Recipes for homemade masks for oily and problem skin. Video: How to properly wash your face with problem skin. Home masks for mixed skin

Problem skin causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. Oily shine an hour after washing and the regular appearance of acne and comedones spoil the woman's appearance. With improper care, all these symptoms are accompanied by peeling, which is completely baffling. And how do you figure out what to use?

If the problems on the face are not very neglected, you can choose natural products for treatment, from which you can prepare face masks at home. They are prepared quickly, have a minimum of contraindications, and the result can sometimes give a head start to purchased cosmetics.

Why you should try:

  1. Cheap.
  2. Quickly.
  3. Naturally.
  4. Effectively.

For many girls, these arguments are enough to make a choice in favor of cosmetics prepared with their own hands.

Indications and contraindications

Before carrying out cosmetic procedures at home, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the contraindications to them. Sometimes, with the wrong use of funds, the skin begins to become even more covered with acne, and the woman abandons the care, believing that all home masks work this way. But this is the wrong approach.

Indications for the use of home masks

The dermatologist will be able to assess the condition of the skin most correctly, since he is a specialist in his field.

If a visit to cosmetology is impossible for any reason, you should try to do it yourself.

Masks will be useful if:

  • an oily sheen appears on the epidermis an hour after washing;
  • blackheads, inflamed comedones, pimples are observed on the face;
  • the skin is oily, but peeling began to appear due to aggressive drying;
  • there is an allergy during the use of purchased cosmetics;
  • use them for prevention, without waiting for the appearance of problems.

It must be remembered that the sooner the epidermis begins to receive proper nutrition, the less chances that there will be alarms in the form of acne. Therefore, prevention is the best way to fight.


The use of masks in the presence of contraindications is fraught with the fact that the effect will not occur at best, and time will be wasted. At worst, there may be more acne, dry skin, or allergic reactions.

You cannot use any masks if:

  • open wounds are observed on the face after squeezing out acne, abrasions;
  • the skin is more than 30% covered with purulent eruptions;
  • the patient has skin cancer, eczema, or other serious medical conditions;
  • there is a tendency to allergic reactions (in this case, it is worthwhile to initially pass an allergy test);
  • after 2 weeks of use, there is no improvement or the number of acne has increased.

If there are any contraindications, a doctor should be consulted about the effectiveness of homemade masks. Sometimes rashes are bacteriological in nature and you cannot do without special antibiotic creams.

General cooking rules

In order for a mask for problem skin to not only lie on its surface, but also work, you should adhere to the rules for the preparation and storage of such funds. This will help you not to waste time and see the result after a couple of weeks.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before cooking. The same should be done with those products that will go into the composition (of course, if it is not honey or powder form).
  2. Special dishes should be allocated for the preparation of the mask, in which food products will not be stored.
  3. All ingredients should be fresh, with good shelf life, natural and, if possible, homemade.
  4. The mask should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days. Since the procedure should be carried out twice a week, it is better to prepare a new portion of the product for one application each time.
  5. You should adhere to the specified amount of all ingredients, try not to cook by eye.

How the mask is prepared depends on its effect on the skin. Violation of the rules can lead to the spread of infection throughout the face with the appearance of new acne, or lack of action in principle.

Recipes for popular masks for problem skin

There are many recipes for masks that promise miraculous results after the first use. Don't believe it.

Natural ingredients work gently and gently, so it is impossible to achieve smooth skin in one day. Only with regular use will the result be noticeable.

At the first signs of improvement, you should not stop home procedures, it is enough to halve their number and carry out once a week.


This mask is used to normalize lipid metabolism, good work of the sebaceous glands and prevent the first signs of aging.

Fungi found in yeast contain many:

  1. vitamins,
  2. antioxidants,
  3. phospholipids, which have a beneficial effect on the state of cells.

Yeast is added to many store-bought creams for its beneficial effects. An inexpensive component allows you to reduce the cost of the product, and is also successfully used in the preparation of home care products.

Suitable for:

  • oily and problem skin prone to rashes;
  • dry, with the first signs of wrinkles.

The yeast mask mattifies the epidermis without overdrying. Such a component is most effective if you combine external agents with the use of yeast inside in tablet form.


In order to prepare a yeast mask, you should take:

  • 3 tablets of compressed yeast or 15-20 gr. finished powder;
  • a tablespoon of white clay;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice (if allergies are present, this component should be removed).

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. More water can be added as needed. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse. Use twice a week. The course is 2-3 months.

From gelatin

Gelatin masks are excellent substitutes for collagen products. They help get rid of imperfections on the skin, slightly matting it. A pleasant bonus is a slight lifting effect.

With the help of gelatin you can:

  • smooth out the epidermis,
  • even out complexion,
  • rid the skin of keratinized particles.

The result is noticeable after the first procedure, but for the full effect it is necessary to complete the course.


To make a gelatin mask, you will need to prepare:

  • a tablespoon of gelatin;
  • 5 tablespoons of milk or water.

Pour the liquid over the gelatin and leave the ingredient to swell slightly. After that, it is necessary to heat the composition in a water bath to room temperature and apply immediately.

With regular use, the skin becomes cleaner, acne disappears, and the first wrinkles are smoothed out.


An oatmeal face mask for problem skin is just right. The cost price of this product is three kopecks, and the result exceeds all expectations. This is due to the viscosity of the gruel, which dries out on the face, slightly tightening the skin.

After consumption:

  1. pores are noticeably narrowed,
  2. the complexion is healthy and even,
  3. shine does not bother for a long time.

If no cosmetic product works, you should definitely try an oatmeal mask.


For cooking you will need:

  • a tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • three tablespoons of water or milk;
  • 4-5 crushed aspirin tablets (if inflammation is present).

Rinse the cereals thoroughly before cooking. Then fill it with warm milk or water. Add aspirin. Apply the resulting gruel in a thick layer on the face. Keep until dry, then rinse.


Kefir does an excellent job of cleansing the skin, reduces the pigmentation of freckles and post-acne, whitening them. Fights acne by significantly reducing the number of acne.

Vitamin pyridoxine, found in dairy products, is used in many treatments for problem skin.

If there is no time for home procedures, you can regularly wipe your face with kefir, and the result will not be long in coming.


For the mask you should prepare:

  • 50-100 gr. kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon of white clay.

Mix the ingredients until smooth, then apply immediately to the face. It should be used regularly, otherwise the result will not be noticeable.

In any face masks, if blackheads are present, it is better to add white clay. Black can clog pores even more, although it also successfully fights inflammation and oily sheen.

Alginate mask

This product is obtained from alginic acid, which is found in brown algae. The mask can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of a ready-made powder, which you just need to dilute with water and apply to your face.

Sometimes blue clay is added to the composition, which helps to enhance the effect of smoothed skin, fights rashes and other imperfections of the problematic epidermis.

