How to stop giving energy to another person. How do we lose energy? the nervous system heals

As it is already known, it is impossible to "take" energy (from the etheric body) directly. You can provoke a person to give it up (through the manifestations of the astral or mental body). In the table we can see a number of methods which "nice people" can provoke us to lose energy of the chakras (energy centers).

  • Muladhara Putting things in order for another person. Do not let the work started to be completed, finish the statement. Finish things for other people on their own initiative. Demonstration of completed tasks that require a lot of time, a photograph of a house built. Excessive nomenclature of cases when performing an action, there are a lot of regulatory papers.
  • Svadhisthana Throw a tantrum. Scroll dynamo. Show lack of pleasure "Is that all you can?" Increase speed, fuss: "Come on quickly, finish quickly." Apologize for not understanding the anecdote: "When to laugh?"
  • Manipura Actions without a request and consent in relation to a person: "Give it a drink." Compare a person with someone else who does worse, with results and money: "Yes, I'm much better at it." Profanity, rudeness, swearing, command form. To do something instead of another: "I'll do it myself." Payment of financial bills without agreements: "I will pay." Demonstration of wealth: "I have a whole suitcase of money." Demonstration of connections, social status: "Yes, I had dinner with the president yesterday." Obsession with communication: "You need this, I will stay with you for a month." Ignoring other people's opinions, interrupting. Confirmation requirement: “Do you really want this? And you need it. " Proactive actions ask to do something, and then start doing it yourself. The question with the lack of a choice of action is necessary 5 or 10 to be determined. Punishing initiative, for example when choosing a solution. A ban on the choice of something without explanation clothes, toys, cars. Taking over the initiative to do what is entrusted to another.
  • Anahata Arouse guilt - "All children are caring, but we have ...". Indifference to the gift given to attention, give the flowers to the gift immediately. Arouse pity: "Help good people, there is nothing to eat for a month." Break off the conversation (unfinished dance). Remind me of my heartfelt attitude: "Remember, I gave you a gift."
  • Vishuddha Demonstratively leave the performance (from the benefit performance). Pretentiousness of speech, deliberate mistakes in speech (parody). Negative assessment of creativity: "Do you think these are poems?" Noticing unharmony, for example, a negative assessment of appearance. Catch plagiarism.
  • Ajna Require the fulfillment of directives, without reflection and motivation. Solve problems for another person, customize

Energy threads through which there is an outflow or influx of energy.

After stress, grief, feelings of guilt, abrasions, bruises, scars in one or another phase of scarring remain on our energy body. They represent either deformations of the aura ("evil eye", "damage"), or bindings and ligaments.

Bindings and ligaments are energy threads through which there is an outflow or inflow of energy. They come out of the chakras and connect us with people, with whom these attachments and ligaments were formed. The bindings work for a long time - from several months to several years, and are very unfavorable for the person they enter. However, the person who made this connection to you spoils Karma for himself, and justice in the world will sooner or later be restored.

Ligaments differ from bindings by a time interval: if the bindings can be valid for years, then the ligaments last, at most, 5-7 days. The methods of energy protection presented here are nothing more than work to release from attachments and bonds.

Broken bindings are almost always painful.

I also want to warn you that the person with whom the attachment breaks always feels it. Most of the time, especially if you disconnect from a person with whom you have had a long and close relationship, separation is distressing, as you both will want to reconnect. Moreover, both he and you will subconsciously look for an excuse, opportunities, explain to yourself the need for a call, letter, news, etc., so that only the connection is restored. This connection, although painful, is familiar, and it is very, very difficult to abandon and break the habit.

In addition to emotional experiences, after a break, a feeling of emptiness or separation from the outside world, slight sore or wandering pains in the body may occur. Be prepared for these sensations and do not be intimidated by them, after a couple of days (and possibly hours) they will disappear and never return.

How to understand whether the energy connection with the offender is broken or not.

You will learn from your own feelings about whether the energy connection between you and the offender is broken. If the abuser seems so distant and uninvolved in your life that it is even difficult for you to imagine his image in your imagination, then the connection is broken.

If the binding is not removed.

If after the procedure done, the binding did not go away, then you really have no desire to get rid of it. Perhaps you are receiving energy through it. In this case, the binding should be left for now. After all, even if you manage to remove it, it will soon return to its place.

Removal Techniques Help Victims
"Unhappy" love.

The techniques that I suggest for removing bindings are also great for victims of love failures. Having severed the connection at the energetic level with a loved one who has left or betrayed you, you will instantly free yourself from suffering and will be able to quickly find a new partner for yourself. Don't put love failure at the center of your life. "Misfortune stems from wrong calculations," said Bertoldt Brecht, and he knew what he was saying. You have realized your mistakes and do not repeat them again. So train yourself to think that your tragedy is just a shot of a vaccine, a shot that will protect you from future failures. Fight for your happiness! After all, it will not fall from the sky, everyone carries it within themselves. The main thing is to discern, grow this fastidious tree, and it will bear rich fruits!

The meaning of the bindings in each of the chakras.

The presence or absence of attachments in the chakras can be judged by the psychophysiological manifestations.

Snap in FIRST chakra means that the energy concentrated in it and intended for the whole life is spent not only on yourself, but also on someone else, and most often involuntarily. Of course, a person can consciously help another with the energy of this chakra, for example, a mother - a son who is at war in Chechnya, a sister - a sick brother, a husband - to contain an explosive situation in the family, but then this attachment is temporary. In the case of constant binding, a consumer, a dependent, an energetic "vampire" is born.

