A frank declaration of love to her husband. Beautiful to tears: how to confess your love to a man in poetry and prose

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

My darling, my darling,
Mine is not like many,
Mine is gloomy and serious
Mine is funny and funny

Drown in your arms -
There is no more happiness for me
My dear and strongest
I love you, darling!

They are not at all similar to you,
But this is only at first glance.
Are you happy? You know, me too.
And everything will be fine with us.

There is no flattery in my confession:
“Without feeling, life is zero.
We can do a lot if together!
I love you immensely! "

I don't see you at least a day -
I'm bored.
You are my drug! I am addicted
And I don't want to endure separation.

Please kiss more often
Press harder to your chest!
There are no such moments sweeter ...
Darling, let's meet!

I want to confess my love to you
I want to touch my shoulder
I want to smile with happiness
And meet you every day

Give your love and faith,
I'm near - just call
You can be completely sure
In my great love for you!

Why are you being arrogant?
You see - I'm on fire!
And so I will certainly burn
After all, I love you, I love you!

Why do you make you suffer in vain?
Stay still with me, I pray ..
After all, you yourself know very well
That I love you, I love you!

What should I do for you
To prove your love?
I live in you, I believe in you
After all, I love you, I love you!

It's a beautiful day, it's made for
To confess love today ...
After all, everyone in life is looking for his own -
And everyone wants to sincerely fall in love!

I love you - I want to whisper
But for the whole world to hear it
You are the best - to shout to the whole world,
So that the whole planet shudders!

I must tell you my love
That I love you more in life!
I love it when we are silent with you sometimes,
Knowing each other's quivering thoughts!

I love you as in life they love once,
And this is forever - I know for sure!
Separation will not touch us in our lives,
Let's close our hearts on love with a lock!

Just think of your name
The heart is compressed with strong feelings!
How I love you, my dear,
I always want to be with you!

I'm not afraid of any adversity,
I dream of meeting sunrises with you!
How, darling, I love you,
I ask you for happiness from heaven!

I didn't know you before
And it was completely different:
Passion seemed to me a fiction,
Flirting is empty fun.

And now we are everywhere together
The veil has disappeared from the eyes,
And, I give two hundred percent,
I am in love for the first time!

Men have a prerogative -
To confess love to the first lady,
But I have an alternative
I want today in poetry

To tell your beloved, of course
How much I love him
And the heart is quivering and eternal
I keep all the promises!

You are the only hero to me
A novel called love.
I want to be close only to you
And again you stir my blood.

I dedicate these lines to you ...
My favorite! Only for you recognition.
And know: I forgive you everything in advance.
But guess what my desire is?

A beautiful declaration of love for a guy in prose

I never thought that it is possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there is still so much unsolved in this person. I never knew that the words “I love you” sound like the first time every time ... I have never met a person with whom hours flew by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part ... I did not find such a close and dear person ... Honey, I never loved the way I love you.

The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think about you! I wake up and think about you! I sleep at night and smile because I think about you. I am ready to shout everywhere that I love you. I cannot imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you!

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I so want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

How I rejoice in yesterday! It was perhaps one of the best days with you in my life. How great it was to spend the whole day together! All day I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you!

You know, when I see your image, my heart skips a beat, but when I start thinking about you, it pounds furiously in my chest, tearing blood vessels, and asks for you. I want to enjoy your beautiful smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and look forward to meeting you.

Everyone creates their own world, their love. We dream, come up with something that probably does not exist, and we believe in it. Gradually, the world around me turns out to be completely different from what I wanted, the person who is dear to me occupies all my thoughts is not at all the same, although I invented him, drew him, for me you are ideal. At the thought of you, tears appear in my eyes and something pricks in my chest. I'm ready to turn the world around for you. I love you.

My little one, my most beloved, I don't live without you, I exist! I do not need expensive gifts, soft toys, chocolate, I only need you ... Sometimes, when I understand that we cannot be together, I want to die! But, waking up, every time in the morning, I understand: I live for you ... When you are standing next to me, I feel warm, when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot, when you kiss me on the cheek, I feel hot, but you are not you leave a burn on the body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn't hurt me at all ... I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to be always with you. I love you more than life.

Yesterday, when you parted, you kissed me for the first time. It was so divine, it was a beginning that has no end. This was the beginning of my love for you. Endless, tender, eternal, affectionate, passionate, burning, alluring, piercing, sleepless, merciless. Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting ... thank you for that. I fell in love with you.

To love or fall in love is stupid, especially since the first love turned out to be unrequited, but no, I fell in love ... and so strongly, and so passionately that it seems to no one and I have never experienced such a feeling ... My heart is not beating so loudly and strongly , as they say in novels, but it lets me know that you are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it is full. I love you so much!

I cannot live without you, I need you like air. Without you, I am just a man in this world, and with you I am in seventh heaven with happiness. When you are around, I feel that you need you as much as I need you. Do not think that when you are not around, I do not think about you. When you are far away, I love you hundreds of thousands of times more. I constantly think about you and love you very much.

