How to make the guy afraid. How to make a man give gifts a plot. "How cheese in oil ..."

The lion's share of sorry among family pairs occurs because of excessive control by one partner and insufficient attention from the other. As a rule, a man suffers from excessive guardianship with his beloved, and a woman is offended when he does not receive every minute from his half. Girls feel a lack of attention as a lack of love.

He and she perceive family relationship differently. Regardless of the power of feelings for you, a man will never want to give up satisters with friends and football hiking. Women, on the contrary, tend to rush into relations with their heads, forget about the girlfriends and entertainment, where the beloved is not involved. Because of this, painful dissonance arises.

The first golden rule: to avoid problems - slower with care. Do not concentrate on your man 24 hours a day, it is better to find yourself two or three hobbies that will take free time. While your husband is sitting in a bar with friends, you go to the sport, in the beauty salon, meet with girlfriends, sign up for advanced training courses, trainings ... So you will not only leave a man a few hours a day of free time without your calls and SMS, But you will improve yourself outwardly and internally. Believe me, a man never wants to lose a beautiful self-sufficient woman.

Support it

In relations you need balance and harmony, so do not throw in extremes. We have convincing you that you do not need to care about your man? Excellent, but do not forget to call (not often, just once a day!) And wondering how he is doing and does he want to make you a company, for example, in the gym? Now - you are equal partners, halves one whole. Ask about his victories and failures and, if necessary, provide support. Men will never share their failures with friends, which is why sometimes they need help with her beloved.

The second golden rule: be near your favorite at the moments of victories and lesions. Men will never want to lose the girl who understands them and takes such as they are.

Stay attractive

Many women after marriage cease to pay a sufficient amount of time. Remember yourself while you wanted to attract the attention of your chosen one. How many new dresses and blouses appeared in your wardrobe? Surely almost every day you did styling in the hairdresser, did you put on the heels, sacrificing ease of beauty? If you still stand every day in front of the mirror - it's not worth worrying, but if the time that you used to pay for yourself, goes on washing, ironing and "rumbaba" - slower. Rethink your routine of the day. A man, of course, will appreciate care, but he, first of all, I want to see you as beautiful as before.

Third Gold Rule: Be always with a stylish make-up and impeccable manicure. A beautiful woman will be afraid of losing a beautiful woman.

Do not jealous!

Women are sometimes overcome romanticizing jealousy, directed in their direction, considering it proof of love. At the same time, it can long and hard to terrorize the man if jealousy has to experience them. None helps build relationships. Having decided to provoke a guy on jealousy, be prepared for the most unexpected consequences. Some men may be angry, others will consider you frivolous, and others will consider the jealousy of neglect of themselves. It is better not to joke with jealousy.

Unlike women, without exception, men despise such a manifestation of love and experience irritation, if a beloved woman turns out to be jealous.

Psychologists argue that most often the cause of jealousy is insecurity. That is why the woman seems to be that her man is about to find someone better and begins to play a detective.

Fourth golden rule: concentrate on yourself, visit so many cosmetic procedures, so much you need to feel the most beautiful. And jealousy will leave.

Let him feel necessary

Each man seeks to show the second half, what is it necessary and good. You can play a little by his noble aspirations and from time to time to ask about small, and not very, services. If a man is well versed in the technique, call him to repair a toaster. If you call the master of the master, then your young man can perceive it as an insult of dignity. Therefore, before doing something, tell him about the problem, let the beloved decision decides, he will cope with its own or require help.

If your halves do not have enough skills to solve the problem, do not tell him: "You are a man ..." Your young man can be a professional in one matter, but not to understand the other. And this is normal, because we are all people. Remember, reproaches of this type make a man feel weak. In response, you can get even more painful lunge, because you will get his male ego.

Fifth Golden Rule: Be smarter and use the strengths of your loved one, tactfully silent about the weak! Compromise relationships are usually the most persistent and durable. Men are afraid to lose a woman with whom they feel strong and courageous.

Be understanding the financial issue

Another sick place of many men is financial well-being. The criticism of his work, salaries, reproaches regarding the value of gifts and the like often lead to the complete collapse of the relationship.

The sixth golden rule: refrain from the criticism of the financial position of your chosen one. If you are not satisfied with his income, then discuss on the Family Council how you can enhance your welfare. A man will never want to lose a woman who knows that money is much cheaper than love.

Do not spray off and anger

It is difficult to restore the former warmth in communication even after several days of mutual offense, not to mention the longer quarrels. Smooth relationship is the key to success and harmony.