Snap in SECONDchakra speaks of sexual concern or envy of someone, suspicion, excessive pity, love of gossip.

Snap in THIRDchakra manifests itself as a constant feeling of fear, cruelty, deceit, jealousy and neuroses.

Snap in FOURTH chakra means a strong attachment to the object of love, speaks of an exaggerated sense of duty and excessive worries for other people. The expression "the soul hurts" perfectly characterizes this situation.

Snap in FIFTH chakra is a strong desire to speak out. As a rule, it goes to the second chakra of a person who will listen to you with sympathy.

Snap in SIXTH chakra means you are too influenced by others. You are not able to make decisions on your own, you are constantly preoccupied with something, you are in eternal meditation and you cannot get away from them in any way.

Snap in SEVENTH chakra is the most dangerous. It serves as a sign that either someone is controlling you against your will, or you yourself strive to control someone and force others to follow your instructions. Some sect leaders who call themselves Teachers or gurus specially make bindings on the seventh chakra to their disciples and followers in order to make
the process of introducing his thoughts to him in a controlled and effective manner ("zombie"). The unfortunate outcome of the binding is serious mental illness.

Chakras Handcontain the energy of creation, and hand binding means constraint in creative self-expression. A person who has bindings in these chakras is often referred to as “his hands are growing out of the wrong place”.

Chakras FOOT responsible for communication with the physical plane, so the binding breaks contact with the earth. As a result, there is a feeling of detachment from reality, self-doubt, a state of "suspension".

How to detect and eliminate ligaments
and bindings.

Retire to a quiet room. Close your eyes. Ground yourself. Focus your attention on the first chakra, feel it and try to mentally open it as a flower bud opens. If there is an attachment, the chakra will not open well or will not close. You can also see the binding in your mind's eye in the form of a muddy movement from the outside, "rope", "rope", "debris" in the chakra.
Cleanse the chakra with light, or imagine how your hands enter the aura, into the chakra and extract everything that is unnecessary from there. The bindings can be large, thin, thick, hard, prickly. Most importantly, don't worry, work calmly. Mentally send the binding back to where it came from. Perhaps an image of the person to whom this attachment belongs will even arise in your mind. This person can be a close friend or colleague, dead or alive. Take a closer look at him and, if possible, without emotion. If by binding you have caught a mental image of not one person, but, say, two, therefore, you are working with two chakras (in turn). When you feel that the attachment is gone, start working with the second chakra, then with the third, etc. Do not forget about the chakras of the arms and legs.
When you have removed the bindings from all the chakras, create a mental image of a waterfall washing away excess energy. It flows into the seventh chakra and goes down to the first. Run the flow through the chakras of the arms and legs, then send it along the grounding rod to the center of the earth for neutralization. After that, imagine a golden stream of the sun, warm and gentle, washing you from the seventh to the first chakra. Fix the sun color on the aura and mentally give it an egg-shaped shape. After removing the binding, you should do some exercises for the abdominal muscles or have a cup of herbal tea.

"Relations attic"

The technique allows you to cut off unnecessary energy-information channels connecting us with unpleasant people or circumstances.

Let go of all your thoughts, emotions. Imagine that they are just a stream of energy that exists independently of you and flows freely through you. Breathe deeply and calmly with your belly. Sit like this for 7-9 minutes.
Imagine that your head is a room filled with different things, each of which is associated with some disturbing, unpleasant event or person. For example: wardrobe - work, chair - boss, bed - wife, sofa - father, etc. Take turns taking objects out of the room.
Then mentally pull yourself out of the room, say, behind your ear, and close the door behind you. The head room must remain completely empty. It should not contain any objects or thoughts associated with them. From time to time, look into the room through an imaginary window or through a door slot and throw objects of thought that appear there.
Remember: you are a passive observer who watches from the side what is happening in your head, does not interfere with anything and does not evaluate anything. Stay in the observer state for 15-20 minutes.
At the end of the exercise, it is necessary to pronounce a text approximately of the following content: “Now it will always be so. I am free from unnecessary bindings. I am free! I am who I am!"

Annealing the bindings

A very effective folk method of freeing yourself from attachments. In most cases, a one-time annealing is sufficient, but if you want to play it safe, you can perform the procedure daily for a week.

Buy a candle from the church, preferably wax and red. Stand up straight with your shoulders squared. Holding a lighted candle in your hand (it does not matter whether in the left or in the right), position it so that the flame is at the level of the pubis. Slowly slowly move the candle up the midline of the body (if you want to move your hand a little to the side, then take it). In those places where the flame will crackle or where you feel that the hand is moving hard, "hangs", hold it longer. At the same time, call up in your mind's eye the image of the offender or a loved one who has left you and say: “I am getting rid of attachment to you, I want to be free (noah) from you.
Forgive and let go! " When the candle flame is at the level of the crown, the annealing is over.
The exercise can be carried out both in the dark and in the light.

The effect of the technique is greatly enhanced if instead of a candle you take dry juniper wood and perform the procedure described above for 7-9 minutes. The only difference is that the juniper “works” not only when it burns, but also when it simply smolders - when there is a glowing light and fragrant smoke at the end of the stick.

Burning the binding

This procedure quickly and efficiently frees you from attachment to the offender or to a person you love, but who does not love you. Only one person can be unlinked in one session. To avoid a fire, the procedure is best done in the bathroom.

