Topics of conversations with children in the second younger group. Abstract of a conversation with children in the second junior group on the topic: “Vegetables, fruits - healthy foods

A conversation on Mother's Day for preschoolers 3-4 years old about the dearest person - about mom "My dear mom, I love very much"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: I offer you a summary of the conversation for children of the second younger group (3-4 years). This abstract is aimed at educating children in love, care and respect for their mother, the closest and dearest person.

- educate respect, kindness and love for your mother.
- develop attention, speech, fine motor skills of hands, a sense of rhythm;
- to form ideas about different ways of expressing love for mom,
consolidate knowledge of colors;
- educate respect, a good attitude towards your mother.
Equipment: photos of moms, audio recording of songs about mom, cartoons about mom.
Preliminary work: conversations about mom, learning poems, songs about

Educator: Guys, every year at the end of November, or rather the last Sunday of November, we celebrate - Mother's Day. What is it, what does it mean to celebrate?
Educator: Here you are kids, how can you congratulate your mothers?
Educator: Of course, the main thing is to respect and not offend mommy, to give her joy, to help. What can you do to help her?
Educator: And who else, besides mothers, will we congratulate on this day?
Educator: Guys, but it also happens that you suddenly offended mommy? What do you need to do to make your mom forgive you?

Educator: Of course, ask for forgiveness. What words would you use to refer to your mother?
Educator: Mommy will always forgive you, hug and kiss you, because she loves you very much, and I'm sure that you love her too. And I think that some of you even know a poem about a sweet mother, even a small one. Maybe read to the kids and they will also want to learn.
Children read poetry:
Child: Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is no better!

Child: Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a joke!
Mom is a treat!
Mom loves everyone!
Child: You are the most beautiful,
You are the best!
To the gentle sun
And looks like me!
Educator: What beautiful poems the children read. I want to invite you to the rug and invite everyone to help their mothers. We will help to salt the cabbage for the winter. After all, we celebrate Mother's Day in the fall, and at this time all our mothers salt cabbage for the winter, we will help them with this.

Fizminutka: "Cabbage"
We chop cabbage, chop, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)
We mash cabbage, we mash cabbage,
We salt and salt the cabbage, (“they take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)
We press cabbage. (flexion and extension of the hands)
Educator: That's how great you are, you helped mommy, we sit down in our seats. Each of you brought a photo of your mom. Tell me, what is she, what does she do?
Children talking about their mothers.
Educator: I suggest you play a little, I start the game, and you have to finish the sentences. But the words of the ending must not be repeated.
Game: "I will start, and you will finish ..."

- Who will fry pancakes for me? ... (mother);
- Who will iron my pants? ... (mommy)
- Who will cook dinner? ... (Mommy)
- And fry cutlets for us? ... (golden mom)
- Who will hug in the morning? ... (kind mom)
- Reading bedtime stories? ... (smart mom)
- Treats everyone with pies? ... (generous mom)
- Kiss on the cheek? ... (affectionate mommy)
Educator: All your mothers love you, take care of you, make you laugh when you are sad, pat you on the head. How can you tell what your moms are like? For example:
Mommy, who cares about you, she is so…caring;
Children continue:
Mommy, who strokes your head ... tender, affectionate;
Mommy, who amuses you ... cheerful;
Mommy, who preens at the mirror, she is so ... beautiful;
Mommy, who loves you very much ... FAVORITE!!!

Educator: You are great fellows! I am sure that your mothers are proud of you, you know so much about them, help them in everything, love them and respect them.
I want to read a poem to you.
Let's sit in silence.
Elena Blaginina.

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.
And I said to the beam:
I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

Educator: Indeed, a very good poem. You don't disturb your mom when she's resting, do you?
Educator: You know a lot about your mothers.
Who are we talking about today?
What holiday is coming up?
What can you give mommy?
Is it possible to make a gift with your own hands?
Educator: And we will make a gift with you in the next lesson. I suggest watching a cartoon about mommy.

Target: Continue to introduce children to the kindergarten, groups, and facilities in the buildingc. To cultivate love for children, respect for its employees, their work. To form the concept "I am a pupil of a nursery school", "children's house is my home."

    "Our Beloved Teacher"

Target: To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of the educator, his caring attitude towards children, towards work. Show that the products of the work of the educator reflect his feelings, personal qualities, interests.

    "Me and my friends"

Target: Teaching children to recognize positive signs friendship, characteristics of friends.

    "Hobbies of friends"

Target : Expand children's knowledge about different activities, hobbies.

    "Our kindergarten is so good - you won't find a better garden"

Target : Clarify children's knowledge about d / s. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergartens.


    « My family»

Target: Introduce the term "family". Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

    « Family is me!