Sometimes the feeling of all-consuming love squeezes your heart, not for a moment freeing you from its sweet shackles. Falling in love enchants the mind and it seems that no one will find the cherished words that can voice all those good feelings, exciting thrill, tenderness and warmth that a loved one evokes every day ...

We can touch the soul strings of your soul mate and suggest the best declarations of love. Wild and passionate or charming with their modesty, fiery or disturbing the mind with their restraint, funny or touching - you will definitely find those words that will make your chosen one happy!

Video: Declaration of love to your beloved man.

I love you. Thank you for being with me, for affection, thank you for your "cool" under the ear every morning, thank you for being there! My declarations of love for you!

My sun, my queen, the smartest, most beautiful, adored, beloved, fluffy, dear, sweet, dear, angelically beautiful, incomparable, exciting, magical, exclamatory, delightful, impressionable, graceful, dizzying, precious, kind! I love you!

All the best in this world reminds me of you! I want to feel like you, rejoice like you, cry like you. I want to smile with you. I want to travel together. You are a beautiful girl and the best for me

I am ready to throw all the best that is on this planet at your feet. For your sake, I can overcome thousands of kilometers, get a star from the sky, earn millions and accomplish a feat! You are my muse, my soul mate, my love

Sweetheart, your voice is like the sound of a stream that gently falls from mountain peaks. Your lips are sweeter than the sweetest in the world. I love you, I adore you, I adore you. No, and there will not be someone like you in the world! The most gentle, caring, I admire you, my Angel!

If you live a hundred years - I want to live a day less so that I don't live a day without you ... If you jump from the bridge - I will not jump after you - I will catch you under the bridge ... And let everyone hear, oh what you say, but only I will hear what you are silent about, because I really love you ...

You are alone in my heart ... My world, my Universe ... You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster ... You are all the dearest and most desirable for me. I can't breathe, exist, live without you! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I only live for you. I love you so much!

To love or fall in love is stupid, especially since the first love turned out to be unrequited, but no, I fell in love ... and so strongly, and so passionately that it seems to no one and I never felt such a feeling ... My heart is not beating as loud and strong as they say in novels, but it lets me know that you are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it is full. I love you so much!

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries ... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I will not be able to live any longer, because my heart cannot beat only half ...

I love you so much! You are the dearest person in the world! Please forgive me for all the bad things I've done! I really value you and our relationship!

I miss your hands that caress me, I miss your eyes that look at me, I miss your body that radiates warmth, I miss your heart that loves me. I miss you! I miss and love you madly!

Hi, darling! I wrote you some of the most beautiful SMS declarations of love, but the mobile operator did not miss any of them, tk. envy seized him. Operator girl, find your boyfriend at last! Envy is a bad feeling! Darling, if suddenly this SMS still reaches you, know that I love you very, very much and want you to be happy!

You know, I don't believe in love at first sight. She is as fleeting as this look, she is light and serene and leaves just as quickly, leaving only disappointment.

I love you! This wonderful feeling gives me the strength to live and enjoy every day. Warms on cold evenings, filling the soul with incredible warmth. Thank you for being by my side and answering me in return. I want my love for you never to leave my heart, so I keep it from everyone ...

I want to give you my heart. Take care of it, it is endowed with an invaluable gift - the ability to love! Let my loving heart warm you when I am not around, warns you of danger, takes you away from trouble and pleases with its measured beat, as if repeating: "I love you!"

I decided to tell my beloved that I love him very much.

The most touching love affairs for a guy, a man.

Today I decided to part with my beloved. I'm tired of his promises that don't come true. I was tired of the habit of disappearing when he lost his mood. It happens like this. He writes a message and turns off the phone. A message of this nature and content: “Sorry, I'm upset. I will appear. Now I want to be alone. " How angry I am with this kind of antics!

Another "jump" that pissed me off…. I went shopping for a long time to buy white pants or jeans. I had to go around five stores. But I bought them. I'm proud of myself. I am also proud of the man who had a lot of patience: he walked with me to evaluate the choice. The mobile is discharged. I knew there would be screams, discontent and indignation. But where can I find an outlet in the middle of stops?

I came home, put my mobile phone on charge, turned on…. It would be better not to include it! Messages poured in. It was written in them how I did wrong with him. But he does even worse! Is it okay for him?

I will part with him, once I have made up my mind. But I will write a declaration of love that will be remembered by him, which will awaken a sleeping conscience. So…

A touching confession of love.

"I love you…. How nice it was to call you my sun…. How nice it was to stay with me for the weekend while my parents were resting at the dacha…. A lot of pleasant things connected us with you. I dreamed so much that it would never end….

I love you painfully. To tears. To heavenly heights. Until the trembling in the voice and body .... I love! I want to thank you. For falling in love. I didn't think it would ever happen to me. Thanks! Thanks for the summer…. It was the most beautiful of all the previous ones. Every moment of summer is with you rays of indescribable happiness. Why did you turn them into shards?

