Real men love strong women. Men love active women Ability to listen, attentiveness

The best thing you can give your man in sex is your initiative! The desire to "do everything yourself", new ideas, enthusiasm and a clear desire to please him - this is exactly what he dreams of, you can be sure.

Bound by stereotypes

Woman needs more sex men. But a girl, no matter how much she wants intimacy, usually waits for her young man to take the initiative, create the right atmosphere, start undressing her. That's the whole problem! The fear of an open statement in the style of "I want you here and now" kills in many of us the real goddesses of sex. You will look at him predatorily, build eyes, lick your lips and speak in hints, but not everyone can take and literally drag him into bed. After all, this is what every man dreams of! Confirmation of this is a survey on one of the popular men's forums on the Internet. To the question "What turns you on the most before sex?" 55% (!!!) of the respondents answered that this is precisely women's activity.

“If a girl initiates sex, this is incomparable,” Andrey Mentalnikov, HR manager, expresses his opinion. “Unfortunately, these are rare. Many pretend that they are so active and creative in bed, but in practice it turns out that it was an empty bluff.

So, if you are determined to make a real revolution in your sex life, give up passivity. It's easy! One has only to tune in the right way once, and you will not be interested in "going with the flow."

cruel truth

"Honey, could you be more proactive in bed, ok?" - with these words, my beloved boyfriend once delighted me. The first reaction - surprised, further - deeply offended. Well, how could you say that! After all, it is incorrect, insulting, unpleasant! Especially when you consider that I myself considered myself very active, just nowhere more active. But no, he needed something more. I told him that I would never sleep with him again, I would go to a monastery and forget about sex forever. She said that she was frigid, and sex life no longer worries me. Silly story, but instructive.

After all, it was after this incident that I took up my mind. Of course, the big words about leaving the monastery and frigidity were just threats and jokes. Even though I was confused, I still decided to cultivate. Instead of being offended and dismissing the nurses, I bought the relevant literature and began to study the manuals for the beginning sex bomb. I decided never to wait for anything again, not to hint, but to take it and drag it to bed when I myself wanted it.

Verification by practice

So, with the first half of the question, we can assume that we figured it out. With initiative, that is. After all, the main thing is to start. And start right. The way you start will set the right rhythm and mood for both you and your man. And the following conclusions can be drawn:

Don't wait, take action.

Do not agree, but offer.

Listen to your desires.

Even Lord Henry told the beautiful Dorian Gray that in no case should you ignore your desires, no matter how strange or unacceptable they may seem to you at first. If you do not listen to yourself, desires die inside you, turning your soul into a graveyard of dead desires. Sounds like beautiful poetry, but what a truth of life! The modern cult of hedonism dictates its own rules:

Express your desires clearly. Learn the demanding "Come on!" instead of a quiet "Come on ..." This applies to the rest of the words of the expression of readiness / desire.

Forget embarrassment. Questions from the series "What will he think of me if I ... put my hand under his shirt?" get it out of your head (unless, of course, this is your first date).

Change the habitual sex in the evenings/nights to spontaneous in the mornings or in the middle of the day. "Scheduled" sex might only be for conservatives, but you're not one of those, are you?

Such pressure will never leave indifferent any man.

I demand a continuation!

But sexual activity is not limited to the manifestation of the initiative. Once in bed with him, in no case should you lose the won positions. Yes, you yourself will undress and undress him, but after that you should not lie down on your back and passively wait for the "continuation of the banquet" from him. Vice versa. Here it's time for your fantasy, for actions that will drive him crazy.

You have hands, and that's half the battle. Long
a prelude, consisting mainly of your actions, including oral sex, will play its role - he will want you like no one else and, believe me, the next time he wants to be in bed with you, and the desire to cheat on you will come to naught.

But, of course, you should not go to extremes either. After all, sex is a kind of game. Leading it and sometimes allowing yourself to be led - this is the key to proper activity. Let him (and he's a man!) Be aware of his power, let him feel that he can do with you "whatever your heart desires." Play with him, tease, listen to his desires, watch his reaction: the main thing is to get a taste! And then you won't stop...

Be higher!

Well, what kind of activity without the positions from the chapter "she's on top"? So now, actually, about the poses. Continuing your "combat assault", we must remember that the positions where you play the main role are best suited for such sex. You can be active not only in the pose of a rider, but also on the side, standing, even from below. Although, it must be admitted, for the weaker sex, all this can be quite difficult purely physically. For example, for several years I could not understand how to move in the “she is on top” position, and even now, in fact, it seems to me a little uncomfortable.

