Baby bath accessories. The most convenient devices for bathing newborns: find out what for what, decide what we need

Bathing a baby is a procedure that should bring joy and pleasure. When in contact with water, tactile stimulation occurs, physical performance improves.

But a prerequisite, of course, are hygienic manipulations and temperature conditions: both water and ambient air.

During intrauterine life, all 9 months the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. After birth, he leaves this environment, goes through the processes of adaptation to new conditions. Therefore, bathing in water is for him a reminder of the "past" life in his mother's tummy.

If we talk about the temperature regime, then it is about 37 degrees. If this temperature level rises, the child may overheat or get burned. Conversely, bathing in cold water can even cause fright in an infant and discourage the desire to swim for a long time.

The first bath of the baby lasts about 10 minutes, so you should not worry that the water will have time to cool.

Ways to measure water temperature:

  • thermometer;
  • "elbow method".

Pharmacies sell many thermometers for water in the form of fish that are immersed in the bath. You can also use your own hands. Submerge your elbow in the water and roughly estimate whether the water is hot or cool.

It should be remembered that the umbilical wound in very small crumbs has not yet healed, and for bathing newborns in the first days of life, it is necessary to boil water. This must be done within the first two weeks. To do this, we first collect cold water in the bath, then add boiling water to the temperature we need - 36-37 degrees. Be sure to stir the water.

When the baby overheats, you will notice redness of the skin, lethargy. And, on the contrary, if the baby is cold, he will clench his fists, cry, and his lips and limbs will turn blue.

If during bathing the child cries, then the procedure should be stopped. Reconsider what you are doing wrong.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be around 23 degrees.

What do you need to prepare for swimming?

For water procedures you will need the following items:

  • bath;
  • swimming slide;
  • thermometer;
  • diaper;
  • soft terry towel;
  • bathing facilities for children.

Baby bath products

In modern stores you can find a lot of all kinds of baby shampoos, gels and bath foams. The most widely used line is the Johnsons Baby.

Bath foam, especially with lavender oil, has hypoallergenic properties and a soothing effect.

  1. Hypoallergenic - the absence of harmful dyes and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Safety. After all, any child can try the foam “by the tooth”.

Of course, if it was not a drop of gel, but a whole sip or two, you need to call an ambulance.

Daria, Moscow, 25 years old:“Johnsons Baby bathing foam worked perfectly for us, or rather, for my six-month-old happiness. You can purchase a large pink bottle of 500 ml. The price is very democratic, and enough for a long time - about 4 months. But, depending on how much you pour it into the bath. For excitable children, also eat with lavender.

Baby soap "Eared Nanny", Hipp is also popular among young mothers. It is convenient and the form of its use is liquid.

This soap should not contain fragrances. An obligatory component is glycerin to soften delicate skin. Always a big plus for soap is the presence of substances of plant origin and a special dispenser for easy use.

You can still bathe children in herbal preparations with thyme, chamomile, lemon balm. They have a good anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. They will provide all possible assistance with diaper rash and hyperexcitability of the baby.

Natalia, 28 years old:“I bought the Eared Nanny hair wash, I thought it would work as a bath foam, it wasn’t there. Foams mediocre. Great for babies, softens the skin well. Allergic reactions were not found. There is, however, a grape fragrance, so I would not recommend it for newborns. ”

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. For my son I use the Eared Nanny liquid soap. It foams very well, so to speak "2 in 1" - both foam and soap. The smell is pleasant, it washes off quickly. I have never noticed allergies, it softens and soothes the skin very well with diaper rash, if any.

Also in high demand on the market is a line of bathing products from the German company Bübchen. But they are pricey.

Nowadays, you can find a lot of shampoos, bath foams, bathing gels for children. But even with such a variety, an individual approach and mandatory consideration of possible allergic reactions are necessary. In what to bathe the baby, it is up to the parents to decide.

Newborn's first bath

Here is the long-awaited moment of discharge from the hospital. You have arrived home, and after some time the question arises of how to bathe this small and very fragile bundle of happiness.

Bathing the baby after the hospital should be carried out the next day to allow the newborn to adapt to his new room and crib.

The child should be bathed in his own tub. The bath should be chosen in children's stores, as the product is certified there, and the plastic and other substances from which the bath is made will not harm the health of the baby when bathing.

