“Children's environmental projects are a unique form of environmental education in preschool educational institutions. Environmental education project "Protect nature" (senior group)

As a result of painstaking work, every teacher wants to instill in his wards the ability to see the beauty of nature, the understanding that everything in the world around is interconnected and that man is only a part of nature and cannot exist separately from it.

Despite this, sometimes the opposite picture is observed: the attitude to nature is commonplace, and sometimes not only children, but also adults underestimate its role in life.

This problem is largely due to the fact that modern children, especially in megalopolises and cities, have little interest in the environment. If just a few decades ago, all children tried to spend as much time as possible on the street, in parks, near water bodies or forests, now the free time of the younger generation is increasingly owned by technology. Of course, even a child cannot imagine modern life without a computer and other gadgets. But this "communication" sometimes replaces the children with the opportunity to walk in the yard, watch birds or animals, find a "four-footed friend" or feed a homeless kitten. After all, such simple little things teach children that others need to give attention and care to love.




"Everything in nature is important!"

(for children 6-7 years old)


  • children of preparatory school group number 6,
  • parents,
  • music director Tsaava G.V.,
  • librarian of the children's library of the North Polatovskaya district Nina Ivanovna,
  • Chief Specialistdepartment of environmental education, biodiversity, monitoring and accounting of animals. Directorates of the natural territories of the North-Eastern Administrative District, North-Eastern Administrative District and Sokolniki of the State Public Enterprise "Mospriroda"Kuptsova Anastasia Vladimirovna,


  • Shiryaeva Irina Yurievna, educator of DO # 5 GBOU School # 709, Moscow, North-Eastern Administrative District
  • Gerasimenko Yulia Romanovna,educator DO No. 5 GBOU School No. 709, Moscow, North-Eastern Administrative District

Project type: cognitive and creative, group, mid-term.

Duration: 2 months (from 10.01.18 - 01.03.18)


The need for environmental education is dictated by life itself. There was a need to change the consciousness of a person, to instill in him an ecological culture. This process is complex and lengthy, therefore, it is necessary to begin the education of ecological culture from early childhood, when all the foundations of morality and the general culture of a person's personality are laid.

Raising the ability in children to understand and love the world around them and take care of it today is one of the important areas of pedagogical work. Respect for the natural environment in children from an early age is laid in the family and continues to form in the preschool years in kindergarten.

The role of ecological education of preschoolers is to enrich the child's sensory manifestations in relation to all living things that the child observes. The tasks of ecological education of preschoolers are to form ecological consciousness, which will allow preschoolers to develop environmentally correct behavior.

Kind feelings and the ability to love and appreciate the world around them are formed in kids through interaction with nature from an early age. And the further behavior of a person depends on what this interaction will be in childhood. From an early age, the child needs to be explained the laws of nature, and most importantly, the causes and consequences of the negative impact and impact on the environment.

As a result of painstaking work, every teacher wants to instill in his wards the ability to see the beauty of nature, the understanding that everything in the world around is interconnected and that man is only a part of nature and cannot exist separately from it.

Despite this, sometimes the opposite picture is observed: the attitude to nature is commonplace, and sometimes not only children, but also adults underestimate its role in life.

This problem is largely due to the fact that modern children, especially in megalopolises and cities, have little interest in the environment. If just a few decades ago, all children tried to spend as much time as possible on the street, in parks, near water bodies or forests, now the free time of the younger generation is increasingly owned by technology. Of course, even a child cannot imagine modern life without a computer and other gadgets. But this "communication" sometimes replaces the children with the opportunity to walk in the yard, watch birds or animals, find a "four-footed friend" or feed a homeless kitten. After all, such simple little things teach children that others need to give attention and care to love.

How can we help children, especially those of preschool age, change their behavior and form the simplest, but no less important and useful habits?

In preschool childhood, the leading type of activity is play; it is in the form of play that the child more easily perceives and assimilates new information. The learning process with elements of play or in the form of play is the most productive. Therefore, in our work on the formation of elementary environmental literacy, we use various games about nature. But in addition to playing, children like to reason and fantasize and they always listen with interest to incredible stories about the adventures of their favorite heroes and sincerely worry.

Ecological fairy tales help to tell children about nature in a fun way. In our lessons on the world around us, we decided to use these forms of work in order to tell the children of our group about the influence of man on nature, his role, as well as about the relationship of all animals and plants in nature. The topic, although it seems simple, is at the same time quite voluminous. Children know well what cannot be done in nature and how to act, but it is rather difficult for them to imagine the mechanisms of interconnection.