Target: To consolidate knowledge of their first name, last name and age, the name of their parents. To form a positive self-esteem, an image of I. (to help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good).

    « What is a street»

Target: Form elementary ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalk, roadway. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the d / s is located; the house where the children live; explain the importance of knowing your address.

    « What distinguishes the city from the village»

Target: To form elementary ideas about the differences between the city and the village. Instill love for the native land. Cultivate a sense of pride in your city.

    « My city»

Target: To continue to fix the name of the native city, to acquaint with its sights.


    « Child and adults»

Purpose: To deepen ideas about people: to understand the difference between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothes, shoes, occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions.

    « What do you know about yourself?»

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of some organs (ears - to hear, eyes - to see, etc.). Awareness of some of your skills (the ability to draw, etc.)

    « A family»

Target: To consolidate knowledge about family members and next of kin. To understand that everyone in the family takes care of each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

    « A good word heals, and a bad one cripples»

Target: To form in children the need for a benevolent treatment of others, to educate children in a good attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for forgiveness.

Target: Raising a sense of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother; develop a desire to take care of your closest people


    "Our Hardworking Janitor"

Target: To acquaint children with the work of a janitor, to show the importance of work; educate the desire to maintain cleanliness, to help adults.

    "Educator Assistant"

Target : Draw the attention of children to the most characteristic labor operations and the result of the work of an assistant teacher. Cultivate respect for his work.

    "Visiting a laundress worker"

Target : To develop the ability to understand the social significance of the laundress's work, her caring attitude towards children. Emphasize that the result is achieved through a conscientious attitude to work. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards the washerwoman.

    "Wonderful doctor"

Target: To form a concept of the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional benevolent attitude towards them.

    "Visiting the music director"

Target: To acquaint with the business and personal qualities of a music director. Develop an emotional, benevolent attitude towards him.


    « child and book» Target : Cultivate love for the book, the desire for a second meeting with her. Sympathize and empathize with the characters in the story. Experience the pleasure of meeting with poetry.


Target : To educate emotionally - aesthetic feelings. To form figurative representations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Develop artistic perception of works of art. Bringing children to an understanding of the unity of content (what the work is about) and some means of expression (like an image) in different types of art.

    "Child and Music"

Target: To develop the musical horizons of children by introducing them to musical works (folk, classical and modern) To develop an idea of ​​\u200b\u200belementary genres of music.

    "We dance and sing"

Target : To form skills about all types of musical activities, to bring children to the independent use of learned musical works. To develop song and dance creativity of children.

Acquaintance with the professions of an artist, artist, composer»

Target: Introducing children to the perception of art, developing interest in it. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between genres and types of art: poetry, prose, riddles (literature), songs, dances, music, paintings (reproduction), sculpture (image), building and construction (architecture).

    What has autumn brought us?

Target : Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Explain the benefits of natural vitamins.


    "Sky in Autumn"

Target: Be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. To acquaint children with the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”.

    "Water and precipitation"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Describe the characteristics of autumn rain.

    "Autumn is a good sorceress"

Target : Develop creative imagination; to attach to beauty, art, creativity.

    "At the flower bed"

Target: Introduction to autumn colors. Show the structure of a plant. Fix the concept of high, low (flower), long, short (stem).

    "Leaf fall"

Target: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. To develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations.


    "Plant World in Autumn"

Target: Expand understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs in appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities.

    "Birds in Autumn"

Target: Acquaintance with seasonal changes in the life of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external signs. To form a desire to observe the behavior of birds.


Target: Expand children's understanding of the wind. Learn how to behave in windy weather.

    “A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Formation of ideas about the plants of the forest: mushrooms and berries. Expand understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals.

Target: To give children an idea about decorative birds. Show the features of keeping decorative birds. To form a desire to observe and care for living objects.


    "Pet Conversation"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Formation of desire to take care of pets.


    "A Conversation about Migratory Birds"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Describe migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external signs. To form a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

    "Gloomy Autumn"

Target: Introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, swimming.

    "My home, my city"

Target : Consolidate knowledge of the home address, street. Get to know your hometown.


    "My native land"

Target: To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for the native land.

    "Transport of my city"


    "Watch out for the car"


    "How to Avoid Trouble"

Target: Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior with strangers. To form the basis for the safety of their own life.


Target: To form an idea about public holidays.



Purpose: To introduce some of the outstanding people who glorified Russia.

    "I love Russian birch"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the Russian beauty - birch. Introduce children to beautiful poems about birch. To expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

    "Introduction to the Russian Folk Doll"

Target: To acquaint with Russian folk crafts and traditions. Arouse interest in Russian folk art and needlework.

    "My motherland"

Target: To acquaint children with the image of the national flag, the state emblem of the Russian Federation, the national anthem. Form an idea of ​​their origin.

