Stylish classic for women. Classic clothes - the rules for creating a universal fashionable image

Classical style is often confused with English, however, despite the similarity, these directions differ from each other. The classics allow some softening of the lines, a slightly bolder color scheme, fashionable notes and modern "advanced" solutions. While remaining puritanical, the traditional classic offers its admirers plenty of opportunities to look great!

As you know, translated from lat. classicus - means exemplary (exemplary). A model is something to be equaled to, something to aspire to. That is why the classic is the standard of all styles. The secret of the strength of the classics is in the integrity of the image, the number of little things, accessories that could be beaten is minimal. The classical direction is traditional, it includes strictness, discipline, but does not impose stiffness. Tact, but not pedantry, distance, but not arrogance. Strong, educated business people always prefer to maintain their wardrobe in a classic style. The fabrics used for classic outfits are of perfect quality, expensive, luxurious. Sophistication, refinement of lines, a minimum of distracting trifles - these are the main "buoys" in the ocean of classics.

Characteristic features of the style

The characteristic features of the style are:

  • simplicity and elegance;
  • luxury and excellent quality products;
  • lack of ruffles, sequins;
  • formal dresses, structured suits;
  • elegant beautiful shoes;
  • minimal accessories.

Classic oblige

It is unacceptable to wear a formal three-piece suit to work, and to wear jeans with a turtleneck or T-shirt in the movies. Style must be followed in everything - this is the calling card of a person. There are situations when you meet a lover of the classics at work, during your holidays in a Hawaiian shirt or bicycle shorts. This should not be done, especially being carried away by the classical style.

Well, if the choice fell on luxurious rigor, it should be traced in the entire wardrobe - from underwear to headwear. Moreover, today it is very easy to pick up a toilet in the classics, even for picking berries! Of course, we are not talking about shooters on pantyhose or a bathing suit with a bow tie. You should choose more appropriate models, styles, pay attention to the material and its color.

Who to wear

First of all, a rational person. People who no longer listen to the voice of reason, but to emotions, will feel stuffy in a strict chic suit. Aesthetes and punctuals by nature, leaders, successful business people - this is whose choice of a classic wardrobe will be justified.

What to wear with (accessories)

Either very expensive exquisite jewelry, or its complete absence. Natural jewelry, not dazzling with an abundance of multi-colored stones. Women should completely abandon earrings, or choose those that will not protrude beyond the edge of the earlobe. With regard to rings, pendants and beads, minimalism triumphs. Neckerchiefs, stoles will help to add femininity to a casual business suit.

What to wear (bags, cases, briefcases)

Of course, the podium goes to the skin. Natural expensive material in impeccable finish with luxury fittings. As for the shape, standard geometric shapes are welcome - a square, a rectangle, a trapezoid. with small or medium handles, only a tablet bag can go on the shoulder, in other cases the bag should be carried in hands. Sometimes envelope bags (a la Chanel) are appropriate. As for briefcases and folders, there is strictness in everything: expensive leather in dark shades, preferably natural black and brown, sometimes gray, the number of pockets, zippers and fasteners should be kept to a minimum.

Taming of the Shrew. Hairstyle, makeup

Ladies should choose, replete with styling options. Short to medium length hair can be elegantly styled in natural strands, should be collected in a ponytail, snail or bun. Hair color should be as close to natural as possible, although the classic style (unlike English) allows for slight deviations dictated by fashion.

Soft, natural, but strict and thought out to the smallest detail, always an even complexion.

To work, negotiations, meetings

As they say, the first impression cannot be made a second time ... The suit must correspond to the idea of ​​​​the ideal image of a business person. An impeccable hairstyle, perfectly ironed clothes, expensive elegant jewelry, a solid Swiss watch, a bag or briefcase made of luxurious materials. Speech, facial expressions, gestures, behavior - a continuation of the external appearance. Everything is in place, everything is in tune.

It is better not to combine parts from different costumes. The most correct decision would be to choose a suit with a semi-fitting cut made of dense fabric. If there is a T-shirt in the suit, it may differ from the main color.

In fact, there are a lot of colors and shades corresponding to the classical style. It is only necessary to limit those that are unnatural, catchy, bright or ambiguous. by the most optimal for every day are black, grey, blue, brown, white and ivory.

Drawing in a business suit It is appropriate only when it does not focus on itself. Ribbed, plaid, polka dot or striped outfits can look both formal and stylish. The main thing in the selection of these toilets is to adhere to the measure.

