Telltale bruises, or how to remove hickeys in a matter of hours. How to quickly remove a hickey on your neck or hide it? Remove hickey marks on the neck

Therefore, in order to remove it, you can use the same methods as for removing a bruise. Accordingly, you will have to spend the same amount of time on this. How to quickly get rid of a hickey so that not a trace remains? Despite thorough treatment during the first two days, it is easier to hide a hickey by tinting it with self-tanning or foundation, while still getting rid of it using the methods presented below.

A hickey is not a problem, but quickly getting rid of this seemingly simple problem is quite difficult. However, doing this is much easier than, for example, dealing with age spots or removing freckles on the face.

White toothpaste helps a lot with a fresh hickey. It needs to be rubbed very well into the hickey;

A vodka infusion made from chopped aloe leaves helps relieve bruises. . You need to make compresses from it;

Fresh potato compress. The cut half is applied to the hickey and, lightly massaging, left for 15-20 minutes;

Against a fresh hickey - a compress of ordinary baking soda. A thick mixture of baking soda and water (thicker than sour cream) applied to the site of the hickey;
- iodine mesh over the hickey.

How to remove a hickey using emergency methods?

A mixture of bodyaga purchased at a pharmacy and any cream (preferably for children), rub the hickey 4-5 times a day and leave for 30-40 minutes. After three days the hickey will disappear.

You can fight hickeys with the help of special anti-bruise creams that are sold at the pharmacy, for example, “Bruise-off” or Troxevasin.

The effectiveness of all similar creams is almost the same. Such ointments have the ability to accelerate blood, cause its rush and circulation, due to which small particles of thickened blood are quickly removed from the hematoma, creating a so-called resolving effect. You can also use Lyoton-gel ointment. It is applied to the site of the hickey, allowed to dry to a film, washed off with warm water and smeared again.

Folk remedies and medications are effective, but traces of kisses can also be removed in the following ways:

Visit the solarium. The resulting tan will help hide the hickey site after a hot kiss, because under the influence of UV rays it will become the same color as the rest of the skin.

Use a corrective pencil to disguise the hickey. On top of it you need to apply a regular foundation, but you just need to try to apply a little cream, while also capturing the skin around the hickey to hide the edge I.

Now let's talk in detail and discuss all the best ways to quickly get rid of hickey marks.

In a love game, it is impossible to control and restrain yourself. How to hide your intimate life from others and quickly remove this misunderstanding?

A hickey is a kind of bruise. It occurs after certain elements of erotic games: kissing, sucking, biting. If you don’t influence it in any way, it will go away in 7–10 days, which is not always convenient. There are a lot of options for how to quickly remove a hickey. Let's look at the safest and most effective ones.

History records a case when the presence of marks on the body, even a hickey, was important. Harold II Godwinson was identified by his wife by the hickeys she left on his chest.

  1. The faster you notice traces, the better, the faster you will try to remove them. A stale mark is more difficult to remove: you will have to systematically work on the affected area over a long period.
  2. Apply cold immediately. If the injured area is on the neck or chest, do not use ice or frozen objects. There is a high chance that you will catch a cold and get sick. In this case, use cutlery. Hold the spoon under running cold water, wrap it in a thin napkin and apply it to the bruise. This measure should be applied no later than 2 hours from the moment the hickey mark appears on the skin.
  3. Knead the damaged area with gentle movements. It is better to start with patting, then in a circular motion from the center of the bruise to the edges. The impact should be as gentle as possible. Strong pressure and compression will lead to an increase in the subcutaneous hematoma.

Pharmacological drugs

When using products from this group, you should carefully read the instructions for use and contraindications. An allergic reaction may develop to some components.

  1. You can cover the hickey mark with a regular plaster. It is worth purchasing flesh-colored models, thin in texture. The patch is suitable for use on the arms, legs or body. The neck area, due to its mobility and openness, is much less camouflaged. This method only hides the bruise without providing any medicinal effect.
  2. Iodine. The best option in conditions where measures need to be taken quickly and there is no time to go to the pharmacy. Apply iodine mesh over the hematoma. The medicine acts locally, increasing the temperature of the skin. The effect will help remove the mark of a kiss on the body. The lines should not be too dense - this may cause a chemical burn. It is enough to update the markup once every 4 hours.
  3. Ointments and gels based on heparin and other active substances (troxerutin, lioton, escin). This anticoagulant very quickly acts on the blood accumulated under the skin, breaking up the resulting clots. Gels have a lighter structure, are absorbed faster and are less noticeable. Due to these properties, they are suitable for eliminating hickeys on the face. Ointments last a long time, so it is recommended to use them at night.
  4. Another group of drugs uses various phytoextracts as active ingredients. The natural origin of the components has a gentler effect on damaged tissues. When using, keep in mind that natural remedies can cause severe allergies.

Popular pharmaceutical drugs for this problem

The listed medications will help remove a hickey at home. Please read the instructions before use. To check for possible allergic reactions, test the drug on a small area of ​​skin.

