An example of an artistically decorative jadeite conclusion. The healing properties of jadeite. Products and decorations made of stone and its application

Nobody can say for sure where the name of the jadeite stone came from. There are only suggestions that this is a derivative of the Spanish expression piedro de jade, which means kidney stone. This is explained by the fact that with urolithiasis formations appear, the type and composition resembling jadeite. Or, perhaps, the associations arose due to the fact that the jadeite stone rolled by river water resembles a human kidney in shape. In this it is akin to jade, the name of which is also translated from Greek as a kidney. Interestingly, jade and jadeite are relatives not only in linguistics, but also in geology.

In English, the mineral is called Axestone, which literally translates as "stone of axes". This name explains more about the properties of the stone. It is four times stronger. During archaeological excavations, they found a lot of jadeite tools. They are not sharp, but they cannot be damaged.

The stone began to be used in the Neolithic era. The popularity of jadeite axes did not diminish even at the time when man learned to work with metal. Gradually, stone weapons and utensils from everyday objects became ritual, magical properties were attributed to them. With the development of culture, they began to make figurines and decorations. For example, in China, archaeologists have found jadeite items 4-5 thousand years old. In the Celestial Empire, he was considered a symbol of the power of the emperor. Seals and money of the highest denomination were made of stone. The Aztecs valued jadeite more than precious metals and gems. When Cortez was taking gold from Mexico, Montezuma was glad that the conquerors did not know about the deposits of pink jadeite.

The mineral belongs to semi-precious stones. In terms of chemical composition, it is sodium and aluminum silicate from the pyroxene group.

Jadeite is green, red, yellow, white, blue. The color of the stone depends on the admixtures of manganese, magnesium, titanium, chromium and iron. Since iron tends to oxidize, then the stone after it is able to change color. Many specimens have spots, streaks and streaks, but the most valuable material is evenly colored dark green. The mineral is grainy, which can be seen with the naked eye. This distinguishes it from, which has a fibrous structure.

The mineral was first described by the French scientist A. Demour. He combined under one name several minerals related in composition: jade, serpentine, jadeite. But this classification did not take root and each of these stones has its own name. The confusion persists to this day. Different mineralogical schools build their classifications.

The properties of jadeite are described in the table:

The main properties of the mineral are density and hardness. It lends itself well to cutting: it does not crumble or break. It is a popular material for making crafts and figurines.

Transparent types of minerals without foreign inclusions are used to make inserts in rings, brooches, pendants and earrings.

The mineral is loved for its high thermal conductivity and resistance to temperature extremes. Even in a closed heater, it does not crack. This made it a popular bath stone.

Deposits and production

Compared to jade, it is not common. Especially when it comes to high quality raw materials. This is due to the fact that for the formation of this mineral, special conditions are necessary, unchanged for many centuries: high pressure, low temperature, constant concentration of the constituent minerals.

Jadeite occurs in the form of lenses and veins in massifs of serpentinites and gneisses. This mineral almost does not form crystals; it is most often found in cryptocrystalline or granular masses. It is rock-forming for glaucophane schists.

There are only two fields being developed in Russia. The Krasnoyarsk Territory contains 90% of all Russian jadeite. According to rough estimates, the Borusskoye deposit contains 24.5 thousand tons of the mineral. The second deposit is located in the Polar Urals.

Rare blue minerals are mined in Guatemala, the most famous are found in Burma. Large deposits are also known in India and America. Minor jadeite deposits have been found in China, Japan, Guatemala.

Mineral varieties

Its colors are different due to the depth of occurrence, impurities, and their concentration.

In the jewelry market, green jadeite is usually divided into three grades in terms of quality:

  • imperial. The stone is distinguished by a bright green color without spots, a fine-grained structure and transparency. Jewelry is made from it;
  • commercial. It is an opaque stone with translucent veins and spots. He also goes to the manufacture of inexpensive jewelry;
  • utilities. This type differs from the two previous ones in complete opacity, fibrousness, large grains are visible in the thickness of the stone. The stone is used as an ornamental stone.

Separately, it is worth highlighting white jadeite, which among stone-cutters is called "mutton fat" for its dirty creamy color. This variety is relatively inexpensive and is used exclusively for crafts. Such a stone, even after polishing, remains dull, its surface resembles an orange peel, so craftsmen ennoble it with varnish and sometimes tint it green.

