Quotes about female infidelity. Quotes about loyalty and treason

The adventures of a married man on the side have long turned into living anecdotes, which are now passed down to generation from generation. Over the centuries, the people have accumulated many aphorisms and quotes about her husband's betrayal, which we will share with you in this article.

Statements about treason and betrayal

It has long been known that any problem is easier to deal with if you treat it with humor. That is why statements on the topic of the day are constantly being born among the people. Any everyday question or social problem instantly turns into an aphorism.

Quotes about traitors

There are many legends and stories about the loyalty of a dog, a friend of man. It is not surprising that a man who is incapable of being faithful to his wife is diminished in comparison with this kind animal. Women can say about a traitor that he is distinguished from a dog only by the lack of loyalty.

Often, when mentioning the walking husband, the poet Alexander Pushkin recalls the sun of Russian poetry, because it was he who wrote that the cat "goes to the left - he speaks fairy tales." So, a man who is unfaithful to his wife is ready to deceive both her and his mistress.

Another quote allows you to subtly laugh at a man who is cheating on his wife, while noting his spiritual essence:

"The grown horns say not that your wife has cheated, but that you are just a goat."

Of course, everyone will agree that cheating is a despicable act that is done with dirty intentions. That is why the people say that "a noble heart cannot be unfaithful." Indeed, a decent person is not capable of treason. Even if there is a temptation, the temptation to change, he will suffer, experience the pangs of remorse. A good husband is simply afraid to offend his beloved wife, to hurt her.

Quotes about treason as betrayal

It is much more painful for a woman to learn not about the sex of a beloved man with another woman, but about their spiritual inner connection. If her husband not only slept with another woman, but also spoke words of love to her, made promises, such a betrayal is regarded as a betrayal. Probably, in moments of despair and mental anguish that the deceived wives experienced and the following aphorisms were created:

  • changing, a person betrays, and there is no justification for this betrayal;
  • betrayal of a loved one is like a shot in the head;
  • betrayal destroys, destroys and devalues \u200b\u200bin an instant;
  • betrayal - to leave his wife at the dawn of age, when she cannot arrange her personal life;
  • one little lie destroys trust without a trace;
  • treason is like breaking a crystal vase, you can collect the fragments, but you cannot glue them;
  • and the wolves drive the traitors out of the pack.

Treason in aphorisms from a male point of view

It is men who are famous for their numerous love affairs. Most often, it is they who become the heroes of anecdotes about ill-fated adventures on the side. Of course, men also approach this situation with humor, with a slight irony, justifying betrayal by a masculine nature, a need to love, and seek their feminine ideal. In this regard, there are many quotes among the people and among famous figures of art and culture of the past and present. So what do men talk about about cheating?

  1. Bernard Shaw argued that loyalty is not inherent in masculine nature. A loyal man, like a tiger in a cage.
  2. Oscar Wilde said that male fidelity is a sign of laziness. After all, men should have a need to conquer new women, to look for inspiration for achievements on the side.
  3. Yves Montand owns the statement that a married man can have two or three mistresses, if more is already a deception.

Also, men, talking about betrayal, their own, of course, with humor, note that, thus, they compare all women with their beloved and come to the conclusion that she is the best.

Humorous quotes about cheating

Despite the fact that a woman always perceives her husband's betrayal painfully, this does not prevent her from ironically reacting to her husband's adventures. Over the years, many expressions have been invented by women that allow them to laugh at unfaithful husbands and humiliate unscrupulous mistresses:

  • a mistress is needed to look after her husband;
  • i do not advise you to finish your coffee from my cup;
  • a condom in a husband's pocket - to buy a new suitcase;
  • hiding will show what was in your heart during the betrayal.

As you can see, humor and the ability to philosophize have always saved the common people from melancholy and sadness. After all, self-irony is an excellent remedy for depression, which can occur after the betrayal of a loved one.

You cannot hope for female fidelity; happy who looks at it indifferently.

"AND. Pushkin "

The true beauty of love can only be experienced by a devoted wife, not by a harlot.

A beautiful wife and at the same time faithful is as rare as a successful translation of a poetic work.

"Moses Safir"

Fidelity is the greed of the owner. We would gladly give up a lot, if not for the fear that someone else would pick it up.

"ABOUT. Wilde "

Loyalty to a man is like a cage to a tiger. It is contrary to his nature.

"Bernard Show"

He who has never sworn an oath of fidelity will never break it.


Men's loyalty changes as easily and as often as women's gloves.

You should not be faithful to an unloved person, by this you betray yourself.

"Konstantin Melikhan"

Loyalty saved at the cost of superhuman efforts is of little value and is equated with treason.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Love or respect for truth leads to fidelity.

