What is the composition of a quality lipstick? What lipstick is made of: everyone needs to know about it

Lip makeup is a very important element that can both decorate and cross out any image. Negative consequences can be avoided only if high-quality cosmetics are selected. That is why it is very important to know the composition of lipstick and be able to understand its ingredients.

The expired lipstick is immediately noticeable - the amount of pigment decreases, durability deteriorates, moisturizing properties disappear altogether. What does it depend on?

  • preservatives

One of the most important components of the composition, which is directly responsible for the shelf life. It is difficult to argue that preservatives are dangerous - because without them, lip cosmetics would deteriorate extremely quickly. However, the amount of preservatives must be adjusted: if the shelf life is more than 2-3 years, it is worth considering what harm this product will cause to the skin.

  • Flavors

The smell of any lip product should be as gentle as possible, not harsh. It is best if the product does not smell at all.
If the aroma is strong enough and cosmetic, this means that the composition contains a large number of “harmful” elements, the smell of which had to be covered with flavors.

  • Pigment

A high-quality pigment is expensive - accordingly, you will have to pay more for a high-quality finished product. However, if the pigment is of poor quality, then soon the product will begin to lose its original properties, it will lay down in an uneven layer or wear off quickly. Therefore, a too short shelf life is also not very good.

The ideal shelf life of high quality lipstick is 1 or maximum 2 years after opening the package. Deviations of six months are allowed. If the expiration date is different, you need to refer to the composition and check if it contains low-quality elements and preservatives.

Basic composition of the product

The composition of lipstick can be logically divided into two parts - base , which is available in any product, and additional which gives it a distinctive character. Consider the basis of the composition of high-quality lip cosmetics and the elements that must be included in it:

The main element of the composition, due to which its ductility and strength are determined. Previously, natural beeswax was used for manufacturing, however, it was found that this is the strongest allergen. To date, high-quality lip products are created using vegetable wax.

  • Dyes

It is this element that provides the shade of the product. The first dye was carmine - today there are many different dyes - natural and artificial.

  • Oils

Vegetable oils are added to the composition of lip cosmetics in order to produce a softening effect and care for delicate skin. Most often in the composition you can find such types of oils as castor, coconut or shea butter.

  • Perfume

A special element that is used to hide the unpleasant smell of raw materials. Due to it, a special cosmetic smell of the product is created.

In addition, vitamins and minerals, sunscreens, components to ensure the stability of the product when applied to the lips can be included in the composition.

Due to the large number of different ingredients included in lip cosmetics, the procedure for choosing the right product can take a long time. However, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time on the selection - you can quickly see a quality product if you are aware of its main characteristics. Which ones - we learn from the following video:

Hygienic cosmetics for lips

The composition for the most part should consist of caring and moisturizing elements - the same applies to various lip balms. The main task of these products is to care for the lips - therefore, the product can be used equally by women, men and children. As a rule, these products do not have shades (or mild shades), have a natural, natural smell. Therefore, during use, they do not harm delicate skin.

Consider the main elements of the composition and their features:

  1. Vitamin complex. Any lip hygiene product should be enriched with vitamins to soften, smooth wrinkles and activate protective properties. The main vitamins in the "hygiene" should be E, A or B12. The manufacturer adds others to expand the functional properties of the product.
  2. Herbal Ingredients. They heal and regenerate, help the skin breathe, provide firmness, elasticity and protection. Among the main plant ingredients are beeswax and honey (the content of which, as a rule, is always written on the packaging in the first place), calendula and chamomile, aloe vera and Icelandic moss.
  3. Vegetable oils. Aimed at activating the healing function of the skin, activating the protective properties, softening, moisturizing, protecting. Most often in the composition you can find components such as jojoba oil, cocoa, apricot or castor oil.
  4. UV filters. Most relevant in the hot summer period, when the skin needs special protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Almost everything that hygienic type lipstick is made of is created by nature. These are absolutely natural ingredients that practically do not harm the skin, take care and care for it, help get rid of cracks and prevent their appearance. However, products containing petroleum jelly or paraffin should be avoided: due to them, the breath of the skin of the lips is limited, which further leads to dryness or cracking.

The danger of poor quality products

Many people say that it is very important to know what lipstick is made of. However, how can a low-quality product be dangerous and how can it harm the body? A cheap product can simply be poisonous. In addition, its composition often includes salts of heavy metals, aggressive dyes and other components that contribute to irritation. What is harmful products of low quality and is it harmful at all?

