Which sedatives are suitable for babies? What sleeping pills for children are there

This problem affects every fifth growing person. About 20% of all parents complain of sleep disturbances in their child. A good rest is actually necessary for both children and their moms and dads.

If the strength is already running out, and the child cannot get enough sleep at night and does not allow his parents to do this, adults are seriously puzzled by the question of how to choose a harmless and effective sleeping pill for their baby. And in general, should children be given sleeping pills?

Before running to the pharmacy or looking for answers in medical reference books, you need to figure out if your baby really needs sleeping pills? Not all sleep disorders are a symptom of a medical condition that requires medication.


Sleep disturbances can be caused by psychological and physiological reasons:

  • If the child is by nature "little sleepy". In this case, frequent awakenings can be a feature of the character and temperament of the baby.
  • If the child has age-related psychological difficulties. He began to see terrible dreams due to the active development of his imagination, he has age crises (3 years old, 7 years old, adolescence)
  • If the family has a difficult atmosphere, quarrels, conflicts, or the child has experienced severe stress.
  • If the child is in pain. Sleeping pills in this case will have no effect.

A child who is awake because something hurts will not be helped by sleeping pills

In these cases, the child does not need sedatives (sleeping pills). He will be helped by the help of a psychologist, confidential communication with parents, game therapy. In case of pain, you need a doctor's consultation and treatment of the cause, not the effect.

Sleep disorders in children and adolescents are of other origin:

  • Shallow disturbing sleep, awakening is accompanied by a piercing cry. These signs may indicate damage to the child's nervous system.
  • Night shudders are a very warning sign. This may be the first "call" in case of the onset of epilepsy. The child urgently needs an examination.
  • Somnambulism. Or as we call it, sleepwalking. It is a sleep disorder that is painful in nature. The child can walk, talk, do something without waking up.
  • Bedwetting - enuresis. A wet bed is not conducive to sound sleep for a child.
  • Sleep apnea. The child breathes unevenly during sleep, sometimes breathing is interrupted.
  • Sleep phase disorder syndromes. This is a "failure" of the child's internal clock. He can be drowsy during the day and awake at night. In infants, the biological clock is restored independently or with the help of parents. And older children, sleep phase disorders syndromes may require, among other things, drug treatment.

There can be many reasons for a child's sleep disorder.

Types of drugs

By sleeping pills, we are used to understanding any sedative that helps to relax and fall asleep. From the point of view of doctors, this is not an entirely correct definition.

Sleeping pills are a group of drugs that have psychoactive effects. There are three types of sleeping pills - barbiturates, antihistamines, and medications containing bromine.

The drug of the barbiturates group is a strong hypnotic, which in its essence does not normalize sleep, but changes its architecture. Antihistamines have the same effect. Barbiturates are, among other things, highly physically addictive. There are no “sparing” sleeping pills.

What we used to call sleeping pills for children are herbal teas, herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies. Let's talk about them in more detail.

How to choose for a child?

Before choosing a drug, it is imperative to consult a doctor, even if it is a herbal medicine, you need to minimize the risks of developing allergic reactions in a child.

Before choosing a sleeping pill for a child, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Newborns and children under 1 year old

At this age, there can be only two reasons for taking real sleeping pills: cerebral hydrocephalus in a baby or postnatal encephalopathy. These are serious diseases, for which self-medication is inappropriate.

Most often, herbal preparations are recommended for restless crumbs up to a year to normalize sleep. Peppermint, wasteland k, lemon balm have a mild effect. They can be drunk in the form of tea, added to the bath in which the baby bathes. For babies, a decoction is often made from ordinary pharmacy chamomile.

At this age, the child has good reasons not to sleep: colic, wet diapers, uncomfortable diapers, hunger. Therefore, parents should look for the root of the baby's problems and eliminate negative factors. Sleep will improve without medication.

For very anxious toddlers, there is a formula for sale with tryptophan (an amino acid that regulates sleep and wakefulness). It is called "Frisolak". It can be given from birth to six months.

