Dr. Bormental's diet: menu for every day and rules for cooking. Free bormental diet menu for a week All bormental

If you are overweight, and you need to lose not a few kilograms, but quite a lot, then the Bormental diet can be an excellent weight loss system in this case. It refers to long-term diets, and it is necessary to adhere to its rules until the desired results can be achieved.

What is this method?

This diet became known in 2001. Not only nutritionists, but also psychotherapists worked on its creation. This diet is used by some specialized clinics. It was developed taking into account the fact that most people are overweight not because they want to eat, but because they are influenced by psychological reasons.

So, for example, many people, being in a stressful state, begin to absorb food in order to calm down. At this time, they do not control the amount of food eaten. Such uncontrolled food intake can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the body, the accumulation of extra pounds, and the deposition of fat. Therefore, to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, you need to be able to properly set yourself up and have a clear motivation for losing weight. It is in the search for motivation that the main meaning of the Bormenthal method lies.

For weight loss, specially designed trainings are used. They are carried out by specialists in clinics. Nutritionists and psychologists work with people. They help to solve all psychological problems, calm the patient, instill confidence in his strengths and capabilities. And then they begin to instill in him that it is necessary to reduce his appetite and lose weight. During weight loss, breathing exercises and meditation are used.

25 trainings have been developed. All of them are aimed at developing a calm attitude towards eating.

The diet itself is based on the following statutes:

  • Eat only if the person is really hungry.
  • Take a small amount of food.
  • Familiarize yourself with the concept of calorie foods.
  • Stay positive while eating.
  • Know the basics of breathing exercises.

As a result of following these few rules, there is a positive attitude and a desire to lose weight. Over time, the metabolism normalizes. Each time there is a decrease in the volume of the distended stomach due to the food eaten in a small amount.

The diet is good because you can not refuse to eat high-calorie foods. They are allowed to be consumed in small quantities. The main emphasis is on the calories received during the day from the food eaten.

Basic diet rules

There is a list of basic rules that must be strictly adhered to, following the Bormental weight loss system:

  1. You can eat different foods, even chocolate and ice cream, but you need to know the calories of each product, and subtract them from the total calorie figure.
  2. Include protein foods in your diet: poultry, fish and eggs.
  3. Do not add seasonings and hot spices to dishes, they increase appetite.
  4. Once a week, arrange fasting days on kefir or apples.
  5. Eat food often - about 6-7 times a day, but in small portions - 200 g each. Eat every 3 hours so that the body constantly works and metabolism does not decrease.
  6. In order not to feel hungry, it is recommended to drink hot tea after eating.
  7. In addition to eating low-calorie foods, do not forget about exercise. Without them, the process of losing weight will slow down.

Bormental's diet: calorie table

In order not to constantly calculate the calorie content of dishes, a special table of calorie content of some dishes in finished form was compiled:

Product Calories per 100 g of product
Rice crumbly 113
Buckwheat crumbly 163
Buckwheat with mushrooms and oil/water 112,1/90
Semolina with milk and oil/water 128,3/80
Hercules in milk/water 105/84
Barley crumbly 106
Wheat crumbly 135
Wheat viscous on water 90
Jellied carp with vegetables 136
Boiled carp 102
Fish dumplings 112
Pollock in light mayonnaise 121
salmon sauté 380
Cod with vegetables 117
Breaded cod fillet 373
Avocado 140
Philadelphia 403
with cucumber 139
With spicy tuna 290
With tuna 304
With salmon and avocado 184
side dishes
Puree with milk/+butter 65/85
boiled pasta 103
Pilaf with mushrooms 119
Egg vermicelli with mushrooms 133,4
Fresh from beets, carrots and dressing in the form of vegetable oil 60
With mushrooms, white meat, pineapple and mayonnaise 93,1
Cucumbers with sour cream 33
White cabbage with butter 63
Carrots and apples 59
Fresh vegetables with natural yogurt 35
Fruit 103
Herring under a Fur Coat 183

Dr. Bormental's diet menu for a week

The menu for the day is designed for 6 meals: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner. Approximately 4 hours before bedtime, you need to eat your last meal.

First day:

  1. Oatmeal (100 g), pear, 2 pieces of chocolate, tea without sugar (287 kcal).
  2. Pancakes with cottage cheese and tea with sugar (224 kcal).
  3. Rassolnik (200 g), buckwheat porridge with boiled tongue, tea without sugar (280 kcal).
  4. Fruit salad (103 kcal).
  5. Beef meat stewed with eggplant, cucumbers seasoned with sour cream, tea with sugar (160 kcal).
  6. Kefir (60 kcal).

Second day:

  1. Lean borscht (200 g), potatoes in pots with vegetables and pork, cucumber, tea without sugar (165.6 kcal).
  2. Kefir (60 kcal).

The third day:

  1. Shchi (200 g), lazy cabbage rolls, a piece of bread, tea without sugar (165.4 kcal).
  2. Okroshka on kefir (47 kcal).
  3. Kefir (60 kcal).

