Is it possible for a warm heating pad for a baby after eating. The use of heating pads in children and adults. The danger of heating pads for newborns

A heating pad is a device that uses dry heat to act on areas of the body. Today, heating pads are not used as often as before, but they are still used, for example, to alleviate the condition of babies with colic.

What is the heating pad for?

Heating pads are designed to warm certain parts of the body, they are used to improve sleep, reduce pain during colic, and also for certain diseases. Infants have not yet fully developed the function of heat exchange, so they easily overheat and quickly freeze. In some cases, when the room where the baby is cold or when transporting a child in the cold season, a heating pad can be used to warm the baby. She is placed in the crib or stroller of a child who, warming up, feels better, falls asleep faster and sleeps longer.

Another reason to use a heating pad is intestinal colic, which most newborn babies suffer from. There are many ways to get rid of colic from special medications to heating pads on the tummy. Applying heat to a baby's stomach is a long-standing way to reduce the pain of colic. It can be used along with other methods of dealing with this problem.

Heating pads are also used for other diseases. They reduce pain and discomfort, relax the child, soothe him and help him fall asleep faster. However, they should be used only after consulting a doctor and, preferably, under his control, since in some pathologies a heating pad can aggravate the situation.

Can a breast warmer be used?

A heating pad for babies can be used to combat bloating and colic. In such cases, it is recommended to apply it to the baby's tummy. However, this method of dealing with abdominal pain does not always help. If colic does not decrease and the child does not calm down, you should definitely consult a doctor. In the absence of a heating pad, a regular diaper, well warmed up with an iron, can become a replacement for it.

How to use a colic heating pad?

Using a heating pad to get rid of colic, you can not get carried away with such treatment and you need to monitor the condition of the child. After all, pain in the tummy can be symptoms of serious pathologies. In such cases, thermal exposure, that is, the use of a heating pad, can worsen the condition of the baby, cause an exacerbation of the disease and activate inflammatory processes.

How long to keep?

If it is necessary to warm the baby, it is better to place a heating pad at his legs about 5-10 cm from them, so she can give off heat more evenly. To soothe colic in the tummy, a heating pad is placed near the child's tummy, be sure to place a diaper or a towel folded in several layers under it. The length of time the heating pad is left near the baby's body depends on the type of heating pad and the desired result. It can be from several minutes to several hours. In any case, during this time the child should not be left alone. Care must be taken to ensure that the baby does not overheat. If signs of overheating appear, the heating pad is immediately removed.

Heating pad temperature

The temperature of the heating pad should not be too high, so that redness or even burns do not occur. It is better if the heating pad is warm, but not hot. You can check the optimal temperature by applying it to your stomach. If an adult does not experience discomfort, but feels pleasant warmth, then a heating pad can be used for a child.

How often to use?

You can use a heating pad for colic as much as you need. But it should be remembered that for one application you should not leave it on the baby's body for more than 5-10 minutes. After that, the heating pad must be removed, and if necessary, repeat the procedure later.

The danger of heating pads for newborns

Exposure to dry heat has a positive effect on the baby's body, but there is also a danger of using heating pads for newborns. Contraindications for treatment in this way include:

  • tumor diseases;
  • damage and wounds on the skin;
  • inflammatory diseases of any etiology and nature;
  • ulcers, pustules and other rashes.

In addition, when using a heating pad to get rid of colic, it should be remembered that the causes of abdominal pain can lie in serious pathologies in which local exposure to heat is contraindicated.

Types of heating pads

Salt heating pad for babies

Salt, or chemical, heating pad for babies is considered one of the most useful and safe varieties. Such a heating pad is quite hot, but at the same time it does not burn, its heat is uniform and long-lasting.

This heating pad is a closed container made of special materials, inside which is a saline solution, usually sodium acetate. In order for the heating pad to heat up, you should press the button located inside. In this case, the salt solution, which is in a liquid state, crystallizes, quickly heating up. The temperature of the heating pad reaches approximately 50-55 degrees in 15 seconds.

