Foam for washing Galderma Setaphyl Derma Control

Now the cosmetic market has a large assortment of funds that make it possible to provide the skin as much efficient care. In comprehensive care, a means for washing, which will clearly clean the skin, but at the same time, without overhanging it and moisturizing.

Sketafil foam foam will be a good choice. It was created for a problem type of leather that needs special care. Suitable for sensitive and very sensitive skin.

The means does not contain parabens, acids and soaps. It is hypoallergenically and does not have a negative impact on the epidermis.

Due to the unique composition, the foam provides many positive effects. It not only cleans gently, but also contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, which allows you to get rid of acne.

The active substances that make up provide such positive actions:

  • zinc sulfate - well suits and has an antiseptic effect, and also speeds up the regeneration process;
  • zinc gluconate - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, increases the permeability of cells, and their immunity, activates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • bidodortion EDTC - provides the right pH;
  • dicalia Glycyrrisate - delicately cleans, prevents and eliminates inflammation, and also restores skin;
  • glyceril Kokoat - ensures moisturizing, increases the permeability for other substances;
  • hydrogenated castor oil - makes skin soft, improves the natural level of moisture, prevents its decrease, and also ensures the formation of a protective film;
  • polyethylene glycol - softens and moisturizes, and also ensures mixing of other substances;
  • PEG-75 is softened, and also contributes to the transportation of moisture into the skin layers, and also has the effect of toning and calm.

Sketafil foam for washing, the composition of which is completely safe for the skin, is considered one of the best.

There are no aggressive components that could have a negative impact on the skin. They are carefully selected in the right ratio. Due to this, the foam has a good therapeutic effect in a few weeks of application.

It is dermatologically tested and approved by many leading experts and cosmetologists, it is addictive from which suitable for daily use.

Washing foam produced by Galderma. It was created specifically for the care of problem skin, which is especially relevant for teenagers. Very often, the means is included in the treatment of acne and acne.

Setaphyl has many positive effects:

  1. It provides good cleansing and moisturizing, while preventing driving.
  2. Regular use of foam helps to calm the epidermis, sightening the pores and eliminate the inflammatory process.
  3. It eliminates the fat shine and excess of the skin, which often becomes the cause of acne.
  4. The foam does not lead to clogging and is considered non-comedy.

There are only three tools in the medical series, among which moisturizing cream, lotion and foam. The latter is in high demand, as it can be used for normal skin as daily skin care.

The principle of action of active ingredients is based on the fact that they maintain natural pH leather. They do not annoy it and do not overcame. The natural protective film is also preserved, which is considered the most important indicator.

When using problems for problem skin, peeling and irritation often appear. Applying Sketafil daily, there will be no such problems. It eliminates irritation and contributes to the effective treatment of acne. The tool is suitable even for very sensitive skin.

SETAFILER Derma Controlle for washes is considered one of the best for problem skin. It is recommended by many dermatologists.

Penka very delicately eliminates all types of contaminants on the skin, among which:

  • decorative cosmetics;
  • demitious cells of the epidermis;
  • sebum;
  • external contamination.

With regular use, the level of sebum decreases by 77%. This allows you to quickly get rid of the manifestations of acne and oily shine on the skin. It becomes attractive, healthy and looks like matte, the tone is leveling.

The active ingredient components do not have a negative impact on the skin barrier. They provide the right pH of the skin, and also improve its texture and color.

Thanks to the zinc, which is included in the means, is ensured by self-regulating effect. After washing, the skin becomes clean, moistened and soft. There is no sense of overwhelming and irritation.

Easy texture of the means is well applied to the skin and does not spread. After the washing procedure, freshness and comfort feels. Cosmetics is washed off the first time. No need to apply any additional funds.

You can buy a foam in a pharmacy or online store. The tool is very popular, therefore a variety of positive feedback is presented on the Internet. Thanks to a convenient dispenser, the foam grabs for a long time.

