How to make your relationship perfect. How to build an ideal relationship with a man. By the way, where are your wings

Glossy magazines are full of such funny questions. And the answers to them are also pleasing. The half-page article gives an exhaustive answer to a question that billions of people on the planet have not been able to solve for themselves for the second millennium.

What do they write in these super genius articles? Oh, everything is specific and to the point. The tips are like a reminder for a novice dog breeder. Say, you want a new fur coat, start being capricious. Better yet, wean you off the body. Your beloved will suffer, and then he will bring a fur coat in his teeth. True, the fact that a dog can put a trainer out the door is not written in glossy magazines.

This is reported in the yellow press. That such and such an owner of factories, newspapers, steamers, after a divorce, took away all property from his ex-wife, including clothes, and sent her without severance pay to her historical homeland in a village with a surprisingly elegant name, Fried Bugor.

No, you won't hear such advice from us. No advice at all. Because our country is now not Soviet, but completely different. We will think, think, maybe we will think of something.

So many books have been written on psychology, so many trainings have been conducted. There are many methods for optimal relationship building. There is, for example, Swiss technology for building interpersonal relationships. There is a system-vector psychology. There is ... Yes, you can't list everything.

The techniques are different, but all psychologists have in common. They unanimously argue that it is impossible to remake a person. With what dataset the baby was born, with this dataset he will go through life. Roughly speaking, no matter how you educate, no matter how you explain the need and benefit of the third hand, it still will not grow.

It is difficult to disagree with this. We all know about innate inclinations. One is capable of music, the other counts in his mind better than a calculator, the third runs the fastest. The task of those around them is to develop these inclinations and abilities. Give a musical child an instrument and a music teacher. Do not torture a young bookkeeper with music, all the same, a bear stepped on his ear, but to teach mathematics especially. Do not stop the runner, they say, sit still.

It turns out that the same thing happens in relationships. You fell in love with a person, so accept him completely, firmly understanding that all his dignities have a downside. However, like you, like all other people and phenomena.

Your beloved is always the first and best in everything. He is a leader and a big boss. Be ready to become subordinate and obey his orders, to achieve what you want not by demand, but by soft and cunning play. Don't you want to obey? Then look for a gentle and quivering young man who will be ready to fulfill your every desire. Only now you will feed and support the family, and not a gentle daffodil.

Conflicts among young couples often occur on the basis of an unjustified desire to change or even break a partner, remake him at will.

The young wife loves noisy companies, parties. She cannot live a day without going out into the world. And you can't pull your husband out of the house on the lasso. He would have to sit at the computer in peace and quiet.

But, well, they didn’t know it before? Before the wedding? Of course they didn't. They were in love then. She enjoyed being alone with him. Moreover, it was not often possible to retire. He accompanied her everywhere, because he saw and heard no one besides her. Love burned and burned. In this flame it is impossible to discern anything except the flame itself.

The heat of love subsided, and the differences became noticeable. Newlyweds are terribly frightened by these discoveries. It seems to them that love has passed, and nothing else will be good. And the first quarrels and mutual reproaches are terribly depressing.

It's all about the natural, physiological and mental characteristics of these people. They need to take each other's features for granted. She is not a frivolous, laughing talker. People of such a warehouse need communication like air. They cannot live without other people. And this is not a metaphor. The lack of communication affects their physical condition. They actually waste away alone, get sick, lose their vitality.

The husband is arranged differently. He physically needs silence and solitude. If you constantly surround him with a large number of people, he will become irritable, nervous. His health and balance is directly dependent on having a calm and secluded environment.

But the guys love each other, did they feel so good together? Why should they disperse now and look for a match for themselves? In no case. Such spouses complement each other very successfully. Their family can become quite harmonious and whole. It is only necessary to treat the needs of the partner with understanding.

The wife will try to fulfill her thirst for communication at work, and at home to restrain emotionality and the habit of chattering incessantly.

The husband will sometimes have to step on the throat of his own desires and take his girlfriend out into public places. Maybe not in a nightclub, where it is unbearably noisy for him, but in a theater, concert, cinema.

Probably, only in this way, albeit not the simplest and easiest, can you preserve your LOVE, and make your relationship really ideal.

