Collagen lip mask: how to use. Lip care. The best lip masks. Collagen lip patch mask from Berrisom

Many girls dream of beautiful, attractive and delicate lips. But not every woman can dare to undergo surgery and contour plastic surgery.

Thanks to the use of a collagen mask, lips will become more voluminous and seductive without losing their natural beauty.

Collagen patch mask for lips moisturizes, nourishes and softens not only the lips themselves, but also the dermis around them, and is effective in combating emerging wrinkles.

The main component of the product - phytocollagen - fights dead skin cells, guarantees protection from ultraviolet rays, and removes age-related changes in the skin. Modern scientists, thanks to discoveries in the field of cosmetology, have been able to achieve the following: animal collagen contained in lip masks is as close as possible to the natural collagen produced by the human body.

Noticeable positive results after using the product are achieved not only thanks to collagen, but also to additional active substances. The mask also contains plant components, fruit acids, a variety of vitamins and hyaluronic acid. This makes it possible to tone and nourish the epidermis, relieve inflammation, heal wounds, and improve the general condition of the skin in and around the lips.

Collagen lip mask has the following characteristics:

  • restores and tightens the skin after peeling;
  • eliminates facial wrinkles around the lips, prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • helps improve blood microcirculation in the upper layers of the skin;
  • removes toxins;
  • moisturizes, nourishes and tones the dermis;
  • helps avoid the appearance of large scars;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • increases lips volume and makes them plumper;
  • removes dullness and paleness of lips.

Collagen lip mask with biogold has a rejuvenating effect. An additional component in the mask, such as biogold:

  • is an excellent conductor, thanks to which all beneficial substances penetrate deep into the layers of the skin;
  • helps increase skin firmness and elasticity;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • protects the skin from age-related changes.

Excellent results after using a cosmetic product are the main reason to choose a collagen lip mask.

After successfully purchasing a proven, effective cosmetic product, a woman should carefully study the information on how to use a lip mask with collagen in order to achieve the desired positive effect and become the owner of beautiful, lush lips.

Before use, remove makeup and cleanse skin.

Only after the procedures have been completed can you apply the mask (it is advisable to cool it before doing this). Usage time is from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the manufacturer. A light massage of the lips during manipulation will allow the main components to better penetrate the skin. After removing the mask, the skin is gently washed with cool water.

One of the advantages is the ability to use one collagen mask 3 to 5 times. It is worth remembering that the mask must be stored in the refrigerator, preventing it from drying out.

Cosmetologists do not recommend using collagen-based masks with hyaluronic acid more than three times a week. It is better to alternate them with natural formulations or make a care product that is safe for daily use.

The most famous collagen masks

Today, many well-known cosmetic companies are developing various collagen-based products. Lip masks are no exception, as modern women want their lips to be attractive, seductive and full.

Such cosmetics are especially popular.

Remedy from Pilaten

It helps to cope with fine wrinkles, solve problems with existing cracks and jams, saturates the natural shade of the lips, slightly adding swelling to them. After systematic use, a woman will forget that the skin of her lips can dry out and peel.

Pilaten collagen lip mask contains glycerin and hyaluronic acid, marine collagen. Its composition is enriched with sweet strawberry extract and aloe juice, which moisturize, soften and relieve inflammation of the skin, making it elastic and at the same time soft.

For many girls, the mask of this brand has become a real find, as it is easy to use and effective in action. After using it, lips look well-groomed and beautiful both in the hot summer and in the frosty and windy winter. To obtain lasting and good results, it is recommended to use the mask systematically, that is, carry out a course of therapy up to 3-4 times a year.

Remedy from Berrisom

Berrisom lip mask containing collagen will help make your lips more expressive and luscious. It saturates its own color, perfectly moisturizes and cares for the skin.

The composition contains collagen, hyaluronic acid and a complex of peptides that provide instant nutrition to the dermis. The hydrogel mask has a jelly-like texture and, when used, adheres very tightly to the lips, thereby creating a greenhouse effect.

The patch is perfect for those who like matte lipstick and pencil, as it evens out the surface of the skin in just one application. Apply the product for 10-15 minutes, the remaining moisture is carefully removed with a napkin.

Remedy from Faberlic

Collagen lip patch mask Sweet Kiss perfectly saturates the lips with moisture, remarkably nourishes the skin, while smoothing the surface of the skin, reduces the number of age-related manifestations in the form of fine wrinkles and gives the skin elasticity.

Most girls have positive reviews of such a cosmetic product as the Faberlic Collagen Lip Patch Mask. It is often used when you need to be on top, preparing for an important event.

This mask is an excellent helper in cases where it is necessary to improve the condition of the lips and give them additional volume. Lipstick (including matte) lies smoothly, the skin of the lips becomes soft and soft.