To wash, you need to click on the dispenser once, this amount is quite enough. Cetaphil Dermacontrol Warming Matting Foam has many positive properties. These include:

  • a physiological pH is present in the funds, which makes it possible to maintain the natural balance of moisture without disturbing it, as well as contributing to the penetration of beneficial components;
  • penka well removes pollution, does not overheat and eliminates the fat shine;
  • maximum moisturizing and cleansing is ensured;
  • eliminates the manifestations of acne.

Penka is suitable for daily care and as part of a acne treatment plan, especially in the first months of their appearance. The price of funds is relatively small. They need to be used twice a day, in the morning and at night. It is enough to apply a small amount of mousse on wet skin and massage a little, then rinse with water.

Many studies have shown that it does not cause dryness and peeling even the most sensitive epidermis. If it is used together with drugs, there will be no negative reactions. This means as softly and gently cleans the skin, ensuring its moisturizing.

I tried a lot of money and spent a lot of money, but did not get the desired result? Want to find an effective tool at an attractive value? Then you will definitely enjoy the "sewage" washbasin foam, offered in stores, which has not only cleansing, but and moisturizing properties. In addition, it instantly eradicates inflammation.

Foam for washing "Setaphyl": description

Initially, Setaphyl foam was intended for that, therefore, it contains nutrient oils that increase the content of lipids in cells. Today "SETAFIL" - the prices of which range from 450 to 630 rubles, it is sold in a bottle of 235 ml and is intended for sensitive and oily skin in need of soft cleansing. Such an effect was achieved due to the addition of panthenol, allantoin, removing from the skin itching and inflammation.

The huge advantage of the "Setaphyl" foam is believed that it does not irritate the skin, thereby not provoking additional redness and soothes the face. In addition, this drug is easily applied to the face and perfectly absorbed, which contributes to spectacular cleansing. Furiously after applying the means acquires exceptional purity and matte structure.

"SETAFIL" (foam for washing) not only spares the problem skin, but also retains the integrity of its structure. It instantly copes with excessions of fat and brilliance on the face. This tool is recommended to apply within 2 months. Next, the product can be used as a supporting means for rash therapy.

Let's say "no" pimple with foam for washing "Sketail Dermacontrol"

"SETAFIL DERMACONTROL" (washing foam) is an innovative drug for skin prone to rashes, from the manufacturer of Galderma. It cleans the skin from all sorts of bacteria for 12 hours and does not overheat it. In addition, "Sketail" (washing foam) contributes to the instantaneous removal of impressive inflammation and sightening the pores. Isn't such an innovative tool you were looking for? Of course.

"SETAFIL" (washing foam) is used both separately and in the complex with protective cream from the Sun and the Lotion of the same brand. Regardless of the method of use, the effect will definitely be. This non-encoded remedy does not block the pores and supports the standard skin balance, which, in fact, contributes to the rapid treatment of acne.

How to apply a foam to wash "Sketail"?

"SETAFIL" - Penka for washing, the prices of which attract the attention of potential consumers - is intended for daily use. It is recommended to use in the morning and before bedtime. Before using this innovative agent, it is necessary to rinse with cold water and only then with a circular movement to apply a foam. At the end, washed off with warm water.

According to experts in this area, if you follow the previous recommendations and the application of the foam to supplement a small massage, the effect will be much better. Also, experts argue that it will help to achieve the definition of the face of the Lotion of the same brand after washing. True, when applied to the skin, there is a feeling of some depth, which passes after 10-20 minutes.

Where to buy a foam "Sketail"?

Foam for washing "SETAFIL", the feedback on which even the most demanding customer, is sold in specialized cosmetic stores, pharmacy and online sites. By purchasing a tool on the official page, the buyer, if desired, can get a free consultation from highly qualified employees.

