Read the story of the mistress and her slave. The slave drinks from the mistress's toilet. Erotic stories. mistress and slaves

Service training. Story
Mistress Olga makes Sergei a slave. Foot fetish, domination, femdom, golden shower.

Sergei heard a persistent knock on the door and reluctantly got up from the couch. “Who else did this bring,” he thought, but immediately remembered that Sveta - his girlfriend - invited her younger sister Olya to live with them. It seems she was going to enter the university, and they settled in a hostel only after admission, so apparently she will have to endure her for a while.
Sergey opened the door and saw in front of him a pretty brunette with straight, medium-length hair and a fervently upturned nose. She was not thin - her figure was feminine and strongly built, but she looked very appetizing. There was something about her that immediately attracted her. Maybe her dark brown eyes, maybe full lips - Sergei did not understand exactly, but he clearly liked her.
"Hi," she smiled. - You're probably Seryozha, and I'm Olya.
Sergei was always a little shy when making new acquaintances, especially when it came to pretty girls.
- Come on ... those. Light spoke about you, - Sergey let her inside and closed the door. - She herself will be only in the evening.
"Come on," she smiled again. - I'm younger than you. Or do you respect all women so much that you are the only one who addresses us? - Olya looked not at Sergei somehow provocatively and winked.
- Well, yes. I respect women, he mumbled.
- Well. I love being respected,” she said and laughed. At the same time, it seemed to Sergei that something flashed in her eyes for a second, something self-satisfied. - Show me what's what you got.
With these words she went into the room. Sergey wanted to remind her that it would be nice to take off her shoes, when suddenly she herself asked him: “Is it okay that I didn’t take off my shoes?” - and made some kind of slightly pleading, slightly mocking look, to which Sergey only smiled and nodded in the affirmative. “Well, it’s time to pull myself together,” he thought. “Something I completely fell apart in front of this girl.”
Meanwhile, Olga had already walked through both rooms and looked into the kitchen. It seemed that she was interested in everything: what books are on the shelves, and where she and Svetka sleep, and what kind of view opens from the window.
"I like you," she concluded.
- We will be glad to shelter you for a while, - Sergey answered, but immediately realized that, as always, he blurted out stupidity.
What if I decide to stay longer? She laughed and looked at him playfully.
- Stay as long as you want, Olya, - for the first time he called her by name and lowered his eyes in embarrassment, but immediately realized that he was staring at her chest. This embarrassed him even more, and he hurriedly offered to make tea for her.
They went to the kitchen and sat down at the table. While the kettle was boiling, they had time to talk a little. Sergei now felt more confident and even made a good joke several times, to which his guest reacted with pure and effervescent laughter.

He immediately noted to himself that he really liked her laughter, and he would do everything in his power to make her laugh more often, or at least smile. He wanted to please her - not yet consciously, without thinking about the possible consequences and about the Light.
During the conversation, Olya managed to complain about the long and difficult road, as well as the fact that no one gave up her seat in the subway, and she stood all the way.
- My legs are tired, - she said slightly offended, and Sergei caught himself thinking that his eyes, against his will, fell to her legs.
She was saying something, and he kept looking at her open sandals and small neat fingers, which were now covered with a thin layer of city dust. In general, Sergei has always been indifferent to women's legs, but he did not consider himself a pervert or a fetishist - after all, almost all men first of all pay attention to a woman's legs.
Her fingers were of medium length - not too short, but not too long - just the way he liked them. His eyes ran over the thin straps that wrapped around her neat heels - he literally could not take his eyes off them.
- Sergey, are you listening to me? he suddenly heard her voice. She seemed to be saying something, but he listened.
He looked at her and was embarrassed - what if she saw his unhealthy interest in her legs? But Olya did not seem to notice anything and continued to chirp something about her hometown. Sergei calmed down and got up to pour himself some more tea.
- By the way, Romka - my ex-boyfriend - often massaged my legs. Said he liked it wildly. He must have been a fetishist, - she laughed and looked intently at Sergei.
All thoughts in his head were mixed up again - now he could not think of anything else but her legs and only mumbled something incoherent and seemed to blush.
- Don't you give your Svetka a foot massage? - she continued to press, looking at him with some interest, as if she was performing some kind of experiment on him.
“Sveta never asked me,” he replied, slightly annoyed that Olya was developing such an intimate topic for him. Still, she was the sister of his girlfriend, who trusted him and loved him.
- What if you asked? - the devil squinted slyly.
“Then I probably would have,” he smiled shyly.
- Yes? How interesting ... And if I ask? She was now looking at him seriously, without a hint of laughter.
Sergey's mouth was instantly dry. It would seem that this is so? She didn’t offer him sex - just help her come to her senses after the road, rub her legs. But all this was offered to him not just as if he were being tested. Or does it just seem to him?
"I don't know," he finally answered. - Sveta will probably not approve of this.
"Ha ha," Olga laughed. - Wow! What's in it? She seemed to echo his own thoughts. - I'm not asking you to kuni yourself, but just a foot massage!
The mention of the word "cooney" excited him even more. She and Svetka almost never talked about sex so openly - of course they did, but they rarely discussed it, especially in daylight - as if it was a taboo topic for them. And for a girl to openly and shamelessly ask for something like that, it was a novelty for Sergey.
Seeing his doubts, she resolutely said: "Let's go," and went into the room. Sergei obediently got up and trudged after her. For some reason, he could not cope with her pressure and internally decided "come what may", in the end, it was not he who invited Olya to live with them. Sveta had to think with her head.

Olga calmly, in a businesslike way, settled down on the sofa and patted the sofa next to her, saying, come here. Sergei sat down and was about to say something, but she immediately turned around along the sofa, leaned back, leaning her back on his armrest and stretched out her legs, putting them on his knees. Sergey looked at Olya - she smiled smugly, shook her head slightly in the affirmative and closed her eyes blissfully.
In front of him lay her legs covered in blue jeans. They pressed on him with their pleasant weight - this young and full of vital juices girl's body in such accessible proximity; Sergei, to his shame and horror, felt that he was beginning to get aroused by these thoughts. He was afraid that she would feel a lump of his tensing flesh under her feet and began to try to think about something abstract, about the birds outside the window, about the chandelier above them ... about her dusty fingers. "Damn," he cursed to himself, and began to slowly remove her shoes.