The effect after use declared by the manufacturer is true.

Chunmei Remedy

Chunmei Collagen RedWine LipMask, based on bio collagen, one of the components of which is red wine, helps restore dull, dry, flaky skin, makes the skin more elastic, fills existing wrinkles, makes lips attractive and has a rejuvenating effect. This product perfectly heals small cracks and restores the epidermis after a course of peeling.

The mask also contains glycerin, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, natural essential oils and fruit acids.

Lip makeup is an important element that sometimes becomes the key to your look. In order for it to be flawless, you must not forget about special care.


Earlier we talked about how she also ages (small wrinkles and cracks appear on her). The main assistant on the path to youth is hydration. We are used to using balm and scrub, but we forget that there is also a mask.

Today we will tell you about lip masks and how to make them yourself at home!

How to choose a lip mask

Manufacturers offer us a wide range of products that solve a variety of problems: from moisturizing to increasing volume. When choosing a mask, look at the composition of the product. It’s great if it contains the following components: proteins, vitamins and various vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts.

If you want additional volume, then you need to pay attention to, which are now in high demand. Why? Products of this type not only soften the skin, but also act as a “”, and products with menthol, pepper, hyaluronic acid or collagen cause a rush of blood. Thanks to this, your lips acquire additional volume, which makes your makeup even more expressive.

You can often hear that girls apply pure vitamin E or A to the skin of their lips for the best effect. Be careful, because this is a very delicate area with increased sensitivity. Therefore, everyone’s reaction is individual!

How to use a lip mask

It all depends on which product you choose. Before applying the mask, you need to scrub your skin so that all components can interact better. By the way, now there are a lot of 2-in-1 products. Therefore, if you don’t have time, you can safely purchase a multifunctional product. Don’t forget that you don’t need to keep the mask on longer than indicated in the instructions (usually 10-20 minutes), because this will not bring more benefit, but will only cause harm (moisture evaporation).

In summer it is enough to use a lip mask once a week, in winter - two or three.

Homemade lip mask

The first rule is glassware (it does not allow oxidative processes). In order to prepare a moisturizing mask you will need: a small spoon of sour cream and honey. Mix and apply for 5-10 minutes. Honey can be used as an independent product in tandem with vitamin A or E.

A beautiful face is the calling card of every girl and woman. But sometimes natural beauty is not enough to conquer men's hearts. It is the face that is most affected by various external factors, since this part of the body is always open. Only constant and competent care will help maintain youth and freshness for as long as possible. As practice shows, when meeting a lady for the first time, men immediately pay attention to their lips. This part of the face attracts them the most. Pilaten lip mask is an innovative product that will always make your lips look well-groomed and attractive.

It is difficult to find a woman who would be completely satisfied with her physical characteristics. Every representative of the fair sex dreams of improving something and is constantly moving towards self-improvement. The mask will help eliminate fine wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate dead skin cells, and make lips fuller and tighter. Leading experts in the world of cosmetology claim that using a mask at home can completely replace expensive procedures in a beauty salon.

Our Pilaten lip mask review

Price and purchase, advantages

To protect yourself from the unpleasant possibility of getting a fake, you need to order a mask on the official website. The product from the manufacturer guarantees a good result. You can buy a Pilaten lip mask for only 990 rubles. You will also be pleased with the fast delivery. There is no need to make any advance payments; payment for the order is made upon receipt. After placing an order, you have the right to cancel it within 14 days without giving any reason.

The popularity of this product is growing at a rapid rate. More and more women are striving to preserve their beauty and youth with the help of this product, so the demand for this product is simply huge. The mask has earned such popularity due to a number of advantages:

  • Nourishes the skin with vitamins;
  • Replaces some expensive procedures in beauty salons;
  • Sold at an affordable price;
  • The effect is noticeable after the first use;
  • Easy and pleasant to use;
  • The manufacturer guarantees high efficiency;
  • Many reviews of the product indicate its quality and effectiveness.

Instructions for use and effect of use

Before using the Pilaten collagen lip mask, the skin around them and the lips themselves must be thoroughly cleaned, then apply the mask to them for 20-30 minutes. It is important that the effects of the active components are not interfered with by particles of cosmetics, sebum or moisture. For prevention, it is recommended to use two or three times a week, depending on what result you expect.

If you have dermatological problems, such as cracking and flaking of the skin, then the mask should be used daily. The full therapeutic effect will be noticeable after 15 days.

After a course of use, almost all women note amazing results:

  • Small wrinkles around the lips are eliminated completely or become less noticeable;
  • Lips look attractive and take on luscious shapes;
  • The skin becomes well hydrated, traces of dryness and flaking disappear;
  • Lips become soft and velvety;
  • The color of your lips will be fresher, and you can easily correct your shape at home, without surgery or injections.


