How to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in English? Merry Christmas greetings in English with translation into Russian

There is Christian Holiday - Christmas,
When our eyes sparkle with love and faith,
When our souls shine with happiness,
And we should feel that way all days!

There is Fabulous Holiday - Christmas,
When our God fulfilled all wishes that we desire,
When we are blessed by our Lord Jesus,
And we feel it throughout our lifetime!

Christian Holiday - Christmas!

Christian Holiday - Christmas,
When our eyes glow with love and faith
When our souls shine with happiness
And we must feel this way all the days!

Fairy Holiday - Christmas,
When God grants all the wishes we desire,
When we are blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ,
And we feel it throughout our lives!


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Wishes to Unmarried Girls!

Christmas is a fairy tale
With a lot of magic lights
In the evening candles flame
tell us stories of the knights,
Who are so nice and daring
Who are seeking for the brides,
If you are still not married,
I wish you to do it right!

Wishes to unmarried girls!

Christmas is a fairy tale
With lots of magic lights
Candle flame in the evening
Tells us stories of knights
Who are beautiful and brave
Who are looking for brides
If you are still single,
I wish you a successful marriage!


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We Wish You a Lot of Best Things!

May this Christmas last so long
With embraces, gifts and songs!
Let joy, peace, love, hope fill
Homes, hearts, skies, rivers, fields!
We wish you a lot of the best things!
Let It bring a lot of blessings!

May this Christmas last long
With hugs, gifts and songs!
May joy, peace, love, hope fill
Yourself at home, hearts, skies, rivers, fields!
We wish you all the best!
May Christmas bring many blessings!


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Congrats on Christmas!

I congratulations today
On the Holy Christmas Day
All the people on the Earth!
And I wish love, faith, health, force,
Rest, best friends, good luck, joy, peace,
Wealth, high mood and happiness!

Merry Christmas!

Congratulations today
Merry Christmas
All people on Earth!
And I wish you love, faith, health, strength,
Tranquility, best friends, good luck, joy, peace,
Wealth, excellent mood and happiness!


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Light from Jesus!

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!
It's a real day of wonders
They were shown us by Jesus
And they happen here and yonder!
Let the star soon rise and shine
On the Merry, Merry Christmas!
Let you see tonight Divine
And Inspiring Light from Jesus!

Light from Jesus!

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!
It's a real Miracle Day
Jesus showed them to us
And they happen here and over there!
May the star soon rise and shine
Our Merry Christmas!
May you see divine tonight
And inspiring Light from Jesus!


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Christmas is Love and Light!

Merry Christmas! Spread the love
With the people who beside!
jesus christ looks from above,
Sharing His love and light!

have much fun and be like kids,
Sing the carols for the peace!
Christmas gives us pies and sweets
So that we live in bliss!

Merry Christmas greetings in English

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Christian Love, Faith and Hope!

Let Christmas come to your home
Let it bring to you all you need
Let Christian Love Faith and Hope
Live reigning forever in it!

Let it take away from your home
All troubles, diseases, bad pards,
Let of Holy Church every house
Rise sacred delight in your hearts!

Christian Love, Faith and Hope!

May Christmas come to your home
May It bring you what you need
May Christian Love, Faith and Hope
Always live, reigning in it!

May Christmas take you away from home
All troubles, diseases and bad comrades,
May every dome of the Holy Church
Raises sacred delight in your hearts!


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A Good Luck To All Of Us!

Merry Christmas, dear people!
Stars are shining so bright
Christmas trees are dressed with ribbons,
Toys, balls, candies, gifts and lights!

Let us leave all grief behind
For the year that has passed,
Let the Happy Christmas bind
With a good luck all of us!

Good luck to all of us!

Merry Christmas, dear people!
The stars shine so bright
Christmas trees decorated with ribbons
Toys, balloons, candies, gifts and lights!

Let's leave all the troubles behind
We will give them to the past year,
May Merry Christmas bind
Good luck to all of us!


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Let the Holiday be fairy!

I congratulate sincere
You on Happy Christmas, dear!
Let the Holiday be fairy!
Be you healthy, wealthy, merry!
May the year be so awesome
Let in your heart always blossom
flowers of spring and love,
Given to you from Above!
Let all bad things do bypass
You, your home, your life path!