The site offers the whole line of this brand. In addition, choosing this option, the client can significantly save, because numerous discounts and special offers are regularly provided on such resources. For example, a promotion has recently been on the official website - "2 at a price of 1". But remember that before buying any means for the person prone to rash, it is recommended to consult with a doctor who can pick up the most optimal method of treatment precisely for your skin type. Although on the other hand, the "Setaphyl" foam cannot harm. So you can only solve you. Dare.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of the drug. Sketail. The reviews of the site visitors - consumers of this medicine are presented, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Setaphyl in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of sewage in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for treating acne or acne, cleansing and moisturizing the skin in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Sketail - restores the barrier function of the skin by replenishing the lost components. With daily use in complex therapy, patients makes skin smooth, softens it and has a protective effect.

Penka Sketafil Dermacontrol is one of the most effective preparations for home care fat, irritated and problem skin. The remedy gently cleanses the cover from pollution, normalizes the production of the skin, eliminating its excess, and does not damage the pH of the skin, and also does not overheat it, as other means for this type of skin do.

It has sebliting effect. It is used for the skin of two types - problematic and sensitive. Performs physiological cleaning. Eliminates any dirt from irritated and sensitive skin areas. Excellent copes with the remnants of makeup, dead cells, mud or excess skin lard. The instant effect is to reduce the amount of leather residues by three quarters.

Keeps the integrity of the skin barrier. Makes texture and skin color more pleasant.

Seboregulating effect is achieved due to zinc, which is one of the main components. Foam formula for washing from the SETAFIL series Dermacreditis is not aggressive, it contributes to moisturizing, reducing irritation.

Agent weightless and easy. It is easy to apply, apply, flush. After use, every time the feeling of comfort remains, freshness.

Moisturizing cream Sketafil Restoraderm is a special preparation designed for sensitive skin areas, providing comprehensive care and moisturizing.

It has the following useful properties:

  • Required moisturizing of the skin layers throughout the day.
  • Restoring the integrity of the skin barrier, getting rid of peeling, preservation of moisture in the layers of the epidermis, the regeneration of cracked areas due to the Keramid-5 component.
  • Matting and getting rid of the residues of the saline and normalization of its development. It is achieved at the expense of the zinc complex, polymethyl methacrylate and silicon of twooxide, which has sebluble effect.
  • Reducing inflammation at specific sites. Prevention of acne.
  • Playing the skin from the effect of ultraviolet.
  • Modern oleosomal technology performs the function of supplying active substances deep into the skin layers. Instant effects - long-term moisturizing, elimination of peeling and dryness.


Butylparaben + sodium lauryl sulfate + auxiliary substances (Cleansing Sketail Lotion).

Zinc sulfate (fine) + Dicalia Glycyrrizat + zinc gluconate + excipients (foam for washing seafil).

Keramids 5 + Panthenol + Pentylene Glyol + glycerin + silicon dioxide + auxiliary substances (sketafil moisturizer).


  • reducing the effects of therapy against acne (elimination of dryness, peeling or redness);
  • cleaning, without disturbing the holistic skin barrier;
  • protective function from the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation of type A and B.
  • with oily skin;
  • with sensitive skin, including associated with drug treatment, dried or irritating skin;
  • during problematic skin (the presence of atopic dermatitis, acne, eczema);
  • in cases of intolerance of conventional hygienic agents (cleansing milk, soap, washing gel, dermatological clay);
  • in the case when the skin is especially sensitive to climatic influences (sun, wind);
  • for delicate skin of newborns and breast-age.

Forms of release

Matting foam for washing sketafil Dermacontrol (dermontrol).

SPF30 SETAFILER DERMAcontrol (dermontrol) moisturizer.

Setafil Restoraderm (restaurant) Cream gel for the shower.

SETAFIL RESTORADERM (restaurant) Lotion moisturizing for the body.

Sketafil Lotion cleansing.

Seborgulating moisturizing cream Setaphyl.