The alginate mask is best used in the salon due to the complexity of its preparation. But you can learn this skill at home too.

It is necessary to carefully study the instructions on the package, use the components in exact proportions. The result from the application is observed no worse than the salon.

How to apply and rinse off

How the product is applied to the skin determines 50% of the success of the entire procedure. The components simply will not work if the epidermis is not prepared for application of the product.

What should be done before moisturizing?

  1. Thoroughly cleanse your face, use a scrub. This procedure will help remove excess fat and dead cells that prevent the penetration of active substances into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  2. It is advisable to steam your face. This step will open the pores and also help the mask to penetrate deep into the skin.
  3. You need to apply the mask with clean hands or with a brush, not in a very thick layer, unless a specific recipe requires it.
  4. Rinse off the caring product under running water, without using soap. If one of the components of the mask is oil, you can use a special gel for washing, which will help wash off the oily film.
  5. After all procedures, the skin should be moisturized with a cream or serum.

If you ignore all the preparatory steps, applying a caring mask simply does not make sense. She will not be able to penetrate inside, settle on the surface and have no positive result.

Cosmetologists all over the world are trying to convey to girls a number of unspoken rules that will help owners of problem skin look attractive.

There is nothing complicated in them, and, if desired, every female representative will be able to remember them.

  • You can not touch your face with dirty hands, outerwear, go to bed on stale pillowcases.
  • Do not overdry problem skin with aggressive acne products. If there are any, it is better to apply the alcohol composition pointwise to the problem area.
  • Even oily skin must be thoroughly moisturized. This will help prevent the epidermis from excreting excess oil for its protection.
  • Avoid direct sunlight on your face, protect it from cold wind, rain, snow.
  • It is worth regularly using masks, scrubs, exfoliating peels with acids. After these procedures, the epidermis also needs to be thoroughly moisturized.
  • Do not use outdated decorative cosmetics, avoid daily use of foundation.

If you do not provoke problem skin to secrete excess fat, moisturizing and nourishing it, then, perhaps, it will no longer be problematic. Regular care will relieve imperfections, help the owner gain self-confidence. At worst, there are always cosmetologists who are now able to solve any problems with the epidermis.

A face with oily skin - this is wide pores, blackheads, unpleasant shine - these problems can be solved using masks that care for oily skin on the face. These masks will effectively and quickly narrow pores, dry oily skin, rejuvenate aging skin, cleansing masks will relieve excess oiliness, and restore health to the face. In addition, properly selected masks will relieve rashes and acne.

Step-by-step care for oily skin throughout the day


1. Wash with cool water, it tones the skin (hot stimulates the sebaceous glands), foam or gel - water-soluble products for oily skin. Do not use soap, it dries out the skin and often leaves a coating.

2. Rub the skin with tonic. The toner removes all impurities, soothes the skin and prepares it for makeup. Try to buy an alcohol-free toner, as it dries your skin a lot and is a potential irritant in general.

3. Apply a moisturizer (or make-up base) with a minimum of oil and no oil. If pimples are poured on the skin, they need to be treated with special agents containing: salicylic acid, benzene pyroxide (5-10%), tea tree oil (at least 5%). The most effective concentration is indicated in parentheses.

4. Before going outside, apply a product with an SPF of at least 15 (in central Russia) and at least 30 (in the south). It can be: foundation with SPF or mineral powder. Remember that the SPF product must be applied last, that is, be on top, otherwise it will lose its strength. Without sun protection, all other means of rejuvenation become meaningless, since solar radiation is the main cause of photoaging of the skin, the formation of wrinkles, cracks, freckles, age spots, so do not forget about it ever. The sunscreen should contain the following ingredients (at least 2): titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, autobenzone, Mexoryl SX, Tinosorb.


1. Wash off makeup and dirt.

2. Apply a night cream. If the first wrinkles appear, a retinol cream will be ideal, it will renew the skin and make it not only clean, radiant, but also more youthful. You can also use serums with vitamins, they are in the line of each company, select serums specifically for oily skin.

During the day

Blot the skin with special wipes to remove excess sebum, they will not damage the makeup and remove the oily sheen. Then powder the T-zone in the same way. Choose powders that contain minerals, they will not only remove oily sheen, but also heal oily skin.

Mask for oily skin: application rules

To make a homemade mask for oily skin more effective and meet all your aspirations and hopes, you must adhere to certain rules when applying it.

☀ Try to keep the ingredients of the masks only the freshest and, if possible, homemade: this applies to dairy products and eggs.

☀ Be sure to check each mask for allergic reactions from your skin, because many of them contain protein, honey and citrus - allergenic foods. To do this, apply the prepared mask to the delicate skin of the wrist or the bend of the elbow. In the absence of itching and redness, a face mask can be applied.

☀ Do not change masks for oily skin too often: after choosing the most effective mask for your skin, do it regularly. Replacement with a mask of a different composition is recommended only after two months.

☀ Before applying the mask, steam your face in a hot bath or do a herbal water bath, cleanse the pores with a scrub - this will allow the mask's nutrients to penetrate deeper into the cells.

☀ The duration of any masks is no more than 20 minutes.

☀ If the skin is very problematic, masks can be used twice a week, but as soon as the shine begins to decrease, you can reduce the number of nourishing treatments to once a week.

☀ Rinse off the masks with warm water, then wipe your face dry.

☀ After the mask, it is imperative to apply your daily cream for oily skin to your face, which will consolidate the effect of your product.

☀ Try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle that most directly affects the condition of your skin: if you cannot quit smoking, at least limit the number of cigarettes you smoke per day; also reduce in your diet fatty, spicy, pickled foods and fast foods.

Only in a single complex, all these measures will make any mask for oily skin that wonderful remedy that will relieve you of skin problems and make you irresistible. Be especially careful when choosing the mask itself, there are a huge number of recipes for them.

Masks and recipes for oily skin

Unfortunately, homemade masks are a very perplexing and troublesome business in time, but the result and effect on the dermis of the skin is simply priceless. Properly applied to the face, the application of ingredients, correctly formulated and balanced, will work wonders for your skin. But subject to frequent and regular use, not disposable.

Masks for oily skin should be done in stages, 10-12 masks within a month, evenly in terms of components and application time. Further to your attention, the best recipes for masks for oily skin and scalp, all proportions and components with a detailed description.

Apples for oily skin

Take a sour juicy apple, mash it on a grater, and mix with the whipped egg white. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cool water. The apple mask soothes the sebaceous glands and tightens the pores.

The following recipe will help to dry and refresh it.

Whisk 1 egg white well and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Stir, and lubricate the face with the mixture, and after 10-15 minutes wash off with cool water.

Kefir and yogurt also have a good refreshing and drying effect. Simply apply one of these products to your face with a cotton swab and leave it on for 15 minutes.