In addition, specialists in the field of mineralogy separately distinguish the following varieties:

  • jade albid is a breed that combines jadeite and albite. Its deposits are located in Burma;
  • yuan jade is also mined in Burma, but the name is given in honor of the Chinese province, since more of the extracted raw materials are supplied there;
  • kingfisher jade has a bluish tint;
  • magnetite jade has a black color due to impurities of magnetite.

The healing properties of jadeite

Jadeite itself does not have healing properties and is not able to heal the disease on its own, but its main feature is to enhance the effect of drugs. It is used as a concomitant agent in such cases:

  • treatment of kidney disease. Especially green varieties contribute to this;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • restoration of the cardiovascular system;
  • infertility treatment;
  • increased potency in men;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • improvement of well-being in weather-sensitive people during weather changes or magnetic storms.

Lithotherapists believe that jadeite, with its energy vibrations, affects every cell of the body, therefore it is able to rejuvenate the body, as well as raise vitality and heal all internal organs.

Ancient Chinese medicine has carried several recipes using jadeite powder to this day.

Mixed with fruit juice, the powder was a medicine against diabetes and asthma, as well as a tonic and tonic.

To prepare the "Divine Drink from Jade", you need to take jadeite powder, rice, dew and boil it all in a copper pot. Then filter the broth. The remedy was used to strengthen muscles and bones, and make the body flexible and resilient. Travelers used the decoction so as not to suffer from hunger and thirst.

Tibetan monks used jadeite to stabilize a person's energy, recharge, calm and neutralize bad moods.

Jadeite stones are used in baths and saunas. The heated jadeite becomes a source of infrared radiation. Ions of sodium and other minerals, released during heating, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and heart.

The magical properties of the stone

In China, jadeite was revered as the forefather of all stones. It was used during life to strengthen the body and spirit, and before death, they drank dissolved powder to rid the body of decay. For the same purpose, the deceased were wrapped in jadeite clothes.

Jadeite symbolizes the union of masculine and feminine. During the engagement, the boy and the girl exchanged jadeite crafts or jewelry. This was considered a step towards building a strong family and home comfort. The amulet kept tender feelings throughout the years of marriage, softened the spouses, made it possible to understand each other and saved them from quarrels.

The stone builds relationships not only between husband and wife, but also between all family members. The elders learn to understand the younger ones without bothering them with maxims, and the younger ones are more respectful of the elders.

In addition, jadeite has the following magical properties:

  • brings success in business. If, when concluding a deal, you hold a jadeite stone in your right hand, then the signing will not fail;
  • in gambling, the stone attracts luck and winnings;
  • develops honesty and a sense of justice in a person;
  • gives self-confidence;
  • gives calmness;
  • clarifies thoughts, does not allow making mistakes or straying from the righteous path;
  • helps to show wisdom in conflict situations;
  • extinguishes outbursts of rage;
  • enlightens the soul;
  • reconciles warring people;
  • removes evil spirits, evil eye and damage.

Jadeite is strongly associated with nature. It was used to change the weather: stop rain or drought. A jadeite figurine in the house wards off lightning. A piece of jadeite buried in the field makes the soil fertile.

Jadeite has a beneficial effect on the zodiac sign Libra and Virgo. They become more successful with him, achieving heights in their careers and improving their personal lives. The zodiac sign, scorpio, mineral is contraindicated, since they have strong energy, the stone will resist and suppress them, which can result in depression. The rest of the zodiac signs can safely.

Jadeite remains faithful to its owner all its life. The stone protects the owner with all its might. There are legends that this durable stone splits spontaneously, taking on the negative sent to the owner. If this happened, then the amulet must be buried, thanking him for his help.

Jadeite is not only beautiful, but also an energetically strong stone. For the Chinese, this is the standard in everything. Many wealthy people wear a ring with jadeite cut in the form of a cabochon. The less a person interfered with the natural beauty of the stone, the stronger the effect of the talisman.

Jadeite is a mysterious and mystical stone that has enjoyed well-deserved admiration and veneration of mankind for thousands of years.
The name most likely came from the Spanish word "jad" - "side" or "kidney" (in appearance it often resembled a kidney, and it was believed that it cures lumbar pain and renal colic).

Mineral jadeite or the iconic stone of China

The mineral is most revered in China. There, more than 5 thousand years ago, various household items for members of the imperial family were made from it: dishes, lining in steam rooms and much more.

The fact that since ancient times the gem was treated with reverence in China is evidenced by the custom to add the word "jadeite" to the names of children (which is not accidentally different from the hieroglyph "emperor" by just one point). For girls, the names were: Red Jadeite or Jadeite Snow, and for boys: Pi (jadeite disc - evidence of power), Pu (unprocessed jadeite of great value).
The campaigns of the ancient Chinese rulers were often aimed at annexing the territories where the "stone of heaven" was mined.