Make yourself comfortable in the bathroom or place a basin of water next to it. Light a candle. Sit down with a pencil in your hand, place a blank white sheet of paper in front of you, and think of the person you would like to disconnect from. Listen to your feelings: where is this binding located on the sheet?
Draw it there in the form of a point, a circle or any other shape that, as you think, most clearly reflects this anchor. Have you painted? Now set fire to the paper in this place so that the binding you drew burns out. Throw burning paper into a bowl of water. Dry juniper wood can be used instead of a candle. If, after a while, it seemed to you that there was still a connection between you and the abuser, repeat the procedure.

As a rule, a single incineration is sufficient. However, in a "particularly neglected" case, if a ritual
"Love spell", no matter what - "black", "rustic", "sinless", it is necessary to apply 5-6 methods consistently and seek help from a competent specialist.

Blocking the energy channel
connections with the offender

When people communicate, an energetic communication channel necessarily appears between them. If, after contact with an unpleasant person or offender, this channel is blocked, then there will be no heavy residue from the conversation in the soul.

Close your eyes and imagine a channel of communication with a person in the form of two tubes, through one of which the energy goes from the person to you, and through the other - to him from you. Now imagine scissors and cut both channels with them. Close two ends of the tubes on yourself, and give the other two to the person. The procedure can be done with real scissors in hand.

"Airing the heart": medicine
from unhappy love

This procedure is good as a remedy for "unhappy" love and dark, heavy thoughts. Performed in the evening, 1-2 times a week.

Sit by the window, relax, disperse your thoughts. Concentrate on the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart. Imagine that you have a hole in your chest, and you feel a dull pain in this place and a burning sensation inside.
Inhale, and as you exhale, try to imagine that the air comes out through this hole, and something dark, like smoke, comes out of it. With each exhalation, the dark becomes less, the pain in the chest subsides and there is a feeling of a pleasant chill. When you feel a “draft in your chest,” it means that all the bad feelings that poison your heart are gone. Look out the window at the dark sky, at the lights of the windows and you will feel your involvement in all living things, so bright, bringing joy and tranquility.
During this exercise, you can light incense sticks, candles, and turn on quiet pleasant music.

A person's energy cannot be measured by joules, but each of us perfectly feels its level - his own clearly and physically, of other people - no less accurately, but subconsciously.

Although, what can I say, the phrase: "one's own energy" or "someone else's" is a very conditional concept, because energy is eternal, "not privatized" by anyone and is very mobile. Today you are weak and weak, and tomorrow you are full of strength and creative ideas - everything is changeable and impermanent. This is such a cycle of energy in this world.

What can I say - the more inner strength, the better. Everyone wants to be healthy, strong and energetic.

You can increase your energy, but you can also lose it. But who are the most powerful absorbers of a person's inner strength is the topic of today's post.


A high level of human energy means health, confidence and financial well-being. Such a person can be seen from afar - he is physically healthy, he has a clear head, lively and strong eyes, such a person has confidence in every movement of the body.

No, strong energy is not equal to "a good person" or "a rich person", but strong energy means more opportunities (physical, sensory, intuitive), it is a better quality of life.

A person with a weak energy is the exact opposite of a person with a strong energy.
Apathy, being told by others and infirmity always accompany such a person, regardless of the season.

When a person does not have enough vital energy, he intuitively tries to replenish its life supply. If it is not possible to replenish its level in a natural way, then a person can take the path of energy vampirism, alcoholism and even drug addiction.

Oddly enough, but people with weak energy are more susceptible to attacks from energy vampires, more susceptible to suicide and aggression from other people.

Chronically weak energy of a person is an indicator that a person:

  • departed from God;
  • a person is outside the moment “here and now” (which means that he lives through the prism of his ego);
  • may have broken away from their roots;
  • maybe he has a wrong lifestyle;
  • possible physical illness, including hereditary;
  • possible (including yourself) or damage;
  • the so-called “passions” “live” in it, which is what we will talk about now.


Weak energy always "tells" a person that he is doing something wrong. All life and power are from God, which means, first of all, weak energy indicates to a person that he has moved away from the source of power - from God.

The most destructive for a person are passions: gluttony, fornication, love of money, anger, sadness, despondency, vanity, pride ... ...

But not only that, each of the passions is also very energy-consuming.
The most powerful energy absorbers are: anger, sadness, depression, anger, as well as excessive pride in all its manifestations.

Anger and anger (thirst for revenge, rancor, irritability and irascibility ...) - strongly plant the battery

A person who does not know how to forgive first of all suffers himself. All of the above passions are different passions, but they have a lot in common.

Do you feel that your "energy is melting" right before your eyes?

For example, any of these sins can lead to an even greater sin - murder, and they are also the most energetically expensive passions.

Anger and anger force a person to intensively generate violent emotions (and therefore give up psychic energy), deprive him of his reason and "incinerate" the person's energy.

Being angry, a person throws out, together with his rage, his psychic energy on another. Who wins in this case? Only the corresponding demon that he fed. An angry person greatly loses his strength, sins and possibly breaks through the energy of the ill-wisher, which will then return to him a hundredfold (the evil done by the person returns to him or to the children). In addition, if you do not get rid of their manifestations in time, a person will inevitably lose health.