    "Journey to the land of Nosaria"

Target: To acquaint with the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose: its location, structure, safety and care rules. To expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.


    "Morning of joyful meetings with Dr. Aibolit."

Target : To develop cultural and hygienic skills. Education of practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

    "I will grow up healthy."

Target: Introduce the concept of healthy eating. Engage in a healthy lifestyle.

    “If you want to be healthy, temper yourself”

Target: Introduce the concepts of "hardening". To expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

    "Our Favorite Doctor"

Target: Expand the understanding of the profession of a doctor (pediatrician, dentist, oculist)

    "Why does a person have two eyes"

Target : To form an idea about a person, about the functions and capabilities of parts of the human body, about how to care for them.


    "Why do your teeth hurt?"

Target: To form cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills. To expand the understanding of the profession of a dentist.

    "Cleanliness is the key to health"

Target: Encourage children to love cleanliness.

    "Emergency Phones"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, the ambulance service.


    "I will grow up healthy!"

Target: To consolidate the concepts of "proper nutrition", "daily regimen". Engage in a healthy lifestyle.


    "Microbes in human life"

Target: To form children's ideas about the dangers and benefits of microorganisms on human health. Educate the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

    "Hooray! Winter!"

Target: Expand children's ideas about winter phenomena in nature. To give elementary concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

    "First snow"

Target: To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature.

    "Winter sport"

Target: Introduce winter sports.

    "Winter Injuries"

Target : To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.


    "Why did the Snow Maiden melt?"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the properties of water, snow and ice.

    How wild animals prepare for winter

Target: To acquaint children with the preparation of wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

    "Wintering Birds"

Target: To fix the concept of "wintering" birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food wintering birds. To form a desire to take care of wintering birds.

    "Pet Conversation"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. To form a desire to take care of pets.

    "Winter phenomena in nature"

Target : Expand your understanding of winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, frost, frost).


    "Zimushka - winter"

Target : To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

    "The New Year will bring joy to children"

Target : Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

    "New Year at the gate!"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge about the traditions of the New Year. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, surprise.

    . "New Year's Eve Journey"

Target: Tell the children that each year starts on January 1st. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

    . "We are friends of nature"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature. Teach respect and kindness to nature and to each other. Clarify children's knowledge about spruce, as a symbol of the New Year in Russia.


    .“Who feels good in winter”

Target : Engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

    "Patterns on Glass"

Purpose: To develop creativity, imagination.

    "How they visit"

Target : Reinforce the rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of celebrating the New Year.

    "Forest fairy tale"

Target : To consolidate the knowledge of children about the forest, its inhabitants. To form the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale in a drawing.

    How is the New Year celebrated in other countries?

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the various ways of congratulations. To acquaint with the customs of celebrating the New Year in other countries.


    "Soon, soon, New Year!"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. To acquaint with the symbols of different years, the Chinese calendar.

    "How to know winter?"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge of typical winter phenomena. To cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to admire nature.

    "Who's in charge in the forest"

Target: To give children an idea of ​​a forester - a person who takes care of the forest and animals.

    "Zimushka - crystal"

Target: Expand your understanding of winter. To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature.

    "Winter Games"

Target: Introduce winter sports, winter fun, entertainment.


    "Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Purpose: To expand ideas about places where it is always winter, about the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.

    "Beware the ice!"

Target : To form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

    "A flock of bullfinches"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the diversity of birds. Learn to highlight the characteristic features of a bullfinch.

    "Plant World in Winter"

Target: Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs in appearance.

    "Phenomena of inanimate nature"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the properties of water. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature.


    "How we take care of animals and birds in winter"

Target: Expand your understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Form a desire to take care of them.

    "Hello fairy tale"

Purpose: To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to form the ability to empathize with the characters.

    "Our theater"

Target: Introduce children to the world of theater. Engage in creativity and play.

    "Signs of fairy tales"

Target: Expand ideas about the characteristic features of the fairy tale genre.

    Which fairy tale character do I look like?

Target : To cultivate the ability to identify yourself with your favorite hero.


    "Visit the book"

Target: Cultivate a love for the book, develop literary speech. Cultivate respect for the book.

    "Ground transport"

Target: Expand understanding of the types of land transport and its purpose.

    "Water transport"

Target: Expand understanding of the types of water transport and its purpose.

    "Air Transport"

Target: Expand understanding of the types of air transport and its purpose.

    "School of the Pedestrian"

Purpose: To expand ideas about elementary rules traffic.


    "Machines are helpers"

Target: Expand understanding of the types of special transport and its purpose.

    "All professions are important"

Target: Expand your understanding of professions related to transport.