The Pilaten lip mask contains components that are used by specialists in a beauty salon to correct shape and color, increase elasticity and smooth out wrinkles around the lips. Now these components are collected in one product, which can be easily used at home, while saving large amounts of money. In addition, unlike salon procedures, the use of a mask is completely safe, does not cause allergies and does not harm health.

  • Collagen helps correct shape, gives elasticity and fullness to the lips;
  • Amino acids in the pilaten collagen lip mask promote maximum hydration and tissue regeneration, eliminate fine wrinkles, smooth the skin, nourishing it with vitamins;
  • Glycerin and vitamin E moisturize lips, making them soft and velvety;
  • Hyaluronic acid and fruit acids help improve skin color, prevent dryness and inflammatory processes, rejuvenate and protect against external factors.

Delicate and sensitive skin on the lips requires special care. Nourishing masks, moisturizing balms and protective products are necessary for the skin of the lips as well as for the skin of the face. Increased sensitivity and vulnerability are due to the structure of the skin on the lips. The absence of sebaceous glands deprives the skin of natural protection from external factors, and the absence of melanin pigment makes the skin of the lips especially vulnerable to ultraviolet rays. But increased sensitivity is associated with a large accumulation of nerve endings under the skin of the lips.

How to care for your lips?

Lip care should not only compensate for the lack of natural protective mechanisms, but also provide good hydration and saturation with vitamins. In order for your lips to be beautiful, attractive, and most importantly healthy, cosmetologists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

If for some reason it is impossible to purchase high-quality cosmetics for lip care, then folk remedies will help. The most useful and nutritious ingredients for masks are cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, egg yolk, honey, wheat germ oil, almond oil. Olive and castor oil Can be used for regular moisturizing.

Homemade lip masks

To keep your lips youthful, healthy and beautiful for a long time, cosmetologists recommend using lip masks. Preparing such masks at home is as easy as shelling pears, you just have to go to the refrigerator, there will almost certainly be everything you need.

Fruit, vegetable and berry masks

To prepare the mask you will need butter and anything from this list: apples, bananas, apricots, melons, watermelons, gooseberries, kiwi, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini. The list is incomplete; almost any juicy fruit or vegetable will do. The only thing you should avoid is lemon; it dries out the skin greatly.

To prepare the mask, you will need half a teaspoon of butter and a teaspoon of grated (finely) vegetable or fruit. All this is mixed and applied to the lips for a quarter of an hour. Fruit and vegetable masks are great nourish, moisturize and soften lip skin

Honey masks

Honey– an excellent product for softening and nourishing the skin of the lips. You don’t even have to invent anything, but just coat your lips with honey. You should wash off the honey after 10 minutes (unless, of course, you eat it before that time).

To make honey more effective, it is mixed with rendered pork fat in proportions of 2 to 1. This mixture is stored in the refrigerator, since even a small amount takes a long time to be consumed.

Curd masks

Cottage cheese makes excellent nourishing and softening lip masks. To prepare the mask you will need half a teaspoon of cottage cheese (fat), as well as a teaspoon of cream, milk, vegetable oil (any) or juice (cucumber, beetroot, carrot). The mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes in a thick layer.

Sour cream masks

Sour cream wonderfully moisturizes lips, which makes it an indispensable assistant in winter. For a sour cream mask you will need about a teaspoon of sour cream, a few drops of vegetable oil and lemon juice. The mixture is applied in a thick layer for 20 minutes.

Kefir masks

To create a kefir mask you you don't need anything other than kefir. You need to apply it to your lips, wait a little (until it dries) and lubricate it with kefir again - and so on 10 times. When the last kefir layer has dried, you should wait another quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water. Similar procedures Fine moisturize lips.

Vitamin masks

To prepare this lip mask you will have to buy oil vitamins A and E(sold in capsules at any pharmacy). Several capsules (depending on their size, if large, then one at a time) are burst with a needle, and what is in them is mixed with a small amount (at the tip of a knife) honey and the same amount vegetable oil(anyone). The mixture is applied for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.

And after the mask...

After you wash off the mask, carefully (since the skin at this moment is very delicate and sensitive) pat your lips with a towel and be sure to apply nourishing cream, hygienic lipstick or lip balm. You can even use Vaseline.

Masks are an excellent way to moisturize, nourish and protect lips, but you will notice tangible results from their use only with regular use. In the warm season, lip masks should be done 1-2 times a week, in the cold season - every other day.

High-quality lip skin care will preserve their youth and natural beauty for many years.

Not all women can boast of sexy lips. Seductive fullness, a sufficient level of moisture and an attractive natural color - these are the lips that give the face a special charm and captivate the eyes.