Fourth day:

  1. Buckwheat porridge (100 g), steamed turkey fillet, carrot salad with fried onions, tea without sugar (280 kcal).
  2. White cabbage salad dressed with vegetable oil, tea without sugar (69 kcal).
  1. 3. Borscht in chicken breast broth, vinaigrette, 1 slice of bread, tea without sugar (159.3 kcal).
  2. Okroshka on kvass (52 kcal).
  3. Cottage cheese dumplings, tea without sugar (237 kcal).
  4. Kefir (60 kcal).

Fifth day:

  1. 2 fried eggs (100 g), banana, tea without sugar (263 kcal).
  2. Boiled chicken (100 g), 2 slices of bread, tea with sugar (155 kcal).
  3. Shchi (200 g), lazy cabbage rolls, a piece of bread, tea without sugar (165.4 kcal).
  4. Apple (45 kcal).
  5. Eggplant caviar (100 g), beetroot salad, tea with sugar (153 kcal).
  6. Kefir (60 kcal).

Sixth day:

  1. Wheat porridge (100 g), 1 boiled egg, 1 pear, tea without sugar (245 kcal).
  2. Cherry (155 g) (45 kcal).
  3. Vegetable soup (200 g), beef goulash with boiled rice (150 g), tea with sugar (374 kcal).
  4. Zucchini caviar (100 g), tea without sugar (92 kcal).
  5. Mashed potatoes with butter and milk (100 g), tea with sugar (109 kcal).
  6. Kefir (60 kcal).

Seventh day:

  1. 2 boiled eggs, fresh cabbage salad (100 g), muffin (50 g), tea without sugar (301 kcal).
  2. 2 pieces of chocolate, tea without sugar (70 kcal).
  3. Mushroom soup (200 g), cabbage salad with vegetable oil (100 g), boiled potatoes with butter (100 g), steamed pike perch (50 g), tea without sugar (298 kcal).
  4. Vegetable salad (128 kcal).
  5. Beef goulash with buckwheat porridge (130 g) (257 kcal).
  6. Kefir (60 kcal).

Pros and cons of the Bormental diet

Among the main advantages, one can single out the fact that there are no special restrictions on the use of products. There are all kinds of useful foods. But the main condition of the diet is the observance of the calorie content of products. The disadvantage of the diet is the calculation - this is the calculation of the calorie content of foods, their weighing, keeping records.

This method of losing weight is not suitable for people who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, as well as patients with diabetes, with a disturbed psyche. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, people under 18 and over 60 years of age.

Any diet requires precise adherence to it, which affects the psychological state. When switching to a low-calorie diet, the following conditions are observed:

  • lethargy and weakness;
  • performance decreases and mood falls;
  • immunity decreases;
  • frequent colds occur;
  • hormone disorders;
  • development of anemia (anemia);
  • flaccid muscles and skin.

In order to minimize the negative consequences, it is necessary not to forget about physical education, as well as about SPA procedures to maintain skin elasticity.

So, the Bormental diet is a convenient and effective method of losing weight, which does not require special restrictions. Do not forget, if necessary, to take with you pre-prepared food containers, calculating kilocalories. Before switching to a dietary diet, consult with a specialist!

Dr. Bormental's diet is a technique that combines gastronomic restrictions that help get rid of excess weight and psychological work on oneself, eliminating the cause of overeating.

Clinic experts say that until a person understands the reason for his overeating, he will not be able to control his weight - any diet will only give a temporary result. This happens because extra pounds are only an external manifestation, a consequence of stress, fear or experiences that make you "jam" emotions.

In addition, the Bormental diet involves counting calories eaten, namely, reducing daily calorie intake to 1000-1200 Kcal. Within this framework, you can eat any food in any quantity at any time of the day, the restriction is imposed only on the number of calories consumed (it is recommended to write them down in a special notebook).

The principles of the Bormental diet

To understand the essence of the diet, the essence of the Bormental diet is to remember some of its principles.

- There should be no strict bans on food. In other words, if you want to eat a cake, you can eat it, but then subtract the calorie content of this cake from the daily calorie content. Such a trip allows a person not to feel psychological discomfort, and therefore avoid stress, which can lead to a breakdown and overeating. After the body has received the desired, its food pleasure centers give a signal that the need is satisfied and there will be no craving for such a product in the near future.

- Daily calorie content should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal. It is necessary to count the calories of food eaten according to the Bormental table, and enter the results in Bormental's diary, which are freely available on the Internet.

- Power scheme includes at least four meals a day, at intervals of no more than 3.5-4 hours.

The following should be followed calories each meal relative to the daily allowance:

  • breakfast - 30%
  • lunch - 10%
  • lunch - 40%
  • dinner - 20%
  • additional dinner 5-10%

- Drink pure non-carbonated water- 2 liters per day.

If possible limit the intake of simple carbohydrates in the form of sweets, confectionery and pasta from the highest grades of wheat.

- Reduce intake of fatty foods, smoked, salted, pickled and canned foods.

Prioritize the following cooking methods: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming.

A serving for one meal should be no more than 200 g.

- Eat portions slowly for 30 minutes and leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

During the diet give up alcohol, as it is able to slow down the process of losing weight for a week.