  1. Heparin and hepatrombin ointment, "Lioton" gel. Heparin ointment makes it difficult for blood clots to form and attach to the walls. The combination with dexpanthenol and allantoin improves its absorption. These ointments should be used with caution on thin skin (eye area, neck, chest) due to the appearance of extensive redness and slight swelling during the first time after application.
  2. Gel "Venoruton", the active component is an organic compound of rutin. Vitamin P analogue. Topical application reduces swelling. Do not use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Gel "Venitan" based on horse chestnut fruit extract. Using this gel is one of the ways to quickly remove a hickey on your neck. This natural substance reduces swelling and improves blood circulation at the site of application. The gel structure is invisible on the skin.
  4. "Aescin" gel. It contains several active components: heparin, escin, horse chestnut extract. This combination reduces swelling, tones blood circulation and reduces thrombosis.
  5. "Troxevasin" consists of rutin (troxerutin) and bioactive substances.
  6. Balm "Rescuer" has a wide spectrum of action. A combination of natural substances: oils, wax, a set of vitamins, removes hickey quickly and effectively.
  7. Badyaga. Sold both in dry form and as part of ointments. The action is similar to heparin ointments. Badyagi powder is mixed with regular cream or oil and applied like a regular ointment.

Non-standard techniques

Folk methods for removing hickeys on the body and neck are simple and effective. The necessary ingredients are found in any refrigerator and do not require special preparation techniques.

  1. Potato. Grate a small tuber on a fine grater. Without squeezing, wrap the resulting mass in a thin cloth and apply it to the bruise on the neck. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse off remaining starch with warm water.
  2. Cabbage leaf. From the juicy dense head of cabbage, separate the leaf located in the middle. Make several punctures with a fork and place in boiling water for 2 minutes. Cool and apply a compress to your neck.
  3. Using toothpaste is one of the simplest solutions to remove fresh bruises. Rub a small amount with your fingers and press lightly into the skin on your neck. Possible severe burning sensation. Rinse off the product after 15 minutes.

Concealing spots

While there is no effect from the use of ointments and lotions, the need arises to remove hickeys on open areas of the body. Clothes, cosmetics and beauty treatments will help hide marks.

Spent a wild night with your loved one? We can only congratulate you, but how can we now get rid of the unsightly traces of passionate kisses - hickeys? It’s good if they can be hidden with clothes, but what if not? Then your ingenuity and several folk remedies will come to the rescue, how to quickly remove a hickey on your neck or lip. They will be discussed in this cheat sheet.

How to hide, hide a hickey on your neck?

If there is no time at all to eliminate bruises of a characteristic shape, you will have to use various means of camouflage. Men can just hide the hickey under the band-aid, explaining to the curious its appearance as a banal cut during shaving.

A woman will have to use foundation or powder instead of a patch. Do not forget that the affected area should be applied a shade lighter than the area around it.

And finally hide a hickey on your neck easily with an elegant scarf, sweater or turtleneck.

Emergency measures: remove a hickey on your neck in one day

You can apply a piece of ice or a cold compress to a fresh bruise (which is what a hickey is, essentially) - this will make it turn a little pale and decrease in size. However, if you are prone to colds, this method is not for you.

But there are other ways to remove a hickey on the lip or neck: apply a little toothpaste to the hematoma and rub it thoroughly (but carefully!). The active substances included in its composition will make the bruise become less bright. Or simply massage the affected area using gentle circular motions.

If you are not allergic to iodine, an iodine mesh will help: it will not only help the bruise resolve, but will also disguise it. In the meantime, apply the mesh, come up with a decent explanation for its appearance on your skin, which will satisfy your curious friends.

Any ointments and creams based on heparin give a good and quick effect: “Transovesin”, “Lioton”, etc. There are other pharmaceutical products that will make the hickey, if not disappear completely, then at least become less noticeable.

Folk remedies for hickeys

It is easier to deal with the problem for those who have at least a couple of hours to solve it. For example, onions have a powerful absorbent effect: just cut the onion and apply a fresh cut to the hickey. Garlic has similar properties. But keep in mind that an unpleasant consequence of using this drug is a strong onion or garlic smell, so leave time for a swim.

No time to shower? Then as a folk remedies for hickeys we use potatoes. We cut it into thin strips and apply it to the hematoma. The slices will have to be changed every half hour, but very soon the hickey will disappear and become almost invisible. By the way, a historical fact: it was with the help of potatoes that loving hussars hid traces of passion...

You can replace the potatoes with cabbage leaves or ordinary plantain: mash them slightly until the juice comes out and apply to the skin.

Vinegar diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3 has a similar effect - moisten a napkin with the solution and lightly rub the bruise with it. True, then you have to eliminate the smell of vinegar, but this is not so difficult.

Well, that’s all, the traces compromising you have disappeared, and only the sparkle of your eyes and a rejuvenated face testify to a night of complete love, and this is a completely different matter!

There are different situations in every person’s life, and sometimes you have to hide the consequences of a fun time with your loved one from prying eyes. We can say with confidence that for many, tips on how to remove a hickey mark will be useful.

First actions

You need to start getting rid of the problem immediately after the hickey is created. What should you do first? Apply ice or something cold to the redness, so the bruise will not be too bright and will go away sooner. You just need to remember that the ice from the freezer needs to be wrapped in something, for example, polyethylene, otherwise it can cause harm to the skin.