"Stack". You are on top, both on your back - at first glance, this position seems technically impossible. In fact, everything is possible, you just need to practice!

"Lotus". Invite your partner to sit down with your legs stretched out in front of you. Sit on his lap, facing him, and wrap your legs around him tightly as he assumes the yoga lotus position.

"Snake". He lies on his back, you lie on him, face to face. Stretch your legs along his legs, rest your palms on the bed near his shoulders and transfer the weight to your hands.

"Swan". And this is probably the most beautiful and romantic pose. The man lies on his back, you sit astride him, but facing his feet. Now get on your knees and lean back, arching. A man will support you by the hips and set the pace. In this position, you will definitely feel like a real seductress, arching so beautifully and erotically. And if you also have long hair, he will get even more pleasure from how they will slide over his chest.

Here are some of the "physically feasible" positions where you can get active. Mastering them, remember that even if something doesn’t work out for you, don’t worry! Your man will definitely like at least your enthusiasm and craving for "feats".

revolutionary onslaught

One of the most significant differences between male and female behavior in bed is the frequency of changing positions. Through surveys, it turned out that the vast majority of men are experimenters in sex. Women more conservative.

"Men by nature, revolutionaries, - says a psychologist, a specialist in the field of intersexual relations Elena Mkrtycheva, - and the female sex, rather, strives for calm and balance. Of course, this is not a clear rule, but there is such a pattern. Wars, the desire to show "who's in charge here", competitions and other male "show off" are direct evidence of the dependence of behavior on genes. The nomadic tribes were mainly those where men had great power over women, settled, on the contrary - those where the rights of women there was plenty."

That is why your boyfriend will ask you to change positions every few minutes. He has such a nature! And you, in order not to remain in the shadow of his activity, take the initiative, ahead of his requests and desires. "Come on now on the floor?" - you will tell him with eyes burning with desire and you will not miss. Be sure that this is what he expects from you. So justify his expectations! You're going to be the true goddess of his dreams, aren't you?

but on the other hand

People are different. Not every man and not at any time may like your initiative.

Willing to rule
“He grabbed my hair and literally ordered me not to do anything without his permission,” classmate Olesya says over a morning cup of coffee. The case, of course, is difficult, but, by the way, not so rare! Sometimes meet men, literally "brutal" every time they get into bed with a girl. To show your activity with such a thing is pure suicide!

Knightly manners
Occurs in life and such men, which give beautiful princesses in medieval dresses. In his hand - an elegant fan, in behavior - embarrassment and modesty. There can be no question of initiative, otherwise she will hand over something good to the inquisitors like a witch!

What to do? If this "fad" of his does not cause you much inconvenience, you can rejoice: many girls only dream of this! If you absolutely do not like the role of a "log" in bed, try to re-educate your man a little. But in no case do not shock him with your pressure at first. Everything will come with time!

healthy variety
All love diversity. And no matter how much a man appreciates your activity and no matter how much he respects initiative, "after cakes he will be drawn to cabbage." Therefore, you can not set yourself a rigid framework, because in sex there is only one rule: there are no rules!

What to do? If you are the owner men who likes variety - congratulations. You do not need to find out his "hidden fads", adapt to some special type of behavior and generally take a steam bath. There is only one advice - enjoy.

The fair sex has always been interested in what kind of women men love. To become one of them, you must adhere to certain rules. Then men will cease to be a mystery, and it will become easier to understand their preferences, signs of falling in love or, conversely, lack of feelings.

Many women mistakenly believe that the secret of their attractiveness is beauty, stylish clothes and makeup. There are different criteria by which the representatives of the stronger sex choose companions, often their choice falls on girls who have an appearance that is far from model.

Below is the main features that attract men in women.


Pleasant appearance, grooming - this is what the view of the representatives of the stronger sex first falls on. Pretty face, pretty features like people.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of which women they love, thin or full. But the body should be toned, have a general harmony.

For most men, it doesn’t matter how expensive and fashionable the clothes are, whether the shoes match the color of the manicure. It is enough that she be clean, tidy, sit on the figure and look beautiful.


To start dating and developing relationships, a man must understand that he has a chance to win a companion. If the behavior is distant and cold, this will reduce the likelihood of attempts to approach him.

Self confidence

A self-confident woman (not to be confused with snobbery and arrogance) disposes to people. On a subconscious level, the idea appears that such a girl has life experience, adequate self-esteem and is proud of her successes.

