Lip scrub made from coffee and honey. Lip scrub at home: effective tips and recommendations. Pros and cons of homemade scrubs

Lip care in winter requires the mandatory use of scrubs. They become not only a lifesaver when your lips become chapped. But they also allow you to prevent such conditions, provide high-quality care for your sponges, ensure deep penetration of emollients and give your lips an attractive appearance: a bright natural color and a soft shine.

Benefits of homemade scrubs

You can find a huge variety of lip care products on sale today. Lip scrub is no exception. But is it worth using ready-made formulations, which are quite expensive, if making equally effective ones at home is not at all difficult! Moreover, home remedies are preferable: they have a gentle effect on the skin, since they contain only natural ingredients (you are also confident in their quality). They contain no fragrances or preservatives, so there is no risk of allergic reactions.

Plus, a homemade scrub can be simply delicious! For example, honey and sugar lip scrubs are very popular. Reviews of each product demonstrate their effective effect on the skin, quickly removing dry particles, and returning it to a healthy appearance. No purchased product should be accidentally licked or swallowed without causing harm to health. And homemade - quite!

How to use it correctly

It is important not only to know how to make a lip scrub at home, but also to use it correctly. Perform this procedure once a week if the skin is peeling or cracked. Or twice a week if your skin is in good condition but you want to give it a healthier look. Carry out the procedure as follows.

  • Prepare your lips. To do this, dip a cloth in hot water, wring it out well and apply it to the sponges. Hold for 5 minutes and blot them dry with a napkin. Preheating will make the product more effective.
  • Apply the composition only to dry lips. Do this with massaging movements, covering all their areas. Massage for about 2 minutes, but without force. If you use a product without a distinct scrub consistency, you can massage your sponges not with your finger, but with a soft-bristled toothbrush. But also effortless!
  • Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a napkin. You should not rub the sponges, as the skin after a massage is too susceptible to external factors, and irritation may begin.
  • Apply nourishing cream or moisturizing balm to your lips after the procedure. This is extremely important, despite the presence of moisturizing additives. Do not use regular hygienic lipstick, as it does not have a nourishing effect on the skin, but only covers it with a protective film.


The simplest, most delicious and at the same time effective is a lip scrub made from honey and sugar. There are many low- and high-ingredient recipes based on these main ingredients. At the same time, honey takes care of the renewal of the skin, eliminates irritation, and stimulates the healing of wounds. And sugar works as an exfoliating ingredient, therefore, moisturizing components are necessarily used in combination with it.

Try this recipe:

  1. mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a teaspoon of sugar. Grind the ingredients together, and then add half a spoon of olive oil;
  2. Apply to lips and massage. As you peel, you will feel the sugar dissolving on your lips.

Sugar lip scrub

You can use the simplest recipe.

  1. Add a few drops of water to a teaspoon of sugar to obtain a thick consistency.
  2. Apply to lips and massage, rinse with warm water.
  3. Then grease the sponges with olive oil.

Add grapefruit to the composition and you will get a rejuvenating product with fruit acids.

  1. Mix 3 teaspoons of sugar with 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice.
  2. Add a spoonful of heated honey and the same amount of olive oil.
  3. Rub the product in for 30 seconds, rinse with warm water.
  4. The remaining portion can be stored in the refrigerator for another week.

Honey lip scrub

Honey is a nourishing agent for the skin of the lips in itself, so they are recommended to lubricate it before going to bed in winter. If your lips begin to peel, mix liquid honey and baking soda in equal proportions, apply to them and massage. Olive oil, which perfectly nourishes the skin, can enhance the healing effects of honey. If the effect of soda is too aggressive, replace it with ground coffee: mix coffee sediment with honey, olive oil and cinnamon in equal proportions. This product will make your lips sensual and beautiful.

It is recommended to prepare a homemade lip scrub for literally one procedure. But if there is any product left, do not throw it away. Place it in a glass jar, put it in the refrigerator and use it in a week. It is not worth storing the home remedy for longer, because it does not contain preservatives, and its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

Dry and cracked lips are a problem that affects every woman. However, simply moisturizing your skin is not enough.

This will require special care, including peeling. This attractive part of the female body needs to cleanse dead skin cells.

And nothing will cope with this problem as well as a scrub. This wonderful exfoliating remedy can be made at home.