He carefully unfastened the strap on his right foot and slowly pulled off her sandal. The shoe was slightly damp inside and smelled quite noticeably. The smell was not that very pleasant, but somehow exciting, intimate, dizzying. Sergei cast a quick glance at Olya - she lay calmly with her eyes closed, leaning back on the armrest. And then he, succumbing to some unexpected impulse for himself, quickly, along the entire length, licked the inner surface of the sandal. And then again cautiously looked at the girl - she did not seem to notice anything. Ashamed of himself, Sergei put the sandal next to the sofa, took off the second and began to slowly rub her feet.
He started with smooth strokes, but tried to avoid light touches so she wouldn't be tickled. Gradually, he began to massage her legs stronger and more persistently, feeling her flesh become warmer and more pliable under his hands. It even began to seem to him that he was sculpting her beautiful legs out of clay. By chance, he took a quick look at her face and was surprised to find that it was slightly distorted: Olga bit her lower lip, her breathing also noticeably changed - it became intermittent and deeper. She sometimes seemed to delay him for a few seconds, and then exhale sharply. Svetka behaved similarly when Sergey made her Cooney and she was approaching an orgasm.
In fact, he did not really like to make kuni. Firstly, because he himself was not impressed by oral sex, even when Svetka learned the "royal" blowjob. And secondly, there was something shameful in this for a man - to lick a woman between her legs. Sergey himself might not have had anything against this, but his friends always spoke of this as something unworthy. But sometimes Sveta really asked him and then, of course, he could not refuse her. It's good that Svetka was modest and asked him about it not so often.

Continuing to massage Olenka's feet, Sergey heard her begin to moan softly. He was about to stop, but she immediately glared at him angrily and hissed something like: "Go on!". It was said so viciously and sharply that Sergei immediately began to rub her legs with greater speed. It did not take long to wait, and at some point, slight, but tangible convulsions began to run through Olya's body. She shuddered violently a few times and fell silent, letting out a sigh of relief.
He could not believe that someone could experience an orgasm - after all, it was him - from a simple foot massage. Does she have an erogenous zone there, he thought.
- Liked? he asked hesitantly, not knowing what to do next.
His own excitement was almost gone by now.
- It was super! Olga said contentedly, opening her eyes. - You were born for this. To massage my feet.
- Of course I'm flattered, - Sergey smiled. I didn't know you were that sensitive.
- Actually, not everything is so simple. To bring me to this, you need to try hard, and not everyone is capable of it, - she answered, pressing on one of his most sore spots - pride. - And I usually do not remain indebted to those who do everything for me. You understand me?
- I think yes. But what about Light?
- Stupid. Light knows nothing. It's not good for me in the first place.
- Yes, you're probably right ... - Sergey tried to lift her legs off his knees and stand up, but she pressed them harder from above, forcing him to stay in place.
- I said that I will thank those who do everything for me. Will you do anything for me?
Sergey hesitated for a second. He liked his life - stable and without obvious failures. His relationship with Sveta was rather conservative, but he was never a fan of adventures and hiking on the side.
However, now he felt some kind of hot longing, some kind of temptation that he wanted to give in to. It doesn't matter that he will later regret it, no matter that he can lose a lot. This girl fascinated him with her pressure and her frankness. He wanted to get to know her better, drink her all. Trust her. Take her. Belong to her. Despite everything.
"Yes, I'm ready for anything for you," he said. She smiled contentedly and leaned back.
"Then you must do what I tell you." I adore obedient men who know their place and their duties. Do you know what the main duty of a man is?
- I think that the main duty of men is to make a woman happy? Sergei answered uncertainly.
- You almost guessed it, well done. The main duty of a man is to serve a woman. That is why nature has made you so strong and strong, because we need your support and help. You understand? Without you, it will be harder for us to live, but without us it will be much worse for you - your existence will simply be meaningless, - she looked at him carefully, as if checking whether he had time for her train of thought.
- Yes, I agree with you. Men live for women, - he tried to adapt to her, it seemed to him that in this way he would be able to achieve what he was now tirelessly thinking about.
- You see, since you live for us, then we can and must dispose of you. Personally, I do not understand women who take care and care for men in every possible way. Nature has made us, women, beautiful and tender precisely so that you - strong and faithful - serve us and please us, - Sergey only nodded in response. She continued: “In this way, when all men understand this, there will be peace and order in the world. After all, everything beautiful and harmonious in this world is somehow connected with us - with women.
- You're right, I think so too, - Sergey tried to imagine this future world, headed by women, but it didn't last long. Now all his thoughts were about Olenka - her legs resting on his knees, her elastic chest, now hidden by the fabric of the topic, and also about what was below. The one where the thoughts of all men have been directed for centuries. He seemed to say to himself: “Yes, yes, all this is true. Let's get down to business already. You can be on top if you want to."
“Therefore, I have certain principles in relation to men,” she interrupted his thoughts. - I tell them what to do and when, and they listen to me. Are you ready for this?
- Yes, I'm ready, Olya. I’ll even make you kuni, ”he said, thinking that this promise of his would melt her completely, but suddenly he saw that her face was slightly distorted in some kind of bewilderment.

Will you EVEN give me a cunnilingus? She looked at him with barely perceptible anger. But in a second she changed her anger to mercy. - Seryozha, fool, making me kuni will be a gift for you, a reward that you still have to earn, - and she laughed. Sergey was a little embarrassed by these words - he used to think that every woman would be happy with such an offer on his part, but here it turns out that you still have to deserve it.
- Do you want me? she asked bluntly.
"Yes," Sergei answered without hesitation.
"Good," she continued. - You just massaged my feet. I want you now, in confirmation of your good intentions, to lick your fingers. They smell like me, and if you want me, then you must want my smell and taste. Take them in your mouth and suck them slowly,” she said and looked him straight in the eyes. Seeing that he hesitated, she added: - If you do not do this, then there will be nothing between us. I don't like being bullied.