Necessarily increase the amount of protein(fish, seafood, meat) and high-fiber vegetables, unsweetened fruits, and low-fat dairy products.

Weekly carry out weighing.

Strong physical activity and sports during the diet are not welcome. Since the body works in conditions of a reduced amount of calories and its additional expenditure can be harmful. If the lifestyle includes daily visits to the gym, then you should add 200 kcal to the diet.

How to create an individual menu

In the Bormental diet, each person makes his own menu. There are no clear guidelines and a daily specific list of servings and products. If you stick to the above rules, it's not difficult at all.

In order to start operating on this system, you should stock up on kitchen and floor scales. All components for the preparation of a particular dish are first weighed and their calorie content is found in the Bormental table, the total total calorie content is calculated.

This figure is recorded in the diary, which is a very convenient way to calculate the remaining daily allowance. For each product or dish planned for the day, such work is carried out and an individual daily menu is compiled.

At first glance, it seems that it is difficult and time-consuming. However, in practice, everything is not so scary and after 3 weeks a new habit appears, which allows you to perform these procedures with pleasure and almost automatically.

Approximate daily menu of the Bormental diet

  • 80 grams of boiled or steamed chicken breast (70 kcal)
  • 80 grams of boiled buckwheat (70 kcal)
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce (8 kcal)
  • small tomato (18 kcal)
  • half a meringue cake and coffee without sugar (34 kcal)

Total: 200 kcal


  • 300 grams of cabbage soup (63 kcal)
  • sour cream teaspoon (8 kcal)
  • 2 slices of bread (26 kcal)
  • tea without sugar and half marshmallow (50 kcal)

Total: 147 kcal

  • 150 grams of boiled potatoes (60 kcal)
  • 100 grams of lean fish (60 kcal)
  • 150 grams of sauerkraut (22 kcal)
  • tea without sugar and 2 pieces of marmalade (38 kcal)

Total: 185 kcal

  • 80 grams of steamed rice (85 kcal)
  • 80 grams of boiled veal (80 kcal)
  • 2 teaspoons sour sauce (8 kcal)
  • 100 grams of gherkins (21 kcal)
  • tea without sugar and 2 pieces of chocolate (71 kcal)

Total: 265 kcal

Late dinner:

  • 300 grams of cabbage soup (63 kcal)
  • a teaspoon of sour cream (8 kcal)
  • 1 slice of bread (13 kcal)
  • banana (60 kcal)
  • 200 grams of fat-free kefir (56 kcal)

Total: 200 kcal

The entire daily diet will be 988 kilocalories.

Basic rules of the methodology

☀ Carry out daily counting of calories eaten;

☀ the meal should be at the table, eating on the go is harmful;

☀ have breakfast, lunch and dinner with pleasure; do not share news at the table that cause negative emotions; during lunch, do not bring up children, do not watch films; it is permissible to have a light, relaxed conversation;

☀ the number of meals - at least 5 times a day;

☀ each spoonful should be chewed long and thoroughly, the meal should last at least 15 minutes;

☀ take a vitamin and mineral complex;

☀ between meals should be no more than 5 hours, the last dinner should be 2 hours before bedtime, the first breakfast - immediately or within 1 hour after waking up;

☀ You can drink alcohol, but no more than two glasses of wine per week;

☀ animal protein and unrefined vegetable oil must be present in the diet;

☀ stews and baked dishes are tasty, healthy and gentle on the digestive tract; look for low calorie recipes.


This rather rigid low-calorie diet is categorically not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as the elderly. You can not lose weight according to Bormental with acute infections or chronic diseases in the acute stage. As well as those suffering from diabetes (categorically!) And having menstrual irregularities or hormonal disorders.

It is also contraindicated for athletes, as it leads to a general decline in strength and a decrease in muscle mass.

If you decide to use this diet - you should consult with your doctor!

However, if you approach the use of the technique wisely, after thinking it over and weighing it, then such a diet can give the desired result without causing any harm to your health.

Read more:

The Bormental Diet is a weight loss technique based on an effective psychological technique that reduces appetite and helps to identify the motivation for weight loss. This figure correction system was patented in 2001 by Dr. Bormenthal. Every year its popularity is gradually growing. During the course of therapy, breathing exercises, neurolinguistic coding methods, and meditation may be involved.

In addition to the psychological approach, the Bormental system is based on a strict restriction of the daily diet to 1200 kcal per day (1400 kcal for hard physical work), four to five meals a day with intervals between meals up to 4.5 hours. Thanks to this routine, metabolism is activated, the size of the stomach decreases, excess weight is lost, and good habits are formed.

The duration of the weight loss technique is not strictly regulated, the average weight loss per week is 1-3 kg.

Diet principles

The program from Dr. Bormental does not provide a specific list of allowed foods that should be eaten during the day. A person himself makes a menu based on the rules listed below.

A distinctive feature of this method of losing weight is the calculation of the total caloric content of the daily diet. As well as daily weight control. For these purposes, it is recommended to purchase floor, kitchen scales.

