Congratulations on the rear day of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Congratulations on the day of the penitentiary system in verse - March - calendar holidays - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations

15. On approval of dietary norms for private and commanding officers and other contingents of the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2003 No. 153 // SPS "Garant".

16. On the approval of the Instructions for organizing the storage of clothing items at the bases and warehouses of institutions and bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service: Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service dated 01.01.01 No. 354 // SPS "Garant".

17. On the approval of the norms of clothing allowance for convicts and persons held in pre-trial detention centers: Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2005 No. 85 // SPS "Garant".

18. On the provision of tableware and kitchen utensils, equipment, inventory and detergents for institutions and bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service ": Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2005 No. 787 // ATP "Garant".

19. On the approval of the norms of nutrition and material support for those sentenced to deprivation of liberty, as well as those suspected and accused of committing crimes who are in pre-trial detention centers of the Federal Penitentiary Service, for peacetime: Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2005 No. 125 // SPS "Garant".

20. On the approval of instructions on the procedure for the burial of persons who died during the period of serving a criminal sentence and detention in institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia: Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2005 No. 93 // SPS "Garant".

21. “On the organization of work on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services for the needs of the penitentiary system”: Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service dated March 13, 2006 No. 94 // SPS “Garant”.

22. On the approval of food rations and food replacement standards in the organization of food security for employees of the penitentiary system and some other categories of persons in peacetime: Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2008 No. 68 // SPS "Garant".

23. Internal regulations of correctional institutions: Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated November 3, 2005 No. 205 // SPS "Garant".

24. Instructions on the procedure for accepting products for industrial purposes and consumer goods in terms of quality: Decree of the USSR State Arbitration Court dated December 29, 1973 No. 81

25. Instructions on the procedure for accepting products for industrial purposes and consumer goods by quantity: Decree of the USSR State Arbitration Court No. P-6 of June 15, 1965 // SPS "Garant".

26. Instructions for the organization of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the water supply of correctional institutions // GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, 2002.

27. Instructions on the organization of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of bath and laundry facilities for convicts // GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, 2003.

Main literature

28. Clothing provision of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: Proc. - Perm: Style-MG, 1998.

29. Material support of convicts: Proc. allowance. - Ryazan: RIPE, 1998.

30. Food supply of a military unit in peacetime: Proc. allowance. - Volsk.: VVUT, 1997.

31. Food supply of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: Proc. - Perm: Style-MG, 1998.

32. Operation of military vehicles: Proc. - Rybinsk: RDP, 1997.

33. Collection of normative legal acts on the logistics support of the activities of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1997.

34. Organization and management of the military economy of the military unit in peacetime: Proc. allowance. - St. Petersburg: VATT, 1994.

35. Logistic and technical support of units of operational military units performing the tasks of assisting the ATS in ensuring security and the legal regime of the state of emergency: Study guide. allowance. - Perm: PVVKTU, 1994.

36. Prisons and human rights. - Ryazan: RIPE, 1998.

37. Organization of food supply in the penitentiary system: Proc. allowance. Ryazan: Academy of Law and Management, 2007.

Part II. Educational and practical guide

I. Lecture notes

Fundamentals of providing material resources to the departments of the penal system

Chapter 1
provision of the penal system

Topic 1.1. The essence and content of the logistic support of the penitentiary system

3. General provisions of the logistic support of the UIS.

1. The concept, essence and content of the logistic support of the penitentiary system.

When studying this issue, it is necessary to pay attention to the following: the concept of the rear, the historical aspect of the development of rear support; the content of the rear support. Security includes providing organizations and institutions of the penal system with various material resources, repair, improvement of residential and industrial premises, creation of the necessary living and material conditions, provision of material activities, utility and trade support for convicts and penitentiary system personnel, sanatorium-resort and medical support and others. activities associated with the cost of living labor, transport work and other types of material and technical resources. In addition, this includes activities to organize the rational use of existing material assets during the normatively defined periods of operation. Thus, the rear activity is not only the production, creation of material values, their promotion and exchange, but also the activity of acquiring the necessary material values, their current maintenance and use for their intended purpose.

Of great importance in logistics is production and economic activity - this is an activity expressed in production, that is, the creation of material values, as well as their promotion from producer to consumer. It is engaged in industrial, construction, agricultural, transport, public utilities and other organizations. There are two types of activities, namely: it is possible to distinguish production and economic activities and economic support. The production and economic activities in the penal system include the production activities of enterprises, institutions, the activities of agricultural and processing workshops, plots and subsidiary farms, as a result of which a specific material product is produced. Logistics and military supply is an activity to provide the bodies and institutions of the penal system with various types of equipment and property, laid down according to the norms, tables, states. It is divided into: 1) quartermaster, which includes the provision of clothing, household and other similar property, inventory, furniture, food, 2) technical, which includes the provision of communications, transport, operational and forensic equipment, security systems and other similar property to perform the assigned functions, 3) military - providing weapons, ammunition, military engineering, military chemical property.

