Entertainment scenario for the nursery group. Entertainment for young children is a cheerful teremok. nursery group "They came to visit us

Entertainment in the nursery group on the topic: "Journey"

Rina Rifovna Yaldaeva
Material Description: The material is intended for children of the nursery group. The abstract can be used in cognitive, in physical classes.
Target: involve children in sports.
- create conditions for the protection of children (motor activity and strengthening the health of children)
- organization of various forms of motor activity
- educate interest in motor activity.

Entertainment progress:

- Guys, today we will go on a trip to the "Wonderland." We'll go there by train. Let's get into our steam locomotive (children, together with adults, stand one after another and hold on). Well, let's go: Little steam locomotive

Doo-doo-doo on the turn signals.
A cat (character) comes out and says: "Mrr, meow, hello guys. Where did you go like that? Guys, I have balls and I don't want to play alone, let's play together." (Ball game "Throw further"). Encouragement of the cat, take the cat with you.
- Well, guys, let's go further, got into the train.
The fox sits and cries.
-Oh, guys, who's crying here? (fox) Let's say hello and ask what happened to her.
Fox:"Hello guys. It was my birthday yesterday, my friends gave me a doll and I lost it. Please help me find it." (Children are looking for a pre-hidden doll). The fox thanks the children and sets off with them. (Mobile game "Catch up with the doll").
- Guys, we arrived at the station "Soldatiki". Soldiers live at this station, let's take a look at them. (Observation of insects - soldiers with the aim: to give children a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure and their characteristic features). Let's play the game "Catch me" now.
- Oh, guys, we can't go any further. There is a puddle in front of us. Let's jump over the puddles (adult demonstration). Guys, look what a beautiful meadow here, we should rest here. (There are several paper flowers on the floor). Guys, look at what beautiful and magical flowers are here. Tasks are written behind them, let's take one flower and read (show how the bunny jumps).
2 flower - meow like a cat
3 flower - how a butterfly flies
4 flower - how a cow lows.
- Now let's move on. Stop station "Medvezhonok". Mobile game "At the bear in the forest". Let's move on guys.
We're going, we're going, we're going
To distant lands
Good neighbors, happy friends.
- Here, guys, we arrived in Wonderland, and here beautiful butterflies are waiting for us (we throw paper butterflies into the air), a sun bunny (a game with a sun bunny). And now, guys, it's time for us to go back home. Let's get on the train and go doo-doo-doo.

Purpose: To evoke in children an emotional response to a game lesson and a desire to participate in it, to encourage physical activity.


  • Tutorials: (artistic and aesthetic development, physical development)
  • to learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music, to associate movements with it.
  • to educate the motor activity of children; learn to navigate in space.

2. Developing: develop emotional responsiveness to music.

  • develop attention, the ability to respond to a signal.

3. Educational: (socio-communicative development)

  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Leisure-entertainment course:

Carlson runs into the hall to the music (depicting as if flying) and Kid.

Carlson: Oh, where did you and I fly to, Kid?

Kid: There are so many children here, and they are all so small, just like me.

Educator: You are in kindergarten. But why you came, I can't understand. Who you are?

Carlson: Yes, I'm Carlson who lives on the roof, and this is my friend Malysh. We decided to fly a little, and flew, the engine was completely baroque (points to his propeller). Should have fueled up. Do you have jam?

Edit: How did I not recognize you? We don’t have jam, but today we have a sports holiday. Well, once you got to our kindergarten, you can stay and also participate in our holiday. Our children, although small, will show you how clever they are.

Kid: That's great!

Carlson: What about me? How is my motor?

Vosp: Do not worry, you are so Carlson. We will help you guys. Let's help Carlson children? (children yes!) We promise to bring you so much joy that your motor will work.

Carlson: Hurrah!

Vosp: Guys, let's show our guests how we can walk over bumps.

(The teacher lays out 5-6 hoops one after another on the carpet, shows how to step over them: raise your legs high and not step on the edge of the hoop.)

Music sounds, children walk, stepping through hoops.

