A woman has little attention from a man. Male attention

Women want male attention, don't get it, they suffer and write me letters.

For example, these are: “A woman wants more warmth, words and signs of attention, that is, expressions and external manifestations of love from a Man. The man is cold and not used to giving it all away, he is silent, but he says that he loves and freaks out when some signs of attention are required from him, withdraws into himself.

A quarrel and resentment begins on both sides. It's as cold as an Iceberg in the ocean, and she wants love). What should both of them do? P. S. Verbal requests do not help ".

Or like this: “He does not talk about his feelings, I want it to be sincere with him, and not when I pull them out of him. I feel that this emotional expression is lacking in our relationship, due to his past experiences.

I am very emotional, I do not have enough emotions from him, I cease to feel that I am valuable to him, it hurts me. Please tell me what to do about it ".

The easiest way, of course, in this situation is to talk not with women, but with their men.

Take this aside and say, well, don't be a beacon, learn a dozen warm phrases and displays of attention, put them in the reminders of your phone and do it as soon as the reminder pops up. Let's say you're driving home from work - and here's a reminder "Buy your wife flowers." I stopped, bought it, brought it home, handed it over.

Another time, a reminder "Tell your wife that you love her" was bilinked. He said and kissed.

In the third, the reminder reminded me of "Hug your wife right now." I went and hugged. If at that moment my wife was not at home, I wrote an SMS saying, my beloved, I missed you, so I want to hug you.

And that's all. The wife is happy, does not write various questions to Zygmantovich, does not complain about your coldness. The beauty!

Alas, this method will not work - women, not men, write to me. The solution is for women, not for men.

So I'll try the tried and tested method - I'll make it clear. It often happens that the emerging clarity, when everything is on the shelves, seriously reduces stress and suffering.

Let's start with the main thing - men are usually less attentive to relationships than women. For most women, relationships usually come first. For most men, it is usually on the third (the gradation is somewhat arbitrary and does not apply to everyone, but only to the majority).

A woman is usually worried and worried about the relationship. A man is usually worried and worried about the business (in a broad sense, what he does outside the family).

Relationships, wife and children - for him go a little after the case (although, what is important, most often the case is needed not for him personally, but for the family). And for a woman - the opposite.

This is normal - men and women are complimentary, that is, complementary. Our union allows us to cover more than one at a time.

However, hence the problem. Women expect one thing from men and get another. Men expect something else from women and get something else.

Which exit? Of course, take into account the peculiarities of each other.

It is useful for men to know and remember that relationships for women are usually immensely important, first on the list of priorities, and sometimes above the first place.

It is good for women to know and remember that relationships for men are usually somewhere in the third place on the list of priorities. This knowledge and "remembering" makes life much easier.

A woman wants attention for two reasons - biological and psychological. Biologically, attention is pleasant. Stroking, scratching, hugging, gentle intonation - all this pleases.

Psychologically, attention means - you are the only one for me, still. And a woman, I remind you, does not want to be loved, but the only one (a link to a note about this is at the very bottom).

Therefore, when a woman talks about attention, she can say it “out of joy,” because she wants pleasant things. Or she may say "out of fear" because she is afraid that she is no longer the only one for a man.

As a rule, they speak mainly "out of fear." And when they speak out of fear, requests sound accusations, hints - reproaches, questions - arrivals. Out of fear.

Exit? Deal with your fears - what is going on inside your head, that you began to be afraid. Say, maybe you have fantasized anything for yourself, but the man's motorcycle, as in a joke, just won't start? Could it be that what you consider coldness is in fact just reverie?

It's easy to see a man's love - does he strive to make your life easier? So he loves. Is he coming home? Brings money? Does it help in different things? So he loves for sure. So what, what does not say - deeds are more important than words.

Dear ladies! Before you suffer and grieve, look at what is happening with a sober look. Is the man reaching out to you? Talking to you? Hugs you? Comes to your home? Sleeping with you? Buying you a bag, boots and a sixth iPhonePlus? So, maybe this is a manifestation of his love and emphasizing your uniqueness for him? Maybe this is important? Maybe look at this and not your fear?

Let's leave these questions unanswered - as rhetorical ...

And that's all for me. Thanks for attention.

Women want male attention, don't get it, they suffer and write me letters.

For example, these are: " A woman wants more warmth, words and signs of attention, that is, expressions and external manifestations of love from a Man. The man is cold and not used to giving it all away, he is silent, but he says that he loves and freaks out when some signs of attention are required from him, withdraws into himself. A quarrel and resentment begins on both sides. It's as cold as an Iceberg in the ocean, and she wants love). What should both of them do? P. S. Verbal requests do not help«.

Or like this: " He does not talk about his feelings, I want it to be sincere with him, and not when I pull them out of him. I feel that this emotional expression is lacking in our relationship, due to his past experiences. I am very emotional, I do not have enough emotions from him, I cease to feel that I am valuable to him, it hurts me. Please tell me what to do with it«.

The easiest way, of course, in this situation is to talk not with women, but with their men.

Take this aside and say, well, don't be a beacon, learn a dozen warm phrases and displays of attention, put them in the reminders of your phone and do it as soon as the reminder pops up. Let's say you're driving home from work - and here's a reminder "Buy your wife flowers." I stopped, bought it, brought it home, handed it over.

Another time, a reminder "Tell your wife that you love her" was bilinked. He said and kissed.

In the third, the reminder reminded me of "Hug your wife right now." I went and hugged. If at that moment my wife was not at home, I wrote an SMS, they say, my beloved, I missed you, so I want to hug you.

And that's all. The wife is happy, does not write various questions to Zygmantovich, does not complain about your coldness. The beauty!

Alas, this method will not work - women, not men, write to me. The solution is for women, not for men.

Therefore, I will try the tried and tested method - to clarify. It often happens that the emerging clarity, when everything is on the shelves, seriously reduces stress and suffering.

Let's start with the main thing - men are usually less attentive to relationships than women. For most women, relationships usually come first. For most men, it is usually on the third (the gradation is somewhat arbitrary and does not apply to everyone, but only to the majority).

A woman is usually worried and worried about the relationship. A man is usually worried and worried about the business (in a broad sense, what he does outside the family). Relationships, wife and children - for him go a little after the case (although, what is important, most often the case is needed not for him personally, but for the family). And the opposite is true for a woman.

This is normal - men and women are complimentary, that is, complementary. Our union allows us to cover more than one at a time.

However, hence the problem. Women expect one thing from men and get another. Men expect something else from women and get something else.

Which exit? Of course, take into account the peculiarities of each other.

It is useful for men to know and remember that relationships for women, due to the peculiarities of socialization, are usually immensely important, are in the first place on the list of priorities.

It is good for women to know and remember that relationships for men are usually somewhere in the second or third place on the list of priorities. This knowledge and "remembering" makes life much easier.

A woman wants attention for two reasons - biological and psychological. Biologically, attention is pleasant. Stroking, scratching, hugging, gentle intonation - all this pleases.

Psychologically, attention means - you are the only one for me, still. And a woman, I remind you, does not want to be loved, but the only one (a link to a note about this is at the very bottom).

Therefore, when a woman talks about attention, she can say it “out of joy,” because she wants pleasant things. Or she may say "out of fear" because she is afraid that she is no longer the only one for a man.

As a rule, they speak mainly "out of fear." And when they speak out of fear, requests sound accusations, hints - reproaches, questions - arrivals. Out of fear.

Exit? Deal with your fears - what is going on inside your head, that you began to be afraid. Say, maybe you have fantasized anything for yourself, but the man's motorcycle, as in a joke, just won't start? Could it be that what you consider coldness is in fact just reverie?

