What to say when meeting on the phone. Pros and cons telephone conversation. The most interesting topics for communication by phone

The girls are confident that the first step must be made a man, and men, in turn, are very shy. To speak with the girl you liked it is sometimes harder for them than learning to fly by plane. What to do in this case? How to overcome this embarrassment and start communicating? The output can be a regular phone call. After all, talk to the interlocutor and express your thoughts to him if you do not see him, much easier than with an eye on the eye. In this article, I will tell you by phone how to start a conversation so that it is light and relaxed.

How to start talking

Many women believe that a man "impose" themselves is a shame. What can you do? In our society, there is still an opinion that it is the valiant "knight" must win the heart of the beautiful lady. But the phone call is nothing to bind things. So why not take the first step towards and not call him? But many girls are concerned about the question: "What to talk to a guy by phone?" We will reply on him later. And now we will tell about how to start a conversation with a young man. The first thing you have to do is as many as possible to learn about him: His habits, classes, study, work, and so on. So the risk to get to come will be minimal. Second Council: Starting a conversation with him, try so that he can speak as much as possible. Let him tell you about himself. Ask him, interest his opinion about this or that event. But just do not very much, unnecessary attentiveness to his person can scare it.

Topics for telephone conversations

And now we will tell about what themes can be told on the phone. It is believed that if the girl talks on the phone, she spends a third of his free time. So spend this time with benefit for yourself and your future relationship. Below is a list of possible topics for the conversation:

The genus of his classes, hobby. If your favorite is engaged in sports, music or any other activity, be sure to ask what he led him to this that he is waiting for these classes.

His addiction. Are you not interested in his addiction in food, clothes, everyday life? So you are not interested in the object of your lust. Is it worth the relationship in this case?

News. Every day something new happens in the world. I wonder what he thinks about this?

Men arises a reasonable question: on the phone? "And here the Council will be simple: all girls love when it comes to them, loved ones. Therefore, give her the opportunity to tell you about yourself, become a grateful listener, and can really be That soon you will become her favorite, close man who knows absolutely everything about her.

What should be avoided when telephone conversations

And now let's talk about how to avoid in telephone conversations. If the question is concerned about you: "What to talk to a guy by phone?" - I know that in no case you do not need to start talking to too serious topics, for example, on the topic of money, children, religions or ex-relationships. And yet, try not to speak negatively about a person or event. Your interlocutor can scare what you do not think about people and some expensive things for him.

Now you know what to talk to a guy by phone. Don't be afraid of anything, feel free to take the initiative in your hands, call him and place a pleasant conversation. Have you tried everything, but did not have common to communicate? Then it's just not your person!

Many readers of the male site site probably had a similar problem. Call the girl is not difficult to call. If you need to decide on the place and time of the meeting, it will take literally a few seconds of the conversation. However, with a girl you need to communicate long and interesting. And here the guys are lost, not knowing what to do.

Cases are actually very simple: you can communicate with the girl on the phone about the same thing you would communicate with a real meeting. The difference lies only in the fact that you do not see each other, there is no visual contact. And everything remains the same:

  1. You just communicate.
  2. You do not have the opportunity to touch, because the girl has not yet given his consent.
  3. You get acquainted.

Communication can be both short and long. You can communicate both in the case and nothing. Here you should simply pay attention to the reaction of the girl: how interesting it is to communicate on concrete topics and does she miss during a conversation with you? For example, a long silence in the tube is a bad sign. If you have nothing to say, it is better to finish a telephone conversation, for example, referring to the need to perform some kind of commission in the house.

The advantage of telephone communication is that the guy may be in a comfortable setting for himself, unshaven, in some shorts, even with friends who support or suggest what to say to the girl. Using telephone communication, you can simply diversify your contacts with a girl, because here you are focused exceptionally in her voice and words that does not occur sometimes in real contact.

Beautiful communication

To beautifully communicate with other people, it is necessary to learn. The child is not born with congenital skills beautifully and correctly contact with others. It is purchased in the course of life. It must be understood that the way you communicate with others, what results you achieve and how interesting you are an interesting interlocutor for others depends on you.

How to learn to chat beautifully?

  • You can copy that person whose speech you like. All people communicate in different ways, therefore, as an example, you can take a person who admires you. Find such a person whose speech attracts you, then train to those skills in communication, which it demonstrates.