Listening skills, mindfulness

The ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view, express sympathy suggests that a potential life partner is not selfish, shows interest and care for a man. It is easy to remember what words men like to hear from women: they are pleased to hear sincere praise, a compliment, especially in those moments when a man believes that he has done something worthy and is waiting for approval.

Selflessness, the ability to enjoy simple things

Relationships between a man and a woman involve communication, spending time together. The ability to enjoy simple things and appreciate joint rest speaks of a person’s sincere sympathy, the absence of a goal to benefit from communication.

Willingness to show interest

When a man shows interest, do not be afraid to show reciprocal sympathy within reasonable limits. Coldness and stiffness in communication will lead to the fact that he will conclude that there is no interest and will go to seek favor with another person.

Sense of humor, positive outlook on life

Seeing what is happening in black, negativity and complaints about life will alienate most people, especially potential boyfriends. Few people would think of having a companion exuding constant negativity.

Mental maturity, calmness

The adequacy of a woman, understanding of life and a patient attitude towards others speaks of mental maturity, emotional balance.

Such a young lady is unlikely to throw tantrums, blackmail and arrange jealousy scenes, which simplifies relations with her.

Ability to support in difficult times

Many face problems, worries and stresses. In such cases, the representatives of the stronger sex need the support of a woman, comfort and tranquility.

How does a man in love behave?

There are situations when it is difficult to understand whether a man is in love after a long time with him or even after the start of a relationship.

The main signs by which you can understand that a man is in love.

Care. An important indicator is the manifestation of care, if a young man considers a woman in the long term, he will try to help you in everyday affairs.

For most doubts, questions that will be raised will offer all possible assistance or constructive solutions to problems.

Desire to please. A man will strive to bring joy, make him laugh, make a surprise by spending his personal time on this.

Catches glances. Interest will be manifested in the desire to exchange a look in order to assess the mood, to look at the reaction.

Joy at the meeting. A person who was waiting for a meeting will show sincere joy, be interested in business or well-being.

Helpfulness. The desire to be with a woman can be expressed under the pretext of help, for example, joint shopping trips.

Neat when meeting, trying to take care of himself. A young man who is trying to win favor will look a little more well-groomed than usual. However, some men may not comply with this rule.

Is it possible to understand that a man does not love

Below are cases when a man does not love a woman, and what signs signal this:

  • Directly speaks of the absence of feelings. Men rarely seek to talk about feelings, unlike women. If the satellite said that he does not love and is not considering a serious relationship, he is telling the truth. One should not look for a secret meaning in his words and intonation of his voice.
  • Dryness in communication lack of interest in business. A person who is indifferent to another will not think of listening, sympathizing and talking on abstract topics. A disinterested man communicates mainly on business.
  • Shows no concern. An indifferent man does not worry about how the companion will get home or does not ask about the state of health.
  • Calls and SMS from are received only for appointment. In the absence of interest, a man is busy with daily affairs and remembers existence only if he wants to meet.

How to behave if a man is handsome

In order to interest a man with the prospect of further relationships, you should follow the recommendations below.

Attractive appearance, neatness

External attractiveness attracts the views of men, the opposite sex especially likes neat girls who take care of their appearance, from whom they smell pleasantly of freshness. The aroma of eau de toilette should be unobtrusive, felt only up close.

Positive attitude, smiles

It is more pleasant for men to communicate with women who see life in a positive light, who know how to approach life's difficulties with humor. You should not complain about problems, talk in detail about illnesses or other unpleasant things.

A man must understand what he likes

The basis for the development of relationships is mutual sympathy, when people understand that they like each other. A man should know that there is a chance of prospects.


It is important to support a young man with compliments, trying to objectively evaluate his actions, to talk about what really causes respect.

Listen with interest

The inability to listen to the interlocutor indicates that the person is of little interest. You need to listen and ask questions.

Unobtrusive behavior

After meeting with the representative of the stronger sex you like, you need to moderate your ardor and not try to seize the initiative in your own hands. Obsessive behavior can be repulsive.

What to say to a man to please him

The main key to the development of further relationships is communication - words, facial expressions and gestures can both make it more attractive in the eyes of a man, and reduce communication to nothing.

Rules that should not be neglected at the beginning of dating.

Be yourself

Trying to look more attractive, do it in moderation - it is impossible to play the role of another person for a long time, which can lead to disappointment.

More to listen

It is important to try to listen and remember the moments that appeared in the process of communication, show interest, talk on common topics that can bring people together.

