Patriotism begins with love for a small homeland. Patriotism starts from childhood

There were times when the words "patriotism" and "patriot" were perceived almost as curses. But over time, society began to understand the true meanings of these words. What does regional patriotism mean today?

The development of society in the last two decades shows that people are beginning to return to the roots of some concepts of being of any nation, any ethnic group, and even the person himself. Where does patriotism begin? Does it have any material incarnation? Or can you go out into the street, beat your chest and say that, they say, I'm a patriot?

Patriotism begins with one's own house, street, village or city. Then, as a person becomes aware, these boundaries expand to the regional, to the all-Russian level. And in some ways, in some areas, it is included in the universal level. For example, the concepts of "good" and "doing good" do not always have boundaries, especially in science. A person works selflessly and discovers something that is useful not only for his homeland, but also for humanity.

Speaking specifically about Russian and regional patriotism, I think that they need to be instilled in children, starting from an early age.

Today they sometimes say: “The child is 11-13 years old. What to tell him? It's too early". I am sure that at this age it is no longer necessary to educate, but to re-educate. Patriotism is not an abstract concept, it is the attitude of a person towards the environment, people. It is necessary to educate from the earliest years, in some ways even from kindergarten. And in the component part there should be exactly education on labor skills.

Unfortunately, this aspect has fallen out over the past two or three decades not only in the public mind, but also in the school educational aspect. Patriotism does not arise by itself, it must be formed. For patriotism, a person must have some guidelines.

Sometimes people ask me if there are nationalists among the Yakuts? In contrast, I ask another question: “Do you consider the Yakut ethnic group a normal ethnic group?” Then some will be taken aback. There are nationalists in every ethnic group. I know a couple dozen people with such extreme views in Yakutsk. But to say that the Yakuts have mass nationalism is impossible. Therefore, a clear distinction is needed - political ethno-radicalism was, is, and obviously for some time, as society matures, it may still be. Individual nationalists were, are and will be. But society should not be guided by such people.

Pavel Kazaryan - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the North-Eastern Federal University

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On the eve of the Great Victory Day on May 9, we recall that difficult time for our country and the whole world. In addition to courage, will, masculinity and self-sacrifice, strong love for the Motherland helped our compatriots overcome all hardships and crush the enemy. This week we turned to our parliamentarians with the question: where does such an exceptional social feeling as patriotism begin?

Igor Morozov, member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs:

Patriotism begins with love for your home, for what your father and mother have invested in you since childhood. This, among other things, is pride for your small homeland, for everything that surrounds you in adulthood. I'm talking about the opportunities that society and the state provide to a person for self-realization.

Olga Kovitidi, member of the Federation Council from the Republic of Crimea:

I come from the last century, where there was a wonderful song "Where does the Motherland begin ...". So, patriotism includes all those concepts that are mentioned in the text of this song. But, first of all, patriotism begins with the realization that tomorrow may not come if we do not take care of our family, Motherland and faith. These three concepts signify our life, and therefore are the most important for every person.

Victor Rogotsky, Member of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy:

At the heart of patriotism is love for the Motherland, for the parental home, for the place where you live. Patriotism is based on love for your loved ones. The next component is the work that society, the state, and public organizations should carry out in the direction of fostering patriotic feelings and respect for their country. We love not the motherland where life is satisfying, but the one where life is interesting and there is respect for each other, where citizens feel the opportunity to reveal their talents. And by the way, to love life, you need to be a patriot!

Ludmila Kozlova, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy:

Patriotism begins with the family of each of us, when a child from birth is lovingly instilled with a sense of respect for the country in which he lives. Then a person enters the society, and there, too, work should not stop. That is, a kindergarten, school, institute are required to carry out patriotic work.

It is important to understand that a true patriot is not the one who criticizes life in his country and covers up this criticism with pain for the Fatherland, but the one who does not shout a lot, but purposefully tries to change the situation for the better.

Alexander Selyanin, i.i. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia:

Patriotism, in my deep conviction, begins with respect for parents and love for one's small homeland. Only on such a moral basis will patriotism be a sincere feeling, and not an empty ideological scheme. Acquaintance with the culture, heroic history, traditions of one's relatives and one's own land is the foundation for the education of real citizens.

By the way, opponents of patriotism as a socially significant phenomenon for our country often quote the Englishman Samuel Johnson, who said in a debate that "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." But at the same time, they forget that in his dictionary he gives a short and exhaustive definition of the word "patriot" - "one whose guiding passion is love for his country." And by scoundrels, he meant politicians who cover up their selfish interests with lofty words about patriotic duty.

