How old is old age according to the WHO classification? What age is considered elderly? Prize for state awards. Procedure for submission and appointment

Everyone knows that an elderly person is someone who is no longer young, who begins to grow old. Then irreversible changes occur in the human body. However, graying hair, wrinkles and shortness of breath do not always indicate old age. But how to determine the very age when a person can be classified as elderly?

Different times - different opinions?

It was once believed that old age is when a person has passed over 20. We remember many vivid historical examples when young people got married, barely reaching the age of 12-13. By the standards of 20, she was considered an old woman. However, today is not the Middle Ages. A lot has changed.

Later, this figure changed several times and twenty-year-olds were considered young. It is this age that symbolizes the beginning of an independent life, which means flourishing, youth.

Modern views on age

In modern society, everything is somehow changing again. And today, most of the young people, without hesitation, will rank among the elderly those who have barely crossed the thirty-year mark. Proof of this is the fact that employers are quite wary of job seekers over 35. And what can we say about those who have stepped over 40?

But it would seem that by this age a person acquires a certain self-confidence, life experience, including professional one. At this age, he has a firm position in life, clear goals. This is the age when a person is able to realistically assess his strength and be responsible for his own actions. And suddenly, as the sentence sounds: "Elderly." At what age an individual can be considered elderly, we will try to figure it out.

Age milestones

Representatives of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences say that noticeable changes have recently taken place in determining the biological age of a person. To study such and many other changes occurring to humans, there is the World Health Organization - WHO. So, the classification of a person's age according to WHO says the following:

  • in the range from 25 to 44 years - the person is young;
  • in the range from 44 to 60 - has an average age;
  • from 60 to 75 - people are considered elderly people;
  • from 75 to 90 - these are already representatives of the old age.

Everyone who is fortunate enough to step over this bar is considered centenarians. Unfortunately, few people live up to 90, let alone 100. The reason for this is various diseases that a person is susceptible to, the ecological situation, as well as living conditions.

So what happens? That old age according to the WHO classification has become much younger?

What sociological studies show

According to the data held annually in different countries, people themselves are not going to grow old. And they are ready to classify themselves among the elderly only when they reach the age of 60-65 years. Apparently from here originate bills to increase the retirement age.

Older people, however, need to spend more time on their health. In addition, a decrease in attention and speed of information perception does not always allow people over 60 years of age to quickly adapt to a changing situation. It takes a special one in the conditions of scientific and technological progress. It is sometimes difficult for people who have reached a certain age to master innovative technologies. But few people think that for many people this is the strongest psychological trauma. They suddenly begin to feel their worthlessness, uselessness. an already aggravated situation of age reassessment.

My years are my wealth

The classification of age according to WHO is not an absolute criterion for classifying a person as a certain one. After all, not only the number of years characterizes a person's condition. It is appropriate here to recall the well-known proverb that says that a person is as old as he feels himself. Perhaps this expression characterizes a person's age to a greater extent than the WHO age classification. This is due not only to the psycho-emotional state of a person and to the degree of deterioration of the body.

Unfortunately, the diseases that afflict and exhaust people do not ask for age. Both old people and children are equally susceptible to them. It depends on many factors, including the state of the body, immunity, living conditions. And, of course, on how the person himself relates to his health. Sometime not completely cured diseases, lack of normal rest, improper nutrition - all this and much more wears out the body pretty much.

For many, old age is grumbling, bad memory, a whole bunch of chronic diseases. However, all of the above disadvantages can characterize a relatively young person. Today, this is far from a criterion for classifying a person into a certain age category.

Middle age crisis. What's his threshold today?

Everyone is well aware of such a concept as And who can answer the question of at what age it occurs more often? Before defining this age, let's understand the concept itself.

A crisis is understood here as a moment when a person begins to rethink values, beliefs, evaluates his life and his actions. Probably, such a period in life comes exactly when a person has past years, experience, mistakes and disappointments behind him. Therefore, this life period is often accompanied by emotional instability, even deep and prolonged depression.

The onset of such a crisis is inevitable; it can last from several months to several years. And its duration depends not only on the individual characteristics of a person and on his life lived, but also on the profession, the situation in the family and other factors. Many emerge victorious from this collision of life. And then middle age does not give way to aging. But it also happens that old people who have lost interest in life, who have not yet reached 50 years old, come out of this fight.

What the World Health Organization says

As we discussed above, old age according to the WHO classification falls in the range from 60 to 75 years. According to the results of sociological research, representatives of this age group are young at heart and are not at all going to write themselves as old people. By the way, according to the data of the same studies conducted ten years ago, all those who reached 50 and more years were referred to the elderly. The current classification of age according to WHO shows that these are middle-aged people. And it is quite possible that this category will only grow younger.

Few people in their youth think about what age is considered elderly. And only over the years, crossing one line after another, people understand that at any age "life is just beginning." Only having accumulated a huge life experience, people begin to think about how to prolong youth. Sometimes it turns into a real fight with age.

Signs of aging

According to WHO, it is characterized by the fact that people experience a decrease in vital activity. What does this mean? Elderly people become inactive, acquire a mass of chronic diseases, their attentiveness decreases, and their memory deteriorates.

However, old age according to the WHO classification is not just an age range. Researchers have long come to the conclusion that the aging process occurs in two ways: physiological and psychological.

Physiological aging

With regard to physiological aging, it is most understandable and noticeable to others. Since certain irreversible changes occur with the human body, which are noticeable to himself, as well as to those around him. Everything in the body changes. The skin becomes dry and flabby, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Bones become brittle and the likelihood of fractures increases. Hair becomes discolored, breaks and falls out frequently. Of course, for people trying to preserve their youth, many of these problems are solvable. There are various cosmetic preparations and procedures that, if used correctly and regularly, can mask visible changes. But these changes will sooner or later become noticeable.

