At what age can whole milk be given to a child. When to start giving cow's milk to babies

Many parents find milk to be incredibly healthy for their children. It contains both calcium and bacteria that are useful for digestion. Naturally, from an early age, the child is taught to drink and eat dairy products, even if the toddler desperately resists and by all means shows that he does not like them. Is it necessary to insist and is milk so useful, as is commonly believed, says the well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky.

Good for children and harmful for adults

In order for milk sugar (lactose) to be absorbed in the body, a special enzyme is produced - lactase. In newborns, the level of lactase is very high, a lot of it is produced, since breast milk is the only food for crumbs. As they grow older, the amount of lactase produced decreases, and in an adult this enzyme is practically absent in the body, since it biologically no longer needs dairy food. But the adult body takes and digests fermented milk products quite normally.

A decrease in the level of lactase in some people begins from the age of 3, in others from 10 years of age, in others later. This is an individual feature of the body and there are no norms in this matter in principle.

If nature has provided for the child with the opportunity to eat milk, this does not mean that you need to eat milk from farm animals. Nature has made sure that the baby absorbs mother's milk well, and not goat's or cow's.

Benefit and harm

Milk of cows and goats for children of the first year of life is not just harmful, but dangerous, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But this fact is rather difficult to explain to parents who, from their own childhood, remembered the statements that milk is a source of health and energy for a growing organism. It is very difficult to explain to parents that in the absence or lack of breast milk, it is best for a nursing mother to choose an adapted milk formula.

First, it is important in terms of composition. The mixture contains vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets. But if you give a child to drink with cow's milk and give separately vitamin D preparations, then rickets develops very often. And this can be explained by the processes that take place in the body after the child consumes cow's milk.

Cow's milk contains more calcium, than in breast milk, almost 4 times. The phosphorus content is 3 times higher than that of breast milk. The calf needs this amount of phosphorus and calcium to grow bones faster. However, the rapid growth of bones for a human infant is not the preferred development option.

In addition, excess amounts of calcium and phosphorus entering the child's intestines cannot be fully absorbed. The body will take only the amount it needs, the rest will come out with feces.

With phosphorus other story. His body takes not as much as needed for normal life, but about one third of the amount received. Thus, the consumption of cow's milk leads to an overdose of phosphorus. The kidneys of the child react to the increased content of this substance, which begin to quickly remove excess phosphorus from the body. Unfortunately, it leaves along with the calcium obtained, which is so important for the harmonious development of the baby.

The kidneys ripen closer to the age of one year, at about the same time you can start giving the child milk, gradually introducing it into the diet.

It is not necessary to give a crumbs liters to drink, it is quite enough to give a one-year-old child about half a glass of milk a day, a two-year-old - 1 glass, and a two-year-old baby - no more than 2 glasses a day. By the age of 3, all restrictions lose their relevance, and children can be given this product, even a cow, even a goat, in any quantity that he is able and willing to "master".

Another not the most "useful" aspect - intolerance to cow protein, which occurs in children in the first years of life quite often. It manifests itself in the impossibility of assimilating protein, which the crumbs' body regards as foreign. Immunity is activated, an allergic reaction begins. If you have such a child, you should not give him any milk. Only adapted mixtures are suitable, preferably hypoallergenic, in which milk protein is processed in a special way and neutralized.

In recent years, cows and goats have also eaten little natural food, and many of the feed that owners give them contain hormones and antibiotics. Naturally, this whole set passes in certain quantities into the milked milk. This is another reason not to give this product to children under one year old, although the final decision remains with the parents. After all, it is quite difficult to dispute the fact that it is quite difficult to provide a varied diet to a child without milk.

Mix or milk?

If after 12 months a decision is made to introduce whole milk into complementary foods, Evgeny Komarovsky advises to make an informed decision. This product in metered quantities will no longer cause harm, but it will still be more useful to adapt infant formula, in which the amount of phosphorus is reduced, and the amount of calcium and vitamin D is increased.

The amount of iron in cow's milk is insufficient and regular consumption will lead to anemia. In adapted mixtures, this composition parameter is provided, and the child will receive the amount of iron he needs.

If the family budget allows, it is better to choose a mixture that is appropriate for age - from 12 months. Usually such mixtures are designated by the manufacturers with the number “3”.

Fat or low fat?

The food industry today offers a ton of options for skim milk. It is considered preferable for adults and children who do not tolerate fatty cow's milk. However, in the very concept of "fat-free", according to Evgeny Komarovsky, there is a catch.

Baby milk is different from conventional UHT. The fat percentage in it is reduced, but not at the minimum mark. The box usually indicates from what age manufacturers recommend the product. Most often it is 8 months. Komarovsky urges to give such milk, if mom really wants to do it, no more than once a day and in small quantities.

After a year, children can dilute ordinary milk with 3% fat with ordinary water by about one third of the volume.

Dairy products

It is very good if mom learns how to make homemade dairy products for her child. For them, you can use ordinary store-bought cow's milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5%.

Complementary feeding in the form of fermented milk products is not very desirable for children with disorders of mineral metabolism, with signs of rickets. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before introducing such complementary foods.

After breastfeeding ends, many mothers ask themselves - what kind of milk to feed their baby next? Ordinary "shop" or whole cow? Grab baby milk or prefer baby milk drinks? And does a child over one year need milk in principle?

Of course, milk is necessary for a child! According to pediatricians, dairy products are a mandatory and significant part of the diet of both young children and older children: preschoolers and schoolchildren. Such content, necessary for the full development of nutrients, is not found in any other product.

What should be the most useful dairy product for a child?

Of course, you should choose from "children's" products, which take into account the physiology of the child, since the consumption of food for adults by young children can lead to a number of problems with digestion, and in general with health.

"Baby" milk is made from the highest quality raw materials, and the production requirements and quality control are much stricter than in the production of regular milk. Such milk is safe for children of any age. Dairy products specially prepared for children must meet the nutritional needs of the growing body. However, this is where the problem lies.

It is not worth relying on food alone today: in the past 50 years, the content of macro- and microelements in milk, meat, fruits and vegetables has significantly decreased. This is due to soil depletion and modern farming methods.

Children are especially vulnerable to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Such a condition is the cause of mental and physical development disorders, frequent colds, the occurrence of chronic diseases. Unfortunately, not all "baby" products take into account the child's increased need for micro-, macronutrients and vitamins.