The advantages of a salt heater include hypoallergenicity, safety, the ability to use the device repeatedly, the ability to easily process or boil it. Of the minuses, one can single out the rapid cooling of such a heating pad.


Water heaters are not so common today. They are a container made of rubber, into which hot water is poured and closed with a cork. When filling such a heater with water, you need to leave about a third of it free, and before screwing the lid, drive out all the air. This will allow you to better position the heating pad on the child's body. When using it, wrap it in a towel or diaper.

The advantages of such a device: its availability, ease of use, affordable price, ease of laundering. The disadvantages of a water heater are: insufficient control over the temperature of the heater, rapid cooling, fragility (rubber heaters often crack and tear), the possibility of burns when pouring water.

Microwave warmer toy for babies

Microwave heating pads are usually gel or fabric. These heaters are environmentally friendly. Most often, they are made in the form of a toy. They are pleasant to use and interesting for the child. They are heated in the microwave for 1-3 minutes, they retain heat for about 40-60 minutes. These heaters are safe for the child, however, they do not give strong heat. The disadvantages of them also include the difficulty in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Before applying such a heating pad to a child, you need to check the temperature, making sure that it will not cause a burn to the baby.

Hot water bottle with cherry pits

Children's heating pads are produced with various fillers, one of them is cherry pits. These heating pads are often produced in the form of toys. They have a positive effect on the child. They are used hot, cold or plain. In addition to cherry pits, other substances can also be used as a filler: millet, buckwheat, cotton or linen shell, lavender, and so on. Such a heating pad is heated using a microwave.

Its advantages include ease of use, naturalness, safety, a pronounced relaxing effect and a pleasant appearance. And the disadvantages of such heating pads include: a smell that can irritate a child, fragility and the inability to wash the device.


An electric heating pad for babies is made of fabric, inside of which heat conductors are sewn. For young children, it is important that the appliance has a temperature controller. This is the most modern type of heaters, the main disadvantage of which is the lack of autonomy, since the device only works from the network. Its advantages are the ability to control the temperature, as well as maintaining it for any period of time. Cons of an electric heating pad: heating time, which can be up to 10 minutes and a rather high price.

Usually, at the word “colic”, most mothers have such associations: strong crying of the child, sleepless nights, a state of anxiety that turns into panic.

When a baby begins these very colic, many parents fall into despair because they do not know how to help him, how to ease the pain and not aggravate the situation.

To date, there are many ways that promise to get rid of this common problem. This is the provision of proper care, and breastfeeding, and medications, and folk remedies, and special exercises.

But recently, an allegedly new remedy began to catch my eye - a heating pad for colic for a newborn. How effective is it? Is it as necessary as suggested? And what is the best way to deal with colic? Let's try to understand the article with these questions.

What is colic? What are their symptoms?

Colic is very common among babies under the age of three months.

Their symptoms are abdominal pain, increased gas formation, anxiety and crying in a child. It is believed that colic accompanies the process of adaptation of the baby's gastrointestinal tract to new conditions, new food.

Also recently, the theory that colic can be the result of nervous tension (“birth stress”) that the baby experiences while adapting to living conditions outside the mother’s belly has been spreading more and more.

Symptoms include the following:

  1. the child presses the legs to the stomach;
  2. becomes restless, often cries (especially after feeding);
  3. may refuse food;
  4. the baby's stool may change;
  5. sleep problems often occur due to spasms and pain (read the article How to get your baby to sleep?>>>).

Colic is temporary.

From their beginning to the end usually takes no more than 8 weeks.

But, of course, all parents, seeing that their baby is suffering from pain, want to alleviate this condition by any means and help the child cope with the problem as quickly as possible. Therefore, many people buy a baby heating pad for colic for newborns.

Colic heating pad - what is it?

The name of the device speaks for itself.

  • Like any heating pad, a heating pad for children from colic is designed to have a warming effect on a painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body or the entire body as a whole;
  • The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that heat helps to expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation. As a result, the spasm is removed and the pain subsides;
  • Heating pads can be attached to the newborn (if the device allows it) or placed next to him in the crib or stroller.