Sergei considered. Everything was mixed up in his head: both excitement and shame. All this was unusual for him and he could not make up his mind. “Just think, lick your fingers,” he thought. “My fingers, let them smell of her. And no one will know." He slowly and heavily brought his hand to his mouth, as if it weighed a pood, and took his fingers into his mouth. Then he took them out and ran his tongue over them several times, licking from all sides. The dust and sand that once covered her legs were felt on her tongue.
There was also a slight sour taste of sweat. He carefully licked first his right, then his left hands, and all this time she looked at him with satisfaction. And for some reason he could not take his eyes off her eyes, as if she had hypnotized him.
“Clever boy,” she said. - You're a fast learner.
Then Olya suddenly raised one leg and brought it to Sergei's face. He didn't push her away, but leaned slightly against the back of the couch to move away.
- You have nothing to lose, you have already taken your first step. Kiss my foot, she said.
And then it seemed to break through, he felt all his unbearable desire, lust. Not giving a damn about everything, he pressed his lips into her foot, pressing her to him with his hands and began to cover her with kisses. But before he had time to make even a dozen passionate kisses, she tore her leg away from him and quickly jumped up from the sofa.
- Ha, I see you are ripe, man! Her eyes shone triumphantly. - It was even easier than I thought, - he did not understand what she meant, while Olya continued: - Get off the couch, now this is my place. And your place is at my feet on the floor.
Sergei did not even have time to think it all over - she seemed to paralyze him with her will. He quickly slid to the floor, knelt down and stared at her from below, wondering what would happen next. Olya sat down on the sofa, put one foot on his shoulder and the other on his face.
- You have no way back now. You will serve me by fulfilling my whims, and I will reward or punish you - depending on your efforts. Now you will learn how a real man should behave, whose true purpose is to serve a woman. I will educate you, you will belong only to me, only I will make you happy. A real paradise awaits you, but only if you obey me unconditionally. You don't know what you want, but I'll give it to you.
I will give you the joy of suffering and the pain of waiting, I will become your muse and destiny. You have been waiting all your life for this meeting with me, - all this time he carefully and frantically licked her legs. He himself did not expect this from himself, as if he had become a small helpless puppy who had found his master. The owner allowed him to lick himself, and the rest was unimportant.

He did not even think about the fact that ten minutes ago he wanted to fuck her.
Now he only wanted to make her happy by any means - even at the cost of his own life. Meanwhile, Olga told him to lie down on the floor, while she sat down on top of his face, holding his head between her thighs. Her booty was tight in jeans, and she fidgeted on his face for a while until she found some comfortable position. Her scent filled everything around - apparently she was excited to the limit. Sergei still felt some shame at lying helplessly beneath her. But that feeling was less and less. Now he was filled with another feeling - some kind of languor that made him absolutely powerless in front of Olga.

This languor quickly spread throughout the body - on the arms and legs. As if Olya became the whole world for him - the Universe, which only made sense. Everything else faded into the background: Sveta, and his manhood, and public opinion. He did not understand what it was: animal lust or divine enlightenment. It was completely unlike anything he had experienced before. He wanted to melt into her. In her warm and damp bosom - where he had once appeared from, where his face was now squeezed.
Sitting on his face, she took out a cigarette and lit it. She had to move back slightly to reveal Sergei's face. She looked at him somehow especially solicitously, with love.
- You see, fool, and you resisted. After all, this is happiness, right? - she laughed, looking at him and motioned for him to open his mouth. He obeyed, and Olga flicked the ashes from her cigarette into it, and then spat savoryly into his mouth. - It won't make you feel so hot.
Finishing her cigarette, she got up and walked over to her bag, which she had left in the hallway. - I have a whole arsenal of special equipment for you, my doggie, - with these words she took out a couple of whips, a bag with vibrators and phalluses of different sizes, handcuffs, a coil of rope and a collar.
"That's what I was looking for," she said, and beckoned him to her.
Sergei on all fours jumped up to her. What he wanted most now was to please her at any cost. He wants to deprive him of his freedom - please, why does he need freedom if he does not have a mistress?

She fastened a collar on him - inside he had short but sharp spikes. A leather leash was attached to the collar. Pulling on him, Olya forced him to follow her into the kitchen. Sitting on a chair and forcing Sergei to kneel in front of her, she said: - You know, my boy, it's your Sveta who sent me to you. She once read a very interesting book and wanted to try it with you. But since she is terribly modest with us, she decided to invite me. I'm not even her sister, - she said, looking at him carefully.
Sergei was suddenly seized by the feeling that he had been betrayed. Everything in him stirred, he felt like an idiot, standing in front of her now on his knees. Several desires struggled in him at once: to get up and leave offended, to start a scandal, or to stay no matter what. As if sensing this, Olga slightly pulled the leash down, causing him to feel pain on her neck.
- You have not forgotten, I hope, vile worm, who is in charge here? There were sparks of anger in her eyes.
"No, mistress," he muttered. These words were given to him very hard.
- Fine. You are now in my upbringing, and I am responsible for you. Are you tired of being responsible for yourself, and you want someone to do it for you? You need someone strong by your side. So, now you belong to me as a thing. I am responsible for you. I will make you obedient and educated, and then I will hand over to the Light, and you will never live in the old way. Everything will change. You are on the threshold of a new life, trust me.
Her words were music to him - excitement and resentment faded into the background, hiding behind the sweet wall of submission. Olga got up from her chair and dragged him to the bathroom by the leash.
- There was only a small formality. I need to tag you,” she explained.
Olya ordered him to strip naked, climb into the bathroom and lie down on the bottom, face up. She took off her jeans and stood on the edge of the tub. Crouching over him, she said: - I will now pee on you so that you wear my scent. I always mark my slaves this way. And yet, I forbid you to bathe for three days, so that this smell will be with you all this time. So that you can hear him and understand your place. If you want, you can catch my jet in your mouth and drink it, - she smiled. - Many people like it.
Then she froze for a few seconds, until a rather powerful, sharp-smelling warm jet hit him. She walked all over his body - from head to toe, lingering a little on his face. Sergey closed his eyes at first - his eyes began to sting from the urine that got into them, but then he opened his mouth and began to catch the last droplets of the tart liquid with his tongue. After all, it was the nectar of his mistress - he now seemed to him sweeter than molasses.
“Now you completely belong to me,” Olga said, finishing writing. Then she went into the room and returned with some strange plastic device in her hands.
- I know perfectly well what you would like most of all now. But that's exactly what you won't get. It would be cruel of me, but it must be done.” With that, she inserted his cock into the plastic contraption and slammed the contraption shut. - It's your chastity belt, boy. Now you will live according to my schedule, and if you want to pour out your bad seed, then you will have to work hard for this in order to deserve it. Stay here until I order you to leave, - with these words she left the bathroom, turned off the light and went to sleep after a long journey.
Sergey sat in the bathroom for several hours until he finally got cold. Then he hesitantly walked out into the corridor. He himself did not understand how he had ended up in this position, but now there seemed to be no turning back. He went to the room where Olga was sleeping, curled up in front of her bed, covered with a warm blanket and began to wait for punishment for daring to leave the bathroom ...