How to avoid nutrient deficiencies?

To help your baby grow healthy, pediatricians recommend choosing additionally fortified milk formulas. But the technologists of the Dutch company Friesland Campina have gone further than simple fortification of dairy products with nutrients. They differentiated infant formula for children under three years of age and older.

Unlike baby milk, specialized dairy products (for children over a year old) and (for children over 3 years old) contain a modern combination of important food ingredients: complete high-quality protein, galactooligosaccharides, a balanced spectrum of fatty acids, nucleotides, probiotics, a full complex of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this combination, the Friso Gold 3 and Friso Gold 4 milk drinks have a preventive effect against vitamin and mineral deficiencies, help the intestines and the maturation of the immune system.

With the Friso Gold 3 and Friso Gold 4 milk drinks, parents do not have to worry about a balanced diet for their little ones.

Comment on the article "What kind of milk should I give to a child over one year old? An important conversation"

Tell me if it is necessary to give milk formula to a child after a year? Up to 1.1 I was on GW, so I don't understand mixtures at all. What kind of milk to give to a child over one year old? An important conversation. They differentiated infant formula for children under three years of age and older.


not necessary, but you can. Mine drinks the mixture and will drink at least up to 4 years old, because:
1.he likes the taste
2. all the necessary vitamins / microelements are added there, that is, at the output we have the same result if he drank ordinary milk + multivitamins.
Which one? yes, to me they are all the same.

Are there special, adapted formulas for children after a year? The formula for children after a year is no different in composition from baby milk. Tell me if it is necessary to give milk formula to a child after a year? Up to 1.1 was on GV, so in mixtures in general ...


Well, by the age of one, the child usually already eats porridge, soup for lunch, cottage cheese for afternoon tea, for example ... different purees. Therefore, it is already easier here, if it is so important to replace breast milk with something, and you don’t want to buy special milk drinks, there are a lot of them on the market, we drank friso for half a year, the same milk, I even cooked porridge on it

12/17/2013 20:23:22, From JUKgirl

I think the formula is more adapted and useful for the child - sorry, even the price difference says something ... Tell me, is it necessary to give the infant formula after a year? What kind of milk do your children drink? And after 1 year she gave the usual organic cow's milk ...


It all depends on the child and the conditions in which you live. I have a cousin sister who lives in the village - so there, for six months, the child was transferred to milk, and cow - and niche. True, they poked oranges at this age, and lard - to chew the skin ... Well, what if the cheeks are then red ... Somehow they do not sweat ...
But these conditions are clearly not for my life ... I think the mixture is more adapted and useful for the child - sorry, even the difference in price says something ... I found a way out for myself in goat mixtures - there seem to be supporters here too .. A useful composition, non-allergenic, good for the immune system .. And in our version, when after a year it was impossible to force food - only this saved .. We have Cabrita.
So it's all up to you.

In general, I do not give the child to drink ordinary milk, because the allergy, immediately the cheeks are red, and the same reaction to the goat, I make cereals and omelets on lactose-free, there is no allergy from it.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of everyday skills. What kind of milk to give to a child over one year old? An important conversation. According to pediatricians, dairy products are mandatory and ...

Are they going to give the baby formula for the first time? Formulas are on sale in almost any child of the second year - formula or milk? Nutrition of a child from 1 to 2 years old: 10 rules and The milk component of the diet of a child under three years old is of paramount importance for his ...


Humana LP (medical nutrition). A special blend for digestive problems. There prebiotics (help digestion), easily digestible fats (will gain weight) and some other useful properties. It helped us, otherwise I already thought that we would remain 8 kg a year.

Humana 3 Folgemilch try (subsequent milk), good mixture. There, in my opinion, some kind of taste - in general, up to 3 children can be given, but this is of course when the transition to whole milk is undesirable. Plus vitamins, minerals, prebiotics - usually a complete set, for health, immunity, chorus. digestion. In general, yes, marking 3 is your case.

What kind of milk to give to a child over one year old? An important conversation. Unlike baby milk, specialized dairy products Friso Gold 3 (for children over a year old) and Friso Gold 4 And after a year we switched to the mixture "Instant milk for children after a year with vitamins ...


Kefir and cottage cheese have already passed to Danone.
Well, I can't monitor and buy children's kefirs all the time - there the shelf life is small, you can't buy much, and in the evening, when I go home from work, there are often no children's kefirs in the store :(

And while I give milk to Agusha, but apparently in the summer we will switch to ordinary ones - it is unlikely that Agusha will be found abroad :))

From a year they gave the most ordinary milk.

About the mixture after 1.5 years. Up to what age are children given the mixture? We weaned at 1.5, the doctor said to give the mixture 2 times a day. After 1 year, my elder and I switched to milk (real, from the market, diluted in half with water) and to kefir.


After 1 year, my elder and I switched to milk (real, from the market, diluted in half with water) and to kefir. I don't see any sense in mixtures after 1 year.

i know a girl who, at the age of 6, still drinks milk from a bottle at night)) when she first saw it, she scraped her jaw off the floor for a long time. Her mother actually understands that this is not good, but she feels sorry for the child.
and vapsche children at your age all the changes are perceived with bayonets. It is necessary to trick chtol like that. A brightly colored cup with tsvukovy effects .. or with straws. Well, if the milk categorically does not want to do 50-50 with the mixture, then you can use milk (or kefir). you can always add fruits or berries for example. Our child dearly fell in love with a cup of shopping mall it was possible to walk and "clink glasses" with everyone. And we secretly threw out the bottles and put them away, distracting the child with new mugs with our favorite characters.
but wait until he comes up and asks for milk in a cup - definitely not worth it)))) you won't wait)))

I supplemented the baby with formula in the morning, when there was no milk at all in the breast, after 3 months, 100g. Then she began to give in the evening, he didn’t How to feed with a mixture ?. Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition ...

Mix after a year. Agusha. Tell me, pliiz, when your children stopped drinking the mixture. I after a year for milk Agusha from 8 months. I went over and gave it to drink and made porridge on it. cow's milk is not yet baby food: which formula to choose? How the mixture is chosen.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of everyday skills. What kind of milk to give to a child over one year old? An important conversation. And after a year we switched to the mixture "Instant milk for children ...


we switched to kefir. Those. for the night I give instead of a mixture of kefir, a cat. give on milk.
In the morning, porridge.
Day-vegetable puree with meat
in the evening, fruits, cottage cheese and 100 g of kefir.
At night, 200 g. Kefir.
At the age of 1.5 years, the norm is up to 400 g of fermented milk products.