  1. Cheap lip cosmetics, which have a glossy effect, often contain components that contribute to deforming in sunlight into a special substance - atomic oxygen. This substance significantly accelerates skin aging. Moreover, the longer the remedy is on the lips, the more dangerous its effect.
  2. Paraffin and wax in microcrystals. These elements are made from refined petroleum products. Once in the body, they settle in it, affecting the kidneys and lymph nodes. Accordingly, the frequency of use of products with their content increases the danger.
  3. The well-known humectant lanolin, when ingested (which is inevitable, albeit in small quantities), can cause intestinal pain or stomach irritation.
  4. Poor quality dyes contribute to severe allergic reactions, discomfort and burning.
  5. Vaseline, which moisturizes the skin well, actually produces only visual hydration. The fact is that it creates a moisturizing effect through a kind of film on the lips. In fact, products containing petroleum jelly dry out the skin of the lips. And the more often it is used, the skin dries harder and faster. Women, noticing this, begin to use the product more often in order to moisturize their lips, however, here the circle closes.

Lipstick, which is an indispensable attribute of a modern make-up, has a thin, delicate, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of powder, a very memorable aroma of “good cosmetics”! Surely, the art of master perfumers is not complete here either! Let's see: what is a modern lipstick for lips and what it is made of...

Modern lipstick is a complex multi-component fat-and-wax compositions, which include a variety of products of both natural and synthetic origin. As a rule, they contain high-melting waxy structure-forming components, liquid fatty substances, pigments and dyes.

The main components of lipsticks are hard and semi-solid waxes (beeswax, carnauba, candelilla, rose wax), fats (lanolin, mink), oils (perfume, castor), liquid fat-like products (butyl stearate, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate), structure-forming substances (ceresin, paraffin), solvents for solid components and a number of other synthetic products. The proportions of these components determine the properties of lipstick.

Organic and inorganic pigments, fillers, pearl additives, antioxidants, perfume, biologically active substances and special additives are added to the waxy fat mass. Each of the components performs a specific function.

Waxes are the main ingredient in lipstick

Beeswax- a product of the vital activity of bees. This is the main structure-forming component of lipstick. It is he who is responsible for the consistency of the lipstick, since it binds the remaining components into a homogeneous mass exceptionally well, facilitates the formation of the lipstick rod. Beeswax is very useful for the skin: in composition it is close to a number of components that make up sebum, it contributes to the formation of a waxy film on the surface of the lips. However, so that the lipstick does not turn out dull, and her pencil does not melt in the hands, candell and carnauba waxes are added to the beeswax.

carnauba wax obtained from palm leaves. It has an exceptional ability to bind liquid fat and increase the melting point of lipstick, and it is used as a consistency regulator, like Candelilla wax. Thanks to carnauba wax, lipstick does not smudge or smudge on the lips, even in hot weather.

Candelilla Wax isolated from varieties of cacti growing in Mexico and the United States. It gives lipstick shine, helps to preserve the rich color of lipstick for several hours.

Rose wax obtained from waste products from the production of rose oil. It has a very pleasant smell, has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. In recent years, natural waxes are increasingly being replaced by synthetic ones.

Fatty emollients

Liquid fat products are introduced into the composition of lipsticks as emollient components:

Butyl stearate- a mixture of stearic and palm acids. Does not cause irritation and allergies.

Isopropyl palmitate- ester of palmitic acid and isopropyl alcohol. Allows you to get low-viscosity emulsions that are easily absorbed into the skin without leaving a feeling of stickiness and greasy on the lips. All of them play the role of solvents and binders for castor oil and paraffins.

Special additives in lipstick formulation

Special additives, which include azulene, pheophytin - wood green processing products, provide anti-inflammatory properties of lipsticks:

Azulene- the component contained in the inflorescence of chamomile is an active anti-inflammatory substance, a light antiseptic. It softens, makes the skin of the lips more elastic, eliminates dryness and peeling. Has a healing effect.

Lanolin- the natural fat which is a part of sheep, one of the most effective nutritious fats. It plays the role of a conductor of nutrients and moisturizes the skin.

Coconut oil- contains unsaturated fatty acids, a balanced composition of vitamins A, E, group B and trace elements. It has a unique penetrating ability, favorably affects the skin.