A natural scrub will soften the skin of your lips and moisturize it well. Such products are useful during hot and frosty periods, when exposed to different temperatures.

At this time, therapeutic exfoliating compositions provide the lips with protection and nutrition, make their color brighter, and resist the appearance of cracks and dryness.

Advantages over store-bought products

Homemade formulations are good because they do not contain foreign components. And the price, compared to store-bought scrubs, is significantly different.

Benefits of homemade lip peeling formulations:

  • No allergic reactions.
  • Quality.
  • Low price.
  • The ability to use components at your discretion.
  • Availability of necessary ingredients.
  • Productivity.

The most the main thing is that the peeling agent has a delicate and soft structure, and its abrasive particles could dissolve.

As a base, it is better to take ethers, decoctions of medicinal herbs, natural vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, corn, almond, sunflower, etc.

Auxiliary components may be:

  • sugar;
  • soda;
  • salt.

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems. Homemade peeling compounds have their disadvantages:

  • short shelf life;
  • It’s quite difficult to choose the ingredients for a scrub for a certain skin type.

Basic rules of use

Before peeling you need to prepare the skin of your lips. First it should be steamed. A cotton pad or towel is soaked in hot water and then applied to the lips.

The steaming procedure is carried out several times. A well-heated surface will allow you to get the maximum effect from home peeling.

Apply the composition with your fingertips and gently rub in in a circular motion. Caution is required at this stage.

Do not rub, stretch, or put too much pressure on the treated area., since there is a possibility of microtrauma.

You need to apply a homemade scrub not only to your lips, but also to the area around them. You can exfoliate using a regular toothbrush with soft bristles.

After applying the product and massaging the skin, leave the composition for some time so that the skin is completely saturated with all the nutritional components. The optimal time is 10-15 minutes.

Then the peeling mixture is washed off. Many people recommend removing the product with warm water. However, if the scrub base contains oils - It is better to blot the treated area with a paper napkin.

This action will preserve the peeling effect for a longer time.

The result will be secured by applying a product with a moisturizing effect. In this case, you can use regular hygienic lipstick.

If it is not there, any moisturizer will do. It must be applied with point movements.

The procedure is impossible if there are jams, herpes, inflammation, cracks, wounds, etc. If everything is in order, then peeling is done before bedtime, but not every day, but 2 times a week.

Another very important rule when applying any scrub is presence of dry lips. Otherwise, the product will injure already delicate skin.

Do not store the finished peeling composition for too long. The shelf life of the natural product is 7 days. The scrub should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar.

You should not place the product in a metal container, otherwise the product may oxidize and quickly deteriorate.

In this video you will learn a lot of useful things about how to use a lip scrub prepared at home:

Peeling products are also important. They should only be fresh and natural- free of dyes, preservatives and other chemical compounds.

Find out on our resource! Find instructions for use and reviews in our review.

Read all about laser facial skin rejuvenation! You will learn how this procedure works and read patient reviews.

Cooking recipes

Sugar peeling

The recipe is quite simple, but very effective. To prepare, you need to take 1 teaspoon of sugar. In this case, you can use not only a white product, but also a brown one.

Any vegetable oil can be used as an auxiliary component in an amount of 5-7 ml.

It is better to use olive oil without flavors or dyes. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the lips.

Baking soda and its exfoliating effect

So, to prepare a homemade scrub, take 1 tsp. product. The same amount of olive, flaxseed, corn or sunflower oil is added to the soda.

The components are mixed and applied to the lips while warm. The product stays on the lips for no more than 3-4 minutes.

Coffee - gentle cleansing of dead cells

This product is suitable for overly sensitive lips, since the proposed composition is much softer and more gentle than in previous versions.

The resulting coffee in the amount of 1 tsp. mixes with any vegetable oil. The paste is applied to the lips for 4-5 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add a pinch of sugar.

Honey to help sponges

Honey is a remedy that saturates the skin of the lips with all vitamins.

To prepare a honey scrub you will need 10 ml of honey, 1 tsp. baking soda and a couple of drops of any oil without flavors or fragrances.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Keep the composition for 10 minutes. Then the product is gently rubbed in and removed with water.

Such The procedure helps exfoliate dead cells, and the olive oil included in the composition will saturate the skin well.

Grapefruit cocktail

Grapefruit contains many vitamins. To make a scrub from this fruit, you need to mix 2 tsp. its juice with 3 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. honey and 2 drops of olive oil.