Oleg Nilov, Member of the State Duma Committee on Transport, A Just Russia faction:

Patriotism begins with the example that parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers set for a child. In Russia, this has always been felt most acutely. Patriotism is the interests of your Motherland, which you honor and defend. Patriotism is an innate feeling that is in the genes and is as natural as love. Patriotism is the main weapon of our people, and at the heart of this weapon is truth and justice!

Olga Senatorova, Member of the State Duma Committee on the Family of Women and Children, United Russia faction:

For me, patriotism begins with respect and love for the places where I spent my childhood, where I walked with my parents, studied, fell in love for the first time, and was disappointed. At the heart of patriotism, of course, is also respect for the traditions of your people, and, of course, respect for the older generation.

This feeling does not come immediately, it is preceded by a long joint work of parents and the school to cultivate a careful attitude to the historical truth about your country.

Franz Klintsevich, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, United Russia faction:

I believe that patriotism begins with actions. So about a year ago, my son came up to me and said: “Dad, I need all your orders, I want to hang them on the wall in the bedroom of your grandchildren. I want the children to look at them, be proud of you and remember the huge history of the country!” Honestly, I was very pleased and unexpected. I think this is the best illustration of where patriotism should begin.

Prepared by Ksenia Redichkina


At the initiative of the Public Chamber of Youth of the Civil Assembly of the Territory, a round table was held on the topic: "The system of patriotic education: problems and solutions."
The discussion was attended by Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Yuri Shvytkin, Head of the Agency for Youth Policy and the Implementation of Social Development Programs of the Territory Sergey Egorov, representatives of the executive authorities of the Territory, representatives of institutions of the Territory implementing measures for patriotic education, teachers and students, representatives of the public.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the conditions for further development and improvement of the system of patriotic education, the formation of social activity of the youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Tatyana Kalinovskaya, chairman of the Public Chamber of Youth of the Civil Assembly of the Territory, moderator of the discussion, said: “Patriotism is the moral foundation of the state and acts as an important internal mobilizing resource for the development of society, an active citizenship of the individual. A system of interdepartmental interaction is being built in the region as part of the implementation of patriotic activities.”
Yuri Shvytkin, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, noted: “The discussion of today's topic is also reflected at the federal level. Now the draft law “On Patriotic Education” is being submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which will give clear definitions of what patriotism is, which organizations are involved in this process, and what approaches exist for the implementation of state policy in the field of patriotic education.”
Yuriy Shvytkin also noted that he was ready to accept proposals from the public of the region in order to subsequently include them in the federal bill.
The meeting participants believe that the main tasks in this direction are: strengthening the material and technical equipment of municipal youth centers involved in the patriotic education of the youth of the region, volunteering and increasing the level of social activity of the younger generation.
From the report of the head of the agency for youth policy and the implementation of social development programs of the region Sergey Egorov, it follows that the regional authorities are striving to pursue a unified state policy in the field of patriotic education of citizens, ensure the achievement of goals through planned, continuous and coordinated activities of state authorities, local governments and public organizations .
As the participants noted, there is a system of patriotic education of citizens in the region: a regional Council for the Patriotic Education of Youth has been created under the chairmanship of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, targeted programs, regulatory legal acts in this area have been adopted and are being implemented, and conditions have been created for organizational, informational, scientific and methodological providing patriotic education.
During the discussion, it was noted that the level and efficiency of holding festivals of artistic creativity, competitions, exhibitions and competitions, training camps and competitions have increased. The potential of centers of traditional folk culture, theaters, libraries and museums is used to hold patriotic events. Military-sports games and other events aimed at the military-patriotic education of young people have resumed.
Ivan Vorobyov, a member of the Council of the Civil Assembly of the Territory, emphasized that the work of search teams is actively carried out in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as one of the forms of patriotic education of youth. “The upbringing of a patriotic citizen is the strategic goal of the school - it was, is and will be like that. It is one thing to collect information from documents and archives, and another to visit the battlefields of the Siberian divisions and see with your own eyes where the war was going on. With bated breath, the guys listen to stories about the work of those who are engaged in the search for missing Soviet soldiers and themselves want to start such work as soon as possible. It is difficult to imagine more effective methods of patriotic education.”
Victoria Yelizova, director of the KGBUK "House of Officers" spoke about the consolidation of the public and the state in matters of patriotic education. She noted that a system of patriotic education and civic education has been created and is developing in the public space of the region, the leading subjects of which are educational and public organizations of various levels, including organizations of the system of cadet and women's gymnasium education, institutions of additional education.
Andrey Bardakov, member of the Council of the Territory Civil Assembly, director of the Bishops' Educational Center of the Krasnoyarsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, noted the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the system of patriotic education.
Bardakov said: “Patriotism begins from childhood. The most important aspect of the upbringing of the younger generation is its spiritual and patriotic education. Patriotic education cannot be considered outside the context of the main guidelines of society and the state. We are not talking about creating new ideological products. On the contrary, it is about recognizing the relevance of the basic spiritual and moral values ​​of Russia as a centuries-old civilization. And it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this topic in relation to the formation of young generations that have not yet found their own core.
According to the participants of the event, for the further development of the system of patriotic education in the region, it is necessary to increase the level of its organizational and methodological support, improve the professional training of organizers and specialists in this field, develop the system of patriotic education in labor collectives, and more actively involve the media in this work, wider use of the possibilities of the Internet.
Valery Vasiliev, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, a member of the Council of the Civil Assembly of the region, noted the need to strengthen the work of the regional headquarters of the UNARMIA in the municipalities of the region for the patriotic education of young people. The public figure also proposes to improve the system of interaction between the youth policy agency and the implementation of social development programs of the region with public organizations in the issue of patriotic education of the youth of the region.
To solve the identified problems, the participants of the round table recommended that the Legislative Assembly continue to work on improving the regulatory legal acts that regulate state support for civil-patriotic education in the territory of the region. The profile ministries and departments are invited to actively use the permanent expositions and exhibitions of museums to familiarize students with the history and culture of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is also recommended to create a system of moral and material support for teachers who have achieved outstanding success in civic-patriotic education and to promote the formation of an expert community in the field of patriotic education.