Psychological aging

Psychological aging may not be as noticeable to others, but this is not always the case. Older people often experience dramatic changes in character. They become inattentive, irritable, and get tired quickly. And this often happens precisely because they observe the manifestation of physiological aging. They are unable to influence in the body and because of this they often experience deep spiritual drama.

So what age is considered old?

Due to the fact that the body of each person has its own characteristics, similar changes occur in everyone in different ways. And physiological and psychological aging does not always occur simultaneously. Strong-minded people, optimists are able to accept their age and maintain an active lifestyle, thereby slowing down physiological aging. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to answer the question of what age is considered to be elderly. After all, the number of years lived is not always an indicator of a person's condition.

Often people who monitor their health feel the first changes in their body and try to adapt to them, to reduce their negative manifestation. If you regularly take care of your health, then it is possible to postpone the approach of old age. Therefore, those people who fall into the category of "old age" according to the WHO classification can not always feel like that. Or, on the contrary, those who pass the 65-year mark consider themselves to be ancient old people.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to once again remember what folk wisdom says: "A person is as old as he feels himself."

In this article, you will learn:

    What are the main features of communication with older people

    How age-related changes affect communication with older people

    What are the basic rules for communicating with older people that will help you build contact with them

    What not to do when dealing with older people

    What are the characteristics of communication with older people with dementia / p\u003e

Most people consider retirement a kind of borderline, after which active life ends, and a period of quiet fading begins. Old age is approaching, there are less and less opportunities, and one can only remember a full life. This is far from the case. Life after 60 years can be bright, full of communication, eventful. At this age, it becomes possible to devote more time to family, friends, interests and hobbies. The main thing is to want to lead an active lifestyle and not allow yourself to be depressed.

Is there life after 60 years

The modern world is focused on the younger generation. For years, stereotypes have made people afraid of approaching old age. Life after 60 years old seems to be more of a problem than a joy. People are overwhelmed by thoughts of impending poverty, the loss of external beauty, the fading of sexual desires. Perception of the approaching old age is also a concern for scientists.

Having devoted their research to the problems of aging, psychologists insist that life after 60 years can be full-fledged, active, eventful. All the nightmares of old age are contrived. There is no need to regret the irrevocably gone youth. It is better to accept your real age, find application for yourself and fill your life with interesting people, deeds and a positive attitude.

The amazing news was announced to the whole world some time ago by the scientific community. Dutch scientists have deciphered the DNA of a woman who lived to be 115 years old. At the same time, both physical strength and clarity of reason were preserved. Scientists have testified that shortly before her death, the woman looked 50 years old. At the age of 113, she was tested for mental retention. The results were in line with the 65-year-old.

In the genome of a long-liver, scientists discovered the most unique changes, which gave reason to assume that it was thanks to them that the woman's body was protected from the aging process and all the transformations associated with it. Amsterdam biologists suggest that the gene of longevity is hidden in such rearrangements.

This discovery could turn the way people think about life expectancy. Nature itself has prepared the human body for a full long life after 60 years. Many scientists studying this issue are united by the opinion that the duration of human life should be close to 130 years - it is for this period that human resources are calculated. It's a shame that the reason for the changes in the body of a long-liver is still not clear. This can be influenced by nutrition, ecology, interest in life, etc. Scientists hope that answers to all questions will be found in the very near future.

What are the benefits of life after 60 years

    Studies by American scientists have shown that the human brain reaches full-fledged working capacity only in old age. The peak of intellectual activity falls on 50-70 years. People who lead a healthy lifestyle after 60 become wiser, more judicious. The research of Barbara Stoch led to such a sensational conclusion.

    By this age, any person has many events that have occurred behind his back, which have formed a certain life experience.This makes it easier to navigate the variety of situations that arise, experience fewer illusions, better understand people and build relationships with them. Special wisdom gives a person the ability to find optimal solutions in difficult circumstances, to adapt flexibly to changes and not so sharply react to minor problems and disappointments. Life after 60 years is reasonable and selective. A person builds his own social circle, limiting it and admitting to himself only those whom he desires.

    Life after 60 years is less subject to passions, because older people are more emotionally stable... According to the University of California professor Dilip Jayst, the brain of a person who has decades of life behind him is less impulsive and more rational.

    Life after 60 years can be full of business meetings. By this age, a person reaches the maximum level of development both in his career and in public life, where they play an important role, using authority in such areas as politics, business, culture, etc.

    Life after 60 is more realistic. People are stricter and more rational in assessing their capabilities and strengths. With age, individuality is honed, the ability to present oneself in the right light. Knowing all their advantages and disadvantages, a person skillfully flaunts something, and tries not to demonstrate something at all.

    Life after 60 years is considered as a period long-awaited stability... Almost everyone by this age has a family, children, and some already have grandchildren, a certain social, professional and material standard of living. The period after 60 years is favorable for doing things for which there was not enough time, for new hobbies, communication and travel.

What makes family life different after 60 years

A loving couple can live happily ever after and die in one day only in wonderful children's fairy tales. In reality, everything is completely different. A prosperous and long family life is possible only with the joint desire and creation of the spouses.

The feelings of passion and love that dominate people's relationships at the beginning of marriage, over the years spent together, are transformed into calmer, but deep and heartfelt tenderness and affection. Having withstood many trials, these feelings erase all minor problems, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and mutual understanding. Such an idyll is achieved if, in addition to love, the spouses share common interests and views, and not just family values. For example, joint hobby, love of travel, scientific or social interest, etc. Life after 60 years clearly shows the sincerity of feelings between spouses.

When children grow up, begin to live independently, create their own families and leave the parental home, older people may have exacerbated relationship problems, as this is a serious stage for them. The success of the spouses overcoming this crisis moment depends on the method of resolving difficult situations, the level of mutual understanding and the degree of cohesion. Harmony in relationships, respect, multiplied several times over the years of life together, are able to minimize and nullify the consequences of any negative tendencies.

Known two way out... The situation can be resolved:

    Constructively, focusing on the personal development of each of the spouses, the emergence of a new joint interest and the area of \u200b\u200bits realization, the fulfillment of those desires for which there was not enough time due to worries about children.