The vitamin cocktail can be stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days in a closed container. Its beneficial properties will not go away from this.

Vanilla composition - a procedure to combat rough skin

This remedy deserves special attention. The vanilla composition will not only cleanse the skin of the keratinized cell layer, but also saturate lips well, making them much softer.

For peeling you will need 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. any vegetable oil, as well as 1 tsp. soda The ideal composition would be to use almond oil.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then a quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract is added.

The composition is gently rubbed in and left for 7 minutes., then washed off with warm water.

The advantage of the scrub is that After using it, your lips do not need to apply moisturizer or lipstick. All these qualities are already contained in the vanilla composition.

How does Vaseline help?

The product is used for very dry and flaky lips. It should be applied 3-4 times a week.

Here’s how to prepare a Vaseline scrub: 1.5 tsp. sugar, the same amount of petroleum jelly and salt are added to the container and mixed well.

The composition is applied in a circular motion, left on for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Peppermint essential oil will calm you down

A quarter glass of sugar is mixed with 4 drops of mint ether, 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil and with the same amount of liquid honey.

To obtain a paste consistency, you can add a little water or a decoction based on medicinal herbs.

The composition is gently rubbed in, left for 7 minutes and washed off.

Almonds for chapped lips

Soak two almonds in a glass of water overnight.

The next morning, the softened product must be crushed and mixed with 2-3 drops of glycerin.

The composition is applied to the skin and left for 5 minutes.

Product based on semolina and cream

Semolina and cream are taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Natural liquid honey (1 tsp) is added to them. The ingredients are mixed.

The composition is applied to the lips and gently rubbed in for 1-2 minutes. Remove scrub with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Wet lips should be blotted with a dry paper towel.

Berry exfoliating treatment

Mash 2-4 strawberries and mix with 1 tsp. granulated sugar or sugar. Add 0.5 tsp there. lemon juice, 1 tsp. liquid natural honey.

You should get a thick paste, which is gently rubbed into the skin. The scrub is left for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Homemade lip peeling is an excellent procedure for removing dead cells. However, lip care should not be based only on lip care.

In order for this part of the face, which attracts men, to always look beautiful, you need to properly moisturize and nourish it. To do this, you need to use special creams and masks.

While carefully caring for the skin of the face, neck and hands, the most vulnerable and susceptible to external influences, few people pay due attention to the skin of the lips. In most cases, they remember about it only when it becomes flaky and cracked. It is easier to provide proper care than to get rid of defects, and a lip scrub at home will help with this.

Lip peeling at home

Lips are one of the areas of the body surface where there are no sebaceous glands responsible for natural hydration and nutrition, and the stratum corneum is excessively thin and transparent. Therefore, they tend to react so quickly and painfully to the slightest temperature fluctuations, solar radiation, wind, hard water, etc., by peeling.

To maintain healthy and beautiful lips, it is important not only to protect them from external aggressive influences through balms, creams, hygienic lipsticks and similar products, but also to regularly exfoliate your lips. This procedure, by carefully removing dead skin flakes, massaging, and improving blood circulation, helps make lips smooth, soft, and velvety. In addition, a lip scrub at home helps nourish, moisturize the tissues, improve the color of the lips and give them natural swelling.

How to do lip peeling at home?

Not every scrub is suitable for sensitive and thin lip skin. The abrasive particles contained in such products may be too rough and aggressive, which can cause irritation, redness, and bleeding. Lip peeling at home, the recipes for which are discussed below, should be very gentle and based on mild substances. The ingredients for making a scrub mixture can be found in any kitchen.

It is important to consider how to use a lip scrub correctly. To do this, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. To prepare the skin to receive the scrub, a simple preparation is needed - steaming, which can be done by applying a cotton pad soaked in hot water to the sponges for a couple of minutes.
  2. Apply the scrub only to dry skin with your fingers or a soft toothbrush.
  3. When applying the scrub, you should massage in a circular manner, and then move in the same direction as the lipstick is applied, without applying strong pressure or stretching.
  4. After applying the scrubbing composition, you should wait a little to allow the beneficial substances to take effect.
  5. After washing off the scrub with warm water, dry your lips with a napkin and apply cream or the like on them.
  6. You need to use the scrub 1-2 times a week.