It's easy to see a man's love - does he strive to make your life easier? So he loves. Is he coming home? Brings money? Does it help in different things? So he loves for sure. So what, what does not say - deeds are more important than words.

Dear ladies! Before you suffer and grieve, look at what is happening with a sober look. Is the man reaching out to you? Talking to you? Hugs you? Comes to your home? Sleeping with you? Buying you a bag, boots and a sixth iPhonePlus? So, maybe this is a manifestation of his love and emphasizing your uniqueness for him? Maybe this is important? Maybe look at this and not your fear?

Let's leave these questions unanswered - as rhetorical ...

By the way, about how to overcome fears and increase psychological stability,.

And that's all for me. Thanks for attention.

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A woman has little attention from a man: 105 comments

  1. Anyuta

    Or maybe the lack of warm words and signs of attention is due to the low level of culture of relations (on the territory of our country in particular)? I would like to know your opinion. From my own experience: out of four married couples who live next door to us, three regularly sort things out with shouts and abuse ...

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      Or maybe the lack of warm words and signs of attention is due to the low level of culture of relations (on the territory of our country in particular)?
      _Yes, definitely. I wrote about this separately, here -

  2. Larissa

    Pavel, what a fine fellow you are! I regularly read your notes, write about real problems, put everything in its place, it helps me a lot, but it is not always possible to follow your recommendations. Thank you very much! About not enough love is written perfectly! Right to the point!

  3. Catherine

    And if the husband comes home at 8-9 o'clock and all weekend at work? How then to be? And at the same time he says that marriage was created for joint farming. And I do not want to get feelings on the side, and that he gets.

  4. Catherine

    and if a man is NOT “drawn to you? Talking to you? Hugs you? Buying you a bag, boots and a sixth iPhonePlus? " In my experience, a woman wants warm words and confessions even when a man is NOT doing real warm actions. In order not to face the truth, the woman asks: dispel my doubts, say at least in words, it costs you nothing. "
    By the way, if what I have listed does not happen, does this mean that the man does not love? Well, to be honest, your opinion. It is clear that it is impossible to judge unequivocally and it would be necessary to first hear that very man. But still?

  5. Helena

    Pavel, good afternoon!
    I read with great interest all your articles, listen to webinars.
    Thank you very much for your caring attitude to RELATIONS))
    All your articles are very timely for me, and make life much easier for me and my husband.

  6. Helen

    Pavel, what kind of anecdote about a motorcycle? (Sorry, my husband tells me everything he needs, regularly :))

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      Page from the diary of his wife.
      Saturday evening. My husband is acting strange. We agreed to meet in a cafe for a cup of coffee ...
      I went shopping all day with my girlfriends, I thought he was upset because I was a little late. He did not comment on this in any way.
      The conversation did not work, he was silent all the time. She offered to move to a quieter place so that you could talk calmly. He agreed, but remained silent.
      I asked what worried him, and he replied that everything was in order. She asked if it was my fault that he was silent and only muttered in response. He said that everything was fine and I shouldn't worry about anything.
      On the way home, I said that I love him, he smiled and continued to steer. I can’t understand his behavior and I don’t know why he didn’t respond to my confession.
      At home, the feeling that my husband got lost in some kind of fog did not leave me, and did not want to find himself. He sat motionless and stared at the TV, and seemed very distant and lowered into the water.
      Finally I decided to go to bed, my husband came into the bedroom ten minutes later and, surprisingly, responded to my caresses, we made love, but still he seemed strangely absent.
      I decided that I could not endure this any longer, and that I needed to discuss all this in detail, but I noticed that he was already asleep. Having burst into tears, I fell asleep too. I do not know what to do. I'm sure he has a different one. My life is a disaster.

      Husband's diary page
      Saturday evening.
      The motorcycle broke down this morning, but had a good fuck.

  7. Ludmila

    But what if, due to the lack of attention of your husband, you feel loneliness and uselessness? How to cope with this (work, courses, sports, although distracting, cannot replace hugs and kisses, which are so lacking). I understand that a man's business (in my case, really business) is in the first place, the car is in the second, the wife is in the third, but I really want to spend more time together, at least on weekends. But alas, on weekends, a favorite car, on weekdays - business, on holidays - a beloved mother. It turns out I'm even in 4th place. And yes, I forgot about fishing and friends. Total, legal 6th place. How can you learn not to ask your husband for what he is unable to give?

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      Lyudmila, some individual work is required here -

    2. Michael

      \u003e I understand that a man's business (in my case, really business) is in the first place, the car is in the second place, the wife is in the third
      Imagine that you have to prioritize what is more important for you: come to work / do business on time or spend more time with your husband? If you don't come to work on time, you will be fired, you will have nothing to buy food, pay rent. It turns out that work is a part of your I, and not isolated concepts like “friends” or “mom”. Likewise, with your husband, because if he quits his business, he will have to sit on your neck, will you feed him until his retirement?

    3. dina

      the same garbage. friends advise to get someone on the side. I can’t. and sometimes you want so badly.

  8. Pauline

    Paul, your posts have the ability to sweep the garbage out of your head.
    Thank you, the article is very helpful - as always.
    With your help, I make the atmosphere in my family calmer and happier. Thank you very much.

  9. Tatyana

    Pavel, why then does a woman generally have a relationship with a man?
    If for a man always a priori relationships are less important than for a woman, then it will always be a one-sided game. This is not an equal contribution to relationships - when a woman puts in everything she can (relationships are her greatest value), and a man - only on a leftover principle that is left after work, friends, parents and fishing.
    With this approach, she will always lack attention, because attention is a limited resource. She will always feel like the second (third, tenth) grade, which, in fact, is happening, and that is why women talk about a lack of attention.
    If a man is not ready to overestimate his attitude to relationships, then the woman remains either to reduce the value of the relationship for herself and pay less attention to the man - but then the relationship generally becomes threatened, we remember that the man does not really need them, since he is about a third of them puts a place in life - or they do not join. To enter into a relationship and constantly suffer that you and the relationship with you are not appreciated is also not an option, I believe.

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      Pavel, why then does a woman generally have a relationship with a man?
      _First, it's nice 🙂

      Thirdly, I understand your confusion and resentment (?). I will write a separate note on your questions. Wait, there will be 🙂

    2. Victor

      And really - why?
      "An egoist is a person who loves himself more than other egoists"
      on your scale of values \u200b\u200bfor a man are placed as follows (correct me if I'm wrong)
      1. Work
      2. Friends
      3. (probably) Parents, hobbies,
      4. Wife
      The wife, of course, is not happy with her place and wants to take the first place. The desire is understandable.
      Now let's look at the situation from a different angle. Will friends tell her husband in an ultimatum to move their priority to the first place? Parents and everything related to hobbies to knock friends off the pedestal with work? I strongly doubt that these subjects (or objects) understand the objectivity of such a ladder. Work is a livelihood and a way of expressing an individual. Friends are the result of a long evolutionary selection of those with whom a given person is comfortable and even needs to contact. Parents - their place in the life of ANY person is beyond doubt. A hobby is physical and psychological relief, which is necessary for everyone regardless of gender and age. Why is the wife so low? And if you work together, for example? And if you have a lot of mutual friends (which is not uncommon!)? What if your hobbies coincide or overlap? And if the relationship with his parents is beneficial not only to him, but also to you? Yes, this way you have a chance to take ALL 4 lines of the rating! What, but it turns out? Then it may be just that you have little in common. Home, everyday life, children. ALL. Then why be surprised?
      Shl Another phrase hooked
      "When a woman puts in everything she can, and a man - only on the residual principle"
      how you famously exposed a man allegedly investing LESS women. And where is the scale? Let me explain. For example, a woman invests very little in relationships (in absolute terms), but all that she can, and a man invests only half, but this "half" of his is 2 orders of magnitude more, again in absolute terms. if you like, translate it, for example, into hours and minutes. A woman can invest only an hour and gives all of it, and a man can invest 3, but invests only half, but 1.5. Why did I paint this? Yes to that. that some people like to juggle words and facts to manipulate others. IMHO.
      ZZY Pavel, as always, thank you very much for your work!