The seventh golden rule: if you love your chosen one, then learn to take it, and not the idealized image that you painted in the head in those months when he cared for you. A man will appreciate it and will restart you.

It is no secret that many women falling in love, so losing their heads that they forget about one simple truth. It is that not only to love and be beloved, but also to keep the relationship at the level when your chosen one simply does not represent his life without you. Even if you managed to get the lover in the spouses, it does not mean at all that after a while he wants to escape from you to another end of the world. The way out of this situation is simple - you need to do so that your loved one is really afraid of losing you.

Comfortable coexistence

Each woman should take care of her man in such a way that next to her he felt as comfortable as possible. Household trivias like a burnt breakfast or mint shirts can poison the existence of any strong sex representative. Of course, he can cope with similar problems and independently. But then there is a completely natural question - why do you need you?

Of course, you should not reduce the relationship only you are a household consumer plane. If you turn into a housewife that constantly performs any whims of your beloved, then risk losing it much faster. But if your narrow-minded loves in the morning, it is not worth the sake of their own principles to deprive him of this pleasure. Make so that your macho knew - in this house he is respected, appreciated and always wait. Then he will return to you again and again regardless of external circumstances.

Woman friend - it sounds sexy!

Contrary to the problem of the fact that it is impossible to be friends with your beloved man, still worth trying to divide his interests. Show curiosity when it comes to what he truly is fond of. Speak listen to a man when he has problems, and support advice when he needs it. Do not forget that finding a woman for love merits to modern representatives of strong sex is not difficult. Much more difficult after having sex to find common topics for conversation. If you find yourself an excellent interlocutor, witty and erudite, which, besides, has its own point of view for many vital issues, then from such a friend your favorite is hardly risks to abandon their own will.

You do not carefully separate the interests of the chief fully, chasing him on the motorcycles or choosing every weekend for fishing. However, you need to make it clear that you share his views. After all, every person has the right to live as he likes. Moreover, you also have to declare your own interests and do not allow your favorite "crushing" on you in matters that concern personal preferences. It is on this foundation that relations based on mutual respect are being built. And friendship in this case is the most durable and reliable cement mortar.

Many women, desperate to conquer the heart of a man and making a decision to become a good friend, subsequently rarely regretted the decision. Even if you are in love for a long time and hopelessly, that won your chosen one's confidence, you will very soon be able to become truly close and dear people for him. Sooner or later, the moment will come when he will understand that simply does not represent his life without you.

Wa-Bank game

Of course, when a woman is in love, she rarely analyzes their behavior and calculates how relations will develop. The world seems delicious, and relationship with the chosen one - eternal. But life is a very cunning thing that presents us surprises to the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is not spontaneously to build your line of behavior with a man, but as if it comes to it. Even if you are ready to obey your beloved in everything, it is still worth showing character and set a certain distance. This should be done so that your man knows exactly: crossing the forbidden line, he risks you to lose finally and irrevocably.

Skillfully placed accents in this difficult game Va-Bank will very soon bring their graceful fruits. Therefore, from time to time you can afford to be a capricious or demanding, arrange the scene of jealousy or demonstrate full indifference. If you make your man wander and give him to feel that in some questions, the compromise on your part is impossible by definition, then only you will win it sympathy. And yet - always stay yourself, even if you want to try on a mask of a languid glamorous personnel or intellectual. You can play with the chosen one, but at the same time he should always know what you are capable of every specific situation.

Method of blackmail

Make a man to do what he does not want is not the best option to build love relationships. However, if you really want to keep your chosen one, but at the same time have exhausted all available means of influence on it, then it remains only to resort to blackmail. He lies in pressing on a stupid or on the pride of whom you love, let's understand that without him just perish. If your man is a real gentleman, it will never allow himself to quit a weak, defenseless woman's fate.

However, in this case you need to feel very thinly the line between love and hatred. If you overtake the stick and begin to humiliate to the chosen one, to arrange the ugly scenes, imitating suicide attempts, then lose it anyway. Just the beloved will choose the most convenient moment to leave you alone. And then it will be impossible to rectify the situation, if only because you destroyed the fragile world of harmony, which is born when a man and woman truly love each other.

Blackmail must wear the character of the semi-shafts. You can understand that you cannot live without your beloved, in various ways. But, again, you should not replay, because men very sharply feel false in relationships and react to it most radically, trying to get rid of those who are trying to use them for mercenary purposes.