In order not to be mistaken, it is useful to keep a diary of Bormental, in which to carry out an energy calculation of the products or dishes planned for consumption for the day. In total, their energy value should not exceed the daily norm.

At first, this procedure requires a lot of time, but after 2 weeks a new habit will allow you to perform these operations automatically.

A personal diary is needed not only to record food calorie data and weight status, but also to analyze eating behavior. Already after 20 days of the diet, losing weight will be able to clearly notice what results have been achieved, as well as make menu corrections to improve results.

The principles on which the Bormetal weight loss program is based:

  1. No strict food restrictions. That is, if there is a desire to eat a cake, it is allowed to eat it, however, subject to subtracting its calorie content from the daily energy diet. Thanks to this approach, a person does not feel psychological discomfort, which inevitably leads to stress, breakdowns and overeating. After the desired product enters the body, the food pleasure centers send signals to satisfy the need. As a result, the craving for this dish weakens or completely disappears in the near future.
  2. Strict drinking regime. The daily norm of clean water is 2 liters.
  3. Quadruple meals. The maximum time interval between meals is 4.5 hours. If necessary, switch to five meals a day.
  4. The daily calorie content of the diet is 1200 kcal, in extreme cases it increases to 1400 kcal, subject to hard physical labor. The volume of a single serving is up to 200 g.
  5. Limiting the consumption of simple . Prohibited products include: products from the highest grades (pasta, confectionery products), alcoholic beverages. In addition, pickled, smoked, fatty, salty foods should be abandoned. Preferred cooking methods: Bake, steam, boil and stew.
  6. The calorie content of each meal should be distributed according to the principle (relative to the daily norm): breakfast - 30%, second breakfast - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%.
  7. The emphasis in nutrition is on low-fat sour-milk products, protein foods (meat, fish, seafood), unsweetened fruits and rich vegetables. Last meal - 3.5 hours before bedtime.
  8. Avoid heavy physical activity. During weight loss in terms of reducing the caloric content of the daily diet, additional energy expenditure can be harmful.
  9. Weigh weekly.

Subject to the rules of the methodology, in 7 days you can become 2-4 kg lighter. At the same time, you do not have to experience any strong restrictions, it is allowed to make changes to the diet. The Bormental diet can be practiced for 2 months. In case of weakness, exhaustion, loss of strength, the daily ration should be increased by 200 kcal.

This weight loss program gradually forms the habits of proper nutrition, which further contribute to maintaining the desired shape.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the ranking of diets, the Bormental weight loss program occupies the 25th position. To develop and maintain the motivation to lose weight, first of all, you need to admit to yourself that you are obese. Despite the fact that there is nothing shameful in this, not every person has the courage to state the fact. In this case, it will not be superfluous to seek the help of a psychotherapist. The doctor will help you tune in a positive way, due to which weight loss will be easier to bear.

Advantages of the technique:

  • the possibility of making changes to the diet, drawing up an individual menu;
  • freedom of choice of dishes;
  • stable result;
  • lack of feeling of hunger;
  • reduction in the size of the stomach;
  • the formation of new healthy eating habits, the main of which is not to overeat.

Proponents of the diet note the absence of stress caused by the rejection of their favorite food. Unlike other weight loss methods (especially strict programs that involve staying on one vegetable, fruit, cereal or sour-milk drink), the Bormental program does not exclude the intake of high-calorie foods: bananas, dates, figs, raisins, grapes. They can be eaten, however, provided that the daily calorie content of the diet should be at around 1200 units.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  1. Continuous calorie counting. This causes discomfort, for example, if you need to eat out, with frequent business trips.
  2. Not universal system. Bormental's diet provides for a "low-calorie corridor" that not every person can withstand.
  3. Not compatible with physical activity. People who regularly visit the gym and do fitness are advised to pay attention to. The protein nutrition system allows you to accelerate weight loss, build muscle mass and at the same time feel good. Otherwise, intensive sports during the practice of the Bormental diet can lead to depletion of the body.
  4. Contraindications: mental disorders, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and lactation, acute, oncological and chronic diseases, age up to 18 years and after 60 years.

The nutrition program of Dr. Bormenthal is forbidden to be practiced by people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

  1. Deterioration of mood, performance and general vitality, the appearance of weakness. As a result, immunity weakens, the body's susceptibility to viral infections increases, the likelihood of developing anemia, hormonal disorders, and cancer increases.
  2. Flabby skin, flaccid muscle tissue. In order to avoid these unpleasant consequences of losing weight according to Bormental, it is necessary to undergo physiotherapy, light physical exercises should not be neglected. To maintain the tone of the dermis, it is useful to undergo spa treatments, body wraps, massage.
  3. Imbalance. In order to maintain the body and prevent nutritional deficiencies, it is recommended to use a vitamin-mineral complex (Vitrum, Alfavit) throughout the diet.

Remember, after switching from the usual diet to a dietary one, with a sharp restriction of high-carbohydrate foods, the body feels discomfort, which manifests itself in malaise. This is a normal reaction that usually goes away after a few days. Gradually, the stomach adapts to the changes, discomfort disappears.

