New Year's games for children and adults at home. New explanatory dictionary. "Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden"

On a cheerful and beloved New Year holiday, you always want a good mood, sincere company and vivid impressions for the whole next year. And what can cheer you up better than funny and entertaining New Year's contests and games for children and adults? has made a selection of interesting and funny New Year's contests for children and adults that will help you remember New Year's Eve!

New Year's games and contests for children

Choose Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Hide notes in the capsules of "Kinder surprises", among which one will be with the inscription "Santa Claus", the other - "Snow Maiden". If there are not so many "kinders" at home, put ordinary paper rolls in a bag, and let all the participants in the feast experience their "happiness"!

The papers may be empty, but it is better to distribute New Year's roles to all guests: Snowflake, Grandma Winter, Snow Queen, Snowman and so on. If Santa Claus is 2 years old, and Snegurochka is 55, you have done everything as it should! Announce the first New Year's dance for the lucky ones, do not forget to put on the necessary attributes and take a picture by the New Year tree!

Draw a symbol of the New Year
In 2019 it will be Pig. We invite everyone to portray this animal. It is very simple to portray a pig, just show a little imagination. We give sweet gifts to the winner.

New Year's predictions
Everyone is interested to know what will await them in the new year. And children are no exception. Therefore, the New Year's game for children "New Year's Predictions" is an excellent occasion to keep the younger guests busy and make them a pleasant wish on a festive night.

Put pieces of paper with the names of all those present in your hat, come up with questions-wishes and choose a presenter who will help pull out a piece of paper with the addressee of congratulations. You can change the "hand" after each question - each person present in turn can pull the name on a piece of paper, thereby joining the wish. And the questions can be as follows:
Who will be the best student in the new year?
Who will make the great discovery?
Who will find the treasure?
Who will win the lottery?
Who will receive the most gifts?
Who will have the most good news in the new year?
Who will travel a lot?
Who's in for the biggest surprise in 2019?
Who will be the most successful at work (school)?
Who will be the most athletic in the new year?
Who will be the healthiest?
Who will become famous?
Who's Biggest Dream Come True?

What's in the black box?
Why not become a wizard or ... a psychic on New Year's Eve? After all, everyone is so fond of miracles and everything unusual - this is especially true on New Year's Eve.

Let the presenter put a shoebox covered with colored or black paper on a chair in the center of the room and ask you to guess what is there. In this case, the presenter, for greater persuasiveness, can walk around the box and make magic waves of his hands. And if parents are not too lazy to prepare for the New Year's games for children in advance, then a magic wand and the mantle of a psychic wizard would be just right for this competition. And so that the guests and participants make sure that there is no lies here, but pure magic, let the presenter allow them to approach the box, make movements with their hands, copying the magicians and the presenter. Perhaps this will help them guess what is in there!

Well, is it time to guess? Advice to the facilitator: it is worth accepting one answer from each person present - it is easier to find a winner. Children, of course, assume the presence of toys, adults - whatever. Therefore, you can put a really valuable item in the box that will suit any gender and age (a cup with the symbol of the year, for example), a toy or a children's book. Or you can have some fun and put on a cracker, from which 100-dollar bills fly out. Why not have some fun?

The main thing is that everyone should receive a reward for their work. It's New Year's!

Chiming clock
Divide all guests - children and adults - into 2 teams. Give each team tree decorations and clothespins. But all the toys, snowflakes and garlands need to be hung on ... one of the team members - let him shine like a Christmas tree! By the way, you can also hold a garland in your teeth.

To make it more fun - turn on the recording with the chimes! Whoever gets the funniest Christmas tree in 1 minute while the recording is in progress wins.

New Year Games for Adults

New Year mail
This New Year's competition is both pleasant entertainment, and a good opportunity to congratulate each other on the upcoming 2019th year! Everyone gets a snowflake with a number written on it. In the room where the celebration will take place, you need to pre-install a box into which you can put notes with congratulations. Each - for a specific number, which is assigned to the guest in advance at the very beginning of the New Year's holiday. Once every half hour or hour, the host of the evening or a specially selected "postman" delivers congratulations and presents them to the addressees. At the end of the celebration, you can determine the winner - the most popular addressee and reward him with a medal prepared in advance or a small New Year's souvenir.

Funny gifts
Give each participant 2 pieces of paper. On one, write the name of the gift. Any gifts can be entered: an expensive gift for a loved one, a sweet gift, a dream gift, for example. On the second sheet, write what you would like to do with the gift. For example: on 1 sheet - candy, on 2 - eat.

Mix all sheets under number one and put them in a bag. In another bag, put all the pieces of paper under number 2 and mix it too: let the participants take turns taking out a note from the bags - one with a name and one with an action. Don't forget to read the combinations aloud! And the funniest desire and its fulfillment wins.

New Year's gift under ... account
Santa Claus puts a gift on the chair, and 2-3 players become around. The task of the participants is to take the gift at the moment when Santa Claus utters the number 3. But Santa Claus is cunning and counts "1,2, 33" or "1,2, 300" ...

New Year's contests for children and adults are a lot of positive emotions. The main thing is not to miss the chimes for fun and make a wish!

New Year is just around the corner. An important component of an exciting and fun holiday is contests for the New Year. They unite and force the participants of the event to be active.

Some contests are of a game nature, others for ingenuity, and others for dexterity or ingenuity. Do not forget about the existence of erotic contests that are suitable for uninhibited people.

If you want the New Year's holiday to be remembered for a long time, be sure to include several exciting contests in the New Year's program. The photographs taken in the process will remind this evening and the joyful atmosphere many years later.

The most fun contests for the New Year

I offer 6 fun contests. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise your spirits to the maximum, make the festive team more active.

  1. "New Year Fishing"... You will need Christmas toys made of cotton wool, a fishing rod with a large hook. Participants of the competition will take turns to hang New Year's toys on the street, and then take them off. The winner is the one who completes the task faster than others.
  2. "Funny Drawings"... Make two holes for the arms on a large piece of cardboard. Players will have to paint the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus with a brush, passing their hands through the holes. They can't see what they are painting. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
  3. "Frosty breath"... Place a large paper cut snowflake on the table in front of each participant. The task of each participant is to blow off the snowflake so that it falls to the floor on the other side of the table. The competition ends when the last snowflake hits the floor. The winner is the player who took the most time to complete the task. All the fault is his frosty breath, because of which the snowflake "froze" to the surface of the table.
  4. "Dish of the Year". The participants will have to prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's composition of salads or a unique sandwich will do. After that, a man sits down in front of each participant, and all the players are blindfolded. The winner is the "New Year hostess" who feeds the dish to the man the fastest.
  5. "New Year's melody"... Place the bottles in front of the contestants and put a couple of spoons. They should take turns approaching the bottles and singing the melody with spoons. The author of the most New Year's musical composition wins.
  6. "Modern Snow Maiden"... Men participating in the competition dress up women in order to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, Christmas toys, all kinds of cosmetics. The victory will go to the "stylist" who created the most unusual and striking image of the Snow Maiden.