Everything was so beautiful…. You came to me…. With a cake…. To meet my mom. An idyll reigned, which I will never be able to forget. Do not even ask! How I loved the look with which you looked at me…. There was so much tenderness in him that I pinched myself. It seemed to me that I was dreaming. It seemed…. Your affectionate touch of gaze is divine and unique.


Russian music video from 1997 by Russian Folk Singer Vika Tsyganova - "Russian Vodka."

I am ready to kiss the coffee that you love…. I am ready to run after your shadow even to the edge of the world…. I am ready to give my life for yours…. I'm ready! Ask what you want! I will do everything.

I never thought that love is a savior from everything bad and sad. Do you remember how we lay hugged on the crib…. Do you remember how I asked you to clench your hand into a fist…. Then I said: “Many people say that what kind of fist a person has - the same heart. My heart is now in your fist. Keep him safe". You have sworn to protect…. He swore, but did not keep the oath…. I broke my heart, but I didn't know that I was stronger than any pain.

I live with a broken heart, I don't trust anyone. But I love you as before…. I want to get you back…. I want to quit…. I don’t know which is more correct. Can you tell me?

I love you. You took advantage of these feelings. What for? My love is the most sincere and real…. I gave it to you without a trace, without falsehood, without greed…. You took it without giving anything in return. And I didn’t demand it. I also appreciated the fact that you were by my side…. With all body, all emotions, all words…. But not in thoughts and not in soul. You gave your soul and thoughts, secretly, to your ex-wife, whom you did not forget.

I endured everything, tried to understand, forgave. I gave you earth, moon, night, day, clouds…. She gave, tried, forgave…. Did not give, did not try, did not forgive…. Do you feel the difference? It is visible and noticeable.

I remember your hands…. They touched me so quietly, as if they were afraid to wake me up. She smiled because she felt millions of surges of happiness. We lay in the grass, listened to birds singing, and looked at the sun. You kissed me, talked about love, talked about plans for our future…. I listened and melted. You spoke and watched me melt….

I knew I loved you more. I assumed that you did not love me at all, but tried not to notice it in order to continue to feel happiness. I didn’t love anyone so much…. I'm going crazy with my love…. Do you see this. You see a lot. I would give anything to further pretend that I do not notice your game. But it doesn't work anymore. I give my role to someone else! Probably, she will be able to play better…. You! Just like you did it in relation to me. I wish you no harm. you touched my innermost. You trampled on what I so cherished. But I still love you very much…. I pick up piece by piece what you trampled. I try to piece together the pieces.

I swallow the breath of love. Love is dying. I dream to save her. But only I need love. You are just a shadow. The shadow of my dreams, my desires, my hopes…. I tell our mutual friends that everything is cool and perfect with us. They believe. They believe and are not upset. It's good that they don't know how my tormented and deceived soul suffers. Then at the barbecue at the end of summer, I thought that we were seeing off the warm season. How could I know that we are seeing off our love? I love you…. Be happy, darling. Goodbye and forgive! "

It hurts and lonely. Neither pain nor loneliness can be killed in an instant. Need time. A lot of time! A year, two, three, five…. More! The whole life has to pass…. I will be able to forget him only in the next life. I remember everything…. Everything that is somehow connected with him. I remember and will not forget. It will be difficult for me, but I live only by it.

I won't tell Mom anything. I won't tell you yet. She liked him so much! She was happy…. I was waiting for the moment when I will find a good man. For her, he was both good and is. I don't want her to be disappointed. I will send my touching confession by email. I wanted to send it in the usual way, but I'm afraid that someone else might read it. Email is safer….

My hand trembled as I typed in the “appreciative” text. I wanted everything to be very cool. Tears rolled onto the keyboard. They fell between the keys and fell between them. They also cried…. I wanted to calm them down, but I didn't know how to do it.

I typed a letter - a confession. How he will react to him is unknown. There would be strength, there would be the courage to send him. The hands are shaky.

Heart is pounding... Thoughts scatter….

I AM I am sending this touching confession to Love. Necessarily!

And I want to confess

My dear husband,

What I love, I want

Next to be with you!

“I love you very much! "

My dear husband, I want to tell you

That I love you very much!

That I will support you in everything

Mysterious, affectionate, tender!

When you're around I don't need words

After all, this is that strong love

Which inspires us with you,

Which connects hearts!

"We are two dear halves with you"

With you we are two dear halves,

And it’s good for us to be together.

As if two pieces of ice melted

After all, it became very warm for the two of them.

I just love to laugh with you,

And just shut up and talk ...

Beloved husband! I want not to part.

And I love you so much!

"In love with you, my tender!"

Husband, why argue with you

I'm ready to give all of myself to you!

And if suddenly bad weather happens,

I will take away her with my love!

Nature gave love and happiness

I am very, very grateful to her!

"I adore you!"

Not just love - I adore you!

The season of low-degree cold is not terrible:

We save each other with our heartfelt warmth.