  10. Mikhail Beskorovainy

    “The woman is worried and worried about the relationship. A man is worried and worried about the business (in a broad sense, what they do outside the family). Relationships, wife and children - for him go a little after the case (although, what is important, most often the case is needed not for him personally, but for the family). And the opposite is true for a woman. " © Pavel Zygmantovich.

    It's funny, not earlier than yesterday, I saw a whole movie called "Locke" ("Locke" in the original) with a mention of this thesis. I will not retell the plot, it is long and tedious, and the film itself as a whole is stretched, it could have been done in about 20 minutes.

    The scene from there, as it seemed to me, clearly illustrated the above thesis:

    The main character goes to London, believing that it would be right, took and told everyone the truth, had already quarreled with his wife because of treason, had already quarreled with the boss because of the abandonment of the project on the eve of an important event to fill the largest foundation. At the same time, he believes that any situation can be corrected, tries to establish contact with his wife, and still manages the project by phone, tries to find the phone of an authorized person to solve the problem of the corridor for trucks.

    Dialogue with wife:

    - I would like to hear that you will be waiting for me, and I can return. That we can talk, talk about everything, and then fix something. I really want to know that tomorrow I can come home, talk to the boys, well ... everything is as usual. We can go for a walk, something like that, have a drink, talk about it. I want to know that I am not going one way. I want to know that I will go back when the sun rises.
    "Ivan, let me ask you a question: do you still need this phone to block roads?"
    - Yes…
    “Well then, goodbye, Ivan ...

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      Thank you, lovely illustration 🙂

    2. Veronica

      In this film, the hero goes to a maternity hospital in another city at night, where his mistress gives birth to him, for some reason you did not mention this))). He told his wife about this by phone, which was a big surprise for her))). She became hysterical, so most of the so-to-say illogical phrases are connected precisely with her hysteria and the shock received. And to be honest, I don't understand at all how the behavior of the hero's wife, invented by the author, can be equated with the behavior of real women. This is just a feature film, where for the brightness of the plot, everything is exaggerated to unrealistic proportions ...

  11. Olga

    I disagree with the opinion of the respected
    A man in that case behaves as it is written in the article, when this particular woman is not very important to him. Or tightly - as he believes - tied to him. Indeed, then he will not "invest in relationships" - you do not need to invest in something that has no value or you will always have it anyway. And the only way for a woman is to increase her importance. Have a very interesting, exciting job with a high income, no less exciting hobby, a lot of friends, and so on. But in this situation, she will not have to humbly beg for crumbs of love and attention. And even on the contrary - it is he who will have to behave in such a way that she would like to carve out an hour for shared leisure with him.

    Since this is not the first article from which I have an extremely unpleasant impression, I pray: tell me how to unsubscribe from the mailing list? VK has unsubscribed, but I don't see a magic button here. I would be extremely grateful for your help.

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      Since this is not the first article from which I have an extremely unpleasant impression, I pray: tell me how to unsubscribe from the mailing list? VK has unsubscribed, but I don't see a magic button here. I would be extremely grateful for your help.
      _There in each letter there is a link at the very bottom - to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Can't you see her?

    2. Nellie

      A high-income job, an exciting hobby and a bunch of friends do not guarantee that a man will beg for a woman's attention. He can easily leave and find one who will find time for him, and he will not beg him.
      P.S. From my own vast experience of a practicing psychologist and a successful lady in all respects.

  12. Anonymous

    It seems that everything is written correctly, deeds are more important than words ... But personally, I am sorely lacking just words and some not at all practical deeds. The same colors and all sorts of romantic follies. And the work of the husband, which ensures a comfortable existence, incl. me, is already starting to arouse hatred. The common hobby, thanks to which we converged, is gradually receding into the background: my husband is less interested, and it’s banal time and effort after 9-10 hours of thoughtful programming. I also work 8-10 hours a day - not because I really love work and not even because we need another income, but at the insistence of my husband. And I really need words and all sorts of romantic "nonsense" just because I'm already satanic from everyday expressions of love: "brings money, feeds, dresses." And it seems to me that this is familiar to many women: they want to feel like a woman, not a domestic cat that can be fed, scratched in between times, and that's it.
    What to correct in such a situation: yourself (to break on your knee and “not want to”) or a man (to force to speak and create romance)? How do you do it?

  13. Solnce

    And what to do in such a situation: he buys everything, cares, for my sake he left his wife after 30 years of marriage, we already have children, have been together for 10 years, but recently I find out that he still has a mistress, he has been with her for 3 years, she's 20 years old (she's been married for a year) I'm 30 years old. I'm at a crossroads. He said that he needed peace of mind at home and that's it. I don't even know if it makes sense for me to stay with this person. ..

  14. Olga

    The essence of the relationship between men and women in the film "8 Women" is very well shown. One unfortunate man "hung" 8 women - mother, daughter, wife, mistress, etc. And everyone wants something from him - attention, money, support ... Isn't there a lot for one? In the end, they killed the man.
    In Russia, the ratio is no better than in France. In general, women's insatiability and greed are well shown in the fairy tale "About the Fisherman and the Fish". Women, unfortunately, do not know how to appreciate what they have, they want everything at once. You are not satisfied with your relationship with your husband - get a divorce and look for romance.
    An example of female “gluttony” is Princess Diana. She also wanted everything at once - to be a princess, a princess of hearts, to be at the very top of the social ladder, a mother of two wonderful sons ... For complete happiness, she needed to own her husband's heart ... I think women need to moderate their desires a little. Asking yourself: What does a relationship with me give my husband? What does a relationship with my husband give me? To conclude. And not to be like the unfortunate Lady Dee or our old woman, who wanted to become the "mistress of the sea", but remained at a broken trough. Love, of course - "Goldfish", but it also has a "shelf life". Happiness to all unsatisfied and satisfied ladies in the New Year!

  15. Lena

    Pavel, here we are with a guy temporarily separated due to circumstances, what do you think about the phrase "I feel bad without you"? She just flies off my tongue, really describes what is happening inside. And the guy cannot say that he is bad, that is sad - yes, but not bad, he "does not suffer and does not get sick." I am somehow offended, as if there is no response to my feelings. Can I explain this briefly? Thank you in advance!

  16. Lena

    Fuh! Alive and healthy, like a tub of water on your head, thank you! 🙂

  17. Lena
  18. Alyona

    Yes, it's all nonsense, for men, relationships are also very important. It's just that men are more self-confident, therefore, when they marry a woman and live with her for a long time, they generally stop worrying about what needs to be paid to her. What for? They are just 100% sure that now she will not rock the boat, especially with a child. Therefore, you can safely score and go about your business. But it is worth a woman, for example, to demonstrate that not everything is so great, a man also begins to worry and flutter, like a woman. It's just that women flutter all the time because of their self-doubt, which glossy magazines, articles about what women lose with age, etc. are cultivated in them (us) in every possible way. etc. I think that for another couple of hundred years, when women become more independent, we will finally cease to be treated as dolls for serving and pleasing men, and this issue will be removed from the agenda. It's all about realizing your own self-worth. And it seems to me that such parsley with men in Russia comes from their lack. If the number is leveled, women would want to spit on all this. And you would think about a motorcycle. So forward to a brighter future;)

  19. Fatina

    Buys bags, boots, keeps silent about love, does not hug…. relationship in third place, this is not a man, but some kind of ghoul, sorry. I can buy my own things, even flowers.

