Non-children's games around SOS children's villages. SOS Children's Villages

Children's Village - SOS - is a community of 10-15 families, each of which has 5-7 children. Here the child has a mother who teaches to love and care, there are brothers and sisters and the feeling of a large and friendly family. Helping their mother with the housework, buying food in the store, calculating the budget together with their mother, children acquire all the necessary household skills that will be useful to them in their future adult life.

How is the SOS Children's Village organized?

Each Children's Village - SOS is usually located in the closest access to settlements. This is important because it makes it easier for children to fit into social life: they can easily get to regular schools and kindergartens, have access to medical care, can go out with friends and invite them over. At the same time, the village - SOS, of course, has a protected area: we are fully responsible for the safety of the children who are in our care.

On the territory of the Children's Village - SOS there are usually 10 to 15 family houses. The houses are built according to approximately the same principle: a common ground floor, where the whole family gathers and spends time together - at lunches and dinners, on holidays or, conversely, during school days; and living rooms on the second floor - for boys, girls and SOS moms or parents.

In the Children's Village - SOS there is no "equalization", and each family lives its own life: parents plan the family budget and, receiving money, spend it as needed on food, clothes, household items or trips; the whole family decide how to spend their leisure time, where to go on vacation; take care of the house together.

Naturally, families in the Children's Village - SOS communicate: the territory is arranged in such a way that it is convenient for children to walk and play together, so that they have enough space for active development. This is another important plus of the model: children who grew up in the village - SOS for life remain not only strong ties with the family, but also with the environment - they always know that there is a native place where they can return, where memories of their childhood, where they are expected and accepted as they are.

Children usually come to us from orphanages and orphanages. Being in close contact with local guardianship authorities, the leadership of the Children's Village tries to accept children into families in such a way that it is easier for them to live together: here the age, gender, and character of the child are important (development level, habit of living in a family, etc. .).

Each family has 5-7 children of different ages and genders. Very often, several of them are siblings, whose adoption into one family is a priority of our model (in “orphanages” they would be distributed by age and, most likely, separated).

Children can go to different schools and kindergartens, most of them receive additional education: in music, art schools, sports sections - depending on their abilities and plans for the future. Each child has his own "individual development plan", which is drawn up at the family council by the director of the Village, teachers and mother: this plan takes into account all the features, needs, abilities of the child.

The usual staff of the Children's Village - SOS - is about 35 people (for comparison, up to 100 people can work in "orphanages" with the same number of children). These are SOS mothers and fathers or adoptive parents, as well as SOS aunts who help them, teachers, accounting, security and technical specialists who monitor the normal functioning of all communications.

The costs of living, raising and developing children in Children's Villages - SOS are almost completely covered by charitable donations.

We need your support so that even more orphans can find a mother, a home, a family, a happy childhood and hope for the future!

Help orphans, become a Friend of Children's Villages - SOS! Make a donation right now!

I want to devote my today's review to a new type of fraud under the guise of charity - volunteer organizations "Children's Villages-SOS".

The layout of this wiring is quite simple. In the city center, right on the street or in a shopping mall, a pretty volunteer girl approaches you, dressed from head to toe in the uniform of some charity organization. You are told pitifully about another sick child and about 100,000 millions for his treatment in clinics in Israel or Germany.

Everything is as usual, but: these volunteers will not take money from you. But instead, they will ask you for ... all the details of your bank card. Donate if you want, donate if you don't. But we would like to understand how effectively we work, so we will simply keep track of everyone who has learned about our project and thus decided to support it. And in order not to waste your time, we will not record all the data. We will simply take a picture of your card on our tablet computer. On both sides, along with all codes. Or they offer to make a charitable donation in the form of a small auto payment, which will be deducted from your card every month.

Of course, experienced users of bank cards will never fall for such a stupid scam. But the elderly are very easy prey for such imaginary volunteers.

Even in traffic jams, volunteers love to hunt by knocking on every car and asking for money. In the 90s, this is how ordinary beggars hunted, and now this is such an imaginary charity. They also like to sell some penny trifle (such as a ball or a flag) for fabulous money. who also go to charity. Familiar students moonlighted as volunteer promoters, they were paid hourly. But even they never knew where the money was going. Since the organization does not have any office, they agreed on work by phone or the Internet, met with the head on the street. And they were paid a salary as a percentage of the collected money. And the rest of the money just went to some stranger's uncle's pocket. And I strongly doubt that with this money he donated at least a ruble to sick children.

I myself have encountered these comrades. We also had people walking around our office center (until the guards kicked them out) and pretending to be employees of the organization "Children's Villages-SOS" and extorting money. But in fact, these people are not employees of this charitable organization. When I told them that we ourselves would transfer the money to the details of the "Children's Villages-SOS" indicated on their official website, they told me that there would be a tax and the amount would decrease. So tell us your credit card number or give us some cash. We then called the "Children's Villages-SOS" they said that they do not have such volunteer pickers. I was just in shock, how can you profit from someone else's misfortune.