Vasily Lanovoy, actor

When I was offered to join the Immortal Regiment, I agreed without any hesitation and immediately got to work. In support of the Immortal Regiment, I organized an action with a concert program “Thank you for your loyalty, descendants!”, which I performed in almost fifty cities of Russia.

Great symbol of people's memory

“At such moments, it doesn’t matter what distinguishes us and sometimes separates us”

On May 9, I walked along Red Square with portraits of my parents. I have already told you more than once: my parents worked at a hazardous chemical enterprise. On the third day, as the war came, they began to spill anti-tank liquid. As a result, both became disabled.

Such is the contribution of my family to our Great Victory... As long as I can, I will continue to come out every year on May 9 with portraits of my father and mother. Together with millions of Russians.

I think it's just great that there are people who are not indifferent to our great, sacred dates. This is a clear sign of the nation's spiritual health. This means that the memory of that great generation, the amazing generation that did not stand up for the price, as it was sung in one song, is alive.

In general, the "Immortal Regiment" is not just a powerful patriotic action. In fact, this is the basis for the formation of social capital, without which it is impossible to achieve efficiency either in the economic, or in the political, or in the cultural development of society.

Coming out on May 9 with portraits of our ancestors who fought shoulder to shoulder against fascism, we also walk in the same ranks and realize that we all have - businessmen and workers, cultural workers and security officials, townspeople and villagers, Russians and natives of national republics - there is something in common, something very important for us to have in common.

At such moments, it does not matter what distinguishes us and sometimes separates us. What matters is precisely what makes us citizens of one country - the common, one for all feat of our fathers and grandfathers, a common Russia, for which they died and in which we live.

In fact, the "Immortal Regiment" lays a natural, independently matured in society, and not initiated or imposed from above, the basis for the formation of genuine civic solidarity.

The younger generation should know the truth about that war

In modern terms, our military generation has carried out two global macroprojects of incredible scale and complexity: victory over the number one enemy of the whole world - fascism - and the restoration of our huge country after the war.

Isn't this a source of inspiration and a guideline for us, living in the period of yet another difficult trial for Russia? After all, this was not done by intangible historical characters far from us, but by our grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers. Just like us. In this sense, the role of the "Immortal Regiment" is difficult to overestimate.

Moreover, the “Polk” is in many respects an educational movement that uses new forms to preserve the memory of the feat of our ancestors. We want to pass this memory on to our descendants, our youth. To do this, we have both the strength and the opportunity.

For this, it is planned to hold meetings with schoolchildren and students, organize quests and historical quizzes. The guys should know the history of not only the Great Patriotic War, but also the history of their family, native land, their small homeland.