  20. Natalia

    On the one hand, yes - the relationship is not as important for him as for me, that's why there is little attention)) everything is fine! And then it starts - maybe there is little attention from the fact that another girl has a lot of it now? ... and that's it)) and again she turned herself on, she was offended, she was upset, it's good that she didn't write to him about it)))) and So I already had it - in the end I got offended, they had a fight, since he was on the set in another city. I sincerely understand his contemptuous attitude towards messengers, I myself do not like them, but at rare meetings (once a week somewhere) at some point it becomes necessary for me, and he is cold and laconic.

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      And then it starts - maybe there is little attention from the fact that another girl has a lot of it now? ... that's all)) and again she turned herself on, she was offended, she was upset
      _And don't screw it up 🙂

    2. Veronica

      Once I even regretted not being a lesbian), as it seemed that only a woman would understand what I needed. But over time and experience I realized that there are good, caring men, just for all of them, unfortunately, there is not enough .. (((

  21. Maria

    Pavel hello, tell me how to be. Our relationship with a young man recently began, but since he has his own business, he is sorely lacking time for me, we both miss, but he has no days off, without full rest, and I am with him I don’t live together, what to do and how to experience such moments, or does he just don’t care about me? Thank you.

  22. Pauline

    Good afternoon, I came across your article from despair, looking on the Internet for what to do, how to understand his "silence" or as indifference. After reading your article, I am still thinking about indifference to myself. We started to climb 1.5 mseys ago. In meetings, everything is super duper. At first he tried, figured out where to go, what to do. To me he is no. He's a very positive character, but he's a little dry. He writes rarely and very curiously, without greetings and how are you doing, well-being, and so on. I am an impatient girl and sometimes I will write myself and sometimes I myself will offer to meet. When we meet, everything is superb, but it seems to me that now is the time when you are interested in spending time as much as possible as much as possible to learn more about each other. And he is not very interested. It seems to me that more is possible. You write to him how you are, and in response you get that everything is fine and you will not wait for an answer.! This is indifference ????

    1. Pavel Zygmantovich Post author

      Good day!

      No, this is not indifference. These are such features.

      Well, how would it be in such a situation, when a woman's world does not revolve around a man, is full of her own affairs, but HIM does not like that she does not run after him as a dog while he is busy with dancing? Well that is he doesn't like it when everyone is in his corner. I offered to take the initiative, change something that I don't like and that's it ... silence. So everything is fine. And I already hesitated to show this initiative, so I left, tired, in my corner, to do more interesting things. Quiet, no complaints. So they are also unhappy with me. And I'm not the only one. Many people themselves do not know what they want - this is the problem of uncomfortable relationships. To think that all women are narrow-minded hens, busy only with relationships - also narrow-minded. There are a lot of developed women with diverse interests. But since a woman lives with a man, should he give at least some signs of life? Minimum, at least, so that there is an exchange of energy or something. Swimming and macrame are wonderful, but they won't make up for a woman's lack of masculine energy, and sometimes just a little bit of it is needed. And that feeling that you live with a corpse. And there are a lot of such corpses. Nobody asks them to be hyperactive, they often just want an adequate minimum from them (if the woman is, of course, also adequate). And many men are even lazy. This is due to the shortcomings of education and the lack of a culture of relationships. Because in the family of parents, mutual attention was also not the norm. Plus a lot of people, both men and women, are simply psychologically illiterate. They are not that they do not understand the characteristics of the opposite sex, they do not know themselves. Yes, there are hysterical and irrepressible women who really never get enough attention, but the “cadaverousness” of many men cannot be justified either.

    2. Valeria

      Every time I remind my man that I would like more attention, since now they are forced to live at a distance. Grabs attention for a short time. (I have to remind again). And this is sometimes annoying, and makes me (which also annoys) think that my good man is not so good at all. Eh. Yeah. What are we different. I'm tired. Such little things, but I cry then and do not sleep at night. How not to put relationships in the center of the table? I do not understand. She is busy all day, but he is constantly in his thoughts. And that's all. 🙁

    3. Galina

      Good day!
      Thank you for the article.
      Now on maternity leave with a little son. And her husband's attention began to be missed.
      On this occasion, "I take out his brain." He takes a position, you will calm down yourself later, all women are on maternity leave, these are your quirks, it makes no sense for me to do something, etc.
      In general, I agree with the article. A woman (like a man) can only influence herself. And it is possible to endure the period this is the most effective.
      But I am very offended (although not a supporter of offenses, but it is difficult to shut up feelings).
      I sincerely do not understand why it is difficult for men to do what you write about - buy flowers, call a reminder, etc. After all, it is obvious to them that a woman needs it now. But since a man does not need this, he does not bother.
      And I understand that, most likely, this period will pass somehow, I will go to work, I will be able to devote time to my hobbies. But even now I feel that the worm will remain in my soul - when I felt bad and needed more attention - I was abandoned.
      The fact that a woman should not get hung up on a man, deal with herself, be distracted by a hobby, I understand and agree.
      But why doesn't the peasant buy flowers, hug him once more, when he clearly understands that it is necessary, will help, please?
      And I don't understand the acceptance from the series “I have it like that” - it’s not a house to buy flowers, etc., I don’t need a lot of resources, there would be a desire.
      And the fact that there is no such desire is embarrassing. Well, in third place is a man's relationship, so what? My dishwashing in general lags behind me - I wash it. And not only on holidays.

    4. How to be? We are dating a guy for 3 years, we live for 7 months. I want to be both a girlfriend and a friend. I try to fit in with his interests, I am happy to discuss any topics of his conversation. I do this because he has an environment of friends (bachelors who love every other day, after two drinks, going to cafes and bars, every day catching new and new girls). The last year has become stressful, often the thought comes to either marry (have a child) or run away, but does not make an offer. I get tired of coming home from work, I cook, I clean up and in the evening to meet with his cold, tired expression. I talked, discussed it with him. sometimes changes on the same day and the next day as if forgets.

  23. Margo Ekaterina

    Your article helped me so much! So simple and so clear! I reread it when I start to drive and become easier, straight from my soul! It seems to me that I will soon remember by heart😂

  24. Helena

    Hello. Here you write: (I quote) "Is the man reaching out to you?" Talking to you? Hugs you? Comes to your home? Sleeping with you? Buying you a bag, boots and a sixth iPhonePlus? " You know, personally, I can only answer positively to 2 questions: yes, he comes home, and, yes, he sleeps with me (only sleeps, does not sleep intimate). The answer to the rest is as follows: my husband absolutely does not reach out to me, does not hug, does not kiss, does not care, does not ask when I am sick, how I feel. And to give some advice to each other, it's generally on the verge of fantasy. As well as the fact that he gives me gifts "once a year." After all, he used to call affectionately (Zaya), and said that he loved. And now, for a long time, there is no affection, no warmth, no care, no support from him. What if we are completely strangers? ((

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxforight with one sex to win the attention of men, here he is not necessarily right, and in the opinion of men, such girls lose their attractiveness for relationships. Type 2 girls are more attractive because they are internally filled, spiritually pure, not vulgar, interested in life, they are able to do a lot, they are economic, independent to some extent, they do not need a large number of boyfriends, they already have everything in order with this, excellent companions, cheerful, if also outwardly attractive, it is almost ideal. There are not many of them in life. Men would marry such, but such girls are picky themselves. Why does it happen in life that type 1 conquers men? Too modest serious mice are not interesting to anyone, well, and, perhaps, repulses behavior, the girl seems strict, not wanting to meet. But still, girls of easy virtue are not respected by men. You may well belong to this notorious type 2, never mind the statement of Mr. Sokolov, ugh, you have become attached. In general, division into any types infuriates You need to look at your behavior when communicating with men, be cheerful, friendly, sociable, be able to listen to men, understand, create your own interesting world, have your own hobbies, values, and you will succeed. And, perhaps, become a little bolder. It is not a man who chooses a woman, but a woman chooses a man. More positive and self-confidence. And there can be a lot of acquaintances both on the Internet and in places of recreation, and do not dwell on this problem. As soon as you stop looking for love, you start enjoying life, everything works out. Men are attracted to happy women.

