Happy New Year greetings to the boss woman. Poems happy new year boss

Good day! The exchange of greeting cards and emails is an important element of business etiquette. Such a symbolic sign of attention will become an unconditional expression of your respect and will certainly be pleasant to the boss. Short, but capacious, sincerely, but in a business-like restrained manner. This is what a competent congratulation for the leader on the New Year should look like.

We offer your choice of the best Happy New Year greetings to your boss in verse and prose. Whether it is a woman or a man, there is congratulations for everyone. Choose and congratulations!

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to the boss woman in verse and prose

The house smells of fresh pine needles,
It's time to celebrate the New Year
Round dance near the Christmas tree,
Lead by adults and children.
We congratulate you, colleague,
We sincerely wish you happiness and kindness,
May your life flourish
May your dream come true.

A beautiful, bright time is coming,
You and I, colleague, will celebrate the New Year.
So let's lift this unnecessary heavy burden
Overwork and all sorts of everyday worries.
Today we are with you, my beloved colleague,
We open a clean slate of our lives,
And let it be like festive pure snow,
Your career ladder will climb up.

Being a boss is hard, no doubt
And if it's a woman - doubly so.
Opinions must be taken into account
To be a friend in the world and a judge in war.
Loyal to be, and at the same time strict,
Give orders and demand an account.
The boss has a lot to do,
And at home, my daughter is waiting for her mother!
We wish you a lot of strength and charm in the New Year,
Feasible "I need", performed by "I want"!
Though the boss, you are still a lady!
You can do it, you can handle it!

Our dear boss, Happy New Year!
You are so beautiful in this winter hour,
Let under the frosty sky,
Life will give all the best to you.

May beauty continue to bloom
Fighting all around the men
Let the soul of sadness never know
For sadness so that there is no reason.

Happy New Year Lady Boss!
We want it to come true
Your best wish
Super miracle expectation!

Let the snowflakes dance
Will call you to the world of happiness
Fireworks will fly up into the sky
In these glorious moments!

Our dear boss, cordially
Happy New Year to you!
Let love surrounds carelessly
Happiness light so as not to go out.

May good luck in every undertaking
Brings you pleasure and income,
Let everyone's wishes come true
Every moment blooms with smiles.

Beloved boss, congratulations
Happy New Year's Eve today!
We wish you great success in everything
And life shone so that good.

Let happiness pierce the soul
Let love warm every day and hour.
Let them bypass both problems and bad weather,
Let peace not leave you.

Happy New Year! I wish this year to devote as much time to my beloved as possible - to pamper yourself, to acquire many things and jewelry. I wish that everything goes well at work, subordinates respect and love.

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to the boss man in verse and prose

We wish you a Happy New Year, our unchanging director. Let the work not lose its intensity and positive vector. Let luck pursue And the insidious crisis runs away. Let there be happiness in your personal life, Business grows and prospers.

The boss is strict, but fair, The man is serious, but positive The team is in a hurry to congratulate you on the New Year! We wish the whole company great weather. Your personal happiness is great and lasting. So that money flows like water from a source. There was enough strength and health in abundance, the Family warmed with warmth and love.

We wish you a Happy New Year
A wonderful holiday to meet without worries,
Find happiness in every day
Health, mood and success.

We wish you inspiration for tasks,
So that each of them carries prosperity,
May the New Year bring you good luck
Leading to the heights of the goal, plans.

Dear boss, congratulations!
May the New Year fulfill your dreams
Let health strengthen itself
Surrounded by a sea of ​​happiness, warmth.

Your courage, calmness and strength
Respect worthy, no matter how you look at it.
I wish that fate brought you
More joy, success and love.

Chief, let me congratulate you
Happy New Year to us from the bottom of our hearts,
Let success surround you
In his fast round dance.

Let the money flow like a river
Let the team respect.
May life be happy
And nothing upsets.

We wish you in the New Year
Happiness, joy, love,
A thicket full to the brim
Will be at home and family!