In order to preserve all the stories told by the participants in that war, multimedia archives will be created, everyone will be able to post photos and stories about their loved ones there. I am sure that the Immortal Regiment of Russia movement will become the bridge that will stretch from the past to us in the present and further into the future. This is the form of work that will prevent today's youth and future generations of Russians from forgetting the heroic history of their ancestors.

Already today, the Immortal Regiment has united people of different ages, professions and religions from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. And you need to do everything so that this impulse does not fade away. Memories from the 90s are still too fresh in my memory, when the home archives of war heroes were thoughtlessly destroyed, awards of deceased veterans were thrown away or sold at flea markets. We can't let this happen again...

Wars are a thing of the past, stacked on the shelves of archives with countless folders of documents, photographs, memories. The stories of veterans become calmer, the phrases of writers are more balanced. Time soothes and heals.

Only human pain does not disappear in families that have lost loved ones in the war, families where at least one of the relatives was a participant in these cruel and terrible events. Time is relentless. It can erase a person from life. But it should not kill memory. Man and his deeds are alive in time as long as people remember them.

Cultivate respect for the feat of our grandfathers!

When I hear military songs, military poems or prose, when I meet people who did not stand up for the price to defend the freedom of their land, I feel proud that my state, my Russian people did this, and I accurately answer Pushkin: “Be proud the glory of one's ancestors is not only possible, but also must, not to respect it is shameful cowardice. Great words!

Respect old age, respect wounds. But will everyone show them? What if the heart bleeds? Soul hurts? What if there are no relatives and relatives for a long time? Who will see it?! How to show it?! We must see this!

Of course, it is clear that the education of patriotism, the preservation of the memory of the exploits of the ancestors should be formed in the family. And the movement "Immortal Regiment of Russia" will become an example and support for many people. Using the example of my family, I want to say that every year on May 9 I took my sons to Gorky Park to meet with war veterans.

The eldest son is already 40, but he still remembers these exciting moments of communication. As adults, we must remember that everything starts from childhood.

If we lay down the right attitude to memory in early childhood, then even after 40-50 years, today's children will remember and tell the true, undistorted history of their family, native land, country to generations of their children.

In the ranks of the "Immortal Regiment of Russia" we proclaim the eternal memory of courage. Eternal memory to the soldiers killed in battle. Memory is eternal, because the human soul is immortal, and it, this soul, unites all people, regardless of their place and time.

President Vladimir Putin has suggested considering the idea of ​​having an oath taken upon becoming a citizen. According to the president, one can study "the experience of some foreign states, when there is an oath, an oath, another solemn act by which a person confirms his intention to become a citizen of our country, observe its laws, traditions, respect these traditions, history, and so on."

On the eve of the Day of Russia, the Levada Center conducted sociological research, according to which, 67% of Russians are proud of their citizenship (in 2015, 71% of respondents were proud of the state). Sociologists have identified the main reasons for pride in Russia: 40% of respondents are proud of its forests and oil, as well as history, another 37% - the army, and 29% of citizens said they are proud of the country's cultural heritage.

Russian State Duma deputy Fedot Tumusov expressed his opinion on the sources of patriotism in his blog. “Patriotism does not begin with pride in one's country. Patriotism begins with shame and a desire to fix something in this country,” the parliamentarian believes, adding that a woman can be loved as she is, and the Motherland as she should be.

By the way, I remember how once in 2009. at the inauguration ceremony of the head of the Sergiev Posad municipal district, the head of the Dmitrovsky district, Valery Gavrilov, outlined a “partisan framework” for the media and citizens: the former are forbidden to use the word “crisis”, the latter must “unite”.

If, according to the same survey, 2% of citizens are proud of the national healthcare system, 3% of the economy, 5% of education, then “what is the reason for pride ... and what is the merit of us that we are Russians or that we we have oil and the Kremlin? What exactly have we done for this?”, - asks the deputy Tumusov. At the same time, “we ourselves influence medicine, education and the economy. And here there is no reason to be proud.”

On the other hand, doesn't this mean that the awareness that there are many shortcomings in the country does not give us a reason to be proud of it and forces us to hide our origin while abroad? Shouldn't we be proud of, say, the glorious facts of the country's history, the cultural and scientific achievements of the Russians who lived before us?

Fedot Tumusov believes that pride in the country "should begin with pride in one's family." However, you can't argue with that.

President Putin in February 2016 said that we cannot have any other national idea than patriotism. Patriotism is defined as a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Motherland and the willingness to "sacrifice one's interests for her sake." What other example of the manifestation of such love, besides the Great Patriotic War, do we know today? And even then it is often known to young people for the fireworks and parade celebrations of Victory Day, while many veterans are still not provided with housing ..