Technical support. The degree of safety of equipment and weapons, the technical condition of transport and engineering technical means, means of communication, the organization of their use, the staffing level and the level of professional training of personnel, technical workers, the ability of officials to correctly use vehicles and technical means to a large extent depend on the correct fulfillment of the duties of the institution. generally. For the provision, organization of storage, accounting and use are responsible: operational and forensic equipment, means of active and passive defense and means of communication - deputy. on BOR, signaling and security systems, weapons, ammunition, military engineering and military chemical weapons - deputy. for security, food service equipment and vehicles - deputy. on the rear.

Automotive equipment is understood as multi-purpose vehicles, wheeled and tracked tractors, buses, motorcycles, tractors, trailers, semi-trailers. In addition, the objects of responsibility of the transport service are other vehicles - snowmobiles, boats, motor boats, etc.

2. The role and importance of the effective organization of logistic support in the functioning of the penitentiary system.

To effectively provide institutions with clothing, food, etc., well-coordinated and efficient work of all services of the institution, including production and economic services, is necessary. Logistic support of personnel and special contingent is of great importance in the functioning of the penitentiary system. The deputy chief for logistics should become the regulator of the effective organization and long-term development of the rear service in the institution.

Every year on August 1, Russia celebrates Military Logistics Day. This holiday was approved on May 7, 1998 by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. How important is the military profession to us? Of course, it is of great importance in the life of every person, we feel more secure when we know that the country's army is always ready for defense. In 1994, on August 1, the rear became an independent branch of the armed forces. At the moment, the rear is an important part of the defense and the link between the economy and the military power of the country. The rear is important for any country, every person wants to know that behind his back there is reliable protection, as in our country. Congratulations on the Day of the Logistics of Russia - August 1.

A hungry man cannot fight
And perform urgent service
But the rear will help him
Get in shape to serve.
Feed tasty, warm,
Footcloths will give out, boots,
And sad thoughts will dispel:
Serve! Protect your homeland!

Logistics, military reserve,
We were provided with:
Here they guard the stock of imperishable,
We need this kind of service!
Here every day is the front line,
Here you need to think and count.
Don't Forget Important Debt
And clearly hit the target!

The rear for the army is like air,
Bread, clothes, milk.
It is very difficult for her without a rear,
Let's just say it's not easy!
Who will deliver the fuel
Prepare soup, compote?
Do not be afraid - the rear will not leave,
He is reliable - still the one!
Rear today congratulations
And we wish - many years,
And we want and we want...
Do not change for a gun -
Ladles, forks, spoons,
Camouflage, borscht and bread!

To the rear - honor and praise,
You always help the Army diligently,
A strong rear is the key to victory,
Thanks to you, all worries and troubles disappear.
Happy holiday of the rear of Russia, congratulations to everyone,
May dazzling success await you in life,
We wish you career growth, joy, kindness,
May fate be kind to you.

You provide support to the army,
And don't let the supply delay,
The rear guard never sits idle,
The rear, the second front is not called in vain.
Logistics of Russia, congratulations,
We wish you good luck, endurance, patience,
Let health never fail you
Be happy in everything, always.

To fight, of course, is difficult, but without help in any way,
The rear guard will always help and his enemy is afraid,
Bring, deliver goods to the farthest region,
Only he can accomplish such a feat.
Congratulations to all of Russia, personally to you - the rear,
I know that sometimes people look down on the service,
BUT people close to the heart, with all the heart from the soul,
They confess to you today in pure, sincere love.

On the first day of the last month of summer, the Day of Logistics of the Russian Armed Forces is celebrated. The organization of the rear troops is directly related to the formation of a regular army, the founder of which was Peter 1. In 1700, the Provisional Army was founded, which was responsible for supplying the army with food and grain fodder, and the Military, which provided funding among various basic needs, as well as for the supply of uniforms to the troops, orders. Over the years, the rear troops have undergone many changes, the rear has been repeatedly reorganized, changed its status. Today, the services of the Logistics of the RF Armed Forces supply both the servicemen themselves and military equipment with everything they need, are engaged in ensuring the normal functioning of military formations and carry out numerous operations in accordance with the tasks assigned to them. Funny congratulations on the rear day.