"Gabriel Honore Marcel"

Better to be faithful to old friends than to make new acquaintances.

"Hong Zicheng"

It is more difficult to be faithful to the woman who gives happiness than to the one who causes torment.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

There is no competition inside me. I would not say that I am faithful to someone or something. I'm true to myself.

"Johnny Depp"

A woman can be completely sincerely loyal to three men at the same time.

"Sasha Guitri"

The bank called Loyalty is a very serious bank. It is worth making one contribution on the side and that's it - your account is closed.

Are there many men who are given to appreciate the perfection of only one rose?

Loyalty is such a rarity and such a value. It is not an innate feeling to be faithful. This is the solution.

To be faithful is a virtue, to be faithful is an honor.

"Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach"

Faithfulness throughout life is an ideal that is unattainable in our time.

In loyalty there is a little laziness, a little fear, a little calculation, a little tiredness, a little passivity, and sometimes even a little loyalty.

"Etienne Rey"

Quotes on the topic: loyalty and treason

Quotes about treason

Excessiveness can only be afforded with those whom you are about to leave soon.

"Choderlo De Laclos"

Equal dishonor drags along
The one who betrays love and who leaves the battle.

"Pierre Corneille"

The heart of a woman, in her love offended by treason, is like a fortress, seized, devastated and abandoned.

Washington Irving

For those who are faithful in love, only its banal essence is available. The tragedy of love is recognized only by those who change.

Oscar Wilde

Yes, there is no such thing that a man has changed once. This is what I got caught once, this happens.

Cheating on a friend is much more painful than cheating on a loved one: you expect this less from him.

"Etienne Rey"

Betrayal can be forgiven, but insult can not.

"Anna Akhmatova"

If a woman is unfaithful and this is known to the one to whom she is cheating, she is unfaithful - and nothing more; but if he knows nothing, she is treacherous.

Jean de La Bruyere

If you cheat on your wife, it is immoral. If you do not change, it is unreasonable. But it is unreasonableness that gives rise to immorality. Vicious circle.

If a woman decides to cheat, she is in search of the best, and if a man - he just needs novelty.

Fidelity is the gap between two betrayals.

A woman, when she loves, confesses to treason, because she wants to be honest. And a man will never forgive, because he also loves.

Affection begins where love ends; infidelity begins where attachment ends.

Do you believe that a man can truly love a woman and constantly cheat on her? Let's not talk about carnal betrayal, but in thoughts, in "the very poetry of the soul." It may be difficult to understand, but men always do it. (Mario Puzo "Fools Die")

Love does not forgive betrayal. (Ekaterina Alimpieva)

Male cheating in a relationship is one of the worst problems. The real scourge of the relationship world. But it can be solved by just talking. Cheating doesn't start with physical contact, it starts in the mind and heart. And it is the secretly simple human desire that can become a full-fledged fantasy. But if you talk about it, shed light on it, then it will crumble like rats in holes. (Reginald Darnell Hunter)

Almost every woman would like to be faithful, the difficulty is only in finding a man to whom she could be faithful. (Marlene Dietrich)

The injustice of treason lies in the fact that the deceived, and so, in general, is punished for some unknown reason. Plus, he methodically destroys himself with jealousy with such force, as if the most hated person in the world now is himself. And yet, even this is not enough. In addition to all the anguish, hatred and disgust towards himself, oddly enough, the sickening bouquet is inevitably decorated with a shining image of a contender-winner. (A. Gelasimov "Rakhil")

Adultery is a private affair of three. And let all the rest stay aloof and go about their own business. (Olga Kuno. "The Countess on Call")

Men believe that male infidelity is nonsense, and female cheating is “ah, oh, she cheated on me!”. Men are wrong. (Elena Kolina. "Diary of Treason")

Just think, the bride ran away! Should rejoice. A penny is her price if she exchanged such a handsome man, a real hero, for some kind of rear rat! It was she who lost her happiness, not he! Serves her right! (Film "The Cranes Are Flying")

If you love a person, then you can even forgive treason. (Janusz Leon Vishnevsky)

If your wife cheated on you, then rejoice that she cheated on you, and not on your fatherland. (A.P. Chekhov)

The fact that a man is unfaithful is not a vice, but an innate feature that is embedded in the DNA of any male of the human race since ancient times. It's like ears or nose. There is nothing you can do about it. You're like a computer programmed to be infidel. Only instead of iron - muscles and bones. (Fausto Brizzi. "100 Days of Happiness")

There is no woman who, at least in a dream, has not betrayed her husband. (Coco Chanel)

