What are the big lips of a man talking about? What the shape of your lips will tell you about your personality

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but what then can your lips be? When you communicate with other people, the mouth acts not only as a transmitter of information, but also as a source of non-verbal signals. Therefore, by the lips and their movements, one can learn about the hidden thoughts of a person. This is what specialists in the field of physiognomy tell us - the science that studies the character of a person, based on the analysis of facial features.

Read lips

Scientists around the world consider the lips to be one of the leading personality-defining functions. When you are feeling happy, annoyed, or discouraged, the first thing that gives out your mood is your mouth. According to experts, the very shape of the lips is also of direct importance in identifying the personality traits of an individual. The writer and physiognomist Jean Hanier believes that the structure and fullness of the lips directly correlates with the way you behave with people around you. People are born with certain features in appearance, with distinctive facial features, and each individual element develops into a unique personality. Let's consider this with specific examples.

Naturally plump lips

If your lips are naturally full (both above and below), this betrays you as an empathetic person with heightened parental instincts. The most striking example of a celebrity is Hollywood actress and director Angelina Jolie. Her desire to protect and protect others is innate, she has a selfless character and is happy when she can help those in need. Also, people with naturally plump lips try to maintain a close social circle and value relationships.

Both lips are thin enough

Women with thin lips (actress Kirsten Dunst) tend to be loners. Their introverted personality indicates unwillingness to resort to the help of others and independence. Loneliness does not oppress them at all, they are quite happy with their status, the opportunity to develop and live for themselves. They have had few relationships in their lives, but that doesn't mean they can't develop in humans or function as partners. To build a harmonious relationship, you need to find a like-minded person who shares interests and hobbies.

Lips plump in the center

People with fuller lips in the center can be safely called egocentric. They love to get attention and pride themselves on their performance. That is why they surround themselves with people and cannot stand being alone. However, despite the craving for popularity, these people can be the life of the party. But when it comes to romantic relationships, women are acting like "drama queen" and love to have fun. They do everything to get the most out of life.

Cupid wings

It is customary to say about this form "bow sponges". The most prominent example of a celebrity is the singer Taylor Swift. If the lower lip is quite full, and the upper lip is slightly thinner and resembles the letter M, this person can be described as a creative person, constantly striving for self-expression. He is endowed with a subtle self-awareness and has an impressive ability to remember. He can remember names and faces from the distant past and formulas memorized during schooling. In contrast to a sharp mind, this person is given a reactive and explosive nature, as well as a tendency to impulsive actions.

Rounded bow

Before us is the previous version of the shape of the lips, but without the pronounced sharp wings in the upper part. The most striking example is the actress Amanda Seyfried. Physiognomists believe that compassion and kindness are inherent in these people. They are very attentive and love to help people. A sensual disposition indicates that it is easy to offend them with an unfair attitude.

Wrong shape of cupid's wings

This type of lip is less common and has an irregular cupid wing shape (like Julia Roberts). These people can be classified as responsible and reliable individuals, they are not familiar with the concept of emotional boundaries, so they give their feelings to people without regret. Excessive generosity indicates neglect of mindfulness and implies that there should be a reasonable person next to them to prevent unnecessary waste. Despite the inability to manage money, these people are used to solving problems on their own and bringing the business to the end. They know how to meet deadlines and manage time, therefore they are valuable personnel in the professional field.

Lips of medium plump, regular shape

Nature has endowed many of us with regular, medium-plump lips (including actress Emma Stone). However, averaging does not mean the absence of distinctive features. They know how to find a balance in life and are able to solve any problems, have common sense, ingenuity, logical skills and sharpness. One of the main advantages of these people is the ability to listen to others. Despite their emotional restraint, they love to joke and laugh. Relationships are expected to have deep affection.