Although I will make a reservation that the described technology is far from always a fraud. Perhaps we are talking about the so-called "direct dialogue" - that is, a method of attracting supporters through face-to-face communication. This technology has been used by charities around the world for decades. In our country, it was tested by WWF and SOS Children's Villages. Convinced of the effectiveness of the method, Children's Villages launched a full-fledged program, which is already being implemented in eight cities. Their list and details of the organization can be found on their official website. But be careful, watch where you donate your money, so as not to fall for the bait of scammers.

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village of orphans

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 60,000 Russians are deprived of parental rights every year. The ministry notes that there are more than 127,000 people in the federal data bank on orphans. In addition, the problem of returning already adopted children to boarding schools has become more and more urgent.

Orphanages in the conventional sense should be abandoned. Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, has repeatedly expressed this opinion. In his opinion, the state should encourage foster families in every possible way. The day before, after visiting a family-type orphanage near Moscow in Tomilin, Astakhov said that orphanages in Russia should be built according to this scheme, and all children should grow up in a family.

"The model of building relationships in a foster family in a family-type orphanage is optimal. I am in favor of such orphanages appearing. We will build the program that we want to launch now, based on the fact that the maximum number of children should go to families, "Our parents are ready to take their children, they just don't know how to do it. They need to be informed and taught."

And those children who still remain not adopted should live in family orphanages, Astakhov believes. "Moreover, they should all be specialized: if there is an orphanage, if we leave it, let the best artists, the best athletes, the best mathematicians grow up there - all this is possible," the Ombudsman is sure. In general, he believes, it is necessary to abandon shelters and boarding schools. Such "incubators", in his opinion, are not the best place for a child to live, grow up and socialize.

Family orphanages in Russia are gradually appearing. These are Children's Villages-SOS (short for social support - "social support", and also a symbolic designation of an acute social problem). These institutions are noticeably different from ordinary orphanages: here the pupils live in large families, and the teachers are called mothers. So far, there are only 6 such children's institutions in our country. One of them is located in the Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region, in the village of Tomilino.

The idea of ​​creating children's villages appeared not in Russia, but in Austria. Herman Gmeiner is considered to be its author - by education he is not even a teacher, but a physician. After the Second World War, a large number of orphans and single women remained. And Gmeiner figured out how to unite the fate of children left without care, and women who did not manage to give birth to their children. In 1949 he opened the first children's village. SOS Children's Villages exist in 132 countries around the world. The entire SOS system exists only on charitable donations.

If it were not for the sign at the gate, no one would have distinguished the orphanage in Tomilino from the usual cottage village. On the territory of 11 spacious brick houses, playgrounds, paved paths. In each cottage there is a large family with an SOS mother at the head. Children here live in their own rooms, they can go to an ordinary village school, although there is also a school on the territory. And they can also do something that is not available to many other children from boarding schools: help their mother around the house, make purchases on their own, travel somewhere outside the territory of the institution.

Mikhail Sterelyukin, deputy director for social work at the Children's Village-SOS Tomilino, told Vestyam.Ru that educators (or SOS mothers, as they are commonly called here) may not have a pedagogical education. "Of course, pedagogical education in our modern conditions is desirable, but initially, when the first children's village in Tomilino was opened (in May 1996), the selection criterion was rather human qualities," he said.

SOS-mother is not a profession, it is a way of life, one of the educators admits, but in fact the head of the family, in which there are 6 children, Vera Egorova. It was to her that 9-year-old Artem Savelyev came to be brought up. His birth mother was deprived of parental rights, and his adoptive mother from the United States abandoned him, sending him to his homeland by plane - all alone. After returning to Russia, Artem managed to live in Moscow and visited his native Partizansk. Then he ended up in a children's village, and already on the second day of his stay there he called Vera Vyacheslavovna mother.

SOS mothers are officially employed as educators, but among them there are women with a wide variety of educations. Women who wish not just to work, but to live with children in such a children's village, undergo a thorough selection and serious training, which can last up to 2 years. But for children, it is, first of all, mothers.

Vera Egorova, for example, has already raised 17 children. Some of her former pupils already have their own children, and on Mother's Day or on March 8 they come to her in Tomilino with their families.

Many SOS mothers who have been working in the children's village since its very foundation are approaching retirement age. Vera Egorova is already 54 years old, but she intends to stay with her wards until they come of age.

Now 47 children live in the children's village in Tomilino: the orphanage is two-thirds full. "Our norm today is 72 children," says Mikhail Sterelyukin. According to him, the pupils of the children's village are ordinary children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Someone lost their parents, someone is a social orphan, that is, in such children, the mother or father is deprived of parental rights.

Orphans come to Tomilino, mostly from Moscow. Previously, they also accepted children from the Moscow region, the deputy director notes, but now there are enough boarding schools in the Moscow region. Priority is given to brothers and sisters from large families. When adopted, they can be separated, they can end up in different boarding schools, and in children's villages they have all the conditions to live together.

“We don’t like being called an orphanage. But, first of all, we are an institution within the Russian Federation, we cannot be called anything else. But for children, legal subtleties are not important: they do not consider that they live in orphanage, although they understand that they do not have a mother, "- Mikhail Sterelyukin.

