Test what men think of you. G - Men consider you a mystery. Are you able to take the initiative in sexual relations?

On a date in a cafe, you are served a dish ... richly poured with sauce. You are eating:

Answer options:

  • With laughter - at the same time wiping the companion's mouth with a napkin
  • Carefully lick the sauce off each bite
  • You move the plate away - a lot of calories and stupid fuss!

Spotting at a party young man worthy of your attention, you:

Answer options:

  • You pretend you don't notice him at all
  • Resolutely addressing him - with the most charming of your smiles
  • You throw him a couple of expressive glances

Usually at the end of a first date you:

Answer options:

  • Politely thank you and fly into the entrance without waiting for his reaction.
  • You confess that you had a great evening, and kiss your boyfriend on the cheek
  • Summing up - a passionate kiss

When you come to the club for your friend's birthday, you don't see a single familiar face. Your actions:

Answer options:

  • Having called the hero of the occasion, you hide in the ladies' room - until she arrives
  • You go around the club, from time to time asking pretty customers if they celebrate their birthday
  • Sit at the bar and order yourself a drink

A colleague has returned from a trip to Rio de Janeiro, and the first thing you ask is:

Answer options:

  • “Are Brazilians really like in the TV series?”
  • "Who did you have an affair with there?"
  • "Have you seen the statue of Christ?"

You are watching a movie with a new boyfriend, and suddenly - a bed scene. Your actions:

Answer options:

  • You whisper hotly in his ear: “Have you tried that?”
  • Blocking the screen with your body - under any pretext
  • Laughing, covering his eyes with your palm

For the long-awaited interview you will wear:

Answer options:

  • Dark brown suit with a blind closure: you are serious about work
  • New stylish suit- to make conversation more pleasant
  • High slit skirt: when they see your legs, everything else loses its meaning

When a camera appears in a company and you are asked to smile, you:

Answer options:

  • Resting, squealing and covering your face with your hands
  • You take a seductive pose and look invitingly into the lens
  • You hug the one who is at hand and smile - dazzling

After a date, the guy calls and asks how you are doing. You:

Answer options:

  • You confess that you have not yet seen "Dancer in the Dark" and dream of going to the cinema
  • You call him to you
  • Describe in detail what happened during the day

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number of questions - 25
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What do men think of you?

Description: Of course, any woman wants to know how she looks from the outside, and naturally, she is more interested in the opinion of men. This is quite understandable - from birth, a woman strives to please the representatives of the stronger sex, and with age, this desire flares up in her brighter and brighter. But haven't you noticed sometimes some oddity: the beauty is bored alone, and around the ugly woman, men go in shoals. Why is this happening? Yes, because this woman carries something in herself that attracts a man like a magnet. What's this? Charm, her little highlight! The test will help you find out if you are charming and know how to attract a man. If the result seems disappointing to you, do not be discouraged - this is not a sentence, if you wish, you can always change! But perhaps the most important thing is to love yourself for who you are. Then men will not pass by you, attracted by your inner radiance!

Start test!

What do men think of you?

Instructions: Answer questions without thinking! There are three possible answers: “Yes, this is clearly said about me!”, “Well, it happens like that!” and “no, it has nothing to do with me!” Men rarely notice you, and when you open your mouth, they are sincerely amazed that you can speak at all. By the way, the likelihood that after that you will be able to keep his attention and, perhaps, attract something is quite large. But the fact is that you deprive yourself of the chance to succeed. Your external data, however, as well as your sense of humor, can be brilliant, but you can hardly see them behind your self-doubt, even if you try very hard. Whether we like it or not, a woman will still be a trophy for a man. Everyone wants to get the brightest, most interesting and expensive. Essentially - diamonds and graphite have the same composition - they just look different. It's time to start cutting with an increase in self-esteem.

The Snow Queen

You seem impregnable, as if the highest peaks of the Pamirs, there are not so many extreme people who are ready to conquer them - it is too unclear what is hidden there, above, behind the foggy haze. In principle, your contribution to natural selection can be respected - you want to get the best male, but the question of whether it is worth sacrificing concrete happiness in favor of abstract evolution personal life remains open. Try to work on your appearance, adding softness to it - place accents differently, for example, replace sarcasm with irony and experiment with outfits, making them a little less strict.

girl next door

You can't say that you are deprived male attention quite the contrary - there are a lot of representatives near you strong half humanity. But in this barrel of honey there is a tiny fly in the ointment - some of them see you, first of all, as a friend (with whom you can talk on any topic, including discussing your failures on the love front), and only then a Woman. However, in any case, the combination of your natural charm, intelligence, responsiveness and ability to win over yourself is a rare combination. So rare that you should not be afraid of problems with men, but envy from women.

sex bomb

When you enter the room, men, like weathervanes, turn in your direction, they are ready for anything, well, or almost everything, just to find themselves in the same bed with you, about half of them are not averse to offering you a hand and heart. As a rule, half of this half consists of wealthy people looking for a "status" wife or mistress. True, alas, there are no guarantees that a businessman will not decide in next year update " the lineup" - No. Maybe you have outstanding intellectual abilities, but hardly anyone notices them from the first conversation. If you want someone to see into your soul, you can start by getting a t-shirt that says "Look into my eyes", though it's not certain that it will work. By and large, it is better to turn male weaknesses in its own strength - beauty, coupled with intelligence - lethal force!