A woman gets more pleasure from betrayal than a man: for him it is not God knows what event, for her, betrayal always means revenge, or passion, or sin. (Etienne Rey)

Anyone, even the most devoted woman, sometimes has thoughts of a new romantic relationship on the side. You know, everyday life, routine, no emotions, but here is something fresh. And by the way, both are to blame for any treason. Someone smart said that there is no betrayal in love. There are changes. (A. Kivinov "Three days without love")

Before cheating on your beloved woman, you must remember that she can always make it more graceful. Do you know what is the saddest thing about her betrayal? That you can never forgive (Rinat Valiullin. "Every silence has its own hysteria")

If I was given power, I would have ordered that everywhere all unfaithful men carry one green branch, then all the cities would turn into green and lush gardens. ("Truffaldino from Bergamo")

Fidelity in love is entirely a matter of physiology, it does not depend at all on our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they never do, old people would like to change, but where can they be. (Oscar Wilde)

Do not forgive treason! Forgiveness of betrayal is every time a blow to the knees precisely at the very same family values \u200b\u200bfor which the forgiving seem to fight. And the more "forgiveness", the less remains of these values, the more space is occupied in the life of a family by betrayal. For those who do not repent and do not ask for forgiveness are forgiven. Those who do not need forgiveness and who by no means betray their lives and in no way deserve by their daily hard work the great miracle of forgiveness! Treason, once it has happened, will never end now. (Sergey Kalmov)

A person who abuses trust and betrays love in order to plunge a weak creature into tears of despair is, in my opinion, a scoundrel and a scoundrel. (C. Nodier)

Loyalty is not contrary to human nature in general, but only to the animal principle that lives in man. Anyone who is able to overcome the power of instinct, to remain faithful to the undertaken obligation, to turn love into friendship, finds happiness in the union of souls, hearts and bodies, which more than rewards him for the sacrifice he made. (André Maurois)

Adultery brings more evil than marriage is good. (Honore de Balzac)

Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a test of strength. (Maria Ebner Eschenbach)

Loyalty to a man is like a cage to a tiger. It is contrary to his nature. (Bernard Show)

I don't think there is even one man in the world who is loyal to his wife. (John F. Kennedy)

The fact that a woman is cheating on you does not mean that happiness is cheating on you. (E. Sevrus)

When you are betrayed, it is as if they are using a forbidden technique: unexpectedly and unbearably painful.

In my opinion, betrayal is complete stupidity: if you really love, then the thought of going "to the left" will never come, and if there is no love - why all these relationships ...

Traitors generally become from weakness, not from base character.

Women are so sensitive that they begin to feel pity for their own person when they are just planning to cheat or betray.

Best status:
I will forgive everything, but not betrayal, not a lie. For me, it's better to have a sharp knife in my heart.

For someone who betrays one day, any unexpected event becomes a possible beginning of reckoning for what he did.

When we stop loving, we experience genuine joy; if we discover betrayal and treason, then we can sin with a clear conscience.

The unfaithful wife speaks little to her husband, she spends all her attention and the most tender words on her lover.

How grateful I am to you, my dear friend, that you finally took this traitor away from me!

The length of the husband's horns depends on the length of the lover's dignity.

I will find out, believe me, the planet is too small! To hide your betrayal from me!

Cheating is when you want to immediately tell something important instead of your wife to another woman ... To change, you don’t have to leave the house at all, because it’s enough to have a phone or Internet access. - Janusz Wisniewski

Many wives would not cheat on their husbands if they knew a more subtle way of revenge.

the wife is known in the absence of the husband

If your friend cheated on you and you want to jump from the tenth floor, remember: you have not wings, but horns.

The betrayal drags on for a long time ...

For a long time I was looking for a guy to change me ... I found him, and he cheated on me !!!

We judge the smallest infidelity in relation to us much more severely than the most insidious betrayal in relation to others. - F. La Rochefoucauld

No, I don't remember you. So, I think sometimes ... foul ...

We are always afraid to show ourselves to the eyes of the one we love after we happened to be dragged on the side. - La Rochefoucauld

The fact that a woman is cheating on you does not mean that happiness is cheating on you.

Cheating is a blow in the ribs for which you are not ready ...

Leave the past to those who stayed in it.

The less often someone gives their marital debt, the more often someone else is forced to take out a loan on the side.

The grandfather came to see the grandmother, and she was with the bun ... So the bun ran away.

Cheating on the wife is not counted if she thinks about her husband at this time.

I love you more than everyone else, but I need others to make sure of it

Ah, it is much better to know that my lover is lying in a grave in Clamart Cemetery than in a rival's bed!

There is only one crime that cannot be expiated - it is treason to your state.