The heating pad is not a panacea. For some children, it helps to cope with colic, and for some it does not. Yes, of course, this device has a calming effect, because something soft and warm is always pleasant for a child.

But, to get rid of colic, a heating pad for newborns is a completely optional and sometimes expensive device. Still, it is better to use a set of simple actions that will help relieve the pain in the baby.

Types of heating pads

What heating pads for colic can be found on sale?

  1. A rubber heating pad is a traditional version of a heating pad, well known to all of us;

This is a rubber container filled with warm water and applied to a specific area of ​​the body.

From colic, such heating pads are not very popular now due to the inconvenience of their use: the water in them cools down quickly and it is rather difficult to attach them to the baby. Although the option is very budget.

  1. Salt (salt) heating pad for newborns from colic;

It is a sealed PVC container, inside of which there is a saline solution. By pressing the button, the solution heats up to 50 0 C. The heating pad can stay warm for up to 4 hours.

  1. The Cherry Pit Colic Heating Pad is a dry version of the heating pad;

Cherry pit filling retains heat well. The heating pad is made of natural fabric (usually cotton or linen). They are most often sewn in the form of toys or pillows, which is especially liked by kids.

  1. Gel heating pad for colic - a container filled with gel. The device heats up to 60 0 C, keeps the heat for about an hour;
  2. Electric heating pad - made of fabric, can be heated to any desired temperature, which is set on the device;

The heating pad must constantly work from the mains, so it is dangerous to get an electric shock. Its use requires increased attention from parents.

  1. Warming belt for colic.

Made from cotton, it warms and gently squeezes the baby's tummy, thereby helping to relieve pain and gas.

Important! When using a heating pad of any type, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and not apply it directly to the baby's skin. The device must be wrapped in a towel or diaper.

Contraindications to the use of a heating pad

  • inflammation of the abdominal organs, diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • rash, redness on the skin of the abdomen;
  • any acute diseases (including the acute stage of acute respiratory infections, orvi);
  • the presence of injuries or wounds in the child.

How to help a baby with colic - the most effective ways

  1. Breastfeeding is considered one of the most effective ways to relieve colic in a baby;

Bifido- and lactobacilli, which are part of mother's milk, help the baby's digestive system to fully mature. It is important to feed the baby as often as possible, as soon as he wants to.

  1. A good way is to lay the baby on your stomach, stroking his back. The more tactile contact you can give him, the better;
  2. With colic, massage of the tummy of a newborn helps. Important conditions: movements are performed clockwise, gently, calmly and with positive emotions;
  3. To help the baby release gases, you can press his legs to the tummy and hold for a few seconds. Also, a “bicycle” will be a good exercise (read the article Gymnastics for newborns >>>).
  4. Create comfortable living conditions for the child, protect from stress, observe sleep patterns. Read more about this in the online course Happy motherhood: a gentle care technique >>>

According to an established tradition, when colic is often advised to give the baby dill water. This is not necessary so as not to spoil the baby's immature stomach and kidneys.

Sometimes I come across a crazy recommendation - to use a vent tube. Some mothers are so addicted that they use it up to 10 times a day, for every baby crying. They do not even try to understand and understand the true causes of children's anxiety.

Maybe the baby wants breasts?

Attention! Remember that a child from birth knows how to release gases on his own. It is often impossible to use a gas outlet tube so as not to “relax” the intestines.

It is better not to use drugs to eliminate colic. They do not help the child in any way and can disrupt the natural course of the maturation of the digestive system of the newborn (I tell about this in the article Cure for colic in a newborn >>>).

When colic appears in a baby, it is important not to panic, but to understand that this is a natural process of adapting the child's body to living conditions.

The best help is your warmth and care.

In order not to be alone with experiences and to clearly know what methods of natural and safe help for a baby exist and you can start applying them right today, watch the online seminar

Colic is increased gas formation in the intestines as a result of imperfection of the nervous system of the stomach. Alternative methods and medications will be able to save the child from pain.