You should refrain from the procedure if you have on your lips:

  • cracks;
  • jam;
  • wound;
  • herpes rashes.

Homemade lip scrubs - recipes

Making a good lip scrub at home is not difficult. You can even prepare it for future use for a couple of weeks and place it in a jar with a lid (for example, a cream container) and store it in the refrigerator. The following are several popular ways to make a lip scrub, but all recipes can be modified and supplemented by experimenting with different components and selecting mixtures to which your skin will respond best.

Sugar lip scrub

Due to the fact that sugar quickly dissolves in a liquid medium, it can become an excellent soft abrasive base for a scrub. You can use either regular white sugar or brown sugar, i.e. unrefined. As additional ingredients for nourishing and moisturizing tissues, it is best to use fatty vegetable oils rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements. We suggest trying a sugar lip scrub according to the following recipe, in which lemon juice is added to enhance exfoliating properties.

Sugar-lemon scrub


  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • olive oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine and mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply, slightly warming, to lips and massage.
  3. Rinse off after 0.5 - 1 minute.

Honey lip scrub

Honey scrub is especially recommended for very problematic lip skin that has become very dry. Honey, having powerful bactericidal, regenerating and softening properties, will help quickly restore your sponges to their well-groomed appearance. And if you use not fresh or melted honey, but candied honey, it will also help exfoliate dead skin cells. The recommended DIY lip scrub based on honey can be supplemented with oatmeal, which also has a lot of beneficial properties.

Honey-oat scrub


  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • oatmeal – 1 teaspoon. spoon.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder.
  2. Add honey, stir.
  3. Warm the mixture and rub into the skin of your lips.
  4. Wash off after five minutes.

Honey and Sugar Lip Scrub

A very simple lip scrub at home can be made from sugar and liquid honey, taken in a 1:2 ratio. By adding just a couple of components, which are also affordable, you can enhance the benefits of the product. So, by adding a little almond oil, we get an excellent nourishing and rejuvenating mixture, and by adding cinnamon, we will give the scrub the ability to slightly increase the volume of the lips.

Recipe for the product


  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • ground cinnamon - a small pinch.

Preparation and use:

  1. Connect the components.
  2. Apply the heated mixture and massage.
  3. Rinse off after 2 - 3 minutes.

Coffee lip scrub

When preparing a lip scrub from coffee, you should not use freshly ground coffee; it is better to use dried grounds, which have a more delicate effect. A coffee lip scrub, the recipe for which is as simple as shelling pears, will add firmness and elasticity to your lips due to the tonic effect of caffeine. We suggest using full-fat sour cream as a nutritional base, but in this case the composition cannot be stored.

Coffee scrub


Hi all! My name is Dzyuba Daria, and in today's video I will tell you how to make a lip scrub.

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Result: DIY lip scrub

And for those who have a weak Internet, the article is presented below. This is the same thing, only in text form.

During the winter period, our skin urgently needs nutrition and care, especially if it is the skin of the lips. I personally cannot do without a lip scrub in my life, or without additional moisturizer or balm. And if both can be combined, then why not.

I will tell you about 11 recipes for various scrubs. Mostly these are sugar scrubs, but there are two interesting ones, and, in my opinion, they are my favorite. And about what they are, see below.

Recipe No. 1 balm 1 teaspoon (tsp), Vaseline 1 tsp, sugar, olive oil 1 tsp, food coloring to taste

We will need: a bowl for mixing, a container into which we will transfer the resulting scrub, lip balm (absolutely any balm will do, both in a jar and in a stick).

And also lip balm, cinnamon and coffee.

I don't really brew coffee at home so I used the cheapest one in the store and it turns out it works really well.

We'll take about 1.5 cm of lipstick.

We take about 1 teaspoon of coffee. Mix it all and add cinnamon. We add about 0.5 tsp of cinnamon.

It looks really weird, but it's one of the best scrubs I'm showing today. We put it all into a container.

This amount of scrub will be enough for 2-3 times, but each time I will have a fresh scrub and I will not worry that it will suddenly spoil or something wrong will happen to it.

And even though I didn’t get much, this is a favorite scrub for me, because the coffee grinds are finer, the grains are great for scrubbing harder lips due to the grinding, and the sugar is still a bit coarse, in my opinion. And it turns out that the scrub perfectly exfoliates and leaves you feeling like you’ve eaten too much chocolate, but in fact it’s coffee, but it works, and in combination with cinnamon it turns out that it burns and due to this, the effect of plumping your lips is guaranteed.