Target : To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

    "Road signs"

Target: Introduce children to basic road signs.

    "Why does a person need a car"

Target: To improve children's knowledge about the need for machines in human life.


    "The Road from Horse to Car"

Target : Talk about the development of the car.

    "Our Army"

Target: To expand knowledge about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

    "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Target : Continue introducing "military" professions.

    "Military equipment"

Target: Continue to acquaint with military equipment.

    "Future Defenders"

Target: Cultivate patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland.


    How our grandfathers fought

Target: To expand our understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and defended from enemies during the war years.

    "Mom is the most precious person in the world"

Target: To cultivate feelings of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.

    "What does my mom do"

Target : Raise interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

    "International Women's Day"

Target : Expand knowledge about the history of the holiday on March 8.

    "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

Target : To consolidate the idea of ​​a family. To develop a conscious attitude to the manifestation of love, respect, sympathy for a loved one, grandmother.



    « Congratulations to our mothers on the holiday of spring»

Target : Read poems about mother, grandmother and sister. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people.

    "Why give flowers"

Target : Cultivate the idea that flowers are a sign love and attention.

    "Mom's Favorite Flowers"

Target : Expand knowledge about flowers, cultivate love and sensitivity to mom.

    "My mom loves..."

Target : To consolidate the knowledge of children about the hobbies of their mothers.


    "Why I love my mom and grandma"

Target : Develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones.

    What is the Russian people like?


    "How Shrovetide is Celebrated"

Target: Introduce the Carnival holiday. Expand knowledge of folk traditions.

    "Folk toy"


    "Russian folk holidays"

Target: To expand children's understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people.


    "Russian folk tales"

Target : To teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, to develop creative imagination.

    "Proverbs and sayings"

Target : Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings. To attach to Russian folk art.

    "Children's Folklore"



Target : introduce, remember counters.

    "Lullaby Songs"

Target: Introduce a variety of lullabies. Recall lullabies with children.


    "Sentences - peace"

Target: To acquaint with a variety of sentences - mirilki. Learn with children a few sentences - myrilok.

    "Spring is coming! Spring is dear!

Target: Expand your understanding of spring. To develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

    Why did the snowman melt?

Target : Expand children's understanding of the properties of snow and ice. Learn to establish elementary cause-and-effect relationships.

    "Journey of the Brook"

Target : Clarify children's ideas about the different states of water, about natural water sources.

    "How We Celebrate Spring"

Target : Expand knowledge about seasonal types of work.


    "Visiting the Mistress of the Meadow"

Purpose: To develop respect for nature. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature.

    "Signs of Spring"

Target : To generalize knowledge about spring changes in nature, in the life of birds and animals.

    "The Birds Have Arrived"

Target : Expand knowledge of migratory birds.

    "Spring on the Water"

Target: Fix the rules of behavior in the spring on water bodies, warn of possible dangers.

    "Enter the Forest with a Friend"

Target: To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.

    "International Earth Day"

Target: To expand children's understanding of environmental holidays.

    "Child and book"

Target: Cultivate love for the book, the desire to re-encounter with it. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.


    "We are friends with the book"

Target : Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary.

    "The book is a source of knowledge"


    "Hello fairy tale!"

Target: To develop the skills of dramatization and theatrical activities.

Target : Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction. Form the need for daily reading.

    "In the world of glass"



    "In the world of plastics"

Target : To acquaint with the properties and qualities of plastic objects.

Target : Expand children's understanding of the history of clothing.

    "Journey to the Past of the Armchair"

Target : To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items.

    "In the World of Trees"

Target: Identify the properties and qualities of a tree. Learn to make connections between the material and the way it is used.

    « The magic power of the theater»

Target : Develop children's artistic ability. Introduce children to the world of theater.


    "Theatrical Professions"

Target : To give an idea to children about the professions related to the theater.

    "Jester Puppet Theatre"

Target : To expand knowledge about the native city, to cultivate interest in the theater.

    What do we know about theater?

Target : To expand children's knowledge of various types of theater.

    "Theatrical Game"

Target : Continue to develop interest in theatrical play. Encourage children to role play.

    "Our flowerbed"

Target : Expand children's knowledge about planting plants, the need to care for them.


    "Fruit Trees in Spring"

Target : Clarify and expand ideas about fruit trees. Build a positive relationship with nature.

    "The Sun in Plant Life"

Target : To form concepts that plants need the sun for life. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

Target : Expand ideas about the change in the world of plants in the spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by their appearance.

    "Wild and Cultivated Plants"

Target : Clarify and expand ideas about wild and cultivated plants. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

    "Forest Perils"

Target : Expand children's ideas about poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance.


