main conditions for everything to work out for you and everything planted to grow. For vegetable crops, the garden bed must be placed in a sunny and wind-protected place. First, the bed is marked out, then watered with water - first a little, then abundantly. They give the garden a rest for a day. In the morning, before digging, water it again and let it stand for 1-2 hours. Remove weeds. A deoxidizer - ash or lime is evenly poured over the entire surface of the bed, on top of it - rotted compost or manure with a layer of 5 cm. If the soil is clayey, add a layer of sand (2-3 cm). You should dig a transverse trench from one end of the bed to the width and depth of a shovel bayonet, standing on a board laid across it. The soil layer is removed and placed next to the garden bed, without stirring or turning, so as not to disturb the dormancy of microorganisms. When the trench has been dug, another layer (30 cm) is removed from the day of the trench with a pitchfork. In this case, they only raise the layer of soil and immediately lower it into place, that is, do deep loosening. If this layer is clay, then after loosening with a pitchfork, compost is applied to it (3-4 cm).

And when you make a garden, say these words:

From east to west, from north to south. From the sea of ​​the ocean to the Buyan island. Earth Mother, Earth, you gave birth to us, endowed us with a ridge. Let the ridge not become scarce, every vegetable on it will sing. And drink for life, for life, for wealth. Amen.

Then you need to pour some bread crumbs onto the garden bed (it is better to consecrate bread in the church) and, having crossed it three times, say:

The bird will fly in, bless the garden. Amen.

Birds will be your faithful helpers. They will look after the garden - they will help you get rid of harmful insects.

Let's talk greenhouse

A greenhouse is a special place in your garden. The night before you decide to plant seedlings there, put a saucer of milk in the greenhouse and say:

The prickly hedgehog, the dense hedgehog, the needle hedgehog. Come from the forest, look after the ridge. The bed will be prettier, the leaf will turn green. My vegetable will grow, the harvest will not be carried. My word is strong, my word is molded. Amen.

The next day, you can start working in the greenhouse. When planting seedlings of vegetables, do not forget to sprinkle them with ash and say:

Grow, grow, inches, without diseases, without troubles. For the good, for the joy, for the family for lunch. The root will not undermine the sinister, your evil aphid will not grind off your leaf. Amen.

A conspiracy to put the beds in order after harvesting

After harvesting vegetables, the beds must be freed from plant residues. The weeds are pulled out and placed in the compost. Diseased plants are burned. And the ashes are poured into the compost heap and they say:

Fire is a healer, ash is a baker. They obey my word, they need my word. Amen.

Then the soil is loosened to a shallow depth to provoke the germination of weeds. After two weeks, you need to dig up the bed again to its full depth, without breaking clods and removing the rhizomes of the weeds. Be sure to select and destroy the beetle larvae. The larvae must also be put into the fire and said:

My garden is at the gate, and your beetle is a hundred sufferings and a hundred torments. Burn, burn in fire, you will not return to me. My words are molded, strong, forged in fire. Let it be so.

Plot when digging a garden

In the fall, after the harvest, the garden must be dug up. Turning over layers of earth, they are left rough, do not break or loosen with a rake.

Land, land, let you sleep well in winter. Relax, straighten out - you will be a beauty. Sleep, rest, help me in the spring. Amen.

Plot when preparing pits for planting bushes and trees

Even the preparation of pits requires a special approach. If the groundwater is close to the surface, then it is simply impossible to plant trees in holes, their root system will rot. In this case, broken bricks, old plaster, sawn stumps, inverted sod, waste paper, old clothes should be placed on the bottom of the planting pits, all this is stratified with soil and compacted. The depth of such a pit should be 60–80 cm. Throw a coin into the pit and say:

My tree is good, there will be gold on it. Lunushka Luna will take you away from troubles. The tree will find shelter here in the spring. That shelter is good. You, kikimora, don't touch him. And if you touch it, you will drown in the swamp! Amen.

After that, an earthen hill must be poured over the pit, to which compost or rotted manure and sand are added.

Composting plot

Make sure that weeds do not enter the compost. They need to be burned. In wet ground, they feel especially comfortable and survive. To prevent this from happening, when placing compost, say:

Weed, weed, don't grow, don't get warm. Out of my sight, at times dark. Go into the swamp, and not a foot to me, such a mischief. Amen.

Seed and seedlings conspiracies

Common conspiracy for seeds

Seeds need to be talked about for the upcoming growth. This conspiracy is common to the seeds of all plants, it is any seed, any shoot can charge. Take the seeds, sprinkle them on a piece of paper and say these words over them:

Goy you, Luna Lunushka, bless this fruit for growth, for color. Let this fruit stand the frost and stand the heat. Yes, give him the juice of life, and save him from all kinds of misfortune. Be my words, strong and molding, harder than stone, molding with glue and sulfur, salt salt, quicker than the sword of a samosek, stronger than bulat; what is conceived will be fulfilled.

After that, transfer the seeds to a jar or box, and burn a sheet of paper, saying:

Fire, fire, keep what you took. Your strength is in the ground, your strength is in the root.

Do not throw away the ashes; when sowing charmed seeds, you need to fertilize the soil with this ash. The seed conspiracy ritual should be carried out in a dark room.

A conspiracy to keep the seeds well until spring

To preserve the seeds until spring, we do this: soak the seeds in water at room temperature, and then mix with moistened sand (1 part seeds to 3 parts sand). Then you need to take a fine sieve, so that the sand is sifted, but the seeds are not. Sift the mixture into a wooden box. But before you put the box in the cold, you need to protect the seeds from hypothermia, and the plants that will give these seeds from frost. To do this, we do this: light a candle, circle three times counterclockwise around the box with seeds, saying:

Mother Lunushka, it's cold, cold, frost is friends with the seed. As in the root, as in saved, if the blessing is just right. Key on the tree, fire to the left. Amen.

After that, drip wax from the candle into the left corner of the box. And only then we carry the box to a cool place.

Conspiracy to saturate seeds with oxygen

It is necessary to saturate the seeds with oxygen in order to improve seed germination and protect future plants from diseases. The effect of such a procedure is enough for six months. To do this, you need a regular aquarium compressor and, of course, a conspiracy word.

You need to wait for the evening and dip the seeds into the water. The proportion is as follows: one part of seeds to four parts of water. Switch on the compressor. When the bubbles go, you need to say such a conspiracy:

Air, air and water, air, air and water. Pour the force into the seeds. The seed will be good. For the good. For health. For the harvest. The door to the deputy. Key lock. The key to the sea is the ocean. To the island on Buyan. May it be so. Amen.

The plot is read 3 times.

And the processing time by the compressor is as follows:

Onions - 14-24 hours;

Carrots - 18-24 hours;

Cucumbers - 18–20 hours;

Beets - 18-24 hours;

Tomatoes - 15–20 hours;

Radish - 8-12 hours;

Parsley - 12-18 hours;

Celery - 20-24 hours;

Dill - 12–20 hours;

Pepper - 24–36 hours;

Spinach - 24-30 hours;

A conspiracy to fill the seeds with warmth

Place the seeds in a closed thermos of water. Shake the thermos lightly twice and once harder. Then put it in a dark place, cover it with a red cloth and say:

Fire, water, fire, water, the time has come for the seed. The seed will take heat, no matter how much water has flowed under the bridge. For the good. On health. For the harvest. Amen.

