What kind of combs you need to comb your hair. How to brush wet hair after a bath. How to comb short hair correctly

After shampooing, the hair remains damp for a certain period of time. Experts do not recommend combing them in this state, as well as drying them with a hair dryer. This is due to the fact that wet hair is easily injured and broken. They are very hygroscopic, therefore, immediately after washing, they become heavy, as a result of which they are very easily pulled out and broken off, especially since steamed skin facilitates this process.

If possible, you should try to let your hair dry naturally, and then start styling. The only exception can be going out, when you need to put yourself in order very quickly.

How to brush wet hair

Immediately after washing, wrap your head with a terry towel for 5-10 minutes. This is enough time to absorb excess moisture into the fabric. You can also gently towel dry wet hair, then apply a special comb-through or leave-in balm.

Modern cosmetic companies produce a variety of hair products designed for high-quality styling and complete care. Most products make combing easier. It is better to give preference to products in the form of a spray, since they are very convenient to use.

When using cosmetic products in the form of a foam or lotion, squeeze or pour a small amount into the palm of your hand, and then distribute it evenly over the entire length of the hair.

After applying the cosmetic product, you can start brushing. A wooden or bone comb or a wide-toothed comb is ideal for this. Round and flat brushes with synthetic bristles or metal teeth must not be used. They are very easy to damage wet hair.

You need to use the comb very carefully. To begin with, you should divide your hair into several large strands, and then comb each of them. You need to start combing from the very ends of the hair, and then you need to gradually move upward, to their roots.

It is advisable to start styling only after the hair has dried a little more. While drying and creating the hairstyle, you will also need a comb, but in this case, you can already use flat brushes and round combs. It is important that the tips of their plastic or metal teeth are rounded. This is necessary to maintain healthy hair and prevent scalp injury.

Admit it, how often it happens with you: jumped up in the morning, quickly washed, almost brushed your teeth, barely combed your hair and quickly pulled it into a puff to create a semblance of a hairstyle on your head? Meanwhile, our hair also needs proper brushing, as well as our teeth daily brushing. After all, people comb their hair not only to look neat. But also to remove dirt from them, improve the structure of the hair and strengthen it.

Combs: types and features

Hair is a “mirror” of our health. And, combing, which some do not take seriously, is a necessary and important procedure. In the process of combing, the hair is enriched with oxygen and the roots are massaged, thanks to which they become beautiful, healthy, well-groomed. However, you need to know HOW and WHAT to comb them.

To begin with, not every comb is suitable for our hair. Yes, each one consists of teeth, but the material from which it is made is often questioned whether to buy it so as not to harm your hair. Let's go through the types of combs.

Massage brush

This tool is either oval or square, with often vertical teeth on one side. The use of such a brush helps to accelerate the blood supply to the hair follicles due to the massage action of the instrument. In addition, subcutaneous fat is distributed along the entire length of the hair, providing them with "nourishment". Naturally, preference should be given to brushes with natural bristles: from pork, horse or whalebone. Yes, they are more "capricious" than brushes with metal or plastic teeth, since they must be carefully looked after. But, using them constantly, you will be surprised that your hair becomes lush, healthy, and fits perfectly into the desired hairstyle line.

Metal comb

This tool is often used to floss or unravel very tangled strands. She serves for a long time. But this is where all the "pluses" of the comb end. Dyed hair should not be combed with a metal comb at all, since metal, when interacting with paint, can enter into a chemical reaction, and its results are unpredictable. Wet hair also does not fall under the category "can be used". And if you comb dry hair, then it becomes naughty. 3 significant minuses against 2 dubious pluses.

Wooden combs

Yogis tend to choose combs made of wood, but of high quality wood, like birch or oak. The "first" will do an excellent job with dandruff, the "second" will soothe the hair. However, wooden combs are “prone” to cracking, and then the instrument must be replaced with a new one so that cracks and roughness do not damage the hair structure.

Plastic combs

Their only plus is their cheapness! When buying a plastic combing tool, you probably do not think that you will have to wash it often, because grease and dust from the hair quickly adhere to the plastic. And if you often use a hairdryer, then you risk the health of your hair, because when it interacts with hot air, plastic releases harmful substances.