Olive oil- contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, used as an emollient.

Castor oil- does not cause irritation even in sensitive skin, that is, hypoallergenic. promotes exfoliation of dead epithelium and, at the same time, is one of the non-drying ones, i.e. does not form an airtight film.

Vitamin A- enhances the action of vitamin E, softens the mucous membrane of the lips, promotes the healing of small cracks. The external use of this vitamin enhances cell activity and opens the pores, allowing the secretion of the sebaceous glands to freely come to the surface of the skin.

Vitamin B- with its deficiency, cracks, dry lips, inflammation of the red border of the lips appear.

Lipstick is one of the first cosmetic products in human history. She's come a long way from a time when red berries were the only way to tint her lips, to a modern lipstick that has dozens of ingredients. Each make-up manufacturer has its own formula for lipsticks, but there are key ingredients that are present in each product. Let's find out what lipstick is made of!

Lipstick is a multi-component fat-and-wax composition, which includes both natural and synthetic components. The average composition of lipstick is waxes, fats, oils, color pigments, preservatives, pearlescent additives, fragrances.

The lipstick formula varies from one brand to another. It also depends on the direction of the manufacturer: mineral pigments, plant extracts, natural waxes and oils are mainly used in organic cosmetics, while synthetic pigments and other artificial components are allowed in traditional brands.

Waxes in lipsticks

Waxes are one of the most important ingredients in lipsticks. It is they who provide their shape, density, plasticity, and it is thanks to waxes that these hard textures are easily distributed over the lips. In cosmetics, beeswax, candelilla, carnauba, rose wax are used.

Previously, beeswax was more common in lipsticks, but this natural ingredient is of animal origin, so vegan cosmetics brands do not use it. In addition, beeswax is classified as an allergen, which is why it began to be replaced with natural waxes of plant origin.

Carnauba wax has become a real find in the cosmetic industry - it is harder than bees, more refractory, so it is ideal for making long-lasting lipsticks that will not spread in the heat.

Plant-based rose wax is found predominantly in lip balms and organic lip balms.

Cosmetic manufacturers, who strive to reduce the cost of the production process, replace natural fats and waxes with artificial ones. For example, it can be paraffin oil and paraffin, which are obtained from crude oil by distillation. These products have a low price and good storage stability, and therefore they have been used as a material for the production of decorative cosmetics.

Price - not

Many believe that luxury cosmetics are a guarantee that only high-quality ingredients are present in the composition. Meanwhile, even many expensive lipsticks use cheap fillers instead of natural waxes. Therefore, pay attention to the composition and try to avoid lipsticks, which include paraffin oil, synthetic beeswax.

Paraffin cannot be a worthy replacement for natural waxes. If bee and vegetable waxes help moisturize and soften the skin of the lips, then paraffin only creates a film on the surface of the skin that does not allow moisture to evaporate, but at the same time prevents skin breathing. This effect - the scientific name of "occlusion" - is all the more dangerous if the skin is dry or even dehydrated: the film simply has nothing to "lock" in the skin, and besides, it prevents other moisturizing and nourishing ingredients in the product from doing their job.

Due to paraffin and paraffin oil in the composition of decorative cosmetics, the effect of a bad hygienic lipstick can be created: when the lipstick softens the lips when applied, but after a while it must be applied again and again, as the lips begin to dry.

Natural beeswax has a unique composition that allows it to be used to impart density to emulsified solutions. It is the most preferred ingredient for lipsticks as it gives them the right consistency, shine, and helps stabilize the lipstick formula. Synthetic beeswax has similar physical and chemical properties, but is much cheaper than natural beeswax, which allows manufacturers to reduce the cost of cosmetic products.

Is it safe to use synthetic wax in cosmetics? Not much research has been done on the effects of this substance on the skin. However, some have shown that synthetic wax can cause skin irritation. If you are consciously refusing cosmetic products with natural beeswax, then I suggest looking for cosmetics that contain vegetable waxes - jojoba, candelilla and carnauba wax.

Lanolin in lip cosmetics

Lipsticks also contain animal wax lanolin. This is a fat-like substance that is obtained by washing out of sheep's wool: during the washing process, fat is released from the wool, which is combined with 25% water to obtain lanolin.

Refined (purified) lanolin is used as a raw material for the manufacture of decorative cosmetics, creams, skin medicines, since during the processing it is cleared of possible pesticides and other chemicals. Lanolin approved for use in cosmetics US Food and Drug Administration(Food and Drug Administration, FDA).