After that, we leave the seeds in a thermos:

We keep cabbage, radish, turnip, radish for 20 minutes, at a temperature of 45-50 degrees;

Beets, carrots, parsley - 20 minutes at a temperature of 50–55 degrees;

Pepper, eggplant - 25 minutes, temperature 50 degrees;

Tomatoes - 5 minutes, temperature 50–55 degrees;

Peas - 5 minutes, temperature 50 degrees;

Cucumbers - 20 minutes, temperature 40-45 degrees.

And do not throw away the rag, it will still come in handy.

Seed sorting conspiracy

At dawn, collect water, let it settle, and then say these words over it:

Voditsa, voditsa, help - take away the bad seed.

Wait a few minutes and then dip the seeds in the water. After five minutes, the floating seeds must be drained along with the water, they are bad, and the rest are good, after drying in the air, you can sow under a film.

A conspiracy to protect seeds from disease

To prevent any bacteria from overcoming the seeds, we need the help of aloe. First, thank the plant for its help (by the way, this should be done whenever you disturb the peace of any plant - indoor, garden or field):

Not for the sake of evil, not for the sake of cunning, not for fun, not for the sake of government, I ask for help, wonderful herbs. As Lunushka watered you, so do you, help, do not leave, take you away. Thank you.

Then carefully cut a few leaves from the aloe. Take the red rag discussed above. She is spellbound and therefore has special power. You need to pull out several strings from it and tie them to the cut points of the aloe.

Keep the cut off aloe leaves in the dark for 5-6 days at a temperature of +2 degrees. Then squeeze out the juice and dip the seeds into it. After a day, the seeds should be removed and dried.

Plot for watering seedlings

When watering the seedlings, drop a little wine, slightly lit in the church, into the water and say:

Mother earth, take from me

A drop of wine.

And for that give me

The best harvest.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Beet seed conspiracies

1. For storage.

Place the seeds on paper near a stove or radiator. Stir them while saying:

Fekla, Fekla, beets will be good. Lunushka in the sky, there will be plenty of bread. Amen.

Pronounce this conspiracy every time you deal with beets, whether it is planting or processing.

2. To prepare for sowing.

Take some water, let it settle - let it warm up to room temperature. Then, early in the morning, say these words over the water:

The water will not deceive, the water will tell the truth. He will tell and show. Lunushka will tell you. May it be so. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then pour the water into a jar, pour the seeds there and mix. And while mixing the seeds, you need to say three times:

A bad seed will float, a good seed will sink.

After a few minutes, when the water has settled, the floating seeds must be drained together with the water, and the rest must be dried by sprinkling them in a thin layer on newsprint or filter paper (in no case on a stove or other heating devices!). Do not throw out the paper on which the seeds were dried, there is a lot of strength in it. Burn it in the oven and save the ash.

A conspiracy to get cucumber seeds from fruits

You can get your own cucumber seeds. To do this, in the beds, until frost, we leave overgrown, brown fruits. We pluck the fruits and let them ripen for another 15-25 days until they soften. Then we cut, select the seeds with a spoon and put them in a jar together with the partitions. In a jar, seeds ferment for 2–3 days. All this time we keep the jar closed, then the seeds must be taken out, washed and dried at a temperature of 35-40 degrees, while it is necessary to say:

The seed is not simple, the seed is golden. The cucumber will be glorious, the fellow will be glorious. There will be no equal to that cucumber, not to hear the words of abuse. Tongue on the lock. Castle in the teremok. He will stand there. To please the Lord. Amen.

Do not forget to stir the seeds, otherwise they may sour. The yield of such seeds is considerable.

Conspiracy during planting

Special conspiracy when landing

When planting plants, do not forget to pronounce the conspiracy:

Holy mother you are the moon, you are tall and strong. You are high, you are far away, you are not hiding your light from us, send your silushuka to good luck. Ill will, do not interfere - the harvest will be glorious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

These words should be pronounced twice: on the "empty" land and after you have planted the seedlings (seeds) in the garden.

Seed sowing plots

1. Sowing seeds, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

Like a mouse in a hole, so a seed hides in the ground, from the human eye, from the crazy beast. Only Lunushka sees everything, my glorious color will not offend. Help, drink, save from misfortune. Amen.

2. When sowing your seeds, remember to say:

Throw it out in the fall - I won't get poorer. Gather it in the spring - I'll get rich. Tongue on the lock. Key lock. Key to the oak tree. Do not move, do not collide. Amen.

Conspiracy when planting flowers

There is a conspiracy to make flowers grow better, bloom more magnificently and make the eyes even more pleasing. After planting flowers, go around the flower bed clockwise and say:

Blossom, bloom, color, for the moon's joy - for my sweetness. Blossom, bloom, color, for the moon's joy - for my goodness. Blossom, bloom, color. The moon is happy, the earth is not a burden. Amen.

Conspiracy when transplanting seedlings with a weak root system

Transplanting such seedlings requires special care. And you can't do without the help of a conspiracy. Take a blank sheet of paper and write on it:

The root, the root, grew there, grow here too. Lunushka will give it to drink, the earthworm will bury it. The earth is a lover, the spine will take a deep dim. May it be so.

Then this paper needs to be burned, and the ash mixed with the soil into which you transplant the plants. Your plants will surely take root, and the roots will get stronger and gain new strength.

Conspiracy when planting seedlings

To keep your seedlings strong and healthy, you need to cross the ground before planting and say:

Moon, Lunushka, Moon, you are wise and all-powerful, let this fruit grow abundantly. And in vershok, and in the spine. For the good. On health. For the harvest. Amen.

Plot for sowing pepper

We sow pepper. We do this: a day before sowing, we take out the pepper seeds from the refrigerator (or cellar) and heat them at a temperature of 18 degrees. We sow seeds into the prepared ground mixture, sprinkling lightly with water so that the seedlings sprout and are strong and healthy, while we say:

Luna, Lunushka, Luna, look after the grass, the grass, the ant. The pepper will grow, it will gain strength, the mouse will not bite, the worm will not touch. Word on the lock. Castle on an oak tree. There is an oak tree on the mountain. And the mountain is in heaven. Amen.

We put the box with the sown pepper seeds in a warm place, with a temperature of at least 24-26 degrees.

Conspiracy to make seeds sprout better

The conspiracy is pronounced over the seeds three times:

Give, Lord God, of everything, everything for the future. I plant, plant, for joy, for sweetness, for light, for lunch. And whoever wants to jinx my good is not for the future, for that - across. Tongue, teeth, lips, key, lock. Amen.

And when sowing them, you must definitely say:

Where I plant, sit there, neither the wind will sweep away, nor the rain will wash away, nor the horse will trample. The mother of cheese is the earth, the mother is the holy church. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy when planting cabbage

Before planting, sprinkle the cabbage with oil and say:

They have hail, they have rain, they have trouble, I have a ridge. As butter is fat, so is my ridge rich. Trouble will bypass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The same should be done after transferring the seedlings to a permanent place in the garden.

Conspiracy when sowing cucumber seeds

When sowing cucumber seeds, say in a whisper:

A warrior will enter the open field. As young as an oak, as slender as an oak. The warrior in the field is well done, the cucumber will be glorious. Lunushka will look after, moon will look. Will take away the trouble. The Netherflower will take it. Tongue by the tooth. Tooth on the lock. May it be so.