Combs made from natural materials

Silver, bone, tourmaline instruments are much more expensive than plastic items. But on the other hand, their use will not harm, but, on the contrary, will improve the condition of the hair.

  • Silver products are an excellent disinfectant and have a beneficial effect on the health of every hair. Daily brushing with a silver comb is the best way to remove dust, bacteria, grease and other contaminants; getting rid of seborrhea, itching, dry scalp and other skin diseases;
  • Bone and horn combs are not popular, although they provide gentle hair care; these products are expensive, but the main disadvantage is that you can scratch the delicate scalp with sharp teeth;
  • Tourmaline products have no contraindications, but a whole set of advantages: improved blood flow on the scalp, hair growth, "resistance" to bacteria and fungi, as well as gray hair and alopecia, relief of nervous tension and headaches. Tourmaline combs have no defects, but a perfectly flat surface, due to which hair damage is excluded.

In order not to fall for fakes, we advise you to buy combs from professional hairdressing supplies stores. Owners of thick long hair should get a massage brush with natural fibers of different lengths. For those whose hair is not too thick, a comb is suitable for daily combing. And if the hair is "in trouble", and the curls have a dull and lifeless look, then it is better to comb with combs and brushes with a soft "base" made of natural materials. Their use will accelerate the blood supply to the scalp.

When choosing a comb, be guided by the following nuances:

  • On the teeth of combs and massage brushes, there must be tips.
  • The teeth of combs should not be scratched, otherwise they can injure the scalp.
  • Before buying wooden tools, check them for cracks and burrs.
  • Products with silicone, plastic or rubber inserts must not be damaged or defective.

Tip # 2. Stick to basic hair brushing rules

Having the "right" tool, you can start brushing. Usually, this procedure is given time after sleep and before sleep, that is, in the morning and evening. Dry hair can be brushed more often and oily hair less. In summer it is recommended to comb your hair on the balcony or in the fresh air so that it “breathes”.

Hair of medium length should be divided into strands and combed from the ends, moving towards the roots. Hair should not be pulled with a brush or comb to "detangle" or comb the hair faster. The movement should be smooth, and when you are done, you can smooth your hair with your hands. For those who have long hair, they need to be taken in a bun and combed carefully and slowly: first only the ends, then the ends together with the middle part, then the entire hair. For short-haired girls and ladies, you can comb the strands, starting from the roots.

It is recommended to comb loose hair at least 50 times. But our grandmothers argued: in order for the hair to be lush and healthy, it is necessary to brush it over it at least 100 times.

Yogis advise after combing to actively "work" with your head: back and forth, left and right. And so on 10-20 times in each direction. In this case, the head should be "tilted" down, and the hair should be loose.

Take care of your hair! Do not overdo it with a hairdryer and hot curlers, massage your head with your hands more often, eat fresh and high-quality food, especially fruits, vegetables and herbs, take vitamins. And your hair will delight you with its beauty and splendor!

Do you know how often you should brush your hair? And what are the requirements for this process? And also right: before or after washing? There are definite answers to all these questions.

What shape to choose a comb?

Before combing your hair, it will be right to decide on the tool - choose a comb or brush. You may even need both.

To care for your hair every day, you need a comb. If they are often tangled, then the teeth should be very sparse. If you have dandruff, a very fine-toothed comb will be needed.

How to choose a brush? First you need to pay attention to its teeth. They should not be sharp or hard. Such brushing tools will traumatize the scalp by scratching it. Before buying a brush, you need to carefully examine its bristle. It must be solid. It is better to choose a rubber base.

The good thing about the brush is that it combines combing with a massage of the scalp. Soft and fluid movements stimulate blood flow to the roots. This significantly improves the nutrition of the hair. To achieve this massage effect, you will need to purchase a brush with the sparseest possible bristles. It is good when the bristles are collected in small bunches and are at a decent distance from each other, then the brush will easily comb through even the thickest hair.

We will talk about how to properly comb your hair with a brush.

What material to choose a comb?

If you go to the shops, you can see that the most popular material for combs is plastic. Is it the most useful and will it be possible with its help to find the answer to the question of how to comb your hair correctly? It turns out that no. Such combs strongly electrify the hair, which negatively affects their condition.