Artificially enlarged lips

Physiognomists believe that people who go against nature, resorting to the services of plastic surgeons, interfere with their fate and change their way. Self-rejection speaks of emotional instability and problems on the love front. These people can be described as voluptuous but dramatizing relationships. A more enlarged lower lip indicates a sensual side and a hedonistic lifestyle (desire for pleasure).

Scientists and psychologists have long ago deduced a direct connection between a person's appearance and his character. On the basis of centuries of research in this area, the science of physiognomy arose, with the help of which, by the features and expression of the face, it is possible to determine the personality traits of a person, his mental qualities and even his state of health. In the modern world, this technique has gained immense popularity and is successfully used in work with personnel, legal practice, medicine, education, personal training and many other areas of everyday life. Despite the usual axiom “Eyes are the mirror of the soul”, physiognomists are accustomed to giving priority to the study of the shape and size of lips in their research, considering them the most important detector of human personality.

Regular full lips

From time immemorial, plump sensual lips have been considered a sign of increased sexual activity of their owner. It is not for nothing that modern beauties strive to increase them with the help of cosmetic procedures in order to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, often at the risk of losing their own individuality. People with full lips are accustomed to taking everything from life, they are constantly looking for new sources of pleasure, are rather persistent and prudent in achieving their goals. At the same time, they are kind and sentimental, women become wonderful wives and mothers, and men often donate large sums to charity.

Regularly shaped thin lips

For some reason, thin lips are considered a sign of an evil, envious and selfish person. But it is not so. In most cases, those with thin lips are purposeful, hardworking and pragmatic people. They are characterized by some isolation, skepticism, a critical attitude towards themselves and those around them. They are not used to counting on support and try to achieve their goals alone. In this they are helped by innate ingenuity, prudence and cunning, sometimes leading to not entirely legal actions.

Lips bow

The most attractive sexually. They talk about the extreme femininity and sensuality of their owner, which, at times, can be distinguished by insincerity and frivolity. In men, this is a common sign of vanity, hypocrisy and a frivolous attitude towards women. These people love to be in the center of attention of others and try to achieve this in every possible way.

Loose wet lips

They talk about lack of will, indecision and infantilism of their owner. Such people are often prone to wickedness and irrepressible carnal pleasures.

Protruding lips

They are considered a sign of capriciousness and eccentricity, as well as self-doubt and suspiciousness of a person. Such individuals are usually easily addicted and manipulated. If only the lower lip is protruding, you are in front of a smug person who puts his own interests and desires in the foreground.

Asymmetrical lips

A large upper lip speaks of sociability, a light playful character of its owner. Such people are characterized by coquetry, which many perceive as insincerity and narcissism.

A full lower lip signals the inconstancy and selfishness of their owners, who are constantly looking for new sensations in life. They rarely make exemplary family men, only a few are able to remain faithful to their chosen one for a long time.

Raised lips

People with such lips are born optimists with a light, cheerful character and a positive attitude towards life. They magically attract those around them, because it seems that the smile never leaves their face. Due to this, they rarely remain alone and, as a rule, do not have problems with choosing a life partner.

Lips with drooping corners

Here the picture is completely opposite. The drooping corners of the lips signal a personality's tendency to pessimism and despondency, and are also a direct sign of an inferiority complex and an inability to resist life circumstances. Such people often need approval, it is important for them to constantly feel the love, support and care of others.

Parted lips

They talk about the ingenuousness, naivety and credulity of their owner. Such people often run the risk of being deceived and, without knowing it, can become a tool in illegal combinations of dishonest persons. A constantly open mouth gives the face a somewhat stupid expression, which causes a condescending attitude towards a person and an involuntary desire to offend or humiliate him.

Tight lips

They signal the insincere and secretive nature of their owner. Such people, as a rule, are alien to sentimentality and compassion, they are deceitful, calculating and resourceful. You can easily get a "knife in the back" from such characters, so you should not trust them in serious matters and wait for help in difficult moments of life.