And after a year we switched to the mixture "Instant milk for children after a year with vitamins and ...." Nestlé company. We eat it in the morning, and at night welling

In many families, for a number of reasons, children are artificially fed from birth. Parents are gradually introducing ordinary store milk into the diet, replacing them with milk formulas. Is it harmful and at what age should a child be given this product from the store?

Packaged store milk contains much less vitamins and microelements than high-quality adapted milk formula that fully meets the needs of the baby. It lacks important enzymes. They are destroyed during processing. A store product may not turn sour for weeks at room temperature. It is difficult to get tasty curdled milk or cottage cheese from it.

Store milk is sterilized at high temperatures. It may contain an antibiotic that gets into the diet of cows through imported feed, and we get it from the cow in the finished product. Many types of long-term milk contain preservatives that are allergic not only to a child, but also to an adult. Sometimes soda is added to milk powder during the manufacturing process to extend the shelf life. All this in no way adds to the usefulness of the store product.

Unlike store-bought milk, infant formula contains essential trace elements and vitamins. They have a stable composition and the milk protein of the mixture does not cause allergic reactions in babies.

An unambiguous conclusion suggests itself: milk formulas in a child's diet are much more useful than a store product.

For many mothers, the question remains, from what age it is still possible to introduce ordinary milk into the diet of children.

Children from the age of three are ideal for appearing on the menu of store milk

The introduction of new products into the daily diet of children should not harm the digestive system of a growing organism. Pediatricians recommend adhering to a certain scheme according to which milk is given to a child.

If the baby is breastfed, then from year to year you can try to introduce special baby food into the menu - milk and lactic acid products intended for the appropriate child age. It is indicated on the package. As a rule, they are sold in small quantities up to half a liter. Baby milk does not need to be boiled. The diet of a one-year-old baby includes a glass of milk, provided it is well tolerated and there are no side reactions.

However, many mothers transfer bottle-fed babies to a store product much earlier. In the absence of allergic reactions and disruptions in digestion, it is diluted and gradually added to cereals for children from 9-11 months. Mothers evaluate the reaction of the child's body to such an "adult" product. If a child develops various disorders or allergies, then pediatricians strongly advise to give up this new complementary food for about six months. It is advisable in this situation to obtain qualified recommendations from an experienced pediatrician.

What kind of store milk is best for a child?

Gradually introducing store-bought milk into the child's diet after three years, it should be remembered that it is better to use ultra-pasteurized milk for baby food. It is safe and retains all vitamins and minerals.

Low-fat foods are recommended for older children. American nutritionists have proven that babies who regularly consume them are prone to obesity. In America, skim milk is discarded until the child is five years old.

For babies after three years, the fat content of dairy products can be 3-3.2%. By drinking a glass of milk a day, a child receives almost half (approximately 40%) of the daily calcium needed for normal growth and development.

We also read:

  • When can (and can) give cow's milk to a baby -
  • Is it possible to give kefir to children under one year old. Recipes for making kefir for babies at home -
  • Goat milk for newborns -

Elena Malysheva about the dangers of milk

Health experts recommend feeding only breast milk for the first six months of a baby's life and continuing to breastfeed for up to two years with appropriate complementary feeding with an emphasis on iron-rich foods.

Breastfeeding is important for the nutrition, immune defenses, growth and development of babies from one to three years of age. Even after the introduction of complementary foods, the main source of nutrition for an infant under one year old is formula or mother's milk. What do doctors say about cow's milk?

Age when you can give your baby cow's milk

A common question that parents ask is at what age can you give your baby regular milk? Even when the baby is growing rapidly, cow's milk is not recommended until 12 months of age.

Exists there are a number of reasons why you should not give whole cow's milk to babies under 1 year of age.

  1. The digestive tract of babies is not yet ready to digest cow's milk easily and completely, like breast milk or formula. Cow's milk has a high concentration of protein and minerals that strain the still immature kidneys of the baby.
  2. For children under one year old, excessive consumption of dairy products can increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia. Milk interferes with the proper absorption of iron, and iron cannot be reduced or removed from a child's diet.
  3. Cow's milk is also not recommended for children under one year old because it can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system, causing blood in the stool.
  4. The amount of sodium in cow's milk is three times higher than in breast milk.

However, when your baby is ready to digest whole milk, it can supplement a balanced diet that includes grains, vegetables, fruits and meats.

Why should a child drink cow's milk?

Milk is loaded with calcium, which strengthens teeth and bones and helps to regulate blood clotting.

It is also one of the few sources of vitamin D, without which calcium cannot be absorbed in the body. Vitamin also plays a critical role in bone growth.

Milk provides protein for growth, and carbohydrates give your child the energy they need all day.

If an infant receives the required amount of calcium initially, there is evidence that it will be less at risk of developing hypertension, stroke, colon cancer, and hip fractures in adulthood and old age.

It is not necessary to stop breastfeeding after the introduction of cow's milk. Experts recommend continuing breastfeeding in the second year of the child's life.

How much milk should a baby drink?

A child after 1 year can get enough calcium and vitamin D by drinking 1 or 1.5 glasses of cow's milk or the equivalent amount of other dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir). At the age of 2 years, the child should receive 400 ml of milk or other milk-based products daily.

Do not offer your child more than 800 ml of milk per day. If the baby is still thirsty, offer water.

How does "baby" milk differ from "adult"?

Dairy products that are produced for children are adapted for the child's digestive tract.

Baby milk must answer several requirements.

  1. Highest quality. Baby milk is made from high quality cow's milk from cows that are completely healthy and live in ecologically clean areas.
  2. Control of sanitary and hygienic conditions. Baby milk is prepared in special workshops, separate from milk production for adults
  3. Microbiological control. Close attention is paid to the control of microbiological data. The number of bacteria in a given volume of milk is strictly regulated.
  4. Control of the degree of fat content. The boundaries of the percentage of fat for children under three years of age are 2.5-3.5%.
  5. Control of the acidity of the environment. There are special requirements for acidity limits for fermented milk products for children. The acidity of baby products should not exceed 100 Turner degrees.
  6. Ultra-pasteurization. Milk is specially processed with ultra-high temperatures (125-138 ºС) for 2-4 seconds in order to preserve the maximum benefit. Then it quickly cools. Thus, all pathogenic organisms are destroyed, useful components are simultaneously preserved.
  7. Packaging. The final product is packed in a Tetra Pak aseptic box, which prevents the re-entry of harmful bacteria inside after filling. In this package, the dairy product remains fresh and safe for several months.