When relations between the beloved pass through the point of their peak, many women begin to worry about the upcoming break. They are trying to find "secrets" in relations with men, deepen into psychology to understand how to behave with their loved ones, how to talk and even how to manipulate them.

In this article, we will help you to figure out what to do not lose your man, and also consider the opinion of men about this - what kind of woman they would like to see next to them.

As in many other issues of psychology, an unequivocal answer here is impossible. It all depends on what relationship you are; who he is to you - guy, lover or husband? Each of these types of men need their approach. If you can adjust yourself to your beloved and lead yourself with him, he will hold on with both hands.

How to behave with a man if you love him and don't want to lose

If you feel love for your man, it is unlikely to want to manipulate them. Most likely, you are looking for an answer to the question - what to change in yourself, how to behave correctly.

But life is such that without manipulation can not do.

Watch your partner, we decided how he reacts to your behavior, which causes his admiration, alertness, and that the opposite is discontent. Having coped with this task, it will be easy for you to determine on what "buttons" at what moment to press.

  • If he loves to get up late, let him do it. Instead of meaningless attempts to wake him up, do it with his affairs, bring himself in order. And then please your beloved breakfast in bed.
  • If he is a lovers of fast food, do not force it to eat with boiled vegetables without salt. The man needs freedom, and he will be able to take care of his health if he wants.

Allow it to meet with friends, SEE YOUR FITNESS OR SHOKPING itself. Just do not get it with your calls or messages in whatsap, such "freedom" will be useless for him.

  • Think on time to praise your man, for example, for business consistency, for a beautiful voice, for the ability to select the color of the tie under the costume, for musical abilities, for unconditional charisma, for success, talent, mind, generosity, and so on. Praise will be a gingerbread, and the reduction of its dose at the right moment is a certain veiled whip.
  • Do not remind him of past failures. All people make mistakes, but this does not mean that with the mistakes, a person loses its dignity. Let your young man forget about the past and live today's day with the grand plans for the future.
  • Too much attention harm. Always remember that your boyfriend has a mother, and you do not need to take her place in his life. Do not treat him, as a child, should not be very calmed it in difficult life situations, and in the end such care will bring you that you will simply infect him.
  • Unlike women, men are not always comfortable to talk about their problems. They are also not lovers to listen to other people's problems. Try to keep some thoughts regarding your work or girlfriends, with you. He does not need to know about it. You can share only what is really important for both of you.
  • Do not plan the future, learn to live today. If you dream about how you celebrate your nearest birthday is still normal, then build plans for the celebration of your 50-year-old anniversary - you understand it yourself, this is a bust.

How to behave with her husband if he has a mistress

If you are just knowing about the presence of an third woman in your relationship, but you are ready to forgive betray, this advice is for you.

This is the advice on how to behave with a man so that he was afraid of losing you and refused his mistress. Alas, men in the temptations, which our world literally tends. Not everyone, even the most spaced and super smart woman, manages to keep a man in his power. Women who touched the marital treason from the official husband or the so-called civil husband are very numerous in our country.

If you decide for yourself that I am ready to forgive your husband and you are not going to share it anymore, you need to choose the right strategy. We offer you 3 options for your further behavior:

  1. Show that you can't live without it. Simply put - press conscience.
  2. Pictulate intake indifference. A man who loves to win and conquer, will forget everyone in the world of women and, most likely, will take it with zeal to clothe you. Then your new honeymoon with him is not far off.
  3. Show unprecedented careAs if showing that you rethought the situation and realized how irreplaceable. For a certain category of men, such a reversal of events absolutely retracts all other women to the background, because you for him in any case are incomparably more native and desirable, and now it walked to new feelings.

Dear women! Before applying one or another, understand one simple thing: each man is unique. What works well in one situation may be a diametrically opposite effect in another situation. Therefore, at first, look at your partner, we must understand it. Plus, do not forget to listen and listen to yourself - do you need it or not?

How to behave with a lover to be afraid of losing you?

To maintain a permanent interest in the man, in this case - a lover, you need to adhere to fairly simple rules:

  • Do not try to impose a man of my opinion, do not argue much, do not try to convince him in something hard, persistently insisting on my. In this case, you can only become an irritant for him, and after all, he must feel easily and calmly with you, and not to go to the meeting, as on the battlefield.
  • If you want to skillfully tie a lover to yourself, do not try to try to be excessively affectionate, everything should be in moderation. Observe the balance so as not to tire it.
  • Men do not like such women who are forever complain about life and love to let tear. Although this is the most common female trick, and, of course, your lover will regret you. But remember the rule! It is not necessary to overcome it with your problems often and many, you are a guessing smart woman, and most likely you understand what it threatens. Yes! If you become a boring and uninteresting, he will just leave or find you a replacement.
  • Very important sexual compatibility. This is the main point that is interesting for male representatives. Find out the preferences of a partner, and if you suddenly do not like something, do not make sharp statements and do not show squeamishness, otherwise you risk losing your lover forever. Manipulating them skillfully, admire his advantages, do not criticize, comes softly to what you like, and he will definitely make concessions.