Sowing flowers conspiracy

When you plant flowers, say:

Strength in root, strength in color. The moon will say no to ailments. A flower blooms, blossoms, protects itself from any harm. So it was, so it is, so it will be. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

Beet planting conspiracies

1. When sowing beets, mix the ashes with the earth and say:

Water, fire, earth. Water, fire, earth. Water, fire, earth. The water will give the seed to drink, the fire will heat the seed, the earth will keep the seed. Life will numb, seethe. My words have sunk into the ground, have risen with glorious shoots. Tongue by the tooth. Tooth on the lock.

2. We sow beets in the late afternoon with these words:

The sun is preparing to sleep, the beets are in a hurry to land. It will grow and be famous. Beets are my beauty. May it be so.

Carrot sowing plot

Remember that carrot seeds are rich in essential oils and swell slowly. To speed up germination, we do this: sort the seeds in water (we do the same as with beets), then for a day13 * we place two between wet rags, then let the seeds dry so that they become free-flowing. Then, immediately before sowing, we mix the seeds with five parts of sand and say this:

Sand, sand, from the sea to the ocean. You are not afraid of storms, nor a hurricane. So my carrots - will be again. Strong, strong, sweet. Amen.

Then we sow the carrots into grooves to a depth of 1–1.5 cm. The distance between the rows is kept about 20 cm. After sowing, the soil is lightly covered, sprinkled with peat or humus.

Potato planting conspiracies

1. Potatoes should be planted with the waning moon, but not too close to the new moon, but better immediately after the full moon. When planting potatoes, pour 1 tbsp into each hole. a spoonful of ash and say:

Cinderella saved ash, saved potatoes. Fire. The sun. Fire. Moon. Today and forever. Amen.

2. When planting potatoes, you need to seek help from the Moon and say the following:

Holy mother you are the moon, you are tall and strong. You are high, you are far away. Your light shines widely. So my harvest will be ugly. Give me strength. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

3. This is where a cat comes in handy. If you don’t have it, you can “borrow” the neighbor’s one too. Let her go to the prepared ridge and say:

Where the cat wanders - there the first cartefeline will fall.

In which direction the cat will run, from there it is necessary to start planting.

And after that, in gratitude, do not forget to pour the milk into the kitty.

Conspiracies when planting onions

1. They planted an onion, took a handful of earth from the garden, kneaded it in three steps and threw it back onto the ridge, saying:

Go, go, bow, from my hem to the ridge, Grow, grow, bow, for joy, not for trouble.

Wash yourself with the rain, wipe yourself with the wind,

Fill up with juice.

Growing up on the ground. Sprouted into the sky.

Key to the lock. Castle in the teremok.

Terem does not swing. It rests against the sky.


2. When planting a bow, say:

I will go, I will go outside the gate,

I will find, I will find a mole,

I will take his strength to my ridges.

My word will be, but my bow will not rot.

Conspiracy when planting mustard, beans and peas

These crops make the land better, enrich it with various useful substances. These plants are especially good on excessively moist soil, as they dry it out.

Sowing, we say:

As Lunushka looks after herbs, so you, wonderful herbs, wise herbs, share your strength with the earth, feed the earth, do not give offense. So be it. Amen.

Radish planting plot

After planting a radish, throw a seed of poppy on the garden bed and say:

Red, red poppy, it's good this way and that, but the radish is even redder, sweeter and prettier. He lives under the land, protects the red head. The worm will not spoil, the caterpillar will not grind off. The wind won't blow. The rain will not wet. My radish will grow. Make me happy. Amen.

Sowing zucchini conspiracy

Old man morel, zucchini will be famous. Frost is not terrible for him, it will winters ten plowed fields. May it be so in winter and summer. Let everything grow with my slander. Word to the ground. Land on the ridge. Ridge in the garden. Good luck for a whole year. Amen.

A conspiracy to plant fast-growing plants

We plant herbs, onions, garlic, medicinal herbs. In this case, you need to say this:

Grow, onions, grow, garlic, juice runs through your leaves. The leaves are poured with juice, the leaves rush to the sky. Lunushka will look after, Lunushka will look after. And to my word so be it, like a wolf in the forest does not howl. Amen.

Summer root crop planting conspiracy

We plant summer root crops: carrots and radishes. There are also special words for summer root crops:

In a thunderstorm, carrots with radishes on the cart. They grow up, in a hurry, get acquainted with the hot summer. And my words, spoken under the moon, but anointed with its light. Amen.

Plot for winter crops

Sowing under winter is carried out to a greater depth than spring sowing. The seeds are placed in grooves, which are then covered with a layer of sand, peat, humus. The layer should be several centimeters larger than for spring sowing. And the seeding rate also needs to be increased by one and a half times. And you can't sow carrots in the place where cabbage grew, because its roots leave substances in the ground that inhibit carrot shoots.

Buried Danilka

into a damp grave

and he lay down for the winter,

yes in the spring he ran free,

stands, flaunts,

people admire him. Amen.

Winter garlic planting conspiracy

Part of the cloves should be placed among the strawberry bushes - for the prevention of diseases. And here's another little trick: planting garlic is best in the beds on which cucumbers, zucchini and legumes previously grew. They planted garlic and said:

Under the moon, under a mountain, in a gilded palace, on a gilded porch, sits the younger brother. The little brother is a big sly. It doesn't seem like winter. In the spring it will seem to your eyes. You, little land, cover it, hide it until spring. My word is strong, stucco. It does not beat, does not break, it remains with me.

Dahlia planting conspiracy

Dahlias grown from cuttings bloom more magnificently and beautifully than those grown from tubers. How do I get cuttings? And here's how: take strong tubers, soak them in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and plant them in pots, deepening by a third or half. Place the pots in a warm, bright place. When the shoots of the dahlia reach 5–8 cm, gently break them "with the heel" and plant them in very loose, breathable soil, saying:

Stalk, stalk, put down the root. Let him not sleep in the land, let it grow in the land. This is my word. And so it will be. Amen.

Then the pots need to be covered with foil and placed in a warm place protected from direct sunlight. Twice a day, the cuttings should be sprayed with water. After a month, the cuttings will take root and begin to grow.

Transplant conspiracies

Conspiracy so that transplanted plants take root better

From the hut and into the doors, from the doors to the gates, from the gates and into the open field. I will bow to the east and I will bow to the west. Goy you, the morning moon, and you, the evening moon, fall on my rye so that it grows like a forest as tall as a thick oak grove. Goy you, the sun is hot, do not burn, you did not burn my fruits, but burn and fell the grass-worm and wormwood grass. May my words be strong. Yes, be my words sculpting.

Flower transplant conspiracy

Color, flower, you bloomed here - bloom there too. You are not more beautiful under the moon under ours. I will keep my word, I will hide my word on the shore. On the sea ocean, on the Buyan island. May it be so.

Plant care conspiracies

Plant feeding conspiracies

1. He speaks a lot for fertilizers.

Lunushka - nurse, feed, drink, give some silushka, drink juices. Judah will be empty, my vegetable is thick. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. When feeding plants, say three times:

Moon, Lunushka, Moon, you walk high in the sky, you sink deep into the sea. Give them strength, give them light to the root, to the leaf, to the right color. May my words be today and forever. Amen.

Pronounce this conspiracy every time you feel that your plants need additional support and care.