In order to give the mouth a special attractiveness, many ladies try to create the desired shape with the help of cosmetics, but pencils, lipsticks and glosses can only slightly increase the volume. Of course, you can go beyond the bounds of reason, but in this case the lips will not look sexy, but vulgar and not at all attractive.

Modern beauty specialists try as hard as they can to create a product that will help ladies give the desired swelling to their mouths without causing mocking smiles from others, but a worthy option has never appeared on store shelves.

Beauties have been trying to solve this issue through surgical operations for several years. Some manage to realize their dream and gain completely natural lips, others look more like funny cartoon ducks than women, and if you are thinking about lip augmentation with plastic surgery, then do not rush to do it.

Try the latest development that can be used at home. It will provide quick results, will not harm your health and will cost a small amount. Pilaten collagen lip mask will allow you to become the owner of a seductive and sexy look without much effort.

This simple and effective development will improve your mouth without contouring or surgery. In addition, your lips will look amazing even without makeup. Isn't this what you dreamed about?

Product benefits

If you give preference to a special lip mask and use it in accordance with the rules established by the manufacturer, you can get noticeable results in a short period.

If you were looking for a product that would make your lips more elastic and voluminous, but were unable to find the desired product, then pay attention to the unique collagen mask. It will stop fruitless searches and waste of money, since the first positive results will be observed after the first application.

Pilaten collagen lip mask, with regular use, can:

  • help increase skin elasticity;
  • saturate with useful substances, thanks to which the mouth acquires a healthy natural color;
  • saturate the skin with moisture and work to reduce wrinkles, which do not allow the ideal application of lipstick or gloss, and also spoil the appearance of the lips themselves;
  • Great for increasing volume, making your mouth sexier and more attractive.

This product is also distinguished by the fact that it eliminates wrinkles, sagging skin and dryness not only on the surface of the lips, but also around them.

Over time, age-related changes force women to observe an unpleasant picture. The corners of the mouth droop, small folds form around it, and this problem gets worse every year.

No matter how the manufacturers of cosmetics, even very expensive ones, promise to eliminate this problem, they cannot get rid of it completely. You can get a short-term, but not one hundred percent result.

With a collagen mask, which saturates the skin with beneficial substances, the situation is completely remediable. The presence of useful substances in the mask, a huge amount of essential vitamins and other important components, contribute to skin rejuvenation, as well as its restoration. This product, which is not difficult to use, also acts as an instant lifting product that makes lips young and seductive, and also gives them notes of freshness and natural radiance.

It is enough to perform only one procedure using a collagen mask to observe amazing results - the skin will become very soft, smooth and silky.

Who can use the tool?

A collagen mask will be a real salvation for those who:

This mask is perfect for both girls and older women. It does not cause allergic reactions or other negative consequences. This product has gained popularity in a relatively short period of time due to its uniqueness, benefits, and immediate effect.

A huge number of women have already been able to realize their cherished dream without plastic surgery, and if you want to highlight your lips and make your image more sexy, then without hesitation, purchase this product.


Pilaten is a unique development that includes exclusively natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin. All ingredients penetrate deep into the epidermis very quickly. The mask contains collagen, which is indispensable for the healthy and attractive appearance of not only the lips, but also the skin in general, a nourishing complex of vitamins, as well as pre-purified water.

If we look at the components of the mask in more detail, they look like this:

Together, all these ingredients are a powerful “weapon” that allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate lip problems, achieve the desired full shape and restore the natural color, which attracts a light pinkness.

Features of use

The collagen mask is so easy to use that the consumer will truly enjoy this process.

Before using this product, you will need to perfectly clean the surface of your lips. The skin should not contain particles of lipstick, as well as various cosmetics.

After the above procedure has been completed, you will need:

The procedure can be performed 2 times a week, and if desired, three times. This schedule must be followed if you want to moisturize your lips, as well as prevent them.

If you need a restorative course, then in this case the schedule of use changes slightly:

It is worth noting that one mask can be used from 2 to 5 times.

It is necessary to open the packaging of the product very carefully, since you will need to put the used storage product in it.

After the silicone mask has been on the lips for the required time, it should be placed in the package. The shelf life of the product after opening the package is 5 days.

What effect can you get after use?

Using this mask in accordance with the rules, the user can achieve the following results:

  • increased elasticity;
  • noticeable smoothing of formed wrinkles;
  • rejuvenation and rapid restoration of the skin;
  • a charming and eye-catching smile;
  • express lifting and lip enhancement;
  • smoothness of the skin surface;
  • disappearance of cracks and wounds.

If you have not yet had time to evaluate the effectiveness of a collagen mask, then join the happy owners of plump and sexy lips who regularly use this product to improve their appearance.