The education of patriotism is inseparable from the knowledge of the country's past, believes the head of the Ministry of Education Olga Vasilyeva, and this explains the idea of ​​​​introducing a mandatory USE in history: "Otherwise, this is not a country, this is not a people." Should the USE become an argument for “inoculation of patriotism” and will it not completely discourage interest in history, in an exam in which, say, schoolchildren from Odintsovo near Moscow score 49 points, while in English - 72?

What is patriotism today? According to some schoolchildren, this is “pick up a piece of paper lying on the sidewalk”, “pay taxes and not break laws”, “take care of your city and country”, “do not betray the country”, “do business for the development of the country”. And what do you think?

Expert opinions

founder of the project "Union of Conscripts of Russia".

I believe that patriotism, first of all, begins in the family. When parents raise their child and instill love for their family, first of all, respect for the older generation, love for their village, city, region, and of Russia as a whole. And this is where patriotism begins. In addition, it should not be abstract, but real, and it should be in deeds. Maybe you can say a few words about your projects that you are currently implementing?

Lately, on every corner we hear only: "Patriotism, patriotism." And in fact, the more often this word is spoken, people will not begin to love their small homeland and the Motherland as a whole from this. Directly our project is the Union of Conscripts of Russia. Its task is, among other things. Many probably know that our organization did not appear on the initiative of the authorities, representative or executive. And directly on the initiative of privates, sergeants for military service, in order to prepare for military service, we monitor compliance with the conditions for conscripted servicemen. Our strength is precisely in the fact that we know in general what is going on in every military unit, with the help of our own SPR-sheep, members of the Union of Conscripts of Russia, who are serving throughout Russia. And, accordingly, we are doing everything to ensure that there are as many motives as possible to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the first motive is the employment of reserve military personnel at Russian enterprises.

This is a very topical issue - 83% of active military personnel are concerned about what they will live on. And now, literally since this year, we have a new direction - we are engaged in, so to speak, "demobilization business." These are retired guys who want to become entrepreneurs, and we provide legal and accounting support to the company - how to do it, where to start. And today we already have experience, our supporters are registered and three businesses are working to their fullest. And directly on this ideology of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, we give the right guidance to young people of the senior classes in secondary specialized educational institutions and in higher educational institutions.

Again, from our own experience, from the experience of our guys, there are many young people who grew up as homeless children either in single-parent families or in those families where they did not talk about patriotism at all. And, accordingly, having served in the army, again, I will make a reservation, in normal military units, which, it should be noted, are the majority in Russia today, with the same patriotic-minded commanders who, first of all, show live, their own example of love for the Fatherland.

How does it happen in military units? The Russian anthem sounds, everyone who hears it stands at attention and simply listens to it in silence. It's already worth a lot. In Russia, according to our data (and I also think so), military personnel are considered the biggest patriots. There are some not the best sides, but, in principle, if we take Russian officers and other military personnel in general, and, of course, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the children of those who died in that war, their example is the most important in the education of patriotism.

teacher of social studies and history, deputy of the education committee of the Moscow City Duma

Patriotism is a substance that over the past 20-25 years, unfortunately, has been heard a lot in different contexts, the meaning of which is again perceived differently by those who speak and those who listen. If we understand patriotism as love for one's own Motherland, but still love with open eyes, with the ability to look at everything that was in its history, both positive and negative, and what one can be proud of, and what, alas, one has to to admit with bitterness, this really determines the attitude towards history. And as a discipline, a school subject, and as a science as well.

This is not just a set of facts from which you can draw up some kind of necessary picture, but it is a certain sequence of very significantly conditioned events, important phenomena, specific bright personalities, their activities, which predetermined the modern course of history. In this regard, there is no history that is suddenly changed, there are simply failures in its study, there are problems in the study and in its public interpretation. This is really a difficulty that you need to understand how to deal with.

They tell me: you know, in St. Petersburg, on the eve of June 6, the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, almost a thousand young people from 16 to 25 years old were interviewed. "Which of the great people was born on June 6?"

12% gave the correct answer. What to say. I just thought that when there was a similar poll in France on the eve of Voltaire's birthday, they asked the same question - only 2% of the French answered correctly. So we're doing better. But it's not about that.