White jade

According to a Chinese legend, in the battle of two leaders for domination over the Middle Empire, one of the four columns of the sky was damaged and part of the sky collapsed. Then the winner asked to bring her the best stones, and when they were delivered, it seemed to her that they were not beautiful enough. She spent many days perfecting the stones until they became like the sky. After the firmament was "repaired", the sovereign scattered stones throughout the empire ...

The color "imperial yellow" was especially appreciated in China (in honor of the legendary Yellow Emperor 2698 - 2598 BC, who laid the foundation for the greatness of China).

In ancient times, jadeite was understood as other similar green stones: jade and jasper, but then, of course, their separation appeared.

The stone was in demand in other countries as well.

In America and India, the stone was prized and used for cult rituals and healing.
The mineral was used by the Aztecs, Mayans and Toltecs. Bowls, vases, bracelets and other products from it were found in the territory of the Ancient East. A gem flute made in India in the 16th and 17th centuries is kept in Berlin.
In Europe, the "stone of heaven" came into vogue in the 19th century, when products made from it were exported from China and other countries and were appreciated at their true worth.

Jadeite jewelry fascinates with its beauty.

Physicochemical characteristics

The mineral is unique in its composition. It is a silicate with admixtures of magnesia, manganese, iron, calcium and sodium. It belongs to the group of rocks, like asbestos, but it is so hard that it is impossible to split it with any sledgehammer.
There is not only green, but also colorless, white, pink, purple, black, purple and blue colors of the mineral. If it is exposed to prolonged weathering, it becomes yellow or red.

Raw jadeite

The stone has a soft sheen.

Jadeite types

In the jewelry world, there are five main types of "heavenly stone":

  • Imperial or "imperial jade" - jewelry jadeite of bright green color, with a fine-grained structure. Comparable in price with emeralds, and maybe even more expensive than them. So, at the auction in 1980, a gem of this type weighing 350 carats was sold for $ 2 million.
  • Utility is an inexpensive type of gem, as it is opaque, blue in color and heterogeneous in color. Can be matte white or glossy black. Used as ornamental.
  • The "commercial" includes opaque green minerals with transparent veins. Some can be used in jewelry, but mainly such minerals are used as decorative finishing materials.
  • Chloromelanite - this type includes minerals of black or dark green color due to impurities of iron and aluminum with sodium silicate.
  • Albite - differs from other species in bright green color with internal embossing of dots and veins.

Where is the value mined

This is a rare mineral, less than two dozen of its deposits are known all over the world.
The almost transparent noble "imperial" is mined in Burma. Rare in color - blue jadeite is mined in Guatemala. Deposits are also developed in China, India, Kazakhstan, USA and Mexico.
In Russia, the famous deposits are the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Borusskoe) and the Polar Ural (Pusierka).

Its price varies greatly depending on the species. The most expensive is the "imperial jade", the cost of which is comparable to an emerald. The cheapest are chipped utilities used for decoration.

The healing properties of jadeite

The gem has yin energy and is used in Tibetan and Chinese medicine to stabilize bioenergetics, normalize blood pressure and emotional charge. The mineral is also believed to help cure infertility. It helps pregnant women to easily bear and give birth to a healthy baby.
It is worth remembering for a long time the used property of the mineral to heal the kidneys. In addition, the talisman will enhance the effect of the medications taken in the treatment of the kidneys. Jadeite products - beads and bracelets - help people with hypertension.

Jadeite bracelet

In order for the healing properties of the mineral to be fully manifested, jewelry should be worn with it constantly.
The use of ornamental types of jadeite for decorating baths and steam rooms is very popular.

The magical properties of jadeite stone

Green jadeite, like jade, protects against troubles and misfortunes.


Jewelry with a "heavenly stone" makes a person happy, gives harmony and prosperity.
It is especially recommended to wear jewelry with jadeite for emotionally unbalanced people - it will relieve aggression and anger.
People with low self-esteem will also benefit from the mineral because its energy can make them more confident.
Since ancient times, a piece of gem was kept in a fist to conclude a profitable trade deal. The talisman will also help preserve property, protect it from envious people and ill-wishers.
As an amulet can be used to protect against fraud and theft.
In family life, the use of the magical properties of jadeite is especially noticeable in the relationship between parents and children. It helps to show mutual understanding, trust and reduces negative emotions.
It is believed that the stone will not suit dishonest people, it sets its owner to mercy and benevolence.
In ancient times, it was used to make or stop rain. In our time, he continues to be considered a talisman of productivity.