The teacher told the children that all animals living next to each other and with humans play an important role and invited them to figure out why this is so together. The children became interested, they had questions:

What do I know about how animals are related to each other?

What do I want to learn new about nature?

Where can I get such knowledge?

Thus, the idea arose to implement a project on environmental education, which was named so - "Everything in nature is important!"

Target: the formation and development of the ecological culture of older preschool children through the realization that the state of nature and the environment depends on the actions of everyone.



  • to expand children's ideas about natural phenomena, the rules of behavior in it, flora and fauna, relationships in nature;
  • to teach children to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in interaction with the outside world in real life;
  • to acquaint children with changes in the life of animals at different times of the year;
  • to consolidate the concept of "invisible threads of nature" by creating ecological stories and stories based on the studied laws of nature;
  • to acquaint children with ways to solve environmental problems, demonstrating examples of their positive solutions by creating environmental cartoons.


  • develop children's observation, attention and curiosity in the process of communicating with nature;
  • develop in children the ability to invent and compose environmental stories and fairy tales, based on the knowledge gained;
  • develop the ability to establish a causal relationship between human actions and phenomena in the environment;
  • development of communication skills through communication with adults and peers, passionate about the common cause.


  • contribute to the development of aesthetic perception of nature and natural phenomena;
  • to cultivate a respect for the environment, good feelings towards all living things in all their manifestations;

Expected results

From the side of children:

  • the development of the cognitive interest of children, the expansion of their ideas about their native nature, about the relationship of all living things on the planet;
  • the formation of elementary skills of a careful and caring attitude to nature;
  • an increase in the sense of personal responsibility among preschoolers for the state of the nature of the immediate environment;
  • rallying the children's team, the manifestation of friendly feelings towards each other;
  • enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary of children.

On the part of the parents:

  • parents are active and interested participants in the educational process, focused on the development of the child's need for knowledge through joint project activities;
  • involvement in joint environmentally-oriented activities with children by composing fairy tales about nature and its phenomena, in preparing a model for animation;
  • application of recommendations and consultations of educators in the practice of raising children.

From the side of teachers:

  • implementation of project activities;
  • increasing professional competencies;
  • involvement of parents in the educational process.

Implementation of the project

The project is implemented in three stages:

  1. Preparatory
  2. Basic
  3. Final

I. Preparatory phase

  • selection and analysis by teachers of the relevant (methodological and scientific) literature;
  • determination of the initial level of knowledge of children about the problem of the project;
  • identification of project participants;
  • setting goals, objectives and timing, planning activities for the implementation of the project;
  • preparation of the necessary materials for the implementation of the project: a selection of illustrations of plants and animals that are found on the territory of our natural zone, encyclopedic and children's fiction about nature, etc.;
  • selection of animated films for watching with children in kindergarten and at home;
  • enrichment of the subject-spatial developmental environment in the group with various photographs with types of nature, natural phenomena, the introduction of new game attributes for children's games, in the theatrical corner of the group.

II. The main stage

The main stage involves direct study and awareness of the project's problem, as well as practical research in a playful form, joint creative work of teachers, parents and pupils of the preparatory group on writing an ecological fairy tale and creating a cartoon.

Since preschoolers are very fond of fantasizing and composing, the teachers invited the children to come up with a fairy tale about how and why all animals are interconnected. And then the children decided to bring the invented fairy tale to life and create a cartoon made with their own hands.

Participants in the activity

Work of teachers

Preparation of materials for productive activities of children

children, educators

Compilation and design of an announcement for parents about the project "Everything in nature is important!".


Involvement of parents in joint project activities with children and teachers.

children, educators

Organization of watching cartoons with children in kindergarten and at home.

educators, parents

Enrichment of the children's home library with encyclopedic and artistic material


Work with children

Conducting conversationswith viewing multimedia presentations

  • "Birds and beasts are near us",
  • "Why help animals?"


  • "Nature around us",
  • "Animals that Surround Us"


  • "Ecological tales and stories",
  • "What is a cartoon",
  • "What is a layout-decoration",
  • "How to make a cartoon",
  • "What kind of cartoons are there?"