Lanolin in the composition of lipsticks is good because it gives them gloss, and also helps to soften and restore the skin of the lips.

Dr. Haushka Lipstick

Free of parabens, mineral oils, artificial fragrances & dyes.

Formulated with natural beeswax.

Contains organic oils & rosehip extract.

Estimated cost 800 rubles.


Lipstick should be oily: this not only facilitates application, but also contributes to the comfortable feeling of the product on the lips, softness and hydration of the skin. To do this, vegetable oils are added to the formula. It is good if these are natural oils (ideally organic), worse if they are mineral. Most often, castor and olive oil are added to lipsticks.

However, not all lipsticks contain large amounts of oils. For example, matte and liquid lipsticks are dominated by a gel or liquid base. Evaporating, it leaves pure pigment on the lips. Creamy lipsticks have more wax than oils, while glosses, on the other hand, have more oils.

Natura Siberica Organic Lipstick

Free of mineral oils, silicones, parabens.

Enriched with extracts of Siberian herbs.

Based on organic oils and natural beeswax.

Estimated cost - 600 rubles.

Pigments and dyes - the basis of color

Finally, the main thing that makes lipstick lipstick is dyes and pigments. The necessary shade of lipstick is given by pigments - the smallest insoluble colored particles of organic and inorganic nature. In natural cosmetics, mineral pigments and plant extracts are used for this purpose, but they do not have durability, so organic lipsticks do not last long on the lips.

Lipstick is a frequently used beauty product all over the world, it is an important part of a woman's cosmetic bag. However, many do not even know what it is made of. Let's find out right now what lipstick is all about.

Lipstick is considered as the most integral part of the entire cosmetic bag, without which almost no woman can do. Most women, using lipstick daily and several times, have never even wondered what lipstick is made of and what is its composition?

The ingredients in lipstick vary by brand and color range. However, almost all lipsticks contain common components in their composition, while others may consist only of natural organic ingredients.

The first use of lipstick dates back to the time of the ancient Egyptians, who very often used certain insects or henna to achieve shades of red. Hard lipstick was first invented by Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi, an Arab Andalusian beautician. She gained popularity thanks to Queen Elizabeth, who paid tribute to fashion and drew blood-red lips on her face.

The raw materials used to make lipstick must be approved by the Ministry of Health, as lipstick users constantly and unknowingly ingest some small amounts of it. Although the proportions and quantities of ingredients may vary, but basically it will necessarily include the components that are described below.


The wax that is used in the manufacture of lipstick is a combination of three types of wax, namely, Candelilla wax and Carnauba wax. Candelilla wax is obtained from the leaves of the Candelilla bush. Carnauba wax is obtained in the factory from the leaves of Brazilian palms. This type of wax is more expensive than candelilla. Therefore, lipsticks that contain more carnauba wax cost a lot more money. It is the wax that helps it keep its shape.

Oil products

Oil products make lipstick more radiant and transparent. Various types of oils such as vegetable oil, castor oil, lanolin and mineral oil are often used in the manufacture of lipstick. Cocoa butter is also used along with these oils. Oily products and wax are important constituents, accounting for approximately 60% of the total mass.

Dyes and pigments

Pigments and dyes are mainly used in lipsticks to give them the desired shade or color. The dyes used in it include bismuth oxychloride, violet manganese, titanium dioxide, D&C Red No. 6, D&C Red No. 21, D&C Orange No. 17, and D&C Red No. 34. Pigments and dyes are obtained in the factory by sweeping various chemicals.

Alcohol and perfume

Alcohol in lipsticks is used as the main solvent for oils and waxes. The perfume should give it a pleasant aroma, masking the unpleasant odors of other ingredients.

preservatives and antioxidants

Preservatives and antioxidants are added to lipstick to extend its shelf life and prevent staleness or rancidity.

In addition to the components mentioned above, lipstick may also contain quartz and mica. It also contains emollients such as vitamin E, aloe vera and shea butter. These ingredients are added to give them a moisturizing property. Natural ingredients such as jojoba oil, chamomile, turmeric and beetroot extracts can also be found in many lipsticks.

Harmful components of lipsticks

Not all ingredients found in lipsticks are safe to use. Many may contain potentially harmful ingredients.