Vosp: And now, Carlson and the Kid! (do the same)

Carlson: Guys, I can fly, do you want to fly? (children yes!)

Carlson: Then let's play a game with you.

The game is being played "Sparrows and the Car" . On signal "Automobile" the song sounds "Car" music by Popatenko, lyrics by Naidenov (Beep, beep, ride down the road).

Toddler: Attracts the attention of children by the sound of a bell, shows it to the children, rings them and quickly hides it behind their backs. Saying: "Ding Ding" . Then he runs to the opposite side of the hall, ringing a bell and sings: “I run, run, run,

I ring the bell." Having reached it, he quickly turns around, squats down, hides the bell behind him, spreads his arms wide to the sides and says: “Everyone run here to me, find my bell” . To the child who found the bell "Baby" lets you ring the bell.

Vosp: What an interesting game with a bell, and now let's play with balls. (Invites children and guests to sit on the floor, opposite each other, and roll balls to each other).

Carlson: Indeed, how clever your kids are! And I love when the balls jump and run away. I am moderately well-fed, but I also like to jump like a ball. Let's guys jump with you like balls!

The game is being played "My cheerful, sonorous ball" .

My cheerful, sonorous ball,
Where did you run off to?
yellow, red, blue,
Don't chase you!

Children imitate the movements of the ball, jump on the spot. into words "Don't chase you!" they run to the music, and Carlson and Malysh catch up with them.

Kid: Carlson, look, your motor has started working, it's time for us to go home! And then my mother will lose me! Let's say goodbye guys.

Malysh and Carlson: Thank you guys, we really enjoyed it see you soon. Goodbye.

Bring up: Children, let's say goodbye to our guests! (children say goodbye).

Carlson: We're flying! (run away to the music).

Entertainment scenario for the nursery group "Autumn Story".

Eliseeva Natalya Igorevna, musical director of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 7 "Kalinka", Yegorievsk
The presented scenario can be useful and used by preschool teachers
Target: Create a joyful mood in children. Cause emotional responsiveness, promote the development of interest in the world around.

Tasks: Cultivate love for nature, diligence. To form independence, goodwill, sociability, readiness to help through games, staging. Develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the signs of autumn, forest animals. Strengthen vocal and choral skills in the process of group singing. To improve the musical and rhythmic skills of children through dance, exercises, games
Main characters: leader, hedgehog

Holiday progress:

Children go to the music room to the music. They walk around the hall.
Leading: Guys, we are in the autumn forest. See how beautiful, multi-colored leaves lie on the ground: yellow, red, orange. Do you want to dance with them? Then take one piece of paper and stand in a circle (Children take leaves)
"Dance with leaves"
Leading: Here the wind blew, and all the leaves flew to the chairs (it blows on the children, the children run to the chairs. The leader collects the leaves).
It became cool outside and all the birds flew away, only one bird remained. (Draw attention to the tree on which the bird sits). Let's call the bird to us.
Song "Bird" (M. Rauchverger)
Leading: The bird seems to like our song. Guys, do you know that birds fly to warmer climes in autumn. But why did this bird stay in the forest? Let's ask her (children ask). Do you know what the bird said to me? She said she was very hungry. How can we help the bird? (thinks). Invented! I have something! (takes out the bird feeder). Look guys, do you know what it is? This is a bird feeder. It is needed to help the birds survive the cold season and not die of hunger. The feeder is hung on a tree (hung on a tree) and food is poured into it (poured). Any bird can fly into the feeder and peck at grains or bread (puts the bird in the feeder). Eat, bird! And hurry to fly away to warmer climes, because the cold is approaching. Look, guys, what a good deed we did, we fed the bird. Let's clap for ourselves (clap). Do you know what I propose - let's take a walk with you through the forest (children walk around the hall, it starts to rain)
The game "Walk and rain"
(the game is played three times)
Leading: Well done, cleverly hid from the rain. Let's sit on chairs and rest. Oh, hear, someone is walking along the path ... Who is it?
Hedgehog comes out to the music. He has a basket in his hand.
Host: Guys! Yes, it's a hedgehog!
Hedgehog: Hello! What cute kids came to visit me.
Host: Hedgehog, why do you have a basket in your hands?
Hedgehog: It's raining in the forest. And after it, a lot of mushrooms appear! Let's go collect them together? (Children answer)
Game "Collect mushrooms"[ /i]
Hedgehog: How many mushrooms have you collected! Well done! While you were helping me, a familiar bird told me that you saved her...
Leading: Yes. She was hungry, and we hung up a feeder for her and other birds.
Hedgehog: How kind and caring you are. I want to reward you for your responsiveness (distributing sweets to children). Guys, it's time for me to leave. I want to help the bird to leave our forest and get to warm countries. And in the spring she will definitely come back to us. Goodbye!
Leading: And it's time for us guys to return to the group to tell everyone about our history in the forest.
To the music, the children go to the group.

Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of the Sokolsky Municipal District Kindergarten No. 5 "Spikelet"


Health Day entertainment

in the nursery


Prepared by: Kolutina Marina Nikolaevna

Minina Tatiana Valerievna

February 2015


Purpose: To teach children coordinating movements: walking with high knees, stamping their feet, small steps.

Continue to teach children to play outdoor games with words.

Encourage children to act according to the text.

Develop a desire to play outdoor games.

Cause an emotional response to game exercises.

Tools and materials:

Audio recording of music for various walks, dumbbells made of waste material for each child, a goat mask.

Educator: Guys, do you want to go on a fabulous walk with me? Let's hurry then!

Go for a walk, kids!

Stop sleeping! It's time to walk!

We walk through the snowdrifts -

Raise your legs higher!

Music sounds, children and an adult perform walking with high knees.

On the ice paths

Quiet, quiet, our legs.

Music sounds for slow walking, the children walk in small steps.

On the snowy path

Our legs ran.

To the music, children run after an adult.

Stomping together, let's go

Shake off the boots.

Children and the teacher, standing still, stomp their feet.

For a walk we walk

Let's have fun walking!

Children follow the teacher, she brings them to a beautiful chest.

Educator: Here is a magic chest and a lock hangs on it.

The finger game "Castle" is held.

After the game, the teacher opens the chest and takes out dumbbells from it, distributes them to the children:

Bai, kachi-kachi-kachi-

In the clearing - strongmen.

Gymnastics "Strongmen" is carried out.

    “Raise the dumbbells” I.p: standing, hands with dumbbells below.

B: 1-3-lift the dumbbells up, 2-4 sp. D: 3-4r. T: cf.

2. “Hands to the sides” I.p: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells in front of the chest.

B: 1-3 spread your arms to the sides, say “Ugh!”, 2-3 sp. D: 3-4r. T: cf.

3. "Let's rest" I.p. standing, hands with dumbbells below. B1-3 tilt, put (take) dumbbells on the floor, 2-4 sp. D: 4r. T:Wed.

4. “Jump and step over” I.p: standing, hands on the belt, dumbbells lie on the floor, B: 1-4 jumps on 2 legs, 1-4 stepping over the dumbbells and back, D: 2-3r. T: cf.

Educator: We will put the dumbbells in a chest so that they are not lost, we will go further with you and start playing again.

Children follow the teacher, approach the screen. A goat (an adult in a mask) comes out from behind the screen.

Goat: Hello guys! Do you want to play with me?

The outdoor game "The goat was walking through the forest" is being held.

The goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Let's jump with you, jump, jump.

And kicking legs, kicking, kicking.

And clap hands, clap, clap

And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp.

And then we run, we run, we run

And joyfully mark, mark, mark!

Children perform movements and sounds behind the goat.

Educator: Come on, guys, let the goat go home, he is already tired, it's time for him to go home. Yes, and it's time for us to return from our fabulous walk. We are going to the "Carousel" and go to kindergarten.

The mobile game "Carousel" is held.

After the game, children are invited to quietly walk around and breathe:

Educator: We inhale deeply through the nose,

We breathe out through the mouth.