With this procedure, for convenience, you can use a slide. There are plastic slides, fabric hammocks, slides with a metal frame covered with fabric. Special baths with already built-in slides are also sold.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. My husband and I enjoyed bathing our baby on a fabric slide with a metal frame. My husband even made it himself. The child is more comfortable and softer to lie on the fabric than on the plastic substrate.

Baby bath rules

  1. We are preparing a place in the bathroom where it is most convenient to place the bath. You can put it on a stool, or in a large bath.
  2. We prepare water. If the umbilical wound has not healed, then the water should be boiled.
  3. We check the presence of a mug or a small bucket to rinse the baby.
  4. We collect water, about a quarter of the bath. We check the temperature with a thermometer or an elbow. If desired, add foam or a decoction of herbs.
  5. We put up a hill.
  6. We close the bathroom.
  7. We are preparing a child.
  8. Undress the baby on the changing table. If the room is warm, then you can take air baths for several minutes. Then we swaddle with the head, but not tight.
  9. We carefully place the baby on the hill, monitor the well-being of the child, the color of his skin, and a large fontanel.
  10. First, gently wash the arms, legs, body, then the head of the child, trying to protect the eyes from water. At the end, rinse the baby with clean water. Bathing a newborn should begin with five minutes, gradually increasing the amount of time to 15 minutes.

For more information about and up to what age a child should be wrapped in a diaper, read the article by a children's doctor.

How to wash a newborn?

You can wash the child simply with your hand, or with a special washcloth-mitt, which can be bought at a children's store. When choosing a mitten, evaluate the material from which it is made and the smell, so as not to cause allergies in the child.

After the child has bathed, it should be wrapped in a dry terry towel and dried with blotting movements. Dress in a vest, sliders, or swaddle.

Bathe the baby for the first 4-5 months should be daily, but wash the hair no more than 2 times a week. In the second half of life, you can bathe every other day.

Bathing a baby is a very difficult task. While still in a pregnant position, it will be useful to study the necessary materials on how to properly bathe a newborn baby. Try to involve your husband in this process as well.

Helpers are never redundant. The baby will feel the care of both parents.

Bathing in a large bath contributes to the healthy growth of your baby, vivacity, activity and good mood. It is better to start this procedure a couple of weeks after childbirth. Then you will have enough strength for classes, and the child's navel will heal. And until this moment, you can do with a baby bath.

It is important to choose the right time for a more comfortable bathing baby. It is believed that it is better to do this in the period before the last feeding. It is assumed that from water procedures the child should be a little tired, cold and hungry. Then immediately after the bath, the baby will eat with appetite and calmly go to bed. Do not forget that there are always exceptions. For some children, swimming in a large bath has the opposite effect - excitement and unwillingness to sleep. Therefore, adjust as accurately as possible to the temperament of your baby and choose your own time for swimming.

It is necessary to prepare the bath before bathing the baby. First, clean it with baking soda, rinse with boiling water, then with hot water. This procedure must be carried out once a week, and on other days, wipe the bath with just a damp cloth (you can use laundry soap).

It is not worth specially boiling water for bathing the baby, draw it from the tap. Never add disinfectants to the water. Water can get into the mouth and eyes of the baby. Potassium permanganate can cause burns, and herbs can cause allergic reactions. Although I sometimes add string and bischofite (baby sea salt) to the water, which are sold in pharmacies and children's stores.

What you need for bathing a baby:

Rubber floor mat. It is necessary for an adult so that he does not slip and fall.

Thermometer for water.

Dry clean diapers. After bathing the baby should not be wiped dry, but wet. A diaper is a priority here than a towel, as it absorbs moisture better and does not irritate baby's skin.

Clean clothes in which the child will not be shackled, a cap and a vest.

Cotton swabs, swabs, oil and powder. Use cotton swabs to remove any remaining water from the ears. Tampons soaked in baby oil will lubricate the wrinkles on the baby's body. If the skin is irritated, use baby powder.

Bandage or gauze. Use a bandage or gauze to wipe your baby's eyes. In no case do not resort to the help of cotton wool. The villi can get under the eyelid, and then it will be extremely difficult to pull it out.

A watch can be useful in the bathroom to control the time of bathing, and toys.