  • What would you like other people to communicate with you? What is the intonation, what words, what could be interested in this issue? Imagine how the girl should talk to you so that you are interested in it or the theme? Start talking in the same way with others. As you speak with a person, so he will talk to you. Special attention is paid to intonation and the words you say. Periodically spend visualization sessions when you represent how you would like to communicate with you people. Imagine how you communicate with those who speak with you as you would like to. Learn from your imaginary interlocutors of a beautiful speech, so that later in real life thus talk to the girls. And remember that other people can talk with you as convenient for them, but you do not have to go to the slang. You have the right to talk to them as you would like them to talk to you.
  • Drinking by the discussion of some topic, make sure that it is interesting to your interlocutor. "Sorry, carried away, is it interesting for you?". If the girl does not want to communicate with some topic, then do not insist. If you see that a person is not interested in discussing some kind of question, and you continue to talk, then in the future it will begin to avoid meeting with you, because it will understand that you want to discuss what is interesting to you, not him. And even if you are asked to talk about something else, then you will not hear the requests, which causes the desire more with you not to communicate. Therefore, be sensitive and understanding: not all people want to discuss those topics that are interesting to you, as you do not always talk about what is interesting to others. In this case, it is necessary to find a compromise, if you wish to keep communication with a girl, either generally stop any contacts, since you do not have common to discussion.

Beautiful communication is art. You do not need to demand instant results from yourself, but you can start with something. Learn slowly to communicate as you would like to. And soon you will be proud of yourself and our successes.

Comfortable telephone communication conditions

In order for the girl to be nice to communicate with a guy, you must first create comfortable conditions For a telephone conversation:

  • Time. Neither you nor a girl should not be distracted. Neither you nor the girl should not be busy. If you call a girl, then start with the fact that you ask whether the girl is busy, can you communicate with you. When it is free, then start a telephone conversation.
  • Purpose. For what purpose do you call a girl? Do you just want to talk, suggest to meet you at home or ask her plans for tomorrow? Depending on your purpose, your conversation will go in a certain direction.
  • Good mood. Without it, just do not do. If you wish for any whims, claims and refuses to react with ease, then call the girl in a raised mood.

Topics for communication by phone

So what can you talk to a girl on the phone? Start a conversation with simple, for example, from how you met and she gave you a phone number, or what happened to you for the whole day. Just start the conversation with the fact that inquire the mood and spent during the day. The girl should calm down and trust you, especially since you are just starting your acquaintance.

Refire your timbre, voice, intonation. You should be nice to listen. Your voice must be calm, deep and confident. This will help you with the idea that the girl is near you and everything you say, you say to her ear.

After the original themes talk about anything, you can go to more serious themes. You can talk about:

  1. Goals for life. What are the girls plans for the near future?
  2. Friends. Who is the girl friendly with? How does she like to spend time with friends?
  3. Work or study. If the girl is not very tired of everyday affairs, then you can discuss this topic.
  4. Date. This topic is quite pleasant and intriguing. Ask the girl, how would she like to spend your date with you? What would it be the ideal meeting? Let it describe everything in detail.
  5. Hobbies and interests. What does the girl take himself in his free time? What gives her inspiration?
  6. Shopping. This topic may be a uninteresting guy, but many girls will gladly tell about how they spend money, choose clothes or shoes.
  7. Relationships. Ask the girl, what guy she is looking for? What qualities is attracted to the guy? What does she expect from relationships?

If suddenly the girl starts telling a sad story from his life, it can not be interrupted. On the contrary, it is necessary to show sympathy, understanding, to provide support. In addition to positive emotions, the girl should receive support from the guy and understand. This will allow her to open up to him even faster.

Since you call the girl is not just like this, but for a certain purpose, smoothly translate the topic to the question of interest. Well, if it works out smoothly, "by the way", "by the way." Let your conversation, as if by chance, go to the topic you need, when you offer what you want from the girl to get.

A girl in such a situation will be difficult to refuse, so it is simply forced to agree after long and confidential communication. If she denied, no matter what, still do not despair. Continue to communicate on other themes until the girl matures.

How long to talk with a girl on the phone?

Some guys communicate with girls a couple of minutes, and others are a clock. Often, because of this, the girls tear relationships with guys. Or they feel that they are not interested, or, on the contrary, begin to miss. How long to talk on the phone with a girl?