Section: Execution

We are glad to welcome you to our site and once you have entered this category, we will help you open the doors to the fascinating and exciting world of Femdom.

Stubbornness is a purely masculine character trait, a trait of a rebellious slave; hence, among other things, the stubborn unwillingness to bend under the power of a Woman, even despite the obvious desire to do so, which is present inside ANY man. But this cannot continue indefinitely, but the fact is that implicitly to all the more or less thinking citizens of modern Russia and without wise scientific calculations, it is clear who actually personifies the generalized image of our wonderful country: the modern hero of our days is Her Majesty the Woman! A woman is smarter, more far-sighted, wiser. She stands at a higher stage of development, with the exception of the rough and unclaimed male physical strength in our high-tech world, which We, Women, can easily subdue, you just need to want. Here is the weaker sex! Do you see how weak a man is, how easily he falls into slavery, and what willpower lies in the female character? So who is called to rule over the world?

We strongly recommend that you read the information below carefully and thoughtfully, if necessary - several times, follow the instructions, the basics are collected here from -a- to -z-, the depth of your power over the mind of a man, its steadfastness and firmness in his eyes will directly depend on this .

So you took the first step and got your own slave, hence the eternal question of the novice Mistress - where to start? It only seems complicated at first glance, in every Woman’s nature there is an invisible, hidden power that makes it easy to control a man, which they subconsciously feel and in everyday life try to suppress with all their might, to avoid demonstrating their stubbornness in vain, instead of submitting. But half the way has already been passed and you only need to open this gift in yourself, allow it to develop, in the near future you will be surprised to find how easy and simple it turned out to be that which at first caused difficulties.

Female dominance is, first of all, the philosophy of deification and worship of a man of the Feminine essence, nature, the Female body, as opposed to the masculine principle as such, the philosophy of the unconditional superiority of a Woman over a man, for greater efficiency, it is necessary to constantly emphasize this huge abyss separating the Lady and the slave, each time making it clear how he - a man is insignificant in front of you - a woman!

Start with the fact that in your presence the slave is obliged! is always on his knees if there was no permission to get up, in the classical, generally accepted version, the slave and the Lady are almost always naked when they are alone, this allows, as mentioned above, to feel the atmosphere and spirit of what is happening most clearly, meaning the worship and exaltation of the Feminine and as a result of the body unlike a man. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored, because by and large, from the point of view of psychology, everything is based on the difference between the sexes, and first of all the primary sexual characteristics, the slave must see and realize how beautiful the Female body is in all its original splendor. This also includes the subconscious submission of a man to a woman, because spiritual values ​​​​have always been higher and more colorful than ordinary carnal entertainment, it is necessary that the slave be imbued with humility in the deepest corners of his consciousness.

The next moment, when addressing or requesting a slave, he is obliged to add "Mistress" as a sign of belonging and respect, if there were no other orders, he must obtain your permission for any of his actions or inactions.

1. He is a slave, which means that he is nobody, he is a thing belonging to the Lady. He does not have his own personality, his "I". He is just an extension of the hands, will and desires of his Lady. The lady is always right!

2. He has no body - it belongs to the Lady. He is always at her service.

3. He cannot have his own "wishes", "opinions" or "rights".

4. He has no secrets from the Lady. He is completely open to Her gaze, attention and desires.

5. The good of the Lady for him is always the Highest Goal.

6. He is obliged to fulfill any wish of the Lady with humility. The phrase: "Do it if you want" is tantamount to an order for him.

7. For him there is nothing that would be indecent to do in the presence of the Lady or at Her order. He must ask for forgiveness for the mistakes he has made. Forgiveness is possible only after punishment.

8. He should be grateful to Her for everything She does.

9. When the Lady enters the house, he should change Her shoes and kiss Her feet as a token of gratitude for the attention shown to him.

10. He is obliged to kneel before the Lady at the slightest attention from Her. This is his main posture.

11. He must at every meeting confess to the Lady in all his deeds, sins and faults.

12. He has no right to hide anything from his Mistress. Lies are unacceptable.

13. He should never, on his own initiative, look into the face or eyes of the Lady. To look there without an order is impudence.

14. He cannot ask any questions to the Lady without Her permission - this is impudence.

15. He has no right to demand attention from the Lady. This is importunity. He must patiently and calmly wait for Her works to allow Her to pay attention to him.