It happens at some stage the weight stops. In this case, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the diet. This is normal. It is necessary to continue to adhere to the methodology, and after some time (5-7 days) the daily plumb line will shift from zero to minus.

Before switching to a dietary diet, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consult with your doctor for contraindications.

Bormental calorie table

The daily diet of the diet must be based on the energy value of cooked meals (and not raw). This is the peculiarity of the Bormental table.

Before going on a diet, it is recommended to draw up a menu for 3-4 days, writing down the calorie content of each dish in the diary. The diet can be adjusted based on your own preferences, which do not violate the fundamental principles of nutrition. Food must be weighed before eating.

Nutritional value of ready meals according to Bormental
Name Calorie content in 100 g of product, kcal
Meat, poultry
Pork neck 234
oily 214
(fillet) 121
pig tongue 115
(fillet) 113
beef tongue 112
(tenderloin) 97
Chicken breast 91
(breast) 84
whole 481
(45%) 368
(50%) 299
(20%) 205
(15%) 160
(9%) 166
(6%) 85
Cow's milk (2.5%) 55
(1,5 %) 52
(2%) 50
Kefir (1%) 37
Fish and seafood
Pollack caviar 131
cod roe 115
crayfish 79
Blue whiting 72
, porridge
Premium wheat bread 233
Wheat bran 154
Pearl barley 106
Boiled pasta 103
Wheat viscous 90
Milk puree 65
Green onion 25
Turnip 23
Asparagus 14

In 1992, a group of young scientists from Tomsk developed a dietary method of nutrition, conventionally designated as Dr. Bormental's diet. This method of losing weight was based on the scientific works of the famous doctor V. M. Bekhterev. In 2011, the technique was patented at the Doctor Bormental clinic. Over time, the whole of Russia learned about the diet.

First of all, let us draw your attention to such a nuance: the Bormental method can mean the method of psychological weight correction and the diet itself. Both ways to lose weight have their fans. The psychological approach to the problem is based on the search for an effective motivation that would push the patient to successfully get rid of extra pounds. A competent specialist will help a person in this, who, during psychological trainings, will tell the patient how to understand himself and understand what exactly prevents him from losing weight.

We will get acquainted with the diet of Dr. Bormental: we will find out the rules for its implementation and the optimal menu for losing weight.

The principle of weight loss according to Bormental

The creators of this method of nutrition assure that the Bormental diet does not drive a person into a rigid framework of prohibitions, and you no longer have to reproach yourself for an extra piece eaten. You can even not radically change your usual diet, only its daily energy value should now not exceed 1000 - 1200 kcal. Reviews of those who have tried the diet on themselves confirm that the daily norm for active and mobile women is 1200 kcal, and for those who prefer to "hurry slowly" 1000 kcal will be enough.

Yes, you understood correctly - from now on you are your own nutritionist. Every day, reviewing your menu, choose the food that is most preferable for you, while not forgetting to calculate how many kilocalories it will cost you. For convenience, you need to use a table of the energy value of products and small scales for weighing portions. This approach to nutrition will soon help you prioritize correctly, and you will realize that it is better to give preference to a large portion, which is based on low-calorie ingredients, than to feast on a miniature portion of high-calorie foods.

All products for weight loss on the Bormental diet are familiar to you and your stomach: you can satisfy hunger and restore strength through boiled meat, low-fat dairy products, egg whites. There is no strict ban on sweets and pastries - just imagine! At the same time, you need to behave reasonably, blocking a portion of goodies with greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is important to know! Be prepared for the fact that losing weight according to Dr. Bormental will initially “surprise” your body so much that you will very quickly part with a certain amount of extra pounds. However, after a while, the weight will "become", as they say in losing weight circles. Do not despair - this is an absolutely natural and logical process, you can not stop there!

To stimulate the body to further positive metamorphoses, it needs to be shaken, and then it's time to remember fasting days. Kefir is considered the most optimal product for unloading, which will help your metabolism wake up and resume the process of losing weight.

Bormental diet weight loss rules

So, let's list all the fundamental principles of the diet, adhering to which you will be doomed to success:

  1. There are no hard food restrictions. I want to eat a chocolate bar - allow yourself this little weakness. Just do not forget that 540 kcal is hidden in 100 g of a dark bar of goodies, which you must definitely add to your daily diet. In total, you still have 660 kcal left, no more. This approach enables a person to think and analyze, creating, in fact, an individual nutrition system. Thus, by trial and error, you will gradually understand which products should be discarded, and which ones, on the contrary, should be preferred so that you do not go beyond the diet and feel good at the same time. Studying your diet, you will soon notice that it no longer contains white bread and rolls, potatoes, sausages and pasta, fatty milk and sour cream, butter. At the same time, you will not feel psychological discomfort from the fact that you have stopped eating high-calorie foods, since no one has canceled bonuses in the form of a piece of cake. By satisfying your appetite from time to time with such food, you will take yourself out of the stress zone.
  2. Once again, we focus your attention on the numbers: 1000 - 1200 kcal daily - that's what you need to strive for. Find out the calorie content of the food you need according to the food value table and record the results in a diary.
  3. Eat 4 times a day, keeping small intervals between meals (3, 5 - 4 hours).
  4. Conditionally divide your daily diet according to the following calorie principle: we allocate 30% for breakfast, 10% for an afternoon snack, 40% for lunch, and 20% for dinner. Do not forget about the "saving" second dinner (if you really want to eat) - 5 - 10%.
  5. Provide yourself with plenty of clean non-carbonated water - the required minimum is 2.5 liters per day.
  6. As part of weight loss, reduce the amount of dangerous foods such as sweets, confectionery, pasta.
  7. You will also have to deny yourself the use of fatty, smoked, salty foods, marinades and canned food.
  8. The most useful and healthy food is boiled, stewed, baked, steamed. Remember this.
  9. The volume of a single serving should not exceed 200 g. Try to stretch your meal for half an hour, and get up from the table slightly hungry.
  10. According to Dr. Bormental, there is no place for alcoholic beverages in the nutrition system. Alcohol will only slow down the process of losing weight.
  11. Add value to your diet with protein foods. Fish, meat and seafood should appear on your plate as often as possible. Also add high-fiber vegetables, non-fat dairy products, and non-sweet fruits.
  12. Get in the habit of weighing yourself every week.
  13. During the diet, it is better to abandon intense physical activity. Mastering a new nutrition system, the body should not experience pressure in the form of additional energy costs. If you go to the gym and do not want to change your regimen, add another 200 kcal to your daily diet (1200 in total).
  14. Sit down at the table in 30 minutes. after waking up, and have dinner 3 - 3.5 hours before bedtime.
  15. Despite the varied weight loss menu of Dr. Bormenthal, the diet can be considered quite tough. This means that you need to take care of your immunity, as well as the appearance of the skin, nails and hair - losing weight cannot do without a high-quality multivitamin preparation. Vitamins can be chosen at your discretion.
  16. To stimulate bowel function and prevent constipation, drink 1 tbsp every morning. l. vegetable or olive oil. The calorie content of these products does not need to be entered in the weight control diary.
  17. Adhering to the system of Dr. Bormenthal, you need to remember about the individual and often unpredictable reactions of the body in the form of dizziness. This can happen if your blood sugar drops sharply. To prevent fainting, you should always have a glucose tablet with you.
  18. If you catch a cold during weight loss, you do not need to leave the diet. Just add an additional 200 kcal to your daily diet, drink more water and tea with lemon.
  19. If for a long time the weight stubbornly stands still, reduce the daily diet by 100 kcal.
  20. How to get out of the diet without harming the built figure - this is perhaps one of the most pressing issues for women who have already achieved positive results on the Bormental diet. Such a power system can be followed until the arrow of the scales at the next control weighing stops at the cherished figure. The diet is completed by gradually increasing the number of kilocalories of the daily diet. So you can define a personal line within which the weight will not increase.

Features of compiling an individual menu

Once again, during weight loss according to the method of Dr. Bormental, you are your own nutritionist. There is no one-size-fits-all list of foods and portion sizes to follow when following this diet. How can one plunge into the system so smoothly that one does not feel psychological discomfort?

First you need to acquire scales - kitchen and ordinary, floor. To estimate the energy value of the dish you want to cook, you need to weigh all its ingredients and calculate their calorie content according to the table, and then determine the total calorie content of the dish.

When the dish is ready, you need to choose a serving. It also needs to be weighed and its energy value determined. Do not forget to record the resulting indicator in the diary - this will help you calculate the remaining daily rate. Thus, everything that you plan to eat during the day is subject to detailed analysis, based on the general information of which the daily menu of Dr. Bormental, who is losing weight, is compiled.

At first, you may be confused by the feeling that all this is too difficult and takes a lot of time. However, practice shows the opposite - after 21 days (it is during this period that a person develops this or that habit) you will bring all actions to automatism and will not experience any inconvenience.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dr. Bormenthal's diet

Following all the recommendations of diet developers, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg in 1 week. In this case, you will not need to make huge efforts to curb your hunger - it will be enough to make changes in the diet to suit your needs.

Bormental's diet helps people to independently develop an effective nutrition system for themselves. For many, such recommendations for proper nutrition become a habit that helps maintain health and a toned figure for many years.

Speaking about the merits of the diet, first of all, there are:

  • the absence of strict prohibitions and psychological calm about this;
  • the ability to choose products and dishes to your liking;
  • development of an individual nutrition system.

There are also negative reviews:

  • constant monitoring of the calorie content of foods and dishes;
  • the need to scrupulously enter information about the process of losing weight in the diary;
  • with a long stay on a diet, it happens that the weight stands in one place for 1 to 2 weeks.

Contraindications to Dr. Bormental's diet

Such a nutrition system in a certain way changes the metabolism in the body, therefore it is not suitable for everyone. We list the main contraindications:

  • people suffering from mental disorders;
  • women who are expecting a baby and breastfeeding;
  • teenagers under 18 and older people over 60;
  • people who are recovering from a heart attack, stroke;
  • cancer patients and those suffering from diabetes;
  • people who are actively involved in sports.