But plastic tools do not require much maintenance. They can be easily washed with regular detergents. Moreover, they are still quite strong and durable.

If a woman really cares about how to comb her hair correctly, then she should pay attention to natural materials. And it will be a tree or a horn. The first is great for anyone and doesn't hurt the skin. However, it is not easy to keep it clean. Yes, and such material absorbs moisture very strongly. Therefore, a wooden comb is usually small.

Horn products are considered the best. This is due to the fact that its nature is as close as possible to the composition of the hair. Such combs also have a significant drawback, which is associated with its deterioration by warm and hot water.

What is the maintenance of the combs?

To avoid heavy contamination of combing tools, they should be wiped clean after each use. For this purpose, you need to prepare a solution of ammonia. You need to take it in just a tablespoon per liter of water.

If the comb is heavily contaminated with skin flakes, dust and grease, then you will need to prepare a cleaning agent and a hard brush. She will need to thoroughly clean all the teeth and the gaps between them. Then the comb must be rinsed with clean water and wiped well.

The bristles lose their rigidity with regular use. You can return it with a weak alum solution. The brush will need to be held in it for several minutes.

  • Experts advise to perform this procedure at least three times a day. After waking up, in the afternoon (after returning from work) and before bedtime.
  • The movements of the comb must be smooth.
  • The duration of brushing also has a bearing on how to brush your hair. As a guide, you can remember the advice of grandmothers. They recommended combing your hair 10 times a day and brushing each section 10 times.
  • Wet hair is too vulnerable, so combing it is strictly prohibited.

What are the postures and rules for combing?

There are two options here: lying or sitting. In both cases, the head and hair should hang loosely. If you lie down, then put your head on the edge of the sofa. And while sitting - lower it down between your knees.

A horizontal position or tilt of the head is required to improve blood circulation. Hair should be combed starting from the back of the head. The comb should be moved in all directions. After 3-5 minutes of this procedure, a feeling of warmth will appear on the skin. This is a sign that signals an increase in blood flow. Hair follicles begin to receive enhanced nutrition. From this they become stronger, healthier and begin to grow faster.

If the hair is prone to diseases, then the movements of the comb should be alternated with light stroking with the palm. This treatment helps to distribute the sebum evenly through the hair. From this they become more elastic, shiny and strong.

Can wet hair be brushed?

This question interests those women who wash their hair in the morning and have to quickly dry and comb their hair. Sometimes even without waiting for at least partial drying. And yet how to comb your hair properly: dry or wet?

Trichologists strongly advise against using a comb on the hair while it is wet or even damp. This is because the hair shaft has one very important property. Hygroscopicity. It consists in the fact that the hair absorbs water. Moreover, its weight is sometimes one third of the mass of the hair itself. This feature makes the curls very heavy. The additional stress in the form of brushing causes the hair to break and pull out.

Another nuance that speaks against combing after washing is that the hair is deformed upon exposure. From this they split and fade.

And the last argument against - the scalp is moist and steamed. She is not able to fully hold her hair.

What to do when combing wet hair?

In this situation, you can also find a way out. It is only important to fulfill a few conditions. So how do you brush your wet hair properly?

  • Before washing, you should comb your hair well so that it does not get tangled up.
  • Dry your hair with a towel for a few minutes.
  • Shake your hair by fluffing it up with your fingers.
  • Apply a leave-in product to improve combing.
  • Take a wooden or bone tool for combing (it is desirable that it has sparse teeth).
  • Separate a large strand and comb it with gentle movements, starting from the ends. When the comb passes freely through the curls, you can go up a little higher.

That's all. Now you know how to comb your hair properly after washing.

The benefits of combing

This moment is often forgotten. But it's good to talk about him after understanding all the nuances of how to comb your hair correctly.

After numerous manipulations with the comb, blood circulation in the scalp improves. The secretion of the sebaceous glands increases. Namely, due to the presence of fat, the hair becomes smooth and elastic. Moreover, the comb helps to evenly distribute it along the entire length.

This process helps to remove dirt and dust that has settled during the day. Combing straightens tangled hair. Therefore, nutrients penetrate to the very ends without hindrance.