The ideal water temperature is 36-37 degrees. Whether it suits the baby, you can understand by his reaction. If the child, after immersing in water, after swimming a little, began to actively flounder with his legs and arms to keep warm, but does not act up, then the temperature suits him. If you want to harden and improve your baby, then gradually lower the water temperature (half a degree per week, from 37 to 35 degrees). It is recommended to swim in such water for 5 to 15 minutes. Further lowering is done only after consulting a pediatrician.

While bathing, it is better to keep the bathroom door open so as not to cause a difference in air humidity. This can lead to congestion in children's ears.

Grow healthy!

One of the first questions about bathing newborns is is it possible to bathe a baby in a large bath or is it necessary to buy a baby bath?

When can I start bathing a newborn in a large tub

Let's start with the fact that, in general, the baby needs to be bathed every day, starting from the day of arrival home from the hospital. If the baby was vaccinated against tuberculosis on the day of discharge, start bathing the next day. This refers to bathing, not washing with soap and shampoo. It is enough to use baby hygiene detergents a couple of times a week, you do not need to lather the baby every day.

There are several opinions about bathing in an "adult" bath.

Some advise not to bathe the baby in a shared bathroom until it heals. umbilical wound. Its healing can take about a month. At this time, the baby is advised to bathe in boiled water to avoid infection. Agree that it is difficult to boil water for a large bathroom, especially if you do it every day.

Another popular belief is that a baby can be bathed in a large bath after he learns to do it on his own. sit.

In addition, some experts do not set any restrictions for water procedures in a large bathroom from the very beginning. first bath baby.

Rules for bathing a baby in a large bath

Firstly, before each bathing the crumbs, you need a bath wash. You should not use various chemical cleaning agents for this, the usual soda and brush.

Of course, it will not work to boil water for a large bathroom, but the water should be as large as possible. clean. Therefore, if you do not have a water filter installed, with the advent of the baby you will have to acquire one.

You should not take a full bath of water, the shoulders and head of the baby should be visible above its surface.

When bathing in a large bathroom, you need to use various devices that simplify the process and increase its safety: a swimming slide, a hammock, a circle, special caps, and so on.

It is better that two adults bathe the baby - one should hold the baby, the other should wash.

How to prepare a baby bath

As mentioned above - before each bathing the crumbs, the bath should be washed with soda.

Prepare a large soft towel made of natural material, as well as things in which you will dress the baby after bathing, baby cream or oil, powder.

You can start swimming.

What should be the temperature of the air in the room and water

While bathing the baby in the bathroom should be warm - about 23 degrees. But at the same time, there should not be a large temperature difference between the bathroom and the rest of the apartment. In no case should there be drafts.

The water temperature for bathing babies should be about 37 degrees. It can be checked with a water thermometer. Over time, the temperature is recommended to gradually lower to 30 degrees.

How to hold your baby

If you bathe the baby alone, take it so that the head is on your forearm, and with your palm, hold the baby by the shoulder, which is on the opposite side from you. The bottom line is that if the baby is still very small, you should support his back and hold his head. With the other hand, wash and lather the baby.

How long should bathing take?

The first bath should take only a few minutes, then the time can be increased to 10-15 minutes, and longer, provided that the water does not become too cold.

Bathing equipment in a large bath

  • plastic slide or hammock - help to secure the process and free mom's hands;
  • swimming circle - prevents the baby from diving headfirst into the water;
  • cap - keeps the head afloat;
  • rubber mat at the bottom of the bath - does not allow the baby to slide.

Sometimes you can hear the bewildered question of a young mother about what is the purpose of bathing a newborn if he almost does not get dirty. Water procedures for a baby have a slightly different meaning - they contribute to physical and psychological development, bring benefits and a good mood. Bathing in the bath before bed helps the baby relax and calm down, despite the short time spent in the water.

Bathing vs Bathing - What's the difference?

With bathing a newborn, ordinary hygiene has nothing to do, except for the presence of water in both procedures. Hygiene includes:

  • washing away;
  • washing;
  • washing baby.

All this is necessary in order to make the baby cleaner. Parents will need:

  • wet wipes or water;
  • baby soap.
Bathing a baby is not just a cleansing procedure, but also a relaxing one that improves the tone of the whole organism.