For babies in the first year of life, you can pick up a milk formula with tryptophan

After the baby is 6 months old, the choice of such special "night" adapted mixtures is significantly expanded. Almost every baby food manufacturer includes tryptophan formulas in their lineup.

If your 6-month-old baby or child is older, the doctor has found disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, he may prescribe "Pantogam". It is a mild sedative that improves blood flow to the brain. It comes in tablets, syrup, and capsules. The tablet form should not be taken by children under the age of three.

Children's single dose of "Pantogam" starts from 0.25 grams, daily - a maximum of 3 grams. Depending on the diagnosis, the course of treatment will last from 1 to several months.

For children under one year old, Pantogam is prescribed in the form of syrup

In the next video, a young mother will tell you why a baby in the first year of life can sleep poorly and what should be your actions in this case.

Preschool children

For grown-up toddlers (2-5 years old), in addition to homeopathic and herbal preparations, the doctor may prescribe "Phenibut". It is a nootropic drug that has a mild tranquilizing effect. This medicine improves blood circulation in the central nervous system, improves the activity of brain cells.

The pediatric dose of this drug is 20 to 100 mg per day. The treatment will last up to 4 weeks. The doctor can also advise "Phenibut" in case of enuresis in a child and in the treatment of certain forms of stuttering.

Most often, for children aged 2-5 years, pediatricians recommend a mixture with citral to normalize sleep. It has a mild effect, calms the baby and reduces intracranial pressure. Also helps with ascariasis. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the child.

Magnesium preparations, for example, Magne B6, also normalize sleep, but it is not worth giving them to a child without a doctor's recommendation. If the doctor, based on the results of the child's tests, comes to the conclusion that there is not enough magnesium in a small body, he will certainly offer you this particular drug. Magnesium improves the functioning of cells throughout the body, including the nervous system. Improves sleep, appetite, reduces anxiety.

The instructions for Magna B6 say that the children's dosage is 1-6 tablets per day. The amount depends not on age, as many mothers think, but on the degree of magnesium deficiency in the body. That is why it is better to get tested first.

The dosage of Magne B6 is selected based on the degree of magnesium deficiency in the child's body.

Homeopathic remedies

  • "Bayu-bye" - homeopathic drops, which contain extracts of medicinal plants - motherwort, hawthorn, peony. The manufacturers of these drops recommend starting their intake at the age of 5, but many parents (and I am no exception) practice the Bayu-bye intake even before the baby is 1 year old. Of course, strictly dosed - no more than two drops before bedtime. The drops have a sedative effect, practically do not cause allergic reactions.

The drug Bayu-bai is prescribed for children over 5 years old.

Tenoten tablets are prescribed for children over 3 years old

  • "Persen"it is a safe sedative that can be given in tablets for children from 3 years old, and from 12 years oldin capsules. Persen contains herbs - mint, lemon balm, valerian. Often "Persen" is advised to be taken by children aged 10-14 years, who are difficult to enter adolescence.

Persen is prescribed for children in the form of tablets or capsules, depending on the age of the child.

  • "Notta" is another homeopathic remedy that allows you to curb the emotional manifestations of a child and improve his restless sleep. Effectively reduces childhood anxiety. "Notta" is available in the form of drops, tablets. The tablets are recommended for overly irritable and capricious children.

Nott's drug is prescribed for children in the form of drops or tablets

  • Dormikind is a German homeopathic medicine. It completely eliminates sedation, and therefore it can be used by the smallest - babies from birth to 4 years old. It is often prescribed for hyperactive children. Dormikind tablets are diluted in a teaspoon of water for babies; older children are prescribed 1 tablet 4 times a day.

The advantage of the drug Dormikind is that it can be used even for very young children under one year old.

  • Children's syrup "Hare". Designed for restless and excitable kids over 3 years old. Reduces stress, relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep and makes it sound. The "Hare" contains herbal ingredients (caraway, chamomile, valerian, hawthorn) and vitamins. It is taken by dissolving the dose in any liquid 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Bunny syrup can be given to children from 3 years old

It often happens that the child is too active during the day, is easily aroused and does not fall asleep well in the evening. The problem with going to bed easily is exacerbated by restless, shallow sleep during the night. This is painful not only for the baby, but also for his parents.

