What can be loyalty. How do men and women view fidelity? Loyalty is a positive property of a person's character, which consists in the ability to be firm in relation to an event or object, based on one's choice, without any doubt.

There is such a thing - "swan fidelity." She describes the relationship in a pair of the noblest birds - swans. But to intersexual love contacts that take place in a human couple, this term is rarely used, as, indeed, the other - "love to the grave." Especially in our days, when feelings are increasingly being replaced by cold calculation. And what, strictly speaking, is fidelity for a man and for a woman? How is this phenomenon perceived and what do representatives of different sexes mean by it? The answers are contained in this material.

What do men think

The opinions of psychologists regarding fidelity, as the gentleman understands it, are divided. Some argue that the concept of male fidelity, in principle, does not exist. And this is confirmed by statistics, according to which approximately 70% of men not only allow adultery in a couple and even marriage, but also do not see anything shameful in them, because they are naturally polygamous.

Another part of experts in the field of psychology declare that such a phenomenon does not exist, it is invented by men themselves to justify a dissolute lifestyle. It's just that there are monogamous men, of which there are only a few, but there are irresponsible representatives of the strong half of humanity, of whom there are much more.

In any case, according to psychologists, it turns out that for the vast majority of men there is no concept of fidelity. But even among them, not all commit treason. Something is holding them back from doing so. And this “something” is either the voice of conscience, or pity for the deceived spouse / girlfriend, or the fear that the truth will come out. Well, and of course, sincere, strong love for a partner does not even allow those gentlemen who belong to the remaining 30% of the male population to even think about betrayal.

In general, why do men trample on the concept of fidelity? Why does it matter to so many? In addition to the notorious polygamy, which so many representatives of the stronger sex hide behind, some are not averse to having an affair on the side under the influence of alcohol intoxication. Others do not experience sexual satisfaction, being connected by the bonds of Hymen with the woman they love because of the difference in temperaments with her. Still others believe that without a large number of women it is unrealistic for a man to become a good lover.

In their latest research, scientists have found that the attitude of men to fidelity depends on the level of his intelligence. The smarter the gentleman, the more mentally developed he is, the less likely he is to cheat on his beloved. In addition, the American psychologist Michael Diamond holds the following point of view on this issue: male fidelity or infidelity is laid down in childhood. Everything comes from the family, he believes. The boy simply copies the father's behavior pattern and adheres to it when he becomes an adult. If the father periodically or constantly cheated on his wife, his son will also grow up windy and loving (in the bad sense of the word).

And vice versa, observing the devotion, respect and fidelity of the father to the mother, the boy is guaranteed to follow a similar path in relations with the female sex, in family relations.

And scientists from Britain found out the detrimental effect on the formation of a man's ideas about fidelity to a woman of communication with a nanny in childhood. It turns out that against this background, a child surrounded by the attention of a strange woman and at the same time experiencing a lack of maternal affection, in adult life, almost 100% will have a desire to have a mistress, and maybe more than one. The image of the nanny is for the boy the personification of spiritual relationships on the side, hence such a result.

Marital fidelity through the eyes of a woman

Unlike gentlemen, among the fair sex there are more faithful than unfaithful wives and girlfriends. Firstly, upbringing plays a big role here: the higher the young lady’s level, the more important the concept of fidelity is for a woman. Secondly, a huge role is played by the feeling of love experienced by a woman for a man. In other words, a truly loving woman simply cannot and does not even want to look at anyone except her only one.

The idea of ​​fidelity among beautiful ladies is also largely influenced by the norms of behavior in society. And by nature, every woman should become a good wife to her husband and a caring, exemplary mother. And what kind of wife and mother can come out of a frivolous, windy coquette that changes men like gloves?

One cannot discount the fact that the emotional and spiritual aspect in relations with a man is extremely important for a lady. Deep affection and genuine interest at this level make a woman faithful to her lover, one might say, automatically and completely voluntarily.

Of course, there are unfaithful women who cheat on their partners. But they do this in the overwhelming majority because they either want to take revenge on their beloved for the lack of tenderness and attention, or they want to free themselves in this way from current relationships that have long been disgusted with them - that is, they are, while still not free, in search of new love. The woman who is in union with a man for material, selfish reasons can also be unfaithful. But in this case, she will try to do everything so that her sponsor does not find out about her own wife's affairs on the side. Some ladies, whom everyday life has stuck, also decide on treason.