Pore-tightening mask for aging porous oily skin

Take dry lemon peel and use a coffee grinder to grind it to a flour condition. Now whisk one egg white and add the flour obtained from the lemon rind to it. Also, add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of lemon juice to this mixture. If the mixture for the mask is too thick, then dilute it with cold water to make a gruel. The mask should be applied to oily areas of the skin of the face with light massaging movements for 15 minutes. Then rinse off the mixture with cold water.

Mask for oily skin with an earthy complexion with large pores

For the mask, you need 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs - chamomile, lime blossom and elderberry flowers - taken in equal proportions, which you need to pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Add ½ teaspoon of honey and oatmeal to the warm broth until you get a gruel. Apply the mask in a thick layer. Rinse off first with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water. Cleans, improves blood circulation to oily skin.

Vegetable mask

Grate a small, raw, peeled potato. Grate a small carrot separately. Take about one tablespoon each of the grated mass of potatoes and carrots, add about one tablespoon of wheat flour and mix. The result should be a thick, mushy mixture. If the mixture is very thick, then dilute with a little boiled water. Apply the mass to your face and leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, then wash it off with cool water. This mask is recommended to be done 1-2 times a week.

Yeast mask

  • To prepare it, take 10 g of yeast and 1 teaspoon of any fresh berry juice.
  • Then add curdled milk to make a gruel with the consistency of sour cream.
  • Apply to cleansed face, hold for 15 minutes.
  • Do not forget that any homemade masks for oily skin should be washed off with warm water, and at the end rinse your face with cool water to narrow the pores.

Masks for oily skin with cottage cheese


  • cottage cheese (low fat) - 1.5 teaspoon;
  • egg white - 2 pieces;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • ripe lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • wormwood (tincture) - 3 tablespoons.

Mix cottage cheese (preferably homemade) and egg whites with a wooden spoon, add starch and wormwood tincture in turn, achieve a homogeneous mixture. Add lemon juice to the finished mass. Now we prepare the tampon: we dip it in soapy water, then in baking soda. Distribute the resulting soap and soda foam in a circular motion along the lines of the face. It should be washed off with cool water, then the prepared mask is applied for 13 - 16 minutes, no more than 2 times a week. You can wash off the mask itself by any means or water. The recommended course of treatment is 13 masks.

Result: we observe the refreshing and cleansing of the skin.

To narrow the pores and partially reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat, you can regularly use a curd mask. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly mix 1 tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese with 3 tablespoons of low-fat drinking yogurt without fillers. The mask is applied to previously cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour, then you should wash yourself with water at room temperature.

Any problem can be solved. The variety of natural ingredients allows you to prepare effective masks for problem skin care right in your kitchen. Experiment, choose and create the products your skin needs from the comfort of your home.

Problem skin care it is distinguished by special means that help to make it healthy and normal.

What is problem skin

Problem skin face is associated with age-related changes or disruption of the internal life of the human body. Therefore, most often such skin requires not only external care, but also maintenance of the internal state - proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air. Most often we meet problem skin in adolescence, when puberty begins, so we will also talk about young skin. However, the concept of young skin is not age-specific, since it can be young even after 25-30 years with proper attention and proper care.

Causes of skin problems at different ages

Several problems on the skin are distinguished: acne, inflammation (acne), enlarged pores, excessive dryness.

Acne appears as a result of the active work of the sebaceous glands and ignoring the daily cleansing of the facial skin. Acne skin looks bumpy and is covered with small black dots. Excessive release of sebum creates pores on the face that become clogged with dirt. As a result, there are plugs on the face - comedones. If you do not cleanse the skin in time, then over time, the skin of the face stretches, and skin bumps are obtained, which are already more difficult to deal with. An accompanying problem can be acne that occurs at the site of acne.

Acne (inflammation) on problem skin of the face - the result of a strong production of sebum.
In adolescence, when acne is the main problem, physiological processes take place in the body: sex hormones attack the sebaceous glands, which increase in size and begin to actively produce sebum.
Acne also occurs when hormonal changes occur, for example, in women before menstruation. Fighting inflammation takes patience and discipline.
Remember that acne occurs on the forehead, chin, not only due to the high concentration of the sebaceous glands, but also as a result of propping up, pressure and rubbing these areas. If rashes have occurred, contact with dirty hands and squeezing out acne should be excluded.

Enlarged pores another problem for adolescents. This is due to the activity of the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous plugs form inside the excretory ducts, which provoke a thickening of the mouth of the sebaceous glands. You may notice that the face becomes rough. By the way, pores are an additional source of acne formation.

Another extreme of problem skin is excessive dry skin... It occurs in people who have suffered from skin diseases in childhood - dermatitis. If you do not take care of such skin, there will be very rapid premature aging.

Problem skin care

Problem skin is most often oily, but as noted above, it can be very dry and flaky. Depending on the type of skin and the degree of oiliness, it is selected problem skin care... It consists of 5 stages:

- skin cleansing
- toning
- deep cleansing (scrub, mask)
- special cream
- skin protection

Cleansing problem skin

Cleansing The most important part of young skin care because thorough cleansing helps prevent breakouts, acne, breakouts and enlarged pores.

First, the skin of the face is wiped with milk; the content of fats and extracts of useful herbs, acting on the function of the sebaceous glands, should be balanced in it. This milk does not leave a greasy film, unlike an age-related product.

If you have very oily skin, then you should use a gel, foam or mousse for washing. They contain alkaline ingredients that neutralize oil and tighten pores.

At home use oatmeal to cleanse problem skin. Before washing, it is good to lubricate the skin with milk whey, kefir or yogurt, and it is better to acidify the water with lemon juice or vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Problem skin toning

Further, in order to prevent and prevent the appearance of comedones, you should wipe your face with lotion. At home, you can use cleaning, disinfecting, tightening lotions, decoctions and herbal infusions which have astringent and drying properties. A little vodka or cologne is added to these infusions and used as eau de toilette. It is also useful to wipe your face with an ice cube made from herbal infusion.

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-29

Fortified lotion

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-29

40 minutes | site | 2012-03-02

Deep cleansing of problem skin (scrub and mask)

Scrub- This is a general cleansing of problem skin. It contains small abrasive particles, and the youth scrub has a different base and exfoliant particles. The main purpose of this scrub is to deeply cleanse pores and exfoliate dead cells. Peeling and exfoliation of oily skin is recommended once a month, problem skin - only in the beauty parlor.

Potato starch for problem skin

cleansing facial scrub | starch | problem skin

The starch is moistened with water, wrapped in a gauze cloth and massaged on the face. For dry sensitive skin, potato starch is a soft natural scrub that not only cleans well, but also brightens it.