3. In order not to overdo it when feeding, you need to say the following:

Keep away from me, keep away from me, fire, fire, neither in the root nor in the leaf, you will not burn it, you will save it. For good, not for evil. Amen.

Water conspiracy for irrigation

At dawn, collect water, let it stand for 2-3 hours, and then say the following words over it:

The dog sits on a chain, guards the master's house. Luna Lunushka, save and protect, protect my garden. He will be saved, he will be protected from evil people, and from forest animals, and from any weapon, and from unclean water, and from fire, and from the deeds of the sorcerer. My word is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Weeding conspiracy

This conspiracy will significantly slow down the growth of weeds after weeding.

Little earth ground, take what you need, and give away what you don't need. The key in the sky is a castle in the sea. Amen.

Conspiracy to protect planting from frost

Prepare any jelly, dip a silver coin into it and leave it in a dark room for the whole day. After that, pour it out into the street with the words:

Frost, frost! Eat jelly, forget about the blizzard. Frost, frost! Eat kissel, but do not touch rye. Thresh the weed, drive it into the ground. Amen.

Conspiracy for planting trees

We plant fruit trees. In order for a grafted branch to take root, it is necessary not only to process it correctly, but also to say wonderful words.

A tree, a small tree - a golden ring. The stones are different, the stones are red, shine, shimmer - they are filled with light. So let my tree grow, grow thicker - the tree will be thicker. Amen.

The words are spoken by the grafted tree after midnight. And on the branch you need to drop a little church oil. Grind it and cross the branch.

Conspiracy for the preparation of organic fertilizer and feeding

1. Organic fertilizer can be prepared from dandelion flowers and mother and stepmother. We do this: take any container, fill it 3/4 with weeds and fill it with water. We close the container and let the weeds ferment. As soon as a special smell appears (the smell of "stables"), and it appears in 10-15 days, we dilute the infusion with water (1 part of the infusion for 5 parts of water) and feed the plants. When feeding, do not forget to say:

There was a weed, but there was a boar. Both the boar on the table and the weed on the ridge. The weed is good - not bad. The land will be fat. The land will live on - rye will spike on it. The enemy is in the ravine. Word to tongue. Tongue on the lock. Castle on an oak. That oak stands, does not swing. It is filled with mighty power. May it be so.

2. Here is another recipe for feeding from weeds: you need to weed out the weeds (wheatgrass, burdock, nettle, thistle, mother and stepmother, dandelion, wild mint, wild sorrel, yarrow and others) along with flowers and roots. Then fill the container with weeds by three quarters and add water to the same three quarters.

In two weeks, you will have an infusion of fermented weeds that are not inferior in quality to manure. Above the infusion, I must say this:

Wheatgrass, burdock, nettle, the infusion came out to a wonder. That infusion is not easy - he, the breadwinner, that infusion. Luna Lunushka trampled with her feet, Luna Lunushka watered with light. And there, and here, this day and always. It will be so.

The iris rhizome with flower bud is dug out in late autumn, then planted in a small pot, and the pot is placed in a cool place. In the first half of January, the plant is taken out into the light (the place should be cool - about 15 degrees), and at the end of the same month, watering is not allowed (this should not be done before).

When watering for the first time, you need to say the following:

The first time, by the Lord's hour, I am not helping, the Lord God Himself helps, watering my flower.

At the second watering, we say this:

The second time, by the Lord's hour, I am not helping, the Lord God Himself helps, my flower protects.

(This conspiracy will protect your flower from disease and give it strength.)

Water for the third time and say the following:

The third time, by the Lord's hour, I am not helping, the Lord God Himself helps, my flower blooms.

This conspiracy will help your ward to bloom and make its colors bright and bright. After the flower blooms, you must thank the Lord, and if you have grown several flowers, then one of them must be presented to someone: a neighbor, relative or friend: “The joy of the giver it will go for good, grace will fall on your garden ”.

Pumpkin care conspiracy

In order for the pumpkin to grow sweet and large, you need to do this: first, pinch it. To do this, leave 3 stems with 1 ovary on each, pinch the stems on a 3 m leaf behind the ovary so that the juices flow into the fruits, and not into the leaves, and remove all sterile shoots. And then take fresh milk, sprinkle three times on the whip and say:

Be as round as the moon. Be yellow like the moon. Be juicy like the moon. As the milk boils, rises, so the pumpkin grows, juice is poured. Amen.

A conspiracy for trees to bear fruit

As you know, a branch on which there are no fruits tends upward and grows straight; if the branch is bent downwards, hanging, for example, a stone to it, then it will bear fruit. Do this and say:

The stone is not bad. A stone for kindness. Let not a stone, but a fruit grow on my branch. Under the moon, under a mountain, under a gilded wall. So be it. Amen.

Such branches will give fruit buds in the first summer, and fruits in the second summer.

A conspiracy for the care of fruit strawberries

Garden strawberry is a very delicate plant. When working with her, you must always talk, thank her. And the words for this are the following:

Garden berry, honey berry. The Lord looked after. The Lord bestowed. Do not be painful, flourish. Take heed to my word. You will give a berry, you will make jam for the winter. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Carrot care conspiracy

We water and feed the carrots, and so that the feeding goes for the future, say the following conspiracy:

Ugly, carrots, and large and large. Both old and small. All the villages and the city are paved, baptized for the whole world. Amen.

A conspiracy to protect plants from bay during rains

Go out on the porch and say:

Holy, holy, holy, sit in thunder, possessing lightning, pouring springs on the faces of the earth, O Lord, terrible and formidable, judge the accursed devil himself from demons, and save us sinners, always and now and forever and forever and ever; Amen. The mind is righteous, self-willed, honor from God, deliverance to the fatherland, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies for sheltering berries for the winter

1. First of all, this concerns raspberries, which often, especially if the winter has little snow, freeze out annual shoots. Raspberry stalks are bent to one side and soil is poured on their ends so that they do not take an upright position. Strawberries also need protection, especially new plantings. When the ground begins to freeze, the bushes should be covered with humus or peat (5–10 cm layer). Back up your actions with a conspiracy:

Land, little land, let the bushes sleep well. Cover, save, save from frost. Let the frost dance outside the outskirts, but here it does not show a nose. Tongue on the lock, the key to the teremok. That one is in the ocean, on Buyan Island. Do not swim, do not jump. I will praise the moon. Thank you.

2. If persistent frosts have come, and there is no snow, then the strawberries should be covered with leaves of forest species or a layer of dry peat. And on top you can lay out spruce branches, which will trap snow and at the same time protect plants from mice. Don't forget to say:

Mouse - go, eat your reeds. Don't touch the strawberries, a knife will fall on you. Go to the fields, gnaw on the poplar. My word will be, and you, mouse, dig a grave. Amen.

Conspiracy when working with cabbage

Whenever you start working with cabbage, say:

Sits, sits Ermoshka

on one leg,

he's wearing a hundred clothes

and all without fasteners,

not sewn, not cut.

Those clothes without tears

Crepe Ermoshka is like a nut.

Sits - does not fall ill,

He praises Lunushka.

And who will touch him,

He will drown in hellish flames.


Fruit tree pruning conspiracy

We rejuvenate fruit trees by pruning. They cut the tree and said:

Well done, well done, you can't sit at home. You are young, young, do not go anywhere. The betrothed will come and bring apples. From the island of Buyana, from the sea of ​​the ocean. May it be so. My word is sticky, strong. It is hidden. And whoever finds him will not carry his feet. Amen.