The man is important to know that he himself decided, and not under the pressure of your opinion.

  • Be flexible, a bit discreet, After all, a meeting with you should be associated with rest, pleasure, comfort.
  • Able to listen carefully, to become in some extent to some extent that he trustBut again, not to be a shirt-boyfriend, able to abide by the distance.
  • In you should be true femininitywhich will definitely attract it. Then he will go to you and never wants to part with you.

If you want to learn all the rules how to behave with a lover so that he is afraid to lose you, you need to look closely to a man, find out what he loves, skillfully adapt to his interests. But do not be rag-haired doll.

He must see in you a confident lady who knows the price itself, and then, believe, your relationship will be even stronger and more interesting.

What a woman needs a man so that he does not want to lose her

How pleasant those feelings when you fall in love and understand that I found the only one who was waiting for all my life. You like the wings flush near him, trying to spend every second with him and trying to please all. But it happens that the man literally "strangled" your excessive caress and care, and then he leaves, leaving you in full solitude, breaking all your dreams and hopes.

Attaching tears you ask: "Why did he do it with me?! After all, he said that he loves ... ".

Or maybe a problem in you? And maybe it really loved, but did not bring these love "torture"? This should urgently understand. So, how to behave with a man so that he was afraid of losing you.

  1. All in moderation.First, you need to remember that everything should be in moderation. If you overlook the feelings, and you can not resist so as not to ride it, it is better to pour a dog, and his just smack in a cheek. Endless SMS and calls to the phone are unlikely to deliver the joy of lover. He must miss and understand - how bad it is without you. But it is not necessary to completely forget about it - you need men to love them and they admired. If he has a pretty lady on the way, which will give him signs of attention, which he does not receive from you - not long thinking he will go to her.
  2. A little pride.Women who ask a question how to behave with a man To be afraid to lose you, it is necessary to remember that for a start it should love and respect itself, develop mentally, spiritually, morally, to be interesting, diversified developed - a man should be interesting to her. Men who have crossed out all the information from their passion will go to look for another "object" to explore. And besides, if you have a useful case, you will spend less time on reflections like: And where is he now? And who is he now? And if he is with ...? And I will know.
  3. Friends - lovers.Well, the main answer to the question: how to behave with a man so that he was afraid of losing you? - Become a friend. It does not mean that you need to wear a football jersey and go to play football with him, or take porn magazine and discuss your naked maidens with him. You just need to learn to understand it, be able to listen to his problems at work, conflicts with the authorities, learn to give useful tips. By the way, it is behind them we appeal to our friends.

Of course, it's all superficially and generalized. Each man should have its own specific approach. And united rules how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you - does not exist. The most important thing is to understand a person, try to put yourself in his place in one situation or another. And of course, do not forget about yourself beloved.

In honor of your couple, Messelson's march was played, and therefore, ahead of happy, cloudless family life. Just after years, unsubscribed guests are suddenly announced: fears, doubts and experiences that the beloved can cool down and leave. Familiar? When the task becomes the task, how to behave with her husband, so that he is afraid of losing you, the advice of the psychologist will allow again to gain confidence.

To begin with, it is worth understanding why the fear of losing a man settled in your soul. Husband became cold, late comes home, it is not enough of your affairs? You need to shind even deeper - why is it going on? Look for the source of your anxiety primarily in yourself.

Perhaps all concerns are contrived, and your husband is firmly intended to meet with you deep old age. In this case, the recommendations of the psychologist also will not prevent the prevention of family problems.