Making a cartoon

based on a fairy tale composed by Andrei G., a pupil of preparatory group No. 6, “Saving the Forest”.

children, educators

Conducting GCD:

Acquaintance with others:

  • "What are the" invisible threads of nature ",
  • "Nature is our wealth",
  • "The relationship of animals in nature",
  • "Nature and Man",
  • "Ecological Tales of Natalia Ryzhova" - reading to children and analyzing situations in them,
  • "Writing an ecological story",
  • "Presentation of ecological fairy tales composed by children of the preparatory group",
  • "Studying the camera and video camera."


  • "My behavior in nature",
  • Illustrations for the fairy tale of his own composition "Saving the Forest" (author Andrei G., a pupil of preparatory group No. 6 to No. 5).


  • "Our fabulous nature",

Manual labor:

  • "Heroes of Our Tale" - paper canning,
  • "We create decorations" - children make decorations for a fairy tale: trees, animals, the background of nature.

Theatrical activities:

  • "We play the fairy tale" Saving the Forest "with the heroes of the fairy tale, made by hand (plane image)

Reading fiction and special literature:

  • Good fairy tales,
  • "Ecological Tales of Natalia Ryzhova"

Environmental action:

"Feed the birds and animals in winter"

"Let's help the tree to winter."

children, educators

children, educators

Independent activities of children

  • examination of illustrative material, encyclopedias,
  • search for information on the Internet with the help of parents,
  • independent visual and productive activities of children:
  • Painting,
  • making your own figures from paper and cardboard,
  • photographing.
  • composing fairy tales, fantasizing,
  • children's independent production of parts for the scenery for the cartoon,
  • role-playing games with toys based on an ecological fairy tale of his own composition "Saving the Forest",
  • theatrical games.

children of the preparatory group for school

Interaction with parents

  • assistance by parents to children in finding information on the Internet, selection of informative literature for children,
  • a joint walk to the park, bird and animal watching,
  • recording of ecological fairy tales composed by children (helping the child), registration in a text document,
  • joint creative activity of children and parents of the preparatory group "Our fabulous nature" - creating a collage on the topic of ecology, using newspaper clippings, colored pencils (the venue is a kindergarten group),
  • joint viewing of films and cartoons by children and family members, enrichment of the children's home library with books, albums, magazines about nature,

Counseling for parents:

"How a fairy tale helps in raising a child"


joint activities of children and parents

educator and parents

Interaction with organizations

Excursion to the children's library of the Severny district with viewing of the multimedia presentation "The Earth is our common home"

Northern District Library

Meeting with the chief specialistDepartment of Environmental Education, Biodiversity, Monitoring and Accounting of Animals of the Directorates of Natural Territories of the Northern Administrative District, North-Eastern Administrative District and Sokolniki State Public Enterprise "Mospriroda" Anastasia Vladimirovna Kuptsova,

"Natural connections"

GPBU "Mospriroda"

Assistance in the provision of equipment and materials

GBOU "School number 709", Moscow

III. The final stage

  • Presentation of the project "Everything in nature is important!" for children of senior preschool age of preschool department No. 5 GBOU School No. 709, parents and teachers with watching a cartoon based on the fairy tale "Saving the Forest";
  • Participation in the city competition "Young Ecologists of Moscow - 2018".


During the implementation of the project, children gained knowledge about the beautiful places of the Severny Park, its inhabitants and flora in winter. We got acquainted with the history of the park, sights, natural features, realized the need to respect the nature of the park and take care of its inhabitants.

Project activity allows not only to support children's initiative, but also taught preschoolers to reflect their impressions in productive activities.

The project made it possible for parents and children to rethink their attitude to the surrounding nature, taught children to independently observe natural phenomena around and analyze them.

Coming to kindergarten, children began to share with friends and teachers their observations that sometimes people do the wrong thing: they throw garbage near their homes, scare birds off the feeders with loud cries or music. The guys condemned this behavior and talked about the methods of competent ecological behavior.

The parents realized that teaching a child with the help of fairy tales is a very effective method. Some children and parents were fascinated by the process of composing their own fairy tales, and they wanted to continue their composition and even write a book of environmental stories, and try to shoot their own cartoon at home with the whole family.

Collective work on the project allowed to unite and unite all its participants. The children felt that the future of their native park and even the region depends on the efforts of everyone.

Thus, we can conclude that this project was quite relevant and effective, and also had a practical focus.