Burn the branches and take the ash to the compost heap. This ash will help speed up the decomposition process in your compost.

Pest control plots

Common conspiracy against pests

1. Seeing a pest in the garden or in the garden, you need to step on it with your right toe.

And pressing, sentencing:

Silushka is strong to me, but out of the worm. To the moon to mother - bow.

Go, worm, gnaw your teal,

Eat the spoilage of the earth, away from my ridge.

So that it could grow, it helped from my misfortune. Amen.

2. To get rid of pests, you can use tobacco infusion: 400 g of tobacco is poured with 10 liters of water and infused for 24 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and the land is cultivated, saying:

Go away, weed, go away, bad guy, tobacco has come, it is meaner than all dogs. He will bite you, he will not let you into the garden. Will erase you to holes, spit you and myr. Trust my words. My word is flint. May it be so.

Winter conspiracy against pests

In winter, pest control is as easy as shelling pears. Insects fall into a winter torpor, and it is very easy to find them. Found insects must be burned, and the ashes must be thrown into the compost heap, saying three times:

Come on! Come on! Come on!

With such an exclamation, the Tungus shamans called for the transformation of evil forces into good ones.

Conspiracy against the currant kidney mite

If in winter you find swollen buds on blackcurrant branches, you should know that a currant kidney mite hibernates there. All suspicious swelling should be cut off, and in case of severe damage, cut off the branch to the base. Such a branch must be burned. When burning, say:

Go, go, tick, get out. You will not harm my garden. As iron drowns on water, so you, you bastards, will perish into the underworld, into the ebullient tar, into the absolute hell. My word will be destroyed by nothing. May it be so.

Sprinkle ash on the currant bushes, no more mites will stick into your garden.

Conspiracy against the bear

Medvedka is an inconspicuous underground insect that gnaws at the roots of both vegetable and fruit plants. It is very difficult to fight the bear. But you can. Do this: dry eggshells must be crushed into powder, add a drop of sunflower oil to it and, when planting and sowing, put in the grooves and holes along with the seeds, not forgetting to say:

Top to spine, spine to vershok, taste this glorious powder. It is sweeter than the root, sweeter than honey. Don't touch my vegetable, vanish from the garden, you wicked horse. Let it be empty for you, in the garden - thick. Tooth by tooth. Silence. May it be so. Amen.

Insects will gladly take advantage of such feeding, and then die. And leave your plants alone!

Have a good HARVEST!

To get a good harvest of tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, onions and other vegetables and fruits, you need to work hard. Popular conspiracies and prayers for the harvest will be of great help in the difficult task of the gardener-gardener. There are a huge variety of them, for each culture that is cultivated there is its own prayer or conspiracy. Since ancient times, people have prayed to the gods in the hope of a good harvest, and higher powers did not turn away from them.

Each gardener has his own tricks for growing healthy vegetables, fruits and berries. This is the right time for planting seeds, and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, and treating crops from pests and diseases. Gardeners also resort to the power of magic. Even the most inveterate skeptic, no, no, and will use old conspiracies to increase their harvest. Magic conspiracies help not only to grow and increase, but also to protect plantings from bad weather, drought, insect invasions, etc.

What you need to know about the rituals for the yield of the garden

On the day when you are going to plant seedlings or tree seedlings, sow seeds in the ground or in a greenhouse, in no case should you lend money! Better provide financial assistance another day. So that the harvest grows by leaps and bounds, and pleases you with abundance, go to church after planting and make a small donation.

It is best to plant plants alone or with the participation of your family members. On this day, do not invite friends to your place, do not allow neighbors or other strangers to enter your garden. These precautions will help you avoid spoiling your seedlings from the evil eye.

Treat the soil in the garden with care and respect, remember - this is the Earth-nurse. Water and cultivate plantings in a timely manner, loosen, fertilize the soil, protect it from pests.

Experienced gardeners know that the best days for sowing and planting seedlings are for women. Plant vegetables on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The rest of the days are not so successful for gardening. Women should not do earthwork during critical days.

Don't buy seeds and seedlings from a greedy, squabble seller. If a kind, generous person sells the goods to you, then the harvest will be charged with his energy and will be abundant.

Lunar cycles are of great importance. Study the lunar calendar before you start planting. Planting root crops - carrots, potatoes, beets and other "underground" vegetables is the best for planting. On a full moon, it is good to plant round fruits - pumpkin, melons, watermelons. The period is suitable for planting and replanting fruit trees and berry bushes.

When preparing the soil for sowing or planting seedlings, one should say - " Give me, God, vegetables (say the name of the vegetable to be planted) for future use. Amen". Then you need to bow to all directions of the world, except for the northern one, thank the land for helping to grow the crop.

Prayer before planting a vegetable garden

Our ancestors, before embarking on sowing or planting a vegetable garden, performed such a simple ritual. Peasant farmers stood in the doorway on the porch of their house, stepped on their left with their right foot, and pronounced the following text:

Sowing went in a good mood, did not enter into disputes with anyone and did not lend money or products to anyone at that time. In the evening they praised the Lord God, read "", went to bed early.

To get a rich harvest, you need to pray to the following saints:

  • Mother of God in front of the icon "The Contestant of the Breads"
  • Jesus Christ;
  • To the Apostle Luke;
  • Holy King Constantine;
  • Efim the Great;
  • St. Boris and St. Gleb;
  • St. Joachim and St. Anna.

If you come to church to pray for the next harvest, the priest will tell you which icon of the saints and martyrs is best to ask for help. For this, you must leave a small donation in the church.

Prayer for a bountiful tomato harvest

To get a lot of tomatoes from the garden, you need to quietly turn to the ground before planting seedlings with the words:

Then start planting plants in the prepared beds. Handle each sprout with care, like a child, condemn when planting a conspiracy for a rich harvest of tomatoes:

It is best to plant seedlings in the evening, when the sun has already come out of its zenith and will not be able to harm delicate plants. Sprinkle the tomatoes liberally with standing water at room temperature, sprinkle with mulch at the roots and sprinkle the leaves with holy water taken from the church the day before. Read Our Father three times, then offer a prayer to the Lord:

Prayer for the harvest of cucumbers

There is a good harvest prayer, it is recited to get a lot of cucumbers. The ritual is carried out before planting seedlings or before sowing seeds in the ground. It is recommended to pre-soak the seeds for 10-15 hours in holy water taken from the temple. Before laying them in the soil, you should cross a container with seeds or a box with seedlings and say a conspiracy for a good harvest of cucumbers:

Pre-baptize the garden on which it is supposed to plant cucumber seedlings with the words:

Potato harvest conspiracy

Potatoes are the basis of Slavic cuisine, therefore, great importance is attached to planting potatoes. It is necessary to choose the right time for laying the tubers in the soil, the ground should not be too cold. Before planting potatoes in the field, our ancestors walked around the land plot crosswise and pronounced a conspiracy to harvest potatoes:

Sometimes it happens that your neighbor had potatoes last year, but for some reason you didn't. You can lure luck to your garden by stealing a potato from a neighbor's garden. Put the borrowed tuber in a bag of potato seedlings for three nights. After that, go to your garden and read the plot for the stolen potatoes for the harvest. This should be done during the waning moon. The conspiracy text is:

Strawberry harvest conspiracy

To have your fill of strawberries, you need to go around the strawberry beds every spring with the words:

Sprinkle holy water on strawberry bushes, pray silently, you can read Our Father, and then offer a prayer to any saint or great martyr.