How do men see me? What do they think when talking to me? Does their perception match my expectations? Our quiz will help you answer these questions.

1. If a stranger looks at you and smiles, you:

A - Proudly turn your back to the other side

B - Smile back

B - If a man is good-looking, then keep your eyes on him

G - Shy, look away

2. A man offers you to choose a gift yourself, you prefer:

A - Ultra-thin laptop

B - Sweet heart trinket

B - Diamond Ring

G - Subscription for yoga classes

3. If you are going on a solo vacation, you:

A - Visit the most expensive spas and boutiques

B - Visit all possible attractions

B - You will definitely start a holiday romance

D - Use it to be alone with your thoughts

4. During the first meeting with a man, you need to say:

A - About politics, stock quotes or jazz

B - About mutual acquaintances or student background

B - About him beloved

G - Let him speak, you better listen

5. In the store, you choose certain clothes in order to:

A - She matched your status

B - It was convenient and comfortable in it

B - Be attractive to the opposite sex

D - Match your inner image

6. How do you feel about the phrase “I even go out for bread with a manicure!”?

A - Only insecure women do this

B - This indicates a woman's desire to please

B - That's what a real woman should do

G - Some kind of stupidity, I don’t understand why focus on this

7. Which of the qualities is more important for an ideal man, from your point of view?

B - sense of humor

B - Decisiveness

G - Respect for a woman

8. If your friend's husband starts paying more attention to you at a party, you:

A - Analyze what is behind it

B - Try to avoid such communication

B - You will be very happy

D - don't mind it

9. Which of these gestures is more typical for you?

A - Twisting the ring on the finger

B - Pulling the edges of clothes

B - Throwing back the hair from the forehead

G - Arms crossed on the chest

10. During a date, another man calls you, you:

A - Talk to him as much as you see fit.

B - Answer the call, then tell about the content of the conversation

B - Ask to call back, referring to employment

D - Don't pick up the phone

11. Are you able to take the initiative in sexual relations?

A - Yes, of course.

B - Probably not.

B - Provoke the manifestation of the initiative on the part of the man

G - It will depend on the circumstances.

12. Which of the following people would you like to have dinner with?

Mr. Dalai Lama

Key to the test. If among your answers the option prevails:

A - Men are afraid of you

B - Men see you as an ideal life partner

B - Men dream about sex with you

G - Men think you are a mystery

If your answers are distributed approximately equally, this means that you know how to make a man perceive you the way you need it at the moment.

Psychologists have repeatedly come to the conclusion that the first impression is decisive for the development of further relationships. However, practice shows that most female representatives, as a rule, during an acquaintance or at a first date, worry about the wrong things at all.

Leaving the house, walking on the way to a restaurant or during a date, many women think: “Am I wearing too much makeup?”, “Will he like my new hairstyle?”, “Will he laugh at my jokes?” etc. In general, they think about everything, but not about what they should.

An anecdote comes to mind here. A couple lies in bed after rough sex and think to themselves:

- Woman: “why is he silent?”, “he has nothing to say anymore?”, “I’m not interested in him?”, “he fell out of love with me?”, “he probably has someone ...”

- The male: “Oh, there’s a fly on the ceiling,” “I wonder how it stays up there?”

Attractive women are admired not only by men, but also by the fairer sex. This is called charisma - the ability to captivate with your emotions, thoughts and desires of the people around you.

So, the first and most important thing that every woman should learn is flirting. Flirting effectively helps to solve problems in personal life and develops such an important trait as originality.

In this situation, you can go the opposite way, and instead of thinking about how to impress a man, develop your originality. Yes! Yes! Originality. You can't get anywhere from her.

To impress a guy, you definitely need to be original. Then he will notice, and will constantly think about you. Alternate and match different models behavior.

Here are a few ways to impress a guy and get him thinking about you all the time. Make an impression, experiment and see the results!

Change your mood periodically. Be, then calm, then stormy - active; sometimes sociable, sometimes a little secretive - mysterious. This will shock the man. Do not be afraid to do extraordinary things that will make you stand out from the crowd. The main thing is that they produce good impression on those around you.

Support the man's position. If you support the position of a man, especially in front of strangers (for example, communication in a company), then this will undoubtedly impress him, and he will think that your views on life are similar.

Look closely into the eyes. He will think that something is wrong here, and constantly think about you, just what we need.

Find out what impresses him. Consult with your mutual acquaintances, which can impress a guy. Sit down and think for yourself what can impress him, what will delight him. Be sure to come up with something.

Well, if you are reading these lines, then it's time to take the test and find out: what impression do you make on men. The test is not easy, and at first glance, some of the questions may seem to have nothing to do with the ability to impress. But that's just how it seems.