Recipe No. 7 semolina 2-3 tsp, honey 1 tsp

We will need: a mixing container, semolina and honey.

For 2-3 tsp of semolina flour we need 1 tsp of honey, and then knead it all.

Transfer the resulting scrub into a container.

You can also add a colored dye to this scrub to make it more interesting, but I also like it in this craft version, that is, I like its super natural shade, it’s not clear what it came from, but it’s very pleasant in its consistency due to the semolina.

At one time, a scrub with semolina became some kind of revelation for me, because I didn’t think that semolina could scrub and exfoliate the skin well, but as a fact, if you don’t have coffee, but have semolina, then this is an excellent, more gentle substitute , because there is no cinnamon here and it will not burn your lips as much, but it works very well. That's why the coffee scrub and the semolina scrub are my favorites.

Recipe No. 8 Vaseline 1 tsp (or lip balm), jojoba oil 1 tsp (or olive/burdock oil), sugar 4-5 tsp

We will need: a mixing container, Vaseline (or hygienic lipstick), jojoba oil.

Olive oil or burdock oil is also suitable.

And still the same sugar.

For 1.5 tsp of sugar we will need about 1.5 tsp of Vaseline. If it is lip balm, then take 0.5 tsp. Next, add 0.5 tsp of jojoba oil. And we knead it all.

If you don’t have any oil, then you don’t need to add it in this recipe, you can mix Vaseline and sugar, and that will be enough, the scrub will work. But we add oil so that the scrub not only scrubs the lips, but also cares for them.

And, perhaps, I’ll diversify my scrub with food coloring. This time I will use the gel dye that I had left over from the blood.

When using food dyes such as red, blue or green, keep in mind that such dyes can be very caustic, and if in the case of red you will only get a scarlet tint to your lips, then in the case of blue and green you may look like a corpse, so such It is better to first test dyes on the skin to see if they are dyed and whether they will be durable.

Red or pink dye looks very tasty in this kind of scrubs, no matter what recipe you used, they are the most interesting. Plus, there's a chance they'll stain your lips and make them look like they've come out of the cold.

One of the easiest to make, but at the same time the most effective, if you apply the scrub for 5-10 minutes. In this case, an easy care will be created, a light mask, the lips will be steamed, and then with massage movements we work on our lips, exfoliating more and more, although it would seem - sugar and Vaseline, what could be simpler?

Recipe No. 9 sugar 5-6 tsp, honey 1 tsp, sesame oil 1 tsp (or olive or jojoba), vanilla sugar 0.5 tsp and cinnamon 0.5 tsp

We will need: a mixing container, a spoon, granulated sugar, honey, sesame oil, which can be replaced with either olive or jojoba oil.

And also vanilla sugar and cinnamon.

Add 1 teaspoon of oil, 1 teaspoon of honey. Next, about 0.5 teaspoons of vanilla sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of cinnamon and 3 teaspoons of sugar.

For sissies, you can leave the scrub this way. And for those who like it tougher, you can add more sugar. I'll add more.

Due to the vanilla sugar and cinnamon, the scrub turned out to be very interesting, somewhat reminiscent of coffee color, but in fact it is all cinnamon.

Honey cares, cinnamon makes lips plumper, and sugar exfoliates - in my opinion, it’s an excellent combination and the color turned out very cool. The smell due to sesame oil is so-so, because it has a very peculiar smell, I actually don’t like it, but I like the effect it has on the lips, the lips become just so well-groomed, and since I like it less If there was Vaseline frankly, but at the same time there was more care, then sesame oil still copes with its role perfectly. But if you don’t like the smell of sesame oil, then you can safely replace it with any other. Apart from being a plant based product, I don't like the way it behaves on the skin at all.

Recipe No. 10 brown sugar 1 tsp, regular sugar 1 tsp, olive oil 1 tsp, honey 1 tsp, vanilla sugar 0.5 tsp or to taste

We will need: mixing container, brown sugar, regular granulated sugar, olive oil, honey and vanilla sugar.

Place 1 teaspoon of regular sugar and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar in a container.

If you don't have brown sugar, you can use regular sugar or candied honey.

You can take vanilla concentrate, but it is more difficult to find, but vanilla sugar is still more affordable.