By the way, the little black dress, which simply must be in any women's wardrobe, is the very classic of the genre. Dress length: plus - minus 10 - 12 cm above or below the knee. The cut is traditional - refined simplicity. Appropriate and at work, and at the celebration, and on vacation.

Fabrics, cut

Straight, sometimes fitted silhouette. Simplicity of forms and sophistication of content. Accentuated shoulder line. Trousers are direct or made narrower from top to bottom, arrows. The length and shape of skirts, jackets or jackets varies according to fashion trends. Of the materials, preference is given to woolen crepe, gabardine, flannel, satin, cotton, linen. From light fabrics - chiffon and natural silk.

The classic style has no restrictions on gender, age, or strict criteria for height and weight. This choice of clothes can become the hallmark of a person who is ready to combine charm, rigor and sophistication throughout his life. A man of classic style, like his suit, is luxurious, elegant and impeccable!

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, we regularly hear statements like these:

My clothing style is classic.

I like "classic"


Meanwhile, many themselves do not know what a classic is. And this style is not at all worn in everyday life, although for some reason it is called that way.

A couple of years ago I did a joint project with Cosmopolitan. It was necessary to change the clothes of the girls, the winners of the competition, but not to change their usual style of clothing. Therefore, I asked them in advance about their preferences, and also asked them to provide a few photos in their usual clothes.

Several of the contestants described their style as "classic" while posting photos of them wearing black lace and miniskirts...

And this is not an isolated case. For 15 years of work in the field of image and style creation, I have clearly understood that almost no one knows what the classic style of clothing really is!

Classic style in clothes

If very briefly - when you say "classic", then the following bow flies before the eyes of the stylist:

What did you mean?

Let's talk about the classics? And most importantly, why these clothes no longer need to be worn, and moreover, there is even nowhere to buy them!

The classic style of clothing refers to protocol styles. And this means that he is conservative and extremely strict. The people who wear it, and you can already count them on the fingers, perform a representative function.

Therefore, we must carefully ensure that their appearance does not cause controversy or, what happens, international conflicts.

Imagine, “classics” are worn by monarchs, high-ranking officials, politicians and diplomats.

Do you understand what our surprise is when, out of the blue, a girl who is far from these professions suddenly declares that she wears classics? For what?! And where does she find clothes in this style? It's not easy to buy. It’s even simply impossible to buy when it comes to women’s wardrobe. It is almost not sewn, because it cannot be sold. They don't wear it like that anymore!

A great example of a classic style in a women's wardrobe - the series "The Good Wife" / Good Wife

The classic style is

Suit style, "buttoned up"

Without bare arms and legs (long sleeves and tights ALWAYS)

Modest colors (blue, gray, black, wine, chocolate)

Natural EXPENSIVE materials (silk, cashmere)

No prints on clothes, only scarves

Pearl studs and string of pearls, Roman dial watch

Cleaned hair and matte natural makeup;

Always shoes with a closed toe with a heel NOT higher than 5-6 cm

Fixed styles of clothes that are forbidden to change and that scream #so they don't wear

This is a great set of things for Queen Elizabeth, but note that Kate Middleton rarely dresses like this. Only for important protocol events. And Michelle Obama has long spat on protocol events. If she dresses in "classics", American women will laugh at her.

The thing is that society has long come to the conclusion that you need to live comfortably and beautifully, fashionably and modernly. This is exactly what the "classic" forbids.

And if we talk about the style that reminds us of the remnants of the "classics" in the lives of ordinary people, this is business formal - a strict and even conservative, business style.

But, no matter who you ask (of those who claimed to wear classics), they can’t stand business style, but consider it a word of abuse and insult! You see, he does not allow them to express themselves through clothing.

So, the classic was generally invented so that no one would express themselves through clothing, so that clothes would be “silent”, so that everyone would look the same, modest, restrained, dry and predictable. Therefore, the classic style of clothing has sunk into oblivion. And it is honestly worn by the older generations of monarchs. And then - hooligans and violate! After all, Queen Elizabeth II rebelled against the boring palette of classical style from the very beginning.

A great example of the need to use protocol style is the meeting with the Queen. Elizabeth II wears the "classic" according to the protocol, and Jolie masterfully turned out and put on a suit in a feminine style. Restrained, but decorated with a complex cut, which is unacceptable in the classics. Angie's bare fingers are also American freedom-loving and fashionable hooliganism. :-)

Business formal (very similar to the classics) is needed by conservative professions.