Sadness, despondency, envy - aches in the heart and takes vitality

These are also mortal sins, but their manifestation is somewhat different. If we draw an analogy with physical illness: anger is epilepsy or a seizure, then despondency, sadness or envy is aching pain in the region of the heart.

Despondency is a sign that you do not believe in the power of God, that is, you subconsciously say to yourself: “This is all hopeless, no one will help me, I reject any help. Everything depends only on me, and I can't do anything about it. " It turns out that you closed yourself off from everything, look for strength in yourself, but it is not there.

"So, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of its own: there is enough for every day of its own concern"

Indeed, it is enough to "spit" on your problems and they will be solved by themselves.

Despondency, envy and sadness are not only "poisonous", but also actively take away vital energy from a person. In a state of despondency or sadness, a person's strength simply melts before our eyes. Prolonged depression or sadness is a frequent companion of such a terrible disease as cancer.

Pride leads away from true strength, replacing it with imaginary confidence

In short, pride is a feeling of one's own infallibility and one's superiority over others. “Pride is the mother of all vices”, “pride is the seed of Satan” - this is how this passion is denounced in Christianity.

Pride fills the whole person, such people do not hear or see anything, and their mind is clouded. A man with pride is a despot, tormentor and narcissist. Pride never “walks alone,” and its frequent companions are envy, anger, avarice, fornication, and gluttony.

A person with pride "sticks out" his "I", seeks strength in himself, not realizing that life force is only from God and can only be acquired by humility towards Him.

It turns out that pride leads a person away from the source of strength, exaggerates the sense of his own superiority, gives rise to many sins and physical illnesses.

Pride is also dangerous because it is noticeably energy-consuming, although it gives a person a feeling of a certain euphoria. Pride is the shortest path to loneliness and illness.


Gluttony is the victory of the body over the spirit. Man is made in such a way that the spirit is the master and the physical body is the servant. But it also happens that a servant treated kindly by his master wants to subjugate his master, then the carnal triumphs over the spiritual.

Gluttony dulls a person, makes him sick and lazy. Alcoholism is a type of gluttony. A person cuts himself off from real strength, replenishing his meager energy supply through only the digestion of food.

Desiring short pleasure without thinking about the consequences is the life of a person driven by gluttony. Such a person eventually becomes like an unreasonable animal, becomes apathetic, stupid, physically and spiritually sick subhuman.


One should not think that only spiritual illnesses (passions) take away strength from a person, physical illnesses do this no less. And in this case, in addition to treatment, the mood for recovery is also important.

Lack of sleep, especially chronic sleep, greatly affects a person's energy level. I did not sleep - everything falls out of hand. The way a person is made is that he needs sleep. During sleep, the body rests, information is processed by the brain, and energy replenishes its supply. Getting enough sleep is especially important for those who do not live in the moment “here and now”.

Living a “fake” moment is the most energetically expensive option for life. Billions of thoughts chaotically and every day sweep through his head, such a person always faces the torment of choice, in such a rhythm a person rushes between the past and the future - all this "fuss" consumes the lion's share of a person's energy. To be in a “fake moment” means to be a “battery” for internal and external demons, to be a feeder for energy vampires and energy egregors. Oddly enough, but almost all of us, most of our lives live this way. There is reason to think, gentlemen.

If a person is not enough in the fresh air, has moved away from Mother Nature, then he does not receive energy in full. Active movement, especially in open areas (for example, in a field) is one of the options for saturation with energy.


Energy is a fluid and mobile “thing”. A person can replenish his inner energy supply and the main source of strength is God.

If a person spends more strength than he replenishes, then he becomes energetically weak and can become an energy vampire.

A person is a rational and spiritual entity, which means that any person can always take the "right path" and become an energetically strong and spiritually developed personality.
But, about this in the following materials of the heading ““.

Recently I was approached by a young man who is dating a girl and is thinking of deciding. Ie legalize your relationship with her.

The question was: is it worth it or not to get married now or wait?

Suddenly, huh? You can say: if you want - get married, but if you have doubts, then maybe you shouldn't?

But we went the other way: we looked at him and her matrix.

The result was announced: take your time.

According to her matrix, she turned out to be much lower in energy than him and a hidden despot, that is, simply simply an energy vampire.

Will throw up scandals, tantrums are possible from scratch. Then, he will quickly calm down and say: are you still angry? That is, he will quickly forget his claims, although in a quarrel he will remember what happened before our era and that you are to blame for the fact that the Earth is spinning in the wrong direction.

I, of course, exaggerate, but often a vampire manifests itself in this way: he needs to take a certain part of the energy from you in order to nourish himself, and when the energy becomes enough, then peace comes in his body (read - in the brain). And the person from whom this energy came becomes irritable, lethargic, exhausted.

How to identify a vampire and how to protect yourself?

  1. If a person is unpleasant to you, causes you rejection, you should not get along with him. You run into him at work - stay away from him and do not take his statements in your direction as the last truth. When talking to him, cross your arms over your chest - close. You can put a cookie in your pocket or behind your back. Your brain will hold onto what you MUST do and the words of the vampire will not be as dangerous to you.
  2. Don't be a vest either at work or at home, as vampires often wind up side by side. We bring them into the house ourselves. And to work with a vest means to collect all the negativity that a person will dump on you. You will get sick, and the freed person will feel much better and, next time, will look for you exactly to reset the negative.
  3. Does your neighbor with her problems constantly come running to you and cry? Put the scissors point first from the door under the rug, floorboard, porch and she will forget the way to your house.
  4. Vampires love emotional people. You, splashing your emotions, provide food to those who wish to profit from your energy.
  5. They do not stick to dull, whining, emotionally weak people: there is nothing to profit from.
  6. Do not lisp with vampire children, do not follow their lead. Otherwise, you will get it when they grow up: who does not have a drink of blood, if not your beloved parents.
  7. Don't mess with who you think is a vampire: the disease is contagious. Experiencing a constant breakdown, you yourself will look for someone with whom you can feed energy. The body will accept this as the norm and you will gradually become a vampire.