    Unconstructively, fixated on difficulties, fear of loneliness, loss of meaning in life, feeling of uselessness, disappointment in family values, decreased vitality, complete apathy and emerging health problems.

Is there an intimate life after 60 years

The society is of the opinion that vivid intimate relationships are characteristic only of young and middle-aged people. There are also many who believe that sex life after 60 years is optional and wrong. Age is not the reason for the end of an intimate relationship. If a person has not lost physical ability, he should not forbid himself to live fully. The studies of the American biologist and sexologist A.S. Kinsey confirmed the presence of sexual interest and desire in older people. Only one quarter of 60-year-old couples are not intimate. Everyone else has sex, but perhaps not as often as before.

An analysis of the sexual activity of men who have reached the age of 60 showed that 80% of them are capable of intimacy. The indicator is no worse for men who have reached 70 years of age - this is 70% of their number. After 80, this figure drops to 25%.

Such statistics confirm that sexual activity does not directly depend on age and persists throughout life, if a person monitors his health and does not bother with prejudices.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle after age 60

Scientists believe that the ability to preserve life after 60 years of active and full depends only on ourselves. A genetic or hereditary factor has only about 30% of the effect, the remaining 70% is a person's attitude to their health and the body as a whole.

A healthy lifestyle after 60 years for women and men should include several aspects:

Health control

You should not wait for a noticeable deterioration in well-being in order to go to the doctor. Visit your doctor regularly to monitor your condition. Pay attention to any unexpected problems. For example, increased pressure, it became more difficult to breathe, there is pain in the back or joints - all these are reasons for consulting a specialist. The advantage of early diagnosis is to reduce and prevent the destructive effects of the disease on the body. Try to listen to how you are feeling.

You rarely meet a person who would go to doctors with pleasure, and even more calmly relate to operations or a long course of treatment. Only this is not a reason to start the course of the disease. Early diagnosis of the disease and timely treatment give high chances of a full recovery. Never think that everything will go away by itself, do not rely on folk methods, but just go to the professionals and strictly follow all the recommendations. And then life after 60 years will sparkle with new colors.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle after 60 years for men and women cannot be imagined without following certain rules, excluding bad habits and factors. This will avoid a significant number of diseases. Try to adhere to these postulates at any age:

    Watch your weight, keep it normal. If you have a few extra pounds, try to carefully lose them and not gain in the future.

    Lead an active lifestyle, try to move more. Daily exercise should become a habit. Find activities for yourself. This could be walking the dog, going to the cinema, doing a little work on the site, or visiting a dedicated fitness group for the elderly.

    If it is not possible to completely eliminate alcohol, then choose good quality light drinks. It is better to give up cigarettes altogether.

    Try not to overwork... Lead a fairly active lifestyle after 60 years, but do not strain yourself, do not drive yourself to work, do everything in a measured way.

    Sleep is the best medicine. Give him enough time and avoid stressful situations. You shouldn't try to build life after 60 the same way as when you were 30 years old. Get more rest.

    Take care of your diet... You should not overeat, eat fatty, fried, salty, sweet foods. Products must be natural and dietary.

    Remember to be careful. If possible, avoid injuries, be prudent and correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities. Consider your age and take roads, crossings, ice, etc. seriously.

One more important factor influencing life after 60 years should be especially noted - this is mood and state of mind. A pessimistic attitude generates a breakdown, depression and reduces the protective functions of the body. Immunity weakens, and a person gets sick easily. People who lead an active life are full of inner energy. Good spirits and optimism make a person strong and healthy. Don't scare yourself with old age. We do not know who is given how many years. Live fully, enjoy every moment, look for the positive in everything and take care of your health as much as possible.

7 tips from psychologists on how to make life happy after 60 years

We all would like life to be always only happy and enjoyable. Unfortunately, it is not. There are moments of grief, bitterness, melancholy and apathy that are difficult to bear. And every year there are more and more such moments in life, but you should not get discouraged. To make life fulfilling after 60 years, the advice of psychologists is as follows:

1) Don't get hung up on disease!

Under no circumstances make a hobby of your ailments. Avoid endless complaints about your well-being, do not only talk about diseases, do not go to the clinic unnecessarily, looking for there simply interlocutors. This is how the psychological crisis of lack of attention and communication is manifested. Switch to something useful, do what you can to help your family or others. After all, everyone is sick, and this should not become the meaning of your life after 60 years.

2) Be optimistic about your age!

It is possible to make life after 60 years bright, full of impressions and excellent mood only if you are calm about the changes in your appearance, are ready to adjust your life plans and make more realistic desires. It will be much more comfortable for you to start this new stage not with memories and longing for the past, but with setting a real goal and working out a way to achieve it.

Let's take as an example a study by Becky Levy, a sociologist at Yale University, which she conducted for 30 years, studying the approach of old age in 440 volunteers. After selecting the participants in the experiment, she divided them into two groups. The first included those who absolutely calmly perceived the coming changes, considering it a natural life process. The second group consisted of participants with fear of the aging of their bodies.

The results obtained only confirmed the incredible power of optimism. The participants in the first group lived on average 7-8 years longer. The life expectancy of those who also gave up bad habits, devoted time to sports and healthy eating, increased by more than 10 years. Optimistic people who take their years as wealth and not a burden are less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, and recover more easily and faster.

3) Reject old ideas.

People often limit themselves in everything under the influence of stereotypes. There is no point in such containment, it only spoils life after 60 years. There is no need to become like an unoccupied old wreck, constantly sitting on a bench and discussing the latest gossip. Let yourself look different - elegant, in demand and happy. In your new life after 60 years, remove the negative, even from your own statements. Instead of: "I'm too late to start something," say: "I have the experience, wisdom and time to devote all this to a new hobby." Or: “With the arrival of retirement, life ends” with: “With the arrival of retirement, I have much more time for my family and my interests”. Try to think in a positive way and enjoy every moment of your life after 60 years.