Bankers and lawyers, bureaucrats and everyone else who must inspire confidence and demonstrate reliability in dealing with other people's money and public opinion should dress in a way that pleases the majority. Well, or at least make a neutral impression.

Therefore, when it comes to women's conservative business wardrobe, it is no coincidence that HR begs:

Do not wear bright

Transparent, lace, leather, latex do not wear

Leopard and flowered - no, no

To be underwear, but to be inconspicuous

Toes with a beautiful pedicure hidden in shoes with a closed toe

Leave high platforms (over 1.5 cm) for strippers

Mini-skirts, maxi-skirts and sundresses - for holidays and the beach

Do not wear shapeless jerseys, but wear strict and concise jackets!

Everything makes sense, right?

We still have not figured out what those who claim to wear and love the classics mean.

Classic or basic wardrobe?

One of the versions is that these girls mean basic things. That is, clothes of a simple cut and neutral color. Usually at this moment they point the finger at blue jeans, a beige sweater and pumps with huge stilettos, a knitted dress and a cotton blouse (which is unacceptable in the classics - only silk!).

Meet - urban style / basic things!

Well, sorry, beauties, THIS clothes have nothing to do with the wardrobe of Elizabeth II and the classic style in general! Have you seen Svetlana Medvedeva come to the St. Petersburg forum in a stretched sweater? No. She is always in a long-sleeved sheath dress or a suit with a silk blouse with a bow.

Classic clothing style

The basic things belong to the modern casual style, which loudly and decisively, in one fell swoop, crossed out everything that the classic lived. Sending her to nowhere.

And the basic things have an insidious feature. If you buy them in neutral colors (beige, gray, black), and most of them do, then looking at the reflection in the mirror, you will say: “How boring it is!” And you will be right.

Now let's look at the images below.

Not boring at all, right? Secret? Each bow should have the center of the composition, the so-called "emphasis". If you are buying basics in neutral tones, then the center of the composition is YOU! Therefore, they are advertised on those girls who are good in a potato bag. :-)

Want also? Take care of the hair color that really suits you, the right styling, good makeup, well-groomed skin, a toned figure (or create the illusion of one by correcting it with the right cut of clothes), as well as the quality and fit of the basic wardrobe!

If the mission, for some reason, is impossible, then shift the focus from yourself to things. Use rich colors, create unusual combinations, use a variety of textures, buy things with a print. And this is an advanced level.

In addition to the base, a mountain of “raisins” lives in the wardrobe of every girl! These things are usually full of difficulties.

There is nowhere to wear it, there is nothing to combine it with, “I don’t know why I bought it”, but “firstly, it’s beautiful.”


Forget the classics. Base - buy! And there are a lot of modern "raisin" styles. And if you want the perfect wardrobe, then you need to learn how to combine things stylishly, beautifully and competently.

So much to know and be able to a girl armed with a wallet, right? :-)

For those who are not intimately familiar with the classic style, it may seem boring and outdated. But women who know a lot about fashion and know how to dress well give preference to him. Because to tell about the impeccable taste, practicality, constancy, wise attitude to life and inimitable femininity of the hostess of things, only the classic style of clothing is fully capable.

Elegance and good taste will never go out of style!

A wardrobe in this style is a guarantee that you will be admired and taken seriously. This is a guarantee of a serious, respectful attitude at work, trust from business partners, systematic promotion through the ranks and reverent worship from men in an informal setting. In such clothes you will always feel confident. From work, you can go to a festive event or to the theater - and not look stupid at the same time. If you have not yet decided on your style - feel free to bet on the classics, you will not lose.

In addition, things in a classic style are extremely functional and practical. Nothing in them interferes with movement - bending, squatting and even running (if you suddenly need it). They are cozy and comfortable. Any of them goes well with the other, so you can make a lot of sets from a jacket, cardigan, vest, blouse, skirt and trousers. Well, one more advantage - they serve for a long time, for a very long time, because they do not depend on fashion and always remain relevant. Classical things can get boring, but never become outdated.