You are the best boss
Everyone among us knows
Let it be thick on the table
To please the eye!

So that dreams come true too
Whatever we can, we will help
Long life in abundance
To be so sweet!

The team of our company is in a hurry to congratulate you on the New Year, a new stage in your activity, which must become a significant period for all of us - a time of change for the better. Please accept our warmest wishes for good, health, love and peace of mind. May you, as if by a wave of a magic wand, succeed in turning all your plans into reality, and may new victories bring prosperity and financial well-being to our company. Thank you for your professionalism and reliability, which gives us invaluable confidence in the future!

We hasten to congratulate our beloved boss on the most magical holiday! May luck always accompany you in all plans and projects and help you master qualitatively new business and personal heights. May the coming year bring meetings with reliable, accommodating and supportive business partners

Happy New Year, our dear boss. I wish you to be a brave discoverer in the new year, a brave captain, a courageous person, a successful figure, a worthy winner and the owner of a lucky ticket.

May the New Year bring new heights to your life. I wish prosperity to your business, good health and good mood!

Happy New Year greetings to the director of the school in verse and prose

Accept congratulations,

Our school principal.
Become bright and successful
The coming new year.

Strength, patience and health,
Happiness, joy, good luck.
Let the school flourish
Let everything be solved.

Dear Director, Happy New Year
Congratulations to the school team!
Let life under the arch of happiness
Shines like a shining diamond.

May health become stronger
Let the cherished dreams come true.
Let the sadness not hurt the soul,
Let the heart warm the sea of ​​warmth.

Let wishes come true
This magical New Year!
We wish you only prosperity,
May the school bring you joy!

Kindness, love, warmth, prosperity,
A lot of health, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bstrength,
In everything we want only order,
May every day be successful!

We wish you a New Year
Was full of happiness and success!
May joy come this night
May there be lots of laughter!

We want to wish you all the best,
Let the school be all right
Let all things go to "five",
Live in peace and prosperity!

Happy New Year, wonderful director of the best school. May the coming year give you a lot of opportunities and good ideas, may only good news and happy events await you in the new year. I wish you health and prosperity in the family, respect and success at school, well-being and good luck in life.

Happy New Year! Let this year be easy and carefree for school and for your family. Everywhere, wherever you appear, there are good moods and positive emotions. I want to reach career heights!

In contact with

Today we want to congratulate you on the New Year,
Our wishes will now be discussed.
May the New Year come and multiply your income,
Health will be strong, and in the house - only comfort.

May the new year bring more achievements,
Love and respect for many years to come.
May all plans and wildest dreams come true,
And life will be magical, unprecedented beauty.

I wish you a New Year
Life so that the cycle
Brought success to you
You are the best boss!

Let me prepare for you
And bring it under the tree
Everything that suits you
Let everything be in the New Year!

And luck and luck
And health, no doubt
And love and inspiration
And wish fulfillment!

Happy New Year!
Let happiness come to the house.
You are hope and support
Well, we won't let you down.

Let the work please
Turnovers grow.
And at any time of the year
Lilies bloom in the soul!

To those who sit above
The New Year is running.
You, boss, wait for him -
Keep the door open.
So that you don’t get stuck in the reception room,
Came straight to you.
May the year be successful
Will increase turnover
Business will flourish
Your profit is to increase.
We want income
Increased tenfold in a year.
To fulfill the year of desire
And gave the company prosperity.

In the New Year, we wish you:
Always be an example to us
May success, health be
All paths are open to you!

We want to be cheerful
Let things be unrelenting,
May good luck in all windows
The whole year is knocking for you!

The New Year is knocking at the door
And everyone wants to believe in a miracle.
May wishes come true
And the year will bring prosperity.

May there be peace and light at home,
Health to you for many years.
May the days be filled with warmth
Let all sorrows become a dream!

We respect and are proud
We are our boss
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
We want to tell him.
Forgive us for being late
He does not overestimate plans.
He is our best boss in the world
Congratulations - not a question.
We wish you huge profits
And conscience at the same time modest.
Let health be more than
On a new labor feat.
We want to make deals
Everything in this life to notice.
Always be on horseback
And under the moon and on the moon.