By the way, this question you can ask the girl straight to get the answer. If you want to understand how long the girl wants to communicate with you, then adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the girl herself is trying to finish the conversation, referring to employment or rest, then she was told as much as she needed.
  2. If silence arose, it means it's time to finish communication.
  3. Try to communicate first about 30 minutes, and then - 10 minutes. Ask for the third conversation when she most liked to communicate?


You need to communicate with the girl not only with a real meeting, but also by phone. All contacts should be alternate, which brings a variety. With a girl on the phone should be communicated in the same way as with a real meeting. Themes here are the same as when meeting.

And they all say to us, women that conversations on the phone are a waste of time. Why do you need to be able to communicate with women by phone? What topics can we talk, and what better not to touch on, and how to conquer her heart using a call?

My phone rang! Who says? Elephant!

Psychologists claim that a person is enough for 10 seconds of talking on the phone to form an image of the interlocutor. Trust or, on the contrary, disbelief develops instantly. From intonation, pauses, voices, and, of course, words will depend on what impression will happen about you. For example, people who have a low voice, clear diction, that is, excellent oratorical abilities are perceived as responsible, serious persons. But the holders of high votes, hastily liposters, usually associated with insufficient and incomprehensible people.

The telephone conversation is halfway between art and life. This conversation is not with a person, but with the way you are going with you when you listen to him. Andre Morua
The very first conversation

The first communication on the phone should be a short conversation in which you clearly and intelligibly express your thoughts. Feel confidently, because the first call is excited and for the girl. Communication should end at that moment when you understand that all the smartest told, that is, the question of which you called is already set, and the answer to it is obtained.

Further, a woman has a desire to talk a bit on blurry topics. That is what needs to be prevented. Why? First, so it will wait for the meeting even more. Secondly, she and without conversations about the weather, more than once in the evening, it whales with girlfriends in detail every word. Thirdly, it is absolutely no important that you are ready to join it all day with her all day, because you have a day off. The main thing is to impress a person who lives a full-fledged life, the busy men are more interested in women than those who are overlooking free time. "That's agreed! It was nice to talk. And now I have things! See you!" In the meantime, you spoke this short and simple phrase, you were already appreciated.

Not the last conversation

Your call should always have a certain goal. To say that you scored the number just to hear her voice, it means to make a conversation empty and empty. He will end quickly, because the girl is most likely confused. Therefore, if I really want to say about the delights of her voices, say it after inviting to the evening meeting.

It's a question of time

After the first date you need to call in a couple of days. Here the main thing is not to be hurried to remind yourself of yourself on the next day, but it is impossible to redeem up to four too. In a woman you need to maintain a state of interest. The second or third day after the meeting is ideal for call. When you call, do not start listed the places where you were or which socks were on you that day. Just thanks for the successful evening, I am not mentioned about the possibility of a new meeting. Let the lady be in anticipation of the next call, which can be made or the next day, or through one.

The call time must be suitable. If you decide to agree on a date on a day off, it is better to take care of this in advance, for example, on Wednesday or on Thursday. She will have the opportunity to think out his outfit and refuse to meet other people. And in the end, you do not want her to think that you invited her to last when all other women have already denied. Also, if you decide to call during working hours, it is better to choose a dining watch that it does not have an awkwardness in a conversation in front of colleagues. And in the evening, call up to 8-9 hours. At least at the beginning of the acquaintance.

What to talk about, and what is the kick!

Sometimes there are girls who say to continue communication: "Well, tell me anything!". Remember, you are not clown, you should not entertain anyone. If you both have nothing to do with each other at the moment, say, do not pull rubber and end the conversation. But if you have something to tell, but the language does not give her dry "while", the hand does not allow you to firmly press the red "Call Completion" button, relax and swap with it. Except complaints about the work, stories about the failure on a football match, their fears, about losing a big amount of money or tragedy in personal life. This is all for friends in the beer or personal analyst. Talk to the woman about her, beloved, nothing is so exciting and interesting for the interlocutor. Ask her how she spent the day, was the abroad, where he wants to relax in the summer, and how great that spring came. Women often love to brag your girlfriends about how many hours she told with the interlocutor, and that if it were not for the sealing handset, another couple of hours she would definitely cute twitter. For some reason, many men are afraid of the final dialogue "No, you're first / first put the phone." Let me do it, not every girl likes to listen to short beeps in the tube. Come up with a good reason, for example, your cat will die from hunger if you do not feed it, or you have a battery in your phone, you need to complete work. It is necessary to finish the conversation on a positive note, for example, a compliment.