Can skim cow's milk be given to a one-year-old baby?

Children of this age need a high fat content in milk to maintain a normal weight and an optimal level of absorption of vitamins A, D by the body. When the child is 2 years old, you can switch it to skim milk if there is a good increase in height and weight.

Exceptions are possible. Your child's doctor may recommend giving low fat milk (2 percent) after 1 year if the child is overweight or obese or has a genetic predisposition to obesity, high cholesterol, or cardiovascular disease.

What to do when a child refuses to drink whole cow's milk?

Some babies drink cow's milk right away, but others refuse it because cow's milk has a different texture, taste and even temperature than mother's milk.

If this is for your baby, try mixing cow's milk with breast milk or formula first. Try one part milk with three parts breast milk or formula. Then slowly shift the ratio until he drinks 100% cow's milk.

But there are other ways to incorporate cow's milk into your child's diet. For instance:

  • add milk to porridge;
  • offer your child yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding, or milkshakes as a snack.
  • make soup with milk instead of water.

Cow's milk allergy

If the child drank a mixture based on cow's milk, then he will tolerate ordinary cow's milk without any problems. Even babies who are exclusively breastfed in their first year can drink cow's milk without problems because they have been exposed to the cow's milk protein in their mother's milk, unless she avoided all dairy products.

If a baby drank a hypoallergenic formula as recommended by a doctor, consult a specialist before administering cow's milk. A doctor may suggest starting with a soy drink that is fortified with vitamin D and calcium.

But true cow's milk protein allergy is relatively rare. Only 2-3% of children are diagnosed with an allergic reaction. The good news is that children usually outgrow this ailment at the age of 2 years.

Differences between cow's milk protein allergy and lactase deficiency

Allergy is an immune response, and lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder. But their symptoms are similar - diarrhea, abdominal pain after drinking milk.

If a child develops a dry, itchy rash or itching and swelling of the face, lips when eating a dairy product, or has symptoms such as hives, puffy watery eyes, he may be allergic to cow's milk proteins.

Chronic nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath or wheezing can be signs that the allergy is affecting the child's respiratory system. Talk to your doctor when your child has any of these symptoms.

Take your child to a doctor or hospital immediately, if a:

  • the baby is very pale or weak;
  • most of the skin is affected by urticaria;
  • swelling develops in the head or neck area;
  • bloody diarrhea occurs.

The child may have a life-threatening allergic reaction.

If your baby is allergic to cow's milk, you must be careful. Avoid foods such as cottage cheese, condensed milk, ice cream, yogurt, butter, milk chocolate, and powdered milk. By law, all allergens are listed on food labels. In this case, "milk" will be indicated on the package in the composition.

Take special care when choosing a dairy product for your child. Do not experiment on his health. Provide him with the right, balanced diet. And the child will grow up healthy and energetic.

I think all mothers have heard about the benefits of milk. In the next visit to our pediatrician I ask the doctor: "Tell me, please, is it possible for the child to be given milk already?" “What are you eating”? she asked. I have listed. In response: "Okay, you can start on the sly."

Isn't it time for me to try this snow-white delicacy!

When to start

By this time, my child has already turned 9.5 months old, and we have acquired several teeth. As I found out later, many doctors categorically deny the possibility of feeding a child up to a year old with goat or cow milk. They determine their position by the fact that in this product proteins and fats are contained in much larger quantities (3 times) than in mother's breast or adapted mixtures. In addition, the protein contained in the product produced by a cow or goat can trigger allergies. Yes, there is certainly some truth in their words, but there is no question of any plaques forming in the tummy of a young toddler. These are all fables.

Milk at an early age can cause the most unpleasant consequences.

Strong arguments in favor of the late introduction of complementary foods with milk of animal origin.

Complementary feeding with cow's milk for up to a year threatens:

  • An increased amount of allergenic proteins and sodium can lead to allergies;

Skin rashes and itching are the costs of an allergic reaction.

  • May cause dehydration
  • The level of casein is very high - the digestion of this protein is extremely difficult for a small tummy (a dense, almost indigestible clot forms in the stomach);
  • Huge amounts of sodium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium negatively affect the urinary system of the young body. The kidneys of the baby are trying to process this crazy amount of trace elements, experiencing colossal overload;
  • With regular use of the product up to 6 months of age, internal gastric bleeding is possible;

Mommies and Daddies, be careful! It is not necessary to rush with milk complementary foods.

  • Zinc, iodine, copper, vitamins E and C, iron are contained in cow's milk in insufficient quantities for a growing child's body. Taurine, cystine and folic acid are completely absent. A deficiency of these minerals can lead to the development of rather severe pathologies;
  • It is categorically contraindicated in children of the first year of life, in whom relatives with diabetes were observed in the family (due to the possibility of developing this terrible disease).

Complementary feeding with goat milk up to a year is fraught with:

  • The toxic effect of the product on the body due to the content of specific acids in the first;
  • Kidney problems for the same reason as when drinking cow's milk;

Disruption of the work of the internal organs of a weak child's body is quite likely.

  • The fat content of the product is several times higher than the norm. Consequence - problems with digestion due to immaturity of the stomach and intestines;
  • A low content of vitamins D and A, folic acid, iron, a disproportionate ratio of calcium and phosphorus do not contribute to the correct and full-fledged muscle, functional and mental development of the baby. The lack of these substances can provoke some serious diseases;

I cannot get used to such milk.

  • Intestinal bleeding without damaging the integrity of blood vessels (occur with anemia or poor blood clotting);
  • The content of casein is an order of magnitude higher than in cow (however, it is absorbed better than the first);
  • Loss of valuable qualities of the product (if diluted with water to an acceptable state for consumption).

Oddly enough, but the most similar in composition and useful properties to humans is donkey milk, yes, donkey milk.