The process takes only 5 minutes in the morning, and much more time is needed to bathe a newborn baby. You need to bathe a little one for several reasons:

  1. In a miniature bath or a large bath, the baby has a feeling of calm and comfort, because swimming reminds him of his own recent existence in his mother's tummy.
  2. Due to the low pressure of the water during bathing, the child receives the necessary physical activity.
  3. The newborn develops new skills: emotional, tactile, communicative.
  4. Improves metabolism and appetite.
  5. Bathing a baby can be turned into a hardening procedure if the temperature is set correctly.

Regular water procedures are an excellent prevention of colds. This is what distinguishes bathing from daily washing.

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It is possible and necessary to wash a child from the first days after his birth. It is important to monitor the condition of the eyes, ears and nose, and also to prevent diaper rash under the diaper. Bathing the baby in running water and a large bath is prohibited until the umbilical wound is completely healed.

It usually heals 2 weeks after the baby is born. Until then, parents should stick to the alternative:

  1. Bathing a newborn is carried out in a special bath using chilled boiled water (we recommend reading:).
  2. You can not bathe the little one, but wipe the contaminated places every day with gentle wet wipes.

It is advisable to boil water long before bathing the baby, so that it has time to cool. It is better to measure the temperature not with the elbow, but with a special thermometer, since the baby's skin is thin and sensitive.

After the final healing of the umbilical wound, bathing the newborn can be carried out as usual. Do not confuse the concepts of "wash" and "bath". Water procedures can be a fun and rewarding activity if you follow the rules:

  1. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends immediately let the child in a big swim in a spacious bath. For him, this will be a real adventure, because there you can flounder from the heart, grab toys and watch them. The water in the large tub cools down for a long time, so bathing a child can last for half an hour. The spent energy and physical activity will allow the baby to fall asleep quickly and soundly, without disturbing the parents at night. The more space, the more intense the stimulation of the work of internal organs and various muscles.
  2. For baby bathing no more need for boiled chilled water, because after the allotted 2 weeks, this is considered unreasonable and impractical. However, the water in the bath must be clean and without impurities that are visually noticeable. If the water quality is poor, it is advisable to install filters.
  3. If made from the usual bathing of a newborn fascinating process, the baby will be happy to wait for the moment when it will be possible to swim. It is not easy to hold the head of a little one without a break for 30 minutes, so special swimming circles and caps will be great helpers for parents. The circle is fastened around the neck, preventing the head from falling in and the mouth from accidentally swallowing water. Along the entire perimeter of the cap there are pieces of foam that hold the child's head well above the surface of the water.

Older babies love to swim with toys. Parents of such children can combine swimming with useful developmental activities.

Free swimming should not be feared, despite the admonitions of the older generation about the risk of water getting into the child's ears. The structure of the auricle does not allow water to penetrate too deeply, it freely flows back without causing absolutely no harm. After the water procedure, it is enough to gently blot the ears.

Optimum temperature

The temperature regime must be changed gradually, depending on how long the baby has been swimming. At the first swim 33-34 C is considered the most suitable temperature. It should be borne in mind that the data are indicated for a large space in which the baby can swim, flounder and be active.

Convenient time for water procedures

It is necessary to introduce the tradition of bathing the baby before evening feeding, which precedes sleep. For adults, the procedure of bathing a child is a fun entertainment, but for the participant himself, it is a real sport. The calories expended and the load cause two main desires: to eat and rest.

For children under one year old, it is quite normal from the age of 4 months to sleep soundly throughout the night without disturbing the mother with a request to feed. The duration of bathing the baby in this case should be at least half an hour, and in the evening the little one should definitely eat tightly. The time for water procedures is set by the parents themselves, based on their own schedule.

Is diving dangerous?

There is nothing wrong with bathing a newborn, even if he accidentally goes under water for a few seconds. Children in the first months of life have unique reflex: as soon as water enters the respiratory tract, the resulting spasm prevents it from going any further. There is absolutely no chance of choking. Access to important organs of the respiratory system is blocked, so the baby cannot physically grab water. With a long stay under water, the baby is threatened with a lack of oxygen, and not an abundance of water.

The baby holds its breath when immersed reflexively, so do not be afraid to dip it into the water with your head. Being in the familiar element, the baby rejoices and swims with pleasure

In the process of bathing a child, it helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the development of fear of water. In the absence of regular diving, the innate reflex of holding the breath disappears after 2-2.5 months from the moment the baby is born.