Twitching lips

Unstable facial expressions, expressed in nervous twitching of the lips, can indicate a nervous, emotional person who is in disharmony with his inner world. Such people are unpredictable and impulsive, they are more susceptible to emotions than to the voice of reason, so it is difficult to do business with them and important assignments should not be trusted.

By the lips, you can determine not only the psychological characteristics of a person, but also the state of his health:

Pale lips signal problems with the intestines, bluish lips - about heart failure, bright red are inherent in hypertensive patients and people of the apoplectic type.

Dry chapped lips hint at stomach problems and may be a sign of thyroid dysfunction;

Thick tendrils above the upper lip in women indicate hormonal imbalance and ovarian dysfunction.

For physiognomists, even the distance between the lips and the nose matters. It is believed that the larger it is, the stronger the physical potential of a person prevails over the mental.

The characteristic of people who have a thin upper and plump lower lip (Fig. 7.21) represents a certain combination of traits: from thin lips they got cunning and pragmatism, from plump ones - activity, sensuality and love of life.

Rice. 7.21. Thin upper lip and plump lower

On the one hand, pragmatism and love of order, on the other, the ability to enjoy life, intelligence and sexuality. The question is what will prevail. The love of pleasure usually wins in this confrontation, and the desire to put things in order stops possible mistakes.

Physiognomists advise not to trust such people very much, let alone get carried away, because life with them can be unpredictable: today is the North Pole, and tomorrow - the tropics. Another drawback is their talkativeness and inability to restrain themselves.

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Do you want to know how easy it will be to communicate with the man you just met? Look closely at his lips: they will help you find out what type your new friend is.


The mouth is large, lips are clearly defined, wide in the center and tapering towards the edges, the corners are raised.

He is: open-minded, confident, loves to be in the spotlight. He needs a relaxed partner capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a play where he plays the main role. He will publicly make you tender confessions, but be prepared for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very well defined lips.

He is: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Loves stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, he prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on the mood and situation.


Lips "bow", plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding to his companion: at any time of the day she must look stunning and be ready for love. Loves sex without frills and frequent change of position.


The lips are thin, pale, and compressed.

He is the leader. Lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If he breaks up a relationship, then forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the cutout of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


The lips are well defined. The groove in the center of the upper lip has slightly sharpened edges.
He is: relaxed, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but at the same time not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not easy. He can take the lead in the relationship, but he will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand boundaries, restrictions, obligations in relation to sex. Appreciates freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places for this: in a fitting room, in a dark corner of a park, on an airplane.


The lips are of medium size or rather large, well defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is: reckless, ambitious, loves to effectively joke and turn his attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love, she often pursues sports interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. In sex, he does not like long foreplay, he is ready to experiment.


Lips are medium in size, even, in the form of a leaf. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower lip or slightly wider, with almost no center bend.

He: will rule in love. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either prone to extreme, or very conservative.


The lips are medium, well defined. The lower lip is even, straight, tapers at the very edges, the upper lip rises to the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, make eyes, make hints. He does not reject the counter initiative, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics, he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears as if by the way


The lips are thin, not too defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself to be an extremely romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over emotions. In his feelings he is restrained, does not like the manifestation of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's love relationships are of priority somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning an apartment. But sex as a wellness procedure is highly rated. He attaches great importance to the technical side of the issue. Loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

We read on the lips further ...

If you know how to "read lips" correctly, then the shape of the lips and the outlines of the mouth as a whole will reveal the secrets of the character of their owner.

Chubby lips are a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Is this why we are trying in every possible way to draw the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

The narrow mouth speaks of the heavy and gloomy nature of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are closed and sullen. Even if your lips are not like that, it is possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in those cases when you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation for you. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create the impression of "beeches" about yourself.

A convex or simply plump lower lip is a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. It is difficult to communicate on an equal footing with a person whose lower lip is much larger than the upper lip, he will always try to prevail over you. And, again, such a lip can appear in a person with a normal mouth if he disrespects you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. To persuade someone whose lower lip is too protruding is a bad job, you don't even have to try.