In the days of grandmothers

But how did our mothers feed their babies using animal milk? - many will be indignant. In those days, medicine was not so developed, and experts could only guess about the causes of many diseases. Now science has filled most of the gaps in its knowledge and invites us to use already proven information for our own benefit.

Grandmothers always have tasty treats for their beloved granddaughters.

How to start a full complementary feeding correctly and at what age

So at what age should you give milk? From 9 months, you can start complementary foods for those babies who are on artificial nutrition. This rule applies to both cow and goat products. The kid can eat porridge cooked in milk. Doctors, nevertheless, insist on nutrition for up to a year with mixtures.

For greater safety, do not cross out infant formula from the crumbs menu for as long as possible.

Starting from the age of one year, a breastfed baby can receive a complete cow or goat product, but in a diluted state. Useful l the food must be boiled and diluted for the first feeding in a ratio of 1: 3, where 3 is the amount of water. We introduce into complementary foods, starting with 1 teaspoon, in which you should get: 1 part milk and 3 parts boiled water. In the absence of a response, the dose is increased. After about 2.5 - 3 weeks, the amount of the product consumed by the baby will be about 100 milliliters. The fat content of milk should not be less than 3, but not more than 4% since it must be diluted. We gradually reduce the presence of water in the liquid to a minimum, and completely remove it.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, his menu must include

Only meat contains vitamins and microelements necessary for normal growth.

Fish is no less useful, but this product should be introduced into complementary foods very carefully, because it is a strong allergen. How to introduce fish into complementary foods is described here.

Where to begin

It is better to start the introduction of complementary foods with goat. It has more benefits (it helps in the fight against dysbiosis and colds, increases immunity (the taurine component). The goat product is more easily absorbed by the intestines of an infant because it lacks agglutin, proteins are lighter, and fatty acid molecules are smaller in size than in cow, therefore, such food is easier to digest. Allergic manifestations are possible, but to a lesser extent than when eating a cow's product. However, the baby may reject this healthy dish because of its unpleasant smell. It is not worth it to force-feed the baby, it is better to wait a little time and try later or mix with your usual food.

Barsik and I demand supplements!

After goat's milk, you can try cow's milk. If the baby's age has already approached two years, then he can be offered dairy products with a low fat content (1-2%) or completely fat-free (in the event that the child consumes large quantities of dairy products). The daily intake of this valuable product by a crumbs is ideally 0.5-0.7 liters per day. Better to alternate cow and goat milk, since the ratio of nutrients in these two products is different. For example, a cow's product contains a large amount of phosphorus, which goat's milk cannot boast of. A baby can drink this useful liquid in unlimited quantities starting from the age of three.

Boiling is necessary

It is generally not recommended to give raw dairy products to children. The fact is that cattle and cattle are carriers of a terrible disease called brucellosis. This disease can lead to disability. The spinal cord is most often affected. Only when you are sure that everything is in order with the animal (this can only be if you are caring for a cow or a goat on your own), can you give your child unboiled milk, and then in small amounts.

The country's most famous pediatrician says

Dr. Komarovsky is not a supporter of the early introduction of dairy products into the diet of babies, but he is not an ardent opponent either:

“When to introduce milk to a child is a personal matter for each parent, but I want to say that one cannot be absolutely sure of our products, unless, of course, we independently monitor the whole process, which is possible only when running our own subsistence household. In my opinion, a quality adapted blend has many more benefits:

  • The composition includes all trace elements and vitamins necessary for an infant;
  • The composition itself is stable, not undergoing changes;
  • Milk protein is processed in a special way, which reduces the possibility of allergic reactions;
  • It is much easier, more convenient and faster to prepare the mixture ”.

Moms for and moms against

“At the age of 7.5 months, the eldest daughter developed a terrible rash - a reaction to cow's milk. Only the feet and palms were clean. The rest of the skin is a solid crimson mess. They were saved thanks to the goat. Until two years old, I only drank it. After 5, she seemed to have outgrown, but, having already matured, she does not really like milk. The younger one is soaking a cookie in boiled and diluted milk. There is no reaction yet. "

“My son has been artificially fed since birth, it just so happened. He got used to mixtures for a long time, but at 1 year and 3 months he was impatient to refuse the mixture outright. Tried to give him baby milkfrom the store (special edition). So he, with big eyes and wild pleasure, drank a whole glass and began to demand more. He is now 2 years old. Milk, as they say, does not like a soul! Well, after that, how can you not give it to children up to three years old ”?

“We will be one and a half years old in 2 weeks. We still eat the Nutrilon mixture. I tried to give my son goat milk - she didn’t want to, gave a cow milk - she turned away and pushed the mug away with her hand. It doesn't bother me that much. I think that the mixture is more useful, because everything is specially balanced there. "

"Horror! Goat or cow milk is allowed only after 2 years! It does not in any way resemble a breast one in composition! Therefore, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, etc. come out by the age of 5-6 in children. It has long been diluted and given milk. Then there was simply nothing else. Why give it now? There are also dry specially adapted mixtures! I don't scold any of the mothers, but think about it! "

“I think all this muck about milk was invented by the manufacturers of mixtures. After all, hardly anyone will take their expensive powders if there is real milk. I have been cooking porridge for my son in diluted cow's milk since 5 months. From 8 - start on the whole. Everything is fine with us. "

Kefir is of great benefit to young intestines. This fermented milk product is rich in beneficial bacteria that normalize the functioning of the baby's GI tract. For baby food, it is best to use

homemade kefir

If your baby has digestive problems, she suffers from constipation, we recommend making her a prune compote. Read how to cook compote in this article.

In order to calm the child it is not necessary to resort to medications, it is enough to give him a herculean broth. More information about the beneficial properties of rolled oats is described on this page

Let's summarize

  1. Full-fledged complementary feeding with milk can be carried out from one year of age;
  2. The goat product is easier for the stomach to digest;
  3. Milk at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods must be diluted;
  4. We start complementary feeding with milk porridge;
  5. We give a fatty product up to 2 years;
  6. Be sure to boil milk;
  7. From 3 years old you can drink milk without restrictions.