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-28

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-28

Mask is intended not only for deep cleansing, but also moisturizing and toning. For problem skin, masks based on chamomile and other herbal decoctions are perfect. These ingredients dissolve dead skin cells and moisturize the skin for a healthy looking skin. Clay and yeast are effective as a natural adsorbent that tightens and unclogs pores.

Special cream for problem skin care

Young skin does not need a cream, however, if it is problematic, then you should use a special product that contains moisturizers, anti-comedogenic substances, substances to optimize the functions of the sebaceous glands (matting components). The main purpose of a cream for problem skin is to relieve irritation, redness and oily sheen.

Problem skin protection

If a girl uses cosmetics, then she definitely needs a protective cream. It can also be a sunscreened make-up base.

Anyone with young skin should follow these guidelines:

  • 1. Watch your facial expressions: do not squeeze your lips into a tube, do not squint, do not wrinkle your forehead.
  • 2. If your skin is prone to dryness, be sure to moisturize with cream once every three days.
  • 3. Protect your skin from sun damage in summer.
  • 4. Until the age of 30, forget about anti-aging cosmetics (with hormones, biostimulants, ecollagen, etc.).
  • 5. Do self-massage of the skin of the face. To do this, take a spoon or a special roller, dip it in warm water and run along the massage lines.
  • 6. Follow a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, getting enough sleep.
  • 7. Use only high-quality cosmetics or high-quality fresh products for the preparation and care of young skin.

The sooner you start taking care of your appearance, the more chances there will be to prolong its youth.

Homemade cosmetics recipes for problem skin care

Remember a few important tips for using home cosmetics:

- the mask is applied to thoroughly cleansed skin of the face, excluding the area of ​​the eyes and lips;

- use washed glass or ceramic dishes;

- store tonics, lotions, infusions in a dark glass in a cool place;

- Observe cleanliness when preparing recipes;

- do not use home cosmetics if you have an allergy (do a preliminary test);

Lemon lotion for oily problem skin

cleansing lotion for the face | lemon, orange, glycerin | problem skin

One lemon (or orange) is grated along with the peel, pour 100 ml of cold boiled water and insist in a dark place for a week. Then it is filtered, the rest of the raw material is squeezed out and 1 teaspoon of glycerin is added to the infusion. The lotion is used to cleanse oily problem skin.

1 week | site | 2012-02-29

Rose Petal Mask

nourishing face mask | rose, yoghurt / sour cream, rose water | problem skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of powdered dry rose petals are mixed with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of natural yogurt (for oily skin) or sour cream (for dry skin) and apply the mixture to cleansed skin. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, then remove it with a napkin and wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in rose water. This mask nourishes, softens and tones the skin.

20 minutes | site | 2012-03-04

Juice of viburnum, raspberry, strawberry and other berries

toning ice cube for the face | viburnum, raspberry, lingonberry | problem skin

In the morning, after washing with warm water, it is useful to wipe oily problem skin with an ice cube made from frozen viburnum juice (you can also use raspberry, strawberry, lingonberry cranberry juices).

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-29

Fresh rose petal lotion for problem skin

toning face lotion | rose, rose petals | problem skin

Boil water and pour 100 ml of boiling water over a handful of fresh rose petals. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes and strain. Add 1 teaspoon of copper and 5 drops of lemon juice, place well. The lotion is used for problematic, inflamed facial skin. Soak a cotton pad, wipe your face and rinse off the remainder with cool water. The lotion perfectly refreshes and relieves inflammation.

40 minutes | site | 2012-03-02

Corn Protein Mask

cleansing face mask | corn flour, egg white | problem skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of corn or oatmeal is mixed with whipped protein. After drying, the mask is removed with a dry linen napkin and the face is rinsed with cold boiled water.

5 minutes | site | 2012-03-03

Infusion of kiparea (ivan-tea)

cleansing tincture for the face | ivan tea, vodka | problem skin

3 tbsp. tablespoons of the crushed tops of the fireweed plant are poured with 250 ml of vodka, insisted in a dark place for 3 weeks, then filtered.

2 weeks | site | 2012-03-03

Potato rash mask

cleansing face mask | potatoes | problem skin

Raw potatoes are grated and immediately apply the mask to the face. Keep for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with soft warm water. The potato mask cleanses the skin well, eliminates redness and rashes.

10 minutes | site | 2012-03-03

Rice peeling for acne-prone skin

cleansing peeling for the face | rice flour, soda, kefir | problem skin

Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of rice flour. Mix thoroughly, close tightly in a glass container. For cleansing the face 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this mixture is diluted with kefir to the consistency of gruel. It is applied to the face with a cotton swab, massaging the skin in a circular motion. After 2-3 minutes, the mass is washed off with warm water. This treatment cleanses well and rejuvenates oily skin with acne breakouts.

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-28

Mask for premenstrual pimples

cleansing face mask | oak bark, white clay | problem skin

For single premenstrual pimples, a mask with a decoction of oak bark and white clay is suitable.

1 hour | site | 2012-08-19

A decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile for blemished skin

cleansing broth for the face | St. John's wort, chamomile | problem skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort and half a tablespoon of chamomile flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered and allowed to cool for 10 minutes. This broth refreshes and soothes problem skin.

40 minutes | site | 2012-02-29

Poppy infusion for redness

cleansing infusion for the face | poppy flower, honey | problem skin

5-7 flowers of self-seeding poppy are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, 0.5 tablespoons of honey are added and insisted in a sealed container for 10-15 minutes. Then filter and rub the face in the morning with irritation, dryness, redness of the skin and skin rash.

25 minutes | site | 2012-02-29

Cleansing problem skin

moisturizing face mask | white clay, chamomile | problem skin

A mask for cleansing problem skin is made from an infusion of chamomile and white clay. Make an infusion and add to the clay powder to make a paste. Apply a layer of mask and until dry. This mask will soothe and moisturize the skin well.

5 minutes | site | 2012-08-19

Pear mask for problem skin

cleansing face mask | pear, rice flour, lemon | problem skin

The pulp of a ripe pear is kneaded well and the pear puree is mixed with 1 teaspoon of rice or corn starch and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. The mass is applied to the face, kept for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with cool water. This mask cleanses problem skin well.

5 minutes | site | 2012-03-03

Floral lotion

cleansing lotion for the face | rose, linden, lemon | problem skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed dry rose petals, linden flowers, nasturtium, blue cornflower, taken in equal parts, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours, filter and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. This lotion is applied morning and evening to sensitive, irritated skin.

2.5 hours | site | 2012-03-02

Salt for acne skin

cleansing facial scrub | salt | problem skin

A cotton swab is moistened in soap suds, sprinkled with fine (like a powder) table salt and rubbed over the face in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes. Salt cleans sebaceous ducts well. After this cleansing, the skin is wiped with alcohol lotion and rinsed with water. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week for oily, dirty skin with acne acne.