Happy New Year to you, boss, congratulations to the team!
Let sorrows go away from you, and take adversity.
Let work be a joy, and income - according to work,
Let things be in order in the coming year.
So that you infect everyone around with enthusiasm,
To work with inspiration, without problems and without attempts.
Not only so that your sharp mind is busy with work,
To have a rest in the resorts without worries and vague thoughts.
We appreciate you, respect you, we are always a mountain for you.
Be happy, healthy, our boss dear!

Congratulations to my colleagues
Happy New Year we want you.
You are the best boss in the world
We tell you directly.

Let everything be smooth in the family,
May the soul always sing.
At work, it's all right
And success is not far behind.

Let colleagues respect
They come to you for advice.
Let fate not offend
All worries will disappear.

Happy New Year, boss!
You boldly go through life,
We are always there for you,
Let us not get along with you sometimes.

To make the plans come true according to the list,
Without any slightest risk.
To want to return home
Well, at home so as not to sit!

For work to be a joy
To make Saturday longer.
Take care of your nerves
So that there are many more forces in reserve!

Wishes to the leader for the New Year can be very different: official and friendly, lyrical and pragmatic, playful and not very, in verse or prose, on two sheets or in several lines ... Such - different - they are collected in this section. In each of our New Year's greetings to the boss - warmth, respect and gratitude - the most valuable reward for any leader. I will rejoice from the bottom of my heart when your boss (boss, “chief”, manager, director and even president) celebrates the New Year with a smile, touched and satisfied. After all, as you know, how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. And it is more pleasant and calmer to work with a benevolent boss!

Artur Pozhelaikin

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that the New Year will bring with it success in professional activities, joy in life, creativity, good luck in all endeavors, prosperity in business, support from friends, colleagues and partners!

It's not easy being a CEO

He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.

He would use milk for harm,

But he is not harmful, thank God!

He plows, plows like a plow

Overcoming all obstacles

Without resting legs and arms,

Well, everything that is needed in business.

Our boss, our boss, our shield and sword,

Our support and joy,

We'll say a fiery speech

And you - command the "parade"

And let us begin

Celebrate the New Year with you!

Dear chief!

In order for you to be an ideal boss for us in the coming 2018, you need quite a bit…. but regularly raise our salaries.

And to be the best boss in the world, you don’t need to change anything (salary doesn’t count :-)! Just be yourself! We appreciate and love you! Happy New Year!

Dear boss!

As you know, there are three types of bosses: those who ask in a good way, who demand in a bad way, and those like you who really work. So let all your aspirations get worthy realization in the coming New Year, and we will be equal to your professional style in work. Happy New, most successful, Year!

Who is talented and smart

Charming and strict?

Can submit work on time

And resolve any issue?

Think Santa Claus?

No, of course it's BOSS!

Happy New Year! Thank you for your fair leadership, exactingness and consistency in our common cause, support in difficult situations. May the coming year be fruitful and successful for you! Health to you and your loved ones!

Dear boss,

During this year, we have firmly entrenched in the idea that we love to work under your leadership!

And even more - to relax in your company!

Have a good mood, a wonderful evening and carefree holidays! We congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!

May your affairs be in harmony with your dream.

So that the heart does not forget big desires,

We want to wish that in the New Year

Everything happened as you envisioned!

Don't forget - Christmas is coming soon! We bring to your attention and.

Fortunately or unfortunately, for most of us, work has long become something more than a banal means of earning money. It is in the workplace that we spend most of our time, and for many, it even captures weekends. And this means that colleagues play an important role in the life of a modern person, and often we share the most valuable moments with them. And this means that original ideas for congratulating colleagues on the New Year are especially valuable. In this article, we have selected for you the best congratulations in verse for the team on the new year 2018. Choose!

Happy New Year greetings to employees in verse

May the New Year bring you
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Our dear colleagues!
A magical New Year is coming
And with him - about a miracle! - weekends,
Which are so lacking!