The list doesn't end there. If you have imagination, you can come up with a good competition yourself. The main thing is to make it cheerful and bring smiles on the faces of the participants and spectators.

Video examples

New Year contests for children and adults

A real holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, provides for small dance breaks, massive games and various competitions.

New Year's Eve is aimed at a mixed audience, so choose a New Year's contests so that everyone can participate. After a half-hour feast, offer your guests several musical and active contests. Having thoroughly blurred and danced, they again return to eating New Year's salads.

I offer 5 interesting contests for children and adults. I am sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year's entertainment program.

  1. "Fir-trees". Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The presenter says the trees are high, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their hands up, squat or spread their arms. The player who made the mistake is eliminated. The most attentive wins.
  2. "Dress up the tree." You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. The Christmas trees will be women and girls. They hold the end of the garland in their hand. The males decorate the tree by holding the other end of the garland with their lips. The winner is the couple who will create an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. The Mummy. The competition involves the use of toilet paper. The participants are divided into two teams and a mummy is chosen in them. The rest of the participants will have to mummify her. They wrap the lucky guy with toilet paper. The teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that completes the task faster wins.
  4. "Twins" . Couples involved. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other around the waist with one hand. For two, you get two free hands. After that, the couple will have to cut out the figure. One participant is holding a paper, the second is wielding scissors. The team with the most beautiful figure wins.
  5. "A tomato" . The competition is designed for two participants who stand face to face on opposite sides of the chair. A banknote is placed on the chair. At the end of the countdown, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever succeeded first won. After that, the participants are invited to a blindfold rematch. Instead of money, they put a tomato on a chair. Surprising the participants will amuse the audience.

New Year's games for children

The main holiday of winter is New Year, accompanied by vacations, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games for children will come in handy.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images and a festive mood, will create a positive background for the holiday. Even an uncomplicated collective game will be exciting if played with a friendly company. Children will especially be delighted by the competitions, the victory in which will bring New Year's gifts.

  1. "Tiger's tail"... Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. The first competitor in the line is the tiger's head. The end of the column is the tail. After the signal, the "tail" seeks to catch up with the "head", which is trying to escape. The "torso" must remain in the hitch. After a while, the children change places.
  2. "Merry round dance"... The usual round dance can be significantly complicated. The leader sets the tone by constantly changing the direction and speed of the movement. After several circles, lead a round dance with a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
  3. "Travel" . Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the pins like a snake in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members hit fewer pins wins the game.
  4. "Compliment to the Snow Maiden"... Choose Snow Maiden. Then invite some boys who will compliment her. They have to get out of the bag pieces of paper with inscriptions and on the basis of the words that are written on them, express "warm words." The player with the most compliments wins.
  5. "Magic Words"... Divide the participants into teams and hand over a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story read by the presenter, words from these letters are encountered. When such a word is pronounced, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and rearrange in the desired order. The team that is ahead of the opponents earns a point.
  6. "What changed"... Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. After the children leave the room. Several toys are outweighed or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
  7. "Gift in a circle"... Participants stand in a circle face to face. The presenter gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. After that, the gift moves in a circle. After stopping the music, the gift transfer stops. The player who has the gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant who will receive this memento.

Video of children's games

Ideas for the New Year

Waiting for a miracle is a tedious task, it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a wizard, look around, collect unpretentious objects and create something soulful, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. It will take some free time.

  1. "Christmas balls with fabric applique"... For a Christmas tree to become stylish and original, it is not necessary to purchase expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. Cut out the same motifs from an old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric, and stick them on the surface of the balls.
  2. "Christmas tree toy from orange"... You will need a few oranges, a pretty elegant ribbon, a pretty string, a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and send to dry in the oven. Tie a string of cinnamon sticks and tie to a slice of orange. Make a loop on top. The final touch is a bow tied to the loop.

Amazing snowflake

It is difficult to imagine a New Year's holiday without a dozen perky snowflakes.

  1. Trim the tips of the toothpick with scissors. Use a paper cutter to make a small notch in the middle of one end of the toothpick. This is the main tool.
  2. Make several blanks out of paper. The width of the strip is in the region of three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
  3. Create a spiral. Carefully insert the edge of the paper strip into the slot on the toothpick and twist it into a spiral. Twist the tool, not the paper. Make sure that the spiral is as flat as possible. Remove the spiral and put it on the table.
  4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral with glue and press it against the spiral. Press down on the end slightly. You get a droplet with a spiral inside. Make as many of these elements as possible.
  5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During gluing, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving a certain shape. This creates not only circles, but droplets and eyes.
  6. Having prepared the required number of elements, start forming the snowflake. Create a pattern from individual elements, fastening with a drop of glue. You will get an amazingly beautiful snowflake.

Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If done correctly, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal investment of time and money.

Ideas for the New Year with your family

On this day, grandfathers, aunts and parents will gather in one house. We need to try to make the festive night varied and fun. Only advance planning and careful preparation will help in this.

  1. Prepare a script. Each family member should be assigned to write a small congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear kind words.
  2. Write humorous toasts on the pieces of paper. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
  3. Arrange a family interview. A good video camera will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.

New Year's fun for children and adults at the table

Calendar quiz

1. Why is the month of January called that? (It was dedicated by the ancient Romans to Janus, the god of peace)

2. Why did the ancient Slavs call the month of January "sechen"? (In January, there was a period of deforestation)

3. Which month, at the suggestion of Mark Antony, immortalized the memory of Julius Caesar? (July)

4. How did it happen that both months in a row (July and August) contain 31 days? (The eighth month of the calendar was named after the next (after Julius Caesar) Roman emperor Augustus. So that in month 44 of the current ruler there were 31 days, one day from February was added to August)

5. Who was the initiator of the second calendar reform? (Pope Gregory XIII)

6. What change did the Gregorian calendar make to the definition of leap years? (Leap years were removed from the calendar, which are the last years of the centuries: 1600, 1700, 1800, etc.)