I will not add additional sugar to this recipe, as I like, because it is good and tasty as hell.

If you make the scrub in the same proportion as I just showed you, then you will have enough of it for exactly one jar.

By adding brown sugar to our scrub, we get a more varied texture, that is, not just one sugar, but also a second one, but they are of different grinds, the grains are different, and it turns out that the sensations are varied and exfoliates differently. Plus, brown sugar holds moisture well and hardens over time, so the scrub may become hard over time, but this will not affect its exfoliating properties.

Recipe No. 11 coconut oil 1 tsp, olive oil 1 tsp, sugar 6-7 tsp

We will need: a container, coconut oil, olive oil and sugar.

Add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 2-3 teaspoons of sugar.

In this proportion, it will be a scrub for the most delicate. The coconut oil is melting, so I'm going to add another 2-3 tablespoons of sugar because, again, I like it a bit firmer.

To make this recipe more fun, I'll add yellow food coloring. I would add pink if I had it, but I don't, so it will be yellow.

Transfer the resulting scrub into a container.

If you think that your scrubs mixed with coconut oil are too liquid, then you can safely put it in the refrigerator, the oil will harden, the scrub will become thicker and you can safely use it, but do not forget that it will melt again on your lips.

An excellent scrub for lovers of coconut and olive oil. I frankly don’t really like coconut oil, because all my attempts to get acquainted with it ended in some kind of rashes and allergies. My hair was greasy if I tried to apply it on it, but as a lip scrub it pleasantly surprised me. It’s quite light, no matter how much sugar I put in it, it’s still very gentle, because coconut oil is hard at first, when heated it melts and a good caring effect is obtained.. And due to the yellow dye, the scrub is very pleasing to the eye.

As you can see, there are a huge number of scrubs, both sugar, coffee, and semolina. For me personally, the coffee and semolina scrub are my favorites, my most favorite scrubs, because they work great on my lips.

Share your recipes and what scrubs you use. Maybe you have some secret grandmother's recipe, or maybe you found a scrub in the store and you don't need any recipes, you only use your scrub.

Don't forget that the ingredients can be changed, for example, brown sugar can be replaced with regular sugar and vice versa. Also with oils, olive oil can be replaced with jojoba oil or sesame oil. And if some ingredient is missing, then don’t worry, just take another recipe.

What about me? So I made New Year’s gifts for all my girlfriends, because there’s no need for so many scrubs, and the girls will be happy.

And then I say goodbye to you. Subscribe, put likes. Bye everyone!

Ingredients used:

Sugar (white and brown)
Honey (flower, buckwheat)
Lip balm (your favorite)
Vaseline (at any pharmacy from 15-18 rubles)
Parachute Coconut Oil

Ground coffee
Oils (olive, sesame, jojoba)
Semolina flour
Food colorings
Vanilla sugar

Tools used:

Mixing container

Tea spoon

Mixing palette

Our skin is constantly exposed to aggressive factors: wind, water, chemicals, and sometimes because of them it cannot cope with the function of self-cleaning. A lip scrub will help moisturize and soften problem areas even after severe chapping or dryness.

Preparing lips for scrubbing

In order to prepare your sponges for the cleanser, you need to remove your makeup.

It is believed that a scrub works best on dry skin, but this statement is only true for rough areas of the body, which are not the lips.

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare your lips for scrubbing:

It is necessary to take into account the fact that such a remedy is contraindicated for irritations, wounds, etc.

Photo - Contraindications

Homemade lip scrub recipes

The simplest lip scrub at home is sugar, it is very easy to do it yourself and is the most affordable option. A teaspoon of sugar must be mixed with oils. It can be coconut, cocoa or shea butter. We recommend choosing one of these three products, as they have unique properties: deeply moisturize, accelerate cell regeneration and nourish the skin.


For 1 part sugar, take ½ part butter. Essential components are heated before use - this will help enhance their effect. After which they are combined with a sweet base. This scrubbing product not only leaves a pleasant feeling on the lips, but also gives them a subtle sweet aroma. Store in the refrigerator, use once a day.

Similarly, you can prepare it yourself honey and sugar scrub, which is used for both lips and the sensitive bikini area. The components are taken in equal proportions, the honey base is preheated. When warm, it is easier to combine with sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly so that there are no lumps, etc. Store in a cool place.