Let it be foldable for everyone,
Successful, profitable, encouraging,
And let the past year
Take your problems with you!

Let your worries leave you
And sickness, and adversity,
Hopelessness will go away.
And the desired hope will lead you through life.

We wish each other
Happiness, money, long years,
Stretching out their hands to each other
Let's sing to the whole world:

"With new happiness, Happy New Year!"
Clink of glasses, as always,
And burns above the sky
Star of Bethlehem!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
New Year's time!
We decorate the Christmas tree together,
Decorate your office in style!
To a friendly team
It's great to celebrate the New Year!
For happiness to be with us
Let's get things done!
So that the boss loves us,
Allowances, premiums paid.
So that the trade union representative does not offend,
If anything, then defended.
And an accountant so as not to be greedy,
Sweet, kind and pleasant.

I congratulate you, colleagues.
I wish you creative victories
So that the boss does not get
He gave money without stint.
There will be a holiday, there will be a Christmas tree
There will be dancing, there will be vodka.
The wives will go crazy
And the husbands will thump.
This is how you celebrate the New Year
All the people are at work.
Well, if not,
The year just goes by.

Work constantly in such a team,
Where friendship and help will always be in force,
Where the joy of communication will replace the scandal,
How lucky I was with the work, I did not even know.
I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year.
Let us be friends without regret.
I wish you the sun under the sky!
Let me read a little congratulations.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year,
I sincerely wish you happiness, health,
God bless you for a whole year
Without sadness, sadness and worries.
Always work with success
Don't get sick and don't be lazy
Good luck in all your affairs,
And joyful smiles on the lips.

We won't work today
Expecting a magical miracle.
Happy New Year to each other:
Let the year be monetary, joyful.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
I wish you luck in entering.
May fate give you amulets.
I congratulate you on the winter fairy tale!

My favorite colleagues!
We are all running in the same race.
And in this New Year's hour
I want to congratulate all of you:

May our team be strong!
Let salaries grow steadily!
And let the peaks of labor
We will be conquered without effort!

Let the boss not be strict
Don't judge us for mistakes
And more often he gives an award,
And so let the whole year pass!

Congratulations to colleagues on the upcoming New Year in prose

My dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! All the gifts that the Monkey gave us can be left last year if they are not particularly valuable to you. We are now entering a completely new stage in our lives. The only qualities that still should not be left are dedication and hard work. Without which the successful work of our company would not be possible. I want to wish you to find your exciting, memorable project. And let all the surprises be only pleasant!

Dear colleagues! The outgoing old year is always a little sorry. However, should we be sad? Remembering this year, I want to immediately say about the leap that our company has made. This is some kind of incredible cycle of events - new clients, amazing partners, financial success, entering new markets ... You can talk endlessly. And all this is solely our merit. However, in the coming year, I would very much like this bonfire of events to ignite with renewed vigor. Let what we are still afraid to even think about become a reality. Happy New Year!

On this festive day, we traditionally congratulate the very best - beloved husbands and wives, friends, parents. And, of course, colleagues! Colleagues who have become like a second family to us. Let's be honest, this year has not been easy. But its value lies in the fact that together we managed to overcome hundreds of difficulties. This happened due to the fact that they were able to find a common language, hear each other, not be offended in difficult situations. And most importantly, to maintain our warm, friendly relations. In this composition, our team can only continue to develop and flourish. We remain the very team that can conquer any peak. For us! Happy New Year!

Dear friends and colleagues! We have all been looking forward to this year with great impatience, because it will mark a completely new stage in our professional activities. My New Year's greetings to colleagues are filled with maximum warmth and sincerity, because we must enter this new stage, holding each other's hands and opportunities. Do not hesitate: the Dog will definitely bring with it new achievements, creative victories, success and prosperity. Congratulations!