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Just a few years ago, goat's or cow's milk was one of the staple foods for young children, almost from birth. Today, the opinion of experts on this matter has changed, and the time when a child can be given milk has undergone significant changes. Modern pediatricians are urging to postpone the introduction of dairy products into the diet of a newborn, preferring breastfeeding or special adapted formulas. Despite its high nutritional value, milk leads to a number of physiological conditions that are unfavorable for the developing organism. On the other hand, innovative research has shown that giving your baby the right drink in the first weeks of life can strengthen your baby's resistance to allergens in the future.

When can you start giving your baby milk?

According to the data provided by medicine to date, pure goat and cow's milk is highly discouraged for a child under 1 year old. Many important factors are cited to support this approach.

  • The product contains a huge amount of minerals that create discomfort for such a weak and unadapted organism. First of all, this is dangerous because the kidneys are greatly overloaded, processing a complex component.
  • The composition of animal milk differs markedly from the female counterpart. In particular, it has very high levels of protein and sodium. When these indicators go off scale, the risk of developing such an unpleasant condition as allergies increases.
  • The product contains too much casein and a minimum of carbohydrates. The level of iodine, zinc, vitamins E and C is too low for the normal development of a child's body.
  • For the brain to function properly, a child needs fatty acids, there are too few of them in cow's milk.
  • A low level of iron in the product can provoke the development of iron deficiency anemia in a newborn, since there will not be a necessary basis for active reproduction of red blood cells.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding can occur if milk is given daily to a baby (especially before 6 months of age).
  • Amino acids such as cystine and taurine, folic acid take part in the development of the baby. There are no such substances in milk at all, which will definitely negatively affect the child.

Families with a history of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes should be treated with extreme caution when introducing cow's milk into the baby's diet. Early consumption of the product can lead to diabetes in the future.

What types of milk can I give a small child?

Many parents are concerned not only with when the child can be given milk, but also what types of product are considered optimal for the child's body. Given the variety of modern products, it is really not always easy to decide on this.

  • First you need to decide on the fat content of the drink. Many mothers prefer to give skim milk (with a minimum level of fat) to their child. This is the most incorrect approach - the baby does not receive the necessary nutrients and is not able to develop normally. A whole food is ideal, with a fat level of around 3-4%. You can also purchase pasteurized milk, as fresh as possible, with a short shelf life.
  • Goat milk occupies a special place in the group of dairy products. The drink has a high nutritional value, a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. It significantly strengthens the immune system and is used as a remedy for recovery from illness. Experts say that it is goat's milk that should be used as an additional product when feeding children. According to parents, the drink is less likely to cause allergies in babies than its cow counterpart. Parents should pay attention to the label when they buy goat milk - it should indicate the content of folic acid. In its absence, it will be necessary to diversify the child's diet with fish, meat, legumes and cereals.
  • Lactose product. A healthy drink that can be purchased ready-made or prepared on your own. An enzyme is simply added to a regular drink, which facilitates the process of assimilation of the product by the intestines.
  • Yogurt. Great milk replacement. It is better to give it to a child from one year old. The product saturates the intestines with beneficial bacteria that stimulate the digestion process. At the same time, the risk of developing allergies is minimal. Yogurt can be consumed even by those children who are allergic to goat or cow's milk. The product can be used both in pure form and as a base for the preparation of children's sauces, puddings and creams.
  • There are sweet substitutes for dairy products on the market that are made from a vegetable base. They are not suitable for young children, they can be given to a child as a dessert when he is at least 7-8 years old.

You cannot completely refuse dairy products. After a year, milk is introduced into the diet of children without fail, since it is a source of calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary to strengthen bones, teeth, hair and nails.

What is the right way to give your baby milk?

Before giving your baby a healthy drink, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the product.

The introduction of milk into the diet is based on a number of rules.

  1. A child under one year old is given only milk formulas or breast milk. You can try goat's milk, but start with a diluted drink. For starters, it is recommended to use 1 part milk for 4 parts boiled water. In the absence of allergic manifestations and refusal of the baby, you can gradually increase the volume of the nutritional base.
  2. Skimmed and skimmed milk should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Whole milk is the best option for ages 1 to 2 years.
  4. When children turn 2 years old, a fat-free product is introduced if necessary.
  5. The daily norm of a drink at the age of 1-2 years is 700 ml. Over time, the indicator increases depending on the individual characteristics of the child and his attitude to dairy products. If the baby constantly consumes foods such as yogurt or kefir, the amount of milk can be reduced.
  6. It is necessary to consult with a specialist and understand what manifestation is characteristic of an allergy to dairy products. If such symptoms appear, milk will have to be abandoned or replaced.
  7. If a child loves a milk drink very much and is able to drink up to 1.5 liters per day, it is allowed to give him diluted goat or low-fat drink, even if he is under two years old.

You need to include dairy products in the diet with minimal portions. When the baby's body gets used to it, you can give the ingredient in larger quantities, using it both in pure form and as part of "complex" dishes.

With the question of what kind of milk and when to introduce into the baby's diet, it is better to contact a pediatrician or gastroenterologist. The specialist will analyze the child's condition and recommend the optimal time for safe administration of the product.

Dairy products are an important part of a child's balanced diet. They contain in an easily digestible form many nutrients necessary for a growing body. Milk protein has a high biological value, as it contains a complete set of essential amino acids. It is a necessary building material for all cells of a growing organism, enzymes and antibodies are made of protein molecules that protect the baby from infections. Milk fat is a great source of energy for the little fidget. Due to the fact that fat is in milk in the form of a fine emulsion (microscopic balls), it is perfectly absorbed in the intestines of the baby. Milk sugar (lactose) promotes better absorption of calcium and serves as a good environment for the development of beneficial intestinal microflora.

The most useful properties are fermented milk products, which are made by fermenting natural cow's milk under the influence of lactic acid bacteria. These include cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, etc. These products have a beneficial effect on digestion processes, stimulate the production of digestive juices and bile, improve intestinal motility, help normalize intestinal microflora, increase appetite, and strengthen the child's immune system. Fermented milk products are digested and absorbed in the body faster than milk, since in the process of life, lactic acid bacteria partially break down milk protein into smaller fragments, so that it is not only easier to digest, but also becomes less allergenic. Lactic acid formed in fermented milk products prevents the reproduction of putrefactive microflora in the intestine, moreover, lactic acid bacteria themselves produce bactericidal substances that suppress the growth of many pathogens. Under the influence of these bacteria, lactose is partially utilized, therefore, fermented milk products are much better tolerated by babies with lactase deficiency (a lack of the lactase enzyme that breaks down milk sugar) and can be used in their nutrition.