7. Which Russian composer is the creator of the musical calendar? (P.I.Tchaikovsky)

9. Who was the inventor and user of the calendar, which the author himself describes as follows: “I arranged the calendar as follows: I cut a large tree with an ax and drove it into the sand on the shore ... dashes. After six lines, I made one longer - that meant Sunday; the notches denoting the first day of the month, I made even longer. This is how I kept my calendar, marking the days, weeks, months and years. " (Robinson Crusoe)

10. Is it fair to assume that the word "week" goes back to the verb "not to do"? (Yes. A week in Ancient Russia was called Sunday, that is, a day free from work, a day of rest)

11. In which country is there a calendar in which astrologers can make their annual amendments, deleting unfavorable days or whole months from it? (Such a calendar exists in the Kingdom of Bhutan, where astrologers are allowed to make such corrections, taking into account the unfavorable combination of stars)

12. To which work of classical Russian literature belongs the phrase: “The calendars are all lying”? (Comedy by A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit")

13. Which country has a calendar that has months named "Friendship Month", "Change of Clothes Month", "End of Business Month"? (In Japan)

Calendar in riddles

What's going on without moving? (Time)

Three hundred geese flew

Yes fifty swans

Yes twelve eagles,

Yes, four crows.

Twelve brothers walk one after another, do not bypass each other. (Months)

The sister goes to visit her brother, and the brother hides from her. (Day and night)

On New Year's Eve he came to our house

Such a cheerful fat man

But he was losing weight every day

And finally disappeared completely.

(Tear-off calendar)

Complete collection of black and red days. (Calendar)

Where on Earth is the longest day? (The day is the same everywhere)

Seven brothers: equal for years, different names. (Days of the week)

What happened tomorrow and will happen yesterday? (Present day)

The little birds clung to each other. That day - one of the flock flies away. (Calendar)

Author's calendar

Invite guests to come up with their own names for the months of the year, guided by the special point of view of people of different professions and occupations. For example, how can they be renamed from the position of an agricultural worker, seller of the gastronomic (vegetable) department, teacher, summer resident, hunter, driver, etc.

We play "Calendar"

This game is good to play if you meet New \ od in a crowded company. The guests are divided into two teams. Each player receives a calendar sheet (for this it is convenient to use a loose-leaf or tear-off calendar), and it is desirable that the set of calendar sheets of each team completely coincide. Further, the participants are invited to perform various tasks of the leader of the game, for example, the following: within the team, make up a number that coincides with the ordinal number of the coming year; to form a couple of days of the week (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, etc.), trying to respond before their "namesake" from the opposing team; form pairs of specific dates, also striving to get ahead of their calendar counterpart; line up in ascending ranks of alternating calendar dates.

Victory points are awarded to the team that correctly completed the tasks in a shorter period of time.

"Winter" words

Conduct a competition with your family and guests to compose related nests for the "winter" words "snow", "winter", "frost". To do this, all participants take turns calling the relatives of the “winter” words, preliminarily repeating all the previous ones.

For example, 1st participant: "Snow".

2nd: "Snow, snowball."

3rd: "Snow, snowball, snowflakes."

A player who finds it difficult to name his own version of the word at the expense of the leader “one, two, three” pays a fant, whose return at the end of the game is “practiced” by performing funny tasks.

Words: "snow" ("snow", "snowflakes", "bullfinch", "snow maiden", "snowman", "snowdrop"); Winter (winter, winter, winter, winter, winter); “Frost” (“frosty”, “frosty”, “frost”, “freeze”, “ice cream”).

Quiz "Russian poets about winter"

Guests are invited to remember from which works poetic lines were taken

Under blue skies

Great carpets

Shining in the sun, the snow lies

(A. Pushkin. Winter morning)

Sorceress Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands -

And under the snowy fringe.

Motionless, dumb,

He shines with a wonderful life.

(F.I. Tyutchev)

Blizzards, snows and fogs

Always obedient to the frost

I'll go to the okyany seas -

Build palaces out of ice

(N. Nekrasov. Frost, Red nose)

In the north, the wild is lonely

On the bare top is a pine tree,

And slumbers, swaying, and loose snow

She is dressed like a robe.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Winter is still busy

And grumbles in the spring.

She laughs in her eyes

And it only makes more noise.

(F.I. Tyutchev)

Boys are joyful people

She cuts the ice with her skates.

(AS Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

White fluffy snow whirls in the air

And quietly falls to the ground, lies down.

The days have become short, the sun shines a little.

Here frosts came, and winter came.

And in the morning with snow the field turned white,

Like a shroud, everything clothed him.

(I Z. Surikov. Winter)

Hello, Russian young girl.

A beautiful soul

Snow white winch,

Hello mother winter!

(P.A. Vyazemsky. Hello, in a white sundress ..)

Hello, guest winter!

We ask for your mercy

Songs of the north to sing

Through forests and steppes.

We have expanse

Walk anywhere

Build bridges over rivers

And spread the carpets.

(I. Nikitin. Meeting of winter)

Whirling around easily and clumsily

The snowflake sat on the glass

The snow was thick and white at night,

The room is bright with snow.

(A. T. Tvardovsky. Winter again)

New Year's Dictionary

Merry New Year's Dictionary includes the interpretation of a wide range of words that are directly or indirectly related to the New Year's holiday. It is a New Year's "edition" of the popular among the people "Clueless Dictionary", the content of which, mixed with subtle humor, creates a high festive mood.

The organizers of the holiday will have to decide on the way of acquaintance of the participants of the New Year's party with the New Year's dictionary. The problem is that it is not an easy task to comprehend the semantic correspondence of the proposed word and its festive interpretation by ear. It is not interesting to simply read ready-made versions of a cheerful "translation" of words without the active participation of each guest, and if you invite those present to do it on their own, without any help, some will not be able to do it. Obviously, the hosts of the evening should provide the participants with a visual perception of the variants of words and their translation "from Russian into Russian" and give the opportunity to find humorous semantic matches among the existing ones. This can be done in various game options. For example, arrange a New Year's lotto, dominoes or design your own version of a table card game. Let's take a closer look at the first of the proposed game models.

Every child and adult knows how to play lotto. This board game is known in every home, and in this sense it can be considered a folk game.

To draw a festive merry lotto, you need to prepare the props.

1. Great cards for each member or team. For this, the album sheet is divided into 6-9 parts, and in each resulting rectangle a word is written, the New Year's interpretation of which will need to be established.