Interestingly, women who have embarked on the path of infidelity may well go to the dissolution of their marriage for the sake of a new boyfriend with whom they had an affair outside of the marital union. Ladies need romance, and they will give their heart to someone who satisfies their need for it. On the other hand, women who have children and experience strong maternal love for their children will never dare to leave the family, no matter how bad it may be for them. Here there is a place for self-sacrifice: such ladies live with husbands whom they have fallen out of love for the sake of children, and do not even cheat on disgusted partners, being afraid to set a bad example for a growing child.

The opinion of psychologists

According to psychologists, maintaining fidelity to a partner for both sexes has an enormous healing effect on the body of both. Such a model of intimate behavior as monogamy gives a man the opportunity to refuse to be constantly in a state of search for a suitable partner for him. This, in turn, reduces stress, which means it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, on general well-being.

As for women, thanks to regular sexual contact with the same partner, they are reliably protected from atherosclerosis, which appears as a result of the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This means a reduced risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. In addition, keeping fidelity to a man prolongs the life of the fair sex. However, the same effect is given by a serious attitude to the loyalty of a gentleman.

As you can see, male and female fidelity is not just a beautiful word from romance novels, and even more so, not atavism at all. Thanks to her, you can be a truly happy and healthy person!

Loyalty- the key to ideal family relationships. However, there is another opinion that loyalty- this is the path to boredom and routine in family life. Whose words are true?

It is believed that couples holding loyalty, the most stable, physically and psychologically healthy, prosperous. For such spouses loyalty is an internal need, not a duty. But It happens not always. Psychologists have studied couples for many years and have come to the conclusion that Loyalty comes in several forms..

born loyalty. Some people have the hormone vasopressin in their bodies. Its active production occurs during sex and causes a feeling of happiness with only one partner. People with low levels of the hormone very often cheat on spouses.

forced loyalty. This happens when spouses have to be away from each other for a long time. If the partners do not change, despite the fact that they are separated for several months, then they really love each other.

exotic loyalty. In the modern world, many spouses carefully hide their betrayals, but there are also families in which they cheat in front of each other. Swinger relationships raise a lot of questions. It seems to such people that they can control the behavior of a partner, and, accordingly, this cannot be called cheating.

Conscious loyalty. The price of such fidelity is the highest. Partners consciously choose a quiet family life and believe that adultery in marriage is unacceptable. Every man or woman is tempted at least once in their life. To a man who was able to keep his impulses, honor and praise! The sense of responsibility for what is happening, the sense of security and peace that can only come from loyalty, are commendable.

Ideological loyalty. Many women and men present loyalty as a real feat, demanding in return to forgive them for shortcomings and misdeeds. This can be called one of the most sophisticated ways of manipulation. Constantly reminding of their fidelity, one of the spouses makes the other feel guilty or grateful.

Illusory loyalty. From the outside, it may seem that the family has excellent relations, love and understanding between spouses. In fact, cheating in such families happens quite often, but spouses try to hide it from prying eyes or from each other by all means. One of the partners may not suspect anything for years or pretend that they are not aware of the betrayals of their other half. Such behavior can only be explained by the fact that one spouse depends on the other, for example, financially, and is forced to endure going left.

Is it worth keeping loyalty to your significant other? If you are sure that your spouse loves and respects you, there is no need to rush into dubious love adventures. And if there is discord in the family, you feel coldness and detachment from your partner, betrayal will be the only way out of this difficult situation. Remember that each person has his own stock of fidelity, which is replenished by the attitude of the spouse. When a potential candidate appears on the horizon with whom you can have an affair, you should turn to your stock of loyalty. For some, betrayal becomes a salvation, while for others it becomes a slippery road. Only you choose the right path.

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Loyalty is a positive property of a person's character, which consists in the ability to be firm in relation to an event or object, based on one's choice, without any doubt. It's about certainty with choice and trust.

Loyalty is a very deep concept. Loyalty is when the search for something more preferable is forever completed. The choice has already been made and the person has fully established himself in his choice and now he is not gnawed by doubts. The position in the life of such a person is in a state of certainty, an intended final goal or saturated with basic feelings. This is a very deep, systematized knowledge of its basic value and the value of a person, his meaning of life.