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-28

Oatmeal tightening mask for problem skin

cleansing face mask | ivan tea, oatmeal, salt | problem skin

The tightening mask normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, tightens pores. It is good to use this mask after cleansing the skin. First, make a tincture of fireweed (ivan tea), for this, pour 250 vodka on the crushed tops of the plant and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. 20 ml of such a tincture is mixed with crushed oatmeal and a pinch of salt to the consistency of gruel and the mass is applied to a previously cleansed face. The mask is kept for 15 minutes, then washed off with cool boiled water. The procedure is repeated daily or every other day. It relieves skin inflammation and tones well.

10 minutes | site | 2012-03-03

Mask for problem skin

cleansing face mask | honey, cream | problem skin

For problematic young skin, a honey-creamy mask is suitable. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the cream. After the mask, rinse your skin with mineral water without gas.

5 minutes | site | 2012-08-19

Apple mask for sensitive skin

therapeutic face mask | apple, egg yolk, milk | problem skin

Peel the apple, rub it on a fine plastic grater, add egg yolk and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh milk and stir well. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face, kept for 20 minutes and washed off with soft warm water. This mask is useful for sensitive skin prone to redness.

10 minutes | site | 2012-03-04

Mayonnaise mask for problem skin

softening face mask | mayonnaise | problem skin

Effectively tightens pores and softens the mask with mayonnaise. After the mask, the face is rinsed with mineral water without gas.

2 minutes | site | 2012-08-19

Corn-almond flour for problem skin

cleansing peeling for the face | corn flour, almonds | problem skin

3 tbsp. tablespoons of corn flour and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sweet almond flour mixed with hot water until the consistency of porridge. Gruel is applied to dry sensitive skin, it gently cleanses and gives the beneficial properties of almonds to skin cells. Use as follows: apply the gruel evenly on the face, stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water.

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-28

Lemon balm infusion for irritated skin

cleansing infusion for the face | melissa | problem skin

1 tbsp. A spoonful of lemon balm leaves are poured with 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then allowed to brew at room temperature for 45 minutes and filtered. With this infusion, instead of washing, rub the skin of the face that is too sensitive, prone to irritation.

1 hour | site | 2012-02-29

Strawberry mask for problem skin

cleansing face mask | strawberries, honey, cottage cheese | problem skin

Mix 2 teaspoons of mashed strawberries with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of fresh cottage cheese, apply the mixture to the skin of the face. The mask is kept for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with warm and rinsed face with cool water. This mask cleanses and nourishes sensitive skin well.

10 minutes | site | 2012-03-03

Mask for problem skin

recovery face mask | honey, protein | problem skin

Mix protein and honey, apply on problem skin. Leave on for 5 minutes, rinse with warm water. Effectively tightens pores and softens skin.

5 minutes | site | 2012-08-19

Deep cleansing of oily skin with acne (home peeling)

cleansing peeling for the face | oatmeal, milk | problem skin

Powder the oatmeal using a coffee grinder. Turn the powder into a paste, for this add baking soda and boric acid, in a ratio of 1 teaspoon to a glass of flakes. This mixture can be stored for no more than 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Before applying the mask, to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pasta add warm milk. A thick layer is applied to the face and massaged with your fingertips in a circular motion until the mass begins to fall off or slide easily. Don't do it more than 2-3 times a week.

15 minutes | site | 2012-08-19

Fortified lotion

toning face lotion | vitamin A, vitamin E | problem skin

To 150 ml of any lotion for dry skin add 10 ml of an oil solution of vitamin A and vitamin E. This lotion is used to lubricate chapped skin.

Oily skin is a real nuisance. However, the insanely difficult care of her can be reduced only to the weekly application of the "correct" cosmetic masks, the daily use of the "correct" fat-dissolving tonics.
How to prepare a simple yet highly effective mask for oily skin?

It will not be difficult to choose the appropriate option from the presented heap of recipes. Below are the compositions that have been rechecked and worthy of the most spoiled girls many times.

Purifying mask for oily and problem skin from acne

From the ingredients here:

  • onion gruel is a strong antiseptic;
  • pea flour is a soft sorbent;
  • turmeric is a ready-made natural composition of deep penetration with a tinting effect.

IMPORTANT: Grind, mix, keep for 10-15 minutes, rinse. Just remember that any "colored" compounds should be applied to the face 10-20 hours before going out.

This cleansing mask for oily and problem skin from acne can drastically change the shade of the face in a negligible amount of time. Destroys pathogenic flora as deep as possible in the pores, accelerates the removal of accumulated toxins.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for oily skin

We connect the components in it:

  • rose water - a natural soothing tonic;
  • aloe gruel - an extreme moisturizer with a tightening effect;
  • corn flour - a mattifying vitamin complex.

This is a means of exclusive regeneration for tired and sun-dried epidermis. As positive as possible moisturizing and nourishing mask for oily skin face acts on the processes of tissue metabolism and cell division.

IMPORTANT: The blend is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and a selection of 25 super active amino acids.

A firming and rejuvenating mask for oily skin

Mixing ingredients:

  • applesauce is one of the most readily available sources of ascorbic acid;
  • wheat flour - a valuable reservoir of copper, choline and vitamin PP;
  • ground sea buckthorn is a storehouse of antioxidant bioflavonoids.

IMPORTANT: This three-component firming and rejuvenating mask for oily skin provokes accelerated collagen synthesis, while increasing capillary blood flow and normalizing increased sebum secretion. The tool is just as effective for leveling the color of the skin.

Natural masks: simple masks for oily skin

Monomaski are easy to prepare and have good comparative efficacy. Here is some of them:

  • peach - nourishes, gives a slight lifting effect;
  • from tar soap - deeply cleanses and dries strongly, is used to treat acne;
  • tomato - tones up, eliminates oily sheen;
  • from sauerkraut - gives a visible rejuvenating effect.

However, it should be borne in mind: natural masks - simple masks for oily skin persons more often than their composite "brothers" provoke allergic reactions. The selection of suitable monovariants should be done with great care.

Night masks for oily skin from wrinkles

An ideal soothing option for use during sleep is prepared from:

  • potato juice - a good sorbent of mud particles and a vitaminizer;
  • grated bell pepper - an effective enhancer of natural collagen synthesis;
  • crushed kelp algae - an active regenerator of cellular structures;
  • rice flour - a source of a large set of nonessential and essential amino acids.

Plus a chic variation for enhancing protein, saline and vitamin metabolism from:

  • live beer - portions of useful macronutrients;
  • cranberry - an activator of the growth rate of healthy cells with the active participation of manganese, copper, vitamins C, B5, B6;
  • dill - a supplier of folic acid, which is a universal building block at the cellular level;
  • potato starch - a neutral thickener with some set of macronutrients.