Onion harvest conspiracy

When planting onions in the garden in the spring, you should dip each seedling in a container with spring water and say at the same time:

When reading conspiracies for a good harvest of vegetables, do not forget to make basic care for the seedlings. Water the onions in time, weed the beds, loosen and pollinate with ash from pests and diseases, cut off the arrows. And you will get a rich harvest in the garden!

Prayers to preserve the harvest from bad weather

If planted seedlings, seedlings, seeds or seedlings are threatened by bad weather, rodents, insect pests or other factors, then read after planting:

Often a neighbor or a stranger can jinx a vegetable garden, envying your success. Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect your plantings from the evil eye, except to build a high wall around the perimeter of the site. If this is unattainable, then a ritual from the evil eye will help from evil and envious people.

At the corners of the site, four small mirrors need to be buried in the ground, no matter how deep. Burying them, they say:

This conspiracy helps to save the crop from envious people and spiteful critics. For the safety of the fruits, a red woolen thread is tied to the plants, it gives reliable protection against the evil eye. When tying the thread, three knots are made, each time wishing the plant or tree strength, fertility and health.

Seed and seedlings conspiracies

Common conspiracy for seeds

Seeds need to speak for the upcoming
height. This conspiracy is common to the seeds of all plants, it is any grain,
any escape can charge. Take the seeds, sprinkle them on a leaf
paper and say the following words over them:

Goy you, Luna-Lunushka, bless this
fruit for growth, for color. Let this fruit and frost withstand, and fry
stand still. Yes, give him the juice of life, and save him from adversity
all kinds. Be my words, strong and molding, harder than stone, molding with glue and
sulfur, salt salt, quicker than a self-cutting sword, stronger than bulat; what
conceived, it will come true.

After that, transfer the seeds to a jar or box, and burn a sheet of paper, saying:

Fire, fire, keep what you took. Your strength is in the ground, your strength is in the root.

Do not throw away the ashes,
when sowing charmed seeds with this ash, you need to fertilize the soil.
The seed conspiracy ritual should be carried out in a dark room.

Special conspiracy when landing

When planting plants, do not forget to pronounce the conspiracy:

Holy mother you are the moon,

You are tall and strong.

You are high, you are far away

You are not hiding your light from us,

Let's go to Silushuk - good luck.

Ill will, do not bother -

The harvest will be glorious.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

These words should be pronounced twice: on the "empty" land and after you have planted the seedlings (seeds) in the garden.

To protect seeds from disease

So that no bacteria can overcome
seeds, we need the help of aloe. First, thank the plant for
help (by the way, you need to do this whenever you disturb the peace
any plant - indoor, garden or field):

Not for the sake of evil, not for the sake of deceit,

Not for fun, not for government,

I ask for help, wonderful herbs.

As Lunushka watered you, so do you,

Help, do not leave, take away.

Thank you.

Then carefully cut off the aloe
a few leaves. Take the red rag discussed above. She
charmed and therefore has special power. Need to get out of her
several strings and tie them to the places of the cuts in the aloe.

Keep the cut off aloe leaves in the dark.
for 5-6 days at a temperature of +2 degrees. Then squeeze out the juice and
dip the seeds into it. After a day, the seeds should be removed and dried.

To saturate the seeds with oxygen

It is necessary to saturate the seeds with oxygen
in order to improve seed germination and protect future plants from
diseases. The effect of such a procedure is enough for six months. For this you
you will need a regular aquarium compressor and, of course, a conspiracy word.

You need to wait for the evening and lower it
seeds into water. The proportion is as follows: one part of seeds to four parts
water. Switch on the compressor. When the bubbles go, you need to say this

Air, air and water

Air, air and water.

Pour the force into the seeds.

The seed will be good.

For the good. For health. For the harvest.

Lock door. Key lock.

The key to the sea-ocean.

To the island on Buyan.

May it be so. Amen.

The plot is read 3 times.

And the processing time by the compressor is as follows:

Onions - 14-24 hours;

Carrots - 18-24 hours;

Cucumbers - 18–20 hours;

Beets - 18-24 hours;

Tomatoes - 15–20 hours;

Radish - 8-12 hours;

Parsley - 12-18 hours;

Celery - 20-24 hours;

Dill - 12–20 hours;

Pepper - 24–36 hours;

Spinach - 24-30 hours.

For sowing pepper

We sow pepper. We do this: a day before
sowing, take out the pepper seeds from the refrigerator (or cellar) and warm them
them at a temperature of 18 degrees. We sow seeds in cooked land
the mixture, slightly sprinkling with water, so that the seedlings emerge and are strong and
healthy, while we say:

Moon, Lunushka, Moon,

Look after the grass

An ant grass.

The pepper will grow

Will gain strength

The mouse will not bite

The worm will not touch.

Word on the lock.

Castle on an oak tree.

There is an oak tree on the mountain.

And the mountain is in heaven.

We put the box with the sown pepper seeds in a warm place, with a temperature of at least 24-26 degrees.

A conspiracy to get cucumber seeds from fruits

You can get your own
cucumber seeds. To do this, on the beds, until frost, we leave
overgrown, brown fruits.

We pluck the fruits and let them ripen for another 15-25 days until they soften.

Then we cut, select the seeds with a spoon
and together with the partitions we put it in a jar. In a jar, seeds ferment 2–3
day. All this time we keep the jar closed, then we need to get the seeds,
wash and dry at a temperature of 35-40 degrees, while it is necessary

The seed is not simple

The seed is golden.

The cucumber will be glorious,

The fellow will be glorious.

There will be no equal to a cucumber,

Not to hear him swear words.

Tongue on the lock.

Castle in the teremok.

He will stand there.

To please the Lord.

Do not forget to stir the seeds, otherwise they may sour. The yield of such seeds is considerable.

Beet seed conspiracies

1. For storage.

Place the seeds on paper near a stove or radiator. Stir them while saying:

Fekla, Fekla,

Beets will be good. L

Unushka to heaven,

The bread will be full.

Pronounce this conspiracy every time you deal with beets, whether it is planting or processing.

2. To prepare beet seeds for sowing.

Get some water, let it settle -
let it warm up to room temperature. Then early in the morning say
over the water these words:

The water will not deceive

Vodicka will tell the truth.

He will tell and show.

Lunushka will tell you.

May it be so.

In the name of the Father and the Son.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then pour the water into a jar, pour the seeds there and mix. And while mixing the seeds, you need to say three times:

A bad seed will float, a good seed will sink.

A few minutes later when the water
will settle, the floating seeds must be drained together with the water, and the rest
dry by sprinkling on newsprint or filter paper
(never on a stove or other heating device!).

Do not throw out the paper on which the seeds were dried, there is a lot of strength in it. Burn it in the oven and save the ash.

For sowing carrots

It should be remembered that carrot seeds
are rich in essential oils and swell slowly. To speed up the germination,
we do this: we sort the seeds in water (we do the same as with
beets), then for a day or two we place between damp rags, after
let the seeds dry so that they become free-flowing. Then, directly
before sowing, we mix the seeds with five parts of sand and say this:

Sand, sand, from the sea-ocean.

You are not afraid of storms, nor a hurricane.

So my carrots - will be again.

Strong, strong, sweet. Amen.