Conversation with ... answering machine

Why men are afraid to leave messages on the answering machine - it is incomprehensible. It just needs to be done correctly! Review at the beginning of the conversation and say, to which number you need to call back, suddenly she lost it by chance. The brevity is the sister of talent, no intimate details, because it can hear her relatives if she lives not alone. Woman will not disregard your audio recording. You can't even imagine how we love such messages! Especially when after the phrase "Leave your message after the sound signal", you say "What a pity that the owner of such a wonderful voice is not at home, but ..." Men, leave messages more often, urge!

The "Stream" portal took an exclusive comment by Alexey Goman and Alexander Panayotova.

What do you think a man should not tell a woman by phone, under any circumstances?

Alexey Goman:

It seems to me that a man should never say rudeness. And not only by phone. I would also not recommended to talk sharply. Everything can be solved correctly. And not yet to whine, complain and the like. A woman should feel a pleasant interlocutor, an interesting one who calls.

Alexander Panayotov:

I think you never need to find out the relationship on the phone. It is necessary to make eyes in the eye. It is never worth parting on the phone either. This is just a type of communication. And he will never replace live communication. There are no emotions on the phone, and in this case - they are the most important thing.

A, on the contrary, what must be present in communication by phone?

Alexey Goman:

You need to say compliments, but only from the soul. Otherwise, they are regarded as a rough flattery. And they need to say, and say goodbye. All this talks about you, as an educated person, first of all. I generally think that a woman needs to listen more. And listen to interested! Then she will always be nice to talk to you.

Alexander Panayotov:

I prefer to do not speak much by phone, I love to look into the eyes. But I certainly greet, I say goodbye and always say, as I am pleased to hear a person. And basically my conversations are business.

How much did your longest conversation on the phone lasted?

Alexey Goman:

I somehow spoke 6 hours. About what? Yes, about everything in a row. Starting from the weather, ending with the discussion of the last exhibition. About everything, in general! She was a surprisingly pleasant interlocutor, so such a time I do not consider wasted.

Alexander Panayotov:

I remember that we did not see each other for a long time and talked for 4 hours. Even drank by phone. It was fun! Discussed everything that was possible. It was hard to part, although I don't really chat on the phone and do not like.

In the previous article, we answered the question in detail how to spend the first conversation with the girl on the phone after with her. How to organize it, what time is it better to call and what you can not do during such a call.
But what to talk about with the girl by phone you will learn from this material.

Let me remind you that the main goal of this conversation is to make a good impression on the lady and achieve her consent to the first date with you. Everything. No other options (like just chat or learn something about it).
The first good impression, by the way, you have already been made to her, anyone who girls do not give their phone numbers. Now it needs to be consolidated or at least not to spoil (and it is easy to do, choosing a "wrong" topic for conversation with it).

Beginning of conversation

Many guys (and men aged, by the way to say!) Painfully reflect on what to start the conversation. And you do not need anything like a dusty to invent!
Just start with how your acquaintance has happened, which brought you closer and united at that moment.
Tell her why you chose it for dating, what did you sing it out of the crowd of people around? That is, start with the compliment, it will melt the heart of the most cautious girl (and it is still alert to you relate to you, you are still not familiar enough).


In no case do not turn the conversation into your monologue! Be sure to listen carefully to the answers and replicas of the girl. Show your genuine interest in her words, emotionally reacting and sincerely commenting. Sincerity, the main criterion of such a conversation, remember it!

Find a reason for a successful joke - the humor very brings together people. Girls just adore guys who can make them laugh!
Just do not bring a bunch of jokes on her head, especially vulgar and not regulatory vocabulary, it is fraught with ...
When you feel that the right moment has come, invite the young lady.

Tip: Do not ask her wherever she wanted to go with you. You have to offer her a place for a future meeting. This should be something calm, where you can not tighten to know more about each other. The meeting time is also appointed myself. But not only a nightclub or sports bar, but a cafe, a restaurant, a park where you can sit again in a cafe and talk. And do not take it in a completely new place for yourself, where you can confuse prices or unusual atmosphere. Can you ask her that she prefers coffee or tea? Vegetarian menu or ordinary? In advance, for yourself several places for the first date in case, if the first option for some reason the girl does not suit.