Forever you are my lover and husband!

I agree with you to be obediently led,

In the tradition of a faithful oriental wife,

I will take care of all household chores,

Let only we be always in love!

"How beautiful is love"

How beautiful love is when you divide everything in two

How enthusiastically the heart sings about happiness.

I will dedicate to you, dear, desired,

And minutes, and years, and a flight of hearts!

The anticipation of happiness big and fast,

And beauty is strong of spiritual impulses!

Husband - after all, this is so much, so important and expensive,

Just being with you is just a dream!

Touching declarations of love?

I love you.

albeit in its own way

crooked and at times,

but very much.

I love. To tears. To the stars. Until oblivion. Earthly. Impossible. Yours.

I love, just to watch you laugh, I love to call you my sun, I just love to look into your eyes and only I can’t say "I love you" ...

I miss our conversations. since I'm not talking to anyone with you. I miss even our quarrels and disputes.

Who would know how much I love you ...

and I don’t need to get the moon out of the sky,

build sand castles;

just stay with me

and do not betray.

16 chest movements per minute. and I have thousands of thousands, millions of millions. because I do not just inhale exhale ... I inhale love you exhale

Let's play some Rorschach tests?

you will show me pictures

and I - to say the first thing that came to mind

and for each of your photos

exhale without hesitation

"I love you"

no signs of illness

only temperature below 40 °

and dizzy.

The hospital said, you are sick,

fell in love with your eyes.

Forgive me.


I'm too confused about myself.

Has crossed all the facets of what is permitted.

I cry every night.

I drink liters of coffee.

Thinking about you.

You know I'm terribly ashamed

For your behavior.

Do not know...

I need you a lot.

Even necessary.

I'm terrified of losing you.

I won't survive.

You are my Everything.

You are my life.

Forgive me baby.

I love you.

(c) Walking through the sky

I love you a little.

just a little bit

per millimeter

or per gram

whichever is more convenient for you

you know, baby.

even if I marry another person, I will still be completely in love with those eyes.

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries ... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I will not be able to live any longer, because my heart cannot beat only half ...

- I love you until the moon

- Wow, how far

And whispered in her ear:

And I love you until the moon. Until the very, very moon ... - and back.

If I didn't have so much of this greedy cynicism in me now,

Told you

That all over the world at this second

No man for me

More important than you ..

I got one habit that I just can't get rid of: every day I love you more and more.

I can be anything.

Can I be yours?

I remember how I looked into your eyes and said to myself "I love you!" And you smiled and said aloud: "I love you too ..."

I love you - now I have a life!

And before you met me, then was there no life?

No, it was just existence!

you piss me off sometimes. just pissed off. sometimes I feel like banging my head against the wall - from some of your actions or words. but. despite all this, or not, along with all this, my heart hurts because of you and I love you

If a kiss were a drop ...

I would give you rain ...

If a hug were a light ...

I would give you the sun ...

If love were life ...

I would give you eternity ...

I am now in such a warm, cozy, sweet, tender comatose ... almost like spring, but then they just loved me. everything was magical and now ... I'm just happy with you ...

I remember how it all began. Fear of the very first date, the first kiss. And now, I just need him to be near, to feel the warmth of his hands and a gentle look. In the evening, after a hard day, I would like to brew 2 huge cups of green tea, open the Raffaelo box, climb onto the sofa, cover myself with a woolen blanket and turn on some kind of romantic movie. And just be with him. And in the morning, so that he shook the disheveled hair from my face, made strong coffee with a spoonful of sugar and woke me up with a gentle kiss.

One morning I want to wake up and see a gentle creature nearby .... Just admire him, wait until he wakes up ... Then see his smile, so affectionate, hear a quiet "Good morning" and feel the touch of your lips ... Look into your eyes, and, just saying nothing, give your love ... Feeling the tenderness of your hands, just enjoy these moments ... Walking with you around the city, just hold your hand, sometimes there may be nothing to talk about ... I want to make you the happiest person ... I love you ..

I love you

Yes, I don’t lie in the morning (s)

Do you remember when I wondered .. pulled out a piece of paper with your name?

Well, yes, I remember ..

So, it is kept in the blank note until now .. (c)

Declaration of love to a loved one: the most beautiful and romantic words - lady.tochka.net

It so happens that love just breaks your heart and it is very difficult to find the right words to express the whole range of feelings and emotions, to show how strong and all-consuming it is ...

We are ready to help you with this and offer declarations of love to your beloved, funny and touching, hot and timid, exciting and passionate - and you will definitely find that declaration of love to your beloved, which reflects exactly your feeling!

You are the dearest and most beloved person in the world. When you are away for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting. And when you are with me - there is no happier person in this world. You are the air that I breathe and without which I cannot live a second. I love you more and more than anyone else in the world!

There are people with whom you do not want to part, even for a moment. They are like a drug: the more you get to know them, the less likely you are to forget about them. You want to comprehend such people, you want to dissolve in them. They captivate hearts and delight the mind. There are few such people, but they still exist. For me you are such a person! And I love you very much!