4) Expand your horizons!

Stop living with stereotypes! Imagine what you would like to do. Make a "Wish List of 25". Think about what you did not have enough time for? What have you never got to? Perhaps you dreamed of spending more time sewing, knitting, growing indoor flowers, arranging your home or plot, etc. Define a priority area and get started! Having occupied yourself with an interesting or favorite activity and positive emotions, you will usefully spend your free time and understand how fulfilling life can be after 60 years.

It is clear that it is not easy to immediately readjust to a completely different rhythm. Start with small changes. Dedicate your every day to something. For example, on Baking Day, make cakes and invite family or friends over for tea. On Walking Day, go to the park or the Philharmonic. Such moments will fill your life with new desires and opportunities, communication and diversity. They will teach you to devote as much time as possible to yourself, and not to work or the money that paid for it.

5) Become an example!

Don't let depression into your life! Try to constantly strive for something. Remember that you are an example for your loved ones, do not allow yourself to become limp and turn into a sloppy person. Be sure that life after 60 is just as interesting and fulfilling, and give this confidence to your friends and family. Striving to be an example - you will get used to a new role and will no longer be afraid of the future, regretting the past. If it is difficult to cheer up and put your thoughts in order on your own, then you do not need to hesitate to seek help from a professional psychologist.

6) Do not interfere with someone else's life.

There are times when people, having a sufficient amount of free time and doing nothing, are looking for something to do in arranging the life of their children, actively interfering in their personal life, giving advice and recommendations that ultimately lead to discord. If you have something to professionally teach the younger generation in order to pass on your undeniable experience, blog on the Internet. Post useful life hacks, tips, subtleties and nuances of what you own first-class. In this you can find for yourself an interesting activity, passionate communication and useful development.

7) Communicate more!

Communication plays an important role in the life of people of all ages. It is very difficult for a person who was in the whirlpool of events to rebuild and start living differently after 60 years. Try to communicate more, do not withdraw into yourself, make acquaintances, visit public places and clubs of interest. The common hobby very much unites people and makes life brighter and more diverse.

8) Be confident in yourself!

Studies of the adaptation of older people to life after 60 years, conducted by domestic and foreign psychologists, have confirmed their opinion that those who have high self-esteem get used to the new rhythm most quickly and successfully. Belief in themselves and their strengths helps them not to think about old age and death, but to live, filling their every day with pleasant worries as much as possible. Try to love yourself even more. Do not scold if you were too lazy to do something, please yourself with new things or desired acquisitions, communicate only with people you like, develop and fill your life with positive.

10 striking examples of how life after 60 is just beginning

Life can be full even after 60 years. This is confirmed by the examples of Vladimir Yakovlev, who published an amazing cycle of books devoted to this issue. The opinion that the quality of life of all people of retirement age decreases, interests disappear, desires land, and the like, completely destroys the examples of the next section. A person's personal desire is the best motivation for an active life even after 60 years.

1. Greta Pontarelli, 64 years old.

Greta started pole dancing only a couple of years ago. But already now she amazes the audience with her plasticity, complexity of numbers and originality of costumes. It all started not too rosy when the terrible diagnosis "Progressive osteoporosis and destroying bone tissue" was made. Greta understood the doctors' recommendations that weights should be lifted in her own way and decided to lift herself.

Thanks to many hours of daily training, the pain that tormented my back was gone, the body became flexible and fit. Greta found for herself an interesting occupation that took possession of all her thoughts and free time. Her example inspires a large number of people who, after 60 years, decided to lead an active lifestyle, and not sit on a bench.

2. Duan Jinfu, 76 years old.

Half a century of working in the glass industry seriously undermined Duan's health, clogging his lungs with glass dust and making his body completely inflexible and unruly. Duan had almost come to terms with the fate of a sick old man when, walking in the park, he accidentally found himself next to older people doing gymnastics. The plasticity of their bodies filled his mind with an irresistible desire to start exercising.

He was fascinated by the Taoist practice, which helps to restore flexibility to the body and prevent aging. Joining the group he saw in the park, Duan achieved good success, began to improve the body, began to communicate with new friends and lead a fully active lifestyle.

3. Ruth Flowers, 75 years old.

Ruth was always a music lover, loved all kinds of music and even sang in the church choir. She lived a calm, measured life of a married woman for over 40 years until her husband died and she became a widow. Heartbroken, 68-year-old Ruth Flowers resigned herself to her fate and quietly faded among the memories. Once, after a year, a woman tried to enter an entertainment club to celebrate her grandson's birthday, but the guard at the entrance did not let her through, hinting at her venerable age. After getting to the party, Ruth was struck on the spot by the music and colorful lights. She thought she could play for young people at such events, and gave this idea to her grandson. He introduced her to a French producer who taught Ruth and picked her style. This is how the DJ "Mami Rock" appeared. Until her last days, Ruth was surrounded by young people, aroused admiration and said: “ I have not the slightest desire to retire. Well, of course, until I drop dead. I prefer to end my days noisy than to drag out an old age.". Each is the smith of his own happiness, the main thing is to want and believe in himself.

4. Yvonne Doulen, 88 years old.

Ice skating is a lifelong affair for Yvonne. Already in old age, she got into a car accident, received a serious concussion and a sentence from doctors to permanently remove skates and forget about sports. However, the love of ice turned out to be stronger than the disease. Yvonne put on her skates again, started training and even took part in competitions. Her words: "When I'm in a bad mood, I look at my peers with their oxygen bags, put on my skates and smile." This is an example of willpower, love and dedication.

This couple became known on the day of Pat's 80th birthday, when he made 80 parachute jumps, spending more than six hours on it. But travel remains the favorite pastime of the spouses. They love to move from country to country, without stopping for a minute, and each time, plunging into a new culture, they replenish their spiritual world with more and more values \u200b\u200band impressions. They are not attracted to well-known places. Couples love exploring uncharted corners of different countries.