    "Blossoming Spring"

Target: To arouse interest in the world of plants. To consolidate ideas about the habitat of plants.

    "World of indoor plants"

Target : Expand children's ideas about indoor plants: their benefits and structure. Learn to distinguish by appearance.


Target : Expand children's ideas about vegetable crops. Describe the work of a person in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits.

    "When Lilac Blooms"

Target : Cultivate love for nature. Arouse the desire to admire the beauty of spring.

    "Butterflies and beetles woke up"

Target: Learn to distinguish insects in appearance and name them. To form a desire to observe insects.


    "Visiting the Mistress of the Meadow"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the diversity of insects. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of insects.

    "Dangerous Insects"

Target: Expand children's ideas about dangerous insects. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance.

    "Our Little Friends"

Target : Expand children's ideas about insects, their characteristics, habitats. Form the foundations of ecological culture.

    "Insects of other countries"

Target : To acquaint with the diversity of insects of other continents.

    « Summer's soon»

Target : Expand children's ideas about summer, seasonal changes in nature.



Target : To form elementary ideas about garden and garden plants. To form ideas about seasonal work in the garden and garden. Instill a love of work.


Target : Arouse interest in plant life. Expand your understanding of the variety of colors.

    The sun - friend or foe

Target : Expand ideas about the benefits and harms of the sun (heat and sunstroke). Build the foundations of your own life.


Target : To form a positive-emotional attitude to the beauty of summer nature.

    "Why do they say 'hello'?

Purpose: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Learn how to greet. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using "kind words" in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.


    "My Good Deeds"

Target : to deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person. Improve communication skills

    "What is Kindness"

Target : To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds.

    "Hurry to do good"

Target: Continue acquaintance with the polar concepts of "good" and "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior.

    "If you are kind..."

Target: To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show sympathy and do good deeds.

    "Polite Words"

Target : To teach children the rules of etiquette, the forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using words of greeting.


    "Accidentally and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form game communication skills without hurting the interests of a partner.

    "Learning to forgive our friends"

Target: develop the ability of children not to be offended by each other; to form the ability to distinguish an unintentional slip from an intentional one and respond accordingly; to bring children to the understanding of the words "peaceful", "touchy".

    Why are there fights?

Target : to form communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of the norms and rules of behavior among peers; Cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.

    "Dreamers and Liars"

Target : to develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop the desire for truthfulness and tact.

    " Let's make it up"

Target: develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.


    "A good friend is known in need"

Target : to form the idea that a true friend can empathize, help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

    "How to behave during a conversation"

Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

    "Kind angry"

Target : To teach to give a moral assessment of the actions of heroes, to cultivate a desire to be kind and humane.


Target : To form ideas about the moral concept of "truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's act, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.

    "What a friend should be"

Target : Form ideas about positive character traits and moral deeds, deepen ideas about friendship


    "Be neat and tidy"

Target : Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help to understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.

    "Truth is not true"

Target: Explain to children that one should not deceive others, that one should always tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are very much appreciated in a person, that they praise for truth.


Target: continue to educate in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also harms himself.

    "Games Without Quarrels"

Target: Explain to the children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at a loss, do not tease the loser.


Target : To teach children to use polite words, to develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, to observe the rules of etiquette.



Target : Teach children to treat things carefully and carefully, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance, become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.

    "Mutual Aid"

Target : Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him.

    "Desire to Help"

Target : Develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing sympathy.

    "Generosity and Greed"

Target: To reveal the meaning of the concepts of "greed" and "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.

    "Why you need to be able to give in"

Target : to teach children to avoid quarrels, to yield and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions.


    "Stairs of Kindness"

Target : based on the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bjustice, courage, modesty and kindness.

    "It's better to be kind"

Target : To give children an idea of ​​​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. To teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of an emotional state.

    "What does my mom do"

Target: Raise interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

    How to please teachers

Target : To cultivate respect for educators, to form the need to please others with good deeds.

    What is the Russian people like?

Target: Expand your understanding of the customs of the Russian people.


    "Folk toy"

Target: Expand the idea of ​​folk toys. To form the ability to express aesthetic feelings. To expand the idea of ​​the diversity of folk art.

    "Proverbs and sayings"

Target: Introduction to proverbs and sayings. To attach to Russian folk art.

    "Children's Folklore"

Target : To acquaint with invocations, song appeals to the forces of nature.


Target: Introduce, remember counting rhymes.

    "Enter the Forest as a Friend"

Target : To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.


    "Child and book"

Target : Cultivate love for the book, the desire for a second meeting with her. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.

    "We are friends with the book"

Target: Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary

    "The book is a source of knowledge"

Target : to form interest and need for reading (perception of books).

    "Hello fairy tale!"