Sample menu for 7 days

With the help of the indicative menu for the week according to the nutrition system of Dr. Bormenthal, you can be sure that this diet is quite “tasty” and nutritious.

Breakfast (300 - 350 kcal)

100 g of buckwheat porridge, 80 g of boiled meat, 100 g of cottage cheese, seasoned with 1 tsp. honey, a piece of hard cheese, a cup of natural coffee.

Snack (100 - 150 kcal)

Lean vegetable soup or cabbage soup seasoned with sour cream (150 g), marshmallow tea (1 pc.)

Lunch (400 - 450 kcal)

150 g vegetable stew, 200 g fish stew, 200 g fruit jelly, 50 g diet cookies.

Dinner (200 - 250 kcal)

150 g of vegetable salad with seafood or 150 g of fruit salad dressed with yogurt, dried apricots and nuts, a cup of black tea, 1 - 2 dark chocolate cubes.

Snack before bed (80 - 100 kcal)

1 glass of kefir and dried toast.

Naturally, the components of the dishes, and the dishes themselves can be changed at your discretion. The main thing is to maintain the necessary energy value of the diet, maintaining a balance of protein and vegetable foods against the background of a reduced amount of light carbohydrates.

This food system will not make you bored and will not spoil your mood with insipid and monotonous dishes. As part of losing weight from Bormental, you can come up with the most original recipes. Let's take one of them as an example.

Vegetable stew with mushrooms

You will need the following ingredients:

  • white cabbage - 300 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 2 - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • small onion - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled mushrooms (champignons) - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 15 g;
  • salt, pepper, garlic and spices - at will and taste.

Lightly fry mushrooms and chopped tomatoes in vegetable oil, then add chopped cabbage and carrots to the pan. Simmer all ingredients for about 20 minutes. During this time, cut the onion and pepper into half rings and add them to the vegetables with mushrooms. After that, simmer the dish for another 15 minutes. on slow fire. After cooking, the dish should stand for about 30 minutes. Before serving, the vegetable mass with mushrooms is seasoned with sour cream and garlic sauce.

The energy value of a delicious dish is 500 kcal, and 100 g contain about 100 kcal. A large amount of natural fiber, vitamins, trace elements and protein in the composition of the dish will quickly curb the feeling of hunger and saturate the body with useful substances.

If, after reading this article, you got the idea to try Dr. Bormental's diet on yourself, do not put off this decision for later, try it right now, and the first positive results will not be long in coming.

Secrets of effective weight loss. Video

Diet Dr. Bormenthal was developed more than twenty years ago on the basis of the joint work of nutritionists and psychotherapists. Every year it becomes more and more popular among those who want to lose weight. In this technique, there is the use of meditation and special breathing techniques. Important conditions in the Bormental diet are motivation and psychological attitude.

Those who are interested and decide to use this method of losing weight need to acquire kitchen and floor scales in order to control their body weight and the amount of food consumed during the day on a daily basis. A table is required that lists the calorie content of each product.

To correct the diet and reduce the number of kilocalories, it is recommended to keep your own nutrition diary, in which every day you carefully record everything you eat per day.

Experts believe that, subject to all the conditions of the diet and adhering to the developed menu, you can lose weight effectively. As a result of a change in thinking and attitude to food, appetite decreases, and a person is able to lose extra pounds without stress to the body. It implies the use of any products, subject to calorie counting. The menu for the week according to Bormental is varied.

"Doctor Bormental": menu for the week

Excess weight is recognized as the scourge of the era. Medical clinics and institutes, sports methods have joined the fight against it. There is no panacea for the disease. Everyone chooses a productive topic according to their requests. There are several reasons for the development of obesity:

  • Congenital pathology, predisposition is inherited
  • Acquired state in the process of life. Diseases of the endocrine system, stress, overeating of high-calorie foods, the use of hormonal drugs.

One of the effective methods was patented by the psychotherapist V. Romanovsky. A network of clinics "Doctor Bormental" was created. The diet itself without special restrictions in food. It is necessary to maintain the norm of caloric content of food and identify the causes that caused the changes.

Basis of the methodology

The result of the diet depends on the initial weight of the person and on his health. It refers to long-term methods of getting rid of excess weight. In the clinic, the patient is affected in a complex way:

  • Identifying and addressing the psychological causes of overeating
  • Low-calorie diet, consumption of no more than 1200 kcal per day

The work of psychologists

During an interview with a specialist, the reasons for the deviation of eating behavior are clarified. People often use high-calorie foods to quickly remove the imaginary feeling of hunger that occurs with emotional discomfort.

By eating stressful situations, a person acquires a complex of “easy solutions” to the situation for life. Over time, the body requires more and more food. The excess accumulates in adipose tissue.

Patients in the Bormental Center are offered several ways of training:

  • Individual consultations
  • Classes in groups, a more effective condition

The harsh methods of deep hypnosis in the institutions of "Doctor Bormental" were abandoned. Basically, the impact is carried out by NLP programming. Complement with meditation and breathing exercises.

As a result of psychosomatic influence, a person begins to control food intake. There is a gradual weight loss.