Sometimes, involuntarily, there is a desire to give him sleeping pills. But sleeping pills for children can lead to his lethargy in the morning and to hyperactivity in the evening, exacerbating the situation.

Various factors can unbalance a child, ranging from changes in the weather to domestic troubles. Therefore, important circumstances affecting the well-being of the baby need to be considered in more detail:

  • The behavior of the child during the day and falling asleep in the evening can be adversely affected by the state of the air in the apartment. Regular airing of the room is mandatory during the day.

  • Not enough walks. The child definitely needs to throw out his energy to the fullest. This involves active outdoor play, not just wheelchair rides. In this case, the unspent strength will be realized by activity before bedtime.
  • The child can be stimulated by a change of environment, place of residence.
  • Hospital stay. The nervous reaction from this will certainly affect already at home.
  • Conflicting relationships between parents. This factor is always negative and affects the behavior of the child.

The most common causes are related to the child's discomfort. This is especially evident in the first months of life, when the baby's body has not yet been finally formed. The most common factors are:

  • Sharp tummy. When palpated, it seems tense, swollen. To remove this condition, you can use a special tube to remove gases from the intestines. You can also give your baby some dill water.

  • Anxiety can be the first sign of an incipient food allergy. It is necessary to recall the feeding features in the last day or two. Perhaps the new product sparked this reaction. For nursing mothers, you also need to take into account your own menu: the baby will quickly respond to the mother's inappropriate diet.

Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the circumstances that influence the child's behavior. We have listed only the main ones.

Psychologists also note the reason for the lack of attention to children on the part of parents. Knowing that when laying down for the night, his beloved mother will not leave him, the baby does not allow himself to fall asleep in order to communicate with the parent for a longer time.

Sedatives for an infant

Immediately, we note that sleeping pills are not used for children. Usually, for brevity, this is the name for preparations made from natural natural raw materials. Such a remedy for babies of the first year is various decoctions of medicinal herbs. Decoctions of mint or lemon balm, valerian and motherwort work well.

Chamomile tincture works well for babies. To prepare the product, you need to pour two tablespoons of the herb with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. The infusion has a mild sedative effect. It can also help stabilize your baby's digestive system if it's a cause for concern.

For newborns and children under one year old who do not have pathological developmental abnormalities that require treatment with hypnotics, experts advise to give breast more often. This kind of action can be literally a miracle cure. As a result, within a few days the baby calms down and his sleep is normalized.

Even with congenital neuropathy, if the mother's pregnancy took place in conditions of frequent stress, the doctor recommends the use of funds from the natural ingredients listed above.

Treatment of children under one year old with synthetic drugs can lead to side effects, the consequences of which will be much more severe than the inconveniences they are designed to eliminate. Soothing herbal preparations are much milder and without consequences.


The first year in a baby's life is the most important one. The formation of the body is coming to an end, so the child is most vulnerable during this period. This state of affairs imposes on the parents a special responsibility for his entire subsequent life and state of health. And here there are not and cannot be trifles: every step, every action is important.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Often, young mothers and fathers face a problem when their baby becomes irritable, restless and for some reason does not sleep well. This behavior of the child is explained by many factors. The fact is that he is more sensitive to reality than adults. Even half an hour without mom can cause him anxiety. He was sent to a kindergarten, where the situation is not familiar to him? This is also a cause for frustration. And if he has a tooth cut? Of course, in this case, he may cry and sleep poorly.

One way or another, but mothers do not want to put up with such behavior and, in an attempt to calm their little one, think about which sleeping pill is better for the child.

However, it is not recommended to solve this problem on your own.

Does your child sleep poorly? Contact a specialist

Qualified help in the question of which sleeping pills should be used for a child in a particular case will be provided only by a pediatrician. It is to him that you need to contact in case your baby shows anxiety. He will be able to determine the reason for his behavior and, based on the analyzes carried out, appoint a special one for the little one.