2. Small colored cards - "screensavers", on which are written "translations" of the words indicated on the personal cards of the players, from the generally accepted Russian language into stupid Russian. These cards are the same size as the divisions of large cards. To facilitate control from the side of the leading part of the large cards and their corresponding small cards have the same numbering.

3. A bag made of opaque material (box) for small cards with the translation of words.

The competition is held according to the lotto rules. The lotto steward (the players can also do this in turn) pulls out a card from the prepared bag and reads out the New Year's definition of a concept, a cheerful semantic correspondence to which must be found on their cards and named by the players. If the answer is correct, the player covers one of the parts of his big card. For control by the leader, parts of the players' cards and their corresponding small cards are equally numbered, and if the participants do not do

the desired move (time for thinking no more than 5 seconds), the host informs the answer, and the card is set aside. At the end of the game, the participant who has closed the remaining divisions on his big card can get back the missing word for a special ransom - completing a fun creative task. The winner is the one who is the first to cover his big card.

You can come up with other rules of this game yourself: "penalty" for those who make mistakes with the answers, encouragement for players who were the first to close a line in the card, etc.

Here is an example of cards for a merry New Year's lotto.

Big map

Small cards

Merry New Year Dictionary

The archivist is the chef of the restaurant where the New Year's party is planned.

Ballast is a New Year's Eve for scuba divers.

The banquet is a lover of New Year's parties.

Barysh - accompanying the young lady on the New Year's Eve.

Bad taste is a diet that many ladies sit on after the New Year's holiday of the belly.

A mediocre person is a person who was not given a gift for the New Year.

The steelyard is a bachelorette party for the New Year.

Vampire is a waiter serving customers at a New Year's feast.

Chickenpox - a blizzard on New Year's Eve.

The gate is a New Year's greetings from the general to the company commander.

Voskresnik is an intensive care specialist who is on duty at the hospital on New Year's Eve.

The gymnasium student is a patriotic guest who sang the Russian anthem after the battle of the Kremlin chimes.

The chief accountant is responsible for the New Year's fireworks.

Gladiator is an iron, especially in demand by households before New Year's Eve gatherings.

Gorilka is a candle burning on New Year's Eve.

Literate - a person who has been awarded a diploma based on the results of work in the outgoing year.

The double is the diary of an unsuccessful student, hidden by him before the New Year from his parents in a safe place.

Dolphin is an entrepreneur from Finland, a guest of the New Year's party.

Jargon - Aspirin, a health remedy.

The priestess is a gluttonous woman who sweeps everything off the New Year's table.

The gas station is a Democrat woman who made a New Year's toast to human rights.

The spade is the bodyguard of a high-ranking guest.

The big man is the guest doctor.

Elnik is a restaurant where you and your colleagues celebrate the New Year.

Giraffe - African lard - an exotic appetizer for the New Year's feast.

The dungeon is a neighbor with whom you are going to celebrate the New Year together.

The monster is a volcano of love and tenderness, which fell upon the guests with the first New Year's toast.

The interior is your foreign guest's dog.

Clarinet - the fact of Klar's absence at the New Year's feast.

Colic is a mosquito that never bites during New Year's season.

Komar is the commander of the army, an honored guest of the New Year's holiday.

Starch is a mini-bankruptcy that occurs in many families after the New Year.

Kurkul - packaging for broilers that have become a New Year's snack.

The chicken coop is an avid smoker who once again made a promise to himself to quit smoking on the morning of January 1st.

Lefty - the lion tamer - the main character at the New Year's circus performance.

Lollipop is a hockey player who prefers to celebrate the New Year right on the ice.

Ice Age is the season of the arrival of the New Year.

Lizoblyud is a kitten eating up food leftovers after a New Year's feast.

A blizzard is a janitor who sweeps away the remains of last year's garbage after the New Year.

Mammals are diabetics and vegetarians among the guests.

Attack - a carnival mask for a dog.

The heir is an inexperienced thief who was quickly detained after stealing a bottle of champagne.

Freeloader - a sandwich for a New Year's feast.

Innocence is the refusal of alcohol at a New Year's party.

Neon is a guest who, like the hero of Andrey Myagkov, is not in his apartment on New Year's Eve.

The direct one is one of the guests who insists on the New Year's carousing, which is clearly beyond his means and others.

Scissors are trousers specially purchased for the New Year's Eve party.

Getting charred is a dream to get an apartment in the coming year.

Stubs - spouses who continue to sort things out at the New Year's table.

Postcard - a woman in a luxurious evening dress with a neckline.

Desperate - having eaten a piece of Napoleon cake without tea.

Cases - massive injuries in icy conditions on New Year's Eve.

Greenhouse - New Year's bachelor party.

Vertebra is a friend who wished you a Happy New Year by phone.

Papazol is an angry father who does not want to let his daughter go to celebrate the New Year in the company of friends.

The pack is a child who smeared his hands and face with the cream of a New Year's cake.

A break is a premature search for the long-awaited New Year's gift bought by the parents.

Sliders are cockroaches that also rely on crumbs from the holiday table.

The refuge is the finish of a merry New Year's relay at a children's matinee.

A rogue is a lonely passer-by who is destined to celebrate the New Year alone.

Launchers are doormen, especially important people on New Year's Eve.

The area is ideal, but someone else's husband, a guest of the New Year's party.

Rhubarb is a child at New Year's midnight who should sleep a long time ago, and he is naughty at the table.

Saccharin is a resident of the Sahara, where they also celebrate the New Year.

A pimp is a person who makes a meteorological forecast for New Year's Eve.

Horsefly is a sculptor who fashioned a snowman on New Year's Eve.

Morel is a handkerchief, an essential attribute of a festive wardrobe.

Sour cream is a conscientious guest who took the initiative to remove the leftovers from the table after the New Year's feast.

The soprano is a cat who deftly stole a piece of chicken from the New Year's table.

Pine - the early morning hour, when all the guests have finally calmed down.

Watchman - rally on New Year's Eve, organized by the "green" in defense of the trees.

Strakolyudina is an insurance agent who continues his campaigning work among the guests of the New Year's holiday.

Strizh is a hairdresser, to whom you must definitely drop in before New Year's Eve.

Pike perch are guests who love to gossip in the New Year's company.

Dreamer - New Year's drink "Fanta" in grains.

Circular - an invitation ticket to the circus for the New Year's performance.

Chromosomes - catfish on crutches, homemade toys made of salt dough for the Christmas tree.

Chaikhana - and we drank all the tea.

Cheburek is the father of Cheburashka, the best New Year's costume of the holiday.