Restrained colors and sophisticated accessories

Character traits

The main thing that distinguishes the classic style of women's clothing from others is a sense of proportion. "Nothing more" - that's his main motto. It is designed to emphasize the natural, natural beauty of a woman. This is facilitated by:

  1. Simple, elegant cut - adjacent or semi-adjacent; the waist is always in its natural place.
  2. Minimum openness: the neckline is shallow, the skirt is slightly above or slightly below the knee, the slit is small.
  3. The colors are restrained, not flashy: shades of black, brown, dark blue, beige.
  4. The pattern is simple: herringbone, houndstooth, vertical stripe, plaid.
  5. Minimum finishing: no draperies, sequins, beads and other "special effects".
  6. Natural fabrics: tweed, silk, velvet, jersey, wool.
  7. Jewelry is discreet but elegant: stud earrings, a string of pearls, brooches - no more than three elements at the same time.
  8. Bag - a simple shape, without pretentiousness: round, oval, rectangular, square. Finishing - traditional: buckles and a classic clasp.
  9. Elegant shoes: pumps with heels no higher than 7 cm.

Special requirements are imposed on each item included in the "classic" wardrobe.

  • The dress is strict, according to the figure - closed or with a small neckline. The sleeve is set-in, fitting. The classic style of clothing in the summer allows for an option with straps. Suitable styles: little black dress, sheath dress, wrap dress, A-line dress.
  • The jacket must be single-breasted in a straight or semi-adjacent silhouette. Length - up to the upper third or middle of the thighs. The sleeve is not too narrow and not too wide. All buttons (both on the board and on the sleeves) should be plain and in color match the tone of the jacket. Pockets are framed with a flap.
  • The skirt can be straight, wide or tapered to the bottom, A-shaped. A slot or cut (shallow) is placed in front, behind or on the side. Length - slightly above or slightly below the knee. "Classic" styles: pencil skirt, godet, peplum skirt, straight.
  • Pants should be straight cut, sometimes a slight narrowing to the bottom is acceptable. Arrows are a must.
  • The “classic” blouse has a turn-down collar on the stand or a moderate rounded neckline.

Choice of classic clothing style

Varieties of classic clothing style

Some deviations from these rules are possible, and they are caused by the existence of varieties of the classical style.

business style

This branch makes a allowance for the peculiarities of working in the office: nothing should distract from it. Therefore, there is not even a hint of femininity: a minimum of details, the almost complete absence of decorative elements. Business style allows a little more volume and borrowing from sports style. Elegance is preserved from the classic in it, convenience is taken from the sporty one. Loose raglan sleeve, zip fastening, buttons - the moments that provide it. Under the suit, in addition to a straight-cut blouse, you can wear a turtleneck or a thin sports jumper. The skirt can be pleated or pleated.

Strict classic style of clothing

Style "Dandy"

He is characterized by the desire to show sophisticated chic in clothes. Every detail is carefully thought out. Once it was a purely masculine trend in fashion, but over time it was adopted by women, having undergone corresponding changes.

English style

This rather conservative and strict style demonstrates a deviation in the other direction compared to the classic business style of clothing. Here it is still more limited by certain limits. The motto of this style is "Impeccability and luxury." The British are a reserved people, not accustomed to flaunt their emotions. In addition, they are accustomed to approaching everything thoroughly, and not chasing momentary benefits. Hence the adherence to traditions, time-tested, and conciseness in clothing. Blazers and jackets made in the English style should sit strictly on the figure. All components of the costume must necessarily be combined with each other not only in color, but also in the texture of the fabric. Fabrics - certainly expensive, natural. By the way, England has long been famous for its wool and the fabrics that are made from it - tweed, cashmere, drape, jersey.

Chanel style

It got its name from the world-famous French designer Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel. Its characteristic features are elegant practicality and versatile functionality. Coco Chanel freed women from long, tangled skirts, gave them trousers and a short haircut. The little black dress - an indispensable outfit in any situation - is her invention. The Chanel suit emphasizes not only efficiency, but also femininity. It may contain some decorative elements: buttons stylized as gold and silver, a blouse collar tied with a bow, trim, piping, cord or fringe, buckles, a belt with a chain.

Classic clothing style 2016

It is not necessary to expect any special novelties in the classical style. Changes to it are extremely rare. Fashion designers can afford the manifestation of some imagination only in its business, office version. So, this year they offered the following variations on the theme.

A plaid suit is designed to revive the gray office routine. The cage can be anything: large, small, goose foot. Scottish looks especially good.

Two-piece suits, consisting of a cropped jacket and a pencil skirt, will not lose their positions. The highlight can be a strap worn over a heavily fitted jacket.

Another trend is women's suits, made in a deliberately rough, masculine style. The set includes a tailored jacket and slightly cropped loose trousers with an arrow.

Olga Belskaya

Classic style women's clothing Business classic style

Videos classic style for women

What is good about the classics is its timeless position in relation to other styles. New trends in the fashion world come, turn women's heads, and soon leave, making room for the next trends and tendencies. Whether it's a classic style of clothing - unlike its counterparts, it is so firmly entrenched in the fashion Olympus that no new trends can shake it.