Dairy products for a child: cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the first dairy products that appears in the baby's diet. Unlike kefir, it has a low acidity and does not irritate the delicate mucous membrane of the child's intestines. It is important to note that in the diet of young children it is recommended to use only special types of cottage cheese that are intended for a given age. Children's cottage cheese is produced using a special technology, due to which all the useful properties are preserved in it and it has a more delicate consistency compared to the usual "adult" product.

Cottage cheese has a high nutritional value, as it contains milk protein in an easily digestible form. Using this product allows you to give your baby enough protein in a small amount of food. In addition, cottage cheese is one of the main sources of calcium and phosphorus necessary for the formation of the skeletal system and the growth of teeth, and their ratio in this product is close to optimal for absorption and assimilation. Also, cottage cheese is rich in vitamins: B2, B12, folic acid, vitamins B6 and PP are present in significant quantities. These substances are needed for the development of the child's nervous system and for the maintenance of normal metabolism.

They begin to give cottage cheese, like any other new type of complementary foods, with a small amount (1 / 2-1 tsp), and then, in the absence of negative reactions, gradually, within 5-7 days, bring the volume to 40 g, and by 9 months up to 50 g. The recommended age norm should not be exceeded, since with an excess of protein, the load on the enzyme and excretory systems of the crumbs increases significantly, which can lead to disruptions in their work. First, the baby is given a taste of the classic cottage cheese without additives, and after the crumb adapts to the new product and in the absence of allergies, you can diversify his menu with curds with fruit additives. Curd feed is given once a day.

Dairy products for a child: kefir

Kefir differs from other fermented milk products by a unique set of bacteria and fungi that have a beneficial effect on digestion and the formation of intestinal microflora. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, this drink has an immunostimulating effect. All of the above properties make this fermented milk product not only useful, but also curative and is especially recommended for babies with various intestinal disorders, manifestations of dysbiosis, food allergies, lactase deficiency, as well as children with weakened immunity. Only a special children's kefir is suitable for feeding the crumbs.

Kefir should be introduced into the child's diet, starting from about 20-30 ml, gradually increasing the volume to 200 ml. It happens that a child flatly refuses to drink kefir because of its sour taste, then you can offer him a more delicious alternative - baby yogurt.

Baby yogurt

For a long time, yoghurts were considered a product for adults and children over 1.5–2 years old. Currently, baby yoghurts are being produced that can be included in the menu of babies who have reached 8 months of age. Children's yogurt is milk fermented with the help of special ferments and does not contain artificial additives prohibited in the diet of babies: thickeners, flavors, dyes and preservatives. It is important that during the preparation of yoghurt there is no fermentation, therefore its acidity is much lower than that of kefir, and the taste is softer.

The scheme for introducing yogurt is the same as when introducing kefir, but the maximum amount that can be given to a baby up to a year is no more than 100 ml per day. You should start your acquaintance with this product with classic yogurt without any additives.

Home or store?

According to modern recommendations, when introducing dairy, as well as other types of complementary foods, specialists in the field of baby food give preference to industrial products. This is due to the fact that such products are manufactured under strict production control using special technologies and taking into account the peculiarities of metabolism and digestion of young children.

It is important to understand that regular “adult” dairy products are not suitable for young children. Firstly, they are produced without taking into account the physiological characteristics of the child's body and will exert a significant load on the immature organs and systems of the child. In addition, such products may not meet all the quality and safety hygiene requirements for baby food. Especially dangerous in this respect are dairy products purchased "by weight" in the markets or "from familiar grandmothers" selling "their" milk and curd.

Modern kitchen devices (yogurt makers, steamers or multicooker) allow you to prepare kefir or yogurt for a child at home using special dry starter cultures that are sold in pharmacies. For the preparation of children's dairy products, you cannot use "home" starter cultures (which someone gave you), as instead of useful ones, they may contain pathogenic microbes. Such products must be cooked at one time and not be stored, and when preparing them, take precautions: use only boiled milk, thoroughly wash and sterilize dishes and containers. Homemade meals should not be given to babies earlier than 10-12 months.

What kefir is right for a baby?

It should be noted that, depending on the fermentation time, kefir can be one-day, two-day and three-day. The fermentation process is characterized by the release of acid and ethyl alcohol into the drink. The longer the kefir sour, the correspondingly higher is its acidity and alcohol content. So, in a three-day kefir, the level of the latter reaches 0.9%, so it is better not to use such a product in the diet of young children. For babies, one-day kefir is best. It should be borne in mind that this drink has a laxative effect and is especially useful for babies prone to constipation.

When to introduce fermented milk complementary foods?

Despite all its benefits, dairy products, according to modern recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods, are among the last to appear in the baby's diet. The fact is that they are unadapted, that is, their protein, fat and carbohydrate components, as well as the amount of salts and vitamins, do not fully meet the needs of the baby, such as breast milk or adapted formulas. The high content of protein, salts and organic acids in them leads to a significant increase in the load on the still immature digestive and excretory systems of the child's body. As a result of the studies, it was proved that the early (up to 8 months) introduction of kefir or whole milk into the nutrition of infants can cause them various disorders in the digestive tract, metabolic disorders, allergies, lead to a loss of iron in the body and even provoke microbleeding in intestinal mucosa. In this regard, in the menu of children of the first year of life, fermented milk products should appear only when the gastrointestinal tract and enzyme systems, as well as the child's kidneys become sufficiently mature, that is, from about 8-9 months of age, and only in volumes not exceeding recommended age norms. Whole cow's milk, according to the modern recommendations of pediatricians and nutritionists, should not be present at all in the diet of children under one year old. It is only permissible to use it in a diluted form when preparing porridge or mashed potatoes (from 8-9 months).

With the right choice of milk for a child's diet, this drink will become a tasty assistant in strengthening and developing a child's body.

Many people think that dividing milk into baby milk and regular milk is nothing more than a clever trick of marketers, but this is not the case.

Regular store milk is not adapted to the nutritional needs of babies under 3 years old. It will not provide the expected benefits and may be hazardous to the child's health.