16. He cannot object, refuse to obey an order, or have an opinion. This is disobedience.

17. For any wrongdoing, the Lady can punish him as she sees fit.

18. Any willfulness is punishable. Insolence, forgetfulness, irony - this is also self-will, if not worse - arrogance.

19. Any wish of the Lady is a reward for him.

20. He is forbidden to discuss the orders of the Mistress and resist punishment.

21. He must not talk until the Mistress wants it; You must answer in a soft, respectful manner, in an undertone.

22. If he needs to say something, first you need to get permission for this (The only case when it is allowed to cast a vote without permission is gratitude for the ongoing punishment, pleas for mercy and praise for the beauties of the Mistress.)

Any violation of these rules is disobedience and should be punished accordingly, depending on the magnitude of the offense. These are the basic, fundamental provisions, at your request, you will of course add a lot more that meets your individual needs, the rules can be invented indefinitely, but the most delightful thing is that everything you invented for a man will be a law that, under pain of punishment, he will not dare to break, but you all you have to do is enjoy your unlimited freedom of action! Here, perhaps, there is nothing more to add, use your Feminine ingenuity, "divide and rule."

In Feminine domination, there is not only the establishment of laws and control over their implementation, one must also remember the notorious "little Women's joys", because in fact men exist for Us, for Women and exist in all their manifestations, and not just as for self-assertion over them , the slave is obliged to serve the Mistress by satisfying all Her needs, including, and not least sexual. Remember, his main place is between your legs, make sure that he learns to do cunniling very well, and the time spent on this will return to you with many unforgettable sensations and pleasures, the most tender and sensual that a Woman can experience.

After all the funeral rites and mourning ceremonies, Shaka became the widow and sovereign mistress of a large estate, hundreds of steppes of fertile land and two hundred steppes of a forest thicket, as well as a small city house in Altaman. Dozens of servants and slaves obeyed her, she owned an excellent stable and a huge kennel of thoroughbred hunting dogs - Marid was an avid hunter, especially loved to hunt down runaway slaves.

When the period of mourning and the time for mourning the deceased had passed, Shaka resolutely took off her sad clothes, leaving only a widow's bracelet on her left hand, and began to inspect her property. First of all, she visited the harem, and after talking with its inhabitants, she ordered the manager to sell all the girls. Then the horses were taken to the market, leaving a small reasonable number; dogs - leaving only a few of the best queens, and most of the domestic slaves and slaves. When all this was sold, the newly minted mistress accumulated a decent amount, for which she acquired a small river galley for walking along the river and the bay. Shaka could now travel to Altaman faster, more conveniently, and more safely by simply going downstream. After buying the galley, a certain amount remained, and the girl decided to treat herself - to get a couple of personal maids and several slaves to serve the city house. Shaka did not entrust this matter to the manager, but personally went to Altaman in a new galley, which she gave the name Ophiuchus.

The slave market at Altaman was the largest in Lekhim, and was a vast dais of pale stone, sheltered by a covered colonnade and porticoes fenced with bronze railings. On the dais, located in separate groups, there were groups of slaves and slaves, near which traders and barkers fussed. For the most part, the slaves were from Almost and Marod, or barbarians from the depths of Lekhim and Willand. As well as poor fellows from other cities, sold into slavery for debts. But sometimes strangers from distant countries came across - mostly resale of second-rate goods from Almost markets.

Shaka, accompanied by Violent and two guards, as befits a rich single lady, as well as an assistant manager who carried a bag of money with him, slowly walked along the dais, examining, asking and asking the price. She had already acquired several strong, young and strong barbarian slaves, and half a dozen Lekhim girls for service, and now she went around just like that, enjoying the extraordinary feeling of freedom, wealth and power that her new position gave; she caught the appraising glances of men, and although they did not arouse reciprocal interest, they were pleasant, like any woman. Unlike her mentor Lois of Landia, Shaka did not become a true violka, nor a violka even nominally. She remained an ordinary woman, loving luxury, comfort, beautiful clothes, jewelry and admiration. She did not wear leather suits, she was not hung with weapons. Shaka dressed beautifully, elegantly, in luxurious dresses. She adorned herself with expensive cosmetics and jewelry. In a word, she looked like a typical aristocrat. And since she had a catchy and attractive beauty, there is nothing surprising in the fact that oncoming men paid attention to her.

Walking through the market again, Shaka decided that there was enough pleasure for today, and she was already about to leave. But then her attention was attracted by a loud argument coming from a nearby podium, where beautiful slave concubines were exhibited. Until that moment, Shaka did not pay the slightest attention to such a product - she did not need such slaves. But now, attracted by the noise, she came closer. The seller and the buyer were arguing, not agreeing on the price for a puffy busty almostka. The girl possessed all conceivable charms, but she was not the first youth.

With a slight mocking smile, Shaka watched the blushing debaters, and then her gaze slid over the group of girls. There were beauties from different countries and different ages - from the youngest to mature matrons. Shaka's gaze involuntarily lingered on one young girl. She was obviously a foreigner and looked so miserable and frightened that she could not help pity. In appearance, the girl was no more than fifteen, and fear and longing froze in her huge blue eyes. She tightly clenched her small fists, pressing them to her chest, and looked with horror at the crowd of buyers scurrying below, trying to hide behind the backs of the comrades.

Suddenly, a frightening thought came into Shaka's head, which visited her more than once in the days of her youth, that if it were not for a lucky chance and a whim of Mrs. Lois, she could also stand in this market under the greedy and evaluating glances of lustful males, waiting, when some jaded nobleman buys it to put in his sweaty disgusting bed. Lois saved her from that fate, why shouldn't she do the same for this girl?

Shaka resolutely stepped forward and, poking the salesman, who was inflamed in a dispute, with her finger on the shoulder, said:

Settle down, man, and show me the slave.

The merchant cast an angry glance at the girl, but when he saw three formidable warriors and a well-dressed lady, he immediately broke into a respectful smile.

What kind of girl does the lady want? he asked obsequiously, nimbly climbing onto the platform. – For whom is the purchase intended: for a young boy, a man, or for yourself?

Show me that girl over there, - without answering the question, Shaka pointed with her finger.

The merchant grabbed the frightened slave by the arm and dragged her to the edge of the platform.