Night face mask

Submitted night masks for oily skin from wrinkles can cook with or without dry ingredients.

It should also be borne in mind that it is unlikely that it will be possible to leave clean bedding when using these compositions.

We use proven components for generations:

  • lime juice - ideal inclusion for gentle chemical peeling;
  • cabbage juice - a catalyst for metabolic processes;
  • buckwheat flour is an absorbent with record indicators in terms of mineral and amino acid composition.

The ingredients balance each other and form an excellent result through the "mechanics" of quickly shedding and building up cell layers.

Whitening mask for oily skin kept for 20-25 minutes. It is advisable to finish the procedure with a mild soothing tonic.

Ideal winter care ingredients:

  • tea tree oil is a strong multicomponent bactericide;
  • tooth powder - an effective cleaner for the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • apple cider vinegar - fat content regulator;
  • brown bread made from coarse flour - a storehouse of amino acids, B vitamins and minerals;
  • pumpkin - a universal nutritious thinner;
  • soda is a drying, anti-acidotic agent.

Winter mask for oily face

Summer provides a wide range of vitamin ingredients. For example: strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants will deprive the skin of excess oil content, enriching it with rare vitamins.
And plantain, lilac and green peas - will heal, help get rid of serious dermatological problems.

IMPORTANT: Winter and summer masks for oily skin contain all the possibilities of seasonal nutrition of cells.

Do not neglect the opportunity to really get prettier without much effort.

Exfoliating procedures are extremely popular among the female half of humanity. They create silky and velvety structures of the skin, resist the uncontrolled reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the pores.

  • One of the simplest and healthiest exfoliation recipes includes:
  • coffee grounds - a mass of microparticles for mechanical exfoliation;
  • extra salt - natural mineral balm for healing microtraumas;
  • parsley gruel is a storehouse of chemical compounds that urgently restore skin integuments.

Revitalizing peeling mask for oily skin applied to a well-cleansed and slightly steamed face with hot water.
The holding time of the composition is 25 minutes. The frequency of massage of the treated areas is 5 minutes. Rinse off the mixture without soap.

Do not use creams, lotions and tonics immediately after treatment.

Getting rid of the greasiness of the skin involves the use of funds that dry out every layer of the epidermis. At the same time, trauma to cellular structures should be minimal.

The composition ideally meets the requirements:

  • disinfecting gruel from spruce needles;
  • orange juice that nourishes the deep and dries the upper layers of the skin;
  • decongestant and anti-inflammatory sesame oil;
  • restoring and maintaining potassium metabolism crushed asparkam tablet.

Spruce needles - active ingredient in a scrubbing mask

Drying scrub mask for oily skin applied in a dense layer and kept for at least 40 minutes. The composition should be washed off with good soap several times in a row.

Egg mask for oily skin

The synergistic combination of life-giving ingredients gives an excellent anti-aging effect. The fabrics are quickly renewed under the action of the mixture:

  • perfectly nourishing and tightening the pores of the egg;
  • delivering impressive doses of vitamins A and C oxalic gruel;
  • removing excess fat and increasing skin immunity yogurt.

This egg mask for oily skin well suited for combination skin.

Deep regenerating functions balance the light drying effect. The spent liquid should be washed off with cold water.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

Oatmeal is a powerful source of minerals and amino acids.

  • The gelatinous mass formed after the swelling of its flakes easily gives up all the useful substances to the tissues.
  • Supplemented with strong black tea brew and
  • fir oil gruel

can be an indispensable tool for weekly skin care with increased sebum secretion.

The oil is excellent for disinfecting, and tea has a strong astringent effect.
Together, they significantly limit the development of nutrient media for pathogens.

This oatmeal mask for oily skin can be used with equal efficiency both in summer and winter.

IMPORTANT: The absence of "acidic" components makes it possible to recommend it even for the care of the combined type of skin.

Clay masks for oily skin

Nature has endowed man with at least seven medicinal varieties of this sedimentary rock:

  • White - an excellent sorbing substance that draws out destructive free radicals from the body.
  • Blue - a luxurious bactericidal mixture of microparticles that removes excess moisture from fabrics.
  • Green is a panacea for many dermatological problems, healing with a rich metal composition.

Green and yellow clay applied to the face
  • Red or brown - a life-saving material for restoring the tone of extremely sensitive skin.
  • Pink is a universal cosmetic base for the preparation of hundreds of corrective masks.
  • Yellow is a productive detoxifier, a good thickener for poultice masks.
  • Sulfur is an irreplaceable source of rare minerals that provoke visible contour face lifting.
  • Black is the best remedy for acne.

Everything clay masks for oily skin have an extremely productive scrubbing effect.
To expand the characteristics of skin nutrition, to play with the potential of drying and cleaning, you can mix clays of different colors, adding other active ingredients.

Simple unicellular Saccharomyces mushrooms can be a great help in the fight for attractiveness. They have good indicators of the inclusion of individual minerals phosphorus, potassium, manganese (P, K, Mn) and contain almost all known amino acids and B vitamins.

In the anti-fat formulations, we supplement the yeast with acidic and intensely penetrating components.

Option number 1. Kiwi and milk.
Option number 2. Grapefruit and mint.

Both recipes remove fat, saturate with vitamin C, and intensely rejuvenate.

Yeast masks for oily skin can be kept for 60 minutes or more.
After washing off the proposed formulations, the epidermis remains moist for a long time.

Both monofloral and mixed versions of honey forms are equally often used for cosmetic purposes. This product is respected for its beneficial viscosity and ability to enhance the microcirculation of body fluids.

In recipes for increased fat secretion, it is advisable to supplement honey with conditionally acidic, irritating or antiseptic ingredients.

Example 1... Cocoa plus sour milk. A wonderful composition for accelerating the maturation of purulent eruptions. It is good to alternate with black clay treatments.

Example 2. Eucalyptus oil plus pineapple puree. Such gruel deeply moisturizes and at the same time disinfects well.

Masks with honey for oily skin intensify metabolic processes in the treated tissues, stimulate the accelerated elimination of toxins and toxins through the pores.

With excess fat on the face, rubbed into a homogeneous mass do an excellent job:

  • sour cream - a product that supports the rapid regeneration of the skin;
  • unconcentrated clove oil is a strong antiseptic;
  • spinach is the exclusive supplier of amino acids and vitamin C.

Kefir as the basis of medical masks

And a good alternative to the "sour cream" option. We mix:

  • kefir is a very acidic substance, excellently cleansing and whitening;
  • crushed wheat bran - a massive source of potassium and vitamin E;
  • sesame flour is a fatty but highly effective nutritional supplement.

Masks with sour cream and kefir for oily skin give the covers velvety, minimize the likelihood of a rash.