Completion of the conversation

Do not hurry to finish the conversation with the lady after she agreed to go with you on a date. Keep a conversation for a few more minutes, discussing the upcoming meeting. For example, tell a little about the cafe where you invite it, why do you like it more than others. Ending the conversation do not forget to gave her a compliment to her, let her still for a long time Thinking about you. The easiest option of such a compliment is "I was very nice to talk to you!"

If suddenly the girl refuses to meet you (it happens, imagine!) Because of their employment, ask when she is probably free and posting a meeting at another time.

It happens that the girl who gave you his phone in a gust of some of his emotions managed to regret it and doubts whether it is worth it with you. If you feel that she has no desire to go to the first date with you, make it so that she has a feeling of losing something good. Quietly tell me that she lost, refusing a date. For example, what did you want her to appreciate the new coffee, cooked according to a special recipe or that you could witness the speeches of living musicians in the restaurant. In general, something that she is deprived of, refusing to you. Only in no case begin to persuade her and darid about the meeting! It will immediately put the fat cross on you, like a man.

What to talk about with a girl by phone (themes for conversation)

The main condition: what you will tell with it should be interesting for both of you. Poor, if one of the interlocutors with heat describes something, and the other with difficulty restrains the yawn. You can hardly listen to her carefully if what she tells you is not interested. And since the conversation you start, then choose something that you both will be interested in. Here are the most winning options:

Free time

Ask where she is more likely to leisurely, in the theater, in a movie, in the museum or somewhere else? Maybe in karaoke or in the library? Or does not imagine life without hiking or traveling around the country and beyond? Then where was she already and where would you like to go?


Does she have a hobby? Maybe she is bikershe or passionate about fishing? Or does not think of life without cooking culinary delights? Her weakness is cats or dogs?


Here at all "the field is notpanded" for conversation! Even if you are full of corpores and not distinguish the 9th Symphony of Tchaikovsky from the last composition of the Leps, you can safely be interested in the girl that she prefers to listen and why.

Stories from life

Everyone had two or three funny or just interesting episodes that can be told. It will be necessary to exclude those stories from which you and friends with friends with a laugh in a purely male company, but that will bring a raised girl to horror and confusion.

Dreams and plans

If your conversation with her proceeds to a fairly trusting atmosphere, you can tell her about your dreams, and at the same time ask what she dreams about?

Love does not love

Ask that the girl loves most and from what it just turns it?

Of course, this is not a complete list of what to talk about with a girl by phone for the first time. Think and probably think of something creative, but neutral and certainly not causing irritation from the girl.

But what to say for sure:

Your sports preferences

It is unlikely that the girl will appreciate the story of a stunning penalty at the last minute of the final meeting between your favorite club and his opponent. Moreover, it can be a fan of this rival ...

Your "Former"

Heartzdiyevating love stories about the girls with whom you used to meet the topic closed forever. Without options.

Political addiction

The fact that you support the policy of the LDPR, and she is a supporter of the views of Zyuganov can breed you in different directions before the first date.


With a mockery, opposing other nationalities, you risk losing yourself in her eyes. It may have friends or relatives from representatives of these nationalities ...


When you recognize each other better, it will be possible to clarify the ladies with the lady, is she worshiped by God Krsna or is an orthodox buddist?
In the meantime, it is better to go around this topic, so as not to hurt her feelings.

So we disassembled what to talk about with the girl by phone for the first time, and what's wrong.

Observe these simple rules and you will definitely work out as you plan. She agrees to the first date with pleasant continuations for you. How to behave on the first date you will learn from another article.

At the end, as always, "Slice" humor:

-Marina! Will you marry me?

-And you give me a big diamond ring?

-Daaaa ... Like you on x .. sent me, Marina! Famously!

How to talk on the phone with a woman

Most men do not like to talk on the phone: Some do not know how to communicate without visual contact with the interlocutor, others cannot support the conversation, others are afraid to say something superfluous. And they all say to us, women that conversations on the phone are a waste of time. Why do you need to be able to communicate with women by phone? What topics can we talk, and what better not to touch on, and how to conquer her heart using a call?