Chekushka is a department store cashier from the Christmas tree decorations department.

Cap is a small emergency at a New Year's party.

Excursion - meeting the New Year in the company of former classmates.

Fun winter quiz

1. A natural phenomenon that causes New Year's death of people without sand sprinkling. (Ice)

2. The place where frost froze the leg of the maple. (Snowdrift)

3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade)

4. Low-growing blizzard. (Snow)

5. Carnival cash. (Mask)

6. Ice casting. (Rink)

7. Life time of the Snow Maiden. (Winter)

8. Winter drummer. (Freezing)

9. New Year's collection. (Table)

10. Supporting quarter of the New Year's table. (Leg)

11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne)

12. Fish “dressed” in natural leather and an artificial fur coat is a New Year's dish. (Herring)

13. A gymnasium trick that the Earth performs by the time of the next New Year. (Turnover)

14. A seasonal "sculpture" made of truly natural materials. (Snowman)

15. The result of festive incendiary. (Fireworks)

Literary quiz

1. What word the boy Kai from the fairy tale of G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen"? (Eternity)

2. Who wrote the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"? (V.F.Odoevsky)

4. What is the name of A.I. Kuprin? ("Ballroom pianist")

6. The name of the girl from the Russian folk tale "Morozko". (Nastenka)

7. Name L. Andreev's New Year story. ("Angel")

8. What were the names of the boys from the story of A. Gaidar, who came to their father in the distant taiga to celebrate the New Year with a geological expedition? (Chuck and Geek)

9. Who wrote the fairy tale play about how the wicked stepmother sent the girl to the winter forest for snowdrops? (S. Ya. Marshak)

10. What was the name of the village in which amazing events took place on Christmas night, which N.V. told us about? Gogol? (Dikanka)

Just a winter quiz

1. How many rays does a snowflake have? (Six)

2. When is the best time to harvest firewood: summer or winter? (In winter, since the process of sap flow is suspended and the wood is dry)

3. Why do snow patterns appear on the inside of window panes in winter? (In winter, the air near the window panes is greatly cooled and part of the water vapor from it settles on the cold panes in the form of ice crystals. Then these crystals begin to branch and grow, "drawing" frosty patterns on the glass)

4. Where is colder - at the North or South Pole? (At the South Pole)

5. Why in winter, even in severe frosts, rivers do not freeze to the bottom? (Water at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius has the highest density and is located at the bottom of the river. For this reason, the movement of water in the vertical direction stops and its further cooling does not occur)

6. On your mitten, you saw two snowflakes of different shapes. One is simpler, and the other is a complex openwork pattern. Is it possible to determine by the appearance of these snowflakes which of them fell from a greater and which - from a lesser height? (Yes. The more complex the shape of the snowflake, the more height it fell, since its spinning in the air was accompanied by the process of crystallization - the addition of new particles of moisture to it, which provided additional refinement of its shape)

7. Why are the second frames inserted for the winter? (The stationary air trapped between the two frames, being a poor conductor of heat, prevents the room from drying out in winter)

8. Why does the air temperature usually rise during snowfall? (This is because heat is generated from droplets of water or water vapor when snow forms)

9. Do trees grow in winter? (No, their growth stops in winter)

10. When do sounds propagate faster: in winter or summer? (Sound travels faster in summer than in winter, since the air is denser in winter and therefore the speed of sound is slower)

Proverbs and sayings about winter

Two friends - frost and blizzard.

Take care of your nose in severe frost.

In winter, the sun does not warm, but laughs.

In the winter cold, everyone is young.

White snow - every friend.

No matter how angry winter is, it obeys spring.

The sun warms in summer and freezes in winter.

Winter scares summer, but it melts anyway.

Prepare the cart in the winter and the sled in the summer.

Many of us think about exactly how to celebrate the New Year long before its onset - however, this often applies only to the choice of outfit and the festive menu. And yet, the celebration will be much more fun and entertaining if you have prepared exciting contests for the New Year. At the same time, it does not matter at all in which company you plan to celebrate the New Year - with your family or with friends - because fun is appropriate everywhere. with respect to other people's desires, and if you see that a person is not in the mood to take part in active contests, then do not insist, believing that he will "get involved". In addition, in addition to active and mobile contests, there are others that do not require special movement - for example, riddles for ingenuity. Choose a varied program in which any party participant will find something interesting for himself! If you want your fun to be remembered for a long time, then do not forget to take a photo of what is happening. By the way, this task can be entrusted to especially shy guests who do not want to participate in the general "madness" - so they will feel like a part of what is happening and at the same time not feel tense or uncomfortable. In general, take care of the holiday program in advance, as well as small gifts for the winners, and your efforts will be remembered for a long time by all guests!

Cool contests for the New Year

Family table contests

1. New Year's predictions. For this part of the New Year's program, you should prepare in advance. You will have two bags at hand (you can replace them with caps), in which you should put pieces of paper with notes. So, in one bag put pieces of paper with the names of the participants in the prediction, and in the other - with the prophecies themselves. The bags are passed around the table in a circle, and all the guests take out a piece of paper from each. First, from the first piece of paper, the name written on it is read out, and then from the second, the prospects that await the owner of this name in the New Year are voiced. 2. Honest confession. This game also requires preliminary preparation - write funny words (kikimora, deer, capricious, booger and so on) on small pieces of paper. So, someone pulls out a candy wrapper with one of the words (for example, capricious), and with a serious face, looking into the eyes of his neighbor, says to him: "I am capricious." If no one laughed, then a neighbor picks up the baton, and this continues in a circle until someone laughs. After that, the fun begins again with a laugh. 3. Phrases of congratulations. This is a very funny competition in which it is better to know when to stop. Refill your glasses and make a festive toast. The congratulatory phrase should be pronounced in turn by each person sitting at the common table, but it is important that they begin with letters in alphabetical order (first a toast is pronounced with the letter "A", the next participant says a toast with the letter "B", and so on. everyone will speak). The next round of toasts is allowed to start with the letter you left off. Prepare small prizes in advance - each time one of them should be received by the person who came up with the funniest toast. 4. Guess the riddle. For this competition, you should stock up on regular balloons, as well as small notes with funny riddles. Roll up the paper and put it inside the balloon, then inflate it. The participant needs to burst the ball and guess the riddle. If the answers from his lips still do not sound, then he will need to complete the task invented by all the participants in the game. Examples of these funny riddles: "What does a student have in common with a lizard?" (Ability to get rid of the "tail" in time), "How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be happy?" (One more pair than there is already), "What goes from one city to another, but remains motionless?" (Road) and so on. You can either invent such riddles yourself or download them below.