Instructions for use and method of use

Penka for washing

Moisten the skin of the face. Apply a little foam to the entire area, avoiding the eyes. Easy massaging, beat the foam, thoroughly rub all the plots. Rudely rush with plenty of water. Apply daily, immediately before you are going to apply a moisturizer for the face.

If earlier you strongly overcame the skin by other means. Replace the morning wash foam on skin rubbing Sketafil lotion.


The lotion is applied to the skin with a cotton disk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Absorbed into a cotton disk tool is bad, so the whole lotion is on the skin. It is not necessary to flush it, you can simply remove the remnants of the lotion with a cotton disk or a napkin. If the tool does not cause discomfort (and it, as a rule, does not cause it), then you can leave a lotion on the skin until completely absorbing.

To remove decorative cosmetics, the means is not recommended: SETAFIL Lotion cannot fully dissolve cosmetics. But with the cleansing of the skin from its natural selection, the means copes perfectly. It is advisable to first remove the tonal cream, shadow, powder, mascara and lipstick with milk to remove cosmetics or micellar water, and then apply a lotion for humidification and skin restoration.


After you took advantage of the foam for washing, apply a moisturizer on the face. Issue on the disk or fingers a little means and evenly wipe the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe face. It is also recommended to take advantage of the drug after long solar baths.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions.


  • individual intolerance to the components.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not noted.

Application in children

Not indicated.

special instructions

Store means for cleansing, moistening and skin care of the set of sewage is necessary in a dry, protected from light.

Medicinal interaction

Absorption and admission to the bloodstream components of the sewage line minimally, so interaction with other drugs is insignificant.

Analogs of the Drug Sketail

Structural analogs on the active substance The products of the cosmetic line of sewage do not have. Preparations contain unique combinations of existing substances.

Analogs on the healing effect (means for treating acne or acne):

  • Aquasan;
  • Acnecano;
  • Androkur;
  • ArtRomax;
  • Basiron AU;
  • Basado;
  • Belluna 35;
  • Betapane Depot;
  • Betula Sharm;
  • Betusil;
  • Biseptol;
  • Bonade;
  • Vilplerafen;
  • Deekk acne gel from acne;
  • Dex Acne Lotion Cleansing;
  • Desquam;
  • Jess;
  • Jess Plus;
  • Diana 35;
  • Dimphosbon;
  • Doxal;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Dr. Tais Acne Cream of acne;
  • Dr. Tais Acne Lotion from acne;
  • Yeast beer;
  • Seven;
  • Mirror;
  • Zinyritis;
  • Zitrolide Forte;
  • Klenzit;
  • Kurizin;
  • Lying Puree;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Microfollins;
  • Monoclin;
  • Piolynisin;
  • Produm;
  • Retinic ointment;
  • Roaccutane;
  • Rosamet;
  • Roxitromycin;
  • Silica;
  • Skinorn;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Shipmork;
  • Chloride;
  • Zincter;
  • Cyteal;
  • Eplan;
  • Erica 35;
  • Unidox Solutab;
  • Yarina Plus.

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

When there are eating rashes, bold shine and foci of inflammation, the usual skin care is not suitable - it is necessary to use special cosmetics that would not only take care of the skin, but also struggled with these problems. Such cosmetics wears the name of therapeutic and allows you to carefully care for the skin. Having a problem type of skin is very difficult to choose an effective agent, as many, despite the promises of the manufacturers, do not give any effect. Sketafil Penka is something that you need to try, since the positive results of its use are emphasized by many buyers, which made the product so popular.

The composition of the foam and the product description

On the package it is indicated that the foam is created for the facility prone to the frequent appearance. The equipment includes components such as: PEG 7,40,75, 200, sulfate and zinc gluconate, sodium benzoate, glycyrrisate Dicalia and clean water. Irritating components are not included in the number of ingredients, and find a product with a similar composition will not work. Due to the composition of the foam, it is great to meet all the needs of problem skin:

  • as a result of regular washing, the side effects of acne therapy are significantly reduced (namely, the feeling of dryness is removed, peeling and redness disappear);
  • the skin is moisturized;
  • careful cleansing without harm to the skin barrier;
  • protection against harmful radiation.