The mistress made a good choice: she is a slave from Anzor, from the south of the continent. She is obedient and educated, knows how to sing and recite poetry.

Is she trained in our language?

Yes, this girl was brought up in the house of an aristocrat. He recently died, and his relatives decided to take the inheritance in cash. Therefore, the girl was here ... To all her virtues, she is still a virgin.

And how much are you asking for this treasure?

Five gold stubs.

The assistant steward leaned close to the lady's ear and whispered:

If I may be allowed, I would like to say that this is too high a price for a slave... She costs no more than three.

Shaka did not raise an eyebrow at the words of the servant and said:

I want to take a look at her. Take off your clothes.

The merchant readily began to rip off the poor fellow's rags. And then everyone saw that the girl’s body was covered with old and fresh stripes from the scourge, and bruises darkened on her chest and stomach. Those present looked at each other and laughed cynically. Shaka silently examined the shivering, slashed body of the slave. Then slowly climbed up to the platform and approached the girl. Taking her hands, she saw traces of shackles on her wrists, and, lifting up cheap beads, a trace of a leash.

So you want five stubs for a stubborn girl who needs to be kept on a leash? she asked, turning to the merchant. – Do you know the law that prohibits the sale of damaged goods?

I beg your pardon, mistress, - the merchant babbled. - This girl was brought in just before the opening of the market. I didn’t know that she was so beaten, otherwise I would never have taken her ...

So how much is this slave?

Two ... no, one and a half stubs, madam ... I can’t sell it cheaper, I’m giving it away almost for free ...

Shaka signaled to the assistant manager and ordered:

Pay two gold stubs to this man...

This is too high a price ... - the servant began, but the lady interrupted him:

Are you going to argue with me?

No way…” The frightened servant muttered and hurriedly followed the order.

Cover yourself, - she ordered the slave, and she hastily put on a light sarafan, in which she was taken to the auction. Shaka took her hand and led her off the platform.

When they were already on the ground, Shaka wanted to transfer the girl under the protection of the warriors, joining the crowd of slaves bought earlier, but she did not let go of her hand, clinging to her, as if drowning in a saving log. Large, surprisingly blue eyes looked with supplication and hope.

What is your name? Shaka asked, trying to free her hand from the clutching fingers of the slave.

Erissa, mistress, the girl whispered.

Go to the companions, Erissa, - ordered Shaka, and the girl, lowered her head, joined the rest of the slaves.

Returning to the castle, Shaka called the manager and began distributing slaves according to work. The girls were attached quickly, since Shaka was left without servants, because she sold almost everyone who served under Marid. When it was Erissa's turn, she ordered:

Send her to me.

After some time, a cleanly washed, dressed in new clothes and neatly combed girl entered the room timidly. Approaching the mistress, she knelt down and fell on her face, as befits a well-trained slave. Shaka looked with curiosity and doubt at the obediently bowed dark-haired head with a wet gleaming thick braid, a well-fed snake writhing on the colorful carpet at her feet, at the thin graceful neck with a frightened fluttering pulse, the delicate pink skin of the shoulders, and thought that this girl, of course, , not built for rough, heavy or dirty work. This is a real concubine, a harem slave or a favorite of a noble lady.

Get up,” she ordered, and the girl rose, but remained on her knees. “How old are you, Erissa?”

Soon it will be fifteen, madam…” the girl answered quietly.

Are you really a virgin?

I ... - the girl's cheeks were covered with a gentle blush. "I don't know, ma'am...

Like this? Shaka was surprised. “Do you know if you were with a man or not?”

I know what men do to women when they sleep with them... But my former master never did such things to me... But I often slept in the same bed with him...

And what did he do with you when you were together? Shaka asked.

I caressed him with my hands and tongue, and always satisfied only with my mouth, sometimes with my chest ... Sometimes he ordered me to caress another slave, while he looked and was satisfied on his own.

Yes, your ex was weird! Shaka laughed. “What else can you do besides these vile things?”

I like it. I take you as my personal slave, and after the bath, you will also massage me and rub oil into my skin.

With joy, my mistress, - the slave fell on her face again.

And why were you beaten and kept on a leash?

After the death of the owner, his nephew took me to him and wanted to make me a concubine ... But he was rude and hurt me ... My first owner never beat me, and did not even shout ... I showed disobedience and refused to obey and ... even hit this gentleman ... It seems , scratched his face ... They flogged me and put me on a chain in the basement ... And today they took me to the market where you bought me ... I learned my lesson, madam, and I swear that I will be obedient and submissive ...

How dare you raise your hand against the master? Shaka was more surprised than angry.

Fright appeared in the girl's huge blue eyes like the sky, and she whispered:

I'm sorry, mistress... I must have gone mad... I was attached to my former master, and his sudden death shocked me... I swear by Heavenly Abode that I will never do this again!...

On the contrary, - Shaka smiled, - I liked your brave act. Do so in the future. If anyone dares to encroach on your body without your desire, you can gouge out his eyes and tear off everything that is weakly holding on, regardless of his position and status. I will be responsible for your behavior as your rightful mistress. Over time, I will even teach you a few simple but effective tricks to help discourage men from not only desire, but also the ability to intimacy ...

Surprised disbelief appeared in the eyes of the slave, and she smiled timidly.

Are you kidding, ma'am?

No girl.

The desire of my mistress is the law for me, - the slave obediently bowed her head.

Soon, a warm trusting relationship was established between the mistress and the new servant, similar to friendship, and not to domination and submission. Erissa turned out to be a cheerful and sociable character, she quickly got acquainted with all the inhabitants of the castle. All day long, if the lady did not require her presence, she walked around the estate, gossip with servants, slaves, guards, soldiers, and was aware of all the news, incidents and scandals. Through her, Shaka knew everything that happened in her domain, and even beyond; was aware of what the manager or seneschal did not report, what Violent, the commander of the guard, did not say. And after a while, Erissa became more than a friend for Shaka - she became her mistress.