Ideal relationship - the dream of every guy and girl, but not everyone knows how to build and create them in the real world. After all, in order to build a relationship, you need to find a suitable soul mate who will love you, and you will love her. In fact, most girls and guys have trouble building relationships as they cannot find their happiness and live their whole lives with him or her.

In this article, psychologists will help you understand how to build ideal relationships in real time, what needs to be done for this and how. After all, they appear only when love is created between a couple. Follow the advice, and maybe you will find your happiness in this life.

First, find the person with whom you want to build a relationship.

To begin with, in order for you to have an ideal relationship, you need to find the person you love, since it is impossible to create an ideal and good relationship without love. Trusting your feelings, not your emotions, will solve some of your relationship problems.

Take your time to build serious relationships, live together, and start a family until you get to know each other well enough. On average, 3 years are enough for a temporary attachment to go away. If after this period the feelings remain the same or have increased even more, then you can safely create a serious relationship and a family.

There must be common goals, views and interests

To create and, between a guy and a girl there should be not only feelings and love, but also common interests, goals and outlook on life. They must fill each other with something. Help each other, but not try to change or pressure. There should be ease in relationships and freedom, then you will definitely understand what you need for each other, simple meetings or serious relationships. Find out: as this is the result of not properly created relationships.

Keep on loving

Even if feelings gradually get worse and better, you need to continue to love if you want to be with this person together. Feelings in any case will gradually fade away, but you must always love one single person. If feelings begin to fade, do whatever is necessary to keep them alive. Do everything as you did before to love each other. Give gifts, attention, walk together, do common things, communicate.

Determine the benefit or love in your relationship .

It is advisable to build, to decide at the initial stage, they are created for profit or for love. As you know, girls are looking for rather rich guys and because of this, some problems appear in the future. It's not about wealth, as there are many families where a rich man lives with a woman for love, not for money. Decide what the girl needs a relationship or your money. It is advisable not to show how rich you are at the initial stage of the relationship. And it's better to create relationships while still being a simple person.

It all depends on the place where you met

The place where you meet plays a major role in building ideal relationships. For example, if in a club, then your relationship is unlikely to be serious, but not always. If you met by chance, then perhaps fate itself pushed you to find each other. Look for a girl or boyfriend where you like to be. This will allow you to find the person with whom you share common interests. For example, if you are an athlete and love to go to the pool or gym, you can find your girlfriend there and fall in love with each other. Common interests will allow you to maintain an ideal relationship for many years. The main thing is not to fool yourself and continue to be where you yourself like.

The main thing is not to rush

The mistake of many is that they are afraid that they will be left alone, so they rush, quickly get to know each other, get married and eventually get divorced from an unhappy relationship. Their mistake led them to even more waste of time. Why rush to start a family, if you can just chat, walk or live together, although 3 years, and then think about the family. Age doesn't decide anything yet. Someone is destined to find their fate early, someone is late, and those who go against fate end up where they started. There is no need to rush, but there is no need to close yourself off from acquaintances and communication.

Look for a girl or guy who is similar in character to you.

It is often said that opposites converge, but they also quickly and diverge, as quarrels and conflicts begin. It is not necessary to have the same characters, for an ideal relationship it is enough to have a common outlook on life. If a person has one point of view and is not going to ever change it, you do not need to put pressure on him, let him go, as you will constantly quarrel over disagreements.

Look for someone who is ready for a serious relationship.

It's really not that easy in the real world build perfect relationship, since most still want to take a walk, even at a considerable age. People who still like to walk in clubs, drink, will never be faithful with you. They will cheat and deceive. This does not mean that you need to look for the person who sits at home and does not go out. You just need to find a person where you yourself often go. Since, having created a relationship, you will walk together in these places, even in the same clubs. Cheating often occurs due to the fact that a guy or a girl has not played enough yet and wants to take a walk, even with a family and children. Find out: often, it just means being a man.

You yourself will be able to understand whether it is possible to build with a given person or not, if you just meet and be friends for several years. It is pointless to take risks and start a family with a little familiar person. Ideal relationship- this is a great desire of both parties, since if a guy or a girl does not want a relationship, you will not force her.