Then we sow carrots into grooves on
depth of 1-1.5 cm. The distance between the rows is maintained about 20 cm. The soil
after sowing, lightly cover, sprinkle with peat or humus.

For sowing seeds

1. Sowing seeds, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

Like a mouse into a hole, so a seed into the ground
hides from the human eye, from the crazy beast. Only Lunushka everything
sees, my glorious color will not offend. Help, drink, save from misfortune.

2. When sowing your seeds, remember to say:

Throw it out in the fall - I won't get poorer. I will collect
in the spring - I'll get rich. Tongue on the lock. Key lock. Key to the oak tree. Not
move, not push. Amen.

For planting fast-growing plants

We plant herbs, onions, garlic, medicinal herbs. In this case, you need to say this:

Grow, onions, grow, garlic,

Juice runs through your leaves.

The leaves are poured with juice,

Leaves rush to the sky.

Lunushka will look after, Lunushka will look after.

And so be it to my word,

Like a wolf in the forest does not howl. Amen.

For planting dahlias

Dahlias grown from cuttings bloom more magnificently and beautifully than those grown from tubers.

How do I get cuttings? That's how:
take strong tubers, soak them in a light pink solution
potassium permanganate and plant in pots, deepening by a third or half.
Place the pots in a warm, bright place. When the dahlia shoots
reach 5–8 cm, carefully break them "with the heel" and drop them in a very
loose, breathable earth, saying:

Stalk, stalk,

Let the spine go.

Let him not sleep in the land,

Let it grow in the land.

This is my word.

And so it will be. Amen. Then the pots need to be covered with foil and
put in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight. Twice
on the day, the cuttings should be sprayed with water. After a month, the cuttings will take root and
will begin to grow.

For planting potatoes

1. Potatoes should be planted with decreasing
The moon, but not too close to the new moon, but preferably just after the full moon.
When planting potatoes, pour 1 tbsp into each hole. a spoonful of ash and
to tell:

Cinderella-ash, saved the potatoes.

Fire. The sun. Fire. Moon.

Today and forever. Amen. 2. When planting potatoes, you need to seek help from the Moon and say the following:

Holy mother you are the moon,

You are tall and strong.

You are high, you are far away.

Your light shines widely.

So my harvest will be ugly.

Give me strength.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 3. This is where it comes in handy
cat. If you don’t have it, you can “borrow” the neighbor’s one too. Let her go
to the prepared ridge and say:

Where the cat wanders - there the first cartfelin will fall. In which direction the cat runs, from there it is necessary to start planting.

And after that, in gratitude, do not forget to pour the milk into the kitty.

For planting summer root crops

We plant summer root crops: carrots and radishes. There are also special words for summer root crops:

In a thunderstorm, carrots with radishes on the cart.

They grow up, in a hurry, get acquainted with the hot summer.

And my words, spoken under the moon,

Yes, anointed with her light. Amen.

For planting winter garlic

Part of the teeth should be placed among
strawberry bushes - for the prevention of diseases. And here's another little
trick: planting garlic is best in the beds in which they previously grew
cucumbers, squash and legumes. They planted garlic and said:

Under the moon,

Under the mountain

In a gilded palace

On a gilded porch

The little brother is sitting. Little brother -

The sly one is big.

It doesn't seem like winter.

In the spring it will seem to your eyes.

You, little land, cover it,

Hide it until spring.

My word is strong, stucco.

It does not beat, does not break, it remains with me.

For planting radish

After planting a radish, throw a seed of poppy on the garden bed and say:

Red, red poppy

He's good this way and that

But the radish is even redder

Sweeter and prettier.

He lives under the land

Protects the red chapter.

The worm will not spoil

The caterpillar does not grind.

The wind won't blow.

The rain will not wet.

My radish will grow.

Make me happy. Amen.

For winter crops

Podwinter crops are carried out for a large
depth than spring. The seeds are placed in grooves, which are then covered with
a layer of sand, peat, humus. The layer should be a few centimeters
more than with spring sowing. And the seeding rate also needs to be increased by
one and a half times. And you still can't sow carrots in the place where cabbage grew,
because its roots leave substances in the ground that inhibit seedlings

Buried Danilka

Into a damp grave

And he lay down for the winter,

Yes, in the spring I ran free,

Stands, flaunts,

People admire him.

For sowing zucchini

Old man morel,

The zucchini will be nice.

Frost is not afraid of him,

Winters ten plowed fields.

May it be so in winter and summer.

Let everything grow with my slander.

Word to the ground. Land on the ridge.

Ridge in the garden.

Good luck for a whole year. Amen.

When planting seedlings

To keep your seedlings strong and healthy, you need to cross the ground before planting and say:

Moon, Lunushka, Moon,

You are wise and omnipotent

Let this fruit grow abundantly.

And in vershok, and in the spine.

When transplanting seedlings with a weak root system

Transplanting such seedlings requires special
caution. And you can't do without the help of a conspiracy. Take clean
a piece of paper and write on it:

The root, the root, grew there, grow here too.

Lunushka will give it to drink, the earthworm will bury it.

The earth is a lover, the spine will take a deep dim.

May it be so.

Then this paper needs to be burned, and the ashes
mix with the soil in which you are replanting the plants.
they will surely take root, and the roots will get stronger and gain new strength.

When sowing beets

1. When sowing beets, mix the ashes with the earth and say:

Water, fire, earth. Water, fire, earth. Water, fire, earth.

The water will give the seed to drink, the fire will heat the seed, the earth will keep the seed. Life will numb, seethe.

My words have sunk into the ground, have risen with glorious shoots. Tongue by the tooth. Tooth on the lock.

2. We sow beets in the late afternoon with these words:

The sun is getting ready to sleep

Beets are in a hurry to land.

It will grow and be famous.

Beets are my beauty.

May it be so.

When planting mustard, beans and peas

These cultures make the land better
enrich it with various useful substances. These plants are especially good
on excessively moist soil, as they dry it.

Sowing, we say:

Like Lunushka for herbs
looks after, so you, wonderful herbs, wise herbs, with your land
Share the power, feed the little land, do not give offense. Let it be
so. Amen.

When planting cabbage

Before planting, sprinkle the cabbage with oil and say:

They have hail, they have rain, they have trouble, I have a ridge.

As butter is fat, so is my ridge rich.

Trouble will bypass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The same should be done after transferring the seedlings to a permanent place in the garden.

When planting onions

1. They planted an onion, took a handful of earth from the garden, kneaded it in three steps and threw it back onto the ridge, saying:

Go, go, bow, from my hem to the ridge,

Grow, grow, onions, for joy, not for trouble.

Wash yourself with the rain, wipe yourself with the wind,

Fill up with juice.

Growing up on the ground. Sprouted into the sky.

Key to the lock. Castle in the teremok.

Terem does not swing. It rests against the sky.

2. When planting a bow, say:

I will go, I will go outside the gate,

I will find, I will find a mole

I will take his strength to my ridges.

For my word to be

And my onion will not rot.

When planting flowers

To make flowers grow better, bloom more magnificently and
even more pleasing to the eye, there is a conspiracy. After planting flowers
go around the flower bed clockwise and say:

Blossom, bloom, color

To the moon for joy -

For my sweetness.

Blossom, bloom, color

To the moon for joy -

Good for me.

Blossom, bloom, color.

To the moon for joy

The earthen is not a burden.