The proposed mixtures are kept for no more than 30 minutes.

Carrot mask for oily skin

This set of ingredients is loved by many professional cosmetologists:

  • anti-inflammatory and tonic carrot puree;
  • whitening lemon juice that regulates sebum secretion;
  • sprouted wheat gruel that stimulates regeneration processes.

Carrot mask for shine

Such carrot mask for oily skin practically does not stain the epidermis, leaving only a slight shade of freshness on the face. The simultaneous prophylactic application of the gruel to the neck and décolleté area is recommended. The composition is washed off 15-30 minutes after application.

Water balance is an extremely important indicator of the condition of the skin; it directly affects their appearance. Both swelling and dehydration prevent inflammation from fading over long enough periods of time.

To regain control in such situations, we use a mask mixed from:

  • banana - astringent, relieving even strong irritation of the base;
  • pomegranate - an excellent moisturizer and peeling agent;
  • olive oil - a hydrophobic substance that makes the skin elastic.

Banana mask for oily skin contributes to the rapid resumption of the protective functions of the treated areas. It prepares the covers for active interaction with more aggressive reducing agents.

When an oily face needs aggressive hydration, this recipe works flawlessly. We mix in a blender:

  • homemade cottage cheese - a whitening and nutritious sorbent;
  • basil gruel - an effective moisturizer for the upper skin layers;
  • cucumber puree is a hydroactive substance that moisturizes the deep layers of the skin.

Apply the composition to the face and wait at least 40 minutes.

We wash it off with cold water without soap and categorically do not use any cosmetics for another 6 hours.

Amazing visual impact is guaranteed.

Cottage cheese mask for oily skin is indicated primarily for people who significantly limit the flow of fluid into the body. The mixture will also be useful for beachgoers and owners of combined skin types.

Gelatin mask for oily skin

Gelatinous cosmetic formulations are popular among young people. The absence of obvious problems of lethargy and flabbiness of the face implies a complete focus on the convenience of cleansing the pores.

The effectiveness of the activated charcoal gelatin mask is legendary on the Internet. Before hardening, it acts as an effective scrub, and after that it removes all blackheads without additional mechanical cleaning.

Apply the composition to lightly steamed skin. We improve the already excellent indicators of deep facial treatment.

In addition, any mask with gelatin for oily skin removed in one solid layer. This is very convenient for those who do not like intensive or frequent washing.

However, there is a substance that is simultaneously effective not only in cleansing, but also in saturating the deepest layers of the skin with vital minerals and amino acids.

The frozen protein of a chicken egg, when dried, firmly holds all the dirt of the existing oily sheen in itself, at the same time transferring to the cells the maximum number of useful molecules of the created mixture.

The protein attack will become even more effective with two additional components: hibiscus powder and oatmeal. The first is responsible for the regeneration and cessation of inflammatory reactions. The second - for saturation with a wide range of nutrients.

Protein mask for oily skin always used for the purpose of deep cleansing of integuments without the threat of intense dehydration or loss of tone. The benefits of such care can hardly be overestimated.

You can get a powerful boost of vivacity either directly at the mud deposit, or from a tube carefully filled by a conscientious entrepreneur.

Silt, peat, sapropel and hill muds are mined in different natural environments, therefore they have a heterogeneous elementary composition.

  • Silt - moisturize.
  • Peat - dried.
  • Sapropel - tone up.
  • Sopochny - relieve inflammation.

Mud masks for oily skin apply:

  • diluted with water or milk;
  • enriched with medicines or natural food;
  • composed of materials from different deposits;
  • supplemented with natural essential oils.

Multiple use of the same amount of natural mud is allowed.

Maria... I love the recipe using onions, olive oil, tea tree oil and starch. With this mask I got rid of teenage acne completely. Well, you need to eat less sugar.

Lera... I suffer from allergies since childhood. Many store-bought facial skin care products are absolutely not suitable for me. I got used to refreshing myself with spinach, oatmeal and milk. This is so far the best that I have chosen for my skin. Bananas and orange juice get me into a small rash. And I'm afraid to even look at clove oil!

Anna... The compositions of the masks must be selected individually using the scientific poke method. Not every acidic product is perceived by oily skin as salvation. I am generally silent about the external use of yeast.

Margarita... Girls! Never experiment with carrot masks before going out! The presence of turmeric, beetroot juice, pomegranate and cranberries in the composition should also be alarming. Learn from other people's mistakes! Stubborn pigment can be washed off with lemon juice, kefir or vinegar.

Olya... Black clay really works wonders. Although it dries the skin very much, it gets rid of acne quickly. Rose water will help soften the blow. The result is a very effective and inexpensive treatment.

Anna... I love gelatin masks! I have already tried to attach baby powder, egg yolk and bergamot oil to gelatin. I liked the fragrant version the most. It turned out very similar to ready-made store masks.

Oksana... Every day I use a dill decoction tonic. Once a week - a mask of sesame flour, kefir and pumpkin. As a result, I have a pleasant complexion. Got rid of increased sebum secretion.

Masks for oily skin: reviews and advice Runet users are mostly constructive. The high demand for recipes attests to the true value of homemade cosmetics.

Video: Beautiful and healthy skin. Mask for oily skin

Video: An effective mask for problematic and oily skin

Video: Mask for oily skin from acne

Acne, blackheads, rashes, constant inflammation on the face bother many beautiful ladies. I would like to get rid of the external barrier as soon as possible, which gets in the way when there is an important meeting, date or other appearance.

In order for the face to respond with a pleasant blush and velvety, you need to take care of it regularly. To do this, you need to choose an individual solution, because what suits one skin type can negatively affect another.

The concept of "problem skin" includes three main types: dry, oily and combination. For each type, a specific comprehensive care is selected. The main helpers in the fight against skin problems are all kinds of face masks - cleansing, moisturizing, healing, nourishing.

Ready-made masks for problem skin

Cettua mask - ideal solution for problem skin

Masks for problem skin can be purchased at the pharmacy ready-made or prepared at home on your own. Of the ready-made masks, it is worth highlighting the highly demanded Cettua product with tea tree oil and the Bark mask.

The Cettua remedy is suitable for problem skin suffering from all sorts of rashes. Thanks to tea tree oil, which has established itself as an excellent antibacterial agent, Cettua not only quickly relieves inflammation and removes acne, but also prevents new ones from appearing. Massaging the problem areas, gently treat the cleansed face with a mask and hold for 20-30 minutes. There is no need to wash it off. The result is visible immediately after use - the pores are narrowed, the complexion is smoother and the skin smoother.