You can add men to be attracted to serious relationships.
1. healthy women, with a normally dilated pelvis. If you have a sausage figure, you immediately need to understand you deeply for an amateur.
2. without excessive cockroaches in your head, the very first bzyk can transfer you from the category of serious relationships to the category of temporary entertainment, unless of course your boyfriend is not a masochist, not a martyr and not a complete fool.
3. without shooting eyes, cutesy movements, etc. Of course, it may be pleasant to someone, but a woman who behaves so surely, is weak or ready for an easy relationship, which is suitable for entertainment, but not suitable for a serious relationship.
4.without vulgarity in clothes, mini skirts, deep neckline, etc.
5. Men do not like women who feel sorry for themselves, blaming others for all their troubles or their “correctness” ... Always seeing her problem in that she is a small, innocent, good, trusting girl who opposes an army of experienced hypocritical prostitutes-bitches (often spied on TV shows or “good films”), which take the best with meanness, and she can never do that and therefore has to be lonely / with this idiot whom she does not love, and the one who loves her ... But she never understands, that she herself is an unprincipled hysterical whore, and even stuffed, and this is her main problem. And not in something else. There are at least 30% of such women. By the way, as you rightly said, it is wrong to generalize. But this lady is just a vivid example ..
6. Neat women are very attractive to all men. This is especially true for women who are neat in the work they do. The neatness of a woman is also a guarantee of good relations in marriage in the future.
7. Women who love their jobs are attracted to most men.
8. And of course a woman should not have an obvious ugliness, this is also very important. On a one-legged, blind, etc., a normal man can still marry, I've seen examples, but if there is some kind of genetic abnormality, this also has a repulsive effect.

The author, I also have problems with the opposite sex and work on myself is needed here, I think Mr. Sokolov meant that you belong to type 1 on the basis that you only think about how to win the attention of men (here he not necessarily right), and in the opinion of men, such girls lose their attractiveness for relationships. Type 2 girls are more attractive because they are internally filled, spiritually pure, not vulgar, interested in life, they are able to do a lot, they are economic, independent to some extent, they do not need a large number of boyfriends, they already have everything in order with this, excellent companions, cheerful, if also outwardly attractive, it is almost ideal. There are not many of them in life. Men would marry such, but such girls are picky themselves. Why does it happen in life that type 1 conquers men? Too modest serious mice are not interesting to anyone, well, and, perhaps, repulses the behavior, the girl seems strict, not wanting to meet. But nevertheless, men do not respect girls of easy virtue. You may well belong to this notorious type 2, never mind the statement of Mr. Sokolov, ugh, you have become attached))) In general, division into any types infuriates))) You need see your behavior when dealing with men, be cheerful, friendly, sociable, be able to listen to men, understand, create your own interesting world, have your own hobbies, values, and you will succeed. And, perhaps, become a little bolder. It is not a man who chooses a woman, but a woman chooses a man. More positive and self-confidence. And there can be a lot of acquaintances both on the Internet and in places of recreation, and do not dwell on this problem. As soon as you stop looking for love, you start enjoying life, everything works out. Men are attracted to happy women.

It is you who carefully re-read your first post and what I answered you. you seem to have really broken causal relationships. I'm telling you that according to your 2 point, in order to pick up a good guy who is tuned in to a serious relationship and a family, you need to be a decent girl, without bad habits, dress modestly, etc. Well, here I am such a girl and I have not come across a single guy like you there in this 2 point paint. such guys come across just in time for 1 point, to girls who do not differ in modesty, because they take men unceremoniously. so your theory doesn't work. I don’t know how to chew it up so that you finally get it

Okay, I do not insist, I do not need this, but I ask you to just read again your previous post and what I wrote and you will understand. As I said, I have no abilities, everything that I said is on the surface and immediately catches the eye. You need to understand this

Well, here's a finger to the sky again. absolutely not knowing me, you have already determined what type of men I like and how I behave at the same time. and past again. comfort yourself further with hopes, imagining yourself to be a great psychologist.
P.S I do not watch TV shows, this is exclusively my personal experience and the experience of the women around me.

  • mascarpone wrote: but I see you offended by life, who is trying to hit the sky with your finger, or do you simply have broken causal relationships? but they didn't even come close to guessing about me. that's just me exactly from 2 groups that you have identified yourself there among women. and in my environment, I see the opposite - they marry anybody, but few people need decent and correct girls. because the men have now gone with a crown on their heads. did not give on the first or second date, walk. because there will be another who will do this with ease, which does not even need to be looked after. didn’t come to him after a week of acquaintance to cook borscht-pies and clean his bachelor den, because you’re a woman and we’re meeting, take a walk. dress decently, and not like a go-getter, why do you need such a nun, you don't catch your eye, do you? And here I am, as you write, I am not cutesy, I dress decently, I am not a boor and not a hysterical woman, I am not hysterical, and as a result, I am useless to anyone, because I am too good. I am the only one of all my friends without a couple, because they behave quite the opposite. and the result is obvious. and no matter how many men tell me that they want a smart and decent girl, that appearance is not at all the main thing, and most importantly, to be good, these are just empty words. These same men then choose some stupid ladies, bitches, vulgar girls who are ready to hang themselves on everyone in a row if only the man is there, most importantly beautiful and attractive. so don't tell us here.

    Here you sit watching TV shows and absorb it for days, and after that you rush with these cockroaches at people who need you? The reason that I wrote to you is simple, I sincerely wanted to help you. I wrote to you from the very beginning, you have type 3 goal in your head, and you all see the solutions in the first type of behavior, and call yourself the second type. You are not the second type. Read again what is written in your post and you will understand what I am talking about. I immediately told you what type you are, not because I am such a clairvoyant, un ... Imagine, I didn't even see you and immediately felt all this in you. Do you think the man who sees you will not understand this at first sight? Your problem is not that you are the second type and no one loves you from this. Your problem is that you are not the second type, you do not even know what the second type is, but consider yourself the second type, in fact, you see all the solutions in the first type, and believe me, it catches your eye right away. Such women are also unpleasant to me, they repel precisely this hidden nonsense of the first type of women, which they consider to be a kind of "woman's wisdom."

  • but I see in you someone offended by life, who is trying to hit the sky with his finger, or do you simply have broken causal relationships?
    but they didn't even come close to guessing about me. that's just me exactly from 2 groups that you have identified yourself there among women. and in my environment I see the opposite - they marry whatever they like, but few people need decent and “correct” girls. because the men have now gone with a crown on their heads. did not give on the first or second date, walk. because there will be another who will do this with ease, which does not even need to be looked after. didn’t come to him after a week of acquaintance to cook borscht-pies and clean his bachelor den, because you’re a woman and we’re meeting, take a walk. you dress decently, and not like a go-getter, why do you need such a “nun,” you don't catch your eye, do you? And here I am, as you write, I am not cutesy, I dress decently, I am not boorish and not some hysterical, not walking around, and as a result, no one needs it, because I am too “good”. I am the only one of all my friends without a couple, because they behave quite the opposite. and the result is obvious. and no matter how many men tell me that they want a smart and decent girl, that appearance is not at all the main thing, and most importantly, to be good, these are just empty words. These same men then choose some stupid ladies, bitches, vulgar girls who are ready to hang themselves on everyone in a row if only the man is there, most importantly beautiful and attractive. so don't tell us here.