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How to find your other half? How to understand that this is exactly the person with whom you will go all the way through life, overcoming any obstacles? These questions torment every person in love. We all want to find the perfect life partner and are looking for recipe for a cloudless future with a loved one... And although there cannot be the only true scenario of personal happiness, there are certain criteria, the presence of which can guarantee a harmonious life together for a man and a woman.

Common interests and outlook on life
... Common hobbies play an important role in building relationships. It is unlikely that the union will last long, in which the husband will regularly go fishing, and the wife will devote all her free time to visiting beauty salons. Relationships in which a man and a woman can organize joint leisure will be stronger. Whatever it is: collecting stamps, climbing or growing cacti - definitely, common interests will bring lovers together and unite. This also includes political and religious views, attitude to global world problems, literary, cinematographic and musical preferences.

General plans for the future... An important point in the relationship between a man and a woman. If he is an inveterate bachelor and prefers a "guest marriage" without children, and she dreams of how to get him to marry, then such a couple is unlikely to have a cloudless future. Someone will be forced to sacrifice themselves and adjust to the other half - and this will inevitably lead to a crack in the relationship. This also includes plans for the birth of children (a stumbling block may be the unwillingness of a man to soon acquire offspring and the opposite desire of a woman to produce a bunch of cute kids), the acquisition of real estate (a standard problem here: he does not mind living in rented apartments all his life, she dreams of her own cozy "nest"), vacation (an example of "inconsistency": he is a workaholic, working three years in a row without days off, she also wants to travel the world), etc.

Temperament compatibility
... “We didn't get along in character,” is a standard phrase used when a relationship breaks up. However, it is not always a "excuse", having a completely rational basis. The union of two melancholic people will resemble a sticky chewing gum, and the coexistence of two choleric people will be accompanied by volcanic eruptions of emotions. Sanguine people get along most easily with other temperaments, the union of a choleric and a phlegmatic person is also ideal - the second will balance the excessive emotionality of the first with his calmness.

A full sex life
... Sex takes one of the main places in building an ideal relationship in a couple. Sex therapists and psychiatrists believe that good sex is the key to a strong and lasting union between a man and a woman. Sex will help smooth out conflicts, eliminate negative energy in the family, and will contribute to spiritual rapprochement. Well, everyone knows about the health benefits of sex for both men and women. Problems in sex life, even carefully hidden and suppressed, will sooner or later lead to a split in the relationship.

Mutual respect and understanding... It is very important to respect the person you love - and feel the same feeling in return. To see a person in a loved one, sincerely appreciate his human qualities, listen to his opinion and advice - as well as always be ready to give advice and help in solving any problems, be proud of your loved one and praise him, even for little things - this is the basis of mutual respect and mutual understanding in the family.

Material well-being
... The saying that it is wonderful to live in a hut with a darling is rather good in theory. It will not be bad at all if material goods are added to the community of interests, compatibility of characters and an ideal sex life. Again, it is also important here to have a common view on the issues of prosperity, because the concept of prosperity is different for everyone: it is enough for one to provide the basic needs of life, while the other wants to live in luxury. And, of course, a union is unlikely to be ideal in which a woman works for two, and a man sleeps on the couch, not finding a "decent job" for himself.

Without a doubt, there are no completely ideal couples in which a man and a woman fit each other in all the above parameters. However, it is worth striving to ensure that there are as many signs of a successful relationship as possible.

Trying to prepare a comic collection of tips for women from the series "How to make your husband an affectionate kitten", parodying similar articles from fashion magazines, we were faced with the fact that the selection turns out to be funny, but, for some reason, not comic. Here are some tips on how to build the perfect relationship with a man.

how to build an ideal relationship with a man, step 1: what not to do so as not to spoil a man.

Do not artificially create a hobby for yourself: do not force yourself to watch gangster action films and action games just because your superhero is watching them. Also, you do not need to watch sports news, read science fiction and releases about BMW in a new body - for men's conversations, a man still needs men, and having your own interests / hobbies will only fuel his interest in you.

How to build the perfect relationship with a man, step 2: feel like the mistress of the house.