  1. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Design activities for preschoolers. A guide for preschool teachers. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTEZ, 2010
  2. Zhuravlev N.V. Project activities for senior preschoolers. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
  3. G.A. Kovaleva Raising a Little Citizen ...: A Practical Guide for Preschool Educators. - M .: ARKTI, 2013.
  4. Satueva L.L. Formation of ecological culture and aesthetic attitude of man to nature through ecological education // Pedagogy of higher education. - 2016. - No. 1. - S. 27-30. - URL https://moluch.ru/th/3/archive/21/805/ (date of access: 26.02.2018).
  5. Lykov I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. - M .: Karapuz-Didactica, 2006.
  6. Formation of the cognitive sphere in children 5-7 years old: developing game activities. Auth.-comp. F.Kh. Nikulina. - Teacher, 2013.


Fairy tale

Saving the forest

pupil of preparatory group number 6

DO № 5 GBOU School № 709

In one forest lived a woodpecker, which everyone called the Little Woodpecker.

He was a very kind and intelligent kid, but not all animals and birds wanted to be friends with him, and this made him very upset. He was also afraid of predators, because they could eat him, because he is so small! Therefore, he wanted such animals not to be in his forest.

Once a woodpecker was walking through the forest and met his squirrel friends.

Woodpecker: "Hello, squirrels!"

Squirrels: Hello Little Woodpecker! We urgently need a new hollow, you can make it for

US? As you can, the best!

Woodpecker: Of course I will! And at the same time we eat various delicious bugs there.

And he flew to the tree where all the squirrels settled. When the woodpecker was almost finishing tinkering with the hollow, his friend Stork flew by.

Stork: Hello buddy! What are you doing?

Woodpecker: Hello! I make hollows for squirrels.

And the Little Woodpecker flew after the Stork to ask how he was doing.

After seeing the Stork, Woodpecker flew back to the squirrel tree to complete his work. When Little Woodpecker returned, he saw that there was a book in the hollow, it was unusual and shiny. The woodpecker took the book and read:

Woodpecker: A Magic Book. Wow! We need to see what is written in it.

And he began leafing through the magic book. And suddenly on one of the pages he read: "Any of your wishes will come true if you pronounce this spell."

Woodpecker: This is good luck! I wish for a long time that there were no animals that I am afraid of and which

They can eat me. Or my friends! Let them disappear from our forest!

The woodpecker uttered his cherished wish and recited a spell, but nothing unusual happened. Then he put the book down and went to inform his squirrel friends that their new home was ready.

Woodpecker: Squirrels, I made you a new hollow, as you asked! Jump there and already yourself

Live it up!

Squirrels: Thank you, Little Woodpecker!

Satisfied squirrels jumped to watch their new hollow. And the Little Woodpecker flew to his home. Flying through the woods, Little Woodpecker noticed that he had changed a lot. Earlier in the forest everyone was busy with their own business: birds chirped songs, animals worked. Now it has become very noisy. He could not understand what was the matter.

Woodpecker: What's up? Why are there so many mice and crows in the forest ?! Where have all the birds gone?

And then the woodpecker thought: “Maybe it happened because of my desire and the magic book? We urgently need to return and cast another spell! "

Woodpecker: Squirrels, squirrels, you have not seen a book in the hollow, it should still be written on it

The Magic Book?

Squirrels: No, we haven't seen anything like that.

Suspecting that something was amiss, the Little Woodpecker decided to fly to the wise Owl for advice so that he could help figure things out. After all, the Wise Owl knew the answers to all questions.

Owl: Hello, Little Woodpecker, tell me what he came to me with?

The little woodpecker told the Owl in detail what happened to him and about all the changes in the forest.

Woodpecker: Now I don't know where to find this Magic Book, and how to get everything back.

Owl: Yes, it's very sad. You, woodpecker, have forgotten the main rule of nature: “THERE ARE NO EXTRA ANIMALS”, everything in nature is interconnected. After all, even small and insignificant insects or animals play a useful role in the life of the forest. There are no completely useful or completely harmful animals in the forest - they are all a part of it!

All predators have disappeared at your request. Therefore, mice have multiplied in the forest, they are now destroying our forest, eating all the trees and bushes. You urgently need to put everything in order.

Owl: This Magic Book was brought to you by the Black Crow. And now she is in the Deep Forest at the very top of the Mighty Tree. The Black Crow wanted panic to rise in the entire forest, and the birds and animals would leave from there. And he became the main one.

You, Little Woodpecker, must hurry up and be in time to pick up the Magic Book of our forest from the Black Crow before sunset. Fly quickly to the dense forest and be careful!

The baby woodpecker quickly flew towards the dense forest, he realized what mistake he had made, and was in a hurry to fix everything and return it back.