One evening, having taken a hot relaxing bath, Shaka, as usual, lay down on the couch, giving her body into the gentle and skillful hands of a slave. Erissa smeared the steamed skin with fragrant aromatic oils and began to rub them into the body. Surrendering to pleasant sensations, Shaka quietly dozed off, as she was very tired during the day, going around the estate with an inspection.

She woke up with even more pleasant sensations. Without opening her eyes, she realized that Erissa was doing something unusual. Her hands did not knead or massage the skin and muscles, but glided over the body gently, caressing, and not at all where it should be. Something quivering and affectionate glided over her buttocks, and Shaka realized from the sensations that this was a playful tongue of a girl. At first, the girl wanted to resent such an impudent and shameless behavior of the servant, but the sensations that she experienced were so pleasant that she did not want to interrupt them. So she remained motionless, pretending to be asleep.

And Erissa went wild. Her skillful mouth and capable tongue, gentle deft fingers and hard breasts did such things with the mistress's body that soon a voluptuous moan escaped from Shaka's chest, and the body involuntarily arched in a paroxysm of unsatisfied desire. She rolled onto her back, bent her knees and spread her hips wide. One hand squeezed her swollen chest, and the other slid to her smooth, wet bosom. Erissa understood the silent desire of the mistress, lay down on the couch with her chest, and her mouth fell to the trembling bosom of the hostess.

Shaka was flooded with a wave of ecstasy. The eyes opened wide, the mouth parted, and along with rapid breathing, voluptuous-torturous moans escaped from it. A cramp swept through her tensed body and she thrashed in a violent orgasm, the first in her life, and therefore even more spicy and sweet.

What… what was that…?” she asked, panting. “What have you done to me, Erissa?

I wanted to please you, and I succeeded, - the girl answered with a smile. You have received the satisfaction that, according to men, only they can deliver. But, as you can see, we got along just fine without men.

It was amazing… - whispered Shaka.

If the mistress wishes, I can do it more often.

Is it possible?

It all depends on your desire, - the minx chuckled.

Naturally, such a situation is acceptable only as a role-playing game, most often of a sexual nature. Indeed, there are cases when in a relationship a woman is a mistress, a man is a slave. In this case, the guys are completely spineless or very loving. They twist them as they want, weave ropes out of them and make them do whatever the girl wants. Women who turn their men into slaves are spoiled, capricious hysterics who are used to the fact that everything in life always happens the way they want it. Often, these girls are the only children in the family. Under the influence of any factors, their parents blow dust off them all their lives, say that they are the best, fulfill all whims and never refuse anything. This leads to the fact that girls turn into hysterical capricious women who know that there is only their opinion and the wrong one. Often, there are no real friends around them. They gather around themselves servants who admire them and carry out all orders unquestioningly. If someone tries to express his opinion, hysteria immediately begins and this person is pathetically expelled from the company or they come up with some kind of moral punishment. Such women most often grow up in wealthy families, but there are cases when such ladies live with parents who have an extremely modest income.

It's hard to say why men fall in love and cling to girls like that. All of them are well aware that they are next to a narcissistic hysteric, but still continue to indulge their whims. It is possible that the point here is beauty, because such girls often have a pleasant appearance. In addition, thanks to the fact that all close people work for them, they can afford the best skin and hair care, spa visits, fitness, vacations abroad, branded clothes and cosmetics. If such a woman works, she still spends all the money only on herself. Most often, such ladies do not have children, and if there is a child, the mother almost never cares about him. For her, it’s like a cat or a dog that you can play with, and when you get bored, just drive it off your knees. In such families, the father raises the children. In principle, he also deals with other domestic problems. These men are real housewives. They cook, wash dishes, iron, wash, clean, help children with their homework, and bring breakfast, lunch, and dinner to their wife in bed. And the lady takes care of herself, leafing through magazines or watching TV. When the children grow up, she begins to demand from them the fulfillment of her whims. And, if the child rebels, terrible quarrels and scandals begin in the house. Unfortunately, such a woman is almost impossible to change, and if a man chooses such a lady, he really subscribes to the fate of a slave.

Of course, the situation described above is extremely negative and abnormal. Such relationships are flawed and bring suffering to all family members, except for the mistress herself. Thanks to such women, children grow up extremely embittered (especially boys). They accept the model of their family as the only one that exists and, therefore, completely reject love, so as not to become the same rag as their father. In addition, it is very difficult for them to perceive women's love and care. They are extremely wary of this and for a long time simply do not trust. It takes a lot of time to help such a young man believe that there are normal feelings in the world and not all women use their men. In fact, there are those who do not have a soul in their beloved and are ready to help him in all life situations.

But, if you do not take the life situation, then the desire to be a mistress can arise in a woman only in a role-playing sense. Sometimes a lady just wants to dominate. Lead your young man. And we are not always talking about BDSM, although this, of course, too. In fact, many women who, due to some circumstances, do not pay enough attention to guys, have a desire to just keep a man around. Thoughts may appear about how good it would be to chain him with battery handcuffs so that he could no longer go anywhere and be always there. Of course, she would not offend him, she would always feed him with the most delicious and favorite dishes, cut her hair, comb her hair, and dress beautifully. I could even, probably, admit to my favorite computer. True, first, he would have to block some sites through which he could contact the outside world and ask for help in escaping. To her beloved slave, she would never hurt, hit or offend. She could fulfill his every whim, if only he was nearby, sat near the battery and never left her alone.

Of course, such thoughts smack of sadism, but, in principle, there is nothing abnormal in them if the girl does not begin to think about it seriously and make plans for the abduction. In such cases, the matter really smells of mental disorders and the lady needs to drive such thoughts away or contact a psychiatrist.

A woman is a mistress, a man is a slave, this is one of the favorite scenarios for female sex role-playing games. A lady sometimes wants to be stronger, to rule and manage. Sometimes, there is even a desire to hurt a man, of course, within moderate limits. It is these desires that manifest themselves when a lady offers BDSM to a guy. Here, too, handcuffs, batteries and many other things related to BDSM are used. But this is all, of course, make-believe. In fact, a loving girl will never really hurt her boyfriend. But she imitates punishment with pleasure. Perhaps in this way we give vent to our masculinity, to some extent we assert ourselves and punish our beloved men a little for their mistakes and inattention to us.