What types exist today

Currently, the widest assortment of "soporific" drugs is presented on the shelves of pharmacies: syrups, infusions, pills, while many parents simply do not know which sleeping pill to buy for a child. As already emphasized, it is better to trust a specialist in this matter.

In any case, when purchasing this or that drug, you should strictly adhere to the instructions contained in the package. The specific dosage of the medication depends on the age of the child.

So, what kind of sleeping pills for a child can you recommend for parents who are worried about their child's "excessive" excitability?

At the same time, a huge number of "newly made" mothers are interested in the question of which sleeping pills for babies are most harmless to the health of the baby today.

Herbal infusions

Of course, these are soothing teas based on medicinal herbs (peony, hops, mint), valerian. At the same time, decoctions from medicinal plants are an effective sleeping pill for children under one year old. Again, it should be emphasized that before making a choice in favor of one or another herbal collection, you should consult with a specialist in order to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction after drinking medicinal tea.

Homemade recipes for making teas from natural ingredients

Currently, herbal infusions are presented in a huge assortment in stores and pharmacies.

However, in order to save the family budget, you can make tea from plants and herbs at home. For example, you can brew chamomile at the rate of two teaspoons of raw materials per glass of water. Such a sleeping pill for children 1 year old will be ideal. Chamomile calms the nervous system, relieves tension and relaxes muscles.

An infusion of fennel seeds will also help to relieve irritation and excitability. It can be boiled alone or combined with other herbs. Doctors recommend this tea not only to the child, but also to the mother during lactation.

Babies should drink fennel infusion to eliminate gas formation in the intestines.

Ready-made herbal teas for children

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the herbal infusion called "Children's sedative". It contains such natural ingredients as naked licorice, rose hips, warty birch leaves, peppermint, lavender herb. Tea will cheer up the child, his sleep will become stronger, and there will be no trace of the former capriciousness. The above children's sleeping pills have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, "slowing down" the intensity of the processes of excitability in the brain.

Pediatricians are advised to give infusion "Children's sedative" to all babies, regardless of their age. For toddlers up to three years old, the decoction should be given at the rate of one glass per day, and for older children, the dosage can be increased to one and a half glasses per day. The course of treatment is approximately thirty days.

Children's doctors also speak positively about herbal decoctions called "Evening Tale" and "Mom's Tale". They help improve the psychological state of naughty babies and eliminate the symptoms of bad mood. Among other things, the above preparations, made on the basis of natural ingredients, help to reduce gas formation and eliminate colic in the intestines.

Herbal baths

In order for the child to sleep well, many dads and mothers prepare soothing baths from medicinal herbs. Through such water procedures, the child becomes calmer, he is less irritated, in addition, he just rests.

For example, you can make a bath with four natural ingredients: motherwort, oregano, valerian, and thyme. You will need three tablespoons of the above plants in a crushed form. The mixture must be brewed, wait until it is infused for half an hour, strain and add to a bath of water. Water procedures should be taken for a quarter of an hour.

Homeopathic remedies

Well, of course, homeopathic remedies should be mentioned to help eliminate insomnia in children.

It should be remembered that such funds are aimed at eliminating mental and emotional arousal. If taken for a long period of time, a side effect may occur, and the functioning of the baby's nervous system may malfunction. That is why you should definitely consult your doctor before using.

If or he cannot fall asleep for a long time, experts recommend such homeopathic remedies as the drug "Dormikind" (manufacturer - HEEL) and NOTTA (manufacturer - Bittner). At the same time, the first medicine is recommended for infants, and the second for children over the age of three.

There is also a high demand for a drug called "Bayu-Bai". It strengthens the nervous system, relieves stress, and also provides protection against stress. The medicine has no side effects, it contains no barbiturates. Means "Bayu-Bai" does not cause drowsiness and does not provoke addiction.

Parents should promptly respond to the symptoms of childhood insomnia, otherwise neurotic pathologies can significantly worsen the state of health in adulthood.

It so happens that a child is very active during the day and cannot calm down in the evening. Parents with difficulty put to bed a cleared baby. Restless sleep and the difficulty of going to bed take a lot of energy not only from the child, but also from the parents. And sometimes they think of giving the child sleeping pills so that the child falls asleep faster. However, it is worth remembering the possible consequences after applying such drastic measures.