  • Colic in a baby is spasms of the intestines. They occur in every child in the first months of life and only 25% of all young children are able to experience them normally.
  • They arise due to the fact that the children's intestines learn to cope with food and the initial increased gas formation. The digestive system of a baby in the first year of his life is still being formed, and that is why colic can accompany his life until the ninth month.
  • While in the womb, the child fed only through the umbilical cord tube, so he had not previously encountered such problems. Starting to eat through the mouth, he began to swallow air along with food, which then causes a small tummy to bloat.
  • That is why a joyful child in one second can change his good mood and start a violent tantrum, scream, kick his legs and ask his mother for help.
newborn baby

The most common causes of colic in newborns are:

  1. The work of the intestinal system in a child in the first months of life has not yet been established. It is this imperfection that leads to regular bloating. Gases accumulate in large quantities, exert pressure on the intestinal wall and thereby cause spasm in the muscles
  2. Another reason for increased gas formation may be imperfection of the neuromuscular apparatus. They are responsible for the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. In the baby's intestines not enough enzymes that help break down milk
  4. Habit swallow air while feeding promotes its accumulation and entry into the intestines
  5. Wrong breastfeeding mom diet, saturated with products with an increased degree of fermentation in the body and, as a result, gas formation

Rare cases of increased gas formation occur due to:

  • constipation in a child
  • due to improper preparation and storage of milk mixtures
  • weak abdominal muscles

Whatever the cause of colic, it is important and necessary to alleviate the painful condition of the baby. Strong experiences of the child about spasms can affect his well-being, mood and behavior.

Signs and symptoms of colic and gas in newborns

Children's pain that a child experiences during a tummy tuck can only be compared with attacks of appendicitis. It is not difficult to recognize colic, but it is important to know their symptoms, so you can confuse colic with other diseases of the abdominal cavity.

The main signs and symptoms of colic:

  • the baby begins to scream sharply, loudly and angrily
  • the baby raises the legs to the chest or knocks them
  • the child refuses to take any food, does not breastfeed
  • you can see how the baby's face turns red and takes on a burgundy look
  • the abdominal muscles are very tense and it hardens

colic in baby

Up to what age do newborns have colic?

Young parents who encounter this problem for the first time should remember that there is a so-called "rule of three":

  • painful colic overtakes the baby at about the third week of his life
  • having begun, colic lasts about three hours, during which it is necessary to alleviate the child's condition
  • colic may disappear or become less painful in the third month of life

The child experiences the strongest pain during the first two months of life, later he learns to control gas release, the intestines normalize work. In case of violations of the intestinal tract, colic can drag on up to nine to ten months.

baby has a stomachache

Dill water for colic in newborns?

dill water is an old proven way to deal with intestinal colic in a newborn. This is because the seeds of fragrant dill have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and soothing effects. You can buy dill water at a pharmacy where pharmacists prepare it, or you can insist on it yourself.

In pharmacies, by the way, dill water is brewed from fennel seeds, which have a stronger effect. You can cook it yourself from dill seeds, pouring them for an hour with a glass of boiling water (one teaspoon).

baby drinking water from a bottle

It is useful to drink dill water not only for babies, but also for nursing mothers, as it improves lactation (milk flow) and reduces flatulence. It has a very repulsive pungent odor, but if you try to mix it with breast milk or formula, the taste becomes acceptable.

Massage for colic in a newborn video

With colic in a baby, you can fight both internally and externally. Some dip the young child into a warm bath, which has a relaxing effect, while others use massage effectively. Massage movements in a clockwise direction help the baby to release the intestines from excessive gas formation in a natural way.

clockwise massage

Doctors recommend such a massage regularly and preferably before each feeding. It should not be too long so as not to tire the baby and not too fast to be effective. The average execution time is seven minutes.

Before you start the massage, you need to warm up the tummy. This will relax the abdominal muscles. To do this, iron the diaper with a hot iron without the “steam” mode and fold it several times. A warm but not burning diaper is applied to the baby's tummy until it cools down.