If everything is clear, take care of yourself.

  • It seems to us all the time that vampires are some other people, acquaintances, relatives, employees. And of course we are not, we are good and kind. And all of us just want to drink.
    Let's deal with the basics of energy, otherwise I'm afraid that you and I will slip into thinking from superiority, which only leads to problems and degradation.

    Who are energy vampires?

    Vampires are people with a low amount of personal energy due to the presence of destructive internal programs that just do not allow them to accumulate their own energy.
    They feed on a certain energy, mostly negative. They provoke others to show emotions that contribute to the release of a certain energy. Taking this energy, they feel good and satisfied.

    How do we take energy.
    So, the first postulate is new for many.
    You can only vampire and drink energy from someone who himself periodically vampires. In the event that a person is not a vampire in himself and lives a self-sufficient life, does not depend on anyone emotionally and retains an inner core, then it is impossible to take his energy. No way. In the event that you are "drunk", it means that you periodically "drink" someone.

    How do we take energy?
    The most common way for a vampire to "Eat" is to provoke someone to negative emotions, for this you can talk about the crisis, about the difficult situation in the country, you can tell your friend that she has recovered and looks bad, that her man behaves badly and unworthily, you can load a person with negativity, whatever you want, if only he felt bad, sad, hard. This is the first level, one might say, the first easy dish.
    The second level - you need to bring a person to strong emotions, to fear, tears, anger, rage, breakdown, psychosis and wild aggression. After that, say in a low voice: "Why are you so nervous? Consider that this is the second, already quite a decent dish with a side dish."
    There are vampires who live on the energy of provocations and contradictions, they like to drive a wedge between loved ones, because there is a lot of energy, there is something to profit from. And here intrigues, dirty gossip, hints are good. There are women who like to break up families, I have consulted them several times.
    This is happening unconsciously. As soon as she takes the man out of the family, creating there a lot of heavy emotions, scandals, pain, the man ceases to be interesting to her and she realizes that "this is not mine", after which she lives on this negative for some time, and then starts up again looking for a victim.
    Typical vampirism is "Sports Interest". A woman or a man achieves attention and strong emotions from the opposite sex, and then leaves. Naturally, after that, their ex-partners feed them for a long time with their pain, attention, suffering, worries and bitterness. Here there are more than enough emotions, "eat, I don't want".
    Provocative appearance or behavior when the vampire behaves defiantly or looks in such a way that it causes a lot of emotions in others This is a vampire - a narcissist who takes energy from his appearance and behavior, for example, bright clothes, chains, excessive makeup, slang, obscenities, loud laughter, a look from under his brows, or fashionable pretentiousness. I have met such women, and in reality they were quite adequate people with worthy professions, with families, but at the same time they nourished themselves at the expense of the attention of others, dressing brightly and even somewhat vulgarly.
    Feelings of self-pity and provoking feelings of self-pity are also nourishment, such people usually complain about life, dramatize, try to present everything in the tones of suffering and pain. If you begin to feel sorry for them, then consider that you are giving your energy. People can be sympathetic and empathic, but pity is dangerous, because in this way we feed their weakness, not their strength.
    Guilt. Well, here we are all masters. Making a person feel guilty means creating an energy bridge through which he will feed you with his energy.
    Lifeguard syndrome, oddly enough, is also a way to feed, although it looks very noble. Such people always strive to help someone, they themselves go with a bunch of injuries, resentments, but lectures and trainings are first of all distributed to girlfriends, they give books to everyone, they try to tell everyone how to live. Only in the event that one of their victims nevertheless decides to change and begins to develop, then a part of the realized energy falls to the rescuer.
    The role of the rescuer is also a kind of energetic vampirism, because saving a person, we are given a huge amount of energy, and many are so addicted to it that their whole life turns into the implantation of good in the worst sense.
    Vampires are not always conscious of their behavior, and many manipulations are carried out unconsciously, they do not think: "Now I will bring wave to tears and I will feel good! Thoughts are completely different:" I must tell Masha the truth about how she recovered! Do you understand?

    Why are we vampiric?
    Very often we begin to take energy from other people and choose this path of existence, because we ourselves have powerful energy holes where our own vital energy merges safely.
    There are many funnels where our energy goes, and all of them are destructive: a life in stress, a habit of condemnation, categoricalness, empty talk about nothing, excessive haste, excitement, life in the past, life in the future, an attempt to adapt to everyone and be good - all this takes energy from the present, and we are forced to either run to trainings, where we will be given energy doping, or suck energy out of people.