We returned to the kindergarten, we will play here now.

Children are encouraged to play games of interest.


1. Sokolova L. A. Physical education for children 3-4 years old

publishing houseKaro, St. Petersburg,20122. Koldina D.N. "Game classes with children 1-2 years old", SC Sphere, Moscow, 2013.3. Vlasenko O.P., Kovrigina T.V., Mezentseva V.N., Pavlova O.V. “Complex classes according to the program“ From birth to school ”edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, the first junior group, "Teacher", Volgograd, 2012.

Tatiana Voronina
Sports leisure-entertainment for children of nursery and 1st junior groups: "Visiting children"

Physical culture leisure-entertainment for children of nursery and 1 younger groups: "IN guests to children» .

Target: Call at children an emotional response to a game lesson and a desire to participate in it, to encourage physical activity.


1. Educational: (artistic and aesthetic development, physical development)

To learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music, to associate movements with it.

Cultivate physical activity children; learn to navigate in space.

2. Educational: develop emotional responsiveness to music.

Develop attention, the ability to respond to a signal.

3. Educational: (socio-communicative development)

Cultivate kindness towards each other.

move leisure-entertainment:

Carlson runs into the hall to the music (depicting as if flying) and Kid.

Carlson: Oh, where are you and I flew to, Baby?

Baby: There are so many children and they're all so small, just like me.

caregiver: You are in kindergarten. But why you came, I can't understand. Who you are? Carlson: Yes, I'm Carlson, who lives on the roof, and this is my friend Malysh. We decided to fly a little, and flew, the engine was completely baroque (points to his propeller). Should have fueled up. Do you have jam?

Play: How did I not recognize you right away. We don’t have jam, but today we have a sports holiday. Well, once you got to our kindergarten, you can stay and also participate in our holiday. Our children, although small, will show you how clever they are.

Baby: That's great!

Carlson: And what about me? How is my motor?

Play: Don't worry, you are so Carlson. We will help you guys. Let's help Carlson children? (children yes) We promise to bring you so much joy that your motor will work.

Carlson: Hooray!

Play: Guys, let's show our guests how we can walk through bumps.

(The teacher lays out 5-6 hoops one by one on the carpet, shows how to step over them: raise your legs high and do not step on the edge of the hoop.)

Music sounds, children walk, stepping through hoops.

Play: And now, Carlson and the Kid! (do the same)

Carlson: And I can fly, guys, do you want to fly? (children yes)

Carlson: Then let's play a game with you.

The game is being played "Sparrows and the Car". On signal "Automobile" the song sounds "Car" music by Popatenko, lyrics by Naidenov (Beep, beep, ride down the road).

Baby: Attracts attention children the sound of a bell, shows it children, rings them and quickly hides behind his back. sentencing: "Ding Ding". Then he runs to the opposite side of the hall, ringing a bell and hums: "I'm running, running, running,

I ring the bell." Having reached, he quickly turns around, squats down, hides the bell behind him, spreads his arms wide to the sides and speaks: “Everyone run here to me, find my bell”. To the child who found the bell "Baby" lets you ring the bell.

Play: What an interesting game with a bell, and now let's play with balls. (Suggests children and guests sit on the floor, against each other, and roll balls to each other).

Carlson: And the truth is, how clever your kids are! And I love when the balls jump and run away. I am moderately well-fed, but I also like to jump like a ball. Let's guys jump with you like balls!

The game is being played "My cheerful, sonorous ball".

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

yellow, red, blue,

Don't chase you!

Children imitate the movements of the ball, jump on the spot. into words "Don't chase you!" they run to the music, and Carlson and Malysh catch up with them.

Baby: Carlson, look, your motor has started working, it's time for us to go home! And then my mother will lose me! Let's say goodbye guys.

Kid and Carlson: Thank you guys, we really enjoyed it see you soon. Goodbye.

Bring up: Children let's say our goodbye guests! (children say goodbye).

Carlson: We're all flying! (run away to the music).

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