Do not press the diaper tightly against the tummy with your palms so that the baby does not throw it off. You can stroke it on the tummy over the fabric. It is also recommended to raise the baby's legs or press them with his knees to the tummy. so that he can fart more easily.

pressing the legs to the tummy

How to perform a massage:

  1. Fold your palms into a house, clasping your fingers. This "house" must be lowered onto the baby's tummy in the navel area. Make light strokes on the tummy in a clockwise direction. Be careful, you should press hard on the right side, where the baby has a liver
  2. Move your palms to the right and left at the level of the navel, it is in this part of the intestine that gases accumulate
  3. Place two palms on the baby's stomach parallel to each other, with stroking movements, point your hands in different directions: up and down
  4. You can try to carry out the movement of the hands in the shape of the letter "P", which will also contribute to the removal of gases from the intestines in a natural way.
  5. Performing circular movements, try to do them with increasing force and in no case do not put much pressure on the stomach.
  6. It is useful to put the baby on the tummy, this helps him release excess gas from the intestines.

Video: "Proper massage for colic"

Heating pad for colic in a newborn. What is the benefit of applying a heating pad?

Colic brings a lot of inconvenience: they disturb the baby’s sleep, cause anxiety for the mother, prevent the child from eating and bring pain. A special baby heating pad can alleviate the unpleasant pain from spasms. This method was used by our mothers and grandmothers, when modern drugs and medicines did not even exist.

modern colic heating pad

How does she help? Very simple: under the influence of heat, gas bubbles in the intestines burst and do not press on the walls. Moreover, the abdominal muscles relax and do not put pressure on the intestines. A diaper heated with an iron has the same properties, the only difference is that it cools faster than a heating pad.

Important: When using a heating pad, remember that you need to keep it on your tummy for no longer than five minutes.

Tea from colic for newborns with chamomile, lemon balm and fennel

Young children also require fluids, especially formula-fed ones. It is useful to replace the usual children's water with a special herbal tea. Tea from colic is sweetish and translucent, not saturated and fragrant. Herbal ingredients: chamomile fennel and lemon balm have beneficial properties:

  • remove excess gas in the intestines naturally
  • relax the abdominal muscles
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract
  • stimulate the digestive glands
  • stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestine

baby colic tea

Tea for babies is available in bags that are very easy to brew with boiled water. Tea has a long shelf life and if you teach a child to this drink, he will drink it with pleasure.

Diet for colic in newborns for nursing mothers

First of all, the mother herself, who feeds the child with breast milk, should clearly know that there are foods that provoke excessive gas formation in the intestines:

  • cabbage (especially sauerkraut) is able to ferment in the intestines, releasing a lot of gases
  • legumes: beans, peas, chickpeas
  • corn - provokes active gas emission
  • apples (if you really want to - bake an apple)
  • onions and garlic (coarse vegetable fiber promotes gas formation)
  • yeast baked goods (also a fermentation product)


Moms should avoid any sweet pastries with yeast, as it almost always provokes colic in babies. Also, you should not eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, it is advisable not to eat them at all for the first two months.

Breastfeeding women need to drink plenty of fluids: water, tea and milk. If the child is bottle-fed, make sure that enough water gets into his body: drink it from a spoon or bottle.

What drugs and medicines help with colic and swelling in newborns?

In modern pharmacies, there are many medications that can alleviate the condition of babies with the problem of colic. They are approved for use immediately after birth and have no contraindications. They are based on the substance simethicone, which has an antispasmodic effect and allows gas bubbles to be absorbed into the intestines, relieving pain and eliminating the problem.

most popular drug "EspumizanL"- an emulsion with a sweetish taste and a sweetish aroma. It is recommended to use this medicine for a month, 25 drops four times a day, after which you should change the drug for a month to avoid addiction and enhance its effect.


No less popular means "Bobotik", which is used to avoid problems of the gastrointestinal tract and colic in newborns.


Infacol - often referred to as a "miracle cure". Many young parents successfully relieve the baby of colic by giving him the drug before each feeding.


Plantex - treats even the most severe intestinal spasms and relieves the baby of colic. It is often prescribed to children who are bottle-fed.