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth! I want to enjoy you every minute and I want to give all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection ... I love you!

When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible ... so that the words from the paper, from the screens of the monitor and the phone warmed with the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream to see you as soon as possible ... because looks speak words. When I look at your photograph, I want to touch you ... to feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!

My dear, without you my heart was a cold piece of ice, my soul never saw the light ... But you melted my heart, took it to yourself and became it yourself. I need you like air, I wither without you, like a flower without water. You are my life, my ray of light. I love you! So strong, so crazy! You are my whole life, and I just can't live without you!

When I feel bad, I know that I will see you and I will feel good. When I feel good, I know that I will see you, and I will feel even better! Love makes people optimistic. She gives them wings and makes them fly towards their dreams. I already flew to mine. After all, my dream is you, my most beloved person!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you ...

You are infinitely kind, unusually sweet, very smart, damn attractive, exceptional decent, insanely talented and crystal honest ... a monster! Well, I am the same, as in a fairy tale, a beautiful princess who is in love with you! :)

Like a bird, my soul flies when you are near me. Now I understand the meaning of the words "wings have grown", because if your loved one is with you, you seem to start flying. I was lucky enough to experience this feeling and meet my loved one. You have blinded my heart and I don’t want to look at others. In my dreams, only you and I want you to know how much I love you!

When you are next to me, a light burns inside me, I like its warmth, and the way it warms me. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me. Your kisses are sweet and tender, and your lips are soft and inviting. You are my little world, which cannot even be replaced by the entire universe. I love you and that says it all!

Beloved, you know, they say that love is like war: easy to start, hard to finish and impossible to forget! So I confess - I cannot forget you!

I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary and amazing mystery! We crossed on the road of life, we were united by the energy of love, saturating every moment of our life with a special feeling! Our hearts beat in unison, our gazes are turned to each other, like endless galaxies! Love envelops us in a soft haze, making the bustle around invisible ... It is happiness to know and feel that we have each other!

There are only two infinite things in this world: this is the Universe and my love for you! Although I'm not sure about the universe ...

If you live a hundred years - I want to live a day less so that I don't live a day without you ... If you jump from the bridge - I will not jump after you - I will catch you under the bridge ... And let everyone hear what you are talking about, but, only I will hear what you are silent about, because I really love you ...

You know, I don't love you anymore ... I love you very much!

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries ... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I will not be able to live any longer, because my heart cannot beat only half ...

Group Weather Elisavetgrad - Moscow 2011

Such a song is a romantic, unforgettable and original musical declaration of love to anyone - boyfriend, girlfriend, man, woman, husband, wife, groom, bride, beloved, beloved. An offer of marriage. The best. 2013

Goosebumps. Very soulful and touching, right up to tears.

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We bring to the attention of our readers the most touching words, romantic phrases, statements about love, declarations of love that take the soul. The mood of words is as different as love itself. Here you will read happy and sad declarations of love, in which you will definitely find the very words that you would like to pronounce.

“All the sorrow is that I love you, but you don’t love me. I try to find the meaning of this condemnation, interpret, justify, rummage, delve into myself, go over our whole life and everything that I know about myself, and I do not see the beginning and I cannot remember what I did and how I brought this misfortune. You are looking at me somehow wrongly, with unkind eyes, you see me distorted, as in a crooked mirror.
I love you. Oh, how I love you, if only I could imagine! I love everything special in you, everything beneficial and unfavorable, all your ordinary sides, dear in their extraordinary combination, a face ennobled by the inner content, which without this, perhaps, it would seem ugly, talent and mind, as if taking the place of a completely absent will ... All this is dear to me, and I do not know a person better than you. " Boris Pasternak.

I love it when you stroke my head. It starts to seem to me that we understand each other through touch
I love your voice. Each of your words echoes with warmth in my heart.
And I love your eyes. You usually have a stern look, but when you show kindness, I like their softness.
I love your hands. They are quite gentle for a guy, but when we hold hands, I understand that they are strong. Hands of a real man.
I love your walk.
When we walk together, I like that you turn around to see if I'm not behind.

I love to watch you sleep. As defenseless as a baby. And you have such long eyelashes.
Sometimes I gently touch your lips and you don't even notice. And the heart is filled with pain.
I love you.

“I don’t need anything at all except your lips. It is a pity that you cannot see them side by side forever. You are the most important thing that I wanted, what I needed. What I want, and I have a need to be with you, and I know that I will never find the strength in myself to leave again. "

“I'm not crazy, it's all love. There was no madness, there was only agony. On the way to your heart, obstacles will not stop me. I don't want to lose you, I want to take care of you, I just want us to be together. "

"I am crazy, without memory, I love you endlessly." “How good it is in the world! But why does it always hurt so much? " "Farewell, the only beloved, forever lost!" Boris Pasternak.