6. Fauja Singh, over 100 years old.

Fauja Singh is 104 years old. He was a jogger in his youth, but life forced him to give up this hobby and concentrate on agriculture. After experiencing the terrible pain of losing loved ones, Fauja decided that running was the best remedy for depression and old age. He took up the sport again. Now Fauja says that he runs 20 miles easily, and for the last six he runs and talks with God.

This is the oldest record holder of the London Marathon, having overcome it in 5.4 hours. His incredible athletic spirit and good physical shape give him the opportunity to run in a London park even at this age.

7. Montserrat Mecho, 81 years old.

More than anything, Monserrat values \u200b\u200bthe feeling of happiness that comes with skydiving. Jumping for the first time at almost 50 years old, she was absolutely not scared and even performed acrobatic movements. And even in old age, he considers free fall happiness.

8. Alexander Rosenthal, 98 years old.

Alexander began skiing while still in school. Then, during the war, only thanks to skiing did he survive when he fell ill with typhus. Alexander Iosifovich came up with his own skiing system, descending the artificial slopes of Moscow three times a week. The very overcoming of the path to the outskirts of the city by public transport is already a feat for an elderly person. But skiing is happiness for Alexander Rosenthal, who said: “The greatest pleasure is life itself. Alpine skiing is the second ”.

9. Norah Brier, 100 years old.

The world found out about Nora Brayer when she celebrated her 100th birthday with a glider flight and a loop. One of Nora's daughters is a pilot, it was she who prepared such an unusual gift for her mother. Nora was very happy with such a surprise, as she was used to extreme. She celebrated her 80th birthday by flying in a hot air balloon, and on her 95th birthday she rode a Harley tricycle.

10. Lloyd Kahn, 80 years old.

Lloyd became interested in skateboarding when he was already 65. He does not perform any tricks, does not skate like teenagers, but remains in excellent athletic form. For him, skateboarding is not extreme, but a way to enjoy riding along the long streets of a seaside town. Lloyd has his own publishing house, where he prints books on ecology and runs a self-sufficient economy, providing himself with everything he needs.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 meals a day full and dietary food.

    1-2-3-bed accommodation (specialized comfortable beds for recumbents).

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    Individual work of psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

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At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem worries them. All relatives and friends are in this house. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.

One of the opportunities for a military pensioner to receive, in addition to military payments for length of service, civilian ones - a second pension for military personnel after 60 years in 2018. This opportunity appeared after the reform of the Pension Fund system in 2015-2016. The second pension is awarded only when a number of conditions are met. Today, up to a million people officially receive two pensions, which significantly improves the standard of living of families. The basic calculation algorithm includes the calculation of individual points.

Can a military pensioner receive two pensions

At the moment, a pension to military pensioners upon reaching 60 years of age is possible - it is relevant for those who left for seniority after military service or serving in other law enforcement agencies. The military and civilian pension is simultaneously issued only if there is work experience when deductions were made by the employer of the Russian Pension Fund. A citizen needs to indicate SNILS to transfer deductions from the employer. General payments for military personnel are charged not through the Pension Fund, but by the Ministry of Defense.

In order for an elderly person to receive a second pension for military personnel after 60 years in 2018, it is necessary to earn some experience by continuing to work in civilian positions after being dismissed from duty (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Defense). The requirement concerns the availability of official civil employment, the availability of appropriate payments from the employer. The higher the salary (officially), the better the chances of getting a decent second pension. This takes into account the total length of service received outside the service.

The legislative framework

Having studied the legislative and regulatory framework, it is possible to determine the possibility of receiving a second pension for military personnel after 60 years of age in 2018. It is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • 166-FZ is the law on state pension provision for citizens, including the second payment for military personnel, which has been in force since 2001;
  • 173-FZ - the law on currency stability of Russia, which mentions double payments to pensioners - veterans of military service;
  • 400-fz - here the topic of insurance accruals and insurance pension savings is fully disclosed.

When appointed

According to the law, a second pension for military personnel is allowed only if a number of factors are observed. The main ones include:

  • availability of registration number SNILS, which was indicated to civil employers for making payments;
  • the minimum age is 60 years (depending on the region, if we consider the Far North, then this figure is 55 years for men, 50 years for women);
  • Work experience of 9 years or more (since 2015, the minimum work experience was 6 years, but it increased by 1 year annually);
  • The minimum number of points is 10 (in 2018, then, annually, the number of the minimum point will increase by one value until it reaches 30 points);
  • The establishment of a fixed payment (civil) is possible only if there are additional payments through the Ministry of Defense.

Registration in the compulsory pension insurance system

The second pension for military pensioners and its calculation is the prerogative of the PF. Registration in the compulsory insurance system provides an opportunity to add civil insurance to the monthly payments from the state. In order for the recalculation to be carried out, it is necessary to contact the PF district center with an identity document (including a pensioner's card). A soldier can contact multifunctional service centers. Their location and number can be found by calling the PFR hotline.

Receiving SNILS

You can get this insurance identification number at any PF in your city. You do not need a passbook, certificate or other secondary documents to visit. There is no fee or commission to pay - the procedure is absolutely free. If you have any questions, please contact the representatives of the FIU on the contact phone number. To issue SNILS, you need:

  1. visit the branch;
  2. take an electronic queue number;
  3. go to the employee, ask to fill out a questionnaire in order to get an insurance number;
  4. get a statement of completion.

Conditions for receiving

The budget provides a second pension for elderly citizens after the end of service. The key condition is the presence of a military seniority or disability pension, the presence of a minimum civilian work experience. Additionally, an individual insurance number must be obtained, which is indicated when applying for a job. To be guaranteed to receive a supplement, you need to monitor your personal pension coefficient. Must be 9 points or more. The military registration and enlistment office does not play a role - all procedures are carried out through the PF.