Make it so that the TV remote sometimes turns out to be with you. You, too, have preferences in the world of television, and you may want to opt for a particular show. Do not react to statements that this program is nonsense. Calmly explain to the man that: a) you are a person; b) you also live in this apartment; c) you are interested in this show and d) you will not switch this channel until the show is over, even if the husband is pulling all the hair out of his head.

How to build the perfect relationship with a man, step 3: don't become a waitress housekeeper.

Do not free your man from loading / unloading the dishwasher, caring for a child, or doing other work at home. Is he already tired at work? Remember: no man will appreciate your efforts for the sake of his rest at home. Moreover, he will not even notice them. If you yourself tell him that you allow not to do the dishes and the child for the sake of his rest, he will only look at you in surprise with an incomprehensible look ...

How to build an ideal relationship with a man, the main rule:

The main rule of a smart wife: never create conditions for her husband to relax at home. A man is an ungrateful creature, from a kind and humane attitude he becomes spoiled and impudent.

How to build the perfect relationship with a man, step 4: be yourself.

Do not be always in shape and always ready for anything: go with him to a meeting with his friends, to a fitness club or to football. Remember, you are a man and your health is more important than running around with a man about his business. You can sometimes be sick, feel bad, you may have a headache, and, quite simply, today you can be irritated and angry with the whole world (who said that being out of sorts is only a masculine quality?). Take care of yourself and love yourself.

How to build an ideal relationship with a man, step 5: love and value yourself and the signs of attention to your person.

Don't let a man allow himself not to buy you gifts for the holidays. Like, the candy-bouquet period is over. Once it is over, it means that the joy at the meeting, and hugs, and kisses and everything else are over. The wife should psychologically keep at a distance the husband who has not bought the gift for some time, even after the purchase and delivery of the gift.

All of the above is so simple and so difficult at the same time. By following these simple recommendations, you do not run the risk of turning your husband into an ungrateful selfish and traitor over time.

The Complete Collection of Related Materials: How to Make the Perfect Relationship? from experts in their field.

They say that perfect relationships don't exist. However, nothing is impossible. He who seeks will always find. How can you make a relationship perfect, so that your friends are jealous and follow an example? What is the ideal union of two loving hearts based on?

Accepting a person for who they are

Many people in relationships make the mistake of trying to change their partner. This is the whole paradox, because you fell in love with a person as he was. But do not forget that you are not perfect either, will you be able to change at least yourself, not to mention the other person? By accepting people as they are, you realize that each of you has his own life, and each is free to decide what he should be and how to behave. No one owes nothing to nobody. They all have merits and demerits.


In a relationship, it is important to understand a loved one, you need to be able to stand in his place, passing his emotions through yourself. Until you learn this, there will be no peace and tranquility in your union for a long time. Even if you cannot accept his point of view, you should simply be aware of why your partner did this, and not otherwise. When you understand, they will understand you. All people are different. Try to keep this.


Recently, it has become the norm to raise your voice to a loved one, call him names, humiliate him, thereby showing disrespect for him as a person. Over time, negative emotions accumulate, and, as you yourself know, it is offensive words that are remembered in the first place, and not good ones. When a critical moment arises, when a person needs to make a choice, will he listen to the one who constantly trampled him in the mud with his words? There is no relationship without respect. Appreciate the person. Always thank your soul mate on time, apologize, praise, do not allow yourself to raise your voice, use obscene expressions and obscenities in your speech.


You must support your loved one at all costs. No matter how crazy his idea may seem to you, no matter how stupid his act may seem to you, if he believes in him, you should believe too. You must be the source of your partner's success. You must go hand in hand with him.


This is, first of all, respect for one's own choice. Decided to enter into a serious relationship, which means that you have realized all the responsibility. Why change after that? Here it is, your happiness! Problems need to be solved not by raising self-esteem in other people's beds, but in relationships. Sometimes, just talking is enough to change the situation. Cheating can ruin a relationship to the core by destroying it. Betrayal can be forgiven, but it's hard to live with it. Do you need this kind of relationship? Unlikely. Loyalty is valued most of all. Even if you are not perfect in a relationship, you cannot restrain emotions, you do not always understand your partner, but you are faithful, your loved one will certainly forgive you your mistakes for the fact that no matter what, you stay with him.