When sowing flowers

When you plant flowers, say:

Strength in root, strength in color.

The moon will say no to ailments.

A flower blooms, blooms,

It is protected from any harm.

So it was, so it is, so it will be.

Now and forever and ever. Amen.

When sorting seeds

At dawn, collect water, let it settle, and then say these words over it:

Voditsa, voditsa, help - take away the bad seed.

Wait a few minutes and then
dip the seeds in the water. After five minutes, the floating seeds must be drained
together with water, they are bad, and the rest are good, dried in the air,
can be sown under the film.

To fill the seeds with warmth

Place the seeds in a closed thermos with
water. Shake the thermos lightly twice and once harder. Then
put it in a dark place, cover it with a red cloth and say:

Fire, water, fire, water

The time has come for the seed.

Will take the seed warm

No matter how much water has flowed under the bridge.

For the good. On health. For the harvest.

After that, we leave the seeds in a thermos:

We keep cabbage, radish, turnip, radish for 20 minutes, at a temperature of 45-50 degrees;

Beets, carrots, parsley - 20 minutes at a temperature of 50–55 degrees;

Pepper, eggplant - 25 minutes, temperature 50 degrees;

Tomatoes - 5 minutes, temperature 50–55 degrees;

Peas - 5 minutes, temperature 50 degrees;

Cucumbers - 20 minutes, temperature 40-45 degrees.

And do not throw away the rag, it will still come in handy.

So that the seeds germinate better

The conspiracy is pronounced over the seeds three times:

Give, Lord God, of everything, everything for the future

I plant, plant, for joy, for sweetness, for light, for lunch.

And whoever wants to jinx my good is not for the future, for that - across.

Tongue, teeth, lips, key, lock. Amen.

And when sowing them, you must definitely say:

Where I put it, sit there, no
the wind will not sweep away, neither the rain will wash away, nor the horse will trample. Mother of cheese
earth, mother holy church. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the seeds are well preserved until spring

To save the seeds until spring, we do
so: soak the seeds in water at room temperature, and then mix with
moistened sand (1 part seeds to 3 parts sand). Then you need to take
a fine sieve, so that the sand is sifted, but the seeds are not. We sift.
Pour the mixture into a wooden box. But before you put the box in
cold, you need to protect the seeds from hypothermia, and the plants that
seeds will give - from frost. To do this, we do this: light a candle,
circle three times counterclockwise around the box with seeds,

Mother Lunushka, it's cold, it's cold,
frost is friends with the seed. Like in the root, like in saved, if it's good in the most
once. Key on the tree, fire to the left. Amen.

After that, drip wax from the candle into the left corner of the box. And only then we carry the box to a cool place.

Every year, all people begin to think and fight for the harvest in their garden, but it often happens that, due to different climatic factors, they simply lose half of it. For many people, the harvest is what they will eat for the next year. To be sure that you will have a good harvest, you can resort to the power of magic. A conspiracy for a good harvest is a great way to solve all problems!

The main rules and requirements for conspiracies to work

Harvest conspiracies are the most reliable way. Before turning to such magic, you must understand what you can and cannot do under any circumstances. The first and foremost rule is that you should always treat magic with respect, especially during the ceremony. Until a few years ago she was called “the great nurse” and was considered practically a member of the family, and she in return gave good harvests. And rightly so! She gives people a good harvest when she is treated with respect, respect and constantly looked after.

Magicians and sorcerers advise buying seeds not in supermarkets or specialized stores, but, on the contrary, from grandmothers from hand to hand. It is advisable to buy only from kind and polite people, since the seeds have their own energy too and collect it from their owners. If you see that a person is evil and very petty, it is better to refuse such a "bargain" purchase, since you will receive nothing in return, and even, most likely, all your seeds will simply disappear in the ground.

When you decide to take up the seating and the ceremony, during this period you can not lend anything to anyone and take it yourself. The process of planting all the seeds should take place in silence, so that no one is watching you, especially the neighbors. And always, when plotting and landing, carefully monitor the moon. Much depends on this.

  1. When the moon changes its shape and enters another phase, then it is not recommended to carry out any ceremonies for the harvest, and it is also impossible to plant.
  2. The moon, which is energetically decreasing, that is, heading to the very middle of the earth, then at such a moment it is best to carry out a ceremony for various roots.
  3. On a full moon, almost all ceremonies and rituals can and is recommended.

Conspiracies that affect the harvest

Plots for a good harvest will help to significantly increase the percentage of your crop harvest. They are divided into several types: some must be carried out before planting, others during. This conspiracy refers to those that need to be carried out before planting. For this ceremony, you will need to prepare in advance. You will need to take a prosvira (white round loaf) during any church holiday. Most magicians and sorcerers recommend taking the broth from the Feast of the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7th. For the ritual, the prosvir must be crumbled and mixed together with all the seeds, and at the same time the following words must be said:

“Where I leave the sowing, there he will sit and will. They cannot be blown out by the winds, nor can they be washed with water, and even enemies cannot spoil them. Holy land, accept these fruits and grant us even more. "

These words are only for the prosvira to combine with the grains. Then, already in the garden itself, when you plant them, you need to read the following words:

“Here, these great gates of paradise, I practically do not look at them. And when I see him, I will certainly bow to the Lord. Please share your paradise, and let it be in my garden. And I will reap a rich harvest. Amen".

Every time you plant grain, read this prayer and then you can count on a good harvest.

Conspiracy for land yields

A plot to harvest land is a very rewarding and relatively easy way to get a lot of harvest. Then you do not have to speak every grain of grain, and besides, such a ceremony will last for two years on the ground. This is a great prayer - it should be performed in front of the icon of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of Breads". Read the prayer in front of the icon, you do not need to go outside or the garden, everything is done at home.

The words sound like this:

“Holy Virgin, help my garden and orchard. You are responsible for everything on this beautiful land. Heaven and hell, earth and field, grant us your bounty. So that our fields and gardens never die, but always only make us happy. And we promise to treat them with great respect, always look after them. Grant us peace and joy, and give us a big harvest for several years to come. "

This prayer should be recited on the full moon three times prior to planting season. Most importantly, calculate when the full moon will be so that you have enough time before your first landing. With such a prayer, you can use other conspiracies for seeds and earth.

Conspiracy on water and land

Such a ritual requires several stages of preparation. For him you will need:

  • aspen stake in four copies;
  • a few vegetables from your garden or garden;
  • sacred water;
  • land from your site.

It would be nice if you made the stakes yourself by hand, this will only have a good effect on the result of the ceremony. The stake must be placed around the entire perimeter of your garden and left there for five full days. On the fifth day at twelve o'clock in the afternoon, collect them, and it will be on this day that the ritual can be performed. It must be held at twelve o'clock in the morning and so that no one bothers you. You will need to take any container where you can pour the holy water and put a few vegetables from your garden there. It is advisable to put a cucumber, tomato and pepper in this container - these are the three kings of the garden. It is desirable that these vegetables participate in the ceremony. Then dip the tips of the stake in the same place, and hold them there for thirty seconds and at the same time pronounce special words.

“This is my garden, my blood, my protector, and my joy. Grant her strength and strength to give her an excellent and good harvest that can feed the whole family. Amen".

The earth is a living organism that must be protected and respected. Most importantly, remember that any land needs rest and respect. And conspiracies will help you to get a good and high-quality harvest.