Jadeite and the zodiac sign

The gem has a strong energy, and therefore it will not suit all signs of the zodiac. Most of all, on the recommendation of astrologers, Leo can count on its strength. He will give them calmness, relieve aggression and nervousness. The mineral and Libra are well suited, making them stronger in achieving their goals and reducing negative character traits.
Least of all, the mineral is suitable for Capricorns. It is believed that he will make them unnecessarily dreamy and even less intelligent due to distraction of attention.
Also, this stone should be worn with caution by representatives of the Water element. Scorpios and Cancers, under the influence of his energy, can fall into apathy or depression.
The rest of the zodiac signs can safely wear jewelry and talismans with a stone, it will make them more tolerant of others.

You can distinguish a fake by carefully examining the product, knowing the characteristics of the mineral. For jewelry purposes, three types are used: imperial, commercial and utilities. For jadeite, stones such as serpentine, prenite, aventurine quartz, grossular garnet, chrysoprase and a number of others can be given out. Using a 10x magnifying glass in natural jadeite, you can see the smallest inclusions: felt-like, grainy, asbestos-like. If layers are visible, this means that most likely, it was "double" or "slim", that is, glued from several pieces.
In addition, a real gem is somewhat heavier than it looks, this is due to its high density. It is very hard and easily scratches glass and other surfaces.
So that over time a product with a mineral does not lose its beauty, it requires you to follow simple rules for caring for it. Do not leave in direct sunlight, do not keep in a dusty or humid place, clean every six months with water and plain soap.

How highly prized jadeite stone for 5 thousand years! For one "heavenly stone" in ancient China, you could buy a whole city!

Linguistically jade and - the same thing. "Nefros" is Greek for "kidney". "Jade" is also a kidney, only in Spanish and French. Why exactly the "kidney"?

Opinions vary. Mineralogy historians believe that the reason for the choice of the name lies in the form of the fragments of the stone found. Rounded jadeite is similar in shape to a human kidney, hence, they say, and the name.

Another version seems to be no less reasonable. Kidney stone disease in some cases leads to the formation of large rounded stones, the type and structure resembling jadeite.

Much more reliable is the English-language nickname for the mineral. Axestone - that is, stone ax, "stone of axes" - this is the name of jade in English. The fact is that European archaeologists have unearthed many different-sized stone axes carved from jadeite. Such an ax is less sharp than a quartz one, but more durable.

Outstanding properties of jadeite

The stone is grainy, opaque, but translucent. The strength of jadeite is comparable to that of the best grades of steel. It takes four times the mass to crush a jadeite cube than to crush. The hardness reaches seven, which means: glass cutters can be made from jadeite.

Jadeite color ranges from colorless to white and cream, then through yellow and green to blue and different shades of red. Green, gray-green, whitish-blue tones of jadeite are the most frequent and highly valued. Uneven color (spots, stripes, marble pattern) is characteristic of jadeite, but the best stones are evenly colored.

Jadeite chemical properties are typical for sodium aluminum silicate. As a rock-forming mineral, jadeite unites a large group of related rocks, each of which, according to modern mineralogical principles, should be called jadeite. However, the name did not catch on, and jade (a special case of jadeite) is still called jade ...

However, in some national-mineralogical schools the classification is reversed: there jadeite belongs to the jade group, and not vice versa.

Terminological confusion, which has not yet been eliminated by mineralogy, blooms in lush color on amphiboles, which include jadeite, jade, and, and sometimes even.

Frequent but expensive

Jade(regarding jade) rare. For the formation of jadeite, special conditions of metamorphism are required: high temperatures and pressures, exact proportions of the initial minerals. Geological coincidences are rare, and the ingredients' cocktail is usually unique. That is why there are so many differently colored varieties among jadeites.

Chromium jadeite is green - while manganese, magnesium, titanium, calcium and iron give the mineral red, blue, yellow, brown tones. The rarest blue jadeite is mined in Guatemala. The most beautiful green stones are usually from Burma. A considerable amount of jadeite is provided by other mountainous countries: in our country it is the Northern Urals, in the Pacific region - volcanic islands, in India and America - mountainous states.

The high cost of jadeite is determined not only by solid prices for raw stones. Since the gem is extremely susceptible to the most complex carvings, jadeite products often turn into delicate and therefore expensive jewelry.