A protruding upper lip is a sign of stubborn, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you hook such a person to the living, then you risk losing his disposition forever. Your opinion won't mean anything to him anymore. Such people, although very tolerant, still deep down in their hearts are completely sincerely convinced that they are right.

A bulging mouth with well-defined lips is a feature inherent in "earthly" people who have no illusions about themselves, unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles on the sand and do not hover in the clouds, their lot is ordinary affairs. A distinctive feature of people with a clear lip contour is low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have a strong enough character to cope with themselves and improve their lives, no matter what.

Our character and temperament strongly affects our facial features and appearance. Lips, one of the most sensual human organs, they can open a large number of secrets about a person and suggest how best to approach him.

No. 1 - plump lips

The owners of such lips are distinguished by a strong character, which is hidden under the soft outer shell. They are not used to shouting about their strength and courage, but in a difficult situation they are always ready for action. Such people are able to protect their loved ones, for them the home is a fortress, and the family is the most important thing in life.

Those who are lucky in life with beautiful and large lips are always distinguished by their elegance and charm, they perfectly master the technique of charm, but sometimes they put themselves above others and can look extremely arrogant.

No. 2 - lips "bow"

Small and plump lips speak of a pleasant and light character. It is impossible to be offended or angry for people with such lips for a long time. They, like the sun, give others warmth and joy, are always open to conversation. Communication with them is always a pleasure, even empty chatter seems pleasant and interesting.

But with such a sociable character, people with such "bow lips" are capricious and even selfish. In no case do they want to be left unattended. If you stop giving them a lot of time, you will have to face resentment and even quarrels.

# 3 - plump upper lip

Women with such lips are a born leader, ready to take control and responsibility, the main thing is that everyone obeys instructions. In the family, these are reliable people who never transfer their work and responsibilities to others, they are able to make important decisions and manage the household. But the desire for their whims to always be fulfilled, often spoils the relationship.

People with a plump upper lip have a strong-willed character, always achieve what they want and never deviate from their plans. They are not afraid of the difficulties of life, nor the ways in which they will achieve success. Such attitudes in life most often lead to material well-being and great prosperity.

# 4 - plump lower lip

People with such lips are bright and positive personalities by nature. It is difficult for them to sit still and do nothing. They always confidently go towards their goal and achieve what they want both in their careers and in their personal lives. They are easily versed in everyone except themselves. They just find an approach to a person, but it is almost impossible to understand what they want.

People around them are always fun, although being too active sometimes tires. Holders of a plump lower lip are often unrestrained and even intolerant. They will never remain silent if their opinion contradicts the opinion of others. Sometimes it is for this that they are loved, and sometimes they become unwanted guests in society, for their harsh statements.

No. 5 - thin lips

A large mouth with thin lips is a sign of an open and kind character. People with such lips are broad natures, capable of giving positive emotions and drawing attention to themselves. It's easy to find a common language with them. But despite the general openness, they are able to subordinate others to their will and inspire their own opinion.

People with thin lips have a complex personality. They are able to tempt and charm, they can be mysterious if they need it, and they can become an open book for everyone. In any case, they will benefit from any situation. That is how they are arranged.

No. 6 - thin and small lips

People with small mouths and thin lips have a complex character. They are very picky in their surroundings, not everyone can find a common language with them. But the one who has become their friend can be sure: support and help will always await him, and in the future there will be no betrayal.

Also in the family, people with small and thin lips are loyal and positive spouses. Despite the fact that quarrels are always possible in families, betrayal will definitely not be their cause. They are used to respecting themselves and their choices.

Each of us is unique and inimitable, each has its own destiny and future. But the general features of a person are inherent in his appearance. Lips are able to convey a large amount of information and give an overall picture of character. We wish you the best of luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2015 01:20

Signs associated with lips can warn of impending events. Our ancestors were attentive to signals ...