Important points of behavior according to the accepted rules are fixed:

  • Start eating when you feel hungry
  • Spend 20 minutes eating
  • Finish eating until you feel full
  • Don't pass off thirst for hunger
  • Take your mind off problems in other ways

It is convenient to use the method in a group. Participants help each other with advice and motivate each other with positive results.

Supply system

An important factor in reducing excess weight on the Bormental diet are low-calorie dishes.

In principle, you can eat any food without restrictions, but the food must be in the correct calorie corridor. For clarity, you need to purchase a kitchen scale and start a calorie notebook.

With such assistants, it is easy to keep nutrition within the required level. You can eat cakes and sweets. Subtract the sum of their nutritional scores from the daily allowance. Gradually, the choice between a full meal and sweets will become a habit. Therefore, there are no food restrictions in the diet, but with an eye on the value of the calorie calculator.

The diet includes foods high in protein and fiber to replace the decrease in fast sugars.

You can reduce the feelings of hunger that arise by switching to fractional meals. Divide the daily meal into 7 approaches, not exceeding the weight of the finished product in 200 grams. Observe an interval of 3 hours after the last meal. Hot drinks will increase the duration of satiety. Completely have to give up only the use of:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Sweet soda
  • hot spices
  • Salinity

Exercise while dieting

In the process of losing weight, the skin can sag and become flabby. Muscles lose their strength. It is necessary to increase physical activity during this period. Do fitness, do light jogging, learn yoga and wu-shu techniques.

Physical strengthening of the body will enhance the process of getting rid of extra pounds. A good mood is provided for the whole day. It will be easier to resist stress. But it’s not worth going deep, we do everything without fanaticism.

By increasing physical activity, you can increase the daily calorie intake to 300 units. Keep your body weight under control at all times. If he stops or goes to increase, then the increase must be canceled.

Advantages of the method

If you follow the rules, the results will always be in the positive sector. The effect is persistent. Everyone loses weight individually, but confidently and quickly. At the festive common table there is no discomfort from the need to abandon the frills.

Negative qualities

  • Age restrictions, not applicable under 18 and over 60
  • Often there is short-term weakness and loss of working capacity
  • Decreased mood
  • Strict discipline in the constant calculation of sweet points
  • Short-term decrease in vitality


  • For chronic and acute gastrointestinal diseases
  • Diabetes of all types
  • Hormonal changes
  • Mental disorders
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Menu for the week

It is compiled taking into account the weight and calorie content of the dish in total.

Day Eating dish Weight/kcal
In 1 day Since morning



day food

Afternoon snack

Evening meals


Barley porridge

peach juice

vegetable soup

Rice porridge on the water

Beef goulash

pear juice

cocoa with milk

Buckwheat casserole

Braised cabbage

fruit tea

Curdled milk 1%

In the second In the morning

Small snack

Daily diet

Before dinner

Evening diet

Buckwheat porridge with beef meat

Sliced ​​vegetables

Coffee is not sweet

Sweetened tea

Cabbage soup in broth

Boiled potatoes in sauce

Sour cabbage

Black tea sweet

Curd pancakes

unsweetened tea

Boiled rice with ketchup

Boiled beef meat

Sweet tea

On the third day After sleep

2 hours before afternoon meal

light snack

Before bedtime

Egg omelet with mushrooms

Green tea

Boiled chicken

Black bread

Long leaf tea

Pea soup

Steamed vegetables with rice

Sweet Indian tea

Green apple

Mashed potatoes

Beetroot with nuts

tea drink

Varenets 1%

Fourth day In the morning hours

After 3 hours

Lunch meal

afternoon meal

To the evening table

Hercules porridge

apple slicing

2 pieces of chocolate

Tea is not sweet

Vegetable tomato salad

boiled chicken

Pickle in broth

Boiled brown rice

seaweed salad

Tea with milk

Fruit salad

Roast with beef

Cucumbers with sour cream

Sweet tea

On the fifth day morning diet

For a snack

Have a good lunch

Daily Supplement

Nutritious Evening

Hard boiled eggs

Laminaria marinated

Cupcake with raisins

tea glass

mushroom soup

Broccoli with olive oil

Potato puree

boiled fish

tea drink

Greek salad

Boiled buckwheat with minced meat

Jasmine drink

Varenets 3.2%

On the sixth day Since morning

Lunch menu

fish day

Evening meals

Dine before bed

Corn porridge

Turkey meat

Carrot salad with shallots

vegetable juice

A glass of hot tea

Rennet cheese

Ear from zander

Wheat bread

Caesar salad

Birch juice

Sour cream vegetable salad

Portion of fish for a couple

Vegetable pilaf

Spring salad with vegetable oil

Tea with honey

Ryazhenka 2.5%

On the weekend After morning workout

Lunch menu

Evening reception

potash eggs

Tomatoes with chopped herbs and butter

Grain bread

Fresh orange

Boiled poultry meat

Hot tea with sugar

Noodles in chicken broth with egg

bran bread

Avocado salad with butter

Hot sweet tea

Goat curd with sour cream

Apple juice with pulp

Poltavka with oil

Stewed liver

pineapple juice