My phone rang! Who says? Elephant!

Psychologists claim that a person is enough for 10 seconds of talking on the phone to form an image of the interlocutor. Trust or, on the contrary, disbelief develops instantly. From intonation, pauses, voices, and, of course, words will depend on what impression will happen about you. For example, people who have a low voice, clear diction, that is, excellent oratorical abilities are perceived as responsible, serious persons. But the holders of high votes, hastily liposters, usually associated with insufficient and incomprehensible people.

The telephone conversation is halfway between art and life. This conversation is not with a person, but with the way you are going with you when you listen to him. Andre Morua
The very first conversation

The first communication on the phone should be a short conversation in which you clearly and intelligibly express your thoughts. Feel confidently, because the first call is excited and for the girl. Communication should end at that moment when you understand that all the smartest told, that is, the question of which you called is already set, and the answer to it is obtained.

Further, a woman has a desire to talk a bit on blurry topics. That is what needs to be prevented. Why? First, so it will wait for the meeting even more. Secondly, she and without conversations about the weather, more than once in the evening, it whales with girlfriends in detail every word. Thirdly, it is absolutely no important that you are ready to join it all day with her all day, because you have a day off. The main thing is to impress a person who lives a full-fledged life, the busy men are more interested in women than those who are overlooking free time. "That's agreed! It was nice to talk. And now I have things! See you!" In the meantime, you spoke this short and simple phrase, you were already appreciated.

Not the last conversation

Your call should always have a certain goal. To say that you scored the number just to hear her voice, it means to make a conversation empty and empty. He will end quickly, because the girl is most likely confused. Therefore, if I really want to say about the delights of her voices, say it after inviting to the evening meeting.

It's a question of time

After the first date you need to call in a couple of days. Here the main thing is not to be hurried to remind yourself of yourself on the next day, but it is impossible to redeem up to four too. In a woman you need to maintain a state of interest. The second or third day after the meeting is ideal for call. When you call, do not start listed the places where you were or which socks were on you that day. Just thanks for the successful evening, I am not mentioned about the possibility of a new meeting. Let the lady be in anticipation of the next call, which can be made or the next day, or through one.

The call time must be suitable. If you decide to agree on a date on a day off, it is better to take care of this in advance, for example, on Wednesday or on Thursday. She will have the opportunity to think out his outfit and refuse to meet other people. And in the end, you do not want her to think that you invited her to last when all other women have already denied. Also, if you decide to call during working hours, it is better to choose a dining watch that it does not have an awkwardness in a conversation in front of colleagues. And in the evening, call up to 8-9 hours. At least at the beginning of the acquaintance.

What to talk about, and what is the kick!

Sometimes there are girls who say to continue communication: "Well, tell me anything!". Remember, you are not clown, you should not entertain anyone. If you both have nothing to do with each other at the moment, say, do not pull rubber and end the conversation. But if you have something to tell, but the language does not give her dry "while", the hand does not allow you to firmly press the red "Call Completion" button, relax and swap with it. Except complaints about the work, stories about the failure on a football match, their fears, about losing a big amount of money or tragedy in personal life. This is all for friends in the beer or personal analyst. Talk to the woman about her, beloved, nothing is so exciting and interesting for the interlocutor. Ask her how she spent the day, was the abroad, where he wants to relax in the summer, and how great that spring came. Women often love to brag your girlfriends about how many hours she told with the interlocutor, and that if it were not for the sealing handset, another couple of hours she would definitely cute twitter. For some reason, many men are afraid of the final dialogue "No, you're first / first put the phone." Let me do it, not every girl likes to listen to short beeps in the tube. Come up with a good reason, for example, your cat will die from hunger if you do not feed it, or you have a battery in your phone, you need to complete work. It is necessary to finish the conversation on a positive note, for example, a compliment.
Conversation with ... answering machine

Why men are afraid to leave messages on the answering machine - it is incomprehensible. It just needs to be done correctly! Review at the beginning of the conversation and say, to which number you need to call back, suddenly she lost it by chance. The brevity is the sister of talent, no intimate details, because it can hear her relatives if she lives not alone. Woman will not disregard your audio recording. You can't even imagine how we love such messages! Especially when after the phrase "Leave your message after the sound signal", you say "What a pity that the owner of such a wonderful voice is not at home, but ..." Men, leave messages more often, urge!