It is worth noting that the drug does not treat the skin and it will not only be able to get rid of acne. The main task of the washing foam is to provide problem skin care, and have a positive impact on its condition in a complex with other approaches to acne treatment. The product copes well with the prevention of the emergence of new foci of inflammation, but, again, with an integrated approach.

Texture gentle, light, when you press the dispenser, a small amount of white foam appears. The smell is pleasant, apply and distribute the product on the skin is very simple. Available in non-transparent bottles of 235 ml. The product is sold mainly in pharmacies, as it is part of the medical series and is often prescribed by dermatologists.

Who comes up with Sketail DermaControl?

As already mentioned, the series was developed specifically for the owners of problem skin (with a violation of the work of the sebaceous glands, foci of inflammation, acne and echs, etc.). The root cause of such a state lies in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it will rather say in violating such functioning. This is due to improper care, irrational nutrition, hormonal failure, poor ecological situation, etc. The accumulation of a hasty secret attracts bacteria, and their reproduction and leads to the emergence of the foci of the inflammatory process.

Some remedy appoints a dermatologist, but you can try to use it and independently, noticing the appearance of skin problems. The drug helps to remove the extra skin fat, thereby destroying the favorable environment for the development of bacteria, removes the shine due to entering the zinc and favorably affects the restoration and maintenance of the PH-balance of the skin.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer recommends applying foam twice a day, and do it regularly to achieve the best effect. Before applying the tool, the skin must be slightly soaked, after which you can safely distribute the caring foam in the face. Special attention should be paid to the sections with the most affected skin. If desired, the foam can not be flush from the skin.

You can also use the product as a means for removing makeup - a light texture helps to effectively clean the face from cosmetics, further exerting a careful effect. Of course, when using it and with such a goal, the consumption increases significantly.
The best healing effect is achieved with a comprehensive application of a series of products for problem skin.

Is there analogs to the set of sewage dermontrol?

The formula for therapeutic line of sewage is unique and has no complete substitutes. However, if this product for some reason did not come up, then find a product with a similar action will not be difficult, a series for problem skin is sold in pharmacies and a lot of them. The pricing policy is found in the most different, and sometimes it is the cost of Setaphyl pushes buyers to find something else. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is better to get to the consultation to a dermatologist, where the doctor after examining the status of the skin will be able to assign a correct course of treatment. An integrated approach and properly selected cosmetics will help get rid of skin problems.

Penka for washing seafil is one of the effective treatments for problem skin care. It perfectly moisturizes it. As a result, an effective narrowing of pores occurs.

Setaphyl neatly eliminates with problem skin All available types of contamination - skin fat, small particles of dead cells, external pollution.

An important advantage of foam for washing is the fact that it does not create irritation, does not provoke new redness. Soothes the skin of the face, it becomes mild and pleasant to the touch. No tightening and drying after receiving the means does not occur.

Actually for use in the first month during the disposal of acne and acne.


Cosmetics has an air texture. White foam has a pleasant, unwitting smell that remains on the skin for a while. Easy in applying and distribution all over the face. Hypoallergenne.

Foam for washing does not contain harmful components capable of damage to the gentle skin of the face.

Penka Setaphyl contains a number of important components:

  • dicalia Glycyrrizat - exhibits anti-inflammatory effect;
  • filtered water;
  • PEG-75 - delivers moisture into the skin layers;
  • zinc sulfate - has an antiseptic property;
  • zinc gluconate - normalizes the barrier function of the skin;
  • hydrogenated castor oil - creates a special film that protects the skin without letting it lose moisture;
  • glyceril Kokoat - stabilizes the necessary humidity;
  • sodium benzoate - is a preservative;
  • masking fragrance;
  • bidodortion EDTC - a stabilizer controlling the pH of the means;
  • polyethylene glycol - helps mix all components.