Cheating itself does not always look like a bolt from the blue, rather it resembles a time bomb. - Oleg Roy.

i tell him that I am not cheating ... but he rested his horns and does not believe.

A man is looking for something on the side that is not on his own path. - Oleg Roy.

If someone cheats on you, do not be surprised - after all, you are not the only woman in the world, but do not be killed - after all, he is not the only man in the world ...

No one foresees when a hand on the hip can lead to a knife in the back.

Women love the losers, but cheat on them with the winners.

Cheating on a friend is a crime without forgiveness and excuse.

Treason is a whip, which they hurt you only once - at the moment when you found out about everything. And the rest of the time you are cutting yourself with this whip of ignorance.

You go to someone else's and for a little while, you return to yours and every time - forever!

Fidelity is the gap between two betrayals.

Even the women who cheat on us are not the women we dream of cheating.

I love treason, but not traitors. - Guy Julius Caesar

Cheating, like love, can be platonic.

Are you walking, darling? Walk, walk, no one is holding you by the horns

Yes, her life is ruined, but she long ago learned to walk through the ruins with a flying gait ...

We remained faithful to each other for forty-two years. If my wife found out about it, she would shoot me

Curiosity is the first step to cheating

Desperate to change their husband, they cheat on their husband.

I don’t know which is worse, that he wrote “let's part” or that after 2 minutes he sent “Sorry, this is not for you”?

Katya, well, with a condom, it's not cheating, is it? - Aha! And with a silencer, this is not murder

Relationships are like a boomerang! If you're fucking treating me, then expect surprises from me!

By changing, a woman is looking for the best, and a man is looking for a new one.

A woman cannot change - she just stops loving.

relationship after betrayal is like a broken cup ... you can glue it, but drinking is disgusting ...

Women love the losers, but cheat on them with the winners. - Tennessee Williams

Once your friend, seeing me, will say: - Wait, that girl over there, your ex ??? - Yes. - Well, you mudaaak! ...

Having ceased to love, we rejoice when they cheat on us, thereby freeing us from the need to remain faithful. - F. La Rochefoucauld

What's wrong with me? What is written on my forehead: Change me? - Sergei Rodionovich Beschastny

To change or not to change is entirely up to you. The main thing is not to cheat on yourself, not to waste on what is actually not needed, and to be able to keep what is really valuable. - Oleg Roy.

Women somehow immediately guess with whom we are ready to change them. Sometimes even before it occurs to us.

The absence of your presence in my life no longer bothers me ...

A woman gets more pleasure from betrayal than a man: for him it is not God knows what event, for her, betrayal always means revenge, or passion, or sin. - Etienne Rey

A woman does not cheat in two cases: if she thinks that her man is the best, or if she thinks that they are all the same.

Husbands are generally good in bed when cheating on their wives. - Marilyn Monroe

You always find out about treason, absolutely at the wrong time, either before your birthday, or before February 14 ...

One of the hardest things in life is watching someone you love love someone else ...

"My husband is cheating on me so much, so cheating on me that I don't even know who my children are from ..."

On someone else's misfortune, you can't build your own happiness

Loyalty is a matter of conscience, and betrayal is a matter of time.

Is treason a way to save love? .. Or is love a kind of treason? ..

Shame on the one who cheats. Who in life loves many times, who immediately attracts the heart, and then refuses!

Losing love is sometimes easier than experiencing the pain of betrayal ...

Better to let him think that I cheated on him. How will he know that at the time when he walked to the left, I cried and waited for him.

Frivolous women cheat lightly, serious women seriously. - ***

It is not enough to be able to leave - be able to leave without returning.

If suddenly the soul hurts ... Will whine like a hungry dog \u200b\u200b... You laugh, close your eyes: so that no one sees tears ...

The bank called "fidelity" is a very serious bank. It is worth making one contribution on the side and that's it - your account is closed.

The heart of a woman, in her love offended by treason, is like a fortress, seized, devastated and abandoned. - W. Irving

A letter from my wife to her mistress: "I bought polka-dot panties for my husband - check it out!" Letter from his mistress to his wife: "In the pocket of your panties you will find candy, this is for you from me!"

Those who are faithful in love comprehend its banal essence. And only those people who change will know the tragedy of love.

To persuade a man to cheat is enough to marry him

For those who are faithful in love, only a banal essence is available. The tragedy of love is recognized only by those who change.

Cheating is when you want to immediately tell something important instead of your wife to another woman ... To change, you don’t have to leave the house at all, because it’s enough to have a phone or Internet access.

A bullet can whistle past, and treason is always right in the heart ...