The woodpecker knew that the Black Raven was very cunning and would not just give him the book, so he decided to call his friends squirrels and the Stork for help on the way.

The friends all went together to the Deep Forest. They were very scared in the Deep Forest, no one had been there before. It was dark in this forest, but friends walked, cautiously making their way to the Mighty Tree.

Raven: Well, why did you come to me, I did not invite guests here?

Stork: We need a Magic Book, without it the forest will die!

Squirrels: Give it back now, we know you stole it.

Raven: I will return the book if you can guess the riddles of my mighty tree. And if not, blame yourself, you won't see the book!


Beasts: Forest!

The animals conferred and guessed the riddle, at the same moment the Black Crow disappeared, and the Little Woodpecker and his friends took the book and flew back into the forest.

Woodpecker: Rather, guys! We need to hurry, because the sun is already very low, there are more and more mice in the forest.

Stork: We need to have time to fix everything!

Arriving back into the forest, the woodpecker opened the Magic Book on the same page, made a new wish:

Woodpecker: Let everything in our forest be as before!

Little Woodpecker chanted the spell again, and at the same time everything in the forest began to change. And gradually it became as it should have been.

At this time, the Wise Owl arrived. And the woodpecker decided that the book should be given to him:

Woodpecker: Wise Owl, I am returning the Magic Book to you, here you go!

After that, everything fell into place in the forest. And Little Woodpecker now understood that all animals, all birds and insects are needed by the forest and nature. Without any of them, everything can change and turn their measured life into a mess, which will lead to disaster.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES: PROJECT OBJECTIVES: - to expand children's knowledge about the interdependence of the natural world and human activities, both economic and environmental; - to form ideas about the feasibility of the secondary use of household and household waste; - stimulate interest in research activities, improve the ability to operate with existing knowledge, generalize, draw conclusions; - to teach in the correct form to express their attitude to the actions of children and adults from the standpoint of generally accepted norms and to adequately perceive the assessment of their behavior; - develop imagination, the ability to realize their impressions in artistic and creative activities. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: to form in children knowledge about a variety of activities to protect nature.

1. Formed in children a careful, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude towards the natural world, towards living beings, in the process of communicating with them. 2. Formed skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity. 3. Responsible attitude of children to the environment and their health. 4. Joint activities of parents and children: participation in hikes, excursions, environmental campaigns, subbotniks, business games, work in a creative workshop, will allow you to get to know each other and make friends. EXPECTED RESULTS:

Resource support of the project: MKDOU CRR - kindergarten 18 group 11 MKDOU CRR - kindergarten 18 group 11 Selection of literature “Cognitive reading. Ecological trail Corner of nature Ecological library Methodological tools (card index of did. Games, entertainment scenarios, GCD notes Selection of experiments and experiments Experiments.

The novelty of the project On the basis of practical activity, the pupils develop "ecological thinking", they learn to reason, generalize, draw the simplest conclusions; The involvement of parents in the process of creating and implementing a project makes them equal subjects of educational activity, awakens an interest in knowing themselves and their children; An unusual theatrical performance dedicated to environmental protection using household waste as costumes.

Fair of parenting ideas: -Parade of costumes from waste material. -Composition of an ecological fairy tale on the problem and production of a book. -Decoration of the ecological album: "We are friends of nature" - Organization of the exhibition of handicrafts "Waste to income!" - Creation of the ecological newspaper "Clean City".

Forms of project implementation: PROJECT "Garbage does not suit the Earth" Ecological GCD Holiday "Save the nature of the earth", entertainment Cognitive reading, KVN conversations with parents, round table, fair of parental ideas. Production of posters Experimental activities, excursions, observations Environmental actions Mobile, didactic, imitation games

PREPARATORY STAGE Collection and analysis of literature on this topic. Defining a goal based on the interests and needs of children. Planning of forthcoming activities aimed at the implementation of the project. Providing a didactic complex for the implementation of the project. MAIN STAGE Approbation of the content of the long-term project "Garbage does not suit the Earth" Carrying out GCD, production of posters, prohibiting signs, compilation and design of the book "How We Saved Nature". Ecological KVN "Secrets of Nature", holiday "Let's Save the Earth's Nature", screening of the fairy tale "Forest Trouble or what not to do in the forest." Excursions, observations, actions, experiences. Creation of a slide program "Complaints Book of Nature". Screening of the film "There were people here ..." FINAL STAGE Exhibition of products of children's activities (drawings, hand-made articles). A parade of junk costumes. Designing a methodical piggy bank (didactic games, ecological fairy tales) Project presentation.