Retirement age

Individual registration of the second payment is possible from 60 years old for a man, from 55 years old - for a woman. At the same time, he / she can complete a military career at the age of 45, after which 15 years are given either to rest or to continue a civilian career (this is how you get work experience). Confirmation of work experience is a record in labor and deductions to SNILS, which came from the employer. If a citizen had entrepreneurial experience, he can apply for a second pension, because when taxes were paid, deductions were made to the Pension Fund.

Insurance experience

The minimum value of the insurance experience for 2018 is 8 years. Uninsured or military service is an exception and does not affect this indicator. Every year until 2024, the minimum value will increase to 15 years. Completion of eight years of civil service is a direct reason for receiving a co-payment. A disabled citizen will not be able to receive this supplement from the Pension Fund. For such persons, there are alternative social benefits for disability, if this was the result of:

  • war injuries;
  • technogenic accident;
  • liquidation of the accident or the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Minimum PKI

The Individual Pension Coefficient or IPC directly depends on salary: points are formed on the basis of payments from the employer to the PF. This happens automatically when you submit the SNILS number. You do not need to write a separate application. It is necessary for an elderly citizen to have an 11-12 coefficient value in order to receive a second pension payment, in addition to the military payment. By 2024, the minimum value will increase to 30. The condition of accruals is official employment with stable and "transparent" wages.

Monthly contributions to the Pension Fund by the employer

A prerequisite for accumulating points is monthly contributions to the Pension Fund from the employer. The deductions are not declarative in nature - all transfers are made automatically through banking transactions for a certain period. The official wage rate is 22%, but subject to change. The list of types of income that is not taxed: travel benefits, unemployment benefits (including payments to a dependent), compensation that can be obtained from the state.

How to get a

You cannot apply for a second pension online via the Internet. This must be done in writing by writing a letter (application) at the regional office of the PF. To personalize payments, you need a passport and data on an identification personal number. After submitting an application, it will be considered within two to three weeks. It is necessary to attach a labor book or a certificate from the place of work with an indication of the length of service and position to the passport and SNILS. Documents on the passage of military service are submitted, indicating the exact terms, length of service, military rank.

Application for receipt

A pensioner application on the spot, the regional branch of the PF will do. It is not allowed to send documentation by mail, because only originals are needed. The protocol of the procedure requires that the duration of the issue be observed. Within two to three weeks, the applicant will be informed about the decision regarding the calculation of the second state pension. Compliance with all the conditions will make it possible to immediately receive transfers. The preliminary application form can be downloaded from the official website of the FIU.

Where to go

You can apply for a second pension to any Pension Fund of Russia. This list consists of the regional department of the PF at the place of residence, registration or place of actual residence (if there is no registration). In addition to writing an application, you can contact the HR department at your place of work. The result will be notified directly to the HR department. This can be done through an official customer service representative of the federal PFR office.

Application methods

You can find out about the formula for the formation of a second pension or the possibility of indexing it by calling the contact phone number. To do this, go to the website of a government agency or specify the PF hotline number. There are several ways to submit an application:

  • sending through the postal service by registered mail to the official address of the representative office of the PF of Russia;
  • transfer through an official representative of the federal administration of the PF;
  • independently submit a written application, providing all the necessary documents to the PF (including length of service, early release from military service, labor).

What documents are required

To successfully complete the procedure for registering a second pension for military personnel after 60 years in 2018, you need:

  • passport (or other document confirming the date of birth, place of registration).
  • work book (it indicates the total length of service, the period of hiring, the period of dismissal along with the average monthly income).
  • certificates of military service (indicate the place of service, terms, achieved ranks, special distinctions).
  • when changing the surname, you must provide a certificate.
  • if a citizen has one of the disability groups, other benefits upon reaching the age of sixty, then this must be documented.

All the necessary data is separately entered into the application form, which is downloaded via the Internet or drawn up on the spot. Therefore, it is important to have the originals with you - this is a means of protection against illegal actions, confirmation of identity. Certificates may be required about the presence of minor children, relatives, for whom the citizen is caring. After completing the approval procedure, you can count on a payment to a plastic card (if the procedure for its registration has been carried out).

To calculate the insurance part, military pensioners (SPK) need to use the official formula. Initially, it is necessary to calculate the exact number of points (CPC). Annual Pension Coefficient \u003d SSP (total insurance contributions of a citizen) / the amount of insurance contributions, which is 16% of the maximum contribution-taxed wages set annually, multiplied by 10 (conditional multiplier): GPC \u003d SSP / SSO

The immediate SEC is calculated according to the following algorithm: the insurance part for the same period (without the base, accumulative) / monetary equivalent of one retirement point as of January 1, 2015 (64.1 rubles). From this, we can conclude that there is no fixed pension payment for the described category of citizens under the current legislation, and all calculations can be made independently or contact the employees of the regional Pension Fund.

Features of accrual

In order to independently calculate the equivalent of points, an insurance payment, you need to know a lot of details, including economic indicators (inflation, cost of living). Therefore, for accurate indicators, it is recommended to contact the regional offices of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This will save you from accrual errors. How is it calculated:

  1. Initially, determine your official civil service record.
  2. 22% of the exact official wages were deducted every month.
  3. Calculate on the calculator the estimated amount of annual contributions to the state, which are taken into account when calculating the second pension.

Additionally, you need to take into account individual periods of life. For example, an increase in the insurance experience due to non-insurance periods is possible while studying at a higher educational institution, in the full-time department. The same applies to the time when a citizen or a citizen looked after their own young children (decree) or looked after family members with disabilities. The valorization procedure increases the retirement capital of the military family.

The period of insurance experience does not include the time when a person took a vacation, issuing an official sick leave at his own expense (at that time there was no transfer of wages). There are two ways to calculate. Everyone can choose the current method independently:

  • 22% of monthly transfers are distributed among different departments. 6% necessarily go to pay off the pension reserve for pensioners who receive a fixed payment from the state today.
  • 16% can be split. For example, 16% go to the creation and accumulation of their own SEC. Or 10% goes to the insurance payment, and 6% goes to the savings account.