New contests for 2018 for adults

1. Drunken checkers. For this entertainment, you will need a real checkers board, except that the checkers themselves are replaced with stacks. How to distinguish between white and black newly appeared "checkers"? Replace the black ones with stacks of red wine, and the white ones with white. The rules are the same as in ordinary checkers, however, having got the opponent's checker, you will have to drink it! Of course, it is not necessary to use wine - it can be any alcoholic drinks, just different in color. 2. Drove. For this competition, you will need two radio-controlled cars. Play, respectively, for two people, each of whom puts a glass of alcohol on his typewriter. Now a certain point is randomly selected in the room, which will become the final point for the cars. The goal is to get your car to the finish line without spilling your drink. The winner drinks his own shot. Then the relay passes to the next pair, and so on. 3. What's in my mouth. For the New Year's competition, prepare in advance a separate container with products that will be used in this experiment, but will not be on the festive table. Let it be seven to eight unusual foods. The player is blindfolded, and you give him a taste of this or that food - the competitor must guess at the first attempt what exactly is offered to him. Other products can be used with the next player. The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.

Funny and interesting games

1. Snowballs. The competition will be held indoors, and, of course, not with real snowballs, but there is still an alternative - just crumple up napkins or paper towels (you should stock up on this material in advance). You will also need chairs for the number of players, who, in turn, should split into two teams. Competitors from one team line up on their chairs, and the participants of the second, in turn, try to hit their opponents with a snowball. By the way, the "targets" have the ability to dodge the snow. When all the opponents on the chairs are defeated, the teams change places. The team with the highest performance wins (more snowballs reached the goal).

2. Roll the ball. Competition for several couples. Each team is given two balls, which are usually played in ping-pong. The man should roll the ball from the left sleeve of the companion to the right, and the woman should roll the second ball from the partner's right leg to the left. The team that manages to cope faster wins. 3. Clothespins. Another game for couples. Competitors are blindfolded, and clothespins are attached to any part of the clothing of all players. After the beep, you must try to remove all clothespins from your partner. The winner is the pair that completes the task faster than the others. Of course, you need a leader who will supervise this process. 4. To the touch. Two players are blindfolded and put on thick gloves or mittens on their hands. Guests stand in front of each contestant, and are given 10 seconds to guess by touch each guest. Players take turns playing. The winner is the participant who completes the task faster. Subsequently, the next pair of players is determined. 5. Burst the balloon. For the game, different-sex couples are chosen, who are given a balloon. Couples must squeeze the "props" between their bodies, and the balls must "burst" by a sound signal. The first pair to do it wins. This is followed by the second round with a complicated task: the balls must be "burst" with their backs or even priests.

New Year's contests for a fun company

1. New Year's crocodile. A well-known entertainment that will appeal to contestants of all ages! So, we remind you of the principle of this rather simple and addictive game. Participants are divided into two teams, in each of which one person is selected. The leader says some word to the chosen ones, and they should “show” it to their teams without making any sounds. The team that completes the task faster will win. You can play differently - one of the participants "shows" the word to everyone else, and the one who is the first to guess wins. So that there is no suspicion that the word was invented on the go, we recommend that you write it down in advance on a piece of paper. Since we are talking about celebrating the New Year, it is advisable to come up with words on this topic. 2. Bows. Amusing and hilarious fun. To participate in the game, you need at least six people so that they are divided into teams of three. The gender of the players does not matter. One of the participants stands in the middle of the room, while two of his teammates are blindfolded. One of the partners is given ten ribbons, and he, at the sound signal, must tie them on the one who is standing in the middle of the room. The second partner, who is also blindfolded, looks for the bows by touch and unties them. In the second command, similar actions take place. The winner is the company that completes the task earlier. 3. Drawing blindly. The competition is played by two people. So, the participants are tied behind their backs and placed behind them on an easel. Now the players must arm themselves with felt-tip pens (hands remain behind their backs) and depict on the canvas the symbol of the coming year - the Dog. The rest of the guests should act as fans and suggest in which direction the contestants should draw further - to the left, higher, and so on. The winner is the player who manages to more reliably portray the cheerful guardian of 2018. Next, the next pair of contestants comes into play, and the competition is held according to a similar principle. 4. Hat. Another exciting competition, which can be attended by absolutely everyone celebrating. The essence of the entertainment is quite simple - players must pass a hat to each other, putting it on the head of a neighbor without the help of their palms (you can act with your elbows, mouth). The one who drops the headdress is eliminated. The winner is the participant who will end up alone. Of course, this game is unlikely to come to the liking of ladies who decided to make a complex hairstyle, but, as you know, New Year's hairstyles in 2018 imply simplicity and negligence, so there should not be any special difficulties. 5. The song in the hat. A very funny and memorable competition, which will especially appeal to people who like to demonstrate their vocal talents. In advance, you need to stock up on small pieces of paper, on each of which you should write a word. Since we are talking about a winter holiday, you can write words related to this topic: tree, Olivier, cold, snowflakes, reindeer and so on. Put all these candy wrappers in a hat, and invite each guest in turn to get a piece of paper. Now the contestant must perform a small song, invented personally on the go, making sure to use the word that he got several times.

Children's games for New Year's celebration

Check out our list of new fun activities for kids. Draw a symbol of the New Year As you know, children like to portray different characters, so, for sure, they will take part in this competition with particular enthusiasm. Tell the little ones that a dog is the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2018, and invite them to portray this animal and also tell about it. The participant who manages to most reliably show an adult dog or puppy will become the winner of the competition. However, there may be several winners. Of course, don't forget to prepare some sweet incentive prizes for the hardest guys. Sweets This game is more suitable for children of primary school age, and not for toddlers who have barely learned to walk. The fact is that this entertainment presupposes clear coordination of movements and the ability to control one's actions. Also note that only one child can play the game. So, first, hang a couple of your child's favorite sweets on the Christmas tree - the child should not see exactly where you placed them. Blindfold the baby and bring him to the tree, suggesting to find sweets on the tree for a certain time. Of course, the player will have to act very carefully so as not to damage the toys, the tree itself does not heap up, or does not fall on its own.