Project results In the process of practical activity, the children realized that waste material can be used as a recyclable material, having got acquainted with the problems of environmental pollution, they began to take initiative in solving problems of environmental protection. The level of constructive skills and abilities increased, as well as creative imagination when working with waste material. Children learned to express their assumptions about the causes of the observed phenomena, to realize their individual creative abilities. Continuity was established in working with the family to foster a positive attitude towards nature. Parents became interested in the problems of recycling waste material, took an active part in environmental actions, in contests for crafts from waste material, making costumes from waste material.


compensating type "

Yudova Larisa Anatolyevna educator of the 1st quarter of the category.

Marinushkina Yulia Vladimirovna educator.

IStage - Goal setting
IIStage - Project development

IIIPhase - Project Execution

IVStage - Project presentation

VStage - Defining tasks for new subprojects

Project participants:

Preschool children, parents of pupils, group educators, speech therapist, music director, teacher - psychologist, teacher - typhlopedagogue.

Objective of the project:

To form a new ecological thinking in a preschool child, who is able to realize the consequences of his actions in relation to the environment and who knows how to live in relative harmony with nature.

Project objectives:

Estimated results of the project:

    Analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions about some patterns and relationships in nature.

    Know several types of herbaceous plants, know several types of wintering birds.

    Have an idea of ​​the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa; about plants and methods of vegetative reproduction; about the inhabitants of the corner of nature; about wintering birds; about the habits of wild animals; about human help to nature.

Istage of project implementation: Goal setting.

Already in senior preschool age, children effortlessly master a complex of environmental knowledge, if knowledge is presented in an accessible, engaging form and if the child's interest in natural phenomena is taken into account.

Diagnostics of the ecological education of children

Ecological leisure and holidays

Watching films

Working with models

Collection of collections, seeds, stones, leaves


Making DIY books

Various types of visual activities on environmental topics

Working with the nature calendar, observation diaries

Work in the corner of nature and on the site

Observation in a corner of nature

Experiments, search activity

Consideration of didactic pictures, illustrations about nature

Conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics

Educator stories, reading children's fiction

Targeted nature walks

Joint activities of the educator and children

Senior group number 1

Senior group number 3

II stage: Project development.

1. To bring to the participants of the project the importance of this problem.

2. Select methodical, popular science and fiction literature.

3. Create a specific developmental environment.

4. Purchase the necessary equipment.

5. Show creativity, change your consumer attitude to nature, your worldview.

6. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Developing environment.

III stage: Project execution.


A buzzing and crawling world.

Flower kaleidoscope

How to catch the wind?

Summer rain, what is it?

Sand properties:


Trees and shrubs:


IV stage: Project presentation.

1. Master class "Travel of a droplet"

"Air and its role in human life"

2. Speech by teachers, teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, teacher-typhlopedagogue, at parents' meetings.

3. Making a folder-moving "Plant a tree", "If there is a dog or a cat in the house"

4. Conducting a parent-teacher meeting "Secrets of nature", "Enter nature as a friend"

5. Leisure "I love Russian nature"

6. Ecological week "Spring"

7. "Holiday of young nature lovers"

8. Presentation of the project of the model "Environmental education of preschoolers for preschool teachers."

V stage: Defining tasks for new projects.

    Help parents to educate their children of ecological culture.

    To increase the interest of parents in environmental education and their children in the environment in general.

    Create conditions for cooperation between parents and children, their emotional and psychological rapprochement.

    Focusing on the classification of project activities proposed by T.V. Furyaeva, the following types of projects can be distinguished.

    Types of projects in a preschool educational institution:

    1. Research - cognitive - joint experimentation and subsequent presentation of the results in the form of newspapers, handwritten publications, design structures.

    2. Play - the use of elements of creative games with the introduction of the image of characters and the solution of the problems posed.

    3. Information - practice - oriented - collection of information and its implementation (design and design of the group, development of game modules, drawing up plans and diagrams, card files, etc.)

    4. Creative - the design of the results of activities in the form of holidays, theatrical performances, presentations of the products of joint work.

    It is unwise to plan longer projects for kindergarten. With pupils of younger groups, it is possible to implement only short-term projects that solve a problem that is understandable for them. But the most effective work is the projects carried out with the pupils of the older groups.

    The project participants receive not only new knowledge, but also acquire the skills of a careful, constructive attitude to the world around them. Joint project activities help parents to master some pedagogical techniques that are so necessary in family education, to objectively assess the capabilities of their children and to cooperate with them as with equal partners.