    How do I know I'm a vampire?
    The main understanding of their vampirism is the feeling of emotional dependence on people or events.
    When you start to feel withdrawn without having certain emotions in your life.
    For example, when you feel empty, you really want to call your friend and tell her how bad you are, or if you feel a lack of energy and think: "I haven't had a relationship for a long time, I need a man."
    Or you do not have enough vitality, and you start to provoke scandals from scratch, dissolving your loved ones on strong emotions.
    Or you feel an overwhelming urge to tell someone the "Truth."
    When it seems fair and important to you to discuss someone, give a negative assessment of his activities.
    After terrible scandals, the vampire feels great, it does not exhaust him at all, moreover, on the contrary, he cheers up and begins to help everyone.
    Your vampirism can be traced by some examples, for example, when you say "Some Important Truth" about someone, and your opponent says: "Let's not discuss this. I think this is not worthy! The vampire will be offended, he will not himself, it will be bad and hard for him, because he was not allowed to fill with negativity.
    Thus, if you are telling something heavy and burning, and the interlocutor does not react with strong emotions. This infuriates the vampires, because again their manipulation has failed. Moreover, this irritation pops up unconsciously, and the vampire himself may not understand that he is so angry.
    Why give up the role of a vampire?
    The path of the vampire is the path of dependence and escape from inner freedom, it is a constantly growing hole inside, for the satisfaction of which more and more victims, people, scandals are needed. This is a person shackled by emotional dependence, in addition to this, vampires rarely thrive, and even if this happens to them, they live in eternal fear, because they do not have the inner resources to create abundance and prosperity.
    Being a vampire means giving up on developing yourself as a healthy, whole person. But we are all here for this!
    Pay attention to your focus in life.
    Vampires always feed their donors, so they love to be outside with their minds, they like to think and analyze, discuss the lives of other people, they keep an eye on who is going on. The attention of a self-sufficient person is mostly in himself, in his desires, in his goals and intentions, and only a small part of the attention goes outside to the implementation of his ideas and building relationships with people.
    In the event that you found yourself in any of these points and you had the courage to admit destructive programs in yourself, then this in itself is already an important awareness that will help you get rid of these negative programs.
    And then look at your life and find those holes through which you lose your own strength.
    And give them up consciously, give up condemnation, empty talk, categoricalness, constant excitement and haste.
    Forgive your past and let it go. And let go of the people who destroy you….
    Over time, your integrity will be restored, and you will see that you are no longer interested in being a vampire, your focus of attention will be positive and abundant. And along with your inner integrity, your desires and new good people will knock on your life! Julia Sudakova.

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    If you want to take energy from a person, you must imagine how thin black threads are stretched from your palms to him, with the help of which the person's energy migrates to you. It is also important to present the result you want to achieve. Feel the strength coming to you and imagine how little your opponent is getting.

    If you want to fill a person with energy, then you should imagine not black, but white threads. Also in this way you can relieve, for example, a headache. To do this, you just need to move your palms over the surface of the head, without touching it, while presenting outgoing white threads that take away pain. After such sessions, be sure to rinse your hands with cold water.

    There is one more method of energetic influence on a person. This requires eye contact. When talking, you need to look at the person's face, imagining a triangle on his face that passes between the eyebrows and closes at the chin. Concentrate on this figure and mentally send the person what you want.

    It is important that the ability to manage your energy was used for your own good, but at the same time did not harm the people around you. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    How to stop giving energy to your ex

    You can make a rite by which you can remove the connection with ex-men, which means that you can stop giving them what should rightfully belong to only one - your beloved. The rite takes only a few minutes. It only takes time and care, but the result will be visible immediately. How?

    Yes, men just feel when they lose their nourishment. On the same evening or in the near future, your ex may start calling you. Someone will call you on a date, someone will write that they cannot forget you.

    Of course, you shouldn't meet with them, but it will give a sign that the method works. And after a couple of weeks, the ceremony should be repeated so that there is no situation that someone has not disconnected.

    How to “let go” of former partners?

    The ceremony is easy, you just need to be alone with yourself and spend some time pronouncing certain words. This ritual does not apply to magic or religion, but is a psychological technique that allows you to "remove" all unnecessary attachments.

    You can also read about this in one of the books by Larisa Renard dedicated to female practices. Stand in front of the window. If possible, light a candle. It's a way to tune in to the process. And in silence, start imagining your men in turn. Each needs to sincerely say certain words:

    “I thank you for being in my life. I am glad that we once met. I forgive you all the insults that were between us. I let you go. I loved you as best I could. I wish you happiness".

    At this time, you need to imagine that a transparent flagellum connects you in the lower abdomen. It is attached just below the navel at one and the other. You need to say words and with your hands as if to cut this rope. Direct your piece to yourself, and him to him. And then imagine how the man turns around and leaves.

    You need to do a similar manipulation with each partner. This is a way to "stop feeding" all the exes. But be prepared that some, and possibly all of your exes will try to seek a meeting with you.

    As the developer of this method assures, the ceremony is absolutely safe. It can be carried out several times if you think it is necessary. It also helps when you cannot forget a person. And this does not require any magical rites or appeals to psychics.

    But there is one BUT: you need to say the words sincerely. Forgiveness and gratitude are great strengths, but they must come from the heart. If you cannot say this from a pure heart, the insult remains in your heart, just repeat this process several times.

    A woman is a source of valuable energy for a man. It depends on the companion whether her husband is a millionaire or a janitor. The more female energy, the richer the family and the more productive the man. And although every woman comes with her own potential, reserves can always be increased, which means that you can get a lot more in marriage.

    To begin with, it should be noted that the best option, which with one hundred percent probability will protect your energy supply from the fence, is the normalization of the operation of all energy centers. The same rule works here as with physical health - not the one who avoids diseases is sick, but the one who has good immunity.