Round dance This game has many variations. For example "Mice dance in a circle". First, you need to choose a "cat" among the children with the help of a counting meter. The "cat" sits down on a chair or directly on the floor, closing his eyes. The other participants turn out to be "mice" who begin to dance around the "cat", saying:

"The mice are dancing around,
The cat is sleeping on the stove.
Hush the mouse, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the cat Vaska,
How Vaska's cat wakes up -
Will break the whole round dance! "

When the last words of the final phrase begin to sound, the cat stretches and on the last word "Round dance" opens his eyes and runs after the mice that are trying to escape. The caught "mouse" turns into a cat, and so on in a circle. Drawing or letter to Santa Claus Most likely, this kind of entertainment will appeal to all children, but for it you should stock up on sheets of paper and felt-tip pens or colored pencils in advance. Tell the children that now they have to prepare a letter for Santa Claus, but they don't need to write anything in it - they just need a drawing. In this picture, ask the children to depict how they see the coming new year and what they want. We can talk about some kind of trips, gifts and the like. Specify right away that, most likely, Santa Claus will not be able to fulfill all desires, but he will nevertheless take into account some of them.

Making a snowman Making a snowman is fun and exciting, even when it's not about winter outdoor activities. For this game you will need softened plasticine. So, two participants get down to business, who sit at the table next to each other (you can even hug). Now these players must act as one. Let the right hand of one kid and the left hand of the other act as if we are talking about the hands of one person - the children will thus have to mold a snowman from plasticine. The task is quite difficult, but if the kids start to act together, then everything will certainly work out! Competition for the best snowflake Most children love to do crafts with their own hands. Tell the children to decorate the room they are playing in with snowflakes. Of course, for this, the same snowflakes first need to be made. You can demonstrate yourself a master class on how to cut out such snowflakes, or you can simply set a general direction and let the kids act as they see fit. Even if the result is far from perfect, in no case do you need to declare this - together with the children, decorate the room with the snowflakes that they made (stick them to the window, hang them on the strings from the chandelier, and so on). Also reward the most beautiful works with sweet prizes.

Contest - guess the hero For this activity, have the young participants sit in a circle. Now ask the players each in turn to name the continuation of the name of the fairytale character, for example; "Zo (lushka)", "Red (Riding Hood)", "White (snowball)" and so on. The child, who could not give the correct answer, drops out of the game, but the guys who stayed continue the competition. It is important for you to take into account the fact that you will have to ask a lot of questions, therefore you will have to prepare in advance by writing for yourself the names of the fairy-tale characters on a piece of paper. If there are a lot of children, then it is not necessary to wait until there is only one winner left - it is possible to indicate in advance that, for example, the remaining three will win. Hide and seek Perhaps it is difficult to find someone who has never heard of such fun. However, the principle of this entertainment is quite simple and is already hidden in its name alone. So, while one kid counts, for example, to ten, closing his eyes or hiding in one of the rooms, the other guys scatter around the house and hide. When the set time passes, the child goes in search of his friends - the one who is found first is considered the loser. You can start the game all over again at this point, or you can continue looking for other participants. The child who was discovered first, then he himself takes up the search, also counting to ten.

Fun entertainment for a corporate party

If you want your corporate party to be fun and memorable, check out some exciting games.

1. Mandarin relay. We offer a very interesting version of this entertainment, requiring two teams with the same number of participants. Each team member is assigned a player who puts a tangerine in the spoon and holds the spoon itself with both hands. Now the opponents must reach a certain landmark with a spoon and back to their team without dropping the citrus - if this happens, then the loser with a spoon returns to the starting point. Having reached the landmark and back, the participant passes the spoon to the next player. The team that will be the first to complete the task will win. Note that when carrying a tangerine, nothing can hold it. 2. Bottle. This is a fairly well-known game that marked the beginning of many office romances. Whatever it was, but it is really fun entertainment. So, at least 4-6 people take part in the game, who should sit in a circle, after which one of them spins the bottle in a clockwise direction, lying in the center of the circle. As a result, the player who set the bottle in motion will have to kiss the person who, like an arrow, will point to the stopped neck of the vessel (or the person of the opposite sex closest to the pointer). After that, the bottle is offered to twist to the one who fell under "her sight". 3. Comic forfeits with predictions about work. Many of us have a positive attitude to various kinds of predictions, and some also believe in them. The New Year has long been directly associated with all sorts of fortune-telling, and let your corporate evening be no exception, despite the fact that the predictions will be made in a humorous manner. How exactly to hand the forfeits is up to you. Anyone can take a note with a prophecy from the bag. In addition, you can make a special rather simple cookie with such predictions. Write only positive predictions related to work - about salary increases, new ideas, and the like. 4. Lottery competition. A very interesting lottery that will surely arouse positive feelings among its participants. Having compiled a list of participants for the upcoming holiday in advance, ask each guest to come with their craft, packed in a colorful wrapper. However, for this drawing it is not at all necessary to use crafts - we can talk about souvenirs or sweets in a certain price range. Stick numbers on all packages, and write the same numbers on small pieces of paper. Subsequently, each participant in the lottery will have to pull out his number from a special bag or just a hat. 5. The game "I have never ...". A very popular and addictive game that you might have seen in some foreign films. Each participant in the festive evening must utter a confession phrase, which begins with the words: "I have never ...". Example: "I have never slept in a tent." People to whom this statement does not apply take a sip of wine. Further, some recognition is made by the next party participant, and those guests to whom the next recognition is not related, again take a sip of wine. Phrases can be fun, but each time they need to be more personal, for example, "I never slept naked." However, do not get too carried away, so as not to give away your biggest secrets.

Target: creating a festive mood.

The second game was to grope and pull out tiny candies in a two-liter container filled to the top with buckwheat.
The third game was offered to all children, but the rules were different. On the rope, which was held by the ends by two adults, there were various prizes, souvenirs that had to be cut with scissors in order to pick them up. Children chose the gift they liked, and then blindfolded they tried to cut it off. The difficulty for them was to orient themselves in space and take the required number of steps. The younger was not blindfolded, but they did not help to cut the thread with the gift.
For a 2-year-old child, these tasks were enough. The rest of the time, he watched his brother and sister, who actively competed with each other.

Cinderella game
Each participant is blindfolded and offered to disassemble their slide, in which 3 types of pasta are mixed, in groups. Ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house. It can be peas, beans, lentils, dried mountain ash, etc. The one who is the first to cope with the task won.

Here the eldest grandson won with a big advantage, who acted simultaneously with two hands.