Target : To form the skills of dramatization and theatrical activities.

    "You and I are best friends with a book"

Target : Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction. Form the need for daily reading


    "In the world of glass"

Target : Help reveal the properties of glass. Cultivate respect for things.

    "In the world of plastics"

Target : Introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects

    "In the World of Trees"

Target: Identify the properties and qualities of a tree. Learn to make connections between the material and the way it is used

    "Journey into the past of clothes"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the history of clothing.

    "Forest Perils"

Target : Expand children's ideas about poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance



Target: Cultivate emotional and aesthetic feelings. To form figurative representations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

    "Introduction to decorative birds"

Target : To give children an idea of ​​decorative birds. Show the features of keeping decorative birds. To form a desire to observe and care for living objects

    "Pet Conversation"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Formation of desire to take care of pets.

    "A Conversation about Wild Animals in the Forest"

Target: To give children an idea about the life of wild animals in autumn. Develop an interest in the environment. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

    "Transport of my city"

Target: Expand understanding of modes of transport and its purpose. To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.


    "Watch out for the car"

Target : Expand your understanding of the rules of conduct in the city, the elementary rules of the road.

    "How to Avoid Trouble"

Target : Introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the basis for the safety of their own life

    "Cleanliness is the key to health"

Target : To instill in children a love of cleanliness

    "Emergency Phones"

Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, the ambulance service

    "How to keep healthy?"

Target : Provide basic information about medicines and diseases, disease prevention, and the benefits of vitamins.


    "School of the Pedestrian"

Purpose: To expand ideas about the elementary rules of the road

    "All professions are important"

Purpose: To expand ideas about professions

    "Rules of conduct in public transport"

Purpose: To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

    "The Sun in Plant Life"

Purpose: To form concepts that plants need the sun for life. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

    "Trees, Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants"

Purpose: To expand ideas about the change in the world of plants in the spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by their appearance.

Tatiana Plotnikova
Topics of conversations with children in the second younger group


1. Conversation on the topic: “How to wash your hands properly” Target: to improve Ph.D., to improve the simplest behavior skills while washing.

2. Conversation on the topic “Sit at the table correctly” Target: the formation of elementary skills of behavior at the table.

3. Conversation on the topic “Magic words” Target: the formation of politeness in children (thanks for the help, say goodbye and hello)

4. Conversation on the topic"I'm good"Target: the formation of elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad.

5. Conversation on the topic: "Gold autumn" Target: development of the ability to notice changes in nature. it gets colder, the leaves change color.

6. Conversation on the topic “Insects” Target: expanding ideas about insects (3-4 species characteristic of the area)

7. Conversation on the topic “Cookware – tea and dining room” Target: the formation of the ability to classify objects.

8. Conversation on the topic: “Parts of the day. What do we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night” Target: development of the ability to name parts of the day.

9. Conversation on the topic “Our clothes” Target: development of the ability to distinguish and name the details and parts of clothing (dress has sleeves, coat has buttons)

10. Conversation on the topic “My family” Target: To consolidate knowledge about family members, the ability to call their names.

11. Conversation on the topic "Dangerous Things" Target: familiarity with the sources of danger at home.

12. Conversation on the topic"My Weekends". Tasks: Activate the vocabulary of children (weekends, at home, went, played, fun, friendly, interesting, worked, taught to answer questions from the teacher.

13. Conversation on the topic“What I saw on the way to kindergarten”. Tasks: Continue work to activate and expand the vocabulary of children, clarify the names of familiar objects and phenomena.

14. Conversation on the topic"Clothing".Tasks: Tell children about the seasons, bring to an understanding of the relationship between weather changes and people's clothes.

15. Conversation on the topic"Hats".Tasks: Enrich children's ideas about the immediate environment, activate the dictionary, learn to name items of clothing (hats).

16. Conversation on the topic"Our Clothes".Tasks: Teaching children to understand generalizing the words: clothing, headwear. Clarify the names and purpose of objects, the features of their use.

17. Conversation on the topic"Clothes, hats". Tasks: Reinforce understanding children of generalizing words, to learn to distinguish and name the qualitative characteristics of hats and clothes (color, shape, size).

18. Conversation"How the goats met the wolf".Tasks: To instill in children a sense of caution, to introduce the rules of conduct when meeting strangers.

19. Conversation"Appearance and Intentions" reading an excerpt from a fairy tale "Three pigs".Tasks: Continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior when meeting strangers. Cultivate a sense of caution in dealing with strangers.

20. Conversation"Table Behavior".Tasks: To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, to acquaint them with the norms of behavior at the table, to teach them to eat neatly, to use a napkin.