How to behave with her husband so that he was afraid of losing you

  • How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you? Samoa stop afraid. Fear - emotion devastating and nothing good will bring anything good in your family life. Try not to focus on bad thoughts. Look for pleasant impressions in the surrounding world that can oust a negative.
  • Avoid the main mistake of many ladies - over strong atticness To her husband. Sometimes a woman dissolves so much in a spouse that it is easy to refuse their own interests, hobbies, friends, sometimes work. This is mistake. The wife must be self-sufficient and to a certain extent independent. Remember your value as a person. Take yourself by self-development, find your own source of income, if you do not have it. Remember the former hobbies and renew them, or find new ones. Make your life yourself filled, bright and interesting, and then it will be interested in your spouse.
  • Stand in front of the mirror and try to evaluate your reflection from the point of view of my husband. Perhaps during the marriage you swung, forgot about leaving for yourself or did you change the wardrobe for your worst? Plan minimum return brilliant appearance . Changes in women's appearance act on men magnetically. After all, representatives of strong sex faster tired of everydayness and immutability, they often need change. You yourself will return a shameless self-confidence, doing sports or making a new gorgeous hairstyle. Do not forget about stylish and careful form at any time of the day: no stretched mashekes and stirable bathrobes, shaggy chapels and circles under the eyes. Return to this condition when you tried to charm the future husband. Surely then you have not shown to him without makeup and styling. Again, become mysterious and unpredictable.
  • When the spouse is suffering how to behave with her husband, so that he was afraid of losing you, the advice of the psychologist warned against manipulations with jealousy. This method of many women seems the most effective. It seems to them that jealousy will return to the relationship of the former spark, and the husband is truly afraid of losing his beloved. In practice, provocations are not brought to good. Do not abuse such risky methods, otherwise you risk getting instead of everything aware and affectionate spouse of nervous, irritated, embittered tyrana. However, this does not mean that you should not take male compliments. I am pleased to bathe in them! Incount to tell your husband about the signs of attention from other men. The spouse must understand that you are an attractive woman, but true only to him.
  • Stop playing B. thoughtful mommy. This is one of the most unloved male models of behavior. Your husband is an adult person who has the right to independent decisions and its own inviolable space. Give him more freedom. Do not walk around around the clock. To start, reduce the number of calls and messages. Let the first writes and calls him. Do not strive to accompany him everywhere and everywhere. My husband should have things that you do not touch, and this is normal.
  • Often, marriage gives a crack when the wife takes on men's functions, wanting to become both the neck, and head. At first, the woman takes the brazda of the board from the spouse, and then begins to suffer, how is it all right and adequate to behave with this changed man so that he does not look sadly on the door, and I was afraid of you, my beloved, losing. The output is simple - to bring his role to her husband. Do not be afraid to show weakness and inability to do something. Give a man the right to take the most important decisions. Be softer and wiser.
  • Do not be cheerful demanding And intrusive in their claims. Woman saw is a character not only anecdotes, but also real men's nightmares. Large speed. Even if it seems to you that the husband does not hear you. Take the rule not to repeat the same remark more than two times. Follow the tone that you communicate with the partner, do not allow an order of choice and categoricity. Learn to keep yourself in your hands and speak calmly. And do not forget about the magical word "thank you."
  • A rare marriage costs without clarifying relationshipsBut in the power of a woman make their least dramatic. How to return the world to the family and behave with the head of my husband during and after quarrel, even in the heat of clarifying relationships sincerely afraid to make something stupid and lose you, - this is a difficult task, but the psychologist's advice will tell you how to quarrel right. Remember that disrespecting, conscious attempts to hurt, insult and consumer attitude are delicious. Do not allow insults to the address of the second half, the more do not find out the relationship with it for strangers. If you don't like something, do not copy the resentment, try to talk about it immediately, calmly tone. The golden rule is to sleep, you must lie with the established conflict, do not transfer it the next day.
  • Do not forget to give compliments of the spouse. Pleasant words man hears anywhere, but not in the family? He will look for such communication that will help him again believe in his strength and inspire new achievements. We will never miss the opportunity to paint your beloved man with a compliment or inspiring recognition.

I hear the question of how to build a family life and behave with my beloved husband in such a way that he always sought home and afraid to lose you and the family, experts usually warned from the word "afraid", the psychologist tips are aimed at creating a comfortable setting without any fear. Only in such an atmosphere it is possible to build family happiness.

It is believed that life kills love and if not her own, then it certainly cools, then the trembling and sensitive attitude of the man, which he demonstrated during the court and honeymoon.

The standards of the morality of the modern society of consumption inexorably state: in marriage, love is not born, but dies. Let's talk about how to behave with her husband so that he is afraid of losing you. Psychologist tips at all stages of development of marital relations.

It is very important to talk about your feelings for whom you love, because you never know when they can lose, or when they lose you.
Hill one tree (One Tree Hill)

Before marriage

If you want to master driving, then before sitting behind the wheel and turn on the ignition, a certain period of training should be passed. Such an approval can be applied to any type of activity, but for some reason it is often not taken into account by those who are going to create - the statistics of divorce in free access.