I sincerely congratulate
Merry Christmas to you, dear one!
Let the holiday be magical!
Be healthy, rich, cheerful!
May the year be amazing
May your heart always bloom
Flowers of spring and love
Given to you from Above!
Let everything bad pass by
You, your home, your way of life!


Winter holidays are rapidly approaching: the streets are changing, even in the largest shopping centers the shelves are empty, the houses are filled with tangerine and coniferous aromas. In an effort to have time to finish everything on time, that is, before the New Year, some people forget that in the USA, Great Britain and other Catholic countries Christmas is on December 25, which means you need to congratulate your Western friends, acquaintances and business partners.

On the eve of the winter festivities, everyone has a need to wish their relatives and friends a Happy New Year and Christmas, who live in an English-speaking environment. And to make it doubly pleasant for them, I would like to express my warmest and brightest wishes in English. English New Year's greetings can be sent anywhere in the world, because it is the language of international communication.

Beautiful congratulations in English can be sent by SMS, e-mail, send a letter or postcard. They can be placed on various English-language chat rooms and bulletin boards. Short wishes can be posted in comments on statuses, blogs, photos and forums in various social networks. They can even be presented in the form of a cheerful New Year's song or a short poem.

English New Year greetings

There is a huge amount of congratulations on New Year's Eve and Christmas that people exchange with each other. So, the most frequent congratulation in the United States of America is a short phrase « Merry Christmas » , which means "Merry Christmas", well, and the second popular slogan is « » , which translates as "Happy New Year". However, do not forget that Christmas is their main winter holiday. How to say Merry Christmas in English? Despite the huge variety of thematic congratulations, all of them can be divided into two main classes:

  • Personal (family, friends, wishes for loved ones). Here for the flights of creative thought and imagination is a wide scope. The most important thing in such wishes is to convey your sincerity and warmth. Don't be afraid to show your emotions: Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year! Let the coming year bring you only positive emotions and expectations!
  • Corporate (business, partner, wishes to colleagues, boss or subordinates). Here it is better to exercise restraint, do not be overly emotional. It is important to emphasize business ties in congratulations, wish business success in the coming year: I hope the New Year will be a year of great happiness and success for you. Have a wonderful celebration!

In fact, there are no strict and clear templates for corporate or personal wishes. It's all about the style, not the form: personal congratulations suggest a certain "space" and emotionality. Business ones, on the contrary, are more practical and emotionally neutral. Congratulations templates in English But how to congratulate your foreign friends, partners or colleagues in English, while showing originality and high literacy? The best congratulations are words from the heart, from the heart. The original will be a congratulation in English to your Russian-speaking friends.

Below you can download the best wishes written in a competent and correct language, as well as find out their translation, copy and send to relatives, friends, loved ones or business partners in various ways that I have listed above.

If you want to compose your own wish, then when compiling it, remember a simple truth: wish others what you would like to receive yourself.

Well, I wish you many, many smiles, joy and success in the New Year, and that you definitely learn English this year! Always glad to see you on the pages of our site! Thank you, dear readers, for staying with us.

There are less than two weeks left until Christmas, and you haven't congratulated your foreign friends or colleagues? Let's do this together.

In most European countries, as well as in North and South America, Christmas is one of the most important holidays of the year. Its religious component is undoubtedly important, but for many people it is the beginning of a new life, some kind of change, fulfillment of desires, implementation of plans. The onset of a new calendar year often fades into the background, it is also celebrated, but much more modestly. Everyone is preparing for the celebration of Christmas - you need to buy gifts for relatives, colleagues, friends, you need to decorate your home with holiday paraphernalia, and finally, you need to write congratulatory letters and postcards. At the same time, congratulatory messages should be original in style.


In most congratulatory messages, you will usually find both the traditional "Merry Christmas", and "Happy New Year". A week separates one holiday from another, so congratulations on both holidays can be written in one message.

Congratulations can be simple, short and neutral in style:

Merry Christmas or Merry Christmas!

Season's Greetings!