    It is a stable biofield that acts as immunity at the energy level.

    Currently, there are many techniques that allow you to quickly and efficiently cleanse all chakras, normalize their work and even open the slammed ones.

    Cosmoenergy, as well as classical yoga, copes most successfully with the task of not giving energy to people by restoring the biofield. In the first case, there is an effect on the human energy body with the help of special energy-informational cosmic flows, which, in addition to a number of useful functions, also have a healing effect.

    When we talk about classical yoga, we first of all mean the technique of meditation. Correct work in this direction allows not only to qualitatively influence all chakras, but also to stabilize the circulation of energy flows within the body. Also, this method is very convenient for use as a fast and extremely mobile bioenergy recharge.

    Mental protective barrier

    Quite often, the unfortunate relatives of the energy vampire wonder how to stop a person from feeding on my energy. In this case, the installation of a mental protective barrier helps a lot. What is it?

    Imagine that an invisible wall appears between you and the vampire, through which he is not able to either pass or suck energy. Of course, this is a very rough formulation and this barrier is, in fact, another layer of your cocoon, only it was created artificially. By the way, visualization of the process of the appearance of the wall has a very good effect on the protective functions of the energy barrier, since mental confidence makes it much stronger.

    In order to form this type of protection, you must first of all achieve harmony and balance within yourself. Try to distance yourself from the reality around you, feel how cozy and warm it is to be inside your bioenergetic cocoon. Inside it, no one can touch you or in any way hurt you.

    As soon as you clearly understand this and literally feel it, a barrier will be built. It is necessary to ensure that it is displayed automatically already on a subconscious level, and this is achieved as a result of constant developments and practices.

    The result of such work will be a very powerful defense, which almost immediately makes it clear to any energy vampire that he has nothing to do here.


    Another way how not to give your energy to another person is to read prayers. The fact is that the higher forces have an extremely powerful protective function, they do an excellent job of protecting the energy body from any negative.

    In the event that the reading of the prayer is also accompanied by great faith, then the previous method is also connected here - building a barrier. It turns out a kind of double defense, inside which there is a third line of defense - your personal cocoon, which also receives reinforcement.

    This layering allows you to resist not only energy vampires, but also the effects of dark energies. It is for this reason that prayers are one of the most universal and effective methods, and absolutely all people can use this tool, regardless of religion and confession. The main condition is that you need to sincerely believe in what you are asking about. Only in this case you will get a really strong protective effect.

    How not to give energy to a man. How is the exchange of energy between a man and a woman?

    A man and a woman exchange energy even when their relationship is platonic and there is no physical intimacy between them. Feminine energy nourishes a man, inspires him, inspires and makes him courageous, strong, courageous. And the male energy relaxes a woman, calms, pacifies. How does such an exchange of energy between a man and a woman take place in life?

    A woman transfers her energy to a man when she cares about him, when she thinks about him, believes in him. Of course, if a man and a woman make love, then a channel is created between them through which energy flows from the woman to the man. This is the strongest and most reliable way to dissolve in it, to surrender not only the body, but also the soul. But even without physical intimacy, a woman feeds a man. She cooked dinner for him, gave some of her power to him. Got a massage - nourished him. I ironed the clothes - I put my energy through them.

    How does a man return a "favor" to a woman? Through your help, protection, love. When he admires her beauty, he energizes her. When he says he loves her, she feels elated. When he gives her time, attention, signs of attention, the woman becomes happy. This is how mutually a man and a woman support each other, giving part of themselves.

    But it happens that a woman gives her strength to a man, and a man does not give her anything in return. And, unfortunately, this happens all the time. Then the woman very soon feels unhappy, tired, exhausted. She may have a blues, apathy, depression. In what cases does a woman receive nothing from a man in return?

    • If she gives herself to a man when he does not yet have strong feelings. Then he loses interest in their relationship, disappears, shows indifference, turns on ignore. Accordingly, the woman continues to feed the man with her energy through the channel that was formed during their proximity, but does not receive any return from him. Therefore, there is no need to rush to intimacy, delay this moment as far as possible, especially since it depends on the woman's behavior;
    • When a woman lives with a man in a civil marriage (cohabitates), and he does not want to take on any responsibility. She gives him her energy along with cooked food, cleaned apartment, washed clothes, and he, in turn, continues to live a carefree life. This situation is very exhausting and unhappy for women;
    • When a woman works and earns money on an equal basis with a man, and he does not want to help her around the house. In this case, there is a clear imbalance in the balance of energies;
    • When a woman continues to live with a man, if she finds out that he is cheating on her. It's one thing if she finds a reason in herself and changes herself, thereby changing the situation, and another thing if she just suffers, tormented by resentment and a sense of revenge. Very often, in such situations, women begin to get sick, as they do not have enough energy to heal both soul and body.

    It should also be said that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman also occurs when they are just friends and despite the fact that there is no sex between them, the Svadhisthana chakra is still activated, which is responsible for sexual pleasure and procreation. That is, they may not even think about flirting, and on a subtle level, sex is already happening between them. Which, by the way, proves once again that it does not exist.

    Therefore, think about whom you are giving your valuable feminine energy to? Does he give you this energy back? Not only your happiness depends on this, but also your health!

    Video how not to give energy to people

    Greetings, dear friends!

    This article from the series “help yourself - help someone else” is a summary of my personal experience that may be useful to someone.