    How to attract the attention of a man?Just one glance is enough for him to assess whether he likes you or not. What exactly is he looking at? In this article you will find answers to the question, what do men pay attention to in women?

    Are you walking down the street and it seems to you that no one is paying attention to you? Dancing in a crowded club and feeling invisible? It's not like that at all. The men who were standing nearby looked at you closely. They only need one sneak glance to appreciate your attractiveness. What exactly are they paying attention to? Here is a list of 12 of these little things. You need to know about them in order to look your best in men's eyes.

    What men in a woman pay attention to

    1. Hair

    Usually a man, looking at a woman, first looks at her face. But what to do when she has her back to him? Many guys rate feminine attractiveness through hair. They pay attention to how clean, healthy, well-groomed and neatly trimmed and / or styled they are. At the same time, many people like long hair the most.

    2. Posture

    Always try to keep straight. Guys pay very much attention to this! In their opinion, a woman greatly loses her attractiveness when she begins to hunch over and stoop. And when you straighten up, you look even taller and slender.

    3. Girlfriends

    Are you surprised? Meanwhile, the guy, looking at you, at the same time looks at your friends. If they are too loud, vulgar, or unpleasant, then most likely he will not flirt with you. After all, a man will think that you have the same character as your friends.

    4. Mouth

    The guy will probably look at your lips, but not at all in order to estimate their size or imagine whether it would be good to kiss you. If he sees that you are in a capricious mood (and this will be seen precisely by your pursed lips, by your grimaces), he will refuse to communicate. And if he notices that you are constantly smiling, then he will take it as a green light for a closer acquaintance.

    5. Dance

    Nothing affects men's feelings like a sexually dancing woman. The better you move on the dance floor, the more the guy will want to meet you. Men quickly notice if you are in the rhythm of the music, how beautiful and graceful your movements are, etc. And you can be sure they won't like it if you are too vulgar on the dance floor.

    6. Bag

    The contents of your purse can tell a lot about you. Therefore, men, on occasion, look closely at how this accessory looks: is it big, overloaded with various things (for example, cosmetics) or small and comfortable. If, for example, they see that you carry a book in your bag, they may ask her to know roughly what topics they can talk to you about. And if your gold or crystal-studded phone case flashes before their eyes, you may be considered a fashionista who has only beautiful trinkets in her head. And there are many such examples.

    7. Smile

    Remember that smiling girls are the most popular with the opposite sex. Why? Because they seem kinder and more accessible. The guy is not afraid to come up and talk to such a woman, because he knows that he will not be ridiculed and insulted.

    8. Studs

    You don't need to wear high heels every day, but keep in mind that the stiletto heels instantly attracts men's looks. Men love to watch a woman wag her hips, walking around in such shoes or boots. Shoes on high heels seems very sexy to them.

    9. Gait

    Men also appreciate the way you walk. If your stride is quick and decisive, you are perceived as a very confident person. If your gait is slow, not very energetic, then most likely you will be considered shy. Well, after that, whoever likes it.

    10. Attitude

    You may look like Miss World, but if a guy notices from your gestures that you are negative, take everything with hostility, he will not even try to get to know each other better.

    11. Style

    Men, it would seem, are not versed in fashion, but rest assured - they pay a lot of attention to what the girl is wearing. And, most likely, they will refuse to flirt with you if you are dressed like a boy or your outfit speaks of belonging to a specific community (punk, emo, etc.)

    12. Ass

    Men love this part of the female body. You will get extra glasses in men's eyes if you accentuate your slender buttocks with tight jeans or a skirt. In this case, you will not be able to fight off the fans!

    Girls, how are you doing with male attention?

    For me, I have always been an ugly duckling, so appearance decides, and much more than character. Fortunately, I managed to find a good guy. So at least sometimes I feel like a lady, not a man in a skirt.
    But it's still a shame when a beautiful friend is given compliments, and they turn their backs on you. Are there girls here who know this feeling?
    It's just that now the week has been full of such cases, so I got tired of something, such a sediment is now on my soul. I can't get attention, and I don't need to, but how to deal with this feeling is not pleasant, or at least to avoid such situations where they become "backs", I would like to learn.
    In general, I want to read more about you.
    P.s. But the attention of all sorts of dodiks, feeble-minded (in the literal sense) and especially old fart is more than enough. It seems that in the 50s I would be considered a beauty. Laughter, laughter, but I don't even know what conclusion can be drawn from this about myself.

    Can I have a photo?

    My breast size does not allow me to be deprived of attention.

    Well, there was such neglect a couple of times, but I didn't really worry, because I didn't like anyone either.

    I, of course, do not have big breasts, but attention is enough.

    It feels like you've screwed yourself up. Some girls from the attention of these dodiks saw their self-esteem to heaven. Don't be complex, the main thing! I am sure that you are very pretty.

    On the contrary, I hate attention, especially when the freaks come up.

    I used to bother too. I fell in love with myself, changed a few moments in makeup, in personal care and in clothes - the attention of men became very much.

    In general, I do not like it when at work, on the street they try to get to know each other, especially at work it becomes somehow awkward.

    Previously, they overwhelmed me with attention, now as soon as I look with my own eyes, the men begin to sweat, the women look for a long time, then they gently say that I look great. I am a woman of cold beauty, like a snow queen, not everyone dares to open their mouths, and why do I need confirmation, I am confident in myself, I have already proved everything to myself, but the words of others do not interest me, I do not react to compliments, to aggression too.

    And I'm always on my own. There are your men - there are not yours. Why worry about what unknown people think of you. There is nothing to do!

    Such situations do not bother me, in most cases, if a situation with turning your back to me occurs, then I ask myself: "would you really like this guy to pay attention to you?"
    And immediately departs.

    Here I am not a beauty, but I have a friend, next to whom I felt at my best. But she did not have a lack of attention of the opposite sex, and when one hinted to her that she was ugly, her acquaintance was very surprised and replied: but men followed her in a crowd!

    I'm fine with this business, men often get to know each other, but I don't need it in FIG.

    Well, of course, they do not fit in stacks, but it seems that there were never any problems with this, there was always enough attention and courting.

    Men never looked at me, only all sorts of perverts climb. But I don’t need to - I found my love a long time ago, and thanks to my interests, and not my appearance.

    What's the problem with being beautiful too?

    Previously, I was a very skinny schoolgirl, I did not really take care of myself, I dabbled awkwardly, I was paid attention either by my peers or by men who looked more like pedophiles. 2 years ago she put herself in order, gained weight, started dancing, grew and cured her hair, cured her skin, got tanned, fell in love with taking care of herself, began to wear beautiful dresses, became self-confident - and there is no end to men, they always pay attention. Perhaps you need to change your wardrobe, start taking good care of yourself, and you will become very confident in yourself, as a result, they will pay attention to you. You can overcome your unpleasant feeling only in this way, otherwise nothing. A woman blossoms with attention, it is our nature.

    Maybe not so bad, you wrote about the guy, somehow you started a relationship. It's enough that he compliments you.

    Never sought male attention. And why is it at all? You need to love yourself, so first of all you need to "make" yourself! This is real.