However, even a simple cabochon or bead cut accentuates the preciousness of the jadeite. About forty years ago, a 150 gram jadeite of impeccable quality was sold at an auction. The amount of the lot was $ 2 million.

Over the years, jadeite stone has become even more expensive, and already on the eve of the Millennium, jadeite beads, composed of twenty-seven elements, were bought for more than twenty-seven million dollars!

Three varieties of jadeite happiness

The history of China knows the times when the highest denomination coins were made from jadeite - along with - coins of the highest denomination. Nowadays, a carved pendant made of imperial quality jadeite (translucent stones of beautiful shades of green) costs several hundred dollars.

The commercial category includes jadeites of a pronounced green color., translucent, with noticeable veins and a possible purple tint. A piece of jewelry with such a stone costs a little less than the "imperial".

Utilitarian jadeites are called, which do not have light transmittance, fibrous, with interlayers of coarse color shades. With the well-known cheapness of utilitarian jadeite raw materials, polished stones of this grade are estimated at least one hundred and fifty dollars per item!

And yet there is jadeite in the world, the price of which is affordable for a poor buyer ...

Inexpensive "mutton fat" jadeite

The whitish, rancid lard-colored jadeite is relatively inexpensive. Craftsmen call it "lamb fat" and cut various interior decorations from it. To heighten the chic Inexpensive off-white jadeite is often dyed rich green.

Transparent resins applied to the surface of the stone smooth out the orange peel characteristic of jadeite, which appears after the final polishing. Lacquered jadeite shines brighter! However, ennobling is a way of relatively harmless speculation on the precious name of a gem. Quartz counterfeits are the scourge of the jadeite market.

Artificial jade - to be!

The high retail price has spurred the creation of artificial imitations of jadeite. The first experiments in the production of man-made jadeite date back to the middle of the 20th century. The amount of dissimilar ingredients used for sintering into pseudo-jadeite exceeded half a dozen.

Only thirty years after the initial tests, the Americans managed to make a stone, the structure, composition and properties of which brought the prototype closer to natural jadeite.

Fortunately, the manufacturer's plans do not include the conquest of the jewelry world with jadeite weapons, and therefore the artificial mineral is not yet crowding natural jadeite in the windows. But maybe! If, of course, it is possible to improve the energy-intensive technology ...

Jadeite museum exhibits

The ability of the mineral to preserve its properties for millennia has allowed mankind to preserve the most interesting jadeite products. The Neolithic burial mounds of Bretonne opened up to our contemporaries the interest that Stone Age people had in durable and practical material.

Jadeite stone axes remained in use even when tools were made of metal! True, pretty soon their role shifted from a practical to a ritual plane ...

The ancient Chinese, the most active admirers of jadeite among civilizations of the past, made the whitish-green stone an object of worship thousands of years ago. From then until today jadeite for the Chinese is an example of aesthetic perfection. The most revered statues are made in China from jadeite. The most coveted talismans are jadeite ones!

According to legend, Montezuma, the last (and talentless) ruler of the Aztecs, supplying Hernán Cortés with gold, was glad that the Spaniard showed no interest in jadeite. The Indians had at their disposal mines that gave jadeite of the most beautiful pale pink color ...

The magical and healing properties of jadeite

Crushing a piece of jadeite into powder is not an easy task! But the painstaking Chinese deal with it, believing that a daily dose of jadeite powder gives health the hardness and durability of a precious mineral.

The magical properties of jadeite consist in the stone's ability to pacify disputants, dilute passion with thought, extinguish outbursts of rage and anger. Possessing great spiritual potential, jadeite helps a person achieve enlightenment.

Zodiac Libra and Virgo become more successful with the help they get from jadeite. Capricorns, Scorpios and Cancers may experience dissonant notes in their relationship with a stone. Jadeite is shown to the rest of the signs equally.

It only differs in a slightly different composition. Jadeite, like jade, has a very high viscosity, which makes it difficult to process. Splitting a solid nugget into fragments is not so easy. The mineral has a granular structure, which is its main visual difference from jade.

Jadeite stones of all shades of green, from the darkest to the lightest, are found in nature. In addition, you can find white, gray, orange, brown, green, lavender and black jadeite.

Jadeite varieties

  • imperial- the most valuable, translucent emerald green used in jewelry
  • magnetite- black opaque, Mexican - mined in Mexico
  • yuan- by the name of the Chinese province of Yuan

The most expensive of them, of course, is imperial jade, that is, imperial jade. This transparent gem has a uniform emerald color and is more expensive than diamonds.