“And what is there to hide or keep silent, I love him, it's clear. I love, I love ... This is a stone on my neck, I go to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and I cannot live without it. " Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

“You may not be the first, not the last, and not the only one with her. She loved before she loved again. But if she loves you now, what else is wrong? She's not perfect, but neither are you, and both of you will never be perfect together. But if she makes you laugh, all the more think twice if she gives you the opportunity to be human, make mistakes, hold on to her and give her everything you can. She may not think about you every second of the day, but she can give you a part of herself, because she knows that you can break her heart. So do not early her, do not change her, do not analyze and do not expect from her what is beyond her capabilities. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you angry, and miss her when she's not around. " Bob Marley.

“I love you and I will love you until I stop breathing. I know that for sure. You are my horizon, and all my thoughts converge on you. Let there be anything - everything always closes on you. " Erich Maria Remarque

“The most difficult thing, it turns out, is to realize that the person you love does not love you. It is simply amazing what tricks and self-deception even the most sober people resort to. They come up with consolation that the girl is allegedly afraid or does not want to confess her feelings to him. Another is even able to admit that he is unloved, but deep down he himself does not believe in it. Such is human nature. This is true even of the most sober realists. ”Arseny Aleksandrovich Tarkovsky.

“You know, I wasn't even going to ask for forgiveness. I tried to be myself, and you didn't pay any attention to me. The fool understands that we will never have anything. But I will come home anyway and fall face down in the pillow and think about you. I already hate myself for what I say. But I will say this, because love makes an idiot out of a person. And I love you ... I love you from the moment I first saw you. "

“I wanted you for myself, the whole thing. There is a light and quiet jealousy in love, growing from the desire to belong to all seasons of your half. It's like squeezing warm, non-owned coastal sand in your fist, but feeling it pouring out of your hand. " Elchin Safarli.

“There is nothing more tenacious than hopeless love. Mutual love can get boring. Passionate love turns into friendship or hatred. But unrequited love will never leave the heart, it is so firmly cemented by resentment. "

Topic of the section: Words, sayings, quotes, about love, beloved man and beloved girl, woman, declaration of love that take the soul, beautiful words with meaning that will move anyone to tears.


I am ready for my beloved husband
Talk about love every day
Make up a supper every night
Whatever you want - you tell me!

Thank you for your care, darling,
I do not feel sorry for tender feelings at all,
Very strong, yet you're cute
I love, I will tell it to everyone!

And I'm not afraid of problems, even kill!
The best man is next to me!
I'm happy, believe it
So thank you, my hero!

When I met you
I forgot about myself.
The earth has stopped
And I realized how I fell in love.

Time passes quickly
But I love it still carelessly.
I am firmly confident in my choice
You are my husband and for me it is proud!

It was so heavenly
So that I become your wife.
Now I breathe so freely
I was lucky in my life with you.

My husband, my friend, my support,
I sincerely love you.
I will survive our quarrel,
I grieve with my feelings.

Merged with you,
In deeds and feelings forever.
And every moment is unique
Our love is burning - a star.

There is no boredom in our house
There is no sadness and routine.
Eternal holiday - life with you
My only man!

How easy it is with you, my dear!
I'm never sad with you
The whole world is in you, beloved!
Everything in life is empty without you.

How we lived without each other
I don't understand at all!
There is no better spouse in the world
And I adore you!

I confess to you my feelings
After all, I love you with all my heart
My strong, affectionate, dear,
Welcome, smart, dear!

Let the Angel fly over us
And happiness helps to build.
Let the relationship be beautiful
Bright and eternal moments!

I was insanely lucky with my spouse!
You replace the whole light for me.
You have become both a lover and a friend,
There is no one dearer in the world!

I say thank you to the universe
Thank you for your fate.
You managed to make me happy.
How much I love you!

Thank you my dear for everything
With you I was able to find happiness
You are the gift that fate sent
Our love was fastened by two rings.

And I can't imagine life without you
You are my wings, sincerity, dream,
You managed to replace the world for me
My support, devotion, wall.

I hold your palm in my hand
And I feel the warmth of a loved one.
We sail slowly like a sail down the river
And I want to swim like that, even if for half a century.

Thank you for your love, care, tenderness,
What you give me generously, without demanding in return,
Infinity does not scare you with you,
With you, I am not afraid of changes in my life either.

I gave you my heart
She promised to protect our hearth.
I never regret it,
Since the day I went to the registry office with you.

You are so beloved, gentle
The closest and dearest.
Reliable, smart, brave friend,
I am so happy that you are mine.

Together we went a lot
Feelings only got stronger.
Happiness has triumphed
I am proud of our family!

I thank fate that you are with me
You make my every day happy.
That behind your back I seem to be behind a wall.
I am proud of you, confident and strong.

I never had to regret
About the fact that fate has always tied
With you. What more could you want?
As in a fairy tale, my life has become beautiful.