Yes, lipstick will contain lead, but in small amounts. Although the Department of Health has set a minimum allowable amount of lead, it can still be very harmful if ingested, which is unavoidable when using lipstick. After all, this state of affairs can contribute to the emergence of diseases such as infertility, anemia, cancer, learning problems and behavioral problems.


The pigments used to make red lipstick, in particular Red No. 40, are made from bitumen. Bitumen is a by-product of coke which, if ingested, can cause skin irritation, nausea, and headaches.


Carmine is a natural coloring agent that is obtained by evaporating the carminic acid produced by the female cochineal. This, doctors believe, can cause skin irritation and allergies.


Some artificial fragrances that are added to lipsticks can cause dryness, chapping, and dermatitis in the lips.

Lipsticks are available in a variety of shapes and colors, but before you buy one, it's best to take a good look at what's in it. In this way, you can avoid buying lipstick that can harm you.

It is difficult to find a woman who has never used lipstick in her life.
Tinted lips make a woman look attractive and desirable to the opposite sex. The quality of lipstick should be of concern not only to women, but also to men who eat up to three kilograms of this type of decorative cosmetics in their lifetime. Let's find out more about the composition of lipstick and what components make it high-quality and harmless to health.

A bit of history

It is generally accepted that lipstick originated over 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Obeying the fashion of that era, she had to visually reduce her lips and therefore was of dark colors. The composition of lipstick in ancient times consisted of ingredients from carmine sticks, shellfish mother-of-pearl or even poisonous ocher.
In ancient Greece, decorative lipstick was already used and the profession of “cosmetologist” was valued, which helped to decorate facial imperfections. In the Middle Ages, women with painted lips were considered witches.

Lipstick may differ in its constituent components. This determines the quality of this product.
Most often, on the shelves of stores and the pages of fashion magazines, you can encounter such types and brands of lipsticks:

  • moisturizing();
  • hygienic;
  • persistent and super-resistant ();
  • flickering;
  • cream lipstick;
  • satin and matte ();
  • nutritional() ;
  • shine ();
  • balm.

Moisturizing (or satin)- include oils (castor, coconut or avocado). These lipsticks have the highest percentage of wax. They visually increase and soften the lips, as well as eliminate the manifestations of their dryness. This type of product is suitable for seasons with positive temperatures, and is quickly erased from the lips.

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Hygienic- suitable for daily use by adult women, children and even men. Their goal is not to decorate imperfections, but to maintain a healthy state of the lips. This type contains useful additives (vitamins, emulsions, antiseptics, ultraviolet filters, carrot or propolis extract, avocado oil, etc.), and sometimes color and flavor additives.

Hygienic lipsticks do not contain components hazardous to health and are suitable for people of any age.

Shimmery lipsticks very effective, especially in the twilight. They contain quartz and mica, which can irritate the skin.
Cream lipstick contain emollients and are suitable even for sensitive lips.
Balm- like hygienic lipstick, designed for lip care. It also contains a complex of decorative components and can be used for gentle make-up.
Durable and super durable- able to stay on the lips for a long time (12-24 hours) thanks to the wax and essential oils included in their composition. This type of lipstick contains a lot of silicone oil. When in contact with fatty foods, this lipstick is able to wear off. Therefore, before applying it, the lips must be wiped with a napkin for degreasing. These lipsticks are removed from the lips with cosmetic milk.

Super long-lasting lipsticks are not suitable for daily use as they can lead to excessive dryness and tightening of the lips.

Matte- perfectly emphasize the complexion and freshness of the skin. This type of lipstick contains bismuth compounds (oxychloride or subcarbonate) and about 10% coloring pigment, which is not useful. Previously, fish scales were included in matte lipsticks. And although this substance was not so aesthetic, it did not harm health.

Bismuth compounds in matte lipsticks cause contact dermatitis in some women.

Lip gloss contains a minimum amount of coloring pigments, which is good for health.

Watch a video about hygienic lipstick

Chemical composition

Thanks to developments in the modern beauty industry, new types of lipsticks with more advanced aesthetic properties are emerging. Each cosmetic company introduces its own components into the composition of this product. But common to most is the content of the following ingredients.