"Chef competition"
For a certain time, the participants in the game had to draw up New Year's menus. The granddaughter came up with the menu for the Snow Maiden, and the grandson - for Santa Claus. The dishes on the menu for the Snow Maiden should begin with the letter "C", and for Santa Claus - with the letter "M". The winner is the one with the largest menu. At first, the children invented the dishes on their own, but very soon their parents joined them, which greatly enlivened the game and enriched the children's vocabulary. This competition was won by a granddaughter, who has an excellent auditory memory and a large vocabulary.

Creative competition "Make a Christmas tree"
Children were invited to create their own version of the Christmas tree from the proposed fruits, vegetables and marzipan figurines.
Half the apple is placed on the plate, cut down. A hole is made in this apple, into which a carrot is inserted. It will be the “trunk” of the Christmas tree, on which grapes and other fruits will be attached with the help of toothpicks.

Find the treasure game.
For this game, you need to prepare in advance a drawing of the apartment in which the holiday takes place, and make several photocopies. Then, on this drawing, mark the place where the treasure is hidden with a cross.
The difficulty in reading the drawing lies in the fact that three-dimensional objects are presented as two-dimensional on it, therefore, quickly understanding where to look, the children could not find the hidden object for a long time. For example, knowing that the grandson reads diagrams easily, grandfather hung the "treasure" on the curtain rod on the side of the balcony door, which was impossible to understand looking at the drawing. The game took place in two stages. At the first stage, the children were looking for treasures together because, firstly, the granddaughter had to learn from the experience of the older brother and learn to read the apartment plan, and secondly, the joint activity unites, and finally, the gifts were for everyone, and the youngest grandson had to complete such a task on his own not yet possible. I borrowed the idea of ​​gifts from the Veselyi Prazdny store. There, for 380 rubles, small jars with the name “Ambulance. For money ”,“ Ambulance. From disgusting study "and so on. Inside these jars were some kind of sweets of a very dubious composition. I thought I would print labels on a color printer, come up with positive names for the ambulance, buy sweets that I have no doubt about, and get great souvenirs for a much lower price. These jars were hidden for the children in the bathroom, inside the washing machine, loaded with clean clothes. I came up with the following names:

Nourishes the brain

excellent study.


Increases obedience.
Reduces stubbornness.
Boosts immunity.

I regret not having photographed these jars, since I did not plan to post this material on the blog.

Find the turtle game.
A turtle is a magnet that hangs on the refrigerator. The game consists in putting the turtle in a prominent place in the room, and the children must find it, but at the same time do not scream for joy, do not take the turtle in their hands, but calmly sit on the sofa and wait for the other participant to complete the task. This is a game I play with children in the garden. It helps to cope with impulsivity, develops observation. Children do not immediately succeed in following these rules. Despite the fact that I always put the item in a prominent place, they search for a long time, and if they find it, they cannot contain their joy and break the second rule. Here the presenter has to be inventive to find such places in the room that, on the one hand, were in plain sight, and on the other, they masked the magnet. Instead of a magnet, you can take the simplest items: a box of matches, an eraser, a paper clip, etc.

This game requires paired pictures that are laid face down. There can be 20 or more pictures. It all depends on the number of players and their age. Players take turns. The one who walks reveals any two pictures. If they turned out to be the same, the player takes them for himself, if the pictures are different, they are put back in place face down. The turn goes to the next player. The one who picks up more pairs wins.
During the game, you must carefully look at the pictures and remember their location. The beginning of the game is the most difficult moment, because there are a lot of pictures and almost always unpaired ones are opened. During this period, it is necessary to maintain in the children the confidence that they will soon be lucky and they will be able to win. We play this game with a mixed company, since the chances of adults and children are equal.
There is also a variant of "MEMORY", when the pictures are different, but the words for their designation are the same, for example: scythe, board, score, pear, bow, mouse (computer), charging (for a mobile phone), skating rink (special vehicle), butterfly ( tie), etc.
For the New Year, I came up with a sweet version of the game. After we played the regular variations, I announced a super game. Instead of pictures, there will be sweets and chocolates, which I will cover with opaque disposable cups. Everyone knows how to play further. Opened the same candies, take them for yourself, different ones - cover them with a glass. We played twice, everyone really liked it.
True, I took the photo later, just to show the very principle of the game.

Master classes
I like it when children draw, sculpt, join the beautiful, so at the holiday I invited them to do work in the technique of plasticineography. Everyone, including the youngest grandson, chose a blank for himself and began to "draw". Upon completion of the work, we arranged a “vernissage” for the parents.

Last year, his son showed his creativity, who painted the faces of the children with makeup. They liked this process very much, with the exception of the younger, who flatly refused.

Assignments for adults
At the holiday, tasks are offered to everyone. They are not difficult, accessible even for schoolchildren, but they require attention and the ability to think logically. Often enough attention is not enough for everyone to answer without errors. Of course, the questions are presented in printed form, similar to the test. It only remains to emphasize the correct answer. Here is an example of one such task.
1. You are competing in a marathon and overtook the runner-up. What position are you in now?
The second first is impossible the third

2. Is there February 23rd in the USA?
Yes, not only in the military, only in men

3. You are competing in a marathon and overtook the last runner to run. What position are you in now?
The second first last last but one is impossible

4. Winnie the Pooh is ...
Boar piglet boar pig none of the above

5. How many animals did Moses take into his ark?
Unlimited None, Two of Each Kind, One of Each Kind

6. There were 5 glasses on the table. Misha drank one glass and put it on the table. How many glasses are now worth?

7. One corner was sawed off from a rectangular table. How many corners are there?

8. On the table there are 3 carrots and 5 apples. The child took one carrot and ate it. How many fruits are left?

9. The distance between points A and B is 500 km. From point A to point B, a car drove off at a speed of 100 km / h. at the same time, a car drove out towards him from point B to point A at a speed of 120 km / h. which of them will be closer to point A when they meet?
(The car is considered a material point).

10. The goods first rose in price by 10%, and then fell in price by 10%. What is its cost now?
101% 100 % 90 % 99 % 109 %

11. How many times does 4 appear in numbers from 1 to 50?
1 14 4 6 10 15

Right answers:
1.second 2.yes 3.this is impossible 4.none of the above
5.none 6. 5 7. 5 8. 5 9. they will be at the same distance from point A when they meet (the task is overloaded with information, but it is enough to turn on imaginative thinking to instantly find a solution) 10.99% (with a rise in price by 10 % of the product began to cost 110, 10% of 110 = 11, therefore, after the reduction in price, it will cost 99%) 11. 15 times (it is often forgotten that there are two fours in the number 44).

At the New Year's holiday, it is impossible to do without riddles, songs and dances. We also had them, but I will not describe them, since such a task was not set.