Komarovsky colic in newborns, how to get rid of colic?

Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known presenter and pediatrician, says that colic is an inevitable part of infancy. He claims that colic is more characteristic of baby boys than girls, and pain intensifies in the evening compared to the morning.

Colic occurs when the nervous system of the stomach is not yet perfect and properly formed. Komarovsky claims that the main causes of colic are overfeeding and overheating, which causes thirst.

Video: "Colic in babies"

Gastric colic is something that is an inevitable and necessary aspect of the formation of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora. Medicine has not yet been able to answer the question of why some children experience this more strongly, while others are easier. We can say with confidence that it depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a small person and the type of feeding.

In any case, every loving parent should try to cope with this problem by any means and use any methods:

  • baby heating pad
  • heated diaper
  • dill water
  • massage
  • medications

Video: Colic in newborns. How to help a child with colic?

Every parent from the first days of a child's life tries to protect his child from diseases and various uncomfortable conditions. But it is often impossible to avoid colic in newborns, so the question arises: how to help a baby with this condition? These unpleasant sensations do not carry anything terrible, but the child feels pain and, naturally, I want to alleviate his suffering. In medical terms, they occur due to increased gas formation and intestinal spasms.

How to relieve colic in a newborn?

Since taking medications is undesirable at this age, you can solve the problem by using a heating pad for colic in newborns.

This method has been tested by our grandmothers, and it has long been known that with the help of heat it is possible not only to increase the effectiveness of drugs, but also to be used as an independent treatment. The most popular for colic is the salt heating pad - it keeps the heat for a long time and soothes the baby. There is also a heating pad, it is also considered quite popular. Dry heat improves blood circulation and perfectly relieves pain and muscle spasms. But these are not isolated advantages, a heating pad helps not only with colic, but also with rhinitis, and can also warm the baby during winter walks.

Today there is a wide range of warmers for newborn babies. They have different shapes, colors, materials and, accordingly, the price. The bright coloring and bizarre shape will help you to facilitate the treatment process, as the child will perceive it as a toy and will not resist when using it. It happens that heating pads have an additional compartment containing medicinal and soothing herbs, which, when heated, create the effect of aromatherapy. This addition will help the baby to sleep soundly and peacefully.

A heating pad for a newborn from colic becomes a salvation for many parents who are nervous, do not get enough sleep from the constant crying of the child, cannot calm him down, calm the cry.

The baby is born with incompletely formed organs. The intestines in the first days after birth are not able to fight microbes that are sent with mother's milk or nutrient mixtures. During the reproduction of this microflora, gases arise. They stretch the walls of the intestines in an infant, and he suffers from pain.

Spasms sometimes appear when the baby swallows air or sucks very hard at the breast. To prevent this from happening, it must be applied correctly, after finishing feeding, hold it vertically. Colic torments the baby from 2 weeks of age and make themselves felt:

  • prolonged cry;
  • twisting of the legs;
  • release of gases.

After a few months, the intestines begin to work normally. So that all this time the child does not suffer, doctors advise using heat.

What can relieve the pain?

Parents find different ways to help relieve colic. You can put a diaper on your tummy, but it cools down quickly, give your baby medicines, but this is unhealthy. The child calms down when he is carried in a sling, because he smells milk, and his mother is nearby. But it's hard for a woman to do this all the time.

A warm compress with oil relieves pain, but if the liquid leaks out, it will burn the delicate skin near the navel. Bathing before going to bed excites the newborn, and the baby does not calm down for a long time, cannot fall asleep.

It is more convenient to use a heating pad. Such products are produced by many well-known companies with different fillers. When applied:

  1. Accelerates blood circulation.
  2. The spasm is gone.
  3. Relax the abdominal muscles.
  4. The pain is reduced.

A special effect is achieved if the heating pad is combined with a massage using dill water. When choosing a design, preference should be given to the product in which the filler is in a separate bag.

Instead of using a heating pad, you need to call the pediatrician to the child:

  • at high temperature;
  • with vomiting and diarrhea;
  • with streaks of blood in the stool.