Photo – Honey

If the problems are serious - your lips are chapped or severely cracked, then the situation will be saved by coffee and olive oil– this is the best regenerating scrub. You need to buy natural coffee, brew it and collect the grounds from the bottom. The skin on the lips is extremely delicate, so it cannot be treated with ordinary ground powder, and there will be no effect from a soluble one. Two spoons of coffee are combined with a spoon of olive oil.

Many folk recipes use cinnamon as an effective but gentle exfoliant. Cinnamon Lip Scrub You can easily prepare it at home:

  1. The cinnamon stick needs to be dried and crushed. To do this, it must be broken and crushed in a mortar to a powder;
  2. The spice is combined in a 1:1 ratio with oatmeal. This will not only eliminate peeling, but also remove various inflammatory processes, black spots around the lips and pimples;
  3. Next, honey is added to the mixture in a 2:1 ratio (two parts sweetness). The mass is thoroughly mixed again. This scrub can be used on any part of the body, but it is very soft, so it is mainly used on the lips and face.

Oatmeal and in itself can act as an excellent scrubbing agent. The positive properties of this cereal make it completely “independent”, i.e., it does not need to be combined with other components. Oatmeal is ground in a mortar or coffee grinder to flour, after which the powder is used to scrub problem areas. You can use the product daily.

Video: how to make a homemade scrub for problem lips

Review of professional scrubs

Many girls find it much easier to buy a scrub for chapped lips than to prepare it at home. Now many cosmetic companies offer their customers a variety of exfoliants: natural, with chemical components, hard or for sensitive skin.

Reviews say it's inexpensive scrub from Lush BubbleGum (Lash Bubble Gum)- This is an excellent alternative to premium lip cosmetics. The product contains natural ingredients combined with various chemicals. The main component is sugar, which is colored with food colors and supplemented with safe flavors. The taste is completely identical to the more expensive ART-VISAGE Bubble gum.

The Faberlic company offers sugar scrub Eye to eye, the recipe for which is almost identical to a homemade lip product. The composition includes oils and sugar, making the product ideal for delicate and sensitive skin. At the same time, it is hypoallergenic. The main advantages are the budget price, nutritional properties and excellent exfoliating effect.

Scrub for chapped lips Spivak Bergamot considered one of the best emergency care products. In just 20 seconds, it will turn flaky sponges into soft and smooth ones. Can be used daily. The composition includes shea butter, crushed strawberry seeds, bergamot and orange extracts.

E.L.F studio lip exfoliator Gently exfoliates skin that is chapped or chapped. Contains vitamin and plant extracts (particularly avocado and grape). Supplemented with nourishing and moisturizing oils.

Consider a list of scrubs from other brands:

L'ACTION L'Action Soft Lip Scrub by Rive GaucheThis medicinal product can be purchased both at a pharmacy and in a company store. The composition contains polymers and Panthenol, which accelerate skin regeneration processes. The product can be used as a mask.
Shara Shara Kissing Sugar Lip ScrubKorean new product from a well-known company producing budget cosmetics. It is a complete analogue of Tony Moly Kiss Kiss (Tony Moly), but costs a little less. It is used not only for exfoliation, but also for nutrition and moisturizing of the epidermis.
The Body Shop Lip ScuffContains whole sugar, not grains (unlike many brands), so it is a rather harsh product. Works well on severely chapped or chapped lips. An analogue of the regenerating agent from Collistar Scrub balm.
Baviphat Apple Jelly Lip ScrubA good and almost completely natural scrub. Enriched with apple and nut extract, which deeply nourishes and refreshes the skin.
Givenchy Mister Scrub Lip Smoothing Exfoliator (Givenchy)Very unusual - it looks like lipstick. Apply in several layers and wash off after massage. Very gently removes dead cells, but does not moisturize. The release form is not reminiscent of the mass market cosmetics Essence Like an Unforgettable Kiss.
Candied Almonds from OriflameUnique in that it contains crushed sugar mixed with almonds. Some reviews say that your lips feel dry after using it. Any balm, for example, a nourishing one from Avon or Oriflame, will help solve this problem.
Peeling mask for lips Satin Lips from Mary Kay (Mary Kay)Apply like a regular cream or balm - with your fingertips on the epidermis, after which it is rubbed for several minutes. The active substances included in the composition gently cleanse the skin without injuring it. This is similar to the Yves Rocher product.