The magical properties of Jadeite

Jadeite has magical properties. It provides a person with reliable protection from any negative impact. The mineral protects the owner from the evil eye, damage, curses, gossip and envy. This is its main meaning. In addition, jadeite prevents the commission of wrong and rash acts. He helps to make the right decision even in the most difficult life situation. The mineral grants the owner wisdom, self-confidence, and also pacification.

The magical properties of jade are the ability of the stone to pacify debaters, dilute passion with thought, extinguish outbursts of rage and anger. Possessing great spiritual potential, jadeite helps a person achieve enlightenment. The peculiarities of this mineral are that it grants the owner protection from the rampant of the elements. It protects a person from storm, fire and hurricane. In addition, it is believed that jadeite is capable of changing the weather itself. Therefore, in earlier times, shamans and sorcerers used the mineral to carry out rituals to call or stop rain.

The healing properties of Jadeite

Many centuries ago, the jadeite stone began to be called a kidney stone, and this is far from coincidental. Jadeite very often contributes to the healing of various diseases associated with the kidneys. It is believed that the green color of jadeite has a beneficial effect on the psyche, increases the body's defenses, and stabilizes the heart. In oriental medicine, its healing properties are used to restore disturbed bioenergetics.

Beads and bracelets made from this stone are able to stabilize blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is still unknown whether any powers associated with magic contribute to this. It should be noted that from ancient times to this day it is believed that this stone is able to give a person calmness and confidence.

Talismans and amulets

According to astrologers, jadeite is one of the magic stones that mainly affects nature. With its help, you can influence the weather phenomena, solving the problems of the household. As a talisman, jadeite is useful for people engaged in agriculture, as well as trade. The stone protects the owner from envious people and liars. Jadeite jewelry presented to a pregnant woman will help to maintain health and give birth to a healthy baby. The mineral helps its owner to find peace of mind and find harmony with the surrounding world.

Jadeite in astrology

Jadeite is very good for and. Zodiac Libra and Virgo become more successful with the help they get from jadeite. Capricorns, Scorpios and Cancers may experience dissonant notes in their relationship with a stone. The fact is that jadeite is a very stable stone, so it will suppress their own energy and may contribute to the development of depression.

Jadeite compatibility with zodiac signs

Jadeite for

Jadeite removes negative energy from the representatives of the Aries sign. The stone is good to wear in places with a large number of people, so the talisman protects its owner from the evil eye. Aries wearing a jadeite piece is easy to gain attention. Aries enjoys a lot of attention from friends. Everyone trusts Aries, the advice of Aries is appreciated.

Jadeite for

As a talisman, jadeite will be of immense benefit to Taurus. For this sign, the healing properties of jadeite double their strength. And they give their owner not only physical health. Wearing the mineral has a positive effect on the psychological state. In a family where one of the spouses is Taurus, love and mutual understanding will always reign with a jadeite amulet. Jadeite strengthens the tone of the Taurus. With the power of jadeite, it is not difficult for Taurus to avoid many diseases, in case of illness and disease, jadeite will be able to cure the body in a fairly short time. Jadeite works best in terms of the cardiovascular system. Jadeite improves blood pressure, relieves fatigue.

Jadeite for

For Gemini, jadeite will bring excellent well-being and good spirits to life, touching any business. With jadeite, Gemini achieve complete harmony with themselves and the world around them. Jadeite keeps Gemini in a good mood, even if misfortune "walks" nearby. For Gemini, jadeite improves vision, mainly treats myopia.

Jadeite for

It is considered not entirely useful to wear jadeite for Cancers, as it negates their best qualities. People under these signs in the presence of a stone often become pessimists, they are seized by an apathetic state. Since the zodiac sign Cancer belongs to the water element, the stones must be subordinate to water. Jadeite also brings good relations in the Cancer family, attracting new acquaintances to pleasant communication. Jadeite also has a good effect on the bioenergetics of Cancer.

Jadeite for

For representatives of the zodiac sign Leo, whose character is distinguished by some irascibility, jadeite will bring peace and tranquility. Shows himself from the best side and as a healer-healer. It will help with surges in blood pressure, nervous strain, kidney problems. Leo jade is recommended to take with him on vacation. The specified amulet brings more sun, smiles and long impressions afterwards at such moments. Protects the Leo owner's jadeite from troubles and problems on the road. In a healing sense, jadeite protects the digestive organs of Leo. In addition, jadeite enhances Leo's fantasy.