  • The content of fluoride and calcium in ordinary milk is 3-4 times higher than the norm permissible for children, therefore it creates an unnecessary burden on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract of the baby.
  • Due to the high concentration of casein protein, the risk of allergies increases and digestion is impaired.
  • Ordinary "milk" often contains harmful antibiotics, hormones and GMOs.

The negative effect of drinking unadapted milk at an early age can “catch up” with a child already in adulthood, provoking atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus or hypertension.



Raw materials for the production of dairy products for children are selected only on certified farms from ecologically clean zones. Farms are regularly checked by the Rosselkhoznadzor and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. All this together ensures that milk is obtained from a healthy cow without dangerous pathologies.

In addition, the raw materials must correspond to the highest grade and the 2nd group of heat resistance (according to GOST 32252–2013). There are no such strict requirements for ordinary milk.

Sanitary and hygienic indicators

Upon arrival at the plant and at the end of production, baby milk undergoes a detailed check for the presence of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, toxic elements and chemical contaminants.

The products are produced on separate lines in specially equipped shops with stricter sterility regulations than in the production of milk for general consumption.

Microbiological profile


As a container, manufacturers prefer a convenient and sealed tetrapack with good aseptic processing. This type of packaging protects baby milk from contamination at the filling stage and allows the drink to remain fresh for a long time.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 35 of the Technical Regulations, the volume of containers for dairy products for young children should be no more than 0.25 liters.

But not all manufacturers take this requirement into account.

Ultra pasteurization

The most modern and gentle way of heat treatment. It allows you to completely destroy all pathogenic microorganisms and spores, but preserve valuable protein, vitamins and minerals.

Regular milk often goes through more primitive processing through pasteurization.


The fat content of baby milk is from 2.5% to 3.5%. This fat content is natural, and not obtained from soy concentrates.

Mass fraction of protein

The mass fraction of protein, in accordance with the standard GOST 32252-2013, should be 3% - the optimal figure for a growing organism.


One of the main factors in the freshness of baby milk. The degree of acidity increases due to the multiplication of living bacteria that ferment milk sugar into lactic acid. These processes lead to undesirable changes in the composition of the drink, for example, to a decrease in the resistance of the protein to heat treatment.

GOST standards dictate to producers the norm of acidity of baby milk not higher than 19 ° Turner. For a similar drink of total consumption, the maximum value is 21 ° Turner.

In numerical terms, the difference seems insignificant, but in fact it plays a significant role in the delicate digestive tract of the baby.

Additional components

For greater benefits, baby milk is fortified with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D. Some manufacturers additionally saturate the drink with calcium or iodine.

Processing methods

There are three heat treatment methods for milk intended for babies.


The milk is kept at a temperature of 100 ° C for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, along with the entire pathogenic flora, useful substances also almost completely die.

People call this type of milk "dead" because it does not bring any harm or benefit.


This type of heat treatment is:

  • long-term (30-60 minutes at a temperature of 63-65 ° C);
  • short (30-60 seconds at 85-90 ° C);
  • instant (just a few seconds at 98 ° C).

Pasteurization allows you to preserve the vitamin and mineral composition of milk with minimal losses, but does not completely cleanse it from the spores of pathogenic bacteria. This drink has a short shelf life and cannot be considered completely safe, especially for children.

Ultra pasteurization

The most perfect way of thermal processing of dairy products.

In the process of ultra-pasteurization, milk is heated for 1-2 seconds to 135-150 ° С, and then it is sharply cooled to 4-5 ° С. High temperatures destroy all pathogens and bacterial spores, but retain the beneficial natural composition of the drink.

UHT milk can be stored for up to six months, which often confuses moms and dads. Many of them believe that this result is achieved due to preservatives, but this is not the case. It’s not about chemical additives, but about perfect asepsis.

Ultra-pasteurization is a guarantee of high quality milk. Raw materials that do not meet the standards are immediately rolled up during this type of heat treatment.

At what age to give?

A reliable answer to this question can be found in the norms World Health Organization (WHO).

  • A breastfed baby can begin acquaintance with milk as a basis for cereals and other dishes from 9 months.
  • If the baby eats infant formula, you can add milk to his food from 7-8 months.
  • Milk should be introduced as an independent drink no earlier than 1 year and only by agreement with the pediatrician.

When choosing milk for a baby, make sure that it is suitable for your baby's age. This will be indicated by the marking.

Then pay attention to the composition. The best choice is normalized or whole food.

Be sure to check the expiration date and heat treatment method... It is advisable to choose pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized milk, since both vitamins and minerals are alive in it. There will be little benefit from a sterilized beverage.

At home, having opened the package, evaluate the color of the liquid: with proper quality, it varies from deep white to pale cream. The drink should not be overly transparent - such milk has been diluted with water or passed multiple separations.

It is possible to experimentally check the purchased milk for its quality by two reliable methods:

  1. Litmus test. You will need red and blue litmus papers. If, upon contact with milk within 1-2 minutes, the red piece of paper changes its color to bright blue - the drink contains soda, which unscrupulous manufacturers add to their products to slow down souring. A change in the color of a blue piece of paper to a bright red color will indicate impurities of acidic antiseptics, such as boric or salicylic acids.
  2. Method of chemist Sergei Belkov. For those who doubt the naturalness of milk due to a long shelf life, the expert recommends adding ferment to it and putting the mixture in a warm place. The natural product ferments quickly.

Top brands


The Agusha trademark has been on the market for 30 years. During this time, she has earned the trust of not only millions of Russian mothers, but also our state, which purchases the products of this company for children's dairy kitchens.

Most parents are satisfied with the quality of this brand. But there are those who are confused by the price.

According to the results of bacteriological tests, Agusha milk is completely safe and meets all standards established in Russia.

The assortment of "Agushi" includes:

  • ultra-pasteurized fortified milk;
  • milk fortified with prebiotics to improve the digestion of babies;
  • sterilized baby cream;
  • milkshakes;
  • children's cereals with different tastes, etc.


Frutonyanya is one of the largest Russian brands for the production of baby food. Over the 10 years of its existence, this brand has collected dozens of awards for high quality and excellent taste at major exhibitions, All-Russian competitions and tasting events.

In assortment:

  • plain ultra-pasteurized milk;
  • milk fortified with vitamins;
  • special milk "Before bedtime".


Bellakt is a Belarusian brand with more than forty years of history. The company has its own farm near the famous reserve "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" with a favorable environmental situation.