Loving one person all the time is not fun, not gambling, it is always hard work, education of fortitude and will. Only the windy ones argue that true love is easy to kill by habit, "everyday", marriage. Only those who do not want to fill their lives with new emotions and new feelings will constantly drown in old ones, as a result, making the relationship insipid and uninteresting. But it's never too late to change. Of course, marriage and everyday life tightly bind a man and a woman with various obligations. They are constantly together and one day they may stop appreciating each other's qualities, not noticing what used to delight and surprise.

Poems will always cheer up the head of the family, and the more sincerely it is pronounced, the warmer it will be in the house. After all, a man loves and respects love words. It makes him stronger and more courageous. One has only to remember how many lyrics have been written about love. In a fit of inspiration, many poets spilled their thoughts on paper and immortalized romantic moments from their lives - they meant so much to them. Many of us will also be able to easily cope with writing beautiful declarations of love to her husband, or by composing a magnificent poem. But often a woman, even experiencing strong feelings, is unable to convey them in rhymed lines, and she still really wants to give recognition to her dear and only person. In this case, you can turn to classical works and choose the best from them for this case. And the most convenient way to create poems or SMS is to find a love poem on the Internet. Then it remains to either write it on a postcard, or send it in an SMS message.

Poems to my husband in sms

Since you became my husband,
I really need you like air!
Only I breathe with you
Always in a hurry to hug you!

When not together, I miss
I only dream of meeting soon.
And quietly in my thoughts I speak
How much I love you!

I wake up in the morning, admire how you doze
In the arms of the dawn, eyes closed.
I myself wake up so early then only
To be on the lookout for a thunderstorm.

But no, everything is quiet, calm between us,
You pronounce my name in a dream.
And I relax like a cat, happy.
Darling, please dream about me!

What a blessing it is to be your wife
Belong to you and be with you.
And for you I will say it again
That I love you very much.

No gifts or flowers needed
Although I'm ready for a lot for me,
But there is no better happiness in the world,
Than my main gift is you!

It happens that we quarrel with you
Sometimes we are rude
And we take offense - it happens
I don’t want to think about sad things!

I want to tell you "I love"
Find such a husband
Only I could in the world
Crazy, know I love you!

Whatever I say to you -
Remember, I say loving!
Whatever I promise you -
I will do everything just for you.

I have only one husband - beloved,
For all, I hope, my life,
The only one irreplaceable
I love you madly!

With you we are two dear halves,
And it’s good for us to be together.
As if two pieces of ice melted
After all, it became very warm for the two of them.

I just love to laugh with you,
And just shut up and talk ...
Beloved husband! I want not to part.
And I love you so much!

I'm happy to be called your half
A lifelong companion, a faithful wife!
I don't know any other man
Which in spirit is just as mine!

When I return to our house in the evenings,
I rejoice madly seeing you!
I will go a lot, I will try from the bottom of my heart,
So that we can continue to live in love!

You are the best of men!
You are so alone on earth!
I just adore you
I love, appreciate, and respect!

You are my protector, my hero!
I want to live my whole life with you
In the close union of our souls,
My best husband in the world!

Sometimes, I'm rude
I am harsh in the morning
But I always miss you
I love evenings with you.

My sweet, gentle and beloved,
I'm happy that you are with me
My husband is dear, unique,
I love you with all my heart.

My dear, I love you!
I'm glad to be your wife.
I adore you, my husband,
I live, I breathe you alone.

You are the best of men
I repeat this to you.
There is only you in the world
And I do not notice others.

I want to be with you always
To become necessary for you
Never part
To love you and be loved.

Darling, you are all relatives in the world,
With you I am like a stone wall!
You made my life even brighter
I'm glad to be your wife!

May our happiness last forever
After all, you are my soul, and I am yours!
And love does not have our border,
We are the happiest family!

I'm very lucky to be with you
You give care and joy
It's absolutely easy with you
You are my strength, brightness and sweetness.

You are the one for whom I will go to the ends of the world,
I will be with you in sorrow and in happiness,
And without words, I will certainly understand you,
And together with you we will share the bad weather.

And only you I give love
The engagement ring warms my finger
You are my beloved husband, I live by you,
Life became more beautiful with you in an instant.

I am proud to call you - my husband.
And you are my support and protection.
I'm not afraid of either blizzards or winter chills,
Warmed by your love and warmth.

I am sure of you - you are honest, fair.
And like a little one, you spoil me.
He is nobly patient with my whims.
You are the best! I love you!

You are my man, you are my ideal
And I don't know what your secret is
But I want you, darling, to know
There are no more such husbands in the world!

I will always love you all my life,
I will never trade for anyone!
I want to give you all of me,
You deserve it, I know!

I can't fall asleep without you now,
You conquered the soul at the first meeting
With you I began to forget everything
I am ready to meet my eternity with you.

You are my dear, desired and beloved,
And our union was connected by two rings,
You are like the air I need
I love you, you are my tenderness forever!

I'll tell you a secret
I will not trust anyone with this secret.
You are the best of men
Of all, there is one such ruby.