“One way or another, they have life skills. They know how to go to the store, go to a regular school, and they also know how to use public transport. We don’t order special buses for any trips,” says the deputy director of the children’s village. And the guys leave here more savvy than in any boarding school.

This is a description of the attraction Children's Village "SOS-Tomilino" near Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow Oblast (Russia). As well as photos, reviews and a map of the surroundings. Find out the history, coordinates, where it is located and how to get there. Check out other locations on our interactive map for more details. Know the world better.

SOS-Tomilino is one of the few family-type settlements in our country for orphans, where they can live a truly fulfilling life and not feel rejected...

Only 3 editions, the last 5 years ago was made by judon from Orenburg

- Do you think they are scammers or not?

Pros: There are no pros to cheating. You need to include your head. Self-post this camp with gifts and things for children.

Cons: Cheating in a brazen way

Children's villages I want to start a little with a preface, so that it is clear what it is and where it takes its roots from. The organization of children's villages was founded immediately after the Second World War in Austria, for those children who were left without parents and lost them during this terrible war. Founder Hermann Gmeiner, he planned 3 children's villages in Austria and he managed to build them. Today, there are 134 countries where these children's camps exist, and all over the world there are 550 villages with the status of SOS and more than 1,500 thousand different programs for children who are left in a difficult life situation. It is good that there are such programs and such people who are engaged in this activity, I bow to them for this difficult work.

In Russia, there are also children's villages, they appeared many times later than in Austria, already in 1994. In the city of Moscow there is their office and for all necessary questions and assistance, you can contact them. The first permanent village in Russia appeared in Tomilino in 1996, and today there are only 6 villages in Russia, a drop of the ocean, as they say, compared to the whole world. There are children's villages in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

Yes, in Russia, with children's villages, a very complex and dubious question arises whether all the money collected from charity is actually transferred to accounts for use with children in our country in villages.

This is certainly worth looking into.

I just read this information from one woman who was faced with a situation in which a volunteer from the children's village sos came to her and offered to transfer the amount of money from her salary to the foundation of the children's village sos and also all her employees at work every month, the woman is very I doubted, since children are still very serious and responsible.

A volunteer from this organization called the Children's Village Foundation insisted and waited for a response. Of course, the woman doubted whether the swindler was standing with such wishes about making a profit by fraudulent means. Of course, you need to be extremely careful on what basis you can give your honestly earned money and it is not clear to whom to transfer it to the account and where will there be a guarantee that they will get to the village for children, for their food, clothes, shoes, leisure, games, entertainment, education, communal needs and more. So there can be a lot of lines in this organization of Russian villages with children and money is really needed. But there will always be cunning and greedy people who want to use their logic and deceive really honest and benevolent people who live in good conscience and want to always help the children from the camp.

My personal opinion on this whole matter, if you want to help these villages in Russia, then you need to adhere to the following logical rules and common sense, namely:

Do not fall for the tricks of scammers and swindlers and you will be much smarter than them. Good luck to everyone and don't forget to help the children.

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Theft and fraud in Tomilino IOWA (Iowa) School of Heroes for orphans of the Children's Village-SOS 27.02.2018 Children's Villages - SOS Keys for new settlers: a house for orphans was handed over in Tselinnoye Orphans will be protected from apartment scammers

CHILDREN'S VILLAGE - SOS is a special, as close as possible to the family, long-term model of raising orphaned children, successfully existing in 132 countries of the world for more than 60 years.

Here they try to return to the child what fate took from him, what is necessary for his full physical and spiritual development: mother, brothers and sisters, security, warmth of the hearth and confidence in the future.

Unlike orphanages, in Children's Villages - SOS never separate siblings, and children who have reached the age of 15-16 are not left to the mercy of fate, but go to a structure unique for Russia - Youth Houses - SOS, where they help to get a profession, find a job and solve housing problems.

The activities of the Sos Children's Village are based on 4 principles formulated by the great Austrian humanist Hermann Gmeiner, the founder of the SOS Children's Villages:

1. Mom of the Children's Village - SOS is a vocation, a way of life and a professional job. A woman who has chosen the most feminine profession lives with her children, brings them up, and runs the household, like all other mothers in the world.

2. Every child has brothers and sisters in the Children's Village-SOS. 6-8 children of different ages live and are brought up in SOS-family. Having matured, they leave the village, but do not sever ties with their home.

3. Home is one of the most expensive places in the life of each of us. And the child who constantly feels the warmth and care of the family, knows what family traditions and chores are, can truly be happy.

4. The Children's Village-SOS is 12-14 family houses and, at the same time, a bridge to the outside world, providing a reliable adaptation of children in society. The village is not isolated from the outside world. Children go to ordinary schools, kindergartens, clubs and sports clubs, music schools, and when they are sick, they visit the local doctor together with the SOS mother. Their communication with peers is not limited. The Children's Village is open to friends and guests.

Children are admitted to the Children's Village in cases where it is impossible for them to return to their families. However, in many cases, it is possible to resolve the crisis situation in the family by providing preventive assistance. The support provided to families is an activity in the best interests of the child. Therefore, around SOS villages around the world, which are a kind of core of social projects, there are programs and institutions that support low-income families, single mothers and other socially unprotected categories of citizens.