Plain clean water is suitable for bathing a newborn, but if you want to diversify the process, you should add a herbal decoction:

  1. measure with a glass, pour into a clean glass liter container.
  2. Fill completely with boiling water and leave until the evening. Water should be at the top edge of the jar.
  3. Before bathing the baby, strain the broth through cheesecloth and add to the bath.

For relaxation and potassium permanganate do not have a special therapeutic effect. Potassium permanganate crystals can cause skin burns, so it should be diluted to a slightly pink hue, but this solution is not anti-inflammatory. The composition of a more saturated color can burn the mucous membrane of the eye, so it is undesirable to take risks.

Soothing fees, which are often prescribed by pediatricians, have a beneficial effect exclusively on mothers. Children's doctor Komarovsky sincerely does not understand why this is being done. So far, no one has canceled the placebo effect, so after bathing a newborn in such a decoction, many mothers sincerely consider their children to be calmer.

The main stages of the procedure

It is important to develop a plan and stick to it. The baby may not like the changes, and the regime will set you in a favorable mood:

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary items and means for bathing the child while he is in the crib - this is much better than then rushing around the apartment with a toddler in his arms in search of a missing component.
  2. Before bathing the baby, it is advisable to wash it and only then immerse it in the bath.
  3. If the baby went on a big swim, it is enough to lightly hold his head, holding his chin and the back of his head. The ears can be in the water, and only the face remains on the surface. There is nothing dangerous in bathing a child, because there is a lot of fat in the baby’s body, hence the increased “buoyancy”. Babies do very well on the water, so a little support will suffice.
  4. When bathing a child in a baby bath, it is necessary to hold him so that his head rests on the forearm of an adult. For convenience, it is desirable to use a fabric or plastic slide.
  5. First you should bathe the baby, and then wash it, starting from the upper body, moving towards the legs. The head is also washed last.

Among the rules for bathing a newborn there is a wonderful exercise that stimulates development:

  1. Holding the baby by the back of the head and chin, roll the “eights” on the water.
  2. Let him push off with his legs from the sides when he rests against them.
  3. Turn over on your tummy and swim in the opposite direction (we recommend reading:).

Such exercises can be seen on popular videos that young parents post on the Internet. It is desirable to bathe several times a week, not forgetting about hygiene rituals every day. It is not recommended to organize water procedures immediately after a meal, since the little one will be capricious, besides, it is harmful to health and the digestive system.

After bathing, the child must be removed from the water, wrapped in a warm towel and gently patted the body. Do not wear a hat or dry sparse hairs with a hairdryer. It is enough to feed the baby and put him to bed.

February 11th, 2011

Before you go to the store and buy something, try to imagine and decide where and how you will bathe your baby. Will you immediately bathe him in a large bathtub or shower room, whether you want to bathe him in the children's room or put a baby bath on the bedside table in the bathroom. Just think ahead.
1.5.1. Baby baths
A baby bath is a plastic container into which water is poured and a child bathes. However, now there is a whole range of trays on the market.
According to the shape of the bath, they are divided into simple and anatomical.
Baths are simple.
These are the cheapest simple plastic baths. In fact, these baths are no different from ordinary bath basins.

Baths are anatomical.
These are baths, inside of which there is either a built-in (removable) or extruded anatomical slide, on which you can put a newborn baby.

According to the methods of attaching the baths, there are: without attachment, with special legs, with attachment to the bath, with a stand, with a stand-rack, built into a children's chest of drawers.
Bathtubs without fittings. Everything is clear here, these are baths without any legs and fixtures.
Foot baths. These are bathtubs that have built-in or removable legs so that the bathtub stands more steadily on any surface.

Baths with fastening on a bathtub. These are baths, to which a special mounting system for the bath is sold.

Bathtubs with a stand.

Bathtubs with stand-rack.

Bathtubs built into the children's chest of drawers.

By draining the water, the baths are divided into baths without a drain hole, baths with a drain hole and a hose. The latter are equipped with a drain hole and a hose that can be thrown into the sink or bathtub to drain the used water.
Also, some baths are equipped with additional devices: built-in detergent dispensers, shelves, towel holder, etc.