How to comb different lengths of hair?

The short ones have the tips very close to the roots. Therefore, combing can be started directly from the roots. With curls of medium length, there are more worries than with short ones. But they are not as tangled as long ones. And you can comb them already from the ends and from the middle. It all depends on their confusion.

But how to comb long hair correctly? Moreover, so as not to damage them.

Complete combing will be optimal. At the same time, it is forbidden to apply great effort. All movements should be as gentle as possible.

Under no circumstances is it allowed to pull the comb through the hair. Movements are supposed to start from the very tips and very slowly rise to the roots. You can tell whether your hair is combed or not by running a comb over it. If he does not meet obstacles and moves freely from top to bottom, then this is a signal that they are well combed.

Owners of long hair are familiar with the situation when they get tangled and tangles are formed. Most often, this can occur at night. When a woman is asleep and the room is hot and she is sweating. An unpleasant surprise awaits her in the morning. We have to deal with tangled strands.

You should not immediately take up the comb. First you need to try to get along with only your fingers - to carefully untangle the strands that have strayed into tangles. Only after the fingers move freely through the strands can the comb be included in the comb.

Everyone knows that brushing injures the hair. We also know that the combs we use every day need to be changed periodically. There are other rules for combing hair. For example, do not comb wet hair, and run the comb through the hair gently, not aggressively. Let's talk about everything combing: how to comb your hair correctly and which brush to choose for it.

How to comb properly

Many owners of long and luxurious hair claim that you need to do at least 100 comb strokes daily. Perhaps not a hundred, say the hairdressers, but you need to comb your hair several times a day. The sebum should be evenly distributed throughout the hair. The hairstyle will not look its best if the oil accumulates only on the skin. Do this several times each time until it reaches the scalp.

Thus, combing is a hygienic procedure that removes dust, grease and keratinized skin flakes from our hair. But you need to comb your hair correctly:

  • Comb your hair twice a day for 10 minutes;
  • Comb in different directions;
  • Do not comb wet hair;
  • To start combing short hair should be from the roots, and long - from the ends, gradually moving to the roots;
  • Try to use combs and combs made from natural materials, avoid metal combs;
  • Keep the comb clean (it should be washed in soapy water once a week) and in no case use someone else's comb.
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Why does hair get damaged and broken?

Brushing is a stressful hair treatment. It is believed that hair splits and breaks precisely because of frequent combing. But such troubles can be prevented, and it is easier to do it than to deal with the consequences. So how to wake up with your hair tangle free?

First, it is recommended to sleep on silk or satin underwear. This method of maintaining healthy hair is attributed to Marilyn Monroe, considering it her secret. But they slept on silk underwear long before the appearance of this famous blonde. Be that as it may, the method is effective. Sleeping on a satin or silk pillowcase will keep your hair hydrated and prevent tangle and breakage while you sleep.

Secondly, braids, tails and buns for the night are what you need for a woman who wants to maintain the attractiveness of her hair. This not only makes styling easier, but also avoids hair breakage during sleep. But the braids should not be tight, make the bunches loose too, because the hair and scalp should "breathe".

Third, avoid washing your hair frequently. If, for example, you like to sleep on your side, it is not surprising that your hairstyle can become asymmetrical in the morning. In this case, many people wash their hair again and do the styling in the usual way. And you just need to take a hairdryer and direct a stream of warm air to the roots of crumpled hair. The hair dryer will straighten the hairstyle and no new styling is required.

Dry shampoo is a lifesaver that saves hair from frequent washing. Hair becomes oily during sleep. Therefore, many wash them every morning. If you apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair instead, and then go to hot styling, your hair will look just as good as after washing.

Fourth, remember to take care of your bangs. It is she who grows fat faster than the rest of the hair and makes the mistress of the hair wash her hair again and again. Better to buy hair clips that do not break your hair. Use them to pin your bangs to one side while you sleep, and in the morning sprinkle it with a hot hairdryer. Then you don't have to re-lather your hair.

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Choosing the perfect comb

There are several types of combs. Many people choose this subject intuitively, without much thought. It is good if you use a comb that is suitable for your hair. You may need not one, but several varieties.