Sometimes from the outside it may seem to ordinary people that people work in our company solely because of high salaries. But you and I know that every specialist of our company gets great pleasure and satisfaction from what he does. We have big goals that we are moving towards without seeing any obstacles. Agree that it makes sense to work furiously all year to now see our director in the Shrek costume, and the chief accountant in the image of the Snow Maiden? And how amazingly the secretary dances on the table, and how beautiful the programmers who fell asleep at the bar are! Let's continue this evening in the same spirit, so that there is something to remember! Happy holiday!

New Year's greetings to the boss

Dear our boss,
Sweet chef and nice boss!
In the New Year we wish you
May your business grow and grow.

So that sponsored colleagues
In our faces, so to speak
Everything could and everything was able,
For you to make a profit.

So that the year was without checks,
So that without crises and troubles.
We will help you, because, honestly,
There is no better boss in the world.

Happy New Year I want to congratulate
Wish inspiration and peace,
So that you get a star from the sky
And the apartment was filled with goodness.

Let everything be - honor and success,
Raise, pay raise
New Year's joy and laughter
The smell of the Christmas tree and the news by the way.

Prosper always, every day
Climb higher and higher,
To be remembered fondly
Everyone who is lower in rank and rank!

We hasten to congratulate you with the whole team,
We wish you a prosperous New Year,
And all of us are just as wise to rule
And solve all pressing problems in an instant,

We wish you great success in your career,
Luck, success for a hundred years,
We wish you to always be the first in everything,
We wish you valiant victories in your work!

And in the personal life of joy and happiness,
Welfare, family warmth,
To bypass your hearth of bad weather,
May your life be beautiful!

How to congratulate the leader on the New Year in prose

Dear leader! It is believed that there are three types of directors: those who ask to do something in a good way. Those that require something to be done in a rude manner. And there are those who know how to work and support their employees for real! That is who you are, and we will continue to look up to you. Happy New Year!

Our dear boss! We have already voiced New Year's greetings to our partners, and now we want to say words of gratitude to you. Indeed, without you, we would not have been able to reach such heights in our professional activities. Your leadership can be safely called fair, and this is very important for every employee. And although you are often very demanding of us, at the same time you are distinguished by an amazing consistency in your affairs. You supported us in any difficult situation, and we appreciate it. We expect only the best from this year. Happy holiday!

Photo: according to Google requests

Happy New Year
You, boss, with all my heart.
I sincerely wish you happiness
Need to rest sometimes
To argue work
Never be sad!
And now - forget the worries,
It's time to celebrate!

Like a holiday, I go to work,
Ready for Sunday and Saturday
I work under you!
So that your health does not let you down,
So that happiness is always there,
So that loved ones love
I wish you, boss, a New Year!
May great luck await!

The team congratulates you
After all, the New Year is upon us!
Today, forgetting about the bad
We want you to have fun!
May happiness come to you soon
You meet this day
We want loyal friends!
And don't scold us.

Today is a holiday on the planet
And it's called the New Year!
Be the happiest in the world
I wish you, let joy await!
Thank you leader
We can't do it all without you!
Strive to achieve your
And may you be lucky in life!

Thank you for understanding
Sometimes difficult tasks
You distribute to subordinates
But you are always in high esteem with us!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you well in the New Year!
Like a lady boss you are good
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

You are beautiful as a woman
Let me tell you.
As a boss, you are dangerous
You cannot be disrespected!
Congratulations on the New Year
And this is what we want to be
Never discouraged
The native team to love!

Congratulations boss
I wish you a sweet life
Don't be sad and don't be sad
This holiday is celebrated.
May the New Year be joyful
And luck will come to you!
Let every day be blessed
And love to you all year round!

May the new year bring love
And good luck will give you a lot.
May he fulfill his dreams again
And lead you on the right path.
Subordinates rush to say
That they respect you very much!
You are like a mother to the team!
Wishing you all the best from the bottom of your heart!

To you, our beloved boss,
We dedicate these lines
In the new year we wish you
With us, be not very strict,
So that more often in the year of the snake
We got a pay raise
Well, we wish you -
May you rest more!