Only practice can show which of this is necessary and will be convenient for you. This is a very individual question, depending on your living conditions.

1.5.2. Slides
Since there are many non-anatomical baths on the market, the problem arises that the child must be held in this bath on the arm, bending over the bath. The slide for the bath is designed to solve this problem. However, such slides can also be used in a large bathroom to solve the same problem.
Slides are plastic and rag. The first are simply placed in a bath or bath. The latter are attached to the sides of the bath.

1.5.3. Bath seat.
When the child grows up and begins to sit, some parents have a desire to purchase a bath seat in which the child sits and plays with water. Such seats are on suction cups and just on legs. Also, some models are equipped with additional entertainment elements for the child.

1.5.4. Mattresses, pillows for the bathroom
Now in stores you can find a number of other devices for bathing children.
These are mattresses.

This model has silicone balls inside, not air. It dries easily on a battery, but instantly absorbs everything that you add to the water (string, chamomile, etc.).


Inflatable circles (on the neck or body of a child).
A distinctive feature of our circles is the possibility of using them from the very birth of the baby, when he is not yet able to hold his head on his own. This helps to reduce anxiety while children are in the water, which will help them learn to swim independently in the future. In addition, the daily bathing of a baby is, first of all, not a hygienic, but a wellness procedure. And here the worries of parents who are at a loss are understandable: how to bathe a baby, such a miniature and seemingly extremely fragile creature. Our swim ring helps make it easier for parents to bathe a newborn and make the experience of being in the water more enjoyable for your little one.

Baby Swimmer have a number of features that allow them to be used for bathing babies from birth.

1. It is very easy to put on and take off.

2. The circle worn around the neck of the child does not cause any discomfort to the baby, due to the use of the “inner seam” technology, which makes the edges soft to the touch.

3. On the inside of the circle there is an insert for the baby's chin, which securely fixes its position and prevents slipping, and the air-filled rim of the circle does not put pressure on the baby's throat.

4. With two separate contours (upper and lower) that inflate separately, additional safety is created while bathing the child.

5. Double-sided sticky closure (top and bottom of the circle) provides increased security and allows you to adjust the internal size of the circle, which makes it possible to get a comfortable fit around the child's neck.

6. The circles are made of high quality materials, satisfying all safety requirements "88/378/EC" for children's products.

There is a separate swimming cap. "The little Mermaid"
There is such a device for bathing a child - This is such a rag base into which light foam blocks are inserted. They keep the baby's head above the water and thus bathing the baby becomes less troublesome.
The photo shows what it looks like.

Of course, the parent's back and arms rest when the baby is held by such a hat. More from plusesbaby bath caps that they are very cheap and cost about 150-350 rubles. The body of the child is completely immersed in water, he will not freeze and will be happy to swim on his back.

Minuses such a device for bathing a newborn:

  • Water enters the child's ears. No matter how you tie it, you still won’t be able to protect the baby’s ears from liquid getting there.
  • A child can swim in such a hat only on the back.
  • It is important to ensure that the child didn't roll over!!! If the baby tips over face down, then he will not be able to get back without outside help. Children roll over if they manage to push themselves off the walls of the tub or the bottom. In no case do not leave the crumbs in such a device alone and without vigilant supervision!
Our conclusion is - a good helper for parents, if used correctly. it can be kept in your baby's swimwear arsenal. But! Be sure to consider other ways of bathing a child in the bathroom, or rather, aids.

This is Komarovsky - how to make such a hat yourself -

The only thing you will most likely need is a head support cap. What is it for? First of all, in order to make the bathing procedure more enjoyable for parents. Obviously, it is very difficult to sit or stand half-bent for 30-40 minutes. And you can’t make a child healthy due to the appearance of sciatica in his dad. Therefore, at the age of about two months, it is necessary to make a special hat, and we will now tell you how this is done.