    I am not deprived of male attention, it is already unbearable, constantly someone is trying to get to know each other (both young guys, men, and old grandfathers), annoying when you already have a beloved boyfriend.

    Just don't pay attention to it, it is secondary in life. After all, the main thing is that you love and be loved, you have a boyfriend who fell in love with you not only for your beauty (although I am 100% sure that you are a pretty girl), but also for your character and soul. It's better than, you are being complimented by all sorts of thugs! I just hate when people meet me, especially on the street.

    Born to catch the admiring glances of 40-year-old men, fifth graders and homeless people (c).

    I'm a schmuck, only the wipers are looking around to see if I looked back. How I got married, I don't know.

    In everyday life, perhaps some of them can stand up with their backs.
    And as I get prettier, I put on makeup - they start to stick, stare, even somehow disgusting from this.

    Do not draw any conclusion from this, just the lower the quality of men, the more attention they can show, since they agree to anything. Ignore the unsuitable, do not lower your standards, take care of yourself and your self-esteem, and the right one will come! I also thought that in the 50s I would be a star. But this is not the case. When you reach the level that figs understand who is just afraid to approach, consider it a good sign!

    Here, too, only freaks peck at me!

    No problem with that. But I noticed that if my heart is good, then I attract much more glances than if I trudge down the street, gloomy, gloomy, aggressive.

    When I was 20-24 years old, everyone over 45 fell on me in droves, I even got upset, and now I don't pay attention to it at all. If I am in the mood, I can laugh at how they react. But in general, I’m always in my thoughts, so I don’t pay much attention, and I’m not interested in some way, appearance is nothing, there is today, tomorrow is not, and vice versa.

    No, this is unfamiliar.

    The girl with "cold beauty" amused me. In fact. Attention is there, enough for me. But my problem is that I only understand straightforward "tackles". And all the rest I perceive as an attempt to "just communicate", "make friends", from this I have much more problems than from the absence or presence of attention from men.

    In a relationship, during this time, many people still tried to roll up, at the same time, someone was sure to take care of them beautifully, they tried to fight off more than once and the young man was personally told this. Already used to it.

    I have a frank appearance for an amateur, I do not have big and beautiful boobs, thick chic hair and long legs too. There were no problems with male attention, and no, normal men courted, and perverts too, and the photos flew to fake pages. Now there is a man, wonderful, kind, appreciates in me, above all, a sense of humor and life optimism, simplicity and openness in terms of communication. I am doing well with self-esteem, I do not consider myself a beauty, but I am ugly too, I soberly assess my capabilities, I know all my advantages and disadvantages, I can laugh at myself and am not afraid to look unsuccessful. Men get to know each other, but it pisses me off, there are enough compliments and other things, but I only care about the opinion and support of my man. Don't worry about it and be happy. I wish all girls to be the most loved and live in harmony with themselves.

    Until the 11th grade of school, such a specific male attention was familiar.

    Previously, men often met. Now they don't get to know me at all.

    Never bothered about this. Oddly enough, the men are running after me in herds, however, basically they just want to fuck me!

    Well, save up some money and make yourself a beauty? What are you whining? There will be no more men from this.

    The girls are completely different, everyone has the same tastes. You yourself attract or repel people, it's like a program in your head that needs to be turned off, they don't pay attention to you, because you yourself don't feel worthy of this attention. Not dwelling on this is a good way to love yourself, when you start to love yourself, and the rest will start to love, people subconsciously feel that you are spreading rot and do not respect yourself, because this is how you are treated. You will start to love yourself and you will have what the people call charisma and everything will be tip-top.

    This may seem like an excuse to you, but the girl above said very accurately about the ratio of the quality of people and the amount of attention they generate. This, by the way, applies to both men and women - some of them are initially more open, ready to accept the courtship of each, without understanding. This can be seen, and sometimes attracts more than beauty. As for "becoming a back" - while my friend and I were small for a car, we often tried to determine the type of people getting to know her and me on the street (and we are outwardly different from the word "completely"). So, it really depends on preference. You just dwell on the idea that you are unattractive and stop noticing those who turn their backs on her.

    Compliments, compliments are different: a person who gets out of a good car in beautiful clothes will clearly not clatter their tongues. And even at a party, people of your level (men) will allow themselves to kiss your hand and make a tactful bow with their head, and if you are with your spouse, they will tell him about your beauty. Consider this the highest level of attention, everything else is dust.

    Don't undermine the person's self-esteem!

    I myself am at a loss how they managed to get married. My husband is golden, much more beautiful than me. I have never been popular with men, and my friends are all beauties. Because of this, self-esteem is at zero. Hence, unreasonable jealousy towards the spouse, fortunately, even though he learned to hate his brain.

    Many pay attention to me, and constantly roll eggs. And it's not about beauty anyway. I do not think I'm beautiful. I ask them this question, what attracts them to me? But they laugh and cannot say anything.

    This is charisma. It doesn't matter how she looks if she has charisma. Male attention is guaranteed!

    Don’t worry! Walk around smiling, enjoy life, be easy to talk to, and that's it!

    I have a classic story of going from an ugly duckling to a swan. She was not popular at school, she was not fat, pimply or with braces, but she wasn’t pretty, the guys didn’t like it, she was often ridiculed, she was skinny, lop-eared, awkward, all the girls met someone, I had no one. After entering the university, I began to change, moreover, things that did not depend on me changed, okay, I grew hair there and dyed it, but even the facial features, the shape of the lips and nose, changed. Slimness turned into a plus when breasts and a normal butt were added, and the figure from a teenage became feminine and, I realized how lucky I was with what I used to hate - long thin legs and other slender body parts. In short, in 5 years I have changed beyond recognition and then I continued to change only for the better. Now, without undue modesty, I can say that I never go unnoticed. At a meeting of classmates, everyone's jaws dropped, and the class teacher in amazement held out, "Yes, you have become a real beauty." The teachers, apparently, also thought that I was ugly. And I, in turn, know the price of this and do not look with superiority, because I do not forget that this was not always the case. You can even say that that girl still lives in me, I am still sometimes amazed at such heightened attention from men and listen to compliments with distrust, and then pull myself back, "it's okay, you deserve it."

    It is enough for me that in a moment in one I can force a man to become what I need. Not everyone can do this, I am generally very smart, beautiful, and self-confident. And here you all, with your calm features, hair and naturalness, do not jump beyond the level of the ordinary middle class, I say no offense.

    You cannot praise yourself - no one will.

    I do not need to jump, they usually jump from the bottom up, and sometimes by. By birthright I am where 99 percent want to jump. So we decided who, where and where. And by the way - an absolute bad manners, to mention among your feminine virtues, sexual skills, as well as your ability to make money yourself. We are from different backgrounds and this is obvious.

    It turns out that a woman should not work? And why? I may not work, but then what should I do at home? Cook soup? Even you have already confused with the definition, it is very bad to sit on the priest evenly and not want to go forward, in this case you are just a consumer, a lazy spineless consumer, for normal people the peaks are endless.

    The author, well, since dodiks are glued in bundles, why do you need attention else? It is better to really get to know yourself, communicate more with those whom you choose, and do not wait for what shit will float by itself. I have the same problem - simple guys-hard workers are glued, they have not stuck to me anywhere, but the physiognomy is as simple as sneakers - they think that I will not send it far. We have to send them three-story. Probably, I could get rich on them, if I organized some kind of MMM. But the haughty face never learned how to do it. Those who know me well perceive me normally, but mimocrocodiles - "oh, what a hohlushka-laughter, probably home-cooked and cooks well", and figs you will get rid of this image and the attention of a certain contingent to him. A friend has the same theme - men over 50 have been sticking to her all her life, even when she was 20. Well, nafig need that kind of attention? Better to raise your self-esteem and choose men yourself.