    However, for successful project activities in the educational process, serious preparation of teachers for the organization of design, didactic, methodological and material and technical support are required.

    Design requires teachers to search for innovative means, methods and techniques.

    What is an "environmental project"?

    First of all, this is the solution of certain problems in the research process.

    The ecological project contributes to the actualization of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the child, their practical application in interaction with the environment; stimulates the child's need for self-realization, self-expression, creative personal and socially significant activities; implements the process of cooperation between children and adults; allows you to combine the collective and the individual in the pedagogical process; is a technology that ensures the growth of a child's personality, allows you to record this growth, to guide the child along the steps of growth - from project to project.

    Many teachers are engaged in the problem of environmental education of preschoolers (S.N. Nikolaeva - the program "Young ecologist", N.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature", L.I. regional ecological program for preschoolers in the Arctic "Northern Lights", AA Pleshakov "Ecology", etc.).

    And one of them is Olga Alekseevna Voronkevich, a methodologist at the St. Petersburg Information and Methodological Center. The result of her many years of activity was the educational and methodological complex "Welcome to ecology!" The innovative idea of ​​the complex is to create a holistic integrated approach to the formation in children of the foundations of an ecological culture and the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.
    The educational methodological complex consists of a partial program, ecological workbooks, demonstration pictures and dynamic models, didactic material, diaries of entertaining experiments, visual information for parents.

    "Children's Environmental Projects" is a methodological manual designed to work on the formation of environmental culture in children of younger, middle and senior preschool age.

    In her opinion, the project method is a pedagogical technology, which is based on the independent, research, play activity of children. This book provides options for projects of children's environmental activities for children of senior preschool age.

    1. Defining the problem, relevant and interesting for all project participants, the resolution of which is feasible only for children, and also corresponds to the material and technical capabilities of the preschool educational institution.

    2. Motivation of activities and development of an action plan... This is the creation of a problem situation that arouses children's interest, the need to participate in its resolution. Understanding the essence of the problem allows you to formulate the goal of the upcoming work and draw up an action plan.

    3. Practical activities for the implementation of the project... At this stage, the collection and accumulation of material takes place. Joint cognitive - search activity of children, teachers and parents is organized. Integration of educational areas is envisaged.

    An important component is the methodological support of projects. It includes practical materials to help not only plan, but also implement a project: addressing parents, scripts of conversations, crosswords, puzzles, pictograms, environmental games, children's verbal and artistic creativity, etc.

    O.A. Voronkevich in his book proposes the following projects:

    1. "Living Book of the Forest".

    2. "Where do butterflies come from?"

    3. "I was born a gardener."

    4. "Forest floors".

    5. "Who is friends with the spruce?" etc.

    List of forms and methods of environmental education in preschool educational institutions

    Ecological excursions;

    KVNs, auctions, marathons, quizzes,

    Environmental actions;

    Discussion and replay of environmental situations;

    Nature Explorers Club;

    Young ecologist's laboratory;

    - "Panorama of Good Deeds";

    Environmental games (didactic, imitation,

    Staging, theatrical performances, etc. on environmental topics.

    Stages of development and implementation of the project:

    1. The teacher sets a goal based on the needs and interests of the children.

    2. Involves preschoolers in the solution of the problem (designation of "children's goal").

    3. Outlines a plan to achieve the goal, maintaining the interest of children and parents.

    4. Discusses the plan with the families of the pupils.

    6. Together with children and parents, draws up a plan-scheme of the project and hangs it up in a conspicuous place.

    7. Collects information and material on the project together with parents and children.

    8. Conducts classes, games, observations, trips - all activities of the main part of the project.

    9. Gives homework to both children and parents - doing independent creative work (crafts, drawings, albums, applications, searching for material, information).

    10. Organizes the presentation of the project (holiday, open class, action, KVN).

    11. Together with the children compiles a book or an album according to the completed project.

    12. Summarizes: summarizes the experience and speaks at the teachers' council.

    In the modern world, environmental problems ( ecological problems) have acquired paramount importance. The urgent task was to take measures to protect the environment from pollution and destruction, preserve the entire genetic diversity of living beings, and preserve the planet's gene pool. The problem of environmental education of the population has become especially acute in the current conditions. At the same time, primary importance is attached to the environmental education of the younger generation.