Heat is contraindicated with colic lasting for hours, with inflammation in the peritoneum, with an open wound on the body. Doctors do not recommend applying products to babies prone to allergies, suffering from dermatitis.

Rubber and electric heating pads

The structures that are used to retain heat differ in filler. They are placed, a solution of salt, bones from berries, gel. A heating pad is placed not only on the umbilical region of the newborn, but also in the crib so that the baby feels comfortable. The material in which the filler is packed does not contain synthetic components and does not cause allergies.

The cheapest rubber or silicone heating pads are filled with water at 60 degrees, leaving a third of the container unfilled. After that, the accumulated air is released, the lid is screwed tightly and turned over to check if the liquid drips.

Such a heating pad for colic in newborns is applied wrapped in a diaper or towel. The product cracks quickly, the heat does not last long. Too hot water can burn the baby's skin. For small children, it is better to choose another option.

In an electric heating pad, you can change the temperature. Such products are made from a fabric into which current conductors are sewn, thanks to them the heat is constantly kept. The device is connected to the network, it costs much more than rubber construction. It is convenient to heat a crib or stroller with the product, but only a warm diaper should be applied to the body, and not the device itself.

Sealed heating pads

Salt solution, which is prepared from sodium acetate, is sealed in a PVC package. If you press the button of such a heating pad, a reaction occurs, the liquid begins to crystallize, releasing heat.

The advantages of this design include:

  • excellent tightness;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • safety.

The heating pad is easy to shape, the heat does not go away within 4 hours, and the temperature of the solution heats up quickly. It is sometimes used instead of paraffin physiotherapy.

The design is designed for multiple use. After use, it is wrapped in material and dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes. The solution will take on a liquid form. In order for the salt heater to serve for a long time, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Do not place in microwave oven.
  2. Do not bend in boiling water, do not pierce.
  3. Protect from impact.

The product must be placed in hot water, wrapped in a cloth. It is used not only to combat spasms, they are recommended to be applied to the nose, legs or ears.

In addition to a salt heating pad, a gel belt is great for newborns from colic. Before attaching to the baby's tummy, the battery is heated in a container of water to 50 degrees and inserted into a special hole in the belt.

Dry heating pads

As a filler for products that help remove accumulated gases from a baby, not only water or gel is used, but also salt, peas, bones from cherries or cherries, barley husks. Bags are sewn from cotton or linen. Any device serves as a heat source for such a heating pad. These products are produced in the form of toys, differ in size and shape. Parents praise the models Honey Mammy, Zer 099, "Doctor Mukish". The advantages of dry fillers include:

  • safety;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • no synthetics or chemicals.

The heating pad is able to change shape, you can’t get burned on it. The product applied to the tummy calms the child, and he stops screaming and falls asleep.

Before use, take out the bag with the filler and send it to the microwave for a quarter of an hour, set the power to about 600 watts. Sometimes women use an oven at 80 degrees to heat it up, and then insert the bag into the toy.

Natural filler also has disadvantages. Products with husks, grains and bones quickly become unusable, are poorly cleaned, and cannot be washed in water.

What is best for a newborn?

It is convenient to use salt products that do not pose a danger to the newborn, do not cause skin irritation, and serve for a long time.

Some women prefer a gel belt. It is attached with Velcro, retains heat for a long time, the size is adjustable.

Any of the heating pads, except for fabric toys, is wrapped in a diaper, kept on the tummy for no more than 5 minutes. Manipulations are performed repeatedly.

Do not ignore safety rules, use a temperature higher than the recommended value.

If there is no heating pad at hand, and the baby is screaming in pain, you need to pour hot water into a plastic bottle, wrap it several times with a cloth, and apply it to the tummy. Liquid temperature should not exceed 60 degrees.

It is easy to sew a bag of dense material, pour heated salt into it. Warmth will ease the condition of the baby.

Newborn babies cause trouble for parents because they often cry and scream. The reason for this behavior is the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which leads to severe pain. If the baby does not have a fever, there is no diarrhea, colic is removed by applying a warm heating pad to the tummy.