21. Conversation"Appearance and Intentions", watching an excerpt from the cartoon based on the fairy tale by A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs".Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with the rules of communication with strangers, cultivate caution, discretion

22. Conversation"Table Behavior".Tasks: To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, continue to acquaint them with the rules of behavior at the table, and teach them to put them into practice. Learn how to use a napkin, how to hold a spoon correctly.

23. Conversation on the topic"Puppet show". Tasks: To acquaint children with the activities of the puppet theater, the features of this type of art. Discuss the rules of conduct in the theatre.

24. Conversation"Table Behavior".Tasks: To form self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills, teach children to take their places at the table in an organized manner, eat independently and neatly, and hold a spoon correctly.

25. Conversation on the topic"Clean hands".Tasks: Tell the children why it is important to wash their hands thoroughly after walking, going to the toilet, before eating. Offer to show how to properly wash your hands.

26. Conversation"Table Behavior".Tasks: To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, continue to acquaint them with the rules of behavior at the table, teach them to eat carefully, use a napkin correctly.

27. Conversation"Let's be polite".Tasks: Teach children to use polite words and expressions, discuss in what situations they should be used, what is their meaning.

28. Conversation on the topic"Me and my health". Tasks: Tell children that health is one of the main values ​​of life. To form elementary ideas about how to take care of health.

29. Conversation on the topic"In the world of kind words".Tasks: To teach children to use polite words and expressions in various situations, to show the meaning of polite words with examples. Enrich vocabulary.

30. Conversation on the topic"Don't jump from tall things" Tasks: To form elementary ideas about how to take care of health.

31. Conversation on the topic"Never ruin a book" Tasks: Learn to take care of books. To instill accuracy, thrift.

Educator: Belogrudova O.V. Moscow 2015

Purpose: To teach children to choose foods that are healthy. To arouse the desire for a healthy diet.


  1. To teach children to distinguish, name and classify vegetables and fruits, using various analyzers for recognition.
  2. Contribute to the search for new information about vegetables and fruits, their health benefits.
  3. Learn to describe the appearance of vegetables and fruits, draw simple conclusions about the growth of vegetables and fruits.
  4. To form interest in the works of Russian folklore (riddles, proverbs, sayings).


Yesterday Doll - mother said that her children began to get sick more often, they lacked vitamins. Vitamins are very necessary for children to strengthen the body. Her children love them very much. Vitamins are tasty, beautiful.

Have you guys tried vitamins?

Vitamins are not only in tablets.

What foods contain vitamins?

You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D.

Now listen to what products they contain and what they are for.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for heart).

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (from a cold).

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

Now I will show you pictures, and you will tell me what is depicted on them, and we will find out what is contained a large number of vitamins!

(I show in turn the image of vegetables and fruits, and the children name not only the name itself, but also answer the questions: what (color, shape, taste)),

Lemon - yellow, juicy, sour, oval;
Orange - orange, round, sweet, juicy;
Pear - sweet, yellow, juicy, hard;
Apple - sweet, red, juicy, round;

Plum - blue, oval, sweet, juicy;
Peach - round, juicy, pink, sweet.
And so on.

Fizminutka "Gardener"

Yesterday we walked in the garden, They walk in a circle, holding hands.
We planted currants. "Dig up" pit and "planted" bush in it.
We whitewashed apple trees with lime, whitewash. Move the right hand up and down.
We fixed the fence "Hit" hammer.

We started a conversation: One child enters the circle.

- You say, our gardener,

What will you give us as a reward?

I will give purple plums as a reward, They bend one finger at a time.

Honey pears, the largest,

Ripe apples, cherries a whole kilogram.

Here is what I will give you as a reward!

Educator: Oh. Someone is coming to us! Who are these guys? (The door opens, Alenka doll came to visit the guys).

Doll Alenka: Guys, hello! I heard that you often get sick? But I'm not! Do you know why? Here listen!

I never get discouraged
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C.

Very important early
Have oatmeal for breakfast.
Black bread is good for us
And not just in the morning.

Remember the simple truth
The only one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drink carrot juice.

Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon
Although it is very sour.
Game: "Right-Wrong!"

I will read quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, then you all say together: "Right, right, absolutely right!"

And if about what is harmful to health, you are silent.

1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,

And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.

2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets

Eat candy, chew taffy, get fit, become like a cypress.

3. To eat right, you will remember the advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.

4. There are no healthier foods - delicious vegetables and fruits.

Both Serezha and Irina benefit from vitamins.

5. Our Lyuba ate rolls and got terribly fat.

He wants to visit us, but he can't crawl through the door.

6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,

Eat more vitamins, do not know about diseases.

Topics of Conversations in the second junior group


one . Conversation on the topic What clothes do we need today

Tasks: To activate in the children's speech words denoting objects and details of clothing items, discuss their purpose, the dependence of people's clothes on the state of the weather. Develop aesthetic perception, taste.