It is difficult to say exactly when the classical style of clothing was born, since it seems to exist outside the framework of the temporal and geographical paradigm. However, we can say that to a large extent its formation was influenced by the fashion of Great Britain, starting in the 17th century. Puritan style with its rigor and minimalism laid the foundations of the modern classical style. The emergence of the feminist movement also had an impact on the formation of the canons of fashionable classics, because initially only men wore classic suits. Such masters Cristobal Balenciaga and Coco Chanel made their contribution to the formation of classicstyle postulates. The role of the latter is especially great: Mademoiselle Coco managed to become the queen of women's classics, and not a single female fashion designer has been able to challenge this title so far.

Despite the fact that the foundations of classical fashion are monolithic and unshakable, like granite, over time, some details still change. Fashion trends and new trends make their way into the realm of the classics, preventing it from becoming ossified and outdated.

Classic style of clothing: what is it based on?

The classical style has come a long way, during which it has managed to become truly exemplary (by the way, the word "classic" comes from the Latin "classicus", which is translated as "exemplary"). It is based on the following principles:

  • elegance;
  • harmony;
  • proportionality;
  • restraint;
  • self-esteem;
  • lack of trendy details, silhouettes, color schemes;
  • functionality;
  • knowing of limits;
  • severity;
  • femininity.

Classic style is often mixed with business. These two directions do have common features, but they are not identical concepts. The business style simply inherited the features of the classic, as it is associated with success, good breeding, impeccable manners and similar taste. Proof of this is the immortal images in which the world remembers Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher.

Distinctive features

The classic style of clothing is characterized by a harmonious combination of simplicity and incredible femininity. A virtuoso cut, the use of solid, high-quality and expensive materials makes it possible to emphasize the dignity of every woman.

The abundance of ruffles, huge bows, flashy colors, defiantly high heels, deep necklines, mini skirts - all this is unacceptable in the classics.

Main components

  • Dress- the foundation of the classic style in women's clothing. It can be very different - it all depends on the purpose, the figure of its owner and the goals that the dress is intended to serve. The best option is a sheath dress knee-length or slightly lower. It is desirable that the color be restrained - black, blue, white, any of the pastel shades. Of the prints, only unobtrusive and discreet patterns are allowed - a cage, a thin strip, small polka dots, "chicken foot", "herringbone". As for the length, it is dictated by the time of day and the purpose of the dress. So, for the first half of the day, a midi dress is suitable, while for an evening social event, a maxi-length model (unlike the daytime version, an evening dress made in a classic vein even involves cuts and a neckline).
  • Suit with trousers or skirt. Simplicity rules here. Both the lower part of the suit and the jacket should be made quite minimalistic, have a strict cut and fit perfectly. Pay attention to the material - tweed, fine wool, jersey are best suited for a classic suit, linen in the summer version.
  • Blouse. It can be moderately strict, moderately feminine, both tight-fitting and spacious (in this case, the blouse should be made of lightweight materials such as chiffon or silk). The color of the blouse should be restrained and non-flashy.
  • Shoes. She may have a heel, but it should not be too high - up to 6-7 cm. Pumps, neat boots or ankle boots that do not sin with an abundance of catchy decor - this is what is useful for creating an image in a classic style.
  • Accessories. There shouldn't be many of them. It is desirable that the jewelry be discreet, modest and expensive. A string of pearls, a thin watch, an elegant strap, a silk scarf - all this can decorate its owner, dressing a la classic.

Celebrities dressing in classic style

Celebrities are often role models - on the red carpet, during press conferences and interviews, they look their best. But in everyday life they often give themselves the opportunity to relax, preferring comfortable jeans, worn-out sneakers and spacious training sweatshirts. And only some of them even in everyday life "keep the mark", putting on things in a classic style. These include Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria and others.

The choice is yours

If you have not yet decided on your style, then the classic can be a great option. It is good because it fits harmoniously into almost any situation, emphasizing the dignity of a woman, her sense of taste and impeccable style.

Nothing in this world is permanent, great minds say, but it is not. Classic - it has not gone out of fashion and has not lost its relevance for more than a hundred years. The classic style has not lost its relevance even now, especially in women's clothing.

Every season, modern designers create new images of the classic style in women's clothing, but they all share common features: charm, elegance and rigor. A woman dressed in a classic style attracts attention and arouses admiration.