Having transferred his trust to a particular person, structure or principle, a person shows Devotion to them and, as a rule, puts their interests above his own, showing Love.

Loyalty is impossible without the desire to be faithful. When a person loves a woman, family, parents, friend, job, homeland, he loses the desire to switch to another object.
Loyalty is not accidentally friends with Firmness, Firmness and Immutability in the social aspects of life. Loyalty to your word and deed. Loyalty to the Oath and the State, to one's Motherland are not empty words. Behind each phrase is the experience of the previous generation, behind each word is a powerful energy penetrating a person and nourishing confidence in one's abilities and chosen Goals.

Loyalty is the opposite of Depravity, Viciousness, Betrayal. This is the desire for Pure, Good and Light.
When one speaks and knows about such virtues as Loyalty and Devotion, it is necessary to understand that they are the most important and fundamental in any serious relationship, both personal and business.

Manifestations of Loyalty

Speaking of Fidelity, as a rule, at the first moment the thought of the relationship between husband and wife arises. Indeed, in family life, Loyalty represents a powerful indestructible fortress for Morality. Loyalty and Morality allow you to suppress animal instincts and all Depravity. Loyalty is the other side of love, it is the punishment for love.
Loyalty and Constancy, as the immutability of any qualities and feelings, in combination with Loyalty makes the fulfillment of duties regarding one's object of fidelity natural, desirable and unconditional.
A faithful person is a strong, mature personality, faithful, first of all, to his principles and beliefs, which constitute his inner core, thanks to which he shows responsibility for his words, decisions, actions and deeds.
The presence of a solid inner core of one's own self is a prerequisite for fidelity.
Only a person who consciously follows the voice of his Conscience and principles can be considered Faithful.

The conditions of devotion are the personal qualities of a Strong personality such as Reliability, the value of feelings and the given word, responsibility, resistance to difficulties and temptations, correct actions, keeping one's word, fulfilling one's duty in deed, worthily overcoming obstacles and other foundations of the rules of devotion.

The basis of love is devotion and fidelity

The basis and first condition of Love is Devotion, unconditional Loyalty and Devotion.

True Love is not blind, on the contrary, perhaps for the first time it opens a person's eyes. The slightest betrayal of a loved one, if it happened sooner or later, is a complete betrayal of everything, from the very beginning, it destroys not only the future, but also the past, because this means that every day of a life full of trust was a lie and the heart was deceived. Anyone who has been unfaithful at least once has never been faithful.

Loyalty and Devotion as qualities are respect and absolute trust in Love. They always trust reliable and devoted, invest energy and achieve great and important life Goals.

Loyalty and Devotion, as the basis of Love - the ability not to abandon the chosen goals, from one's path, in the event of obstacles and difficulties, the ability to overcome all problems and difficulties on the way to goals with dignity, not to give up, not to betray the path and one's obligations, not to succumb to temptations , do not sell out and do not exchange for trifles.

Fundamentals of Happiness in Family Life

In Modern life, most often we meet with the concept of fidelity in family relationships.
A man is usually the breadwinner in the family, and the concept of the rear of family life is not an empty phrase. Life experience shows that not the one who has a lot of Good is Happy, but the one who has his wife Verna.
The basis of happiness in family life is, of course, Loyalty. Family life, impregnated with honesty, adherence to principles, responsibility, sacrifice, openness, conscientiousness and conviction, gives a state of Happiness. The connection between Husband and Wife in energy flows and thoughts is unconditional. A wife who allows thoughts of betrayal, selfish thoughts of gaining on her husband immediately splashes it out in the form of Stealth.
The husband, subconsciously feeling thoughts of betrayal, loses his energy, begins to compensate for the loss or show Stealth, Fear, Anger, Anger and Jealousy. Happiness in family life is where there is not even the most insignificant thought of treason.
Loyalty gives a person, first of all, Love and respect for oneself.

The Opposite of Loyalty and Devotion

The opposite of fidelity is , infidelity, .

Time and experience

The circumstances of life, the events of life is a continuous stream of events, with each life experience and circumstances undergo a certain correction and beliefs of a person. Life forces everyone to take an exam of loyalty.
Loyalty means you are with the object of fidelity, for him, always, everywhere and under all circumstances.
A person with such a manifest personality trait as Loyalty can partially revise his views and principles.
However, once the principle of life chosen by him sits so firmly and unshakably in his heart that no forces of the Universe are able to shake the power of his Loyalty.