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Varieties of brushes and simple combs

  • Round brush

It is necessary to create volume or a vortex effect when drying with a hair dryer. You can also create a slight curl with a round brush. If you decide that you need such a comb, pay attention to the new items with a ceramic base. They conduct heat better, which means that the curl will be elastic.

It is good if the round brush has ventilation holes - this protects the hair from overheating and directs heat from the hair dryer to the hair roots, increasing their volume.

  • Paddle brush

This name exactly matches the appearance of the comb. It is designed for everyday use. In shape, this brush can be flat and wide, oval or rectangular. And if the bristles are natural, the hair will be shiny.

Flat paddle brushes are available in plastic, ceramic or wood. The bristles can be synthetic, mixed or natural (from wild boar, for example). The flat brush stimulates the scalp and spreads the oil evenly over the scalp and hair.

Ionized bristles are the latest innovation. Ions reduce tension, close the cuticle.

  • Semicircular brush

For the first time this form was offered by the specialists of the Denman company. That is why a brush of this shape is called the name of the company. The Denman brush creates a slight curl at the ends of the hair and gives it shine. Great for bob haircuts.

  • "Military"

These are the same brushes as the others, but they don't have a handle. The name of the brush is associated with the American military who used such combs. This was considered a more masculine and comfortable gesture than ordinary brushing. After all, it seemed that the guy was only smoothing his hair, while the other hand remained absolutely free. As a rule, these are natural bristle brushes, they are suitable for owners of long hair. With the help of "military" it is convenient to create a hairstyle in which the hair is combed back.

  • Combs with sparse and frequent teeth

A wide-toothed comb can gently smooth wet hair before blow-drying. She divides hair well into sections in the process of creating complex hairstyles. Fine-toothed combs are essential for complex haircuts and short hair. They can also be used for wet styling.

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Which comb to choose - synthetic or natural

All natural is considered to be of higher quality. But the same cannot be said for hairbrushes. The choice is made depending on the type of hair. Stylists tend to use different types of combs. But synthetic brushes and combs are more suitable for fine and normal hair, and natural ones for heavy and thick, strong and curly hair. The rule applies: the softer and thinner the hair, the softer the bristles should be.

A correctly performed combing procedure activates metabolic processes, enriches the hair with oxygen, eliminates unnecessary accumulations of dust. Of course, all this affects the aesthetic appearance of the hair and the good mood of its owner. Like any other type of grooming, the brushing process begins with the correct selection of tools.

Types of combs by shape

  1. Double-sided brush. The tool is a 2-in-1 comb with natural bristles on one side and plastic, metal or wood on the other. Natural bristles are designed for styling and modeling wet strands, artificial teeth are used for everyday brushing.
  2. Massage brush. An oval or square tool with vertically spaced teeth. The brush accelerates blood circulation, massages the scalp, and awakens the follicles. The comb makes the hair silky and manageable. It distributes the secretion of sebum along the entire length, preventing the effect of mixed hair types.
  3. Classic hairbrush. A brush of this type is made from natural bristles with artificial inserts. They can be wooden, plastic and silicone. The tool is suitable for combing wet strands, because it is distinguished by its gentle attitude to the hair. A classic comb is a great option for hair extensions.
  4. Universal round hairbrush. This type of brush is a good option for curly hair. She pulls out the curls, straightening and fixing them in one position. The tool is made of natural bristles with plastic inserts. The teeth intertwine with each other, creating a good grip, due to which, when blow-dried, the hair does not curl back.
  5. Brashing. Round hairbrush of cylindrical shape. The teeth are evenly spaced, so the curls are equally obedient. The comb allows you to create curls of any diameter.