Stick to positive topics

Men prefer women who know how to enjoy life, have a sense of humor, with whom it is pleasant to spend time and communicate.

Positive topics in conversation, avoiding criticism, manifestations of discontent are the key to a good relationship.

Is it necessary to say something during sex

Many women wonder if they should say anything during sex. If necessary, what words do men like in sex?

Most men prefer to concentrate on the process, paying attention to the behavior of the partner, appearance, reaction to actions on his part. Usually, males focus on sex completely, and talking during this activity can distract and even puzzle a man, especially if the couple has recently started dating.

It is equally important what kind of women men love in sex. Men prefer to see the sexual desire of a woman, if necessary, the partner can tell at what stage she is. During sex, you can discuss with your partner what he or you personally like best. Definitely, during this process, you should not talk aloud about current affairs, vacation plans, or enthusiastically watch the broadcast on TV.

What girls attract successful men

If you are interested in what kind of women rich men like, then in connection with the wider choice of women who are ready to start a relationship with them, the requirements for prospective companions also increase.

What are the requirements for women men with high material wealth?

Similar social status

Usually acquaintance with a constant companion occurs in the same social circle - among friends, acquaintances, colleagues. Cases when a representative of the stronger sex chooses a poor and uneducated girl are rare.

A similar social status allows a man and a woman to have similar interests; such a girlfriend is unlikely to have problems introducing her into a circle of friends or getting to know her family.


For wealthy men, having a degree is not as important as having a basic education. The general level of intelligence is also important, few people are attracted by the prospect of marrying a woman with a limited outlook.


For a permanent relationship, wealthy representatives of the stronger sex prefer young ladies much younger.


An attractive and well-groomed companion is a business card for a wealthy man, therefore, in terms of appearance, high demands are placed on her. Such a woman should look attractive at any time of the day.

  • The condition of the teeth should be perfect - a snow-white smile with an even bite makes the girl more attractive.
  • A taut figure is what men first of all pay attention to, regardless of income. Expensive and fashionable clothes will not replace elastic buttocks and a relief body.
  • Smooth and clean skin suggests that a woman takes care of herself, regularly visits a beautician. In combination with a toned body, this makes her more seductive.
  • The whole body must be smooth. It is unlikely that the companion of a rich man will have an untidy appearance, go down to the guests disheveled and have dense vegetation on her body.

Thus, men prefer neat and well-groomed women, with a sense of humor and calm nature. The ability to listen, be yourself and enjoy simple things will contribute to successful interaction not only with the man you like, but also with people who surround you in everyday life

How to drive men crazy What attracts a man?

It's a paradox, but men are drawn to both inaccessible and easily accessible women. To the first because it is a sport, and to the second - because they think: “Why am I worse than the rest?”. But still, if you analyze, most men are attracted to women of quite certain types. What?.

Psychologists and just curious people have long been trying to understand this issue.

Why do certain types of men and women arouse the interest of the opposite sex? What is behind this, and most importantly - which types are the most attractive?

In the famous "Sex and the city" we were shown 4 types of women that men especially excite: a sexual huntress, a female girlfriend, an independent feminist and a real lady.

Perhaps it is, although every man would add one more item to this list - based solely on his own experience. So to be objective, strictly speaking, is unlikely to succeed!

Meet by the wrapper

Let's agree right away - we will not consider actresses, singers, as well as sex symbols like Jolie and Monroe in this article.

Men like these as a kind of image, and in real life, not everyone is looking for acquaintance and intimacy with a famous sex idol.

So, who is she - a woman, having met whom, a man begins to lose control over himself?

They say that a beautiful woman, if she wants to, can seduce any man. At the same time, however, it is not indicated what is behind the concept of a “beautiful woman”.

If beauty in this case means a perfect figure, magnificent breasts, long hair, a languid look and peach buttocks, then it turns out that not so many women can seduce.

Although statistics show, and people say, that even married men are easily seduced, what can we say about unmarried men.

On the other hand, no matter how delicious a chocolate bar is, you won’t buy it without a beautiful label. Unless on the advice of a very good friend.

So is a woman. Her appearance plays a primary role when meeting. It is known after all that a man falls in love in 8 seconds. And certainly not a crocodile.

The thesis “Don’t be born beautiful” was probably invented by unsympathetic losers who, after watching the well-known TV series starring Nelli Uvarova, believed that without more or less decent external data, you can be successful with men.

So, let's consider in detail what types of women excite any man?