From January 1, 2018, all pensioners will be subject to mandatory indexation of pensions by 3.7%. Given the low inflation index, this figure is slightly higher than the depreciation level of the national currency. Working retirees will not receive a raise in the new year, according to a government statement. Social pensions will be indexed no earlier than February 2018.

In August, the indexation of payments to working pensioners will be separately carried out, as the addition of IPK points for the implementation of labor activity. Taking into account the existence of the SPK indexation, equating inflation to the level of provision of pension payments, civil payments can be indexed in August 2018. Additionally, the indexation is carried out according to the ratio of earned pension points.

Payment procedure and rules

If a citizen has prepared all the necessary documents to receive a second pension, then he will be informed about the start of payment by the employees of the Pension Fund, where the application was submitted. Upon the death of a military pensioner, his family members have the right to count on a second supplement to the one that is intended in connection with the loss of the breadwinner. This is possible if the relatives do not have any other official income; they have the right to receive a second payment under federal law.

If a citizen of retirement age with military service is alive, then after the application is filed and approved by the employees of the Pension Fund, the second pension for military personnel will begin to be paid for the next billing period. The receipts go to the card (separately from the one where the funds for military payments go). Further indexing will be carried out automatically. For the next consultation, you must already contact the PF, providing your personal insurance number.


In Russia, pensioners of different categories have the right to receive social assistance. And this is not only pension payments. We are talking about various discounts, benefits, subsidies. Benefits are different, some of them come into effect only upon receipt of an application to government agencies, and some can be found only in local administrative bodies.

Therefore, citizens who have reached the age of 60 should be interested in what benefits are provided to pensioners in order not to miss the opportunity to use them. Consider the list of social benefits in 2019 for retired citizens.

It is extremely important for pensioners to remember that pension benefits and social benefits are never subject to personal income tax.

Also, the tax is not deducted from the services listed below, provided that their annual amount does not exceed 4000 rubles. It:

  • payment for resort and sanatorium vouchers;
  • health restoration costs;
  • assistance from the enterprise to a former employee (payment for medicines, cash assistance, gifts).

The right to discounts is given when paying:

  1. Property tax.
    Pensioners are not required to pay tax on the purchase of premises (apartment, garage, house, etc.). You should go to the tax office with a passport and a pension certificate, informing you about the need to return the money calculated from the pensioner as property tax.
  2. .
    This deduction is accepted by the regional authorities. The representatives of the tax service can find out if it is paid and find out how much. As a rule, the amount of transport tax for retirees will depend on the technical characteristics of the car and their number. This benefit can be obtained by submitting an application to government agencies.
  3. Land tax.
    The tax of this category is established by the local official administration. You can view the list of persons who are granted privileges when buying land from the tax office. If retirees are not included in this list, then the land contribution will have to be paid in full.

Privileges for persons aged 60 and over

It is advisable to separately outline the benefits that are due to pensioners upon reaching them. This narrow category of persons:

  1. The pension is doubled.
  2. Social and medical services are provided free of charge. This applies to government nursing homes and government health services.
  3. The state provides temporary housing to a pensioner if, for some reason, he finds himself without a living space.
  4. Temporary / permanent social assistance is provided in the medical, legal and psychological direction. Free provision of products is also implied.

Attention! Citizens who have reached old age and have lived up to 80 years old also receive the right to state paid assistance, the amount of which is established in the regions.

Overhaul benefits

On the basis of the RF LC (Art. 169), each apartment owner is obliged to deduct a certain amount on a monthly basis for house renovations. The provisions of this law provide for a 50% refund of the payment to individuals and those who are older. Citizens over the age of 80 are completely exempt from the mandatory payment for house renovation.

Medical Benefits

To support the health of pensioners in 2019, the state provides the following privileges:

  1. Social medical care is now carried out by state medical institutions. You can get information on the amount of such assistance from your local social security authorities.
  2. Benefits for free treatment and medical care are provided to people with disabilities. The list of such drugs contains 360 names.
  3. Individuals with disabilities and veterans who participated in hostilities, regional programs allow free travel to health resorts.
  4. Upon reaching 60 years of age, retirees are entitled to a free purchase of influenza vaccine.
  5. Citizens from 60 years of age and older are allowed to undergo a free dispensary examination once every 36 months. Disabled persons and persons from the category "" are entitled to medical examination annually.
  6. Residents of the Far North at retirement age are given the right to a refund of funds spent on the road to the sanatorium.

Attention! Based on the provisions of the Tax Code (Art. 219), individuals of retirement age are given the opportunity to return some of the money paid to the state in the form of tax when buying medicines.

To carry out this tax deduction, a pensioner will need in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • write an application for a deduction;
  • provide prescriptions issued in the form 107 / y;
  • submit bills and receipts for prescription drugs;
  • present a certificate indicating the amount of the pension benefit.

Benefits for labor veterans

Labor veterans are provided with a number of benefits established at the federal level and a number of preferential local discounts.

The list of benefits offered by the state apparatus implies:

  • the possibility of free travel on public transport;
  • the opportunity to travel by electric trains and water transport, using such a benefit as a 50% discount on payment;
  • a 50% discount on the payment of living space (together with family members);
  • a 50% discount on utility bills (in the absence of centralized heating, a discount on the purchase of fuel);
  • labor veterans, who continue to carry out labor activities, are given the opportunity to take leave at their own expense;
  • free dental services are provided in government institutions;
  • free services are offered in public health facilities.


The state provides for a large list of benefits for military pensioners who have reached 60 years of age. It includes:

  • preferential medical and social services;
  • the opportunity to purchase living space out of turn;
  • various tax breaks;
  • free use of transport and other discounts.

In addition to the usual benefits, for military personnel of retirement age, the possibility of calculating a civil pension in addition to the military pension benefit is provided, starting from the age of 60.