Types of combs by material

  1. Metallic. They are distinguished by their durability and ease of use. Strongly not suitable for dyed and wet hair.
  2. Wooden. The tool is made from birch, oak or juniper. All components are exclusively natural, due to which good care is provided for all types of hair, regardless of length. Wooden combs and brushes eliminate the static effect, eliminate dandruff and give the hair a pleasant smell.
  3. Plastic. Combs are not suitable for regular use, as they create an excessive statistical effect, breaking and injuring strands. They are distinguished by their low cost and ergonomics. When choosing such a tool, give preference to options with carbon or silicone teeth.
  4. Turtle shell. One of the most expensive hairbrushes. The components are similar in composition to natural curls, therefore they do not damage the hair. Fragility and fragility is considered a negative feature. If even one prong breaks, the burrs will injure the hair and scalp.
  5. Brushes with bristles. Tools are soft and hard, natural and nylon. Natural ones are very difficult to care for, they absorb sebum, dust and dirt, but are great for oily hair.

Manufacturers produce so many different brushes and combs that many girls get lost. Hair brushes should only be purchased from professional hairdressing supply stores. Such boutiques give a guarantee for their products, due to which every girl can be sure that she will buy a good product at the appropriate price.

For ladies with excessively thick and lush hair, it is recommended to purchase a massage brush with bristles of various lengths. Tools are usually made from natural bristles combined with plastic teeth. For medium-thick hair, a flat comb with sparse teeth and a massage brush are suitable, but without additional artificial inserts.

If you have brittle, dull and lifeless curls, go for soft, elastic-toothed combs. They can be both natural and artificial. As a rule, such instruments are accompanied by silicone inserts in the middle and on the sides. These brushes accelerate blood circulation and awaken the hair follicles, so hair becomes healthy and shiny with regular proper care.

As for the turtle shell combs and wooden combs, these are for oily hair. For ladies with curly and curly hair, it is better to choose combs with wide and wide teeth made from natural materials. This option is preferable for you, since such tools do not separate the strands, therefore, the original hairstyle is preserved.

For long-haired beauties, a massage brush with natural bristles, with or without additional inserts, is suitable. Combs of this type neutralize electrification and do an excellent job.

Girls with short hair should prefer wooden or plastic combs. They allow you to comb your hair from roots to ends and help to distribute the cosmetics evenly.


  1. When choosing a comb or massage brush, pay attention to the presence of tips on each tooth. They do not injure the scalp and comb wet hair well.
  2. Be sure to run your hand over the teeth before buying. They should not scratch or injure the skin.
  3. If you decide to opt for combs with wood inserts or combs made of this material, check for burrs.
  4. With regard to silicone, rubber and plastic inserts, they must not have defects or breaks.

How to brush your hair correctly

The recommended frequency of the procedure ranges from 2 to 3 times a day. The rest of the time, you just need to correct the hairstyle with your hands, adjusting the shape. To add shine and elasticity to hair, professionals recommend combing it in the fresh air (balcony, loggia).

Brittle and dry curls are combed more often (about 4 times), observing accuracy. Mixed and oily hair - less often, so as not to provoke accelerated work of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, for the latter, it is important not to touch the scalp, so as not to distribute fat over the entire surface of the hair. For a normal type of hair, brushing in the morning and in the evening is enough.

To comb the strands correctly, brush over them several times with a brush or comb, starting from the ends to the roots. After that, make several movements with your hand over the entire surface of the hair, excluding the statistical effect. At the end of the procedure, smooth your hair with your palms for a few minutes, moving slowly and smoothly.

An inverted head position is ideal for medium-length hair. Sit on the sofa, hang your head down and start combing your hair from the back of the head to the ends, gradually moving to the sides and forehead. This method promotes blood flow to the scalp, thereby strengthening the hair follicles. Carrying out the procedure in this way is extremely effective for hair prone to falling. For ladies with short hair, it will be enough to comb the strands from roots to ends, periodically smoothing the strands with your hands.

It is more difficult for long-haired young ladies, since the curls are often confused with each other. Tilt your head down, gather your hair in your hand and squeeze it in the middle. First, comb the strands from the ends to the middle with a wide-toothed comb, then take a massage brush and repeat the manipulation. Let go of the hair and move to the root zone, carefully treating the curls. It is important to understand that with high blood pressure, it is impossible to linger for a long time at the bottom point.

Now you know how to carry out the brushing procedure correctly, as well as what type of brush to choose. Combing wet strands is highly discouraged, but if the need arises, carry out the procedure carefully. Dry the curls with a towel, use a comb with rare and natural teeth, do not use an iron brush.

Video: how to comb your hair