Jadeite for

Jadeite is suitable for people born under the constellation Virgo. Especially those who love nature, seeking unity with it. The stone will have a positive effect on the entire environment of this sign. The effect of the stone on plants grown by a caring Virgo will also be beneficial. It will also help you find a common language with the younger generation. For Virgos, jadeite will be a lucky stone for any occasion. Jadeite will not let any grief "reach" the Virgin. For Virgos, jadeite helps in gardening and gardening "affairs". Any plant, under the supervision of a caring Virgin, quickly turns green and gives beautiful fruits. Another property of jadeite is love for everyone and everything. Virgo herself becomes a source of tender feelings.

Jadeite for

This stone has a positive effect on people born under the sign of Libra. He is able to show his owner the right path in life and even completely transform it. Will give him confidence in the future, and make him believe in his own strength. Jadeite for Libra, in small jewelry, gives a little more risk and extreme attraction. Those born according to the horoscope of Libra, often carrying jadeite with them, are light on their feet and ready for adventure. Adversity keeps far from Libra, not preventing them from enjoying their achievements. Also Libra with jadeite is more sensitive.

Jadeite for

Scorpios can suffer from the action of this stone. Their ability to concentrate and focus on work is dulled. Therefore, products with jadeite are not recommended for these signs of the zodiac. Scorpio with jadeite does any task, whether at work or at home, with conscience and hard work. The first attempts of Scorpio give the best results, without errors. Jadeite will not leave its wearer alone.

Jadeite for

For Sagittarius, jadeite will correct all the functions of the body. Sagittarius's internal organs work in the correct order, without causing any inconvenience or any ailments. Jadeite, first of all, "works hard" on the good condition of how much and the genitourinary system. In addition to its medicinal properties, jadeite will help Sagittarius avoid stupid actions and become a little more restrained.

Jadeite for

The mineral has a negative effect on Capricorns. People under this sign in the presence of a stone often become pessimists, they are seized by an apathetic state. They cannot stand the constancy of the stone, it has a detrimental effect on them. He makes them fixated on his own opinion, which leads to indifference towards other people.

Jadeite for

For Aquarius, jadeite is an excellent assistant in creative matters. Jadeite gives Aquarius strength and pushes for good deeds. Jadeite will help lonely Aquarius to believe in love and, in fact, find it. Jadeite will distract the owner, which according to the horoscope is Aquarius, from various adversities and will help boldly go forward. Jadeite also strengthens the bones of Aquarius.

Jadeite for

For Pisces, jadeite will indicate significant actions and allow you to think more flexibly. With jadeite, representatives of the astrological sign of the water element will learn courage and courage. The once indecisive and shy Pisces, thanks to jadeite, will now enjoy great attention from the outside and the opposite sex as well.

Jadeite - the magical properties of the stone

Jadeite stone belongs to the silicate group. Its color is most often dominated by the green spectrum, but there are stones of various colors: black, green, purple, yellow and transparent. There is even a white jadeite and a lilac variety. Like many other ornamental and semi-precious minerals, jadeite is quite common in jewelry.

Jadeite has certain magical properties and is deservedly considered one of the most mystical and mysterious stones.


This mineral has been used by people for many millennia in a row - there is a description of this stone in the annals. For example, in China, the semi-precious stone jadeite has been revered for more than five thousand years - it was from it that the dishes for the imperial family were made, as well as the facing of the imperial baths. And it was also customary to add its name to the names of children. By the way, the hieroglyph "jade" differs from the hieroglyph "emperor" by only one point. Surely it is no coincidence! The yellow color of the mineral was most appreciated in China. In jade, the Chinese saw a sacred gem.

But not only in the Celestial Empire, jadeite was in demand - in India and America, this stone was used for rituals and healing. Maya, Aztecs and Toltecs used it in their cult rites and called it a kidney stone. It was not immediately distinguished from jade, for a long time these stones were considered the same fossil - outwardly, it looks almost like jade.

The mineral, which was called the "stone of heaven", appeared in Europe in the 19th century - it was then that products from it were brought there from China and India. And now jewelers do not argue about its meaning.

Physicochemical properties

The properties of jadeite are determined by its structure and composition. As mentioned above, it is a mineral from the family of silicates, alkaline pyroxenes with additions of manganese, magnesia, calcium, sodium and iron. This is the same group of rocks as asbestos, but, unlike the latter, natural jadeite is so hard that it can only be broken with the help of special equipment. The origin of the mineral is volcanic.