A woman, when she loves, confesses to treason, because she wants to be honest. And a man will never forgive, because he also loves ...

“My husband is cheating on me so much, so cheating on me that I don’t even know from whom I have children ...”

A man can love two women, but only until one of them understands what the matter is.

Sometimes you have to change in order to understand what is not necessary.

Husbands are generally good in bed when cheating on their wives.

Infidelity is like death - she knows no nuances

It is easier to cheat on a wife than on a wife.

If you grow horns do not rush to blame your wife for this ... Perhaps you are just a Goat?

Women find it difficult to decide on treason, but when they decide, they do not stop.

The betrayal drags on for a long time ...

A woman needs a reason for treason, and a coincidence of circumstances is enough for a man!

If your wife cheated on you, do not ask again, because it can really amaze you.

A woman, especially a married woman, cheats mostly not for, but in spite of: he cheated on me - I will repay him in the same coin.

In short, when you cheat on your wife, there are two options: either you stay with her, but nothing works, or you leave her and nothing works anyway. - Frederic Beigbeder

Treason? What a vulgar name for the subtlest, highest dissatisfaction, for the search for more, more ...

I will not apologize for gluing the heart that you broke ...

The mistress knows that her man is a liar, while the wife only guesses.

Surprise the fatalist with betrayals, that amaze with the change of seasons.

Probably, indeed, betrayal is the worst thing that can be. Betrayal of friends, loved ones, those in whom we have no doubt, those whom we trust without hesitation. It's like losing the earth under your feet and the sky over your head, because those we believe are our earth and our sky.

Isn't it foolish to uproot a good old tree in order to hopefully stick a dubious market seedling in its place. Isn't it foolish to harass the good old, be it wives or leaders, for the sake of their naive hopes?

Understanding, compassion, kindness, love are the only ideals. And when we betray them, we become the ones we despise. And we lose our humanity, and then only violence and destruction remain in the world after us.

Fidelity in love is entirely a matter of physiology, it does not depend at all on our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they never do, old people would like to change, but where can they be.

Betrayal of a man is not treason. Betrayal is not that he left for another. Betrayal - when you're pregnant ... he'll tell you to have an abortion.

Thanks to those who left me in difficult times. You have made me stronger. So much stronger that we'd better not cross.

Trustworthiness is a brand, for the acquisition of which it is necessary to do some dirty trick.

Never forgive cheating. Any betrayal is a comparison, a search for the best that you have. He who seeks the best will never appreciate what he has ...

We must remember that those things that bring you a lot of money will betray you sooner or later.

He who sold his homeland is selling himself.

What could be more humiliating for a betrayer than the realization that they were not able to take advantage of his betrayal.

Kings know no more about the affairs of their ministers than cuckolds know about the affairs of their wives.

Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women.

It's a shame when you are Judas, and you are sold as Christ.

Betrayal, destroying hope and faith, kills love.

That physical betrayal is only a consequence of spiritual betrayal. For people who have given each other love have no right to lie.

Nothing in the world smells so good as the corpse of an enemy, a traitor or a traitor.

Love is not a moral issue. But feeling knows no betrayal. It grows, disappears, changes - where is the betrayal? This is not a contract.

To whom chastity is a burden, one should not advise it, lest it become a path to the underworld, turning into filth and lust of the soul.

Who is alive, in vain awaits the praise of the haughty crowd. Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of the masters, It is more beautiful than all the riches of the world.

The most cruel, the most evil and intolerant of their opponents are traitors and renegades.

Capable of any deception is one who is used to making black white and white black.

Keep me, Lord, from those whom I believe. Who I don’t believe - I myself will beware.

Betrayal, like the law, has no retroactive effect.

When your head is turned, it is difficult to notice the moment when your neck has already been broken.

It makes no sense to kill petty traitors in a state where the government itself consists of traitors.

Love and friendship are the things for which you have to endure betrayal and betrayal.

The first betrayal is irreparable. It triggers a chain reaction of further betrayals, each of which further and further removes us from the point of our original betrayal.

Forgiving betrayal is not much different from betrayal itself.

He has already abandoned you once and will leave you again. You can't depend on people who let you down.

Believing the oaths of a traitor is like believing the godliness of the devil.

The biggest competition is in the market for selling skins.

Every backstab has its own face.

One cannot be betrayed in order to protect many.

The closest thing to the body is a selling hide.

Is there even one person who has never betrayed? Loyalty is exclusively a dog's quality!

The betrayal of the people closest to us is killing us slowly, very slowly ... It seems to rip the skin off your entire being ... you can live without a soul, you can live without a hand ... but without skin? When is your body one continuous wound?

He was a person, betrayed - he became a circumlocution.