    If you have situations when you cannot get rid of obsessive thoughts about a situation that you also cannot influence - in this article you will find several recommendations on how you can bring your emotions and mind to a more or less calm state. ... Otherwise, this endless thought mixer will become a bottomless pit that devours and takes away vital energy.

    One way to get the voices in your head to subside (at least for a short time) is to engage in some activity. These can be household chores, work issues, social projects, or issues that you have not been able to “cram” into your schedule for a long time.

    Make an action plan, write lists, prioritize, regulate the time to complete tasks. Try to fill your schedule optimally so that there are a minimum of “windows” in it, falling out into which you will again begin to worry and drive your thoughts “from empty to empty. Try experimenting with new apps, maybe starting a new diary or day planner, or simply redesigning the way you do things.

    Or maybe you have long wanted to read a pile of books that were put off, go through a training you bought a long time ago, or try a new recipe? Take your shoes for repair, or go with the children to an exhibition or a new film? Bring out your imperfections into the light of day and forward, to the closure of these tails! (By the way, this way you will kill two birds with one stone: stop the conveyor that generates disturbing thoughts in your head and close the holes of imperfections that also draw energy out of you.)

    A recommendation that has probably set your teeth on edge, and yet, in this case, it can become a lifesaver that will pull you out of the swamp of far-fetched fears. The advice from the first point may not help, and on the contrary, can throw you even more off balance if you cannot focus on what you are doing. If extraneous thoughts (not always positive) guerrillas will surround and take into the ring of the siege your common sense, taking your energy. So try to be in what you do. Here and now. Try to fully and completely immerse yourself in the process.

    Ask yourself test questions: "Where am I?", "What am I doing?", "Why am I doing this?" “Who am I now?”, “What am I feeling now?”. Bring yourself back to the moment. Don't let your thoughts float in the past or the future, worrying about “how it will end.” Practice mindfulness.

    I must say right away that this recommendation is not universal, it may not suit everyone. But this advice often appears in psychological training. Accept. Give place to what's going on in your life. Don't drive it away. Do not close your eyes. Do not try to replace beautiful dreams and fantasy may not be quite a beautiful reality in your current life. Indicate your reality.

    You can say it out loud, you can silently say this formula. For example. “I would like my son to be healthy. But he has been ill for 2 weeks, does not go to kindergarten, and we have to stay at home. It's hard. But it is so. This is my life now ”

    Let your life and the situations that happen in it be recognized.

    And you also need to be able to let go of the situation, treat it philosophically. If something is not happening in your life now, then it is not the time and place. This means that it is necessary for you. And this development of events is now the most favorable and beneficial for you. Or a consequence of the choices we made earlier.

    Once my coach said wonderful words when I was depressed, whether they would give me credit for important changes in my life. “What are you worried about,” she said. If this should happen, everything will be. "

    Of course, the principle “water does not flow under a lying stone” has not yet been canceled. In order not to be the person to whom the Lord sent 3 types of salvation into the flood, but he was still waiting and waiting to be saved in some other way, it is better to adhere to this postulate: “Do what you must, and come what may”.

    Recently I was approached by a young man who is dating a girl and is thinking of deciding. Ie legalize your relationship with her.

    The question was: is it worth it or not to get married now or wait?

    Suddenly, huh? You can say: if you want - get married, but if you have doubts, then maybe you shouldn't?

    But we went the other way: we looked at him and her matrix.

    The result was announced: take your time.

    According to her matrix, she turned out to be much lower in energy than him and a hidden despot, that is, simply simply an energy vampire.

    Will throw up scandals, tantrums are possible from scratch. Then, he will quickly calm down and say: are you still angry? That is, he will quickly forget his claims, although in a quarrel he will remember what happened before our era and that you are to blame for the fact that the Earth is spinning in the wrong direction.

    I, of course, exaggerate, but often a vampire manifests itself in this way: he needs to take a certain part of the energy from you in order to nourish himself, and when the energy becomes enough, then peace comes in his body (read - in the brain). And the person from whom this energy came becomes irritable, lethargic, exhausted.

    How to identify a vampire and how to protect yourself?

    1. If a person is unpleasant to you, causes you rejection, you should not get along with him. You run into him at work - stay away from him and do not take his statements in your direction as the last truth. When talking to him, cross your arms over your chest - close. You can put a cookie in your pocket or behind your back. Your brain will hold onto what you MUST do and the words of the vampire will not be as dangerous to you.
    2. Don't be a vest either at work or at home, as vampires often wind up side by side. We bring them into the house ourselves. And to work with a vest means to collect all the negativity that a person will dump on you. You will get sick, and the freed person will feel much better and, next time, will look for you exactly to reset the negative.
    3. Does your neighbor with her problems constantly come running to you and cry? Put the scissors point first from the door under the rug, floorboard, porch and she will forget the way to your house.
    4. Vampires love emotional people. You, splashing your emotions, provide food to those who wish to profit from your energy.
    5. They do not stick to dull, whining, emotionally weak people: there is nothing to profit from.
    6. Do not lisp with vampire children, do not follow their lead. Otherwise, you will get it when they grow up: who does not have a drink of blood, if not your beloved parents.
    7. Don't mess with what you think is a vampire: the disease is contagious. Experiencing a constant breakdown, you yourself will look for someone with whom you can feed energy. The body will accept this as the norm and you will gradually become a vampire.

    If everything is clear, take care of yourself.