The country can sleep peacefully
Fortified, equipped after all, the rear,
We can fight with dignity
We stand before everyone
food, clothes,
Is there much more
Give us hope
Everything will go for the country
More than one battle in the world
Can't do without them
Our fighting spirit will be raised,
Congratulations to them alone
Make work easier
Let the salary rise
Let bad weather, hopelessness,
They will not find a way to your heart,
Be happy folks
Thank you for everything
If you are near, then for sure,
Our people are invincible!

You work not the first year in the rear,
To defend a free country
About the trenches sat up like a mole,
And so the year passes again.
Get out of the dirt into the generals,
And get stars on shoulder straps
So that you return home in rank,
And not tired of the rear service.

Today the holiday is celebrated by the rear,
Service guy, enviable man,
You are not just celebrating a holiday,
After all, they make you bored again in the rear.
You get distracted, remove the cards,
Rest your mind and body on holiday.
Postpone plans and ideas for tomorrow,
Go for a walk on the day of the rear.

I congratulate you on the day of the rear,
To become a general soon,
And they did not suffer from the service at all,
Congratulations on the holiday were accepted.
Let the eyes of a soldier shine with fire,
He follows orders correctly.
The reward will fall on your chest again,
You didn't train him for nothing.

I know that on the day of the rear,
Your hand reaches for the glass
I want my heart to crush sadness,
This dregs has departed in work.
I know I didn't choose the easy way
But the soldier and the service are waiting for you,
I wish you well, good for you,
After all, you are dear to Mother Country.

What, already a little zadolbala,
Service and rear load? -
Worries are on your shoulders
Will stop in the rear for a year work.
On a holiday, I wish to be distracted,
Stop sweating for you, try
Rear man, I want to dodge
For health, a glass of "heal".
What about work? - a little wait,
The holiday happens only once a year.

On the day of the penitentiary system,
In which you have been serving for more than a year,
I wish you that all your problems
They were afraid of you, like a cat is afraid of dogs!
To make criminals tremble before you!
To know for sure - you can’t run away from you!
Well, ordinary people to respect -
After all, you stand guard over their peace!

It's not always easy, of course.
Not homely comfort here,
But in the morning everyone is at work,
They definitely go.
system executors,
The keys of our country,
You are in your profession,
In love since childhood.
Your service is hard
Sometimes terrible
But all the people love you
Strong guys.
I congratulate you,
Stay healthy,
Let them not meet in life
Thieves in your law.

Your work is according to the charter
Execute the court's decision.
From stumbled fellow citizens
Protect human peace.
On your important holiday, without a doubt,
We want to wish you success
More happy events
Greet the new day with a smile!

Everyone knows that your work is not easy,
Difficult and painful career growth.
And on Saturday there is no day off,
Here such here your work is not simple.
Bandits and thieves are your surroundings,
And everyone asks for forgiveness at the courts,
But everyone will receive punishment according to their deeds,
Let him be tormented by conscience torments.

penitentiary system
We congratulate all employees
Let difficult problems bypass you
Well, the lungs are decided on "five".
Your work is directed to the triumph of the law
It is not simple, like any honest work.
May life, like a crown on the coat of arms,
Brings happiness! SALUTE to you!

Even Alexander II created the prison department,
And much has remained unchanged since then.
Criminals, as then, violate the laws,
And for these deeds you go to jail.
And you, like glorious eagles, settled on the tower,
And you watch everyone according to the annual habit,
Forgetting about the holiday: and yourself, you don’t regret it at all.
Hurry to the house, there now, treats are being prepared.
Today friends and family came to congratulate you,
Accept the kind words, they tried so hard.

Without codes we are nowhere!
Without a criminal - even more so!
So let life be bright
For those who know what it means!
Let the authorities only honor you
Let them only love you at home
May your every step be clean
And the country will not forget you!

Loyalty, purity of soul, kind smile,
The executive branch will not make mistakes.
Whoever, there does not serve and does not protect,
Only a worthy person serves, protects.
In March, since it coincided so, I congratulate you.
With a pure heart from the bottom of my heart, I wish you happiness.
I wish not to meet bad people,
Bandits come in all sorts.

… Well, to such worthy people
My interest is not appeased!
Someone catches, someone judges
Their job is to protect
Without attention to the former friendship,
Hiding in the souls a storm of feelings ...
And not in vain their honest service
The Ministry of Justice is very appreciative!
Judge for yourself: how
Not to love such men -
Strong, brave and courageous,
Glorifying GUIN?
On a professional holiday
I wish you friends
Blessings from life, the most different,
And the posts are harmless to you,
And fans of the most passionate -
For example, people like me!