To family life, it is necessary to prepare before it starts, during the period of courtship and the choice of the future spouse. It is vital to watch carefully, to learn, do not be shy to ask questions to a person who claims to the role of a future husband and father.

The main mistakes that the woman admits at the courtship stage, and, which cooled or completely reduce the interest and respect for it from the man:

  • A woman takes a leading role in a relationship, cares for a man, he tries overly, he will like, demonstrate his business talents; Itself prescribes dates, pays bills, gives a man gifts, in a word - leads in dance.
  • Furiously closes his eyes to all the shortcomings of a man, on his disrespectful attitude, bad habits, ridicule - all so that the man does not leave, even if he has not thought to leave.
  • The woman in love mistakenly believes that the man will change after the wedding and the power of her love contributes to this.
The above illusions are cultivated in the feminine consciousness by cinema and completely disappear in the first years of living together. Under the pressure of everyday difficulties, problems associated with the birth and raising of children, the first intoxication passes, and the woman turns out to face the person with a person who is little interesting that she does not respect and generally possesses a huge set of negative properties and habits, invisible before marriage and Not subject to change by the power of her love.

  • Come to the choice of the future husband with a sober head. Ask people whose opinions you trust, evaluate the future chosen one, point out its positive and negative sides.
  • Carefully watch the behavior of a man in relation to other women meaningful for him: Moms, sisters, ex-wife. Do not share if he is Hamit, annoyed, offends other women - over time, this fate does not pass you.
  • Get the opportunity to a man for you to care for a long time. About any respect for a woman in marriage can not be speech, if a man went without effort. The higher your activity and interest during dates, the faster the man will lose interest to you.
  • Try a man: You must be completely confident before entering into marriage that the level of development of morality, life principles and male education will allow him to become a good father and a caring faithful husband. A man who wants to "live for himself" and "get everything from life", for "he is worth it" is simply obliged until it's late to get a resignation.


Most modern people suffer from a form of neurosis. So, the in love strives for a complete undivided selfish possession of another person, wishes to dissolve in the subject of his passion without a balance, not at all thinking about how it affects his spouse. In this case, the speeches of love, on the contrary, do not talk about unhealthy addiction.

Neurotic jealous women and are subject to emotional storms, they seek to control every step of men, walk behind him, forgetting about their own life. All of the above actions on the part of a woman - the faithful tool so that the husband does not just cool and stop it to respect, but also went to the side to get rid of the unbearable oppression and control.

Despite the proximity of the spouses, in family life it is necessary to observe the distance.

Several tips to preserve their attractiveness in marriage:
  • Do not get up after the wedding. This applies to the appearance and well-groomed woman.
  • And again about the benefits of the distance: A man should not be present when applying makeup, hair styling, depilation, not to mention more intimate hygienic procedures.
  • Do not become a caring mom for her husband. Take for Axiom: If the wife raises her husband as a son, she prepares it for another wife.
  • Do not attend male companies of your husband. Have your circle of communication, personal interests, personal time.

Cheap manipulations

In the network you can find breathtaking recommendations on the return of attention and respect for the "cool husband." They are associated with hikes to go rhodiffs, receptions for the excitation of jealousy and in essence are cheap manipulations over the will of another person.

- a flawed, neurotic person, which seeks its goals to land, persistent, the desire to cause jealousy, a non-saturated control, power suppression, in a word, anything, only not by patience and respect for the feelings of another person.

It is much more honest, although it is more difficult, to talk about everything for cleanness and if necessary, to move away for a while.

In our network, one is very dangerous in our opinion, the Council relating to the wives, whose husbands brought a woman on the side. Such ladies "kind people" are advised by anything to put her husband home, using the methods of rival, namely: to increase help with respect to a man in everyday life and in bed.

The result of such a strategy is often peenbled and even tragic: a man is conveniently lived into two families, starts children on the side, and at this time, at a legitimate spouse, the level of voltage and expectations increases incentively. As a result, the inevitable breakdown and in some cases, a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Is it possible to forgive betray?
- You can, but why? When loved - you caress, fear to lose.
Once change, it means no longer love - if you are not afraid of losing.
Then why forgive and stay with a person who refused you?
Rinat Valulin. In each silence its hysteria

In a situation, no matter how painful and painfully, it is necessary to stop married to communicate and move away. A man must understand that such actions will not pass without consequences. Only in this case, the woman can count on respect and correct the current situation.