In some states, for example, in the USA, it is not customary to touch on the topic of the recipient's religion in a congratulatory text, so it is customary to write a general text - Season's Greetings!

Happy New Year!

Congratulatory texts addressed to business colleagues, employees of foreign companies should be written following the rules of the official style:

Congratulatory messages addressed to people with whom you have developed close relationships are especially warm:

If your foreign friends and acquaintances have children, you can congratulate them separately:

Words of gratitude

Writing congratulations is a fun activity. But what if your foreign friends, colleagues, partners have already congratulated you on Christmas and the coming year? In this case, you need to write an answer, this is a good practice. You can use the following examples:

Thank you very much for your Christmas card!

It was very kind of you to send us Christmas greetings!

It was very kind of you to send us the Christmas present!

Thanking relatives, acquaintances, friends or colleagues at work and business partners, be sure to answer them and congratulate them on the upcoming celebrations:

I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

It's time to get down to business and write congratulatory letters, sign postcards!

Happy upcoming holidays everyone!

Monzhelei Elena Petrovna,
English teacher

This is not some narrow, specialized holiday. No, this is a holiday that concerns the whole world, all Christians and not only. It is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Europe, the USA and dozens of other countries. For every person who is close and far from religion, this day means something. Therefore, you simply must congratulate each of your acquaintances, each relative and each close one in an appropriate way. You need to do this even in relation to those people who live far from you or even speak more than one language with you.

If you are interested in beautiful Christmas greetings in English, then you have come to the right place. In this section, we have collected for you only the deepest, most beautiful and full of emotions congratulations dedicated to the great Christian holiday. Let every person who has read the kind words addressed to him from you experience the full range of feelings and emotions. Let your words become a real revelation for him!

You can safely choose any words from those that are published. Everything is free, simple and accessible. With Vlio, you will never again have problems regarding congratulations. Rest assured, we will help in any situation!

You are special, you are unique; may your Christmas be also as special and unique as you are! Merry Christmas!

Know that you are special, unique! May this Christmas be as special and unique as you! Merry Christmas!

Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your family this Christmas!

Sending you and your family the warmest wishes for Christmas. May the Lord bless you on this day!

May Christ bless you with all the happiness and success you deserve! Merry Xmas!

God bless you on this day! May happiness and luck accompany you! Merry Christmas!

May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love. Merry Xmas!

I wish you warmth and fun! May peace and love come into your life with Christmas! Merry Christmas!

I wish you merry Christmas.
Have only smiles and any sadness.
May Christ bless your living start.
Have no regret and no discard.

Take any hardship for granted.
Christmas spirit will blow it.
I put happiness in your stocking.
Have a colorful life without talking!

I congratulate you on Christmas from the bottom of my heart.
I only wish you many smiles without sadness.
Christ bless your beginning.
And in life, regrets, failures will be few.

Take obstacles for granted.
The Christmas spirit will dispel everything complicated.
I'll put happiness in your gift sock.
Without further ado, life will be bright as a flower!

Christmas is a very sacred day.
Have an unforgettable holiday
Illuminated with all the lights
Of the world and life's delights!

May Christmas spirit keep glowing
And all the happiness get going.
Be blessed with all the smiles
Gathering good luck into huge piles!

Christmas is a very holy holiday
Spend an unforgettable weekend
Illuminated by all the lights of the world,
May all the joys of life be with you!

May the spirit of Christmas always sparkle
And only happiness knocks on your house,
Bless with smiles for no reason
Gathering luck into big peaks!

You can congratulate your foreign colleagues and friends in English on the holiday "Catholic Christmas". One of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary. The Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant churches celebrate December 25 in the modern Gregorian calendar. Description of the holiday in English: One of the major Christian holidays, an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant Churches celebrate it on December 25 by the modern Gregorian calendar.

The project of the Flarus translation agency is a universal list of congratulations in English on both international and national holidays with translation from different languages ​​of the world. You can also find out which major holidays are celebrated in a particular state. For congratulations on the holiday "Catholic Christmas" in English, you can use the text created by a professional translator and native English speaker. Translation of congratulations into other languages ​​can be viewed