In nature, you can find samples of different colors, it even happens purple. Most often, green stones are found, yellow and red jadeite can be obtained only with prolonged weathering of the stone. Jadeite has its color due to the admixtures of iron and sodium.

Jadeite stone has a soft glassy luster, a clear absorption line, incomplete cleavage and no dispersion. Its transparency can be very different - from its absence to complete transparency. The density of the stone is 3.25–3.36 g / cm³.

Place of Birth

Jadeite deposits are not widespread in the world - about twenty places are known in total. Therefore, it is considered a rare mineral.

In Burma, translucent jadeite "imperial" is mined. Blue jadeite, a very rare fossil, is found in Guatemala. There are also deposits in China, India, Kazakhstan, America, Mexico and Japan. The largest in Russia - Borusskoe jadeite deposit - is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory between the Yenisei and Kantegir rivers. The second Russian place of extraction of this stone is the Polar part of the Ural Mountains, the so-called Pusierka. Deposits are also located in Indochina, where jewelry samples of this stone are mined.


"Imperial", or imperial jadeite, is the most valuable and noble type of jewelry. It is he who is inserted into jewelry - rings and earrings. It has a bright green color and a rather high price, often more expensive than emeralds. Jewelry imperial jadeite is rare in nature. Other types of mineral are much cheaper than "imperial".

Utility is the cheapest type, it is opaque and uneven in color. May be interspersed with matte white and glossy black. This species found itself as an ornamental material and in baths. Jadeite "Utility" has two varieties according to the method of processing - tumbling and chipped jadeite. Tumbling refers to the grinding process. Utility is the most suitable stone for steam rooms and saunas.

Commercial - jadeite is completely opaque, but the stones have transparent veins. Sometimes it is used in jewelry, but most often it is used to decorate the interior.

Chloromelanite has strong iron and aluminum impurities with sodium silicate. Its color is dark green or black.

Albite has a bright green color and internal veins and dots.

Original and fake

The question often arises of how to distinguish jadeite from fake. There are several ways:

  • The natural mineral is cold to the touch and heavier than it looks. On close inspection, you will not see bubbles in it. This knowledge will help distinguish a stone from a synthetic fake.
  • If you run a real stone over the glass, the latter will leave a scratch. It is difficult to damage the greed itself.
  • Chrysoprase is often passed off as jadeite. It is not difficult to distinguish one from the other: under a magnifying glass, the structure of a real jade looks grainy, fibrous, has felt and asbestos-like weaves. Chrysoprase is homogeneous.

Jadeite and zodiac signs

Let's figure out who is suitable for the zodiac sign jadeite. There are many views on this issue - astrologers disagree. Someone advises this mineral to Cancers, and someone, on the contrary, says that it is categorically contraindicated for them.

The opinions of many astrologers only agree on one thing - products from this mineral should in no case be worn by Capricorns. It aggravates their laziness, apathy and excessive distraction, and also badly affects the vitality of their mind - Capricorns become rigid in their reasoning.

Scorpios are also not advised of this stone - it inspires them with negative thoughts and affects their mood for the worse. But the zodiac signs Libra and Leo can use this mineral as their talisman - they have excellent compatibility with jadeite. Such jewelry helps these signs to change life for the better and suppresses negative emotions.

For the rest of the zodiac signs, jadeite will instill confidence in their abilities.

Magical properties

The magical properties of the stone are quite diverse. It is difficult to doubt its significance for magical practices. The use of the "heavenly stone" gives a person happiness, harmony and well-being.
Aggression and anger are easily removed when using this gem, and indeed any emotional instability is corrected by it.

People with low self-esteem can use the energy of this stone to gain confidence. The gem amulet can be used to curb attempts at theft and fraud.

Healing properties

Jadeite also has medicinal properties. This stone carries Yin energy, which makes its characteristics curative and allows it to be used in alternative oriental medicine. Basically, with the help of it, they stabilize the energy, try to effectively reduce blood pressure and treat infertility.

The pink form corrects the work of the heart, and the white form enhances immunity. Also, jewelry made from this mineral has a positive effect on vision, removes fatigue and stabilizes kidney function.

In order for the stone to begin to exert its healing effect, it must be worn constantly, and not worn from time to time.

Care of products

Such jewelry should be stored separately from the rest, preferably on a soft surface. Chemical and mechanical influences, direct sunlight and high humidity are categorically contraindicated for the stone. Jewelry with this mineral should be cleaned twice a year with warm water and soap. After processing, the stone should be wiped dry.