Can children be given sleeping pills?

As a sedative, a light sleeping pill for newborns and for children under one year is not recommended due to various consequences:

  • possible violation of sleep phases, their alternation;
  • the next day, the child may have lethargy, apathy, unwillingness to play;
  • sleeping pills for children can cause drug addiction in a child, which is even more difficult to deal with than putting a child to bed.

It should be remembered that, first of all, it is necessary to look for the root cause of the sleep disturbance, why the child is not sleeping. And the reasons can be different:

  • the child did not have time to throw out the accumulated energy during the day and tries to do it in the evening before going to bed;
  • the baby experiences discomfort during sleep (for example, the room is stuffy);
  • the child has overexcitation and excessive tension in the emotional sphere;
  • change of residence, environment;
  • past illnesses, often - being in a hospital for treatment causes sleep disturbances already at home;
  • stressful situations (for example, adaptation to kindergarten, the first trip to school);
  • conflicts between parents.

But the most common reason for the difficulty of going to bed is the child's attempt to draw attention to himself. After all, when he goes to bed for a long time, the parents pay all their attention only to him, which the child lacked so much during the day. Thus, he tries to compensate for the lack of parental attention.

What medications can you use to put your baby to sleep?

As hypnotics, children can be given motherwort or hawthorn tincture, valerian (only in tablets, since valerian is in liquid form for alcohol), dramin, Valium, Relanium. There are also special children's products: Bayu-Bai, Hare. It is important to understand that there are no sleeping pills for children, only sedatives can be used. It is clear that sometimes parents would like to use such drugs in order to quickly calm the baby and put him to bed. However, do not forget that hypnotic is a potent medicine that has an adverse effect on the nervous system of a still not strong baby. Therefore, it is worth looking for other ways to put the child to sleep.

From the moment the baby is born and until his first word, at least a year will pass. An infant can communicate his desires and worries only with the help of crying. Not surprisingly, babies cry for several hours every day. And parents, in order to calm their child, need to understand

Why do babies cry?

Some inexperienced parents believe that crying a baby is a way of manipulation. The child screams to be picked up. This is not true! The baby is not yet so developed that crying “on purpose”. But hunger, thirst, a wet diaper can cause unpleasant emotions in a little person. Some children calmly endure, while others immediately report their discomfort with loud crying.

Fear is another reason for a child's cry. The kid just recently got into this world. He may be frightened by unfamiliar sounds and smells, the absence of his mother nearby, other people's faces. Calming the baby in this case means doing everything so that the little person grows up as a normal, full-fledged person. After all, many complexes and mental disorders come precisely from childhood.

If the baby cries for every occasion, it can be exhausting for the parents. First of all, you need to consult a pediatrician. A specialist can advise effective for babies. But the use of medicines is recommended only in the most extreme cases. There are many alternative methods you can use to distract your baby.

The child does not sleep well at night

A baby crying during the daytime can be far less disturbing for parents than it is at night. What if the child wakes up every hour and at the same time does not want to drink or eat? There is no need to rush to a neurologist. Perhaps the baby is simply out of order. Many people know that a child can confuse day with night. You should pay attention to how much the child sleeps during the day. It is worth remaking his regime so that most of the day is spent awake.

Afternoon is a great time for child development. At a time when the baby is awake, it is necessary to walk a lot with him in the fresh air, talk, show bright objects. A special massage is of great benefit to the child. It promotes not only physical but also mental development. If the baby spends almost all of his waking hours alone with himself, it is not surprising that he will be restless and whiny. You should not give a sedative for babies for any reason. The child requires attention and care, and medications should be postponed for an emergency.

"White noise" for restful sleep

Any baby is soothed by monotonous sounds, similar to the beating of a mother's heart. Therefore, a sedative for babies at night can be chosen according to this principle. The so-called "white noise" is a great alternative. Special sounds for reminiscent of the murmur of water, the sound of rain or sea waves. Children like this musical accompaniment very much. They fall asleep calmly and sleep more soundly.