I confess my love to you
My husband, I am proud of you.
You stay my dear
With you, as if behind a wall.

Your eyes and how reliability is behind the wall,
Others do not understand this at all.
With you I forget what anxiety is.
You can't find a better husband in the world.

It is great bliss to be your beloved.
I dare not disclose our secrets to anyone.
You are my man, my perfection
With you alone I want to wake up and fall asleep.

And I want - to tell you about it,
So that we don't have secrets,
I just love you so much for it
And I will tell the whole world about it.

I will tell you that there is such a love
Which makes us much better
But another love, I don’t know
I just feel you, and I understand!

You are a real man
I'm telling you it's true
You are the smartest, bravest, strongest,
And the risk to our relationship is justified.





All psychologists who have devoted themselves to relationships within the family, all claim that they are the guarantee of a strong family and relationships.
These are timely actions that speak of love.
How to make a declaration of love to a husband in prose to take him by the soul?

Confessions are an integral part of these actions, since any beautiful gesture decorated with a love confession takes on completely different shades.

We make a beautiful declaration of love to our beloved husband

How to make a declaration of love to your beloved man? Some women think that their brutal men do not need declarations of love, they say, said once and enough.
But even the most inveterate man will be pleased to hear that he is desired, dear, beloved.

After all, everyone remembers the tale of the beauty and the beast.

From time to time it is necessary to say gentle and romantic words to her husband, the regularity of confessions is recommended, which means that gentle words should be heard not only on a birthday or on a holiday of Valentine's Day.

The confession should be gentle, unobtrusive.

The most beautiful confessions are written in verse

Poems can be sent in the form of SMS declarations of love to your husband on the phone or in any other way of sending messages.

A short and beautiful declaration of love to your husband in verse is a great way to remind him of yourself.

In addition, there are funny or funny declarations of love for a husband in verses, with the help of which you can not only remind him of yourself, but also cheer him up.

"I breathe you"

How sweet air is needed in the lungs,
Ever since you became a husband!
I am in a hurry to please you
And I say: "I breathe you!"

You are just sleeping - and I am exhausted,
Wake up and hug me, I dream so.
And tenderly in my heart I whisper
My dear, I love you!

"Love like crazy"

It happens, and sometimes we quarrel,
You are rude to me
And I take offense - it happens
But I don’t want to think sadly!

I want to say about love
Find such a wise man
Only I in the world could be white,
I love you madly!


And even if I scream -
You know that I cry out in love!
And all I promise is
All just for you.

You are my soul's beloved
One for my whole life
My dear, dear, beautiful,
I love you to infinity.

"I want to confess"

As summer awaits in spring
And in the fall everyone is waiting for spring
So at home, I'm waiting for you.

And again I want to confess
Beloved husband, my unearthly,
That I love you,
And I will be with you until the end.

"How Magic Love"

Oh, love is magical if everything is with you for two,
As a spring bird my soul sings.
I will give you something dear and sacred,
And the moment, and the soul and the sky are flying!

"Two hearts are pounding saxophone"

Melody two hearts - saxophone -
All this is true, do not think, it is not a dream.
My confession to you -
This is my whole life desire.

You are my life and you are my husband
There will be no cold cold in life.
I love you, dear -
We walk the road alone.

Beautiful words to a man in prose or in your own words

It goes without saying that not everyone can write poetry, so everything can be made a declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words or in prose.

Recognition to your beloved husband in your own words will in some cases be more effective than in verse. Besides, not all men love poetry.

There is no model and stereotype for recognition, but there are certain guidelines that can help formulate your tender declaration of love to a guy in your own words to tears:

  • My dear, you are my life. I really appreciate it, respect and value you. Sometimes I am mischievous and naughty, but I'm only your girl and you are responsible for me, because you tamed me))))
  • I love you. There are so many people in the world who exhaust each other with abuse, and I want to spend with you all the lives that God would give us. I will always be your neck, my beloved and dear, curly head = *
  • Darling, I often remember the day when you first approached me, I will never forget your kind, gentle eyes and enveloping voice. You conquered me at once.
  • You are everything that surrounds me for me: you are my home, my hope, my joy and my smile. I always want to tell you how my heart longs for you.
  • Beloved, you have filled my life with awareness and love. Only thanks to you I felt my heart beating in my chest, I love it when you call me a chick and soy queen. I promise, with my whole life, I will prove how much you love me.
  • My sweetest, sweetest boy. You are my husband, I am more fortunate than anyone else in the world, because I am married to the most beautiful, beautiful, intelligent, courageous and courageous man. All the girls from work envy me.
  • Only thanks to you, beloved, I realized that love cannot have boundaries and limits. My love for you is as endless as the ocean. I just want to tell you: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
  • When you fall asleep and I am still awake, I start to miss you. That is why I always hug you and hold you tightly, even though you grumble. Just a beloved husband.

Confessions in prose always carry the character of sincerity, lyrics and those words that come from the heart.

Sometimes it is better to say in prose what is very difficult to express in verse.