Loyalty Characteristics

Full Loyalty is the truth, you can't be a quarter or half true. Loyalty and trust is when a person shows loyalty in words and deeds, others have confidence in him.
Loyalty is tested by Lust. In the material world, when maintaining Loyalty involves some kind of loss and sacrifice.
For example, a person fears for his life, family, property or work, he is faithful to these values. He is ready to give everything that he has material for his Faith.

What is Perfidy?

Treachery - to break the Faith. When he behaves treacherously, then, first of all, he breaks the faith and trust of the people around him in himself and his actions. People are afraid to deal with a person capable of infidelity, betrayal and treason.

Problems of modern society with the concepts of Loyalty and Devotion

Distortion of concepts about in modern society is associated with the hypertrophied leap of society towards material values.
The material has eclipsed all truths.
Fundamental traditional values ​​and virtues, such as Duty, Dignity, Valor, are no longer in honor.
The attitude towards the concepts of Loyalty or Loyalty among many modern people, especially among young people, is more negative than positive. Modern people try not to think or talk about such values ​​as Devotion at all.
Many realize in their lives the so-called democratic values ​​- free love without obligations, justification of vices, etc.
Cultivation and imposition of imaginary democratic values ​​- in fact, the decomposition of society and degradation.
For a modern person, these words are an empty sound, and not the principles of life, which are the core of his personality.

These problems of the moral education of the younger generation were a consequence of the collapse of the vast country of the USSR. Only now the state bodies have thought about the consequences after the events in Ukraine.

The blurring of the principles of Loyalty and Devotion is the methods directed at society and the current acts of aggression of another State. A feature of warfare at the present stage is the secrecy of intentions. Under seemingly plausible pretexts, Democracy is being formed and planted, destroying all the basic principles of internal convictions. Good is replaced by Evil.
Discussions on this topic are the following large articles.

What associations do you have when you hear the word "fidelity"? Young happy couple? A couple of elderly people who have gone through fire and water together along the road of their long life? Or maybe it's hearts, sweets, flowers? Most likely, the concept of fidelity is combined with mutual love, understanding, the desire to give each other joy, tenderness and, as they say, simple human happiness.

But, I think, no one will argue that the symbol of purity, tenderness and marital fidelity are white birds - pigeons and swans.

White doves, for example, were considered the favorite birds of the goddess of love, Venus. According to legend, if the newlyweds let the pigeons out of the cage on their wedding day, then they will have a long and happy family life.

Usually pigeons create strong couples and live together all their lives. Even if several species of pigeons live in one dovecote, they do not mix, but, choosing a mate for themselves, create strong families and live together all their lives, caring for each other, and even caring for offspring are divided in half. But after the death of one of the spouses, pigeons, as a rule, do not fall into sadness and longing, but get a new partner and love him also sincerely and selflessly ... until death.

White swans are a symbol of eternal love and devotion. It is believed that swans, like doves, form pairs for life, despite the fact that the average life expectancy of a dove is 20 years, and a swan can live up to 100 years.

The people even have such a thing as "swan fidelity", about which many songs have been composed. It was a myth or a reality - for the time being it was unknown, but the Australian ornithologists nevertheless decided to conduct scientific research, and the swans were caught cheating on their partner. According to the results of the research, every sixth swan was seen in adultery. However, it is worth noting that scientists have so far followed only one of the species of black swans, so it remains to be hoped that white swans behave more “decently”.

In any case, the essence of "swan fidelity" is not this. The fact is that swans tend to remain faithful to their partner after his death (unlike pigeons). Swans take care of their sick or injured partner to the last, giving him all their love and tenderness, driving away possible danger and giving the last meal. After the death of a partner, they do not cling to a flock of swans, do not fly away to warm countries, but remain at the place of death of their beloved, remaining faithful to them.

As for people... There are different stories. Of course, there are couples who live happily ever after for many years and don't even think about cheating. For some, loyalty is an empty phrase. Everyone decides how to act in a given situation. And I think that the issue of human loyalty should not be raised. In any case, the main thing is that a person does only those actions that he will not have to regret later. And not to change just for the sake of not changing - it's still treason, only to yourself. After all, the main thing is love.