Classical music also has a good effect. Parents should teach their baby to be beautiful even before birth. Scientists have long proven that babies can hear perfectly in the womb. If the baby always plays the same slow melody, she can replace the sedative for babies. Hearing a familiar sound, kids almost always calm down.

Water procedures

Another great soothing remedy for babies is herbal baths. Water procedures should be an obligatory item in the daily schedule of the baby. Why not solve several problems at the same time? Various plant extracts added to warm water have a positive effect on the baby. He calms down quickly and falls asleep easily.

Herbs such as valerian, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, and mint have a positive effect on restless babies. They have relaxing as well as healing properties. Soothing baths for babies in succession will be useful if there are irritations on the baby's body. Just a few procedures will be enough for the baby's skin to glow with health again.

How to make a baby bath?

Water treatments are best planned for the evening. It is not advisable to start bathing immediately after feeding. Soothing baths for babies should be done just before bedtime. The main role here is played by the water temperature. Water heated to 37 degrees is considered ideal. For babies who have not yet healed the umbilical wound, water procedures are carried out with boiled water.

Medicinal herbs for water treatments can be purchased at the pharmacy. They can be packaged or sold in disposable sachets. A decoction of herbs is quite simple to prepare. Several tablespoons or disposable sachets must be poured with a liter of boiling water. The broth must be infused for 15 minutes. Then it can be added to the bath. Each time you need to prepare a fresh broth. It is impossible to procure it for future use.

Tea as an alternative to medicines

Almost all herbs used to prepare soothing baths for babies can also be used internally. But you should not make tea for your baby yourself. Many teas are sold in pharmacies that have a relaxing effect. They use the optimal dosage for babies. Any tea that is offered in a pharmacy has instructions. Parents can easily brew a delicious and healthy drink.

Soothing tea for babies should be given with caution if they are breastfed. The drink may seem tastier to the child than milk. The consequence may be the refusal of the crumbs from the breast. In this case, the mother herself should drink a soothing tea. Thus, it will be possible to solve two problems at once - to adjust the sleep of both mother and baby.

Before making a soothing tea for babies using certain herbs, you should consult a pediatrician. Some plants may have more than just sedative properties. Motherwort, for example, lowers blood pressure. Soothing tea should be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the child.


For children who are very anxious, baths and teas can only have a temporary effect. In some cases, it is impossible to do without medication. There are a wide variety of sedatives that are suitable for babies under one year old. They practically have no contraindications, but they should still be taken with caution. You can buy medicines only on the recommendation of a doctor.

An integrated approach will give a good result. In addition, a sedative for babies can be used. "Glycine", "Pantogam", "Phenibut" - this is an incomplete list of drugs that can be used to eliminate anxiety in babies. Homeopathic remedies (drugs "Notta", "Dormikind", "Hare", "Viburkol") also give good results. They are harmless, gently soothe the baby. But even such drugs should be used only after agreement with the pediatrician.

Mom's love and affection

Nothing can replace the tender mother's hands for the baby. Baby crying should not be neglected. It is impossible to accustom a Rebek to hands. No medications can give a good result if the baby does not receive affection and warmth from the mother. Of course, it is impossible to carry a baby in your arms all day long. A sling can come to the rescue.

A baby sling is a unique device that allows you to do homework with your baby. The child, being constantly with the mother, feels calm. At the same time, the woman's hands remain free. The sling can be used right from birth. Being in a physiological position, the child can sleep and stay awake next to his mother. You can carry your baby not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Slings today are made from high quality materials. Only natural fabrics are used. This product is not cheap. But parents are ready to pay any money for the comfort and health of the baby. In addition, the baby sling is much more beneficial than the soothing drops for babies.

Grandma's remedies

There are methods for calming babies that have been used by women since ancient times. song and motion sickness in the arms. If no other sedative is available for babies, a slow song sung by the mother has an excellent effect.

Do not forget also about such a wonderful tool as a dummy. Of course, it is not of great benefit. But sometimes you can't do without a dummy. The baby satisfies his sucking reflex and falls asleep calmly.