Problems protect us from crime,
Employees of the penitentiary system,
I wish you to work in the future,
Bandit and thief, let them continue to be afraid of you.
Today all the people of Russia,
Congratulations, even though you didn't ask.
Everyone wishes you good health,
Happy great day, congratulations to all those who serve

This is not a joke, not a bluff -
If you broke the law
You will be punished by the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation:
Their actions are relentless.
In the services of the Ministry of Justice, everyone honors
Honesty, integrity, friendship.
We congratulate the guys
Happy day of service!

penitentiary system,
One of the most important services.
We congratulate all workers today,
And we really appreciate your hard work.
I wish you not to soil the honor of your uniform,
And continue to carry the truth to the masses,
After all, you have been fighting for a long time - for years,
For more justice.

Criminal Executive Service.
Today celebrates its day
We heartily congratulate them
We honor strong people.
Difficult, dangerous is your service,
But you are not afraid of obstacles,
Let the salary and shoulder straps
Everyone will be happy today.

Happy holiday from all of Russia,
Happy holiday from all over the country,
Of course you didn't ask
But you yourself came to you.
We have come to congratulate you
Reward with a good word
Wish you served
And they could protect us.
Don't let the thief loose
Close banditry in prison,
criminal system,
We will always love.

To work in the penal system means to be fair,
Wise, calm and patient.
We congratulate you on your holiday!
Let these lines remind you of him!
In life, not only punishments,
We wish you well and recognition,
May you flourish forever,
Spring joy, sunshine!

I know how hard it can be
Not everyone can understand you
But I only feed the feeling of delight,
After all, seek to protect us all.
At the service of the executive system,
Such brave guys - well done,
Though seemingly a little strict,
In my heart, I know that you are kind.
And on the annual holiday of your service,
I hope they give you a day off
To be free on this day
And they celebrated with the whole family.

Congratulates colleagues and friends today
On the Day of workers of the entire criminal system
I wish everyone to be more cheerful and cheerful.
I really want that with an increase in wages
We had less work to do
Let there be fewer pieces of paper, albeit very important ones,
We would have had to fill it out in the morning.
So that work always brings good luck
And let every angel keep from trouble
I congratulate everyone and just wish
To make the children proud of us.

The handcuffs have long been worn,
It remains only to protect the bully,
You serve in the executive system,
Obliged to protect honest citizens.
So that they could not get back into the wild,
You are on the protection of the city, country,
I know for the executive system.
These guys are very important.
And since today is a holiday, then let me
I wish you success in your service,
I hope you continue to be in the future
Intends evil - to contain in captivity.

Congratulations on the day of workers of the penitentiary system


The offender must be punished, however, if possible, not torn out of society ... Congratulations on the Day of the workers of the penitentiary system! You have a huge responsibility to improve our society, cleanse it of filth ... Admittedly, you are doing an excellent job of this! I wish you many happy years!

The court made a decision, and the matter remained for considerable - to execute it. This is where employees of the penitentiary system enter the stage, in which there is both risk and responsibility to the whole society ... Let me congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!

Your job is to carry out the sentence and see that the lesson is learned from it. Congratulations on the Day of workers of the penitentiary system! Let your work be hard both physically and mentally, but you hold on, because the whole country says thanks to you!

Your service takes place in a pre-trial detention center and in correctional institutions, and every day of it is a test of the strength of the spirit ... On their professional holiday, I want to wish cheerfulness, good luck and good mood to the employees of the penitentiary system on their professional holiday!

Congratulations on the Day of workers of the penitentiary system! Your duty is subject not only to strict instructions, but also to great responsibility, some risk, it requires a special approach ... you have to give all your best! Today I wish you to always keep up the good work and not hang your nose, believe that your service makes the world a better place!

In a legal society, there are laws of strictness in relation to crime, combined with mercy, and sometimes the right of a second chance ... Today we congratulate the employees of the penitentiary work, who, on weekdays and weekends, will not be hindered by luck and a bright mood no matter what!

Shoulder straps on your shoulders are not an ornament, but a symbol of the socially significant work that strong and reasonable, educated people should do in our society ... Please accept our warm congratulations on the Day of Penitentiary Service Workers, and we hope that they will warm your heart at least a little who so needs good!

Crime has no place in a healthy society, and it is your job to enforce the judgment and, if possible, correct the irresponsible elements. Happy Day of Penitentiary System Workers! Let hard work not dry your soul! Let only bright thoughts visit you on weekends and during hours of calm!

They say that a society can be judged by how it treats criminals... In this regard, we certainly have something to strive for, but I think that with people like you in the ranks of the employees of the penitentiary system, we will soon cease to cause criticism from Western human rights activists ! Please accept our congratulations and warm wishes!

No one likes to be in contact with criminal elements, however, who is happy to do this! You voluntarily chose this path, and for this you should be praised three times! Congratulations on the Day of employees of the penitentiary system! Let hard work not bow your clear head!