More craftsmen? This can be done using regular baking soda. However, you need to be in time before the bruise begins to appear, i.e. immediately when redness appears. It is necessary to make a thick paste from soda and water and apply it to the affected area. If everything is done on time, a bruise will not appear, there will only be slight redness, which will disappear from the skin in a short time.


The next way to remove a hickey is using regular onions. To do this, you need to cut the onion in half and, while it is still juicy, thoroughly rub the area of ​​the hickey. It may sting a little (this depends on the strength of the “kiss”), but it’s not scary. After some time, repeat the procedure, but the onion should be fresh. The main thing here is to get as much onion juice as possible onto the bruise; this will make it go away faster and not a trace will remain of it.


The next way to remove a hickey is with vinegar. To do this, you just need to moisten it in this liquid and thoroughly rub the “kiss” area. However, it is best to do this on a fresh hickey, as there is a greater likelihood that not a trace will remain of it.


The next way to remove a hickey is using various ointments and creams. You can buy them at your nearest pharmacy. However, it is worth clarifying that the ointment must contain heparin. And it’s better to take creams with vitamin K, they are more effective, because they constrict blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. You can also use a pharmacy “bodyaga”, but here you should strictly follow the instructions, because if you leave it on the skin, you can get a burn, which will be no better than normal hickey.


Another tip on how to remove it from another area of ​​the body: you need to thoroughly smear the “kiss” area with toothpaste, and wash it off only after it dries and begins to fall off on its own.

Homemade ointment

You can prepare a special paste at home, which will also perfectly help get rid of a hickey. To do this, chop the onion and plantain to a “puree” consistency and add a little honey. Apply all this to the bruise. However, if there are scratches or wounds on the skin nearby, it is better not to do this, it can burn very badly.


Regular white cabbage will also help get rid of a hickey. To do this, you need to boil its leaf for a few minutes and apply it to the bruise when cooled. Such actions will make the redness disappear sooner.


Aloe will also help get rid of hickey. To do this, fresh juice from the leaf should be infused with vodka and the bruise should be wiped with this infusion. In a short time, there will be no trace left of such a “kiss”.

Hickey marks have long ceased to shock even the most ardent moralists. But you still shouldn’t demonstrate to others the consequences of a hectic night, since such behavior is still considered bad manners, and the appearance of the hematoma does not change for the better. Since a hickey is, in fact, an ordinary hematoma, it can be removed using the same methods that are used to eliminate other results of bruises or blows.

Medication methods

The main difficulty is that the bruise does not appear in a visible place immediately, and it must be treated literally at the moment of damage. This will make it easier to get rid of it in the future.

  • Ointments "Troxevasin" or "Lioton". Their effectiveness is explained by their ability to improve blood circulation in the treated area of ​​skin, which is why such drugs are also used to eliminate the visible symptoms of varicose veins, spider veins and other problems of a similar nature;
  • Heparin ointment also quickly removes hematomas, is convenient to apply, but ideally should be used almost in the first minutes after the bruise is applied.
  • Pharmacy bodyagi powder is another option for how to remove a hickey at home. It is mixed with regular everyday cream and spread over the damaged area of ​​the skin. The procedure should be repeated several times in a row, and if this is done on time, the hematoma evaporates without a trace.
  • The iodine network also promotes faster resorption.

All these drugs really help get rid of a bruise, but in case of injury they must be used methodically and regularly.

How to remove a hickey with home remedies

If you don’t have the necessary medications in the house, and the bruise issue needs to be resolved urgently, use the following recommendations:

  1. Take something from the freezer and apply it to the problem area. You can just chill it
    a metal spoon and use it as an improvised compress;
  2. With the help of onions or garlic, you can also quickly lighten the place where passion manifests itself. To do this, just cut the vegetable in half and apply the cut to the skin;
  3. Using fresh potatoes. It is cut in half, or even better, rubbed on a fine grater, and the resulting slurry is applied to the problem area. It is better to secure the compress with a gauze bandage and do not remove it until completely dry;
  4. Fresh cabbage has a similar effect. Take a cabbage leaf, beat it with a chop mallet, and apply the side with the juice to the hematoma for at least half an hour;
  5. You can also do a mini-version of a bruise massage at home, for which you smear it with toothpaste and rub it with a hard bath sponge. The procedure should be repeated several times in a row at short intervals sufficient for the redness to subside;
  6. Using soda. Soda is mixed with water to form a paste, applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin and left on it until completely dry;

Cosmetic methods

Hiding a bruise with makeup is quite easy.

  • To do this, you must first treat it with a green tint corrector;
  • Apply a light foundation on top and seal the result with beige eye shadow or a light blush.

You can also simply hide the defect on your neck with a band-aid. But then get ready for the fact that it will be quite painful to remove it.

Finally, it is worth saying that any hickey is a hematoma, which in any case goes away only in a few days. All the methods described above only contribute to its speedy transformation from purple-blue or crimson to a soft yellow or green bruise, which is not so noticeable to others.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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