    My husband's attention is enough for me. It is most important.

    It is very important for me who gives the compliment. Most of the men who are already creeping in front of women are frankly cheap. I like compliments, deeds. And rarely anyone is capable of this.

    On the topic, then with male attention everything is OK, only, to be honest, there is no sense from this. I do not use men for my own benefit, so as soon as I understand that this is not mine, I immediately say "bye." This usually happens after the first, second date. Well, the maximum is the third.

    Oddly enough, I have enough attention. Although in the last 9.5 years I have been in a permanent relationship and I do not need attention from other male people. Rather, if you have self-confidence, you don't need compliments from other men.

    And I noticed that it’s not a matter of appearance, but of a person’s mood. If a girl is cheerful and sweet, but not beautiful, then there are much more compliments to her than to a beautiful girl, but without a smile. I can sit with such a sad face that no one will ever come.

    If you take care of yourself and dress normally, then you will not be deprived of compliments.

    Girls always support me, but the post is about male attention. And even now, apart from the attention of my husband, I do not need anyone else.

    So very beautiful girls, guys are afraid. And compliments are received by open, charming girls, not beauties with a brick face.

    Probably, appearance does not play the main role here. I consider myself pretty, but no one has ever met me and never gets to know me.

    Almost all women are described, only they take a man's desire to drain sperm for attention.

    I am wildly annoyed by annoying guys on the street, when you let them know that there is a guy, they still can't get off, I also don't like excessive attention to me, but I love compliments all the same.

    I do not like a lot of male attention, it is very annoying.

    They made a booth here ... They drive up to those on whose face it says "I give to everyone" and it's not about charisma and appearance.

    They only turned their backs to me at the age of 13, because they were fat and with a monobrow.

    I have an ugly appearance and also men have never paid or do not pay attention. But she got married!

    They meet all sorts of girls, beautiful and scary, in the club, in general, the most drunk people understand like hot cakes.

    I’m ugly, and the men always climbed. And they fell madly in love.

    - "The attention of the old fart is rife." The author is good at driving. Now the old fart are picky and capricious in the choice of the girl, the beauties are sorted out only in this way, it is difficult for them to please. And they don't look at such scary ones as you at all. There must be a combo of beauty, intelligence and character. (Unless, of course, by the phrase "old fart" you mean janitors and other laborers).

    - "I did not love you for the beauty, and I will not stop loving you for old age" - beauty is not eternal! Do not worry. Beauty alone will not save, the main thing is the ability to present yourself and be fun. Believe me, you can play with a doll, but you also need to understand it.

    I would not say that crowds approach beauties to get acquainted, many are simply afraid, I read a book about it, and many guys talked.
    They look at the beautiful, and they come to get acquainted more often to the girls easier.

    It is important to be not only pretty and well-groomed, but also easy-going, friendly, sincere, feminine. All my life I was, is and will remain such a coquette.

    Why is this male attention, especially if it is from a taxi driver.

    I don’t even know, on the contrary, I have always been that friend who gets compliments. But the main thing is the soul. In 30 years your friends will lose their beauty and freshness, and you, as you were a glorious person, will remain so.

    Beauty is exactly what makes women mad and men shiver, you stupid hens!

    The guys at school called names, and not sickly, complexes to this day, on the street, too, the guys do not care. Flowers were not given at all, compliments - even more so.
    In the company, when with a friend, I am the one that no one cares about,
    although the character is normal, and I will not say that it is straightforwardly scary, only I am not very sociable, my friends were all surprised that the guys didn’t like me.
    I am amazed how my husband paid attention to me.

    I don’t understand what could be criticism of a successful girl? The main thing is when there is money, and this understanding - it gives you such a kapets of confidence, so it doesn't matter who yaps what and what.

    At school she was also a black sheep, the boys got terribly with their mockery. I don’t get frenzied attention in my life, but I’m not worried about it either. Usually in a company if I start joking, then all the attention is on me.

    Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.

    My close friends are beautiful enough. So familiar, yes. Well, I'm generally so-so, and it's sad.

    Well, I was like that until 23 years old, until I started to bother a little with the condition of the face, take care of the skin and comb my hair, I began to dress more selectively, well, it seemed to become normal! It's not about facial features, believe me.

    Does your mouth stink? Or don't you shave your armpits like in body positive?

    And what for you attention? Just to be? Well, get a tattoo all over your face, tunnels in your ears, pink dreadlocks, that will be your attention!

    Quote: It is harmful for a girl to be too attractive, it kills her sense of humor and charisma. No wonder they say that most beauties are stupid. They achieve everything with their appearance, so the incentive to develop brains disappears.

    The main thing is how you feel. Not how you look. If you are not comfortable in your body, then change. Sitting and whining - you don't need a lot of mind. You need to love yourself, be confident in yourself. If you don't like something, change it.
    It happens to me that I go in uggs, shaggy and so on, they want to meet the guys, or it happens that everyone is in the parade, but in a bad mood - then no one will even look. No cool ass can replace self-confidence and good mood.

    Sometimes, as I put on my makeup, I can't take my eyes off myself. But about excessive attention - I can't say. I was still young, but now ... Looks like, over time, I learned to make a brutal face, which scares them away immediately, as soon as the idea of \u200b\u200b"rolling up" arises.

    Everything is good with me, girls. It's just that men from the group often treat their girlfriend with sweets, and I sit like a tackle, everyone hawala at the table, and I forgot the money. It became so offensive, so it flooded, I also remembered many similar situations. You know, like in American teen films: a beautiful girlfriend, and not so much. In general, I am happy, my man's attention is enough.

    The point is that not everyone in a row pays attention to you and gets to know you, but only people with good taste. And the main thing is not beauty, but self-confidence and inner state.

    It's not about looks, but about accessibility and openness. Perhaps you are simply afraid to approach because of your closeness. And people like you need a special approach and a strong person. For me, for example, so. Either you are an uninteresting, ordinary, boring person, and also unattractive. Here I see only two options.

    I also lack attention from men.

    Until the age of 18 I was as if invisible. I never met on the streets, although she looked quite shocking, a la Geisha (mestizo in appearance), it was worth growing out hair, stop dyeing a lot - and voila! On the streets, men look with stunned eyes, although I am not particularly beautiful.

    In kindergarten, a boy broke his heart, in the first school the boy whom he loved loved another girl, he was friends with me, but that didn't make it easier, so by the third grade I had already learned all the frailty of life and the realization came that boys didn't like me. Moving to a new school from boys, during all subsequent years of study, she received a lot of attention in the form of insults, ridicule and kicks. By the age of 16, it was one continuous complex. At 18, I met the current guy, with whom we are still together, everything is cool. But I never possessed charisma, I do not know how to flirt and charm. There were never admirers, fans, boyfriends, I always wanted someone to run after me, it was a shame that no one had ever been madly in love with me in my life. Usual attempts to get to know each other are not counted, I would like at least one person in my life to "turn my head", in short, the author, I understand you perfectly.

    Before pregnancy, there was a lot of attention, after childbirth too, although I gained 30 kg. I don't know what my secret is, maybe because they say that she looks like Sasha Gray.

    Or maybe you don't really need it? When I realized that I wanted a boyfriend, I found him myself and started talking, called him to go for a walk first and so on, then he fell in love and began to "seek", in general, it seems to me that if you really like someone, you will try get his attention.

    They didn't run after me, you see, the raisins are dumb.

    What is your position with male attention?