Social security services at a narrow territorial level

Benefits for retirees over 60 are planned in each region, so they differ from each other. You can study them at your local social security agency.

Privileges for working pensioners

A working pensioner, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, has the right:

  • when submitting an application, immediately use the free vacation period;
  • at the employment center to get advanced training and register for a job search;
  • if you want to quit your job - the ability to leave the workplace without working off.

Benefits for the poor

The category of the poor includes single Russians whose old-age retirement pension is less than the subsistence level. Assistance to citizens in need implies compensation for payments for housing and communal services and treatment () of the oral cavity at a preferential discount.

Utility benefits

Along with the easing of payments for housing and communal services, regional programs for the social protection of pensioners may include an article on the provision of monetary assistance for the implementation of gasification of residential premises. Typically, this assistance is 50% of the total cost.

Actual questions and answers

Question. When can a pensioner get help at home?
Answer. The reason for receiving targeted assistance can be a fire, natural disaster, robbery, loss of a relative, flood.

Question. Which pensioner is entitled to a preferential payment aimed at reimbursing the costs of gasification of a private house?
Answer. This payment is provided if:

  • a gasified house is the only housing for a pensioner;
  • the citizen receives an insurance benefit for age or disability, while he is not engaged in labor activity.

Question. What travel privileges can elderly individuals be able to use today?
Explanation. Travel privileges are provided for all citizens of the retirement age limit. The main types of transport benefits:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • when buying tickets for railway and land transport - 50% discount;
  • state compensation for travel expenses to the place of treatment.

This type of benefit, which is paid by the state and is of a regulatory nature. This type of payments can be received by citizens of retirement age according to criteria such as length of service, incapacity for work resulting from work injuries.

Who is it for?

The second pension is paid only if certain conditions are met:

  1. Age. For women who served, it is 55 years, for men - 60 years.
  2. Length of service. The minimum length of service is 8 years.
  3. The size of the coefficients. They are individual for each citizen. Today this figure is 11.4.
  4. It is necessary to confirm that a citizen who is doing military service is receiving a pension, therefore he is applying for a second one.

The size

The calculation of the social pension for former military personnel who have reached the age of 60 is simple and straightforward, so that any person applying for benefits can cope with it.

All the nuances of the calculation are indicated in the Federal Law No. 400. It is in this law that the formula used to calculate the pension is indicated:

Benefit amount \u003d Number of individual points * Cost of 1 point

Thanks to this formula, each citizen can independently calculate the amount of the payment. Looking at the formula, it becomes clear that the amount of the additional allowance is determined taking into account the number of points accumulated for previously completed work.

The number of points depends on several factors:

  • length of service;
  • the size of the salary, which must be official.

The presented formula for calculating the pension can be used by the military, who began to work in 2015. For those citizens who started working earlier, the conversion of pension rights into the corresponding points is used.

When calculating, there is no minimum fixed payment, so its accrual takes place when taking into account the length of service and a person's wages. When calculating from seniority, some periods are excluded:

The size of the pension payment will not be too large, since the calculation takes into account a short period of experience, therefore, the number of points is not high.

Let's consider in more detail the process of calculating pensions for military pensioners using the following example:

The person served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, graduated from work in 2007, and then got a job in a commercial company on the basis of a standard agreement. In 2016, he turned 60 and can qualify for the standard pension awarded upon reaching that age. Since 2007, he has worked for 9 years, and for 2016 the minimum indicator remains 7 years.

The average salary during this time is 28,000 rubles, and transfers were made to the Pension Fund for 9 years, the amount of which was 483,840 rubles. To calculate the average annual deductions to the Pension Fund, 483840/9 \u003d 53,760 rubles are required. in 2016, the maximum base on which contributions are calculated is 796,000 rubles.

Of this amount, contributions will be 127,360 rubles, so the total number of points for the year is: (53760/127360) * 10 \u003d 4.22. For 9 years worked, the number of points is: 4.22 * 9 \u003d 37.98. One point costs 74.71 rubles, so the amount of the allowance is calculated as follows: 74.72 * 37.98 \u003d 2838 rubles.


To issue a social pension for military pensioners, you need to prepare a set of documents:

After writing an application according to the established model and collecting all the documentation a citizen can submit papers to the Pension Fund in the following ways:

  1. personally, visiting the PF branch;
  2. through the principal, but then you will have to issue a power of attorney for him and notarize;
  3. with the help of the personnel service at the place of work;
  4. via mail;
  5. contacting the MFC, which is an intermediary;
  6. via the Internet, using the State Services portal (only you need to register and log in to the system in advance).

The military pensioner is not obliged to independently deal with the registration of the allowance, but only the allowance will not be awarded without a statement written personally by him.

Cash payments to veterans

What is cash payments to participants and veterans of hostilities on the territory of the former Soviet Union, the Russian Federation and other states, and how are they carried out? Payment comes from the state treasury and is regulated by law.

The calculation of pensions for each military group is governed by different laws:

The amount of the allowance is calculated taking into account the official salary or the amount of work experience. For participation in hostilities, incapacity for work, or reaching a specific age, a bonus is due. Its size is determined taking into account the total amount of pension payments or according to the calculated indicator, which is equal to the amount of the social old-age pension.

So that in the process of calculating or registering a pension there are no difficulties, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Military support can be assigned only to those citizens who served in the military structures of state power.
  2. The amount of maintenance is calculated on the basis of wages and correction factors.
  3. In 2018, insurance coverage will increase, as well as the cost of the PKI, which is taken into account when calculating the amount of the benefit.
  4. Already in January, by order of the President, the indexation of military salaries will take place.
  5. In April, the state support for disability and loss of the breadwinner will increase.
  6. The increase in military content can occur due to an increase in the salaries of the military.

A military citizen has the right to receive two types of pension: for old age and at 60 a special military allowance. But for this he needs to have a certain experience. In addition, when calculating the amount of payment, the amount of salary that a pensioner received after leaving military service is also taken into account.

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