Mask with fruit acids The bark quickly tidies up problem skin prone to inflammation, acne and pimples. In addition, it perfectly improves elasticity, evens out the complexion, and prevents premature aging. The citric and lactic acids in the composition cleanse and tone the skin. Thanks to grape seed oil, fine wrinkles are removed, the face becomes healthy. To achieve the desired effect, the product is recommended to be used no more than 2 times a week in courses of 15 procedures. Apply the product in a thin layer on a prepared and cleansed face, hold for no more than 8 minutes and rinse with warm water.

However, finished products are not suitable for everyone, since intolerance to any component may appear at any time. Therefore, the best way to look after your appearance is to individually select the ingredients available to everyone at home. Here are some of the available recipes for dry, oily and mixed skin care masks that you can make at home from the available products.

Cora brand remedy will fight back acne and inflammation

In order to choose the right product for oily skin, it is necessary to eliminate the problems that contribute to the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Most importantly, you need to exclude common factors - unhealthy diet and inadequate care. If we talk about external care, then first of all it is necessary to remove oily sheen, narrow pores and relieve inflammation.

Homemade masks for oily skin

The most popular components in the composition of masks for problem skin, prone to oily sheen, are distinguished by the presence of ingredients that dry the skin:

  • yeast;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • clay;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • egg white.

One of the unique remedies for oily skin is the steaming mask:

  • oatmeal (about 1 spoon);
  • 1/2 spoon of baking soda;
  • some milk.

Oatmeal nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses the skin

Mix flakes and baking soda, add warm milk, dilute the mixture until tender. Massage the problem areas with the resulting mass, do not rinse for 15-20 minutes. This remedy is especially effective for enlarged pores, acne, acne and inflammation.

Clay and mud masks are the best helpers for oily skin care.

To make a clay mask you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of clay in powder form (you can take white or blue clay separately or mix them in equal proportions);
  • some water;
  • a few drops of hydrogen peroxide;
  • a few drops of tea tree oil.

Clay mixtures have an excellent drying effect.

Mix all ingredients until creamy. Treat your face, let the mixture soak for about 30 minutes. Rinse your face.

The mud mask will soothe and saturate oily skin with beneficial trace elements. The mud of the Dead Sea or the mud of the Tambukan Lake has proven itself perfectly. Thanks to the unique natural properties of these products, acne dries quickly and inflammation is removed. A mud mask can be made not only in the salon, but also at home. To do this, it is enough to buy the desired powder at the pharmacy and dilute it in water. Before using the mud, you need to prepare your face - clean it with a scrub and steam it over a herbal bath. The mud remedy should be kept on the face for no longer than 20-30 minutes, rinsed with warm water. Before applying the mud mask, you need to treat a small area to check the sensitivity of the skin.

For oily skin covered with acne, a yeast mask is perfect:

  • ½ pack of fresh yeast;
  • boiled water.

Mix a piece of yeast with water until mushy. The resulting mixture should not flow or be too thick. Apply the mask to your face and leave to absorb for about 20 minutes. Remove dried yeast piece by piece, then rinse with water. It is useful to make such a mixture once every 3-4 days until the pimples disappear.

Homemade masks for dry skin

Masks for problem skin with constant dryness, peeling should contain moisturizing or nourishing ingredients from the list:

  • oil (any cosmetic or olive oil);
  • dairy products with a high fat content;
  • juices of vegetables and non-acidic fruits, puree from them;
  • egg yolk.

A mask based on apple and milk will perfectly moisturize dry skin:

  • one small apple;
  • a glass of milk.

Green apple with milk - ideal ingredients for masks for dry skin

Peel the apple, cut it, boil it in milk, knead it with a spoon until it is puree, let it cool to a comfortable temperature, treat the face with the mixture, hold it for about 30 minutes. If dry and peeling, you can also use fresh grated apples. In this case, you can soften the sour apple juice with a spoonful of sour cream. In addition to the moisturizing effect, apple-based masks perfectly tone the skin and remove signs of fatigue.

Clay helps to take care of problem skin prone to dryness and irritation. For example, a cleansing mask made from red or black clay is ideal for hypersensitivity and peeling. It is enough just to purchase powdered clay of the desired color at the pharmacy and dilute it in water to a mushy state. You can keep such a remedy for 20-30 minutes. Rinse your face with water and enjoy the result.

Dry and sensitive skin lacks nutrition and vitamins during the cool season. In this case, a nourishing vitamin mask for problem skin with persimmon will be an excellent solution:

  • 1 spoon of persimmon pulp;
  • 1 spoonful of butter;
  • 1 yolk;
  • ½ spoon of honey.

Persimmon nourishes and saturates the skin with vitamins

Mix all the components until smooth, treat the face with the mixture, do not rinse for 15-20 minutes. Persimmon has good protective properties, which is especially important in adverse conditions outside the window.

Home masks for mixed skin

Mixed skin of the face is especially capricious, so it is not so easy to choose a mask for effective care of it.

A nourishing mask for combination skin is easily prepared from berries and cottage cheese:

  • a few strawberries or raspberries;
  • 1 spoon of cottage cheese.

Mash the berries with a spoon and mix with cottage cheese until puree. Treat the face with the mixture, except for the lips and eyes, do not rinse for 15-20 minutes. Thanks to berry juice, the face is saturated with vitamins and gets rid of oily sheen, and cottage cheese will perfectly moisturize dry areas.

A moisturizing mixture based on apple and honey tones and restores the protective functions of combination skin:

  • 1 apple;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of oatmeal.

Finely grate the apple, mix with oatmeal, ground into flour and honey. An apple saturates the face with vitamins, flour dries oily areas, and honey tones up and gives a healthy look.

To give your combination skin firmness and elasticity, you can use a soothing herbal mask:

  • 1 spoon of sage
  • 1 spoon of mint;
  • 1 spoon of rose hips;
  • half a lemon.

Herbal masks will relieve common skin problems and saturate it with vitamins

Mix herbs, pour hot water, insist in a water bath for 30-40 minutes, cool, mix with the juice of half a lemon. Do not strain the mixture. Apply the product to the face through gauze. The herbal mask is very effective for various skin problems, it helps not only to cleanse, but also to refresh and soothe the face.

In order for masks for problem skin to provide maximum benefit and give a feeling of freshness and well-groomed appearance, follow some simple tips:

  1. Before any procedure related to the treatment of the face area, it is necessary to consult with a beautician.
  2. When choosing a useful mixture for the face, you need to monitor the individual reaction to certain components.
  3. You do not need to use the same mask, it is better to choose 2-3 types and alternate the ones you especially like.
  4. Face masks are recommended to be done no more than once a week.
  5. Before applying the prepared mixture, the face must be cleaned of impurities and steamed.
  6. After removing the product, wipe your face with a toner or moisturize with a cream.

Homemade face masks are quite effective in combating various skin problems. With regular use, they will help not only eliminate external unpleasant factors (acne, acne, inflammation), but also preserve youth and attractiveness for many years.