2. Conversation on the topic "Our Book Friends".

Tasks: Tell children about the meaning of books, about the types of books (encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, fiction). To acquaint with the rules of handling books, to cultivate a careful attitude towards books.

3. Conversation on the topic " Lovely toys."

Tasks: to consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, to form elementary ideas about handling things. To support the desire of children to clean up, to form a careful attitude towards toys.

4. Conversation on the topic "Boys and girls."

Objectives: Talk to children about their interests, favorite toys, clothing preferences, favorite games, about who they will become in the future. Highlight answers specific to boys and girls.

5. Conversation on the topic " Traffic light"

Tasks: To form children's ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans, to acquaint them with the rules of road safety.

6. Conversation on the topic "Clothes, shoes, hats"

Tasks: Activate children in speech and clarify the names of items of clothing, shoes, hats, teach them to talk about their purpose.

7. Conversation on the topic "We're good together."

Objectives: To develop children's interest in peers, cultivate friendly relationships, form communication skills.

8. Conversation on the topic "We've got guests."

Tasks: To continue to acquaint children with the rules of etiquette, to teach them to be polite, to respond to the arrival of adults and peers with greeting words, to promote the development of appropriate speech structures.

9 . Conversation on the topic “Health is in order - thanks to charging».

Tasks: Raise interest in physical exercises, bring children to an understanding of the relationship between physical exercises and health

10. Conversation on the topic"At the table".

Tasks: To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, to systematize knowledge about behavior at the table, to teach them to apply their knowledge in practice.

11. Conversation on the topic."Our Toys"

Learning and telling poems by A. Barto from the cycle "My Toys".

Objectives: To cultivate a caring attitude towards toys, form generalizing concepts, learn to make sentences using nouns denoting the names of toys and verbs denoting actions with toys.

12. Conversation " We do not like rude people and fighters».

Tasks: To provide conditions for the moral education of children, to form the experience of evaluating one's own and others' actions, to teach how to evaluate actions and express one's opinion about various actions.

13. Conversation on the topic "We love to share."

14. Conversation on the topic"Vegetables, fruits - healthy products!"

15. Conversation on the topic "A conversation about fire safety rules»

Tasks: to teach children to coherently answer the teacher's questions; correctly use the names of objects in speech; activate prepositions, verbs in sentences; Teach kids about fire safety.

16. Conversation on the topic "Vegetables, fruits - healthy products!"

Tasks: to form ideas that children really need vitamins to strengthen the body.

17. Conversation on the topic"How Sand Can Be Dangerous»

Tasks: Show the child to play with sand and warn him that it is not safe to play with him: you need to be careful and make sure that the sand does not get into your eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, head.

18. Conversation on Topic "How I spent my day off»

Tasks: to develop coherent speech of children.

19. Conversation on the topic"Traffic light "

Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with the rules of road safety as pedestrians, with the operation of a traffic light.

20. Conversation on theme "Dangerous ice».

Tasks: To give children the idea that ice can be dangerous in autumn, it is very thin and fragile, so you can’t move on the ice. Learn to be careful around water

21 Conversation on the topic “You have to be careful

Tasks: the formation of the habit of monitoring their appearance.

22 Conversation on the topic “How to properly wash your hands

Purpose: to fix the right way to wash your hands, use soap.

23 Conversation on the topic “Tell a friend the magic words

Purpose: to develop a friendly relationship with each other

24 Conversation on the topic “If a friend cries, have pity on him

Purpose: to encourage attempts to pity a peer, hug, help.

25 Conversation on the topic "Autumn has come to visit us"

Purpose: development of the ability to notice changes in nature.

26 Conversation on the topic “Changes in nature

”Goal: formation of ideas about the simplest relationships in animate and inanimate nature.

27 Conversation on the topic "Domestic and wild animals

Purpose: formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, listen, understand the question asked, clearly answer it

28 Conversation on the topic “Winter is coming”

Purpose: to expand ideas about the seasons, to develop speech.

29 Conversation on the topic "Far close

Purpose: development of the ability to determine the location of objects in relation to oneself far - close).

30 Conversation on the topic “Favorite Tales

Purpose: development of initiative speech when interacting with adults and children

31 Conversation on the topic “Do exercises - you will be healthy

Purpose: to form ideas that morning exercises cause a good mood

32 Conversation on the topic "What do you need to sleep for?

Purpose: the formation of ideas that with the help of sleep they restore strength.

33 Conversation on the topic “Dangerous items at home”

Objective: Acquaintance with the sources of danger at home.

34. Conversation on the topic"Good and Evil Fire"

Purpose: to form knowledge about safety rules when using household appliances.