    The mastery of the fundamentals of ecological culture by children largely depends on the kindergarten teacher: on his ecological and methodological literacy, understanding the importance of ecological education in shaping the personality of pupils, on the ability to create conditions for such work, to captivate children and to be carried away by these problems himself.

    A good help in this is the project method , which opens up a lot of opportunities for full-fledged ecological education of preschoolers.

    Project activity, like no other, supports children's cognitive initiative in a kindergarten and family.

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"Children's environmental projects - a unique form of environmental education in preschool educational institutions"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 34" of the city district

the city of Sterlitamak of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Children's environmental projects - a unique form of environmental education

One of the most effective methods in working with children on ecology is

method of projects .

The project allows you to integrate information from different areas of knowledge to solve one problem. This method makes it possible to develop the individual and collective activities of children, expand their communication experience, makes it possible for the teacher to implement a personality-oriented approach to each child.

  • it opens up opportunities for the formation of a child's own life experience in interacting with the outside world;
  • is a method that comes from children's needs and interests, age and individual characteristics of children;
  • one of the methods that brings the pedagogical process out of the walls of the kindergarten into the surrounding world, natural and social environment.

What is an "environmental project"?

The ecological project contributes to the actualization of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the child, their practical application in interaction with the environment; stimulates the child's need for self-realization and self-expression, creative personal and socially significant activities; implements the process of cooperation between children and adults; allows you to combine the collective and the individual in the pedagogical process.

PROJECT - technology, ensuring the growth of the child's personality, allowing to record this growth, leading the child along the steps of growth - from project to project.

  • Preparatory - definition of a problem that is relevant and interesting for all project participants, the solution of which is feasible only for children.
  • Research proper - motivation of activities, development of an action plan and practical activities for the implementation of the project (accumulation of material; joint cognitive and search activities of children, teachers and parents; integration of educational areas).
  • Final generalization of work results, their analysis, formulation of conclusions.

What environmental projects can be implemented in kindergarten?

Each age has its own specificity of tasks, so in the younger preschool age it is:

- the entry of children into a problematic game situation (the leading role of the teacher);

- activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with a teacher);

  • the formation of the initial prerequisites for search activity (practical experience).
  • With kids younger age group it is possible to organize a project "Laboratory of inanimate nature" .

Children middle group able to take part in projects: "Little gardeners", experiments with garden plants are being organized. For example, the project "Which of us, from vegetables, is both healthier and more necessary?" - research.

Methodological support of the project

  • Addressing parents
  • Conversation "Magic Seeds"
  • Riddles, poems, pictograms
  • Explore with children
  • Joint activity of the educator and children on growing vegetables
  • Environmental games
  • Speech creativity of children (children's stories, inventing riddles, model-plan for compiling descriptive stories about vegetables)
  • Artistic creativity of children.

In older preschool age, these are:

- formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

Development of the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

Formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the task, using various options;

Development of a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

You can organize more with older and preparatory children. So, in the project "Bread Mold" children got some ideas about microorganisms, about their properties.

Project "Living Book of the Forest"

Project type: informational

Methodological support of the project:

1.Page of forest knowledge.

2.Experimental page.

3. Page of "forest joys".

4. Book page.

5.Complaints page.

6. The secret page of the forest.

7. Games page.

8.Creative page


  • “We are building an ecological city Eco-city” - informational and creative;
  • “Where do butterflies come from?” - research;
  • "The Mysterious World of the Reservoir" - informational;
  • “I was born a gardener”;
  • "Forest floors";
  • “The air must be clean”;
  • "Who is friends with the spruce."

Methods and forms of ecological

education in preschool educational institutions

Environmental educational activities;

Ecological excursions;

Kindness lessons; thinking lessons;

Environmental circles and competitions;

KVN, auctions, marathons, quizzes,

"Field of Miracles" with environmental themes;

Environmental actions;

Labor troops; Green patrol;

  • nature researchers club;
  • laboratory of a young ecologist;

- "Panorama of Good Deeds";

Keeping phenological calendars of nature;

Collecting natural objects;

Environmental exhibitions and expositions; museums;

Days (weeks) of ecological creativity;

Ecological holidays and festivals;

Environmental games;

ecosystem modeling, competitive, travel games, etc.);

Ecological fairy tales; trainings;

Dramatizations, theatrical performances on environmental themes.

All good things in children from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of good?

Touch nature with all your heart:

Surprise, learn, love!

We want the earth to flourish.

Grew like flowers, kids

So that for them the ecology becomes

Not science, but part of the soul!

We wish you creative success!