The emulsion complex, which is the composition of the washing foam, is designed for deep skin cleaning. Normalizes the correct pH - the balance of the skin. Does not harm the protective barrier. Does not cause irritation. Does not dry the skin. Performs mitigating and cleansing actions. It will noticeably copes with a rash, fights with small pimples and subcutaneous.

The presence of zinc in the structure of the means allows to provide sebluble effect.

The absence of ethyl alcohol and soap, but does not wash off the means with water without delivering discomfort.

Effect of measuring

Components included in the structure of a cosmetic agent have a beneficial effect on some processes:

  • skin moisturizing occurs;
  • there is a decrease in the side effects of acne therapy;
  • careful cleansing does not harm the skin barrier;
  • provides the right skin color, creates a uniform texture;
  • protects from the effects of harmful emissions.

SETAFIL is not a medicament. Its goal is a delicate skin care of a face having problems in the form of acne, inflammation and acne. For effective result, the wash foam is advisable to use in a drug complex with drugs aimed at eliminating this problem. Competently composed comprehensive treatment will help get rid of acne. Prevents the emergence of new foci of inflammation.

Indications for use

The foam is produced in hermetic packaging in a bottle of 236 ml. The installed dispenser makes it easy to control the required amount of content. This fact helps to rationally distribute the tool for the entire course of treatment. A pair of pressing dispenser is enough for single use.

Sketafil Penka for washes is used daily until eliminating unwanted fatty skin problems. Approved by dermatologists. The use of cosmetics is allowed to patients of any age (with the exception of small children).

The cause of the problem skin lies in the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. This fact is associated with poor-quality skin care. Eranny food, infected ecology, improper lifestyle.

A large accumulation of a harsh secret leads to the appearance of bacteria. Spinning, they provoke new foci of inflammatory processes. Penka for washing chutafil struggles with the resulting skin saber, preventing the reproduction of bacteria.

Instructions for use

For the effective use of sewage foam, it is necessary to perform a strict sequence of its application:

  1. Use the tool twice a day - in the morning and in the evening (if necessary more often).
  2. Before applying, the foam must be washed with cosmetics.
  3. Rinse the face with cold water.
  4. Setaphyl is applied to a slightly wet skin.
  5. A sufficient amount of foam is squeezed through the dispenser. For convenient distribution, the means uses the pads of the fingers.
  6. The foam should be evenly distributed throughout the face, avoiding entering the eyes, performing circular movements. Problem areas should pay more attention.
  7. Penka on the face must be left no more than 1 minute.
  8. The tool is removed using a sponix or washed off by hot water. Washing must be started with warm water, smoothly moving to cold. Such a temperature difference has a beneficial effect on the narrowing of the pores.
  9. After the procedure on the face it is necessary to apply a moisturizing lotion. With serious skin problems, specialized cream applies.

Many otafil users note that it is not worth fling off a foam. Action tools continues to "work" for a while.

Cosmetic, for better effect, should be applied after consulting a specialist. The appointed course will be 1 - 3 months. For a qualitative result, the foam should be used in conjunction with the entire line of the Sketail series (cream and lotion).

It should also be noted, the sewage foam is not a perfect means for removing makeup. Pooh and a tone will remove without problems, it will be difficult with masculum. To remove evening makeup, you need to use a special milk, then apply chutafil.

Cons, contraindications, side effects of setafila

Based on customer reviews using this product, 2 minuses are highlighted: high price. The problem with the acquisition of foam. Not all pharmacies have this cosmetics in arsenal. Buying over the Internet, you need to wait for a while.

The contraindication on the use of facies facial washing includes intolerance or high sensitivity to components that are available as part of a cosmetic agent.

Setaphyl has no adverse reactions.

Specialists note - the long use of this product is undesirable - you can cut the skin of the face.

A feed for washing chutafil has no analogues. Cosmetics with such rich therapeutic composition are not developed.