A woman without complexes

1. Pretty silly

Silly woman

In the people, she is often called "blonde" or simply "fool".

Such a female toy is always interested in male representatives, but more often than not, this interest does not extend beyond intimate relationships.

She is so stupid that she does not even realize that a woman can be valued for something other than long legs, big breasts, a pretty face and the ability to give a blowjob.

She is not interested in anything but clothes, entertainment, pleasures. And the only thing she reads is a glossy magazine with more pictures than text.

Men fall for such beauties. First, they think that against their background, they will be able to fully shine with their intellect.

Secondly, such women are easy to manipulate, because their limited intelligence allows them to remember only the names of fashion brands and popular resorts.

Thirdly, because beautiful blonde gives amazing sex.


2. A woman without complexes

A woman without complexes

On dates, she pays for herself, and she only agrees to meet with those who earn at least as much as she does.

Between extreme and the simplest sex, a man can choose the latter © shutterstock

We all want our sex life to be perfect. That's it, no more and no less: perfect, period. To always, every minute know: I am the best. At least for my man.

But do we know everything about our own, such laconic men? Are we trying to fit our men, their unique sexual preferences, into conventional patterns?

And are we happier as we struggle to live up to standards? Let's deal with the most common myths about men's sexual preferences.

All men just love extreme sex! That is, whistle to any guy: you give sex in an elevator or on a snow-covered roof of a city skyscraper - and he loses his head with joy! Wait a minute, don't rush to whistle! Let's think.

If men are such big lovers of extreme sex and are always ready for it, then why is it that you can only hear from all sides: if a man is worried, there may not be an erection. Not docking, however!

Perhaps, with extreme sex, the situation is the same as with extreme sports: all men love it. But 90% like to look at this business, and only 10% - to participate.

Therefore, before you offer your boyfriend sex on the threshold of the city hall, ride him at least on a light rail, or something.

All men like sexually active women. But who is arguing? Women who love sex, of course, like more than beauties, but forever-sleeping.

But try to dictate your will to a man: “Lower! Higher! Left-right, freeze, but move-and-and-get on! She moves on two dates, and there will be no third ... So much for sexual activity!

© shutterstock

And one more little nuance, from personal experience: men get bored in a world in which women no longer need to be conquered. Women now themselves will conquer whom they want. They will be taken prisoner and not released until the man provides them with five orgasms in a row.

“I got tired of this activity,” a good friend complained to me. - I want the woman in the dimple on her shoulder to lie down quietly. And so that the breath is quiet, gentle. Well, let's get active....

Men need variety in sex. But who is arguing? Both in sex and in food, men need variety. But try to feed a man for a couple of months with overseas delicacies! He will ask for baked potatoes with pickles! So it is in sex.

© shutterstock

Each man has his favorite poses, and this is not always pose number forty-eight from the Kama Sutra. And if we consider that modern men “love” life so actively, so passionately, then one can only be surprised that in our female share there is still room for something else, and not just “lie down quietly, I’ll quickly.”

Men don't need foreplay. It is women who love it when they are stroked for a long time, first on the neck, then on the shoulders, then with barely perceptible movements along the spine, a little on the hips. And already at dawn - to the bottom of the tummy ... And men need everything quickly: come, wash (you can lower it), win.

Read article
Stop! It turns out that a man is always ready for sex? That is, the state of easy erection - his usual state? Well, twenty years, maybe so. But at twenty, a good bike is almost like a car, and after thirty, everything that is not a BMW rides badly.

A mature man loves to be loved. And quiet caresses for him are a joy.

© shutterstock

Men love with their eyes and therefore prefer sex in the light. Yes, but in such a light that the woman can be seen as best as possible, and you yourself remain in the shadows. Remember that men are all hunters, right? So this is their quality - from there. “I am sitting in ambush, looking at the game ...”

But if you think that men don't really like it when their naked bodies are closely examined in the spotlight, because they are embarrassed by their body - that's unlikely. It’s hard for us women to understand this, but most men know how to be friends with their bodies.

And they are not at all inclined to bathe about the extra three hundred grams on the tummy and the lack of five kg of muscles in the shoulders. A man is comfortable in his body! And they need to learn this. At least so that thoughts about cellulite, “mercilessly illuminated” by a night light, do not interfere with having sex.

men are people too :))! Let's say more - every man is an individual, a person with his own preferences and rejections.

And approach them all with one measure - to harm yourself. Study your man! And the longer this process of knowing the unknowable lasts, the more chances you have for real happiness.