Must have:
- an ordinary thin cotton hat (bonnet);
- a piece of thin fabric the size of half a diaper;
- two foam blocks, the optimal size of which corresponds to the size of a regular pack of cigarettes.
First, the foam is sheathed with a cloth, and then fixed on the cap, as shown in the figure. I draw your attention - the upper edge of the bars should rise above the head of the child. A baby in such a hat evokes a feeling of tenderness, resembling a gentle and noble Cheburashka.
The procedure for bathing in a cap is no different from that described above for the position of the child on the back. Within a week, gradually removing the hand supporting the child, you will teach him to stay on the water and be able to calmly read the newspaper while bathing. Swimming on their own, children often push off with their feet from the edge of the bath and swim rapidly to its opposite end, hitting their heads. Therefore, I drew your attention to the fact that the foam blocks should rise above the head, protecting the child from blows from above and from the side. It is possible that you will come up with a more original design. To health.
And in conclusion, a swimming circle for older children and in open water.

Assistant for safe independent swimming

The red SWIMTRAINER “Classic” (with the highest level of buoyancy) provides a foundation for learning to swim, on which technique is taught to children up to the age of 4, which allows them to develop a wonderful swimming style.

The orange SWIMTRAINER “Classic” (with reduced buoyancy) helps to learn the correct coordination of leg and arm movements.

The yellow SWIMTRAINER “Classic” (least buoyant) is ideal for a methodical transition to independent swimming. By reducing the amount of air in the chambers, the child feels supported at every stage of the transition to free swimming. At the same time, great attention is always paid to making swimming a fun activity.

The SWIMTRAINER “Classic” consists of 5 inflatable tubes and a safety strap that guarantees stability and prevents the child from slipping out. And of course, SWIMTRAINER “Classic” products meet all safety standards, are tested by European TÜV and GS, have an SEZ and do not contain phthalates.

On top of that, FREDS SWIM ACADEMY also offers cute neoprene swim shorts and swimsuits, as well as sun caps with neck protection.

With all this, children are optimally equipped to have fun in the pool or the sea. Neoprene shorts and overalls provide a high level of hygiene, heat retention and some buoyancy.

and humor

1.5.5. Sponge, washcloth
Practically from the first days for carrying out hygiene procedures in the bathroom (washing, washing, bathing), you will need a sponge or washcloth for a child.
Sponges are made from natural materials or synthetic. Washcloths for children are also natural or synthetic.

In my experience, the most tender are natural imported sponges. Unfortunately, they are also the most expensive.

Some parents like mittens - washcloths for wiping the child.

1.5.6. Towel.
Baby towels should definitely be 100% cotton and good quality. The most comfortable are towels with a corner.

I had this set from Mothercare. I still use it. Nothing has faded or stretched out and looks like new.

1.5.7. Thermometer
Many parents are very worried that their child may freeze in the water, because water thermometers are popular.
There are electronic and conventional models. Electronic ones have problems with the fact that water gets inside the electronic mechanism and it breaks.

For non-electronic thermometers, special attention should be paid to ensuring that it is safe (it was not possible to break it on the bath). It is also convenient when the values ​​​​on the thermometers are large and easy to read.

Now soft thermometers have begun to appear. They most often do not show the exact temperature of the water, but have their own designations.

The thermometer will float in the bathtub or bath and soon the child will begin to perceive it as a toy. Therefore, make sure the thermometer is safe: it should not scratch the child, it should not break into small pieces, it should not have separating small parts.
1.5.8. Non-slip mats.
It is very important to ensure the safety of the baby in the bath when he starts to sit and crawl. To do this, you can purchase a non-slip mat or non-slip stickers for the bottom of the tub.

Note to the expectant mother.
Decide where and how you will bathe your baby in advance. Based on this, you decide whether you need a baby bath and accessories for it.
Buy a sponge or washcloth for a child, 1 piece is enough. You will also need 2-3 towels for your baby alone.
If you plan to monitor the bathing temperature, get a water thermometer.
If you will harden a child from the first days, make sure that you have the necessary accessories (dipper, basin).

My experience:
I, like many others, purchased a bath and accessories for it. But very quickly, I moved on to bathing the baby in the big tub and doing the exercises, as well as diving. I am sincerely convinced that bathing is not lying on a hill in the bath, but an interesting and exciting process of swimming and diving from the first days of a baby's life. When Daniil was about a month old, I began to douse him with cold water in the same way. I stopped monitoring the temperature of the water at the same time, and began to pour just slightly warm water into the bath. Because after a complex of exercises with a 5-8 kg child, my back got tired, I bought a mattress, and Daniil swam on it for another few minutes under my supervision, while I poured cold water for dousing and prepared a warm towel.