When we speak at the same time, I would not make these concepts identical. That is, knowledge of history is important, necessary, it is a guarantee of a certain perception of the past, and patriotism is actually an attitude towards the space in which you live. And it is brought up from the smallest aspects, from what is laid down in the family, to what is done, of course, both at school and in kindergartens - this is a matter of attitude towards one's most microscopic Motherland. Responsibility for what you do every single moment of time, how you communicate with those around you, how much you follow, oddly enough for a small child, over the space in which you live, are you ready to put a piece of your work into it and also respect the work of those who make this world even a little bit better. It is from this small beginning that the concept of patriotism and love for the space, small and large, in which you are located, begins.

And then - more. Further - this is love for the native word, then - this is love for art, which for some reason originated here and has received such a high development here. Through, of course, the acceptance of some kind of personal participation, through the instillation of love, through some steps in which the child becomes indifferent. And then he simply does not think of himself differently, because it becomes part of his being.

Concrete steps - each school has some kind of resource through the credit of trust that it has, after all, there are significant adult teachers who should organize interesting educational excursions, and joint discussion of books read, maybe watching movies and many other assets, which are really implemented in good schools. Another problem with this is that it is not universal.

Editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Your 6 acres”, chairman of the Moscow Interregional Union of Gardeners, TV presenter of Channel One, deputy chairman of the Council for Land Relations under the Governor of the Moscow Region.

I can't say that I really like the word "patriot". Somehow it is slightly worn out, and somehow we get that . Therefore, I believe that it is better not to understand words and names, but to do normal things and not flaunt it yet.

As in that bike: he moved the old woman across the road, and then walks all week, tells what a fine fellow he is, especially since the old woman did not want to cross and resisted. Do you know how my grandmother taught me? My grandmother taught me that if you do something good, then this is already a plus for the country, and for you, and for the family.

Let's digress for a second. Now I sat down on the playground, where teenagers of 15 years old are cursing - their ears just wither. Playground. Once he made a remark, twice he made a remark, then, excuse me, he almost punched me in the face, because “I told you twice why you are doing this?” That's when they just understood, and the rest are all sitting, passing by their ears. Is this a patriotic act or an unpatriotic one? Do not know.

And I always make a remark when they throw garbage out of cars, throw cigarette butts. Here comes such a "patriot", he has St. George's ribbons tied on the antenna, there is "To Berlin" - and he throws cigarette butts out of the window. Listen, who are you? Patriots? Start at least with this, with a trifle, at least do not litter where you live, in your homeland, on your street.

Here, in general, it is necessary to start with this, and not with some symbols there. And then they are hung with symbols, but at the same time they are crap and rude, and they swear ... I really want to live in a country where you can safely walk the streets, where your ears do not wither from swearing, where there is no garbage, where it is safe and good.

Both of my grandfathers were in Berlin: one in a tank, the other in the infantry, and do you know why I feel this way about cigarette butts? Grandfather, my mother's father, when he was walking with a stick once, he almost hit some person with this stick, who simply threw a cigarette butt on the flowers. He says: “What are you doing, because someone will have to pick it up after you, that you are arranging a garbage dump, a dump in your hometown?” Like this.

Just last week I took part in the children's Zarnitsa. A wonderful game, in general, not at all militarized, as they tried to reproach me on social networks - this is exactly a game of survival in the forest, the ability to kindle a fire, put on a gas mask to save your life in case of emergency. It was very entertaining, I just remember the faces of these guys, there were 12-13-15 years old, everyone was just happy. And it was felt that they liked it, that this was not a pastime at the computer, but really something like this, real, something even state, because men grow out of them. Who will, if necessary, defend the Motherland, men who will build houses, men who will plant trees, and so on, that is, this is our future.

I don’t really want the future to be built by some jerks who got away with the army, whose motto is “mow and score”.
I would not like such people to come after my generation, and then they would live in our country in the majority. Let them be normal people, so that they love their country, work in the country, so that the country is rich. You just need to work and not screw around - with which we started the conversation.

I have an ambivalent attitude to the initiative of the head of the Ministry of Education, Olga Vasilyeva, to introduce it. On the one hand, history is my favorite subject, the only one in which I had fives from grade ten to ten. On the other hand, one must understand that our history is constantly subjected to some kind of censorship: these were our heroes, and the whites were enemies; now, like, white people are friends, and so on.

In fact, it would be good to separate history from the state and from officials, so that it would be taught by historians, and not by specialists from the Ministry of Education, which, most likely, will politicize the facts and rewrite it once again in the “right direction”. This is what I don't like. In general, history is the greatest science, which nevertheless helps to learn from the mistakes of others, and not from our own.