    1. Waxes(solid and semi-solid) in quantity 2-13% . They are necessary to bind the remaining components and maintain the hardness of the lipstick. To eliminate dullness, waxes made from palm leaves (carnauba), from cacti (candelian) or roses (pink) are added to beeswax. Thanks to them, the lipstick becomes resistant to temperatures, does not smudge, retains the brightness of the color. Different types of wax differ in their percentage. So, the amount of beeswax usually does not exceed 2-5%, as it makes the lipstick dull. For shine, candelian wax is added to the lipstick in an amount of up to 13%. Carnauba wax is used in amounts up to 5%, otherwise the lipstick will crumble.
      Many companies are replacing natural waxes with synthetic substitutes.
    2. Lanolin and its derivatives are substances obtained from sheep's wool. This component has disadvantages in the form of an unpleasant taste, odor and high stickiness. Sometimes lanolin can cause allergic reactions in the form of contact dermatitis. Usually lipsticks contain around 5% lanolin, and in glosses its content reaches 70%.

Lanolin in lipsticks can cause allergic skin reactions.

  1. Dyes are included to give them color (most often various shades of red, pink or crimson tones). Previously, vegetable juices (carrots, beets), natural herbs (turmeric), insect pigments (carmine or cochineal) were used as natural dyes. Modern lipsticks usually contain chemical dyes from the D&S (Drugs and Cosmetics list) category. This is a list of dyes allowed in pharmacy, where each shade has its own serial number. According to this list, purple is number 22, and orange is number 5. The percentage of the dye indicates the saturation of the color: 4-5% dyes are typical for pastel shades of lipsticks, and with 15-20% Lip dye will be bright and inviting.
  2. Oils(synthetic and natural) do not allow varnishes and pigments to precipitate. Perfume oils are solvents of components and constitute up to 30% lipstick volume. Most often, sunflower, castor or chamomile oil is used in the composition. Oil components help to effortlessly apply it on the lips. Aroma oils add attractiveness, thanks to a pleasant smell and taste. Fruit aromas (banana, apple, strawberry, raspberry) and natural esters (jasmine, lavender, bergamot) are more often used as aroma compositions.
  3. Pearlescent additives(e.g. mica) make up up to 25% in composition.
  4. pine rosin(in the amount up to 4%) is added to lipsticks for firmness and to create a filmy finish.
  5. Microspheres are small particles that make the lipstick more saturated and oily. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and include special chemical compounds, as well as vitamin E and folic acid.
  6. mineral pigments in the form of iron oxide or titanium dioxide are used to achieve two goals: to obtain pink shades and the ability to be well applied to the skin.
  7. Boric acid adds shine and iridescence to pearlescent lipstick. Microparticles of quartz or mica are used for the same purposes.
  8. Antioxidants in quantity up to 0.8% are included as a necessary component in all types of lipsticks. It is antioxidants that prevent the negative process of oxidation of natural components. The most commonly used substance in this role is propyl gallate.

In addition to the required components, manufacturers can add collagen, aloe vera, sunscreen and other ingredients to the composition.
This question is often asked by the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who use this incredibly popular cosmetic product.

Watch the video: factory tour

Useful and harmful components

The chemical compounds that make up lipstick can threaten a woman's health.
Consider briefly the most dangerous of them.

Coal tar dyes
in large doses can cause dry lips, allergic rashes, dermatitis. In some people, these components cause headaches, nausea, mood deterioration, and a feeling of fatigue.

The property of resin to accumulate in the body is especially dangerous. Reaching high concentrations, it can lead to death.
preservatives in the composition can lead to dysfunction of the digestive organs (stomach, liver).
fragrance, flavoring lipstick, can cause headaches, increased pressure, nausea. The strong smell of lipstick indicates an “overdose” of this chemical component.
The safe components of lipsticks include all natural ingredients.. Not only harmless, but also beneficial to human health are beeswax, high-quality natural and essential oils, supplements in the form of vitamins or natural extracts.

The most dangerous chemical components of lipstick that can cause serious ailments include high concentrations of coal tar, preservatives, and fragrances.

Watch the video: what can be dangerous lipstick

Whatever lipstick a woman uses, she should not forget that when she comes home, she make-up must be removed immediately cosmetic milk.
Of course, it is impossible for a modern woman to do without lipstick. Yes, and you shouldn't do it.

By making smart choices in a sea of ​​color cosmetics, you can look sexy, well-groomed, and at the same time not pay for beauty at the cost of spoiled health. And by making your own lipstick from natural ingredients, you can discover an interesting and profitable business of your own. We hope that our advice will bring you health and success!
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