The history of the classic style of women's clothing

Classic clothing for women was widely used at the beginning of the 20th century, when the fair sex had the opportunity to work in the same organizations with men. To get this opportunity, the young ladies had to adhere to strict dress code rules. For work, it was customary to wear straight dark-colored skirts, blouses without decor and shoes without heels.

It was believed that in such an image a woman would not look beautiful, would not attract the attention of men, thereby distracting them from work, but the authors of this idea were very mistaken. It turned out that the new style looks so interesting that it literally opens the girl from the other side. All the designers of that time rushed to develop images of the classic style in clothes for women who no longer wanted to look the same.

Classic English clothing style (with photo)

The British are considered the founders of the classical style in clothing. They are calm, slow and somewhat prim in their way of life - all this is reflected in the outfits. Dresses with a classic cut, elegant hats, pumps and discreet jewelry - all this came to us from the shores of foggy Albion.

You can get an idea of ​​what the modern English classical style looks like by looking at examples with photos of the English Royal Family. The Queen, Duchess of Cambridge and other representatives of the family look elegant, restrained and beautiful. The style of the lady, which is supported in their clothes, dictates the rules for many years and gives fresh ideas to girls from all over the world. Attention to the photo.

Basic elements of a serious dress code

  • A dress with a classic cut is the main element in the clothes of this style; absolutely every girl has it. To wear such outfits it is absolutely not necessary to go to work, such a dress will be appropriate almost everywhere. After all, it does not have to be things of a dark color of medium length from a dark-colored fabric. It can be outfits of all colors, only the shades should be discreet and flashy, but calm and deep. Pastel, dirty pink, sand, emerald, blue, red and, of course, black dresses are considered ideal.

  • Women's trouser suits. Unlike the middle of the last century, now a woman can be found much more often in trousers than in a skirt, this is convenient and practical, but doesn’t this depersonalize the fair sex? Doesn't make her look too much like a man? Not at all, properly tailored trousers emphasize the curves of the figure so much and help hide her flaws that the girl looks irresistible. A pattern, for example, a cage or a stripe, as well as textured fabrics and some purely feminine elements, such as discreet lace and frills, can diversify a women's costume.

  • Jackets and jackets must be in the wardrobe of a woman who maintains a classic style of clothing. They can be successfully combined with straight strict skirts, trousers and even worn over a dress on a cool day.

  • Blouses in a classic style, unlike jackets and trousers, give designers much more room for imagination. A variety of models of blouses can be used here from a strict fitted style made of satin, cotton or flowing silk and flying chiffon. More varied colors are also allowed, polka dots, flowers, geometric patterns and cucumbers are acceptable.

  • Cashmere or wool coat. Most cute girls can not do without outerwear. The classic style suggests wearing a cashmere or wool coat with a fitted or slightly loose silhouette, possibly trimmed with fur and fabric elements.

Accessories you can't do without

No matter how beautiful the clothes are, only accessories can breathe life into the image. If you can save a little on the cost of clothes, then this is unacceptable here. Expensive accessories can turn the simplest dress into a luxurious outfit, but, in turn, cheap jewelry can do the same with an expensive suit.

Accessories of a real lady in a classic style should contain:

  1. Shoes. Of course, this is a must-have accessory for any style of clothing, you can only do without it on the beach. But in a classic style, shoes are special. It must be made of genuine leather and look expensive and of high quality. The ideal option is pumps for the warm season, ankle boots for the cold. Shoes should be low-heeled, of soothing colors, and free of studs and chains.
  2. Hat. Modern women practically do not wear hats, but if such a desire arises, then the classic style is just what you need. An elegant miniature headpiece under a dress or a wide-brimmed felt hat under a cashmere coat will perfectly complement the look.
  3. Handbag. This is not just an accessory, but a necessity. Keys and a mobile phone, without these things a modern woman does not go out into the street. Unlike many others, the classic style does not allow you to put these things into your pockets, so you can’t do without a handbag. The size can be anything, from a small clutch for going to the theater, to a large bag that should fit folders with documents, it all depends on the occasion.
  4. Decorations. A win-win option is pearls. Stud earrings and a string of natural pearls around the neck suit the vast majority of classic looks. Calm, balanced jewelry of regular shapes made of expensive materials is well suited: brooches, pendants on chains, earrings, necklaces and watches. In a classic style, it is very important not to overdo it and not confuse evening decorations with those that are appropriate during the day. A necklace with precious stones will not fit a business suit, but it will perfectly complement a modest dress at a dinner party.

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