1. The mistress puts the slave on his knees, puts on him

This INSTRUCTION FOR SLAVES gives an idea of ​​what can happen during a session with the Mistress. But it is not mandatory for everyone. You can exclude any item or add WHAT you WOULD like to be applied by the Mistress. must tell Mistress before the session...

1. The mistress puts the slave on his knees, puts a collar with a leash around his neck and, pulling him by the leash, makes him kiss her feet.

2. Makes you get on all fours. Then he puts his legs on his back and rests.

3. Encloses the slave in shackles, clamps his head and hands into the latch. Leaves him in this position for a while.

4. The slave lies on his back. The mistress runs her toe along his crotch, stomach, chest.

5. The mistress makes the slave dance with her naked, on her knees, with her face buried in her pubis. If the mistress in the skirt of the slave is pushed with her head under the skirt. He sits on top of him and makes him carry himself around the room.

6. Makes tongue caress the anus to satisfy her desire.

7. The mistress puts the slave on all fours and caresses his buttocks, inserts a finger into the anus, then makes him lick.

8. Put the slave in the bathroom and urinate on his face.

9. The mistress puts the slave in front of her with cancer and makes him fuck himself with a faloimitator while he must lick the anus of the mistress.

10. The mistress puts the slave on his knees in the bathroom and urinates into the mouth of the slave, makes him swallow the urine.

11. The mistress sits at the table, and the slave must crawl under the table to the feet of the mistress and drink urine., lick the anus, vagina

12. fucks a slave with a strapon.

13. The mistress ties the slave's hands behind his back and makes him crawl towards her and kiss her feet.

14. Mistress slave puts on a bottle of champagne. And then he presses on his shoulders so that the bottle goes further into the anus. At the same time, the slave is forced to look into her eyes.

15. The mistress sits in a chair, and the slave lies on his stomach or back at her feet. The mistress uses the back, stomach or face of the slave instead of a foot pad, the slave must constantly lick the feet of his mistress.

16. The mistress orders the slave to lie on the floor, stands on his stomach with both feet and walks on him in stilettos.

17. The mistress makes the slave bring her slippers in her teeth and put on her shoes.

18. The mistress bandages the slave's genitals with a tourniquet and attaches clamps to the eggs.

19. The mistress makes the slave as a punishment to walk around the apartment only on all fours naked with a vibrator in the ass.

20. The mistress plugs the slave's mouth with her panties.

21. The mistress gag the slave's mouth (with a rag soaked in the urine of the mistress) and wraps the head with a rope so that the gag cannot be spit out.

22. The mistress puts a plate of broth on the floor and allows the slave to eat it standing on all fours and without the help of hands.

23. The mistress spits in the slave's mouth, face, etc.

24. The mistress urinates into the toilet, then lowers the slave's face into the urine and flushes the water.

25. The lady forces the slave to give herself an enema in her presence, and while the water is pouring in, kiss the lady's feet, lap her urine from the basin.

26. The slave crawls in front of the mistress on all fours with a dildo in the anus, carries out her orders, wags his back like a dog.

27. The face of a slave should always be below the pubis of the mistress.

28. The mistress collects her urine in an enema and pours it into the anus or mouth of the slave.

29. The mistress ties the slave's wrists to his ankles, now he can walk only bent over, it is convenient to have him in the ass at any time.

30. The mistress dresses the slave in a whore (wig, makeup, stockings and fatruk) and the slave must humiliately ask the mistress to fuck him.

31. Mistress binds a slave, then calls a girlfriend, and together with her humiliate and mock the slave

32. The mistress drinks beer and goes to the toilet in the slave's mouth.

33. It is forbidden for a slave to wear clothes in the presence of the Lady, unless the Lady herself wants to change him into women's clothes.

34 If the mistress commanded "cancer", the slave should spread his buttocks with his hands and crawl backwards to the mistress's feet.

35. A slave should humiliate himself crawl after his mistress and beg her to urinate in his mouth.

36. The mistress inserts the whip with the handle into the anus of the slave, it turns out a good tail like a horse, then the slave must lick the handle of the whip.

37. Mistress puts her panties on the slave's head at the same time, the place which is near the anus is in front of the slave's nose and the one in the slave's vagina is in the mouth.

38. Mistress ties, a slave for a leash from the collar to the toilet inserts a gag in his mouth, a vibrator in the anus, and so leaves it for his girlfriend.

39. A slave is allowed to go to the toilet only with the permission and in the presence of the Mistress.

40. The mistress ties the slave by the leash to the leg of the chair, when she sits down he must lick her feet

41. The mistress, putting the slave on his back, pulls his legs to his chest, ties the leg shackles to the collar, and the anus of the slave bent in half becomes fully accessible for any games of the mistress, while the slave must spread his buttocks to the sides with his hands.

42. The mistress feeds the slave by smearing food on her crotch, anus, feet and the slave must lick everything, suck it out.

43. Mistress after defecation makes the slave lick the anus.

44. A slave washes his mistress's urine at the moment when she urinates on him.

45. When the Mistress takes a shower, the slave lies on the bottom of the tub between the legs of the Mistress and all the soapy water flows from the mistress to the slave. The mistress can also urinate on the slave, forcing him to open his mouth.

46. ​​Mistress, sitting in a chair, puts a slave with cancer back to her and rapes him in the anus with a hairpin of boots, then makes him turn around and lick her.

47. The mistress develops the slave's anus by introducing into it first the hairpin of the boots, then the vibrator from 15cm. up to 35cm, also bottles of wine and champagne.

48. The mistress orders the slave to lie on his back on the floor, she sits down on the slave's face with her vagina. The slave must lick the vagina.

49. Mistress makes suck strapon, which she strapon slave.

50. The mistress puts the dildo vertically on the floor and orders the slave to sit on it.

51. The mistress pours hot wax on the slave on the body or on his penis ...